Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2013 the original author or authors.                     
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");         
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.        
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at                                 
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software     
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,       
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and     
 * limitations under the License.                                          
package gemlite.core.internal.db;

import gemlite.core.common.StringPrintWriter;
import gemlite.core.internal.common.JavaTypes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEvent;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.asyncqueue.AsyncEventListener;

 * Some utility methods for {@link AsyncEventListener} and WAN. Note that since
 * this is also used by the GemFireXD WAN layer, users should not change this
 * class, rather should extend it and then modify for custom changes to
 * {@link DBSynchronizer}.
public class AsyncEventHelper {

    /** the maximum size of BLOBs that will be kept in memory */
    static final int MAX_MEM_BLOB_SIZE = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
    /** the maximum size of CLOBs that will be kept in memory */
    static final int MAX_MEM_CLOB_SIZE = (MAX_MEM_BLOB_SIZE >>> 1);

     * When an event fails, then this keeps the last time when a failure was
     * logged. We don't want to swamp the logs in retries due to a syntax error,
     * for example, but we don't want to remove it from the retry map either lest
     * all subsequent dependent DMLs may start failing.
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<AsyncEvent, long[]> failureLogInterval = new ConcurrentHashMap<AsyncEvent, long[]>(
            16, 0.75f, 2);

     * The maximum size of {@link #failureLogInterval} beyond which it will start
     * logging all failure instances. Hopefully this should never happen in
     * practise.
    protected static final int FAILURE_MAP_MAXSIZE = Integer.getInteger("gemfirexd.asyncevent.FAILURE_MAP_MAXSIZE",

     * The maximum interval for logging failures of the same event in millis.
    protected static final int FAILURE_LOG_MAX_INTERVAL = Integer
            .getInteger("gemfirexd.asyncevent.FAILURE_LOG_MAX_INTERVAL", 300000);

    public static final boolean POSTGRESQL_SYNTAX = Boolean.getBoolean("gemfirexd.asyncevent.POSTGRESQL_SYNTAX");

    public static final String EVENT_ERROR_LOG_FILE = "dbsync_failed_dmls.xml";
    public static final String EVENT_ERROR_LOG_ENTRIES_FILE = "dbsync_failed_dmls_entries.xml";

    //  private EventErrorLogger evErrorLogger;

    public static AsyncEventHelper newInstance() {
        return new AsyncEventHelper();

     * Append the backtrace of given exception to provided {@link StringBuilder}.
     * @param t
     *          the exception whose backtrace is required
     * @param sb
     *          the {@link StringBuilder} to which the stack trace is to be
     *          appended
    public final void getStackTrace(Throwable t, StringBuilder sb) {
        t.printStackTrace(new StringPrintWriter(sb));

     * Log the given message and exception to the provided logger.
     * @param logger
     *          the {@link Logger} to log the message to
     * @param level
     *          the {@link Level} to use for logging the message
     * @param t
     *          the exception whose backtrace is to be logged; can be null in
     *          which case it is ignored
     * @param message
     *          the message to be logged
    public final void log(Logger logger, Level level, Throwable t, final String message) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(message).append(": ");
        if (t != null) {
            getStackTrace(t, sb);
        if (Level.SEVERE.equals(level.toString()))

     * Log the given formatted message and exception to the provided logger. The
     * format expected is the same as supported by
     * {@link String#format(String, Object...)}.
     * @param logger
     *          the {@link Logger} to log the message to
     * @param level
     *          the {@link Level} to use for logging the message
     * @param t
     *          the exception whose backtrace is to be logged; can be null in
     *          which case it is ignored
     * @param format
     *          the message format
     * @param params
     *          the parameters to the message format
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
     * @see Formatter#format(String, Object...)
    public final void logFormat(Logger logger, Level level, Throwable t, String format, Object... params) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
        fmt.format(format, params);
        if (t != null) {
            sb.append(": ");
            getStackTrace(t, sb);
        if (Level.SEVERE.equals(level.toString()))

     * Get a DML string that can be used to insert rows in given table. Any
     * auto-increment columns are skipped from the insert statement assuming that
     * they have to be re-generated by the backend database.
     * @param tableName
     *          name of the table
     * @param tableMetaData
     *          meta-data of the columns of the table
     * @param hasAutoIncrementColumns
     *          should be true if table has any auto-increment columns and those
     *          are to be skipped in the insert string
     * @throws SQLException
     *           in case of an error in getting column information from table
     *           meta-data
    public static final String getInsertString(String tableName, List<String> valueFields) throws SQLException {
        // skip identity columns, if any
        StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder().append("insert into ");
        // remove quotes from tableName
        if (POSTGRESQL_SYNTAX) {
            String unQuotedTableName = tableName.replace("\"", "");
        } else {

        final int numColumns = valueFields.size();
        // need to specify only the non-autogen column names
        for (int pos = 0; pos < numColumns; pos++) {
        sbuff.setCharAt(sbuff.length() - 1, ')');
        sbuff.append(" values (");
        for (int pos = 0; pos < numColumns; pos++) {
        sbuff.setCharAt(sbuff.length() - 1, ')');
        return sbuff.toString();

     * Get a DML string that can be used to delete rows in given table. Caller
     * needs to pass the primary-key column information as a
     * {@link ResultSetMetaData} obtained from
     * {@link AsyncEvent#getPrimaryKeysAsResultSet()}.
     * @param tableName
     *          name of the table
     * @param pkMetaData
     *          meta-data of the primary key columns of the table
     * @throws SQLException
     *           in case of an error in getting column information from primary
     *           key meta-data
    public static final String getDeleteString(String tableName, List<String> keyFields) throws SQLException {
        StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder().append("delete from ");
        // remove quotes from tableName
        if (POSTGRESQL_SYNTAX) {
            String unQuotedTableName = tableName.replace("\"", "");
        } else {
        sbuff.append(" where ");
        // use the primary key columns to fire the delete on backend DB;
        // tables having no primary keys are received as BULK_DML statements
        // and will not reach here
        final int numCols = keyFields.size();
        for (int col = 0; col < numCols - 1; col++) {
            sbuff.append("=? and ");
        sbuff.append(keyFields.get(numCols - 1));
        return sbuff.toString();

     * Get a DML string that can be used to update rows in given table. Caller
     * needs to pass the primary-key column information as a
     * {@link ResultSetMetaData} obtained from
     * {@link AsyncEvent#getPrimaryKeysAsResultSet()}, and the meta-data of updated
     * columns as a {@link ResultSetMetaData} obtained from
     * {@link AsyncEvent#getNewRowsAsResultSet()}.
     * @param tableName
     *          name of the table
     * @param pkMetaData
     *          meta-data of the primary key columns of the table
     * @param updateMetaData
     *          meta-data of the updated columns of the table
     * @throws SQLException
     *           in case of an error in getting column information from primary
     *           key meta-data, or from meta-data of updated columns
    public static final String getUpdateString(String tableName, List<String> keyFields, List<String> valueFields)
            throws SQLException {
        StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder().append("update ");
        // remove quotes from tableName
        if (POSTGRESQL_SYNTAX) {
            String unQuotedTableName = tableName.replace("\"", "");
        } else {
        sbuff.append(" set ");
        final int numPkCols = keyFields.size();
        for (int col = 0; col < valueFields.size(); col++) {
        sbuff.setCharAt(sbuff.length() - 1, ' ');
        sbuff.append("where ");
        for (int col = 0; col < numPkCols; col++) {
            if (col > 0) {
                sbuff.append("and ");
            sbuff.append("=? ");
        return sbuff.toString();

     * Set the parameters to the prepared statement for a
     * {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_DML} or {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_INSERT} operation.
     * The implementation creates a batch for {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_INSERT} and
     * also tries to add as a batch for {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_DML} in case the
     * previous prepared statement is same as this one.
     * @param event
     *          the {@link AsyncEvent} object
     * @param evType
     *          the {@link AsyncEvent.Type} of the event
     * @param ps
     *          the prepared statement to be used for prepare
     * @param prevPS
     *          the prepared statement used for the previous event; in case it is
     *          same as the current one the new update for a
     *          {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_DML} operation will be added as a batch
     * @param sync
     *          the {@link DBSynchronizer} object, if any; it is used to store
     *          whether the current driver is JDBC4 compliant to enable performing
     *          BLOB/CLOB operations {@link PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream},
     *          {@link PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream}
     * @return true if the event was {@link AsyncEvent.Type#BULK_INSERT} and false
     *         otherwise
     * @throws SQLException
     *           in case of an exception in getting meta-data or setting
     *           parameters
    //  public final boolean setParamsInBulkPreparedStatement(AsyncEvent event,
    //      AsyncEvent.Type evType, PreparedStatement ps, PreparedStatement prevPS,
    //      DBSynchronizer sync) throws SQLException {
    //    if (evType.isBulkInsert()) {
    //      // need to deserialize individual rows and execute as batch prepared
    //      // statement
    //      final ResultSetMetaData rsmd = event.getResultSetMetaData();
    //      final int numColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
    //      final ResultSet rows = event.getNewRowsAsResultSet();
    //      // prepared statement will already be set correctly to skip auto-increment
    //      // columns assuming getInsertString was used to get the SQL string
    //      final boolean skipAutoGenCols = (event.tableHasAutogeneratedColumns()
    //          && (sync == null || sync.skipIdentityColumns()));
    //      while ( {
    //        int paramIndex = 1;
    //        for (int rowPos = 1; rowPos <= numColumns; rowPos++) {
    //          if (!skipAutoGenCols || !rsmd.isAutoIncrement(rowPos)) {
    //            setColumnInPrepStatement(rsmd.getColumnType(rowPos), ps, rows,
    //                rowPos, paramIndex, sync);
    //            paramIndex++;
    //          }
    //        }
    //        ps.addBatch();
    //      }
    //      return true;
    //    }
    //    else {
    //      if (prevPS == ps) {
    //        // add a new batch of values
    //        ps.addBatch();
    //      }
    //      final ResultSet params = event.getNewRowsAsResultSet();
    //      final ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
    //      final int columnCount;
    //      if (params != null
    //          && (columnCount = (rsmd = params.getMetaData()).getColumnCount()) > 0) {
    //        for (int paramIndex = 1; paramIndex <= columnCount; paramIndex++) {
    //          setColumnInPrepStatement(rsmd.getColumnType(paramIndex), ps, params,
    //              paramIndex, paramIndex, sync);
    //        }
    //      }
    //      return false;
    //    }
    //  }

     * Set column value at given index in a prepared statement. The implementation
     * tries using the matching underlying type to minimize any data type
     * conversions, and avoid creating wrapper Java objects (e.g. {@link Integer}
     * for primitive int).
     * @param type
     *          the SQL type of the column as specified by JDBC {@link Types}
     *          class
     * @param ps
     *          the prepared statement where the column value has to be set
     * @param row
     *          the source row as a {@link ResultSet} from where the value has to
     *          be extracted
     * @param rowPosition
     *          the 1-based position of the column in the provided
     *          <code>row</code>
     * @param paramIndex
     *          the 1-based position of the column in the target prepared
     *          statement (provided <code>ps</code> argument)
     * @param sync
     *          the {@link DBSynchronizer} object, if any; it is used to store
     *          whether the current driver is JDBC4 compliant to enable performing
     *          BLOB/CLOB operations {@link PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream},
     *          {@link PreparedStatement#setCharacterStream}
     * @throws SQLException
     *           in case of an exception in setting parameters
    public final void setColumnInPrepStatement(String type, Object val, PreparedStatement ps,
            final DBSynchronizer sync, int paramIndex) throws SQLException {
        switch (type) {
        case JavaTypes.STRING:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.VARCHAR);
            else {
                final String realVal = (String) val;
                ps.setString(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.INT1:
        case JavaTypes.INT2:
        case JavaTypes.INT3:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.INTEGER);
            else {
                final int realVal = (int) val;
                ps.setInt(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.DOUBLE1:
        case JavaTypes.DOUBLE2:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.DOUBLE);
            else {
                final double realVal = (double) val;
                ps.setDouble(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.FLOAT1:
        case JavaTypes.FLOAT2:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.FLOAT);
            else {
                final float realVal = (float) val;
                ps.setDouble(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.BOOLEAN1:
        case JavaTypes.BOOLEAN2:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.BOOLEAN);
            else {
                final boolean realVal = (boolean) val;
                ps.setBoolean(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.DATE_SQL:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.DATE);
            else {
                final Date realVal = (Date) val;
                ps.setDate(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.DATE_UTIL:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.DATE);
            else {
                final java.util.Date realVal = (java.util.Date) val;
                ps.setDate(paramIndex, new Date(realVal.getTime()));
        case JavaTypes.BIGDECIMAL:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.DECIMAL);
            else {
                final BigDecimal realVal = (BigDecimal) val;
                ps.setBigDecimal(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.TIME:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.TIME);
            else {
                final Time realVal = (Time) val;
                ps.setTime(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.TIMESTAMP:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.TIMESTAMP);
            else {
                final Timestamp realVal = (Timestamp) val;
                ps.setTimestamp(paramIndex, realVal);
        case JavaTypes.OBJECT:
            if (val == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.toString()))
                ps.setNull(paramIndex, Types.JAVA_OBJECT);
            else {
                final Object realVal = (Object) val;
                ps.setObject(paramIndex, realVal);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("java.sql.Type = " + type + " not supported");

     * Check if logging for the same event repeatedly has to be skipped. This
     * keeps a map of failed event against the last logged time and doubles the
     * time interval to wait before next logging on every subsequent call for the
     * same event.
    public final boolean skipFailureLogging(AsyncEvent event) {
        boolean skipLogging = false;
        // if map has become large then give up on new events but we don't expect
        // it to become too large in practise
        if (this.failureLogInterval.size() < FAILURE_MAP_MAXSIZE) {
            // first long in logInterval gives the last time when the log was done,
            // and the second tracks the current log interval to be used which
            // increases exponentially
            // multiple currentTimeMillis calls below may hinder performance
            // but not much to worry about since failures are expected to
            // be an infrequent occurance (and if frequent then we have to skip
            // logging for quite a while in any case)
            long[] logInterval = this.failureLogInterval.get(event);
            if (logInterval == null) {
                logInterval = this.failureLogInterval.putIfAbsent(event,
                        new long[] { System.currentTimeMillis(), 1000 });
            if (logInterval != null) {
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if ((currentTime - logInterval[0]) < logInterval[1]) {
                    skipLogging = true;
                } else {
                    logInterval[0] = currentTime;
                    // don't increase logInterval to beyond a limit (5 mins by default)
                    if (logInterval[1] <= (FAILURE_LOG_MAX_INTERVAL / 4)) {
                        logInterval[1] *= 4;
                    // TODO: should the retries be throttled by some sleep here?
        return skipLogging;

     * After a successful event execution remove from failure map if present (i.e.
     * if the event had failed on a previous try).
    public final boolean removeEventFromFailureMap(AsyncEvent event) {
        return this.failureLogInterval.remove(event) != null;

     * Return true if failure map has entries.
    public final boolean hasFailures() {
        return this.failureLogInterval.size() > 0;

     * Encrypt the password of a given user for storage in file or memory.
     * @param user
     *          the name of user
     * @param password
     *          the password to be encrypted
     * @param transformation
     *          the algorithm to use for encryption e.g. AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding or
     *          Blowfish (e.g. see <a href=
     *          ""
     *          >Sun Providers</a> for the available names in Oracle's Sun JDK}
     * @param keySize
     *          the size of the private key of the given "transformation" to use
    //  public static final String encryptPassword(String user, String password,
    //      String transformation, int keySize) throws Exception {
    //    return GemFireXDUtils.encrypt(password, transformation, GemFireXDUtils
    //        .getUserPasswordCipherKeyBytes(user, transformation, keySize));
    //  }

     * Decrypt the password of a given user encrypted using
     * {@link #encryptPassword(String, String, String, int)}.
     * @param user
     *          the name of user
     * @param encPassword
     *          the encrypted password to be decrypted
     * @param transformation
     *          the algorithm to use for encryption e.g. AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding or
     *          Blowfish (e.g. see <a href=
     *          ""
     *          >Sun Providers</a> for the available names in Oracle's Sun JDK}
     * @param keySize
     *          the size of the private key of the given "transformation" to use
    //  public static final String decryptPassword(String user, String encPassword,
    //      String transformation, int keySize) throws Exception {
    //    return GemFireXDUtils.decrypt(encPassword, transformation, GemFireXDUtils
    //        .getUserPasswordCipherKeyBytes(user, transformation, keySize));
    //  }

     * Any cleanup required when closing.
    public void close() {

     * Return a new GemFireXD runtime exception to wrap an underlying exception with
     * optional message detail. When an external exception is received in a
     * callback, using this method to wrap it is recommended for GemFireXD engine to
     * deal with it cleanly.
     * @param message
     *          the detail message of the exception
     * @param t
     *          the underlying exception to be wrapped
    public RuntimeException newRuntimeException(String message, Throwable t) {
        return new RuntimeException(message, t);

    //  public void createEventErrorLogger(String errorFileName) {
    //    // Use the default if not provided
    //    if (errorFileName == null) {
    //      errorFileName = EVENT_ERROR_LOG_FILE;
    //    }
    //    evErrorLogger = new EventErrorLogger(errorFileName);
    //  }

    //  public void logEventError(AsyncEvent ev, Exception e) throws Exception {
    //    if (evErrorLogger == null) {
    //      throw new Exception("AsyncEvent Error Logger not created");
    //    }
    //    this.log(logger, level, t, message);
    //  }