Java tutorial
/* GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone This file is part of GeoGebra. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ package geogebra.web.gui.view.algebra; import geogebra.common.awt.GColor; import geogebra.common.awt.GPoint; import geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianConstants; import geogebra.common.euclidian.EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon; import geogebra.common.euclidian.event.AbstractEvent; import geogebra.common.euclidian.event.PointerEventType; import geogebra.common.gui.view.algebra.AlgebraView; import geogebra.common.kernel.CircularDefinitionException; import geogebra.common.kernel.Construction; import geogebra.common.kernel.Kernel; import geogebra.common.kernel.StringTemplate; import geogebra.common.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNodeConstants; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoBoolean; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoElement; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoList; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoNumeric; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoPoint; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.GeoText; import geogebra.common.kernel.geos.HasExtendedAV; import geogebra.common.main.App; import geogebra.common.main.MyError; import geogebra.common.main.SelectionManager; import geogebra.common.util.AsyncOperation; import geogebra.common.util.IndexHTMLBuilder; import geogebra.common.util.StringUtil; import geogebra.common.util.Unicode; import geogebra.html5.event.PointerEvent; import geogebra.html5.event.ZeroOffset; import geogebra.html5.gui.textbox.GTextBox; import geogebra.html5.gui.tooltip.ToolTipManagerW; import geogebra.html5.gui.util.CancelEventTimer; import geogebra.html5.gui.util.ClickStartHandler; import geogebra.html5.gui.util.LongTouchManager; import geogebra.html5.gui.util.LongTouchTimer.LongTouchHandler; import geogebra.html5.main.AppW; import geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb; import geogebra.html5.util.EventUtil; import geogebra.web.css.GuiResources; import geogebra.web.gui.GuiManagerW; import geogebra.web.gui.images.AppResources; import geogebra.web.gui.util.SliderW; import geogebra.web.gui.view.algebra.Marble.GeoContainer; import geogebra.web.util.keyboard.OnScreenKeyBoard; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * RadioButtonTreeItem for the items of the algebra view tree and also for the * event handling which is copied from Desktop/ * * File created by Arpad Fekete */ public class RadioButtonTreeItem extends FlowPanel implements DoubleClickHandler, ClickHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseDownHandler, MouseOverHandler, MouseOutHandler, GeoContainer, geogebra.html5.gui.view.algebra.RadioButtonTreeItem, TouchStartHandler, TouchMoveHandler, TouchEndHandler, LongTouchHandler { GeoElement geo; Kernel kernel; protected AppW app; private SelectionManager selection; protected AlgebraView av; private boolean LaTeX = false; private boolean thisIsEdited = false; boolean newCreationMode = false; boolean mout = false; protected SpanElement seMayLatex; private SpanElement seNoLatex; private Marble radio; InlineHTML ihtml; TextBox tb; private boolean needsUpdate; private LongTouchManager longTouchManager; /** * prevents that a blur event stops the editing process */ boolean blockBlur = false; /** * Slider to be shown as part of the extended Slider entries */ private SliderW slider; /** * panel to correctly display an extended slider entry */ private FlowPanel sliderPanel; /** * this panel contains the marble (radio) and the play button for extended * slider entries */ private FlowPanel marblePanel; /** * start/pause slider animations */ Image playButton; /** * checkbox displaying boolean variables */ private CheckBox checkBox; /** * button shown at the right side of the entry, if the entry is selected. * used to delete the geo. */ private Image deleteButton; /** * TODO this will be replaced by a check-box in the settings * * allow slider (for a number) or checkBox (for a boolean) in AV as part of * the RadioButtonTreeItem */ public static boolean showSliderOrTextBox = false; public void updateOnNextRepaint() { this.needsUpdate = true; } /* * private class RadioButtonHandy extends RadioButton { public * RadioButtonHandy() { super(DOM.createUniqueId()); } * * @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { * * if (av.isEditing()) return; * * if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) { // Part of * AlgebraController.mouseClicked in Desktop if * ( { if * ( == getElement().getFirstChild()) { * setValue(previouslyChecked = !previouslyChecked); * geo.setEuclidianVisible(!geo.isSetEuclidianVisible()); geo.update(); * geo.getKernel().getApplication().storeUndoInfo(); * geo.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); return; } } } } } */ private IndexHTMLBuilder getBuilder(final SpanElement se) { return new IndexHTMLBuilder(false) { Element sub = null; @Override public void append(String s) { if (sub == null) { se.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode(s)); } else { sub.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode(s)); } } @Override public void startIndex() { sub = Document.get().createElement("sub"); sub.getStyle().setFontSize((int) (app.getFontSize() * 0.8), Unit.PX); } @Override public void endIndex() { if (sub != null) { se.appendChild(sub); } sub = null; } @Override public String toString() { if (sub != null) { endIndex(); } return se.getInnerHTML(); } @Override public void clear() { se.removeAllChildren(); sub = null; } @Override public boolean canAppendRawHtml() { return false; } @Override public void appendHTML(String str) { append(str); } }; } /** * Creates a new RadioButtonTreeItem for displaying/editing an existing * GeoElement * * @param ge * the existing GeoElement to display/edit * @param showUrl * the marble to be shown when the GeoElement is visible * @param hiddenUrl * the marble to be shown when the GeoElement is invisible */ public RadioButtonTreeItem(GeoElement ge, SafeUri showUrl, SafeUri hiddenUrl) { super(); getElement().setDraggable(Element.DRAGGABLE_TRUE); geo = ge; kernel = geo.getKernel(); app = (AppW) kernel.getApplication(); av = app.getAlgebraView(); selection = app.getSelectionManager(); addStyleName("elem"); addStyleName("panelRow"); // setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); // setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); radio = new Marble(showUrl, hiddenUrl, this); radio.setStyleName("marble"); radio.setEnabled(ge.isEuclidianShowable()); radio.setChecked(ge.isEuclidianVisible()); marblePanel = new FlowPanel(); marblePanel.add(radio); add(marblePanel); // Sliders if (showSliderOrTextBox && app.isPrerelease() && geo instanceof GeoNumeric && ((GeoNumeric) geo).isShowingExtendedAV()) { if (!geo.isEuclidianVisible()) { // number inserted via input bar // -> initialize min/max etc. geo.setEuclidianVisible(true); geo.setEuclidianVisible(false); } slider = new SliderW(((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMin(), (int) ((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMax()); slider.setValue(((GeoNumeric) geo).getValue()); slider.setMinorTickSpacing(geo.getAnimationStep()); slider.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Double>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Double> event) { ((GeoNumeric) geo).setValue(event.getValue()); geo.updateCascade(); // updates other views (e.g. Euclidian) kernel.notifyRepaint(); } }); sliderPanel = new FlowPanel(); add(sliderPanel); if (geo.isAnimatable()) { ImageResource imageresource = geo.isAnimating() ? AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_pause() : AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_play(); playButton = new Image(imageresource); playButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean newValue = !(geo.isAnimating() && app.getKernel().getAnimatonManager().isRunning()); geo.setAnimating(newValue); playButton.setResource( newValue ? AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_pause() : AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_play()); geo.updateRepaint(); if (geo.isAnimating()) { geo.getKernel().getAnimatonManager().startAnimation(); } } }); marblePanel.add(playButton); } } SpanElement se = DOM.createSpan().cast(); updateNewStatic(se); updateColor(se); ihtml = new InlineHTML(); ihtml.addDoubleClickHandler(this); ihtml.addClickHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseDownHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOverHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOutHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchStartHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchEndHandler(this); addSpecial(ihtml); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se); SpanElement se2 = DOM.createSpan().cast(); se2.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode("\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0")); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se2); // String text = ""; if (showSliderOrTextBox && app.isPrerelease() && geo instanceof GeoBoolean) { // CheckBoxes checkBox = new CheckBox(); checkBox.setValue(((GeoBoolean) geo).getBoolean()); add(checkBox); checkBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { ((GeoBoolean) geo).setValue(event.getValue()); geo.updateCascade(); // updates other views (e.g. Euclidian) kernel.notifyRepaint(); } }); // use only the name of the GeoBoolean getBuilder(se).append(geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); } else if (geo.isIndependent()) { geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); } else { switch (kernel.getAlgebraStyle()) { case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE: geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_DEFINITION: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getDefinitionDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(se)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_COMMAND: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getCommandDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(se)); break; } } // if enabled, render with LaTeX if (av.isRenderLaTeX() && kernel.getAlgebraStyle() == Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE) { String latexStr = geo.getLaTeXAlgebraDescription(true, StringTemplate.latexTemplateMQ); seNoLatex = se; if ((latexStr != null) && geo.isLaTeXDrawableGeo() && (geo.isGeoList() ? !((GeoList) geo).isMatrix() : true)) { this.needsUpdate = true; av.repaintView(); } } else { seNoLatex = se; } // FIXME: geo.getLongDescription() doesn't work // geo.getKernel().getApplication().setTooltipFlag(); // se.setTitle(geo.getLongDescription()); // geo.getKernel().getApplication().clearTooltipFlag(); longTouchManager = LongTouchManager.getInstance(); setDraggable(); } /** * Creates a new RadioButtonTreeItem for creating a brand new GeoElement or * executing a new command which might not result in any GeoElement(s) ... * no marble, no input GeoElement here. But this will be called from * NewRadioButtonTreeItem(kernel), for there are many extras */ public RadioButtonTreeItem(Kernel kern) { super(); // this method is still not able to show an editing box! newCreationMode = true; kernel = kern; app = (AppW) kernel.getApplication(); av = app.getAlgebraView(); selection = app.getSelectionManager(); this.setStyleName("elem"); this.addStyleName("NewRadioButtonTreeItem"); // setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); // setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // add(radio); SpanElement se = DOM.createSpan().cast(); updateNewStatic(se); ihtml = new InlineHTML(); ihtml.addDoubleClickHandler(this); ihtml.addClickHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseDownHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOverHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOutHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchStartHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchEndHandler(this); add(ihtml); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se); ihtml.getElement().addClassName("hasCursorPermanent"); // setCellVerticalAlignment(ihtml, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // setCellHorizontalAlignment(ihtml, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // setCellWidth(ihtml, "100%"); getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Style.Unit.PCT); // making room for the TitleBarPanel (top right of the AV) SpanElement se2 = DOM.createSpan().cast(); se2.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode("\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0")); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se2); // String text = ""; /* * if (geo.isIndependent()) { * geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); } else { * switch (kernel.getAlgebraStyle()) { case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE: * geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); break; * * case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_DEFINITION: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML( * geo.getDefinitionDescription * (StringTemplate.defaultTemplate),getBuilder(se)); break; * * case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_COMMAND: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML( * geo.getCommandDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), * getBuilder(se)); break; } } */ // if enabled, render with LaTeX seNoLatex = se; if (av.isRenderLaTeX()) { this.needsUpdate = true; // here it complains that geo is undefined doUpdate(); startEditing(); } // FIXME: geo.getLongDescription() doesn't work // geo.getKernel().getApplication().setTooltipFlag(); // se.setTitle(geo.getLongDescription()); // geo.getKernel().getApplication().clearTooltipFlag(); longTouchManager = LongTouchManager.getInstance(); setDraggable(); } /** * Creates a new RadioButtonTreeItem for creating/editing a GeoElement of a * special type (like matrix, piecewise function or parametric curve), * marbles are given because it will turn to be used as a normal * RadioButtonTreeItem later (just maybe edited differently)... This will be * called from the constructor of SpecialRadioButtonTreeItem */ public RadioButtonTreeItem(Kernel kern, GeoElement ge, SafeUri showUrl, SafeUri hiddenUrl) { super(); // touch events did not work because these events were still not sunk sinkEvents(Event.ONTOUCHSTART | Event.ONTOUCHMOVE | Event.ONTOUCHEND); if (ge != null) { geo = ge; kernel = geo.getKernel(); } else { geo = null; kernel = kern; } app = (AppW) kernel.getApplication(); av = app.getAlgebraView(); selection = app.getSelectionManager(); this.setStyleName("elem"); // setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); // setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); radio = new Marble(showUrl, hiddenUrl, this); radio.setStyleName("marble"); radio.setEnabled(ge.isEuclidianShowable()); radio.setChecked(ge.isEuclidianVisible()); marblePanel = new FlowPanel(); marblePanel.add(radio); add(marblePanel); // Sliders // could have been (ge != null) && ... but // geo is not GeoNumeric anyway, for matrix, // piecewise functions and parametric curves /* * if ((ge != null) && showSliderOrTextBox && app.isPrerelease() && geo * instanceof GeoNumeric) { if (!geo.isEuclidianVisible()) { // number * inserted via input bar // -> initialize min/max etc. * geo.setEuclidianVisible(true); geo.setEuclidianVisible(false); } * * slider = new SliderW(((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMin(), (int) * ((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMax()); slider.setValue(((GeoNumeric) * geo).getValue()); slider.setMinorTickSpacing(geo.getAnimationStep()); * * slider.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Double>() { * public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Double> event) { * ((GeoNumeric) geo).setValue(event.getValue()); geo.updateCascade(); * // updates other views (e.g. Euclidian) kernel.notifyRepaint(); } }); * * sliderPanel = new VerticalPanel(); add(sliderPanel); * * if (geo.isAnimatable()) { ImageResource imageresource = * geo.isAnimating() ? AppResources.INSTANCE .nav_pause() : * AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_play(); playButton = new * Image(imageresource); playButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { * public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean newValue = * !(geo.isAnimating() && app * .getKernel().getAnimatonManager().isRunning()); * geo.setAnimating(newValue); playButton.setResource(newValue ? * AppResources.INSTANCE .nav_pause() : * AppResources.INSTANCE.nav_play()); geo.updateRepaint(); * * if (geo.isAnimating()) { geo.getKernel().getAnimatonManager() * .startAnimation(); } } }); marblePanel.add(playButton); } } */ SpanElement se = DOM.createSpan().cast(); updateNewStatic(se); updateColor(se); ihtml = new InlineHTML(); ihtml.addDoubleClickHandler(this); ihtml.addClickHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseDownHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOverHandler(this); ihtml.addMouseOutHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchStartHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchMoveHandler(this); ihtml.addTouchEndHandler(this); addSpecial(ihtml); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se); SpanElement se2 = DOM.createSpan().cast(); se2.appendChild(Document.get().createTextNode("\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0")); ihtml.getElement().appendChild(se2); // String text = ""; // could have been (ge != null) && ... but // geo is not GeoBoolean anyway, for matrix, // piecewise functions and parametric curves /* * if ((ge != null) && showSliderOrTextBox && app.isPrerelease() && geo * instanceof GeoBoolean) { // CheckBoxes checkBox = new CheckBox(); * checkBox.setValue(((GeoBoolean) geo).getBoolean()); add(checkBox); * checkBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { * public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { * ((GeoBoolean) geo).setValue(event.getValue()); geo.updateCascade(); * // updates other views (e.g. Euclidian) kernel.notifyRepaint(); } }); * * // use only the name of the GeoBoolean * getBuilder(se).append(geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); * } else */ if (ge == null) { // addition on getBuilder(se).append("?"); } else // addition off if (geo.isIndependent()) { geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); } else { switch (kernel.getAlgebraStyle()) { case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE: geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(se)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_DEFINITION: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getDefinitionDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(se)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_COMMAND: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getCommandDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(se)); break; } } // if enabled, render with LaTeX if (av.isRenderLaTeX() && kernel.getAlgebraStyle() == Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE) { String latexStr = ""; if (ge != null) { geo.getLaTeXAlgebraDescription(true, StringTemplate.latexTemplateMQ); } else { // latexStr = "?"; } seNoLatex = se; if ((ge != null) && (latexStr != null) && geo.isLaTeXDrawableGeo() && (geo.isGeoList() ? !((GeoList) geo).isMatrix() : true)) { this.needsUpdate = true; av.repaintView(); } else if (ge == null) { // ? } } else { seNoLatex = se; } // FIXME: geo.getLongDescription() doesn't work // geo.getKernel().getApplication().setTooltipFlag(); // se.setTitle(geo.getLongDescription()); // geo.getKernel().getApplication().clearTooltipFlag(); longTouchManager = LongTouchManager.getInstance(); } /** * Method to be overridden in NewRadioButtonTreeItem */ public boolean popupSuggestions() { return false; } /** * Method to be overridden in NewRadioButtonTreeItem */ public boolean hideSuggestions() { return false; } /** * Method to be overridden in NewRadioButtonTreeItem */ public boolean shuffleSuggestions(boolean down) { return false; } /** * Method to be overridden in NewRadioButtonTreeItem */ public void addToHistory(String str, String latexx) { } /** * This method can be used to invoke a keydown event on MathQuillGGB, e.g. * key=8,alt=false,ctrl=false,shift=false will trigger a Backspace event * * @param key * keyCode of the event, which is the same as "event.which", used * at keydown * @param alt * boolean * @param ctrl * boolean * @param shift * boolean */ public void keydown(int key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.triggerKeydown(seMayLatex, key, alt, ctrl, shift); } } /** * This method should be used to invoke a keypress on MathQuillGGB, e.g. * keypress(47, false, false, false); will trigger a '/' press event... This * method should be used instead of "keydown" in case we are interested in * the Character meaning of the key (to be entered in a textarea) instead of * the Controller meaning of the key. * * @param character * charCode of the event, which is the same as "event.which", * used at keypress * @param alt * boolean maybe not useful * @param ctrl * boolean maybe not useful * @param shift * boolean maybe not useful */ public void keypress(int character, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.triggerKeypress(seMayLatex, character, alt, ctrl, shift); } } /** * This method can be used to invoke a keyup event on MathQuillGGB, e.g. * key=13,alt=false,ctrl=false,shift=false will trigger a Enter event * * @param key * keyCode of the event, which is the same as "event.which", used * at keyup * @param alt * boolean * @param ctrl * boolean * @param shift * boolean */ public void keyup(int key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.triggerKeyUp(seMayLatex, key, alt, ctrl, shift); } } @Override public void handleLongTouch(int x, int y) { onRightClick(x, y); } public void repaint() { if (needsUpdate) doUpdate(); } private void doUpdate() { // check for new LaTeX needsUpdate = false; boolean newLaTeX = false; if (this.checkBox != null && ((HasExtendedAV) geo).isShowingExtendedAV()) { add(checkBox); checkBox.setValue(((GeoBoolean) geo).getBoolean()); // reset the label text; use only the name of the GeoBoolean getBuilder(seNoLatex).clear(); getBuilder(seNoLatex).append(geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); return; } else if (this.checkBox != null) { remove(checkBox); } if (av.isRenderLaTeX() && kernel.getAlgebraStyle() == Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE) { String text = ""; if (geo != null) { text = geo.getLaTeXAlgebraDescription(true, StringTemplate.latexTemplateMQ); if ((text != null) && geo.isLaTeXDrawableGeo() && (geo.isGeoList() ? !((GeoList) geo).isMatrix() : true)) { newLaTeX = true; } } else { newLaTeX = true; } // now we have text and how to display it (newLaTeX/LaTeX) if (LaTeX && newLaTeX) { text = DrawEquationWeb.inputLatexCosmetics(text); int tl = text.length(); text = DrawEquationWeb.stripEqnArray(text); updateColor(seMayLatex); DrawEquationWeb.updateEquationMathQuillGGB("\\mathrm{" + text + "}", seMayLatex, tl == text.length()); updateColor(seMayLatex); } else if (newLaTeX) { SpanElement se = DOM.createSpan().cast(); updateNewStatic(se); updateColor(se); ihtml.getElement().replaceChild(se, seNoLatex); text = DrawEquationWeb.inputLatexCosmetics(text); seMayLatex = se; if (newCreationMode) { // in editing mode, we shall avoid letting an invisible, but // harmful element! DrawEquationWeb.drawEquationAlgebraView(seMayLatex, "", newCreationMode); } else { DrawEquationWeb.drawEquationAlgebraView(seMayLatex, "\\mathrm {" + text + "}", newCreationMode); } LaTeX = true; } } else if (geo == null) { newLaTeX = true; } // check for new text if (!newLaTeX) { if (geo.isIndependent()) { geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(seNoLatex)); } else { switch (kernel.getAlgebraStyle()) { case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_VALUE: geo.getAlgebraDescriptionTextOrHTMLDefault(getBuilder(seNoLatex)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_DEFINITION: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getDefinitionDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(seNoLatex)); break; case Kernel.ALGEBRA_STYLE_COMMAND: geo.addLabelTextOrHTML(geo.getCommandDescription(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate), getBuilder(seNoLatex)); break; } } // now we have text and how to display it (newLaTeX/LaTeX) if (!LaTeX) { updateColor(seNoLatex); } else { SpanElement se = DOM.createSpan().cast(); updateNewStatic(se); updateColor(se); ihtml.getElement().replaceChild(se, seMayLatex); seNoLatex = se; LaTeX = false; } } if (geo != null && radio != null) { radio.setChecked(geo.isEuclidianVisible()); } if (geo != null && geo instanceof GeoNumeric && slider != null && sliderPanel != null) { slider.setMinimum(((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMin()); slider.setMaximum(((GeoNumeric) geo).getIntervalMax()); slider.setMinorTickSpacing(geo.getAnimationStep()); slider.setValue(((GeoNumeric) geo).value); if (((HasExtendedAV) geo).isShowingExtendedAV() && !geo.isEuclidianVisible()) { sliderPanel.add(slider); marblePanel.add(playButton); } else if (marblePanel != null) { sliderPanel.remove(slider); marblePanel.remove(playButton); } } } private static void updateNewStatic(SpanElement se) { se.getStyle().setProperty("display", "-moz-inline-box"); se.getStyle().setDisplay(Style.Display.INLINE_BLOCK); se.setDir("ltr"); } private void updateColor(SpanElement se) { if (geo != null) { se.getStyle().setColor(GColor.getColorString(geo.getAlgebraColor())); } } public boolean isThisEdited() { return thisIsEdited; } public void cancelEditing() { // as this method is only called from AlgebraViewWeb.update, // and in that context, this should not cancel editing in case of // newCreationMode, // we can put an if check here safely for the present time if (!newCreationMode) { if (LaTeX) { DrawEquationWeb.endEditingEquationMathQuillGGB(this, seMayLatex); } else { removeSpecial(tb); addSpecial(ihtml); stopEditingSimple(tb.getText()); } } } public boolean blockBlurSensible() { return !newCreationMode && (!LaTeX || (geo.isGeoVector() && geo.isIndependent())); } public void startEditing() { thisIsEdited = true; if (newCreationMode) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.editEquationMathQuillGGB(this, seMayLatex, true); } else if (LaTeX && !(geo.isGeoVector() && geo.isIndependent())) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.editEquationMathQuillGGB(this, seMayLatex, false); } else { removeSpecial(ihtml); tb = new GTextBox(); tb.setText(geo.getAlgebraDescriptionDefault()); addSpecial(tb); mout = false; tb.setFocus(true); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { tb.setFocus(true); } }); tb.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { @Override public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent kevent) { if (kevent.getNativeKeyCode() == 13) { removeSpecial(tb); addSpecial(ihtml); stopEditingSimple(tb.getText()); app.hideKeyboard(); } else if (kevent.getNativeKeyCode() == 27) { removeSpecial(tb); addSpecial(ihtml); stopEditingSimple(null); app.hideKeyboard(); } } }); tb.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent bevent) { if (mout && !blockBlur) { removeSpecial(tb); addSpecial(ihtml); stopEditingSimple(null); } } }); tb.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent moevent) { mout = false; } }); tb.addMouseOutHandler(new MouseOutHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent moevent) { mout = true; tb.setFocus(true); } }); ClickStartHandler.init(tb, new ClickStartHandler() { @Override public void onClickStart(int x, int y, final PointerEventType type) { OnScreenKeyBoard.setInstanceTextField(app, tb); // prevent that keyboard is closed on clicks (changing // cursor position) CancelEventTimer.keyboardSetVisible(); } }); } scrollIntoView(); } public void stopEditingSimple(String newValue) { thisIsEdited = false; av.cancelEditing(); if (newValue != null) { if (geo != null) { boolean redefine = !geo.isPointOnPath(); GeoElement geo2 = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().changeGeoElement(geo, newValue, redefine, true); if (geo2 != null) geo = geo2; } else { // TODO create new GeoElement } } // maybe it's possible to enter something which is LaTeX // note: this should be OK for independent GeoVectors too doUpdate(); } private static String stopCommon(String newValue0) { String newValue = newValue0; // newValue = newValue0.replace("space *", " "); // newValue = newValue.replace("* space", " "); // newValue = newValue.replace("space*", " "); // newValue = newValue.replace("*space", " "); newValue = newValue.replace("space ", " "); newValue = newValue.replace(" space", " "); newValue = newValue.replace("space", " "); // \" is the " Quotation delimiter returned by MathQuillGGB // now it's handy that "space" is not in newValue newValue = newValue.replace("\\\"", "space"); // change \" to corresponding unicode characters StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringUtil.processQuotes(sb, newValue, Unicode.OPEN_DOUBLE_QUOTE); newValue = sb.toString(); newValue = newValue.replace("space", "\""); // do not substitute for absolute value in these cases newValue = newValue.replace("||", ExpressionNodeConstants.strOR); return newValue; } @Override public boolean stopEditing(String newValue0) { boolean ret = false; if (blockBlur && blockBlurSensible()) { return false; } thisIsEdited = false; av.cancelEditing(); if (newValue0 != null) { String newValue = stopCommon(newValue0); // not sure why it is needed... TODO: is this needed? newValue.replace(" ", ""); // Formula Hacks ended. if (geo != null) { boolean redefine = !geo.isPointOnPath(); GeoElement geo2 = kernel.getAlgebraProcessor().changeGeoElement(geo, newValue, redefine, true); if (geo2 != null) { ret = true; geo = geo2; } } else { // TODO: create new GeoElement! } } // maybe it's possible to enter something which is non-LaTeX doUpdate(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { scrollIntoView(); } }); return ret; } /** * Stop new formula creation Much of this code is copied from * AlgebraInputW.onKeyUp * * @param newValue0 * @return boolean whether it was successful */ public boolean stopNewFormulaCreation(String newValue0, final String latexx, final AsyncOperation cb) { // TODO: move to NewRadioButtonTreeItem? Wouldn't help much... String newValue = newValue0; if (newValue0 != null) { newValue = stopCommon(newValue); } app.getKernel().clearJustCreatedGeosInViews(); final String input = newValue; if (input == null || input.length() == 0) { app.getActiveEuclidianView().requestFocusInWindow(); // Michael // Borcherds // 2008-05-12 scrollIntoView(); return false; } app.setScrollToShow(true); try { AsyncOperation callback = new AsyncOperation() { @Override public void callback(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof GeoElement[])) { // inputField.getTextBox().setFocus(true); setFocus(true); return; } GeoElement[] geos = (GeoElement[]) obj; // need label if we type just eg // lnx if (geos.length == 1 && !geos[0].labelSet) { geos[0].setLabel(geos[0].getDefaultLabel()); } // create texts in the middle of the visible view // we must check that size of geos is not 0 (ZoomIn, // ZoomOut, ...) if (geos.length > 0 && geos[0] != null && geos[0].isGeoText()) { GeoText text = (GeoText) geos[0]; if (!text.isTextCommand() && text.getStartPoint() == null) { Construction cons = text.getConstruction(); EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev = app.getActiveEuclidianView(); boolean oldSuppressLabelsStatus = cons.isSuppressLabelsActive(); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(true); GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(text.getConstruction(), null, (ev.getXmin() + ev.getXmax()) / 2, (ev.getYmin() + ev.getYmax()) / 2, 1.0); cons.setSuppressLabelCreation(oldSuppressLabelsStatus); try { text.setStartPoint(p); text.update(); } catch (CircularDefinitionException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } app.setScrollToShow(false); addToHistory(input, latexx); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { scrollIntoView(); if (newCreationMode) { setFocus(true); } } }); // actually this (and only this) means return true! cb.callback(null); // inputField.setText(null); // that comes after boolean // return true // inputField.setIsSuggestionJustHappened(false); // that is // not relevant here } }; GeoElement[] newGeo = app.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor() .processAlgebraCommandNoExceptionHandling(input, true, false, true, true, callback); if (newGeo != null && newGeo.length == 1 && newGeo[0] instanceof GeoText) { // texts created via the input field should be displayed in the // AV newGeo[0].setAuxiliaryObject(false); } } catch (Exception ee) { // TODO: better exception handling // GOptionPaneW.setCaller(inputField.getTextBox());// we have no // good FocusWidget // app.showError(ee, inputField); app.showError(ee.getMessage());// we use what we have return false; } catch (MyError ee) { // TODO: better error handling // GOptionPaneW.setCaller(inputField.getTextBox());// we have no // good FocusWidget // inputField.showError(ee); app.showError(ee);// we use what we have return false; } // there is also a timer to make sure it scrolls into view Timer tim = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { scrollIntoView(); if (newCreationMode) { setFocus(true); } } }; tim.schedule(500); return true; } @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent evt) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) return; onDoubleClickAction(evt.isControlKeyDown(), evt.isShiftKeyDown()); } private void onDoubleClickAction(boolean ctrl, boolean shif) { EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev = app.getActiveEuclidianView(); selection.clearSelectedGeos(); ev.resetMode(); if (geo != null && !ctrl) { av.startEditing(geo, shif); // if (app.isPrerelease() && tb != null) { // app.showKeyboard(tb); // // update the keyboard, if it is already visible // OnScreenKeyBoard.setInstanceTextField(tb); // blockBlur = true; // OnScreenKeyBoard.setResetComponent(this); // } else if (app.isPrerelease()) { // app.showKeyboard(this); // // update the keyboard, if it is already visible // OnScreenKeyBoard.setInstanceTextField(this); // blockBlur = true; // OnScreenKeyBoard.setResetComponent(this); // } } } @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } PointerEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEventAbsolute(event, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerDown(wrappedEvent); // This would prevent dragging, so commented out // event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent evt) { // this 'if' should be the first one in every 'mouse' related method if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } PointerEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(evt, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerUp(wrappedEvent); ((AlgebraViewWeb) this.av).getStyleBar().update(this.getGeo()); if (app.isPrerelease() && geo != null) { if (deleteButton == null) { deleteButton = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.algebraViewDeleteEntry()); deleteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { geo.remove(); } }); } add(deleteButton); ((AlgebraViewWeb) this.av).setActiveTreeItem(this); } } @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent evt) { if (CancelEventTimer.cancelMouseEvent()) { return; } PointerEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(evt, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerMove(wrappedEvent); } @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (geo != null) { ToolTipManagerW.sharedInstance().showToolTip(geo.getLongDescriptionHTML(true, true)); } } @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { ToolTipManagerW.sharedInstance().showToolTip(null); } @Override public GeoElement getGeo() { return geo; } public long latestTouchEndTime = 0; @Override public void onTouchEnd(TouchEndEvent event) { if (newCreationMode) { setFocus(true); } else { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time - latestTouchEndTime < 500) { // ctrl key, shift key for TouchEndEvent? interesting... latestTouchEndTime = time; onDoubleClickAction(false, // event.isControlKeyDown(), false // event.isShiftKeyDown() ); } else { latestTouchEndTime = time; } } longTouchManager.cancelTimer(); PointerEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(event, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerUp(wrappedEvent); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } @Override public void onTouchMove(TouchMoveEvent event) { int x = EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientX(event); int y = EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientY(event); longTouchManager.rescheduleTimerIfRunning(this, x, y); JsArray<Touch> targets = event.getTargetTouches(); AbstractEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(targets.get(0), ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerMove(wrappedEvent); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } @Override public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) { int x = EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientX(event); int y = EventUtil.getTouchOrClickClientY(event); longTouchManager.scheduleTimer(this, x, y); AbstractEvent wrappedEvent = PointerEvent.wrapEvent(event, ZeroOffset.instance); onPointerDown(wrappedEvent); CancelEventTimer.touchEventOccured(); } private void onPointerDown(AbstractEvent event) { if (event.isRightClick()) { onRightClick(event.getX(), event.getY()); } else if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) { app.showKeyboard(this); PointerEvent pointerEvent = (PointerEvent) event; pointerEvent.getWrappedEvent().stopPropagation(); if (newCreationMode) { setFocus(true); } } } private void onPointerUp(AbstractEvent event) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) { return; } int mode = app.getActiveEuclidianView().getMode(); if (// !skipSelection && (mode == EuclidianConstants.MODE_MOVE)) { // update selection if (geo == null) { selection.clearSelectedGeos(); } else { // handle selecting geo if (event.isControlDown()) { selection.toggleSelectedGeo(geo); if (selection.getSelectedGeos().contains(geo)) { av.setLastSelectedGeo(geo); } } else if (event.isShiftDown() && av.getLastSelectedGeo() != null) { boolean nowSelecting = true; boolean selecting = false; boolean aux = geo.isAuxiliaryObject(); boolean ind = geo.isIndependent(); boolean aux2 = av.getLastSelectedGeo().isAuxiliaryObject(); boolean ind2 = av.getLastSelectedGeo().isIndependent(); if ((aux == aux2 && aux) || (aux == aux2 && ind == ind2)) { Iterator<GeoElement> it = kernel.getConstruction().getGeoSetLabelOrder().iterator(); boolean direction = geo.getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate) .compareTo(av.getLastSelectedGeo().getLabel(StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)) < 0; while (it.hasNext()) { GeoElement geo2 =; if ((geo2.isAuxiliaryObject() == aux && aux) || (geo2.isAuxiliaryObject() == aux && geo2.isIndependent() == ind)) { if (direction && geo2.equals(av.getLastSelectedGeo())) selecting = !selecting; if (!direction && geo2.equals(geo)) selecting = !selecting; if (selecting) { selection.toggleSelectedGeo(geo2); nowSelecting = selection.getSelectedGeos().contains(geo2); } if (!direction && geo2.equals(av.getLastSelectedGeo())) selecting = !selecting; if (direction && geo2.equals(geo)) selecting = !selecting; } } } if (nowSelecting) { selection.addSelectedGeo(geo); av.setLastSelectedGeo(geo); } else { selection.removeSelectedGeo(av.getLastSelectedGeo()); av.setLastSelectedGeo(null); } } else { selection.clearSelectedGeos(false); // repaint will be done // next step selection.addSelectedGeo(geo); av.setLastSelectedGeo(geo); } } } else if (mode != EuclidianConstants.MODE_SELECTION_LISTENER) { // let euclidianView know about the click if (geo != null) { app.getActiveEuclidianView().clickedGeo(geo, event.isControlDown()); } // event.release(); } else // tell selection listener about click if (geo != null) { app.geoElementSelected(geo, false); } // Alt click: copy definition to input field if (geo != null && event.isAltDown() && app.showAlgebraInput()) { // F3 key: copy definition to input bar app.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().handleFunctionKeyForAlgebraInput(3, geo); } app.getActiveEuclidianView().mouseMovedOver(null); // this should not give the focus to AV instead of the current formula! // except if we are not in editing mode! That's why better condition was // needed at the beginning of this method! av.setFocus(true); } private void onPointerMove(AbstractEvent event) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) return; // tell EuclidianView to handle mouse over EuclidianViewInterfaceCommon ev = kernel.getApplication().getActiveEuclidianView(); if (geo != null) { ev.mouseMovedOver(geo); } // highlight the geos // getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("rgb(200,200,245)"); // implemented by HTML title attribute on the label // FIXME: geo.getLongDescription() doesn't work // if (geo != null) { // geo.getKernel().getApplication().setTooltipFlag(); // se.setTitle(geo.getLongDescription()); // geo.getKernel().getApplication().clearTooltipFlag(); // } else { // se.setTitle(""); // } } private void onRightClick(int x, int y) { if (av.isEditing() || isThisEdited() || newCreationMode) return; SelectionManager selection = app.getSelectionManager(); GPoint point = new GPoint(x + Window.getScrollLeft(), y + Window.getScrollTop()); if (geo != null) { if (selection.containsSelectedGeo(geo)) {// popup // menu for // current // selection // (including // selected // object) ((GuiManagerW) app.getGuiManager()).showPopupMenu(selection.getSelectedGeos(), av, point); } else {// select only this object and popup menu selection.clearSelectedGeos(false); selection.addSelectedGeo(geo, true, true); ArrayList<GeoElement> temp = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); temp.add(geo); ((GuiManagerW) app.getGuiManager()).showPopupMenu(temp, av, point); } } } /** * As adding focus handlers to JavaScript code would be too complex, let's * do it even before they actually get focus, i.e. make a method that * triggers focus, and then override it if necessary * * @param b * focus (false: blur) */ public void setFocus(boolean b) { geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.focusEquationMathQuillGGB(seMayLatex, b); // as the focus operation sometimes also scrolls // if (b) // geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.scrollCursorIntoView(this, // seMayLatex); // put to focus handler } public void resetBlockBlur() { this.blockBlur = false; if (tb != null) { NativeEvent event = Document.get().createBlurEvent(); tb.onBrowserEvent(; } } public void insertString(String text) { // even worse // for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) // geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.writeLatexInPlaceOfCurrentWord( // seMayLatex, "" + text.charAt(i), "", false); geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.writeLatexInPlaceOfCurrentWord(seMayLatex, text, "", false); } public String getText() { return geogebra.html5.main.DrawEquationWeb.getActualEditedValue(seMayLatex); } public void scrollIntoView() { this.getElement().scrollIntoView(); } public void removeCloseButton() { if (this.deleteButton != null) { remove(this.deleteButton); } } void removeSpecial(Widget w) { remove(w); if (sliderPanel != null) { sliderPanel.remove(w); } } void addSpecial(Widget w) { if (geo != null && geo instanceof GeoNumeric && slider != null && sliderPanel != null) { sliderPanel.remove(slider); sliderPanel.add(w); if (((HasExtendedAV) geo).isShowingExtendedAV()) { sliderPanel.add(slider); } } else if (checkBox != null) { remove(checkBox); add(w); if (((HasExtendedAV) geo).isShowingExtendedAV()) { add(checkBox); } } else { add(w); } } public void setDraggable() { getElement().setAttribute("position", "absolute"); addDomHandler(new DragStartHandler() { public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { event.setData("text", "draggginggg"); event.getDataTransfer().setDragImage(getElement(), 10, 10); event.stopPropagation(); ((AlgebraViewW) av).dragStart(event, geo); } }, DragStartEvent.getType()); } public App getApplication() { return app; } }