Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright SAIC * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.cma.web.graphing; import; import; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemSource; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYShapeAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity; import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection; import org.jfree.chart.imagemap.StandardToolTipTagFragmentGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.imagemap.StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle; import org.jfree.util.StringUtils; import; /** * This class generates a plot for the PrincipalComponentAnalysis graph * that fits CMA requirement. * * */ public class CMAPrincipalComponentAnalysisPlot { //private ColorByType colorBy; private PCAcomponent component1; private PCAcomponent component2; private Map<String, Color> colorMap = new HashMap<String, Color>(); private Collection<CMAPCADataPoint> dataPoints; private JFreeChart pcaChart = null; private NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); private Map<String, String> sampleGroupNames; public CMAPrincipalComponentAnalysisPlot(Collection<CMAPCADataPoint> dataPoints, PCAcomponent component1, PCAcomponent component2, Map<String, String> sampleGroupNames) { //, ColorByType colorBy) { //this.colorBy = colorBy; this.component1 = component1; this.component2 = component2; this.dataPoints = dataPoints;; this.sampleGroupNames = sampleGroupNames; colorMap.put("1", Color.GREEN); colorMap.put("2", Color.BLUE); colorMap.put("3", Color.YELLOW); colorMap.put("4", Color.CYAN); colorMap.put("5", Color.MAGENTA); colorMap.put("6", Color.ORANGE); colorMap.put("7", Color.PINK); colorMap.put("8", Color.RED); colorMap.put("9", Color.GRAY); createChart(); } private void createChart() { String xLabel = component1.toString(); String yLabel = component2.toString(); pcaChart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("Principal Component Analysis", xLabel, yLabel, null, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) pcaChart.getPlot(); buildLegend(); plot.setNoDataMessage(null); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(); renderer.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator()); renderer.setUseOutlinePaint(true); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(false); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(false); // XYShapeAnnotation annotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(new Rectangle2D.Double(25.0, 25.0, 5, 5)); // // plot.addAnnotation(annotation); NumberAxis domainAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); //should determine axis range using datapoints. DataRange component1Range = getDataRange(dataPoints, PCAcomponent.PC1); DataRange component2Range = getDataRange(dataPoints, PCAcomponent.PC2); DataRange component3Range = getDataRange(dataPoints, PCAcomponent.PC3); Double pc1AbsMax = Math.max(Math.abs(component1Range.getMaxRange()), Math.abs(component1Range.getMinRange())); Double pc2AbsMax = Math.max(Math.abs(component2Range.getMaxRange()), Math.abs(component2Range.getMinRange())); Double pc3AbsMax = Math.max(Math.abs(component3Range.getMaxRange()), Math.abs(component3Range.getMinRange())); Double maxAbsVal = Math.max(pc1AbsMax, pc2AbsMax); maxAbsVal = Math.max(maxAbsVal, pc3AbsMax); //maxAbsVal = Math.max(100.0, maxAbsVal); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); double tickUnit = 25.0; if (maxAbsVal <= 50.0 && maxAbsVal >= 25.0) { tickUnit = 10.0; //5.0; } else if (maxAbsVal <= 25.0) { tickUnit = 5.0; } domainAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(tickUnit)); rangeAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(tickUnit)); double glyphScaleFactor = (maxAbsVal * 2.0) / 600.0; //assuming 600 pixels for the graph double adjAbsVal = Math.ceil(maxAbsVal + (glyphScaleFactor * 8.0)); //domainAxis.setRange(-maxAbsVal, maxAbsVal); domainAxis.setRange(-adjAbsVal, adjAbsVal); //rangeAxis.setRange(-maxAbsVal, maxAbsVal); rangeAxis.setRange(-adjAbsVal, adjAbsVal); createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(plot); //, glyphScaleFactor); // Paint p = new GradientPaint(0, 0, Color.white, 1000, 0,; //try and match the UI e9e9e9 Paint p = new Color(233, 233, 233); pcaChart.setBackgroundPaint(p); } /** * Build the legend * */ private void buildLegend() { LegendTitle legend = pcaChart.getLegend(); LegendItemSource[] sources = new LegendItemSource[1]; PcaLegendItemSource legendSrc = new PcaLegendItemSource(); LegendItem item = null; Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 8); //Rect=survival less than 10 months Set<String> groupNames = sampleGroupNames.keySet(); for (String name : groupNames) { Color color = colorMap.get(sampleGroupNames.get(name)); if (color == null) color = Color.BLACK; item = new LegendItem(name, null, null, null, circle, color); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } sources[0] = legendSrc; legend.setSources(sources); } /** * This chart uses the XYAnnotation as a glyph to represent * a single pca data point. Glyph shape is determined by survival time. * Survival of more than 10 months is represented by a circle. 10 months or less * is represented by a square. Component1 values are represented by X * Component2 values are represented by Y */ private void createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(XYPlot plot) { //, double glyphScaleFactor) { XYShapeAnnotation glyph; Shape glyphShape = null; Color glyphColor; NumberAxis domainAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); Range r = domainAxis.getRange(); double upperBound = r.getUpperBound(); double dotSize = 0.7; if (upperBound >= 50 && upperBound <= 100) dotSize = 1d; else if (upperBound > 100 && upperBound <= 150) dotSize = 2d; else if (upperBound > 150 && upperBound <= 200) dotSize = 3d; else if (upperBound > 200) dotSize = 5d; //PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint pcaPoint; double x, y; //for (Iterator i=dataPoints.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { for (CMAPCADataPoint pcaPoint : dataPoints) { x = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component1); y = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component2); String sampleGroupName = pcaPoint.getSampleGroupName(); String order = sampleGroupNames.get(sampleGroupName); glyphShape = getShapeForDataPoint(order, x, y, dotSize); glyphColor = colorMap.get(order); if (glyphColor == null) glyphColor =; glyph = new XYShapeAnnotation(glyphShape, new BasicStroke(1.0f), Color.BLACK, glyphColor); String tooltip = ""; tooltip = pcaPoint.getSampleId() + " " + pcaPoint.getSampleGroupName(); glyph.setToolTipText(tooltip); plot.addAnnotation(glyph); } } private Shape getShapeForDataPoint(String order, double x, double y, double dotSize) { Shape glyphShape; Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + dotSize, y + dotSize); glyphShape = circle; //Now we only use one shape for the plot. /* if(order.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { //glyphShape = ShapeUtilities.createDiamond(new Float(x)); Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2,y+2); glyphShape = rect; Shape gShape = ShapeUtilities.rotateShape(glyphShape, new Double(0.785398163), new Float(x),new Float(y)); glyphShape = gShape; } else if (order.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2,y+2); glyphShape = rect; } else if (order.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2); glyphShape = circle; } else if (order.equalsIgnoreCase("4")) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2); glyphShape = circle; } else if (order.equalsIgnoreCase("5")) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2); glyphShape = circle; } else if (order.equalsIgnoreCase("6")) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2); glyphShape = circle; } else { GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); float xf = (float)x; float yf = (float)y; //make a triangle gp.moveTo(xf,yf); gp.lineTo(xf+3.0f,yf-3.0f); gp.lineTo(xf-3.0f,yf-3.0f); gp.closePath(); glyphShape = gp; } */ return glyphShape; } public JFreeChart getChart() { return pcaChart; } /** * Same interface as ChartUtilities.writeImageMap. This version will find the * bounding rectangles for the entities in the ChartRenderingInfo object and will write those * to the image map. * @param writer * @param name * @param info * @param useOverlibToolTip */ public void writeBoundingRectImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name, ChartRenderingInfo info, boolean useOverlibToolTip) { EntityCollection collection = info.getEntityCollection(); Collection entities = collection.getEntities(); Collection<ChartEntity> boundingEntities = getBoundingEntities(entities); writeBoundingRectImageMap(writer, name, boundingEntities, useOverlibToolTip); } /** * Write the image map for the collection of bounding entities. * @param writer * @param name * @param boundingEntities * @param useOverlibToolTip */ private void writeBoundingRectImageMap(PrintWriter writer, String name, Collection<ChartEntity> boundingEntities, boolean useOverlibToolTip) { System.out.println("Num entities=" + boundingEntities.size()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); ChartEntity chartEntity; String areaTag; StandardToolTipTagFragmentGenerator ttg = new StandardToolTipTagFragmentGenerator(); StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator urlg = new StandardURLTagFragmentGenerator(); sb.append("<map id=\"" + name + "\" name=\"" + name + "\">"); sb.append(StringUtils.getLineSeparator()); for (Iterator i = boundingEntities.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { chartEntity = (ChartEntity); areaTag = chartEntity.getImageMapAreaTag(ttg, urlg).trim(); if (areaTag.length() > 0) { sb.append(chartEntity.getImageMapAreaTag(ttg, urlg)); sb.append(StringUtils.getLineSeparator()); } } sb.append("</map>"); writer.println(sb.toString()); } /** * Get a collection of entities with the area shape equal to the bounding rectangle * for the shape of original entity. This is necessary because the Javascript for the sample * selection lasso can only handle rect objects. * @param entities * @return a collection of entities containing the bounding rectangles of the original entities */ private Collection<ChartEntity> getBoundingEntities(Collection entities) { ChartEntity entity; ChartEntity boundingEntity; Shape shape; Rectangle2D boundingRect; Collection<ChartEntity> boundingEntities = new ArrayList<ChartEntity>(); for (Iterator i = entities.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { entity = (ChartEntity); shape = entity.getArea(); boundingRect = shape.getBounds2D(); boundingEntity = new ChartEntity(boundingRect, entity.getToolTipText(), entity.getURLText()); boundingEntities.add(boundingEntity); } return boundingEntities; } /** * Get the range of values for a given clinical factor * @param dataPoints * @param factor * @return */ private DataRange getDataRange(Collection<CMAPCADataPoint> dataPoints, PCAcomponent component) { double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; double value; for (CMAPCADataPoint dataPoint : dataPoints) { value = dataPoint.getComponentValue(component); if (value < minValue) { minValue = value; } if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; } } DataRange range = new DataRange(minValue, maxValue); return range; } /** * A class for building the legend * @author harrismic * */ private class PcaLegendItemSource implements LegendItemSource { private LegendItemCollection items = new LegendItemCollection(); public void addLegendItem(LegendItem item) { items.add(item); } public LegendItemCollection getLegendItems() { return items; } } }