Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package gobblin.runtime.embedded; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ClassUtil; import org.joda.time.Period; import org.joda.time.ReadableInstant; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricFilter; import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory; import gobblin.configuration.ConfigurationKeys; import gobblin.configuration.State; import gobblin.instrumented.extractor.InstrumentedExtractorBase; import gobblin.metastore.FsStateStore; import gobblin.metrics.GobblinMetrics; import gobblin.metrics.MetricContext; import gobblin.runtime.JobLauncherFactory; import gobblin.runtime.Task; import gobblin.runtime.api.Configurable; import gobblin.runtime.api.GobblinInstanceDriver; import gobblin.runtime.api.GobblinInstanceEnvironment; import gobblin.runtime.api.GobblinInstancePluginFactory; import gobblin.runtime.api.JobCatalog; import gobblin.runtime.api.JobExecutionDriver; import gobblin.runtime.api.JobExecutionResult; import gobblin.runtime.api.JobSpec; import gobblin.runtime.api.JobTemplate; import gobblin.runtime.api.SpecNotFoundException; import gobblin.runtime.cli.ConstructorAndPublicMethodsGobblinCliFactory; import gobblin.runtime.cli.EmbeddedGobblinCliOption; import gobblin.runtime.cli.EmbeddedGobblinCliSupport; import gobblin.runtime.cli.NotOnCli; import gobblin.runtime.instance.SimpleGobblinInstanceEnvironment; import gobblin.runtime.instance.StandardGobblinInstanceDriver; import gobblin.runtime.job_catalog.ImmutableFSJobCatalog; import gobblin.runtime.job_catalog.PackagedTemplatesJobCatalogDecorator; import gobblin.runtime.job_catalog.StaticJobCatalog; import gobblin.runtime.job_spec.ResolvedJobSpec; import gobblin.runtime.plugins.GobblinInstancePluginUtils; import gobblin.runtime.plugins.PluginStaticKeys; import gobblin.runtime.plugins.metrics.GobblinMetricsPlugin; import gobblin.runtime.std.DefaultConfigurableImpl; import gobblin.runtime.std.DefaultJobLifecycleListenerImpl; import gobblin.state.ConstructState; import gobblin.util.HadoopUtils; import gobblin.util.PathUtils; import gobblin.util.PullFileLoader; import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Data; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * A class used to run an embedded version of Gobblin. This class is only intended for running a single Gobblin job. * If a large number of Gobblin jobs will be launched, use a {@link GobblinInstanceDriver} instead. * * Usage: * new EmbeddedGobblin("jobName").setTemplate(myTemplate).setConfiguration("key","value").run(); */ @Slf4j public class EmbeddedGobblin { public static class CliFactory extends ConstructorAndPublicMethodsGobblinCliFactory { public CliFactory() { super(EmbeddedGobblin.class); } @Override public String getUsageString() { return "-jobName <jobName> [OPTIONS]"; } } private static final Splitter KEY_VALUE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(":").limit(2); private final JobSpec.Builder specBuilder; private final Map<String, String> userConfigMap; private final Map<String, String> builtConfigMap; private final Config defaultSysConfig; private final Map<String, String> sysConfigOverrides; private final Map<String, Integer> distributedJars; private Runnable distributeJarsFunction; private JobTemplate template; private Logger useLog = log; private FullTimeout launchTimeout = new FullTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); private FullTimeout jobTimeout = new FullTimeout(10, TimeUnit.DAYS); private FullTimeout shutdownTimeout = new FullTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); private List<GobblinInstancePluginFactory> plugins = Lists.newArrayList(); private Optional<Path> jobFile = Optional.absent(); public EmbeddedGobblin() { this("EmbeddedGobblin"); } @EmbeddedGobblinCliSupport(argumentNames = { "jobName" }) public EmbeddedGobblin(String name) { HadoopUtils.addGobblinSite(); this.specBuilder = new JobSpec.Builder(name); this.userConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap(); this.builtConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap(); this.sysConfigOverrides = Maps.newHashMap(); this.defaultSysConfig = getDefaultSysConfig(); this.distributedJars = Maps.newHashMap(); loadCoreGobblinJarsToDistributedJars(); this.distributeJarsFunction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // NOOP } }; } /** * Specify job should run in MR mode. */ public EmbeddedGobblin mrMode() throws IOException { this.sysConfigOverrides.put(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_LAUNCHER_TYPE_KEY,; this.builtConfigMap.put(ConfigurationKeys.FS_URI_KEY, FileSystem.get(new Configuration()).getUri().toString()); this.builtConfigMap.put(ConfigurationKeys.MR_JOB_ROOT_DIR_KEY, "/tmp/EmbeddedGobblin_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); this.distributeJarsFunction = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Add jars needed at runtime to the sys config so MR job launcher will add them to distributed cache. EmbeddedGobblin.this.sysConfigOverrides.put(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_JAR_FILES_KEY, Joiner.on(",").join(getPrioritizedDistributedJars())); } }; return this; } /** * Specify that the input jar should be added to workers' classpath on distributed mode. */ public EmbeddedGobblin distributeJar(String jarPath) { return distributeJarWithPriority(jarPath, 0); } /** * Specify that the input jar should be added to workers' classpath on distributed mode. Jars with lower priority value * will appear first in the classpath. Default priority is 0. */ public EmbeddedGobblin distributeJarByClassWithPriority(Class<?> klazz, int priority) { return distributeJarWithPriority(ClassUtil.findContainingJar(klazz), priority); } /** * Specify that the input jar should be added to workers' classpath on distributed mode. Jars with lower priority value * will appear first in the classpath. Default priority is 0. */ public synchronized EmbeddedGobblin distributeJarWithPriority(String jarPath, int priority) { if (this.distributedJars.containsKey(jarPath)) { this.distributedJars.put(jarPath, Math.min(priority, this.distributedJars.get(jarPath))); } else { this.distributedJars.put(jarPath, priority); } return this; } /** * Set a {@link JobTemplate} to use. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setTemplate(JobTemplate template) { this.template = template; return this; } /** * Set a {@link JobTemplate} to use. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setTemplate(String templateURI) throws URISyntaxException, SpecNotFoundException, JobTemplate.TemplateException { return setTemplate(new PackagedTemplatesJobCatalogDecorator().getTemplate(new URI(templateURI))); } /** * Use a {@link gobblin.runtime.api.GobblinInstancePlugin}. */ public EmbeddedGobblin usePlugin(GobblinInstancePluginFactory pluginFactory) { this.plugins.add(pluginFactory); return this; } /** * Use a {@link gobblin.runtime.api.GobblinInstancePlugin} identified by name. */ public EmbeddedGobblin usePlugin(String pluginAlias) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { return usePlugin(GobblinInstancePluginUtils.instantiatePluginByAlias(pluginAlias)); } /** * Override a Gobblin system configuration. */ public EmbeddedGobblin sysConfig(String key, String value) { this.sysConfigOverrides.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Override a Gobblin system configuration. Format "<key>:<value>" */ public EmbeddedGobblin sysConfig(String keyValue) { List<String> split = KEY_VALUE_SPLITTER.splitToList(keyValue); if (split.size() != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse " + keyValue + ". Expected <key>:<value>."); } return sysConfig(split.get(0), split.get(1)); } /** * Provide a job file. */ public EmbeddedGobblin jobFile(String pathStr) { this.jobFile = Optional.of(new Path(pathStr)); return this; } /** * Load Kerberos keytab for authentication. Crendetials format "<login-user>:<keytab-file>". */ @EmbeddedGobblinCliOption(description = "Authenticate using kerberos. Format: \"<login-user>:<keytab-file>\".") public EmbeddedGobblin kerberosAuthentication(String credentials) { List<String> split = Splitter.on(":").splitToList(credentials); if (split.size() != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse " + credentials + ". Expected <login-user>:<keytab-file>"); } try { usePlugin(PluginStaticKeys.HADOOP_LOGIN_FROM_KEYTAB_ALIAS); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException roe) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Could not instantiate %s. Make sure gobblin-runtime-hadoop is in your classpath.", PluginStaticKeys.HADOOP_LOGIN_FROM_KEYTAB_ALIAS), roe); } sysConfig(PluginStaticKeys.LOGIN_USER_FULL_KEY, split.get(0)); sysConfig(PluginStaticKeys.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_FILE_FULL_KEY, split.get(1)); return this; } /** * Manually set a key-value pair in the job configuration. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setConfiguration(String key, String value) { this.userConfigMap.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Manually set a key-value pair in the job configuration. Input is of the form <key>:<value> */ public EmbeddedGobblin setConfiguration(String keyValue) { List<String> split = KEY_VALUE_SPLITTER.splitToList(keyValue); if (split.size() != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse " + keyValue + ". Expected <key>:<value>."); } return setConfiguration(split.get(0), split.get(1)); } /** * Set the timeout for the Gobblin job execution. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setJobTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.jobTimeout = new FullTimeout(timeout, timeUnit); return this; } /** * Set the timeout for the Gobblin job execution from ISO-style period. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setJobTimeout(String timeout) { return setJobTimeout(Period.parse(timeout).getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Set the timeout for launching the Gobblin job. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setLaunchTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.launchTimeout = new FullTimeout(timeout, timeUnit); return this; } /** * Set the timeout for launching the Gobblin job from ISO-style period. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setLaunchTimeout(String timeout) { return setLaunchTimeout(Period.parse(timeout).getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Set the timeout for shutting down the Gobblin instance driver after the job is done. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setShutdownTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.shutdownTimeout = new FullTimeout(timeout, timeUnit); return this; } /** * Set the timeout for shutting down the Gobblin instance driver after the job is done from ISO-style period. */ public EmbeddedGobblin setShutdownTimeout(String timeout) { return setShutdownTimeout(Period.parse(timeout).getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Enable state store. */ public EmbeddedGobblin useStateStore(String rootDir) { this.setConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.STATE_STORE_ENABLED, "true"); this.setConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.STATE_STORE_ROOT_DIR_KEY, rootDir); return this; } /** * Enable metrics. Does not start any reporters. */ public EmbeddedGobblin enableMetrics() { this.usePlugin(new GobblinMetricsPlugin.Factory()); this.sysConfig(ConfigurationKeys.METRICS_ENABLED_KEY, Boolean.toString(true)); return this; } /** * This is the base {@link Config} used for the job, containing all default configurations. Subclasses can override * default configurations (for example setting a particular {@link gobblin.runtime.JobLauncherFactory.JobLauncherType}. */ protected Config getDefaultSysConfig() { return ConfigFactory.parseResources("embedded/embedded.conf"); } /** * Run the Gobblin job. This call will block until the job is done. * @return a {@link JobExecutionResult} containing the result of the execution. */ @NotOnCli public JobExecutionResult run() throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException { JobExecutionDriver jobDriver = runAsync(); return jobDriver.get(this.jobTimeout.getTimeout(), this.jobTimeout.getTimeUnit()); } /** * Launch the Gobblin job asynchronously. This method will return when the Gobblin job has started. * @return a {@link JobExecutionDriver}. This object is a future that will resolve when the Gobblin job finishes. * @throws TimeoutException if the Gobblin job does not start within the launch timeout. */ @NotOnCli public JobExecutionDriver runAsync() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException { // Run function to distribute jars to workers in distributed mode; Config sysProps = ConfigFactory.parseMap(this.builtConfigMap).withFallback(this.defaultSysConfig); Config userConfig = ConfigFactory.parseMap(this.userConfigMap); JobSpec jobSpec; if (this.jobFile.isPresent()) { try { Path jobFilePath = this.jobFile.get(); PullFileLoader loader = new PullFileLoader(jobFilePath.getParent(), jobFilePath.getFileSystem(new Configuration()), PullFileLoader.DEFAULT_JAVA_PROPS_PULL_FILE_EXTENSIONS, PullFileLoader.DEFAULT_HOCON_PULL_FILE_EXTENSIONS); Config jobConfig = userConfig.withFallback(loader.loadPullFile(jobFilePath, sysProps, false)); ImmutableFSJobCatalog.JobSpecConverter converter = new ImmutableFSJobCatalog.JobSpecConverter( jobFilePath.getParent(), Optional.<String>absent()); jobSpec = converter.apply(jobConfig); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to run embedded Gobblin.", ioe); } } else { Config finalConfig = userConfig.withFallback(sysProps); if (this.template != null) { try { finalConfig = this.template.getResolvedConfig(finalConfig); } catch (SpecNotFoundException | JobTemplate.TemplateException exc) { throw new RuntimeException(exc); } } jobSpec = this.specBuilder.withConfig(finalConfig).build(); } ResolvedJobSpec resolvedJobSpec; try { resolvedJobSpec = new ResolvedJobSpec(jobSpec); } catch (SpecNotFoundException | JobTemplate.TemplateException exc) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to resolved template.", exc); } final JobCatalog jobCatalog = new StaticJobCatalog(Optional.of(this.useLog), Lists.<JobSpec>newArrayList(resolvedJobSpec)); SimpleGobblinInstanceEnvironment instanceEnvironment = new SimpleGobblinInstanceEnvironment( "EmbeddedGobblinInstance", this.useLog, getSysConfig()); StandardGobblinInstanceDriver.Builder builder = new StandardGobblinInstanceDriver.Builder( Optional.<GobblinInstanceEnvironment>of(instanceEnvironment)).withLog(this.useLog) .withJobCatalog(jobCatalog).withImmediateJobScheduler(); for (GobblinInstancePluginFactory plugin : this.plugins) { builder.addPlugin(plugin); } final GobblinInstanceDriver driver =; EmbeddedJobLifecycleListener listener = new EmbeddedJobLifecycleListener(this.useLog); driver.registerJobLifecycleListener(listener); driver.startAsync(); boolean started = listener.awaitStarted(this.launchTimeout.getTimeout(), this.launchTimeout.getTimeUnit()); if (!started) { log.warn("Timeout waiting for job to start. Aborting."); driver.stopAsync(); driver.awaitTerminated(this.shutdownTimeout.getTimeout(), this.shutdownTimeout.getTimeUnit()); throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for job to start."); } final JobExecutionDriver jobDriver = listener.getJobDriver(); // Stop the Gobblin instance driver when the job finishes. Futures.addCallback(jobDriver, new FutureCallback<JobExecutionResult>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable JobExecutionResult result) { stopGobblinInstanceDriver(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { stopGobblinInstanceDriver(); } private void stopGobblinInstanceDriver() { try { driver.stopAsync(); driver.awaitTerminated(EmbeddedGobblin.this.shutdownTimeout.getTimeout(), EmbeddedGobblin.this.shutdownTimeout.getTimeUnit()); } catch (TimeoutException te) { log.error("Failed to shutdown Gobblin instance driver."); } } }); return listener.getJobDriver(); } private Configurable getSysConfig() { return DefaultConfigurableImpl.createFromConfig( ConfigFactory.parseMap(this.sysConfigOverrides).withFallback(this.defaultSysConfig)); } /** * This returns the set of jars required by a basic Gobblin ingestion job. In general, these need to be distributed * to workers in a distributed environment. */ private void loadCoreGobblinJarsToDistributedJars() { // Gobblin-api distributeJarByClassWithPriority(State.class, 0); // Gobblin-core distributeJarByClassWithPriority(ConstructState.class, 0); // Gobblin-core-base distributeJarByClassWithPriority(InstrumentedExtractorBase.class, 0); // Gobblin-metrics-base distributeJarByClassWithPriority(MetricContext.class, 0); // Gobblin-metrics distributeJarByClassWithPriority(GobblinMetrics.class, 0); // Gobblin-metastore distributeJarByClassWithPriority(FsStateStore.class, 0); // Gobblin-runtime distributeJarByClassWithPriority(Task.class, 0); // Gobblin-utility distributeJarByClassWithPriority(PathUtils.class, 0); // joda-time distributeJarByClassWithPriority(ReadableInstant.class, 0); // guava distributeJarByClassWithPriority(Escaper.class, -10); // Escaper was added in guava 15, so we use it to identify correct jar // dropwizard.metrics-core distributeJarByClassWithPriority(MetricFilter.class, 0); // pegasus distributeJarByClassWithPriority(DataTemplate.class, 0); // commons-lang3 distributeJarByClassWithPriority(ClassUtils.class, 0); // avro distributeJarByClassWithPriority(SchemaBuilder.class, 0); // guava-retry distributeJarByClassWithPriority(RetryListener.class, 0); // config distributeJarByClassWithPriority(ConfigFactory.class, 0); // reflections distributeJarByClassWithPriority(Reflections.class, 0); // javassist distributeJarByClassWithPriority(ClassFile.class, 0); } /** * Encapsulates a timeout with corresponding {@link TimeUnit}. */ @Data private static class FullTimeout { private final long timeout; private final TimeUnit timeUnit; } @VisibleForTesting protected List<String> getPrioritizedDistributedJars() { List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> jarsWithPriority = Lists.newArrayList(this.distributedJars.entrySet()); Collections.sort(jarsWithPriority, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) { return, o2.getValue()); } }); return Lists.transform(jarsWithPriority, new Function<Map.Entry<String, Integer>, String>() { @Override public String apply(Map.Entry<String, Integer> input) { return input.getKey(); } }); } /** * A {@link gobblin.runtime.api.JobLifecycleListener} that listens for a particular job and detects the start of the job. */ private static class EmbeddedJobLifecycleListener extends DefaultJobLifecycleListenerImpl { private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition runningStateCondition = this.lock.newCondition(); private volatile boolean running = false; @Getter(value = AccessLevel.PRIVATE) private JobExecutionDriver jobDriver; public EmbeddedJobLifecycleListener(Logger log) { super(log); } /** * Block until the job has started. * @return true if the job started, false on timeout. */ public boolean awaitStarted(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws InterruptedException { this.lock.lock(); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long totalTimeMillis = timeUnit.toMillis(timeout); while (!running) { long millisLeft = totalTimeMillis - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (millisLeft < 0) { return false; } boolean outoftime = this.runningStateCondition.await(millisLeft, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } return true; } @Override public void onJobLaunch(JobExecutionDriver jobDriver) { if (this.jobDriver != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("OnJobLaunch called when a job was already running."); } super.onJobLaunch(jobDriver); this.lock.lock(); try { this.running = true; this.jobDriver = jobDriver; this.runningStateCondition.signal(); } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } } }