Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright SemanticBits, Northwestern University and Akaza Research * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. ******************************************************************************/ package gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers2adeers.track; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers2adeers.exchnage.ExchangePreProcessor; import gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers2adeers.track.IntegrationLog.Stage; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Biju Joseph (minor refactoring) */ public class Tracker implements Processor { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Tracker.class); public static final String SOAP_FAULT_STATUS = "FAILED_TO_PROCESS"; public static final String CAAERS_RESPONSE_ERROR = "FAILED_TO_PROCESS"; // progress made by synch request private Stage stage; // details private String notes; boolean caputureLogDetails = false; boolean captureLogMessage = false; String[] messageComboIdPaths; public Tracker(Stage stage, String notes, boolean caputureLogDetails, String[] messageComboIdPaths) { super(); this.stage = stage; this.notes = notes; this.caputureLogDetails = caputureLogDetails; this.messageComboIdPaths = messageComboIdPaths; } public static Tracker track(Stage stage, String notes, boolean caputureLogDetails) { return new Tracker(stage, notes, caputureLogDetails, null); } public static Tracker track(Stage stage, boolean caputureLogDetails) { return track(stage, null, caputureLogDetails); } public static Tracker track(Stage stage, String notes) { return track(stage, notes, false); } public static Tracker track(Stage stage) { return track(stage, false); } public static Tracker track(Stage stage, String[] messageComboIdPaths) { return new Tracker(stage, null, false, messageComboIdPaths); } public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { try { //set the properties in the exchange log.debug("Logging with tracker, begin."); Map<String, Object> properties = exchange.getProperties(); String entity = (String) properties.get(ExchangePreProcessor.ENTITY_NAME); String operation = (String) properties.get(ExchangePreProcessor.OPERATION_NAME); String coorelationId = (String) properties.get(ExchangePreProcessor.CORRELATION_ID); Long begin = (Long) properties.get(ExchangePreProcessor.ENTRED_ON); long end = 0; String timeTookNotes = ""; if (coorelationId == null || stage == null || entity == null || operation == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot log in database. Required fields are missing"); } if (begin != null && begin > 0) { end = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; if (end > 1000) { timeTookNotes = "Took " + (end / 1000) + " seconds."; } else { timeTookNotes = "Took " + end + " milliseconds."; } } String status = ""; try { status = StringUtils .substring(XPathBuilder.xpath("//status/text()").evaluate(exchange, String.class), 0, 100); } catch (Exception ignore) { log.debug("Ignoring invalid status text from response XML", ignore); } String actualNotes = timeTookNotes + " " + notes + " " + status; IntegrationLog integrationLog = new IntegrationLog(coorelationId, stage, entity, operation, actualNotes); log.debug("creating new instance of IntegrationLog with [" + coorelationId + ", " + stage + ", " + entity + ", " + operation + ", " + actualNotes + "]"); IntegrationLogDao integrationLogDao = (IntegrationLogDao) exchange.getContext().getRegistry() .lookup("integrationLogDao"); captureLogDetails(exchange, integrationLog); captureLogMessage(exchange, integrationLog);; if (log.isInfoEnabled() && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(timeTookNotes)) { + " - " + entity + "#" + operation + " |" + stage + "|" + timeTookNotes); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error while tracking exchange", ex); } } private void captureLogDetails(Exchange exchange, IntegrationLog integrationLog) { if (caputureLogDetails) { //Check for soap fault String faultString = XPathBuilder.xpath("//faultstring/text()").evaluate(exchange, String.class); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(faultString)) { integrationLog.setNotes(SOAP_FAULT_STATUS); integrationLog.addIntegrationLogDetail(new IntegrationLogDetail(null, faultString, true)); } //check for caaers error message in response String errorString = XPathBuilder.xpath("//error/text()").evaluate(exchange, String.class); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(errorString)) { integrationLog.setNotes(CAAERS_RESPONSE_ERROR); integrationLog.addIntegrationLogDetail(new IntegrationLogDetail(null, errorString, true)); } //check for 'com:entityProcessingOutcomes' NodeList nodes = XPathBuilder.xpath("//com:entityProcessingOutcomes") .namespace("com", "").nodeResult() .evaluate(exchange, NodeList.class); if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node outcome = nodes.item(i); if (StringUtils.equals(outcome.getLocalName(), "entityProcessingOutcome")) { NodeList children = outcome.getChildNodes(); String businessIdentifier = null; String outcomeMsg = null; boolean failed = false; for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) { Node child = children.item(j); String childLocalName = child.getLocalName(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(childLocalName) && childLocalName.equals("businessIdentifier")) { businessIdentifier = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(childLocalName) && childLocalName.equals("message")) { outcomeMsg = child.getFirstChild() != null ? child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : null; } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(childLocalName) && childLocalName.equals("failed")) { failed = new Boolean( child.getFirstChild() != null ? child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : "false"); } } if (businessIdentifier != null) { integrationLog.addIntegrationLogDetail( new IntegrationLogDetail(businessIdentifier, outcomeMsg, failed)); } } } } } } private void captureLogMessage(Exchange exchange, IntegrationLog integrationLog) { if (messageComboIdPaths != null && messageComboIdPaths.length > 0) { String correlationId = (String) exchange.getProperty(ExchangePreProcessor.CORRELATION_ID); String message = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); integrationLog.addIntegrationLogMessage(new IntegrationLogMessage(correlationId, message, stage)); } } }