Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.pcpalm;

 * GDSC SMLM Software
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert
 * Genome Damage and Stability Centre
 * University of Sussex, UK
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.About;
import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.Parameters;
import gdsc.smlm.ij.utils.LoggingOptimiserFunction;
import gdsc.smlm.ij.utils.Utils;
import gdsc.smlm.utils.Maths;
import gdsc.smlm.utils.Statistics;
import gdsc.smlm.utils.UnicodeReader;
import ij.IJ;
import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
import ij.gui.Plot;
import ij.plugin.PlugIn;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import ij.text.TextWindow;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateMatrixFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateVectorFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyIterationsException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.ConvergenceChecker;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.InitialGuess;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.MaxEval;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.MaxIter;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.OptimizationData;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointVectorValuePair;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.SimpleBounds;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.SimpleValueChecker;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.MultivariateOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.ObjectiveFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.ObjectiveFunctionGradient;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.gradient.BFGSOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.noderiv.CMAESOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.ModelFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.ModelFunctionJacobian;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.Target;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.Weight;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.vector.jacobian.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well44497b;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

 * Use the PC-PALM protocol to fit correlation curve(s) using the random or clustered model.
 * <p>
 * See Sengupta, et al (2013). Quantifying spatial resolution in point-localisation superresolution images using pair
 * correlation analysis. Nature Protocols 8, pp345-354.
public class PCPALMFitting implements PlugIn {
    static String TITLE = "PC-PALM Fitting";

    private static String INPUT_FROM_FILE = "Load from file";
    private static String INPUT_PREVIOUS = "Re-use previous curve";
    private static String INPUT_ANALYSIS = "Select PC-PALM Analysis results";
    private static String HEADER_PEAK_DENSITY = "Peak density (um^-2)";
    private static String HEADER_SPATIAL_DOMAIN = "Spatial domain";

    private static String inputOption = "";
    private static double correlationDistance = 800; // nm
    private static double estimatedPrecision = -1;
    private static double copiedEstimatedPrecision = -1;
    private static double blinkingRate = -1;
    private static double copiedBlinkingRate = -1;
    private static boolean showErrorBars = false;
    private static boolean fitClusteredModels = false;
    private static boolean saveCorrelationCurve = false;
    private static String inputFilename = "";
    private static String outputFilename = "";
    private static int fitRestarts = 3;
    private static boolean useLSE = false;
    private static double fitAboveEstimatedPrecision = 0;
    private static double fittingTolerance = 0; // Zero to ignore
    private static double gr_protein_threshold = 1.5;

    private RandomModelFunction randomModel;
    private ClusteredModelFunctionGradient clusteredModel;
    private EmulsionModelFunctionGradient emulsionModel;

    private int boundedEvaluations;

    // Information criterion of models
    private double ic1, ic2, ic3;
    private boolean valid1, valid2;

    // Used for the results table
    private static TextWindow resultsTable = null;

    private boolean doneHeader = false;

    private int offset = 0;
    private double[][] gr;
    private double peakDensity;
    private boolean spatialDomain;

    // Save the input for the analysis
    static double[][] previous_gr;
    private static double previous_peakDensity;
    private static boolean previous_spatialDomain;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String)
    public void run(String arg) {
        //      if (PCPALMAnalysis.results.isEmpty())
        //      {
        //         IJ.error(TITLE, "Require a set of correlation curves for analysis.\n" +
        //               "Please create a g(r) curve using " + PCPALMAnalysis.TITLE);
        //         return;
        //      }
        if (!showDialog())

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();


        double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0;
        String msg = TITLE + " complete : " + seconds + "s";

    private void header() {
        if (!doneHeader) {
            doneHeader = true;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor)
    public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
        // Nothing to do

    private boolean showDialog() {
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE);

        // Build a list of results to use in the analysis
        if (!getCorrelationResults())
            return false;

        if (spatialDomain) {
            // Spatial domain results are just combined to a curve
            // Add option to save the results curve
            gd.addCheckbox("Save_correlation_curve", saveCorrelationCurve);
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            saveCorrelationCurve = gd.getNextBoolean();
            return true;

        if (estimatedPrecision < 0 || copiedEstimatedPrecision != PCPALMMolecules.sigmaS) {
            copiedEstimatedPrecision = estimatedPrecision = PCPALMMolecules.sigmaS;
        if (blinkingRate < 0 || copiedBlinkingRate != PCPALMAnalysis.blinkingRate) {
            copiedBlinkingRate = blinkingRate = PCPALMAnalysis.blinkingRate;

        gd.addMessage("Analyse clusters using Pair Correlation.");

        gd.addNumericField("Estimated_precision", estimatedPrecision, 2);
        gd.addNumericField("Blinking_rate", blinkingRate, 2);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show_error_bars", showErrorBars);
        gd.addSlider("Fit_restarts", 0, 5, fitRestarts);
        gd.addCheckbox("Refit_using_LSE", useLSE);
        gd.addSlider("Fit_above_estimated_precision", 0, 2.5, fitAboveEstimatedPrecision);
        gd.addSlider("Fitting_tolerance", 0, 200, fittingTolerance);
        gd.addSlider("gr_random_threshold", 1, 2.5, gr_protein_threshold);
        gd.addCheckbox("Fit_clustered_models", fitClusteredModels);
        gd.addCheckbox("Save_correlation_curve", saveCorrelationCurve);


        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return false;

        estimatedPrecision = gd.getNextNumber();
        blinkingRate = gd.getNextNumber();
        showErrorBars = gd.getNextBoolean();
        fitRestarts = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber());
        useLSE = gd.getNextBoolean();
        fitAboveEstimatedPrecision = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber());
        fittingTolerance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber());
        gr_protein_threshold = gd.getNextNumber();
        fitClusteredModels = gd.getNextBoolean();
        saveCorrelationCurve = gd.getNextBoolean();

        // Check arguments
        try {
            Parameters.isAbove("Correlation distance", correlationDistance, 1);
            Parameters.isAbove("Estimated precision", estimatedPrecision, 0);
            Parameters.isAbove("Blinking_rate", blinkingRate, 0);
            Parameters.isAbove("gr random threshold", gr_protein_threshold, 1);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            IJ.error(TITLE, ex.getMessage());
            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean getCorrelationResults() {
        // Option to:
        // - load a correlation curve
        // - use previous results (if available)
        // - select a set of analysis results (if available)
        String[] options = new String[] { INPUT_FROM_FILE, "", "" };
        int count = 1;
        if (previous_gr != null)
            options[count++] = INPUT_PREVIOUS;
        if (!PCPALMAnalysis.results.isEmpty())
            options[count++] = INPUT_ANALYSIS;

        options = Arrays.copyOf(options, count);
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE);
        gd.addMessage("Select the source for the correlation curve");
        gd.addChoice("Input", options, inputOption);
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return false;
        inputOption = gd.getNextChoice();

        if (inputOption.equals(INPUT_PREVIOUS)) {
            // In the case of a macro the previous results may be null
            if (previous_gr == null)
                return false;

            gr = previous_gr;
            peakDensity = previous_peakDensity;
            spatialDomain = previous_spatialDomain;
            return true;
        } else if (inputOption.equals(INPUT_FROM_FILE)) {
            return loadCorrelationCurve();

        // Fill the results list with analysis results from PCPALM Analysis
        ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results = new ArrayList<CorrelationResult>();
        if (!selectAnalysisResults(results))
            return false;

        // We have some results. Convert them to the format used for fitting.

        log("Computing combined pair correlation curve (%d datasets)", results.size());

        spatialDomain = results.get(0).spatialDomain;

        // Get average peak density
        peakDensity = 0;

        int size = 0;
        for (CorrelationResult r : results) {
            peakDensity += r.peakDensity;
            size = FastMath.max(size,[0].length);
        peakDensity /= results.size();

        // Combine all selected g(r) curves
        gr = combineCurves(results, size);

        return true;

    private boolean selectAnalysisResults(ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results) {
        // If no results then fail
        if (PCPALMAnalysis.results.isEmpty())
            return false;

        // If only one result then use that
        if (PCPALMAnalysis.results.size() == 1) {
            return true;

        // Otherwise build a set of matched analysis results
        try {
            while (selectNextCorrelation(results))
        } catch (Exception e) {
            IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage());
            return false;

        // Remove bad results from the dataset.
        ArrayList<CorrelationResult> newResults = new ArrayList<CorrelationResult>(results.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
            CorrelationResult r = results.get(i);
            // If the PC-PALM Analysis has been done on too few molecules then the g(r) curve will be bad 
            if (r.n < 10) {
                log("Excluding dataset ID %d - Too few unique points (%f)",, r.n);
            // If the PC-PALM Analysis has a g(r) curve all below 1 then it is not valid
            int offset = r.spatialDomain ? 0 : 1;
            double max = 0;
            for (int j = offset; j <[1].length; j++) {
                if (max <[1][j])
                    max =[1][j];
            if (max < 1) {
                log("Excluding dataset ID %d - g(r) curve is always below 1 (max = %f)",, max);

        results = newResults;
        return !results.isEmpty();

    private boolean selectNextCorrelation(ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results) {
        ArrayList<String> titles = buildTitlesList(results);

        // Show a dialog allowing the user to select an input image
        if (titles.isEmpty())
            return false;

        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE);
        gd.addMessage("Select the next correlation curve\nFrequency domain curves are identified with *");
        int n = (results.size() + 1);

        // If in macro mode then we must just use the String input field to allow the macro
        // IJ to return the field values from the macro arguments. Using a Choice input
        // will always return a field value.

        if (IJ.isMacro())
            // Use blank default value so bad macro parameters return nothing
            gd.addStringField("R_" + n, "");
            gd.addChoice("R_" + n, titles.toArray(new String[titles.size()]), "");

        gd.addMessage("Cancel to finish");
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return false;

        String title;
        if (IJ.isMacro())
            title = gd.getNextString();
            title = gd.getNextChoice();

        // Check the correlation exists. If not then exit. This is mainly relevant for Macro mode since
        // the loop will continue otherwise since the titles list is not empty.
        String[] fields = title.split("\\*?:");
        try {
            int id = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
            for (CorrelationResult r : PCPALMAnalysis.results) {
                if ( == id) {
                    return true;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        return false;

    private ArrayList<String> buildTitlesList(ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results) {
        // Make all subsequent results match the same nmPerPixel limit
        double nmPerPixel = 0;
        boolean spatialDomain = false;
        boolean filter = false;
        if (!results.isEmpty()) {
            filter = true;
            nmPerPixel = results.get(0).nmPerPixel;
            spatialDomain = results.get(0).spatialDomain;

        ArrayList<String> titles = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (CorrelationResult r : PCPALMAnalysis.results) {
            if (alreadySelected(results, r)
                    || (filter && (r.nmPerPixel != nmPerPixel || r.spatialDomain != spatialDomain)))
            titles.add(String.format("%d%s: %s (%s nm/px)",, (r.spatialDomain) ? "" : "*", r.source.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded(r.nmPerPixel, 3)));
        return titles;

    private boolean alreadySelected(ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results, CorrelationResult r) {
        for (CorrelationResult r2 : results)
            if ( ==
                return true;
        return false;

     * Log a message to the IJ log window
     * @param format
     * @param args
    private static void log(String format, Object... args) {
        IJ.log(String.format(format, args));

     * Perform the PC Analysis
     * <p>
     * Spatial domain results can just be combined to an average curve.
     * <p>
     * Frequency domain results can be fit using the g(r) model.
    private void analyse() {
        previous_gr = gr;
        previous_peakDensity = peakDensity;
        previous_spatialDomain = spatialDomain;

        String axisTitle;
        if (spatialDomain) {
            offset = 0;
            axisTitle = "molecules/um^2";
        } else {
            // Ignore the r=0 value by starting with an offset if necessary
            offset = (gr[0][0] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
            axisTitle = "g(r)";
        String title = TITLE + " " + axisTitle;
        Plot plot = PCPALMAnalysis.plotCorrelation(gr, offset, title, axisTitle, spatialDomain, showErrorBars);

        if (spatialDomain) {
            log("Created correlation curve from the spatial domain (Plot title = " + title + ")");

        // -------------
        // Model fitting for g(r) correlation curves
        // -------------
        log("Fitting g(r) correlation curve from the frequency domain");
        log("Average peak density = %s um^-2. Blinking estimate = %s", Utils.rounded(peakDensity, 4),
                Utils.rounded(blinkingRate, 4));


        // Get the protein density in nm^2. 
        peakDensity /= 1e6;

        // Use the blinking rate estimate to estimate the density
        // (factors in the over-counting of the same molecules)
        double proteinDensity = peakDensity / blinkingRate;

        ArrayList<double[]> curves = new ArrayList<double[]>();

        // Fit the g(r) curve for r>0 to equation 2
        Color color =;
        String resultColour = "Red";
        double[] parameters = fitRandomModel(gr, estimatedPrecision, proteinDensity, resultColour);
        if (parameters != null) {
            log("  Plot %s: Over-counting estimate = %s", randomModel.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded(peakDensity / parameters[1], 4));
            log("  Plot %s == %s", randomModel.getName(), resultColour.toString());
            plot.addPoints(randomModel.getX(), randomModel.value(parameters), Plot.LINE);
            addNonFittedPoints(plot, gr, randomModel, parameters);
            Utils.display(title, plot);
            if (saveCorrelationCurve)
                curves.add(extractCurve(gr, randomModel, parameters));

        // Fit the clustered models if the random model fails or if chosen as an option
        if (!valid1 || fitClusteredModels) {
            // Fit the g(r) curve for r>0 to equation 3
            color =;
            resultColour = "Blue";
            parameters = fitClusteredModel(gr, estimatedPrecision, proteinDensity, resultColour);

            if (parameters != null) {
                log("  Plot %s: Over-counting estimate = %s", clusteredModel.getName(),
                        Utils.rounded(peakDensity / parameters[1], 4));
                log("  Plot %s == %s, ", clusteredModel.getName(), resultColour.toString());
                plot.addPoints(clusteredModel.getX(), clusteredModel.value(parameters), Plot.LINE);
                addNonFittedPoints(plot, gr, clusteredModel, parameters);
                Utils.display(title, plot);
                if (saveCorrelationCurve)
                    curves.add(extractCurve(gr, clusteredModel, parameters));

            // Fit to an emulsion model for a distribution confined to circles
            color = Color.magenta;
            resultColour = "Magenta";
            parameters = fitEmulsionModel(gr, estimatedPrecision, proteinDensity, resultColour);

            if (parameters != null) {
                log("  Plot %s: Over-counting estimate = %s", emulsionModel.getName(),
                        Utils.rounded(peakDensity / parameters[1], 4));
                log("  Plot %s == %s", emulsionModel.getName(), resultColour.toString());
                plot.addPoints(emulsionModel.getX(), emulsionModel.value(parameters), Plot.LINE);
                addNonFittedPoints(plot, gr, emulsionModel, parameters);
                Utils.display(title, plot);
                if (saveCorrelationCurve)
                    curves.add(extractCurve(gr, emulsionModel, parameters));

        saveCorrelationCurve(gr, curves.toArray(new double[0][0]));

    private void addNonFittedPoints(Plot plot, double[][] gr, BaseModelFunction model, double[] parameters) {
        double[] x = new double[gr[0].length];
        double[] y = new double[x.length];
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
            // Output points that were not fitted
            if (gr[0][i] < randomModel.getX()[0]) {
                x[j] = gr[0][i];
                y[j] = model.evaluate(gr[0][i], parameters);
        x = Arrays.copyOf(x, j);
        y = Arrays.copyOf(y, j);
        plot.addPoints(x, y, Plot.CIRCLE);

    private double[] extractCurve(double[][] gr, BaseModelFunction model, double[] parameters) {
        double[] y = new double[gr[0].length - offset];
        for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
            y[i - offset] = model.evaluate(gr[0][i], parameters);
        return y;

    private double[][] combineCurves(ArrayList<CorrelationResult> results, int maxSize) {
        double[][] gr = new double[3][maxSize];
        Statistics[] gr_ = new Statistics[maxSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
            gr_[i] = new Statistics();

        for (CorrelationResult r : results) {
            for (int i = 0; i <[0].length; i++) {
                gr[0][i] =[0][i]; // All scales should be the same so over-write is OK

                // Note that sometimes the analysis generates values that are very bad (e.g. if too 
                // few points were analysed). Perhaps we should exclude outliers for each distance interval.

                // NaN values can be generated so ignore them
                if (!Double.isNaN([1][i]))
        for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
            gr[1][i] = gr_[i].getMean();
            gr[2][i] = gr_[i].getStandardError();
        return gr;

    private void saveCorrelationCurve(double[][] gr, double[]... curves) {
        if (!saveCorrelationCurve)
        outputFilename = Utils.getFilename("Output_Correlation_File", outputFilename);
        if (outputFilename != null) {
            outputFilename = Utils.replaceExtension(outputFilename, "xls");

            BufferedWriter output = null;
            try {
                output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFilename));
                writeHeader(output, HEADER_PEAK_DENSITY, Double.toString(previous_peakDensity));
                writeHeader(output, HEADER_SPATIAL_DOMAIN, Boolean.toString(previous_spatialDomain));
                for (int j = 0; j < curves.length; j++)
                    output.write(String.format("\tModel %d", j + 1));
                // Ignore the r=0 value by starting with an offset if necessary
                for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
                    output.write(String.format("%f\t%f\t%f", gr[0][i], gr[1][i], gr[2][i]));
                    for (int j = 0; j < curves.length; j++)
                        output.write(String.format("\t%f", curves[j][i - offset]));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Q. Add better handling of errors?
                IJ.log("Failed to save correlation curve to file: " + outputFilename);
            } finally {
                if (output != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {

    private void writeHeader(BufferedWriter output, String header, String value) throws IOException {
        output.write(" = ");

     * Load a correlation curve from file. Will set the global gr, peakDensity and spatialDomain variables. If the data
     * fails to be loaded then the method will return false.
     * @return True if loaded
    private boolean loadCorrelationCurve() {
        inputFilename = Utils.getFilename("Input_Correlation_File", inputFilename);
        if (inputFilename == null)
            return false;

        // Set the analysis variables
        boolean spatialDomainSet = false;
        boolean peakDensitySet = false;

        BufferedReader input = null;
        try {
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(inputFilename);
            input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(fis, null));

            String line;
            int count = 0;

            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("#([^=]+) = ([^ ]+)");

            // Read the header
            while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {

                if (line.length() == 0)
                if (line.charAt(0) != '#') {
                    // This is the first record

                // This is a header line. Extract the key-value pair
                Matcher match = pattern.matcher(line);
                if (match.find()) {
                    if ( {
                        // Do not use Boolean.parseBoolean because this will not fail if the field is 
                        // neither true/false - it only return true for a match to true
                        spatialDomainSet = true;
                        if ("true"))
                            spatialDomain = true;
                        else if ("false"))
                            spatialDomain = false;
                            // We want to know if the field is not true/false
                            spatialDomainSet = false;
                    } else if ( {
                        try {
                            peakDensity = Double.parseDouble(;
                            peakDensitySet = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            // Ignore this.

            if (!peakDensitySet) {
                IJ.error(TITLE, "No valid " + HEADER_PEAK_DENSITY + " record in file " + inputFilename);
                return false;
            if (!spatialDomainSet) {
                IJ.error(TITLE, "No valid " + HEADER_SPATIAL_DOMAIN + " record in file " + inputFilename);
                return false;

            // Read the data: gr[0][i], gr[1][i], gr[2][i]
            ArrayList<double[]> data = new ArrayList<double[]>();
            while (line != null) {
                if (line.length() == 0)
                if (line.charAt(0) == '#')

                // Extract the first 3 fields
                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line);
                scanner.useDelimiter("[\t ,]+");

                double r, g;
                try {
                    r = scanner.nextDouble();
                    g = scanner.nextDouble();
                } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                    IJ.error(TITLE, "Incorrect fields on line " + count);
                    return false;
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                    IJ.error(TITLE, "Incorrect fields on line " + count);
                    return false;
                // Allow the file to be missing the curve error. This is only used for plotting anyway.
                double error = 0;
                try {
                    error = scanner.nextDouble();
                } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                data.add(new double[] { r, g, error });

                // Read the next line
                line = input.readLine();

            if (data.isEmpty()) {
                IJ.error(TITLE, "No data in file " + inputFilename);
                return false;

            gr = new double[3][data.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
                final double[] d = data.get(i);
                gr[0][i] = d[0];
                gr[1][i] = d[1];
                gr[2][i] = d[2];

        } catch (IOException e) {
            IJ.error(TITLE, "Unable to read from file " + inputFilename);
            return false;
        } finally {
            try {
                if (input != null)
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Ignore

        return true;

     * Fits the correlation curve with r>0 to the random model using the estimated density and precision. Parameters
     * must be fit within a tolerance of the starting values.
     * @param gr
     * @param sigmaS
     *            The estimated precision
     * @param proteinDensity
     *            The estimate protein density
     * @return The fitted parameters [precision, density]
    private double[] fitRandomModel(double[][] gr, double sigmaS, double proteinDensity, String resultColour) {
        final RandomModelFunction myFunction = new RandomModelFunction();
        randomModel = myFunction;

        log("Fitting %s: Estimated precision = %f nm, estimated protein density = %g um^-2", randomModel.getName(),
                sigmaS, proteinDensity * 1e6);


        for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
            // Only fit the curve above the estimated resolution (points below it will be subject to error)
            if (gr[0][i] > sigmaS * fitAboveEstimatedPrecision)
                randomModel.addPoint(gr[0][i], gr[1][i]);
        LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer();

        PointVectorValuePair optimum;
        try {
            optimum = optimizer.optimize(new MaxIter(3000), new MaxEval(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
                    new ModelFunctionJacobian(new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
                        public double[][] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                            return myFunction.jacobian(point);
                    }), new ModelFunction(myFunction), new Target(myFunction.getY()),
                    new Weight(myFunction.getWeights()), new InitialGuess(new double[] { sigmaS, proteinDensity }));
        } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
            log("Failed to fit %s: Too many iterations (%d)", randomModel.getName(), optimizer.getIterations());
            return null;
        } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
            log("Failed to fit %s: %s", randomModel.getName(), e.getMessage());
            return null;


        double[] parameters = optimum.getPoint();
        // Ensure the width is positive
        parameters[0] = Math.abs(parameters[0]);

        double ss = 0;
        double[] obs = randomModel.getY();
        double[] exp = optimum.getValue();
        for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++)
            ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
        ic1 = Maths.getInformationCriterion(ss, randomModel.size(), parameters.length);

        final double fitSigmaS = parameters[0];
        final double fitProteinDensity = parameters[1];

        // Check the fitted parameters are within tolerance of the initial estimates
        double e1 = parameterDrift(sigmaS, fitSigmaS);
        double e2 = parameterDrift(proteinDensity, fitProteinDensity);

        log("  %s fit: SS = %f. cAIC = %f. %d evaluations", randomModel.getName(), ss, ic1,
        log("  %s parameters:", randomModel.getName());
        log("    Average precision = %s nm (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4), Utils.rounded(e1, 4));
        log("    Average protein density = %s um^-2 (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitProteinDensity * 1e6, 4),
                Utils.rounded(e2, 4));

        valid1 = true;
        if (fittingTolerance > 0 && (Math.abs(e1) > fittingTolerance || Math.abs(e2) > fittingTolerance)) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s within tolerance (%s%%): Average precision = %f nm (%s%%), average protein density = %g um^-2 (%s%%)",
                    randomModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(fittingTolerance, 4), fitSigmaS, Utils.rounded(e1, 4),
                    fitProteinDensity * 1e6, Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
            valid1 = false;

        if (valid1) {
            // ---------
            // TODO - My data does not comply with this criteria. 
            // This could be due to the PC-PALM Molecule code limiting the nmPerPixel to fit the images in memory 
            // thus removing correlations at small r.
            // It could also be due to the nature of the random simulations being 3D not 2D membranes 
            // as per the PC-PALM paper. 
            // ---------
            // Evaluate g(r)protein where:
            // g(r)peaks = g(r)protein + g(r)stoch
            // g(r)peaks ~ 1           + g(r)stoch
            // Verify g(r)protein should be <1.5 for all r>0
            double[] gr_stoch = randomModel.value(parameters);
            double[] gr_peaks = randomModel.getY();
            double[] gr_ = randomModel.getX();

            //SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
            for (int i = 0; i < gr_peaks.length; i++) {
                // Only evaluate above the fitted average precision 
                if (gr_[i] < fitSigmaS)

                // Note the RandomModelFunction evaluates g(r)stoch + 1;
                double gr_protein_i = gr_peaks[i] - (gr_stoch[i] - 1);

                if (gr_protein_i > gr_protein_threshold) {
                    // Failed fit
                    log("  Failed to fit %s: g(r)protein %s > %s @ r=%s", randomModel.getName(),
                            Utils.rounded(gr_protein_i, 4), Utils.rounded(gr_protein_threshold, 4),
                            Utils.rounded(gr_[i], 4));
                    valid1 = false;
                //System.out.printf("g(r)protein @ %f = %f\n", gr[0][i], gr_protein_i);

        addResult(randomModel.getName(), resultColour, valid1, fitSigmaS, fitProteinDensity, 0, 0, 0, 0, ic1);

        return parameters;

    private double parameterDrift(double start, double end) {
        if (end < start) {
            return -100 * (start - end) / end;
        return 100 * (end - start) / start;

     * Fits the correlation curve with r>0 to the clustered model using the estimated density and precision. Parameters
     * must be fit within a tolerance of the starting values.
     * @param gr
     * @param sigmaS
     *            The estimated precision
     * @param proteinDensity
     *            The estimated protein density
     * @return The fitted parameters [precision, density, clusterRadius, clusterDensity]
    private double[] fitClusteredModel(double[][] gr, double sigmaS, double proteinDensity, String resultColour) {
        final ClusteredModelFunctionGradient myFunction = new ClusteredModelFunctionGradient();
        clusteredModel = myFunction;
        log("Fitting %s: Estimated precision = %f nm, estimated protein density = %g um^-2",
                clusteredModel.getName(), sigmaS, proteinDensity * 1e6);

        for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
            // Only fit the curve above the estimated resolution (points below it will be subject to error)
            if (gr[0][i] > sigmaS * fitAboveEstimatedPrecision)
                clusteredModel.addPoint(gr[0][i], gr[1][i]);

        double[] parameters;
        // The model is: sigma, density, range, amplitude
        double[] initialSolution = new double[] { sigmaS, proteinDensity, sigmaS * 5, 1 };
        int evaluations = 0;

        // Constrain the fitting to be close to the estimated precision (sigmaS) and protein density.
        // LVM fitting does not support constrained fitting so use a bounded optimiser.
        SumOfSquaresModelFunction clusteredModelMulti = new SumOfSquaresModelFunction(clusteredModel);
        double[] x = clusteredModelMulti.x;

        // Put some bounds around the initial guess. Use the fitting tolerance (in %) if provided.
        double limit = (fittingTolerance > 0) ? 1 + fittingTolerance / 100 : 2;
        double[] lB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] / limit, initialSolution[1] / limit, 0, 0 };
        // The amplitude and range should not extend beyond the limits of the g(r) curve.
        double[] uB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] * limit, initialSolution[1] * limit, Maths.max(x),
                Maths.max(gr[1]) };
        log("Fitting %s using a bounded search: %s < precision < %s & %s < density < %s", clusteredModel.getName(),
                Utils.rounded(lB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(uB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(lB[1] * 1e6, 4),
                Utils.rounded(uB[1] * 1e6, 4));

        PointValuePair constrainedSolution = runBoundedOptimiser(gr, initialSolution, lB, uB, clusteredModelMulti);

        if (constrainedSolution == null)
            return null;

        parameters = constrainedSolution.getPointRef();
        evaluations = boundedEvaluations;

        // Refit using a LVM  
        if (useLSE) {
            log("Re-fitting %s using a gradient optimisation", clusteredModel.getName());
            LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer();
            PointVectorValuePair lvmSolution;
            try {
                lvmSolution = optimizer.optimize(new MaxIter(3000), new MaxEval(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
                        new ModelFunctionJacobian(new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
                            public double[][] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                                return myFunction.jacobian(point);
                        }), new ModelFunction(myFunction), new Target(myFunction.getY()),
                        new Weight(myFunction.getWeights()), new InitialGuess(parameters));
                evaluations += optimizer.getEvaluations();

                double ss = 0;
                double[] obs = clusteredModel.getY();
                double[] exp = lvmSolution.getValue();
                for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++)
                    ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
                if (ss < constrainedSolution.getValue()) {
                    log("Re-fitting %s improved the SS from %s to %s (-%s%%)", clusteredModel.getName(),
                            Utils.rounded(constrainedSolution.getValue(), 4), Utils.rounded(ss, 4),
                                    100 * (constrainedSolution.getValue() - ss) / constrainedSolution.getValue(),
                    parameters = lvmSolution.getPoint();
            } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
                log("Failed to re-fit %s: Too many iterations (%d)", clusteredModel.getName(),
            } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
                log("Failed to re-fit %s: %s", clusteredModel.getName(), e.getMessage());


        // Ensure the width is positive
        parameters[0] = Math.abs(parameters[0]);
        //parameters[2] = Math.abs(parameters[2]);

        double ss = 0;
        double[] obs = clusteredModel.getY();
        double[] exp = clusteredModel.value(parameters);
        for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++)
            ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
        ic2 = Maths.getInformationCriterion(ss, clusteredModel.size(), parameters.length);

        final double fitSigmaS = parameters[0];
        final double fitProteinDensity = parameters[1];
        final double domainRadius = parameters[2]; //The radius of the cluster domain
        final double domainDensity = parameters[3]; //The density of the cluster domain

        // This is from the PC-PALM paper. However that paper fits the g(r)protein exponential convolved in 2D
        // with the g(r)PSF. In this method we have just fit the exponential
        final double nCluster = 2 * domainDensity * Math.PI * domainRadius * domainRadius * fitProteinDensity;

        double e1 = parameterDrift(sigmaS, fitSigmaS);
        double e2 = parameterDrift(proteinDensity, fitProteinDensity);

        log("  %s fit: SS = %f. cAIC = %f. %d evaluations", clusteredModel.getName(), ss, ic2, evaluations);
        log("  %s parameters:", clusteredModel.getName());
        log("    Average precision = %s nm (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4), Utils.rounded(e1, 4));
        log("    Average protein density = %s um^-2 (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitProteinDensity * 1e6, 4),
                Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
        log("    Domain radius = %s nm", Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4));
        log("    Domain density = %s", Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
        log("    nCluster = %s", Utils.rounded(nCluster, 4));

        // Check the fitted parameters are within tolerance of the initial estimates
        valid2 = true;
        if (fittingTolerance > 0 && (Math.abs(e1) > fittingTolerance || Math.abs(e2) > fittingTolerance)) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s within tolerance (%s%%): Average precision = %f nm (%s%%), average protein density = %g um^-2 (%s%%)",
                    clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(fittingTolerance, 4), fitSigmaS, Utils.rounded(e1, 4),
                    fitProteinDensity * 1e6, Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
            valid2 = false;

        // Check extra parameters. Domain radius should be higher than the precision. Density should be positive
        if (domainRadius < fitSigmaS) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain radius is smaller than the average precision (%s < %s)",
                    clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4), Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4));
            valid2 = false;
        if (domainDensity < 0) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain density is negative (%s)", clusteredModel.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
            valid2 = false;

        if (ic2 > ic1) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s - Information Criterion has increased %s%%", clusteredModel.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded((100 * (ic2 - ic1) / ic1), 4));
            valid2 = false;

        addResult(clusteredModel.getName(), resultColour, valid2, fitSigmaS, fitProteinDensity, domainRadius,
                domainDensity, nCluster, 0, ic2);

        return parameters;

    private PointValuePair runBoundedOptimiser(double[][] gr, double[] initialSolution, double[] lB, double[] uB,
            SumOfSquaresModelFunction function) {
        // Create the functions to optimise
        ObjectiveFunction objective = new ObjectiveFunction(new SumOfSquaresMultivariateFunction(function));
        ObjectiveFunctionGradient gradient = new ObjectiveFunctionGradient(
                new SumOfSquaresMultivariateVectorFunction(function));

        final boolean debug = false;

        // Try a BFGS optimiser since this will produce a deterministic solution and can respect bounds.
        PointValuePair optimum = null;
        boundedEvaluations = 0;
        final MaxEval maxEvaluations = new MaxEval(2000);
        MultivariateOptimizer opt = null;
        for (int iteration = 0; iteration <= fitRestarts; iteration++) {
            try {
                opt = new BFGSOptimizer();
                final double relativeThreshold = 1e-6;

                // Configure maximum step length for each dimension using the bounds
                double[] stepLength = new double[lB.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < stepLength.length; i++)
                    stepLength[i] = (uB[i] - lB[i]) * 0.3333333;

                // The GoalType is always minimise so no need to pass this in
                optimum = opt.optimize(maxEvaluations, gradient, objective,
                        new InitialGuess((optimum == null) ? initialSolution : optimum.getPointRef()),
                        new SimpleBounds(lB, uB), new BFGSOptimizer.GradientTolerance(relativeThreshold),
                        new BFGSOptimizer.StepLength(stepLength));
                if (debug)
                    System.out.printf("BFGS Iter %d = %g (%d)\n", iteration, optimum.getValue(),
            } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
                break; // No need to restart
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                break; // No need to restart
            } finally {
                boundedEvaluations += opt.getEvaluations();

        // Try a CMAES optimiser which is non-deterministic. To overcome this we perform restarts.

        // CMAESOptimiser based on Matlab code:
        // Take the defaults from the Matlab documentation
        double stopFitness = 0; //Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        boolean isActiveCMA = true;
        int diagonalOnly = 0;
        int checkFeasableCount = 1;
        RandomGenerator random = new Well44497b(); //Well19937c();
        boolean generateStatistics = false;
        ConvergenceChecker<PointValuePair> checker = new SimpleValueChecker(1e-6, 1e-10);
        // The sigma determines the search range for the variables. It should be 1/3 of the initial search region.
        double[] range = new double[lB.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < lB.length; i++)
            range[i] = (uB[i] - lB[i]) / 3;
        OptimizationData sigma = new CMAESOptimizer.Sigma(range);
        OptimizationData popSize = new CMAESOptimizer.PopulationSize(
                (int) (4 + Math.floor(3 * Math.log(initialSolution.length))));
        SimpleBounds bounds = new SimpleBounds(lB, uB);

        opt = new CMAESOptimizer(maxEvaluations.getMaxEval(), stopFitness, isActiveCMA, diagonalOnly,
                checkFeasableCount, random, generateStatistics, checker);
        // Restart the optimiser several times and take the best answer.
        for (int iteration = 0; iteration <= fitRestarts; iteration++) {
            try {
                // Start from the initial solution
                PointValuePair constrainedSolution = opt.optimize(new InitialGuess(initialSolution), objective,
                        GoalType.MINIMIZE, bounds, sigma, popSize, maxEvaluations);
                if (debug)
                    System.out.printf("CMAES Iter %d initial = %g (%d)\n", iteration,
                            constrainedSolution.getValue(), opt.getEvaluations());
                boundedEvaluations += opt.getEvaluations();
                if (optimum == null || constrainedSolution.getValue() < optimum.getValue()) {
                    optimum = constrainedSolution;
            } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
            } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
            } finally {
                boundedEvaluations += maxEvaluations.getMaxEval();
            if (optimum == null)
            try {
                // Also restart from the current optimum
                PointValuePair constrainedSolution = opt.optimize(new InitialGuess(optimum.getPointRef()),
                        objective, GoalType.MINIMIZE, bounds, sigma, popSize, maxEvaluations);
                if (debug)
                    System.out.printf("CMAES Iter %d restart = %g (%d)\n", iteration,
                            constrainedSolution.getValue(), opt.getEvaluations());
                if (constrainedSolution.getValue() < optimum.getValue()) {
                    optimum = constrainedSolution;
            } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
            } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
            } finally {
                boundedEvaluations += maxEvaluations.getMaxEval();
        return optimum;

     * Fits the correlation curve with r>0 to the clustered model using the estimated density and precision. Parameters
     * must be fit within a tolerance of the starting values.
     * @param gr
     * @param sigmaS
     *            The estimated precision
     * @param proteinDensity
     *            The estimated protein density
     * @return The fitted parameters [precision, density, clusterRadius, clusterDensity]
    private double[] fitEmulsionModel(double[][] gr, double sigmaS, double proteinDensity, String resultColour) {
        final EmulsionModelFunctionGradient myFunction = new EmulsionModelFunctionGradient();
        emulsionModel = myFunction;
        log("Fitting %s: Estimated precision = %f nm, estimated protein density = %g um^-2",
                emulsionModel.getName(), sigmaS, proteinDensity * 1e6);

        for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
            // Only fit the curve above the estimated resolution (points below it will be subject to error)
            if (gr[0][i] > sigmaS * fitAboveEstimatedPrecision)
                emulsionModel.addPoint(gr[0][i], gr[1][i]);

        double[] parameters;
        // The model is: sigma, density, range, amplitude, alpha
        double[] initialSolution = new double[] { sigmaS, proteinDensity, sigmaS * 5, 1, sigmaS * 5 };
        int evaluations = 0;

        // Constrain the fitting to be close to the estimated precision (sigmaS) and protein density.
        // LVM fitting does not support constrained fitting so use a bounded optimiser.
        SumOfSquaresModelFunction emulsionModelMulti = new SumOfSquaresModelFunction(emulsionModel);
        double[] x = emulsionModelMulti.x;
        double[] y = emulsionModelMulti.y;

        // Range should be equal to the first time the g(r) curve crosses 1
        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
            if (y[i] < 1) {
                initialSolution[4] = initialSolution[2] = (i > 0) ? (x[i - 1] + x[i]) * 0.5 : x[i];

        // Put some bounds around the initial guess. Use the fitting tolerance (in %) if provided.
        double limit = (fittingTolerance > 0) ? 1 + fittingTolerance / 100 : 2;
        double[] lB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] / limit, initialSolution[1] / limit, 0, 0, 0 };
        // The amplitude and range should not extend beyond the limits of the g(r) curve.
        // TODO - Find out the expected range for the alpha parameter.  
        double[] uB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] * limit, initialSolution[1] * limit, Maths.max(x),
                Maths.max(gr[1]), Maths.max(x) * 2 };
        log("Fitting %s using a bounded search: %s < precision < %s & %s < density < %s", emulsionModel.getName(),
                Utils.rounded(lB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(uB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(lB[1] * 1e6, 4),
                Utils.rounded(uB[1] * 1e6, 4));

        PointValuePair constrainedSolution = runBoundedOptimiser(gr, initialSolution, lB, uB, emulsionModelMulti);

        if (constrainedSolution == null)
            return null;

        parameters = constrainedSolution.getPointRef();
        evaluations = boundedEvaluations;

        // Refit using a LVM  
        if (useLSE) {
            log("Re-fitting %s using a gradient optimisation", emulsionModel.getName());
            LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer();
            PointVectorValuePair lvmSolution;
            try {
                lvmSolution = optimizer.optimize(new MaxIter(3000), new MaxEval(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
                        new ModelFunctionJacobian(new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {
                            public double[][] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                                return myFunction.jacobian(point);
                        }), new ModelFunction(myFunction), new Target(myFunction.getY()),
                        new Weight(myFunction.getWeights()), new InitialGuess(parameters));
                evaluations += optimizer.getEvaluations();

                double ss = 0;
                double[] obs = emulsionModel.getY();
                double[] exp = lvmSolution.getValue();
                for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++)
                    ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
                if (ss < constrainedSolution.getValue()) {
                    log("Re-fitting %s improved the SS from %s to %s (-%s%%)", emulsionModel.getName(),
                            Utils.rounded(constrainedSolution.getValue(), 4), Utils.rounded(ss, 4),
                                    100 * (constrainedSolution.getValue() - ss) / constrainedSolution.getValue(),
                    parameters = lvmSolution.getPoint();
            } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
                log("Failed to re-fit %s: Too many iterations (%d)", emulsionModel.getName(),
            } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
                log("Failed to re-fit %s: %s", emulsionModel.getName(), e.getMessage());


        // Ensure the width is positive
        parameters[0] = Math.abs(parameters[0]);
        //parameters[2] = Math.abs(parameters[2]);

        double ss = 0;
        double[] obs = emulsionModel.getY();
        double[] exp = emulsionModel.value(parameters);
        for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++)
            ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
        ic3 = Maths.getInformationCriterion(ss, emulsionModel.size(), parameters.length);

        final double fitSigmaS = parameters[0];
        final double fitProteinDensity = parameters[1];
        final double domainRadius = parameters[2]; //The radius of the cluster domain
        final double domainDensity = parameters[3]; //The density of the cluster domain
        final double coherence = parameters[4]; //The coherence length between circles

        // This is from the PC-PALM paper. It may not be correct for the emulsion model.
        final double nCluster = 2 * domainDensity * Math.PI * domainRadius * domainRadius * fitProteinDensity;

        double e1 = parameterDrift(sigmaS, fitSigmaS);
        double e2 = parameterDrift(proteinDensity, fitProteinDensity);

        log("  %s fit: SS = %f. cAIC = %f. %d evaluations", emulsionModel.getName(), ss, ic3, evaluations);
        log("  %s parameters:", emulsionModel.getName());
        log("    Average precision = %s nm (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4), Utils.rounded(e1, 4));
        log("    Average protein density = %s um^-2 (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitProteinDensity * 1e6, 4),
                Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
        log("    Domain radius = %s nm", Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4));
        log("    Domain density = %s", Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
        log("    Domain coherence = %s", Utils.rounded(coherence, 4));
        log("    nCluster = %s", Utils.rounded(nCluster, 4));

        // Check the fitted parameters are within tolerance of the initial estimates
        valid2 = true;
        if (fittingTolerance > 0 && (Math.abs(e1) > fittingTolerance || Math.abs(e2) > fittingTolerance)) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s within tolerance (%s%%): Average precision = %f nm (%s%%), average protein density = %g um^-2 (%s%%)",
                    emulsionModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(fittingTolerance, 4), fitSigmaS, Utils.rounded(e1, 4),
                    fitProteinDensity * 1e6, Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
            valid2 = false;

        // Check extra parameters. Domain radius should be higher than the precision. Density should be positive
        if (domainRadius < fitSigmaS) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain radius is smaller than the average precision (%s < %s)",
                    emulsionModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4), Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4));
            valid2 = false;
        if (domainDensity < 0) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain density is negative (%s)", emulsionModel.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
            valid2 = false;

        if (ic3 > ic1) {
            log("  Failed to fit %s - Information Criterion has increased %s%%", emulsionModel.getName(),
                    Utils.rounded((100 * (ic3 - ic1) / ic1), 4));
            valid2 = false;

        addResult(emulsionModel.getName(), resultColour, valid2, fitSigmaS, fitProteinDensity, domainRadius,
                domainDensity, nCluster, coherence, ic3);

        return parameters;

     * Abstract base model function class for common functionality.
    public abstract class BaseModelFunction extends LoggingOptimiserFunction {
        public BaseModelFunction(String name) {

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param parameters
         *            The parameters
         * @return
        public abstract double evaluate(double r, final double[] parameters);

         * Evaluate the jacobian of the correlation function for all data points (see
         * {@link #addData(double[], double[])})
         * @param parameters
         * @return The jacobian
        public abstract double[][] jacobian(double[] parameters);

         * Get the value of the function for all data points corresponding to the last call to
         * {@link #jacobian(double[])}
         * @return The corresponding value
        public abstract double[] getValue();

     * Allow optimisation using Apache Commons Math 3 Gradient Optimiser
     * <p>
     * g(r)peaks = g(r)stoch + 1
     * <p>
     * where
     * <p>
     * g(r)stoch = (1/4*pi*s^2*p) * exp(-r^2/4s^2)
     * <p>
     * s = average single molecule positional uncertainty (precision)
     * <p>
     * p = average protein density
    public class RandomModelFunction extends BaseModelFunction implements MultivariateVectorFunction {
        double[] lastValue = null;

        public RandomModelFunction() {
            super("Random Model");

        public double[] getValue() {
            return lastValue;

        // Adapted from
        // Use the deprecated API since the new one is not yet documented.

        public double[][] jacobian(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using calculus differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][2];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);

                final double a = 1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma);
                final double b = -r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma);
                final double c = FastMath.exp(b);

                // value  = a * c
                lastValue[i] = a * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to sigma:
                // value' = a' * c + a * c'  [ Product rule ]
                // c = FastMath.exp(b)
                // c' = b' * FastMath.exp(b)     [ Chain rule ]
                // value' = a' * c + a * b' * c
                jacobian[i][0] = (-2 * a / sigma) * c + a * (-2 * b / sigma) * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to density:
                // c' = 0 since density does not feature in c
                // => value' = a' * c
                jacobian[i][1] = (-a / density) * c;

            //// Check numerically ...
            //double[][] jacobian2 = jacobian2(variables);
            //for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++)
            //   System.out.printf("dSigma = %g : %g = %g. dDensity = %g : %g = %g\n", jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0],
            //         DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0]), jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1],
            //         DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1]));

            return jacobian;

        private double[][] jacobian2(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using numerical differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][2];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            final double delta = 0.001;
            final double[][] d = new double[variables.length][variables.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
                d[i][i] = delta * Math.abs(variables[i]); // Should the delta be changed for each parameter ?
            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);
                final double value = lastValue[i] = evaluate(r, sigma, density);
                for (int j = 0; j < variables.length; j++) {
                    final double value2 = evaluate(r, sigma + d[0][j], density + d[1][j]);
                    jacobian[i][j] = (value2 - value) / d[j][j];
            return jacobian;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param sigma
         *            Average precision
         * @param density
         *            Average protein density
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double sigma, final double density) {
            return (1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma)) * FastMath.exp(-r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma)) + 1;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param parameters
         *            The parameters
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double[] parameters) {
            return evaluate(r, parameters[0], parameters[1]);

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateVectorFunction#value(double[])
        public double[] value(double[] variables) {
            double[] values = new double[x.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                values[i] = evaluate(x.get(i), variables[0], variables[1]);
            return values;

     * Base implementation of the PC-PALM clustered model. This is used to fit g(r) curves of membrane proteins which
     * appear to be distributed as per a fluctuations model.
     * <p>
     * g(r)peaks = g(r)stoch + g(r)protein
     * <p>
     * where
     * <p>
     * g(r)stoch = (1/4*pi*s^2*p) * exp(-r^2/4s^2)
     * <p>
     * s = average single molecule positional uncertainty (precision)<br>
     * p = average protein density
     * <p>
     * g(r)protein = (A*exp(-r/l)+1) conv g(r)PSF
     * <p>
     * A = proportional to density of proteins in the cluster<br>
     * l = proportional to length of the cluster<br>
     * conv = a convolution operation
     * <p>
     * g(r)PSF = (1/4*pi*s^2) * exp(-r^2/4s^2)
     * <p>
     * Note: The clustered model described in the PLoS One paper models g(r)protein using the exponential directly, i.e.
     * there is no convolution !!!
    public abstract class ClusteredModelFunction extends BaseModelFunction {
        double[] lastValue = null;

        public ClusteredModelFunction() {
            super("Clustered Model");

        public double[] getValue() {
            return lastValue;

        // Adapted from
        // Use the deprecated API since the new one is not yet documented.

        public double[][] jacobian(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using calculus differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double range = variables[2];
            final double amplitude = variables[3];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][variables.length];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);

                final double a = 1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma);
                final double b = -r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma);
                final double c = FastMath.exp(b);

                final double d = -r / range;
                final double e = FastMath.exp(d);

                // value  = a * c + 
                //          amplitude * e + 1
                lastValue[i] = a * c + amplitude * e + 1;

                // Differentiate with respect to sigma:
                // value' = a' * c + a * c'  [ Product rule ]
                // c = FastMath.exp(b)
                // c' = b' * FastMath.exp(b)     [ Chain rule ]
                // value' = a' * c + a * b' * c
                jacobian[i][0] = (-2 * a / sigma) * c + a * (-2 * b / sigma) * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to density:
                // c' = 0 since density does not feature in c
                // => value' = a' * c
                jacobian[i][1] = (-a / density) * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to range:
                // value' = amplitude * e'
                // e = FastMath.exp(d)
                // e' = d' * FastMath.exp(d)     [ Chain rule ]
                jacobian[i][2] = amplitude * (-1 * d / range) * e;

                // Differentiate with respect to amplitude:
                jacobian[i][3] = e;

            //// Check numerically ...
            //double[][] jacobian2 = jacobian2(variables);
            //for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++)
            //   System.out.printf("dSigma = %g : %g = %g. dDensity = %g : %g = %g. dRange = %g : %g = %g. dAmplitude = %g : %g = %g\n", 
            //         jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0]), 
            //         jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1]), 
            //         jacobian[i][2], jacobian2[i][2], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][2], jacobian2[i][2]), 
            //         jacobian[i][3], jacobian2[i][3], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][3], jacobian2[i][3])
            //         );

            return jacobian;

        double[][] jacobian2(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using numerical differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double range = variables[2];
            final double amplitude = variables[3];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][variables.length];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            final double delta = 0.001;
            double[][] d = new double[variables.length][variables.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
                d[i][i] = delta * Math.abs(variables[i]); // Should the delta be changed for each parameter ?
            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);
                final double value = lastValue[i] = evaluate(r, sigma, density, range, amplitude);
                for (int j = 0; j < variables.length; j++) {
                    final double value2 = evaluate(r, sigma + d[0][j], density + d[1][j], range + d[2][j],
                            amplitude + d[3][j]);
                    jacobian[i][j] = (value2 - value) / d[j][j];
            return jacobian;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param sigma
         *            Average precision
         * @param density
         *            Average protein density
         * @param range
         *            Range of the cluster
         * @param amplitude
         *            Amplitude of the cluster
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double sigma, final double density, final double range,
                final double amplitude) {
            final double gr_stoch = (1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma))
                    * FastMath.exp(-r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma));
            final double gr_protein = amplitude * FastMath.exp(-r / range) + 1;
            return gr_stoch + gr_protein;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param parameters
         *            The parameters
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double[] parameters) {
            return evaluate(r, parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3]);

     * Allow optimisation using Apache Commons Math 3 Gradient Optimiser
    public class ClusteredModelFunctionGradient extends ClusteredModelFunction
            implements MultivariateVectorFunction {
        // Adapted from
        // Use the deprecated API since the new one is not yet documented.

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateVectorFunction#value(double[])
        public double[] value(double[] variables) {
            double[] values = new double[x.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                values[i] = evaluate(x.get(i), variables[0], variables[1], variables[2], variables[3]);
            return values;

    public class SumOfSquaresModelFunction {
        BaseModelFunction f;
        double[] x, y;

        // Cache the value
        double[] lastParameters;
        double lastSS;

        public SumOfSquaresModelFunction(BaseModelFunction f) {
            this.f = f;
            x = f.getX();
            y = f.getY();

        public double evaluate(double[] parameters) {
            if (sameVariables(parameters))
                return lastSS;

            lastParameters = null;

            double ss = 0;
            for (int i = x.length; i-- > 0;) {
                final double dx = f.evaluate(x[i], parameters) - y[i];
                ss += dx * dx;
            return ss;

         * Check if the variable match those last used for computation of the value
         * @param parameters
         * @return True if the variables are the same
        private boolean sameVariables(double[] parameters) {
            if (lastParameters != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
                    if (parameters[i] != lastParameters[i])
                        return false;
                return true;
            return false;

        public double[] gradient(double[] parameters) {
            // We can compute the jacobian for all the functions.
            // To get the gradient for the SS we need:
            // f(x) = (g(x) - y)^2
            // f'(x) = 2 * (g(x) - y) * g'(x)

            final double[][] jacobian = f.jacobian(parameters);
            final double[] gx = f.getValue();
            lastSS = 0;
            lastParameters = parameters.clone();

            final double[] gradient = new double[parameters.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
                final double dx = gx[i] - y[i];
                lastSS += dx * dx;
                final double twodx = 2 * dx;
                for (int j = 0; j < gradient.length; j++) {
                    final double g1 = twodx * jacobian[i][j];
                    gradient[j] += g1;

                    //// Check this is correct
                    //final double[] p = parameters.clone();
                    //final double h = 0.01 * p[j]; // p[j] is unlikely to be zero
                    //p[j] += h;
                    //final double dx1 = f.evaluate(x[i], p) - y[i];
                    //final double ss1 = dx1 * dx1;
                    //double delta = p[j];
                    //p[j] -= h;
                    //delta -= p[j];
                    //final double dx2 = f.evaluate(x[i], p) - y[i];
                    //final double ss2 = dx2 * dx2;
                    //final double g2 = (ss1 - ss2) / delta;
                    //if (!gdsc.smlm.fitting.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(g1, g2, 1e-2, 1e-5))
                    //   System.out.printf("[%d][%d] %f == %f\n", i, j, g1, g2);

            return gradient;

    public class SumOfSquaresMultivariateFunction implements MultivariateFunction {
        SumOfSquaresModelFunction f;

        public SumOfSquaresMultivariateFunction(SumOfSquaresModelFunction f) {
            this.f = f;

        public double value(double[] point) {
            return f.evaluate(point);

    public class SumOfSquaresMultivariateVectorFunction implements MultivariateVectorFunction {
        SumOfSquaresModelFunction f;

        public SumOfSquaresMultivariateVectorFunction(SumOfSquaresModelFunction f) {
            this.f = f;

        public double[] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return f.gradient(point);

     * Base implementation of the emulsion clustered model. This model assumes a random distribution of non-overlapping
     * circles in 2D. The molecules can be located at any position within the circles.
     * <p>
     * g(r)peaks = g(r)stoch + g(r)protein
     * <p>
     * where
     * <p>
     * g(r)stoch = (1/4*pi*s^2*p) * exp(-r^2/4s^2)
     * <p>
     * s = average single molecule positional uncertainty (precision)<br>
     * p = average protein density
     * <p>
     * g(r)protein = (A*exp(-r/alpha)*cos(pi*r/(2*r0))+1)
     * <p>
     * A = proportional to density of proteins in the cluster<br>
     * alpha = measure of the coherence length between circles<br>
     * r0 = Average circle radius
     * <p>
     * Note: Described in figure 3 of Veatch, et al (2012) Plos One, e31457
    public abstract class EmulsionModelFunction extends BaseModelFunction {
        double[] lastValue = null;

        public EmulsionModelFunction() {
            super("Emulsion Clustered Model");

        public double[] getValue() {
            return lastValue;

        // Adapted from
        // Use the deprecated API since the new one is not yet documented.

        public double[][] jacobian(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using calculus differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double range = variables[2];
            final double amplitude = variables[3];
            final double alpha = variables[4];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][variables.length];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);

                final double a = 1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma);
                final double b = -r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma);
                final double c = FastMath.exp(b);

                final double d = -r / alpha;
                final double e = FastMath.exp(d);
                final double f = 0.5 * Math.PI * r / range;
                final double g = Math.cos(f);

                // value  = a * c + 
                //          amplitude * e * g + 1
                lastValue[i] = a * c + amplitude * e * g + 1;

                // Differentiate with respect to sigma:
                // value' = a' * c + a * c'  [ Product rule ]
                // c = FastMath.exp(b)
                // c' = b' * FastMath.exp(b)     [ Chain rule ]
                // value' = a' * c + a * b' * c
                jacobian[i][0] = (-2 * a / sigma) * c + a * (-2 * b / sigma) * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to density:
                // c' = 0 since density does not feature in c
                // => value' = a' * c
                jacobian[i][1] = (-a / density) * c;

                // Differentiate with respect to range:
                // value' = amplitude * e * g'
                // g = Math.cos(f)
                // g' = f' * -Math.sin(f)    [ Chain rule ]
                //jacobian[i][2] = amplitude * e * (-f / range) * -Math.sin(f);
                jacobian[i][2] = amplitude * e * (f / range) * Math.sin(f);

                // Differentiate with respect to amplitude:
                jacobian[i][3] = e * g;

                // Differentiate with respect to alpha:
                // value' = amplitude * e' * g
                // e = FastMath.exp(d)
                // e' = d' * FastMath.exp(d)     [ Chain rule ]
                // e' = d' * e               
                jacobian[i][4] = amplitude * (-1 * d / alpha) * e * g;

            //// Check numerically ...
            //double[][] jacobian2 = jacobian2(variables);
            //for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++)
            //   System.out.printf("dSigma = %g : %g = %g. dDensity = %g : %g = %g. dRange = %g : %g = %g. dAmplitude = %g : %g = %g. dAlpha = %g : %g = %g\n",
            //               jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][0], jacobian2[i][0]), 
            //               jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][1], jacobian2[i][1]),                        
            //               jacobian[i][2], jacobian2[i][2], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][2], jacobian2[i][2]), 
            //               jacobian[i][3],   jacobian2[i][3], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][3], jacobian2[i][3]),
            //               jacobian[i][4], jacobian2[i][4], DoubleEquality.relativeError(jacobian[i][4], jacobian2[i][4]));

            return jacobian;

        double[][] jacobian2(double[] variables) {
            // Compute the gradients using numerical differentiation
            final double sigma = variables[0];
            final double density = variables[1];
            final double range = variables[2];
            final double amplitude = variables[3];
            final double alpha = variables[4];
            final double[][] jacobian = new double[x.size()][variables.length];
            lastValue = new double[x.size()];

            final double delta = 0.001;
            final double[][] d = new double[variables.length][variables.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++)
                d[i][i] = delta * Math.abs(variables[i]); // Should the delta be changed for each parameter ?
            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; ++i) {
                final double r = this.x.get(i);
                final double value = lastValue[i] = evaluate(r, sigma, density, range, amplitude, alpha);
                for (int j = 0; j < variables.length; j++) {
                    final double value2 = evaluate(r, sigma + d[0][j], density + d[1][j], range + d[2][j],
                            amplitude + d[3][j], alpha + d[4][j]);
                    jacobian[i][j] = (value2 - value) / d[j][j];
            return jacobian;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param sigma
         *            Average precision
         * @param density
         *            Average protein density
         * @param range
         *            Average circle radius
         * @param amplitude
         *            Amplitude of the cluster
         * @param alpha
         *            Measure of the coherence length between circles
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double sigma, final double density, final double range,
                final double amplitude, final double alpha) {
            final double gr_stoch = (1.0 / (4 * Math.PI * density * sigma * sigma))
                    * FastMath.exp(-r * r / (4 * sigma * sigma));
            final double gr_protein = amplitude * FastMath.exp(-r / alpha) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI * r / range)
                    + 1;
            return gr_stoch + gr_protein;

         * Evaluate the correlation function
         * @param r
         *            The correlation radius
         * @param parameters
         *            The parameters
         * @return
        public double evaluate(double r, final double[] parameters) {
            return evaluate(r, parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3], parameters[4]);

     * Allow optimisation using Apache Commons Math 3 Gradient Optimiser
    public class EmulsionModelFunctionGradient extends EmulsionModelFunction implements MultivariateVectorFunction {
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateVectorFunction#value(double[])
        public double[] value(double[] variables) {
            double[] values = new double[x.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                values[i] = evaluate(x.get(i), variables[0], variables[1], variables[2], variables[3],
            return values;

    private void createResultsTable() {
        if (resultsTable == null || !resultsTable.isVisible()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("Precision (nm)\t");
            sb.append("Density (um^-2)\t");
            sb.append("Domain Radius (nm)\t");
            // TODO - Find out the units of the domain density
            sb.append("Domain Density\t");
            resultsTable = new TextWindow(TITLE, sb.toString(), (String) null, 800, 300);

    private void addResult(String model, String resultColour, boolean valid, double precision, double density,
            double domainRadius, double domainDensity, double nCluster, double coherence, double ic) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(Utils.rounded(precision, 4)).append("\t");
        sb.append(Utils.rounded(density * 1e6, 4)).append("\t");
        sb.append(Utils.rounded(ic, 4)).append("\t");

    private String getString(double value) {
        return (value == 0) ? "-" : Utils.rounded(value, 4);