Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright 2017 Florian Erhard * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package gedi.atac; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gedi.core.processing.GenomicRegionProcessor; import gedi.core.processing.ProcessorContext; import gedi.core.processing.sources.ProcessorSource; import gedi.core.reference.Chromosome; import gedi.core.reference.ReferenceSequence; import gedi.core.reference.ReferenceSequenceConversion; import gedi.core.reference.Strand; import gedi.core.region.ArrayGenomicRegion; import gedi.core.region.GenomicRegionPosition; import gedi.core.region.GenomicRegionStorage; import gedi.core.region.ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion; import gedi.core.region.MutableReferenceGenomicRegion; import gedi.util.ArrayUtils; import gedi.util.FileUtils; import gedi.util.FunctorUtils; import gedi.util.StringUtils; import gedi.util.datastructure.array.NumericArray; import gedi.util.datastructure.array.NumericArray.NumericArrayType; import gedi.util.datastructure.collections.doublecollections.DoubleArrayList; import gedi.util.datastructure.collections.intcollections.IntArrayList; import gedi.util.dynamic.DynamicObject; import gedi.util.functions.ExtendedIterator; import; import; import gedi.util.mutable.MutableMonad; import gedi.util.userInteraction.progress.ConsoleProgress; import gedi.util.userInteraction.progress.Progress; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ChiSquaredDistribution; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma; public class Atac { public static void analyzeNfkb(DiskGenomicNumericProvider rmq, GenomicRegionStorage<?> tfbs) throws Exception { int size = tfbs.getRandomEntry().getRegion().getTotalLength(); double[] buff = new double[size + 200]; tfbs.iterateReferenceGenomicRegions().forEachRemaining(rgr -> { if (rgr.getRegion().getTotalLength() != size || rgr.getRegion().getNumParts() != 1) throw new RuntimeException(); ArrayGenomicRegion reg = rgr.getRegion().extendAll(100, 100); PositionNumericIterator it = rmq.iterateValues(rgr.getReference().toPlusStrand(), reg); while (it.hasNext()) buff[it.nextInt() - reg.getStart()] += it.getValue(0); it = rmq.iterateValues(rgr.getReference().toMinusStrand(), reg); while (it.hasNext()) buff[it.nextInt() - reg.getStart()] += it.getValue(0); System.out.printf("%s:%s", rgr.getReference().toStrandIndependent(), rgr.getRegion().toRegionString()); for (int i = 0; i < buff.length; i++) System.out.printf("\t%.0f", buff[i]); System.out.println(); Arrays.fill(buff, 0); }); } public static void analyzePromotors(GenomicRegionStorage<AlignedReadsData> storage, GenomicRegionStorage<String> promotors) throws Exception { int offset = 4; int numCond = storage.getRandomRecord().getNumConditions(); ProcessorSource<String> p = new ProcessorSource<String>(); p.setProgress(new ConsoleProgress()); p.process(storage, ReferenceSequenceConversion.none, promotors, new GenomicRegionProcessor() { int[][] tn5; LineOrientedFile[] out = new LineOrientedFile[numCond]; @Override public void begin(ProcessorContext context) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i] = new LineOrientedFile("promotor." + storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").getEntry(i).getEntry("name").asString() + ".csv"); out[i].startWriting(); } } @Override public void beginRegion(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?> region, ProcessorContext context) throws Exception { if (tn5 == null || tn5[0].length != region.getRegion().getTotalLength()) tn5 = new int[numCond][region.getRegion().getTotalLength()]; else for (int i = 0; i < tn5.length; i++) Arrays.fill(tn5[i], 0); } @Override public void read(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?> region, MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<AlignedReadsData> read, ProcessorContext context) throws Exception { for (int c = 0; c < numCond; c++) { int v = read.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(c, ReadCountMode.All); addValue(region, GenomicRegionPosition.Start.position(read.getReference(), read.getRegion(), offset), c, v); addValue(region, GenomicRegionPosition.Stop.position(read.getReference(), read.getRegion(), -offset), c, v); } } private void addValue(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?> region, int position, int condition, int value) { if (region.getRegion().contains(position)) { position = region.getRegion().induce(position); if (region.getReference().getStrand() == Strand.Minus) position = region.getRegion().getTotalLength() - 1 - position; tn5[condition][position] += value; } } @Override public void endRegion(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?> region, ProcessorContext context) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i].writef(region.getData().toString()); for (int p = 0; p < tn5[i].length; p++) out[i].writef("\t%d", tn5[i][p]); out[i].writeLine(); } } @Override public void end(ProcessorContext context) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i].finishWriting(); } } }); } public static void buildFseqBed(String path, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage) throws IOException { int offset = 4; LineOrientedFile out = new LineOrientedFile(path); out.startWriting(); ConsoleProgress progress = new ConsoleProgress(); progress.init(); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(Chromosome.obtain("chr9")) .forEachRemaining(new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { try { int v = mrgr.getData().getTotalCountOverallInt(ReadCountMode.All); if (v != 0) { writeBed(out, mrgr.getReference(), GenomicRegionPosition.Start .position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), offset), "+", v); writeBed(out, mrgr.getReference(), GenomicRegionPosition.Stop .position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), -offset), "-", v); } progress.setDescription(mrgr.getReference() + ":" + mrgr.getRegion()); progress.incrementProgress(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); progress.finish(); out.finishWriting(); } private static void writeBed(LineOrientedFile out, ReferenceSequence ref, int pos, String strand, int c) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) out.writef("%s\t%d\t%d\t.\t.\t%s\n", ref.getName(), pos, pos + 25, strand); } public static void buildInsertionIndices(String prefix, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, boolean shortLong) throws IOException { int ncond = storage.getRandomRecord().getNumConditions(); for (int i = 0; i < ncond; i++) { String name = storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").getEntry(i).getEntry("name").asString(); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = i + ""; if (shortLong) { String path = prefix + "." + name + ".short.rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building short fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildInsertionIndex(path, true, false, storage, i, true, true); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } path = prefix + "." + name + ".long.rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building long fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildInsertionIndex(path, false, true, storage, i, true, true); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } } String path = prefix + "." + name + ".rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building all fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildInsertionIndex(path, true, true, storage, i, true, true); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } } } public static void buildCoverageIndices(String prefix, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, boolean shortLong) throws IOException { int ncond = storage.getRandomRecord().getNumConditions(); for (int i = 0; i < ncond; i++) { String name = storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").getEntry(i).getEntry("name").asString(); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = i + ""; if (shortLong) { String path = prefix + "." + name + ".short.rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building short fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildCoverageIndex(path, true, false, storage, i); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } path = prefix + "." + name + ".long.rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building long fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildCoverageIndex(path, false, true, storage, i); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } } String path = prefix + "." + name + ".rmq"; if (!new File(path).exists()) { System.out.println("Building all fragments " + name + " into: " + path); buildCoverageIndex(path, true, true, storage, i); } else { System.out.println("Skip " + name + ", file already exists: " + path); } } } public static void buildInsertionIndex(String path, boolean shortFrags, boolean longFrags, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, int condition, boolean start, boolean stop) throws IOException { DiskGenomicNumericBuilder build = new DiskGenomicNumericBuilder(path); int offset = 4; build.setReferenceSorted(true); storage.ei().progress(new ConsoleProgress(), (int) storage.size(), r -> r.toLocationStringRemovedIntrons()) .forEachRemaining(new Consumer<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { try { int v = mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(condition, ReadCountMode.All); int l = mrgr.getRegion().getTotalLength(); if ((l > 180 && longFrags) || (l <= 180 && shortFrags)) { if (v != 0) { if (start) build.addValue(mrgr.getReference(), GenomicRegionPosition.Start .position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), offset), v); if (stop) build.addValue(mrgr.getReference(), GenomicRegionPosition.Stop .position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), -offset), v); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } });; FileUtils .writeAllText( DynamicObject .from("conditions", DynamicObject.from(new Object[] { storage.getMetaData().getEntry("conditions").getEntry(condition) })) .toJson(), new File(path + ".metadata.json")); } public static void buildCoverageIndex(String path, boolean shortFrags, boolean longFrags, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, int condition) throws IOException { DiskGenomicNumericBuilder build = new DiskGenomicNumericBuilder(path); int offset = 4; build.setReferenceSorted(true); NumericArray buff = NumericArray.createMemory(1, NumericArrayType.Integer); storage.ei().progress(new ConsoleProgress(), (int) storage.size(), r -> r.toLocationStringRemovedIntrons()) .forEachRemaining(new Consumer<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { try { int v = mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(condition, ReadCountMode.All); int l = mrgr.getRegion().getTotalLength(); if ((l > 180 && longFrags) || (l <= 180 && shortFrags)) { if (v != 0) { buff.setInt(0, v); build.addCoverageEx(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), buff); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } });; FileUtils .writeAllText( DynamicObject .from("conditions", DynamicObject.from(new Object[] { storage.getMetaData().getEntry("conditions").getEntry(condition) })) .toJson(), new File(path + ".metadata.json")); } public static void buildInsertionIndex(String path, GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage) throws IOException { DiskGenomicNumericBuilder build = new DiskGenomicNumericBuilder(path); int offset = 4; build.setReferenceSorted(true); TreeSet<String> refs = new TreeSet<String>(); storage.getReferenceSequences().forEach(r -> refs.add(r.getName())); ConsoleProgress p = new ConsoleProgress(); Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>> adder = new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { try { int v = mrgr.getData().getTotalCountOverallInt(ReadCountMode.All); if (v > 0) { build.addValue(mrgr.getReference().toPlusStrand(), GenomicRegionPosition.Start.position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), offset), v); build.addValue(mrgr.getReference().toPlusStrand(), GenomicRegionPosition.Stop.position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), -offset), v); } p.incrementProgress(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; for (String n : refs) { p.init(); p.setDescription(n + "+"); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(Chromosome.obtain(n, Strand.Plus)) .forEachRemaining(adder); p.setDescription(n + "-"); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(Chromosome.obtain(n, Strand.Minus)) .forEachRemaining(adder); p.finish(); }; } public static void perChromosomeAndLengthStatistics(GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, String chrPath, String lenPath) throws IOException { LineOrientedFile chr = new LineOrientedFile(chrPath); LineOrientedFile len = new LineOrientedFile(lenPath); chr.startWriting(); len.startWriting(); chr.write("chromosome"); len.write("Length"); for (DynamicObject cond : storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").asArray()) { chr.writef("\t%s", cond.getEntry("name").asString()); len.writef("\t%s", cond.getEntry("name").asString()); } chr.writeLine(); len.writeLine(); IntArrayList[] lenHisto = new IntArrayList[storage.getRandomRecord().getNumConditions()]; for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto.length; i++) lenHisto[i] = new IntArrayList(); for (ReferenceSequence ref : storage.getReferenceSequences()) { MutableMonad<long[]> count = new MutableMonad<long[]>(); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(ref) .forEachRemaining(new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { if (count.Item == null) count.Item = new long[mrgr.getData().getNumConditions()]; for (int d = 0; d < mrgr.getData().getDistinctSequences(); d++) // if (mrgr.getData().getMultiplicity(d)==1) for (int i = 0; i < count.Item.length; i++) { count.Item[i] += mrgr.getData().getCount(d, i) > 0 ? 1 : 0; lenHisto[i].increment(mrgr.getRegion().getTotalLength(), mrgr.getData().getCount(d, i) > 0 ? 1 : 0); } } }); if (count.Item != null) { chr.write(ref.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < count.Item.length; i++) chr.writef("\t%s", count.Item[i]); chr.writeLine(); } } int maxLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto.length; i++) maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, lenHisto[i].size() - 1); for (int l = 1; l <= maxLength; l++) { len.writef("%d", l); for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto.length; i++) len.writef("\t%d", lenHisto[i].getInt(l)); len.writeLine(); } chr.finishWriting(); len.finishWriting(); } public static void lengthPerTypeStatistics(GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, String out, String aggOut, String... typePattern) throws IOException { IntArrayList[][] lenHisto = new IntArrayList[typePattern.length][storage.getRandomRecord() .getNumConditions()]; for (int t = 0; t < lenHisto.length; t++) for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto[t].length; i++) lenHisto[t][i] = new IntArrayList(); Pattern[] types = new Pattern[typePattern.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) types[i] = Pattern.compile(typePattern[i]); for (ReferenceSequence ref : storage.getReferenceSequences()) { int ty = 0; for (; ty < types.length && !types[ty].matcher(ref.toPlusMinusString()).find(); ty++) ; if (ty < types.length) System.out.println(ref + " -> " + types[ty]); else System.out.println("Skipping " + ref); MutableMonad<long[]> count = new MutableMonad<long[]>(); int tyind = ty; if (ty < types.length) storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(ref).forEachRemaining( new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { if (count.Item == null) count.Item = new long[mrgr.getData().getNumConditions()]; for (int i = 0; i < count.Item.length; i++) { count.Item[i] += mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All); lenHisto[tyind][i].increment(mrgr.getRegion().getTotalLength(), mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All)); } } }); } LineOrientedFile o = new LineOrientedFile(out); o.startWriting(); o.write("Type\tLength"); for (DynamicObject cond : storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").asArray()) { o.writef("\t%s", cond.getEntry("name").asString()); } o.writeLine(); int maxLength = 0; for (int t = 0; t < lenHisto.length; t++) for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto.length; i++) maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, lenHisto[t][i].size() - 1); for (int t = 0; t < lenHisto.length; t++) for (int l = 1; l <= maxLength; l++) { o.writef("%s\t%d", typePattern[t], l); for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto[t].length; i++) o.writef("\t%d", lenHisto[t][i].getInt(l)); o.writeLine(); } o.finishWriting(); o = new LineOrientedFile(aggOut); o.startWriting(); o.write("Type"); for (DynamicObject cond : storage.getMetaData().get("conditions").asArray()) { o.writef("\t%s", cond.getEntry("name").asString()); } o.writeLine(); for (int t = 0; t < lenHisto.length; t++) { o.writef("%s", typePattern[t]); for (int i = 0; i < lenHisto[t].length; i++) { long sum = 0; for (int l = 1; l <= maxLength; l++) sum += lenHisto[t][i].getInt(l); o.writef("\t%d", sum); } o.writeLine(); } o.finishWriting(); } public static void normalizationFactors(GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, GenomicRegionStorage<?> peaks, String out, String peakout, String detailout, String... typePattern) throws IOException { int cond = storage.getRandomRecord().getNumConditions(); int[][] allCounts = new int[typePattern.length][cond]; int[][] peakCounts = new int[typePattern.length][cond]; Pattern[] types = new Pattern[typePattern.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) types[i] = Pattern.compile(typePattern[i]); new LineOrientedFile(detailout).delete(); Set<ReferenceSequence> refs = new TreeSet<ReferenceSequence>(); for (ReferenceSequence ref : storage.getReferenceSequences()) refs.add(ref.toStrandIndependent()); for (ReferenceSequence ref : refs) { int ty = 0; for (; ty < types.length && !types[ty].matcher(ref.toPlusMinusString()).find(); ty++) ; if (ty < types.length) System.out.println(ref + " -> " + types[ty]); else System.out.println("Skipping " + ref); HashMap<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?>, int[]> detail = new HashMap<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?>, int[]>(); int tyind = ty; Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>> adder = new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { int f = GenomicRegionPosition.Start.position(ref, mrgr.getRegion(), 4); int b = GenomicRegionPosition.Stop.position(ref, mrgr.getRegion(), -4); int inpeak = 0; if ( ref.toStrandIndependent(), f, f + 1), false).peek(peak -> { int[] c = detail.computeIfAbsent(peak.toImmutable(), x -> new int[cond]); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) c[i] += mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All); }).count() > 0) inpeak++; if ( ref.toStrandIndependent(), b, b + 1), false).peek(peak -> { int[] c = detail.computeIfAbsent(peak.toImmutable(), x -> new int[cond]); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) c[i] += mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All); }).count() > 0) inpeak++; for (int i = 0; i < allCounts[tyind].length; i++) { allCounts[tyind][i] += mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All); if (inpeak > 0) peakCounts[tyind][i] += mrgr.getData().getTotalCountForConditionInt(i, ReadCountMode.All) * inpeak; } } }; if (ty < types.length) { storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(ref).forEachRemaining(adder); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(ref.toPlusStrand()).forEachRemaining(adder); storage.iterateMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(ref.toMinusStrand()).forEachRemaining(adder); } LineOrientedFile d = new LineOrientedFile(detailout); if (d.exists()) d.startAppending(); else { d.startWriting(); d.write("Peak\tType"); for (int i = 0; i < cond; i++) d.writef("\t%d", i); d.writeLine(); } for (ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<?> peak : detail.keySet()) { int[] count = detail.get(peak); d.writef("%s\t%s", peak.toLocationString(), typePattern[ty]); for (int c = 0; c < cond; c++) d.writef("\t%d", count[c]); d.writeLine(); } d.finishWriting(); } LineOrientedFile o = new LineOrientedFile(out); o.startWriting(); o.write("Type\tCondition Index\tCount\n"); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { for (int c = 0; c < allCounts[i].length; c++) { o.writef("%s\t%d\t%d\n", typePattern[i], c, allCounts[i][c]); } } o.finishWriting(); o = new LineOrientedFile(peakout); o.startWriting(); o.write("Type\tCondition Index\tCount\n"); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { for (int c = 0; c < allCounts[i].length; c++) { o.writef("%s\t%d\t%d\n", typePattern[i], c, peakCounts[i][c]); } } o.finishWriting(); } private enum PeakAnnotation { Intergenic, GeneBody, Promotor, BidirectionalPromotor } public static void annotatePeaks(GenomicRegionStorage<Transcript> genes, GenomicRegionStorage<Transcript> trans, String peakFile, String out) throws IOException { LineIterator it = new LineOrientedFile(peakFile).lineIterator(); LineOrientedFile o = new LineOrientedFile(out); o.startWriting(); o.writef("%s\tType\tGene\n",; while (it.hasNext()) { String line =; ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<Object> rgr = ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion .parse(StringUtils.splitField(line, '\t', 0)); ArrayList<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<Transcript>> inter = new ArrayList<ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<Transcript>>(); genes.getReferenceRegionsIntersecting(rgr.getReference().toPlusStrand(), rgr.getRegion(), inter); genes.getReferenceRegionsIntersecting(rgr.getReference().toMinusStrand(), rgr.getRegion(), inter); trans.getReferenceRegionsIntersecting(rgr.getReference().toPlusStrand(), rgr.getRegion(), inter); trans.getReferenceRegionsIntersecting(rgr.getReference().toMinusStrand(), rgr.getRegion(), inter); PeakAnnotation a = inter.size() > 0 ? PeakAnnotation.GeneBody : PeakAnnotation.Intergenic; Transcript tp = null; Transcript tm = null; for (ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<Transcript> tr : inter) { if (rgr.getRegion().contains(GenomicRegionPosition.FivePrime.position(tr))) { if (a == PeakAnnotation.GeneBody) tp = tm = null; a = PeakAnnotation.Promotor; if (tr.getReference().getStrand() == Strand.Plus) tp = tr.getData(); else tm = tr.getData(); } else if (a == PeakAnnotation.GeneBody) { if (tr.getReference().getStrand() == Strand.Plus) tp = tr.getData(); else tm = tr.getData(); } } if (tp != null && tm != null && a == PeakAnnotation.Promotor) a = PeakAnnotation.BidirectionalPromotor; StringBuilder gene = new StringBuilder(); if (tp != null) gene.append(tp.getGeneId()); if (tm != null && tp == null) gene.append(tm.getGeneId()); else if (tm != null && tp != null && a == PeakAnnotation.BidirectionalPromotor) gene.append(", ").append(tm.getGeneId()); o.writef("%s\t%s\t%s\n", line, a.toString(), gene); } o.finishWriting(); } public static void testInPeaks(GenomicRegionStorage<? extends AlignedReadsData> storage, String contrasts, String peakFile, String rmq, String compOut, String bicOut, String out, boolean randomizeContrasts) throws IOException { DiskGenomicNumericBuilder clusterRmq = new DiskGenomicNumericBuilder(rmq); LineIterator it = new LineOrientedFile(peakFile).lineIterator(); LineOrientedFile o = new LineOrientedFile(out); o.startWriting(); o.writef("%s\tComponents\tp.value\n",; int offset = 4; ContrastMapping contr = new ContrastMapping(); ExtendedIterator<String> coit = new LineOrientedFile(contrasts).lineIterator(); if (randomizeContrasts) { String[] ca = coit.toArray(new String[0]); ArrayUtils.shuffleSlice(ca, 0, ca.length); coit = FunctorUtils.arrayIterator(ca); } coit.forEachRemaining( l -> contr.addMapping(contr.getNumOriginalConditions(), contr.getMappedIndexOrNext(l), l)); LineOrientedFile co = new LineOrientedFile(compOut); co.startWriting(); co.writef("Peak\tComponent"); for (int i = 0; i < contr.getNumMergedConditions(); i++) co.writef("\t%s", contr.getMappedName(i)); co.writeLine(); LineOrientedFile bico = new LineOrientedFile(bicOut); bico.startWriting(); bico.writef("Peak\tk\tBIC\n"); Progress pr = new ConsoleProgress(); pr.init(); int peakCount = (int) new LineOrientedFile(peakFile).lineIterator().count() - 1; pr.setCount(peakCount); while (it.hasNext()) { String line =; ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion<Object> peak = ImmutableReferenceGenomicRegion .parse(StringUtils.splitField(line, '\t', 0)); pr.setDescription(peak.toString()); pr.incrementProgress(); HashMap<FixedDoublePoint, Integer> pToPos = new HashMap<FixedDoublePoint, Integer>(); FixedDoublePoint[] m = new FixedDoublePoint[peak.getRegion().getTotalLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { m[i] = new FixedDoublePoint(new double[contr.getNumMergedConditions()]); pToPos.put(m[i], peak.getRegion().map(i)); } Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>> adder = new Consumer<MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData>>() { @Override public void accept(MutableReferenceGenomicRegion<? extends AlignedReadsData> mrgr) { try { int start = GenomicRegionPosition.Start.position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), offset); if (peak.getRegion().contains(start)) addDownsampled(contr, m[peak.getRegion().induce(start)].getPoint(), mrgr.getData().getTotalCountsForConditions(ReadCountMode.All)); int stop = GenomicRegionPosition.Stop.position(mrgr.getReference(), mrgr.getRegion(), -offset); if (peak.getRegion().contains(stop)) addDownsampled(contr, m[peak.getRegion().induce(stop)].getPoint(), mrgr.getData().getTotalCountsForConditions(ReadCountMode.All)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void addDownsampled(ContrastMapping contr, double[] re, double[] c) { double max = ArrayUtils.max(c); if (max > 0) ArrayUtils.mult(c, 1 / max); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) if (contr.getMappedIndex(i) > -1) re[contr.getMappedIndex(i)] += c[i]; } }; storage.iterateIntersectingMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(peak.getReference().toPlusStrand(), peak.getRegion()).forEachRemaining(adder); storage.iterateIntersectingMutableReferenceGenomicRegions(peak.getReference().toMinusStrand(), peak.getRegion()).forEachRemaining(adder); // double[] total = new double[cond]; // for (int i=0; i<m.length; i++) // for (int j=0; j<cond; j++) // total[j]+=m[i].getPoint()[j]; // ArrayUtils.normalize(total); // // double ll = 0; // for (int i=0; i<m.length; i++) // ll+=ddirichlet1(m[i].getPoint(), total); // DoubleArrayList ll = new DoubleArrayList(); ll.add(0); DoubleArrayList bic = new DoubleArrayList(); bic.add(0); ArrayList<FixedDoublePoint> list = new ArrayList<FixedDoublePoint>(); for (FixedDoublePoint p : m) if (ArrayUtils.sum(p.getPoint()) > 0) list.add(p); List<CentroidCluster<FixedDoublePoint>> ocl = null; double op = 0; for (int k = 1; k < Math.min(list.size(), 50); k++) { KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<FixedDoublePoint> kmeans = new KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<FixedDoublePoint>(k); List<CentroidCluster<FixedDoublePoint>> cl = kmeans.cluster(list); double cll = 0; for (CentroidCluster<FixedDoublePoint> c : cl) { double[] total = new double[contr.getNumMergedConditions()]; Arrays.fill(total, 1); for (FixedDoublePoint p : c.getPoints()) for (int j = 0; j < contr.getNumMergedConditions(); j++) total[j] += p.getPoint()[j]; ArrayUtils.normalize(total); for (FixedDoublePoint p : c.getPoints()) cll += ddirichlet1(p.getPoint(), total); } // LLR test double LLR = 2 * cll - 2 * ll.getLastDouble(); double p = 1 - new ChiSquaredDistribution(contr.getNumMergedConditions() - 1).cumulativeProbability(LLR); bic.add(-2 * cll + 2 * (contr.getNumMergedConditions() - 1) * k); bico.writef("%s\t%d\t%.1f\n", peak.toLocationString(), k, bic.getLastDouble()); // bonferroni correction p = p * peakCount; if (p > 0.01) { if (ocl.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ocl.size(); i++) { co.writef("%s\t%d", peak.toLocationString(), i); double[] total = new double[contr.getNumMergedConditions()]; Arrays.fill(total, 1); for (FixedDoublePoint pp : ocl.get(i).getPoints()) { clusterRmq.addValue(peak.getReference(), pToPos.get(pp).intValue(), (byte) i); for (int j = 0; j < contr.getNumMergedConditions(); j++) total[j] += pp.getPoint()[j]; } ArrayUtils.normalize(total); for (int c = 0; c < contr.getNumMergedConditions(); c++) co.writef("\t%.4f", total[c]); co.writeLine(); } } break; } ll.add(cll); ocl = cl; op = p; } o.writef("%s\t%d\t%.4g\n", line, ll.size() - 1, ll.size() == 2 ? Double.NaN : op); } pr.finish(); o.finishWriting(); co.finishWriting();; } private static double ddirichlet1(double[] alpha1, double[] p) { double re = 0; double asum = 0; double gsum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { re += Math.log(p[i]) * (alpha1[i]); asum += alpha1[i] + 1; gsum += Gamma.logGamma(alpha1[i] + 1); } return re + Gamma.logGamma(asum) - gsum; } private static class FixedDoublePoint implements Clusterable, Serializable { /** Serializable version identifier. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3946024775784901369L; /** Point coordinates. */ private final double[] point; /** * Build an instance wrapping an double array. * <p> * The wrapped array is referenced, it is <em>not</em> copied. * * @param point the n-dimensional point in double space */ public FixedDoublePoint(final double[] point) { this.point = point; } /** * Build an instance wrapping an integer array. * <p> * The wrapped array is copied to an internal double array. * * @param point the n-dimensional point in integer space */ public FixedDoublePoint(final int[] point) { this.point = new double[point.length]; for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { this.point[i] = point[i]; } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public double[] getPoint() { return point; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(point); } } }