Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package gdsc.smlm.function;

 * GDSC SMLM Software
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert
 * Genome Damage and Stability Centre
 * University of Sussex, UK
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.UnivariateIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

 * This is a function to compute the likelihood assuming a Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian distribution.
 * <p>
 * For each observed value the log-likelihood is computed from the Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian distribution (a Poisson
 * convolved with a Gamma distribution convolved with a Gaussian). The Poisson-Gamma distribution is derived
 * analytically in the paper Maximilian H Ulbrich & Ehud Y Isacoff, Nature Methods - 4, 319 - 321 (2007) to explain the
 * probability distribution of ADUs given a fixed photon level per pixel and set gain in an EM-CCD camera (The Poisson
 * distribution models the photon count and the Gamma distribution models the EM-gain). This is then numerically
 * convolved with a Gaussian distribution to model the read noise of the camera.
 * <p>
 * The distribution of Ulbrich & Isacoff has no analytical solution to the convolution with a Gaussian. However the
 * convolution with a Gaussian has the most effect when the counts are low. The Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian can be
 * approximated using the Poisson-Gamma and a partial convolution with a Gaussian at low counts. This method is provided
 * as Python source code within the supplementary information of the paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7,
 * 377-383. This Java implementation is based on the Python code.
 * <P>
 * The mean of the Poisson distribution is set using the expected value. The scale (EM-gain) for the Gamma distribution
 * and standard deviation of the Gaussian is fixed and set in the constructor. The mean of the Gaussian is assumed to be
 * zero.
public class PoissonGammaGaussianFunction {
     * The inverse scale of the Gamma distribution (e.g. the inverse of the EM-gain multiplication factor)
    final private double alpha;
     * The standard deviation of the Gaussian (e.g. Width of the noise distribution in the EMCCD output)
    final private double sigma;

    private final double twoSigma2;
    private final double sqrt2sigma2;
    private final double sqrt2piSigma2;

    private boolean useApproximation = true;
    private boolean useSimpleIntegration = true;

     * Initialise the function.
     * <p>
     * The input parameters must be the full parameters for the non-linear function. Only those parameters with gradient
     * indices should be passed in to the functions to obtain the value (and gradient).
     * <p>
     * Note: Negative parameters are made absolute
     * @param alpha
     *            Inverse gain of the EMCCD chip
     * @param s
     *            The Gaussian standard deviation
    public PoissonGammaGaussianFunction(double alpha, double s) {
        this.alpha = Math.abs(alpha);
        this.sigma = Math.abs(s);
        twoSigma2 = 2 * s * s;
        sqrt2sigma2 = Math.sqrt(2 * s * s);
        sqrt2piSigma2 = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * s * s);

    private static final double twoSqrtPi = 2 * Math.sqrt(Math.PI);
    private static final double sqrt2pi = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI);

     * Compute the likelihood
     * @param o
     *            The observed count
     * @param e
     *            The expected count
     * @return The likelihood
    public double likelihood(final double o, final double e) {
        // Use the same variables as the Python code
        final double cij = o;
        final double eta = alpha * e; // convert to photons

        if (sigma == 0) {
            // No convolution with a Gaussian. Simply evaluate for a Poisson-Gamma distribution.

            // Any observed count above zero
            if (cij > 0.0) {
                // The observed count converted to photons
                final double nij = alpha * cij;

                if (eta * nij > 10000) {
                    // Approximate Bessel function i1(x) when using large x:
                    // i1(x) ~ exp(x)/sqrt(2*pi*x)
                    // However the entire equation is logged (creating transform),
                    // evaluated then raised to e to prevent overflow error on 
                    // large exp(x)

                    final double transform = 0.5 * Math.log(alpha * eta / cij) - nij - eta
                            + 2 * Math.sqrt(eta * nij) - Math.log(twoSqrtPi * Math.pow(eta * nij, 0.25));
                    return FastMath.exp(transform);
                } else {
                    // Second part of equation 135
                    return Math.sqrt(alpha * eta / cij) * FastMath.exp(-nij - eta)
                            * Bessel.I1(2 * Math.sqrt(eta * nij));
            } else if (cij == 0.0) {
                return FastMath.exp(-eta);
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else if (useApproximation) {
            return mortensenApproximation(cij, eta);
        } else {
            // This code is the full evaluation of equation 7 from the supplementary information  
            // of the paper Chao, et al (2013) Nature Methods 10, 335-338.
            // It is the full evaluation of a Poisson-Gamma-Gaussian convolution PMF. 

            final double sk = sigma; // Read noise
            final double g = 1.0 / alpha; // Gain
            final double z = o; // Observed pixel value
            final double vk = eta; // Expected number of photons

            // Compute the integral to infinity of:
            // exp( -((z-u)/(sqrt(2)*s)).^2 - u/g ) * sqrt(vk*u/g) .* besseli(1, 2 * sqrt(vk*u/g)) ./ u;

            final double vk_g = vk * alpha; // vk / g
            final double sqrt2sigma = Math.sqrt(2) * sk;

            // Specify the function to integrate
            UnivariateFunction f = new UnivariateFunction() {
                public double value(double u) {
                    return eval(sqrt2sigma, z, vk_g, g, u);

            // Integrate to infinity is not necessary. The convolution of the function with the 
            // Gaussian should be adequately sampled using a nxSD around the maximum.
            // Find a bracket containing the maximum
            double lower, upper;
            double maxU = Math.max(1, o);
            double rLower = maxU;
            double rUpper = maxU + 1;
            double f1 = f.value(rLower);
            double f2 = f.value(rUpper);

            // Calculate the simple integral and the range
            double sum = f1 + f2;
            boolean searchUp = f2 > f1;

            if (searchUp) {
                while (f2 > f1) {
                    f1 = f2;
                    rUpper += 1;
                    f2 = f.value(rUpper);
                    sum += f2;
                maxU = rUpper - 1;
            } else {
                // Ensure that u stays above zero
                while (f1 > f2 && rLower > 1) {
                    f2 = f1;
                    rLower -= 1;
                    f1 = f.value(rLower);
                    sum += f1;
                maxU = (rLower > 1) ? rLower + 1 : rLower;

            lower = Math.max(0, maxU - 5 * sk);
            upper = maxU + 5 * sk;

            if (useSimpleIntegration && lower > 0) {
                // If we are not at the zero boundary then we can use a simple integration by adding the 
                // remaining points in the range
                for (double u = rLower - 1; u >= lower; u -= 1) {
                    sum += f.value(u);
                for (double u = rUpper + 1; u <= upper; u += 1) {
                    sum += f.value(u);
            } else {
                // Use Legendre-Gauss integrator
                try {
                    final double relativeAccuracy = 1e-4;
                    final double absoluteAccuracy = 1e-8;
                    final int minimalIterationCount = 3;
                    final int maximalIterationCount = 32;
                    final int integrationPoints = 16;

                    // Use an integrator that does not use the boundary since u=0 is undefined (divide by zero)
                    UnivariateIntegrator i = new IterativeLegendreGaussIntegrator(integrationPoints,
                            relativeAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy, minimalIterationCount, maximalIterationCount);

                    sum = i.integrate(2000, f, lower, upper);
                } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException ex) {
                    return mortensenApproximation(cij, eta);

            // Compute the final probability
            //final double 
            f1 = z / sqrt2sigma;
            return (FastMath.exp(-vk) / (sqrt2pi * sk)) * (FastMath.exp(-(f1 * f1)) + sum);

    private double mortensenApproximation(final double cij, final double eta) {
        // This code is adapted from the Python source code within the supplementary information of 
        // the paper Mortensen, et al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383.

        // [Poisson PMF] multiplied by the [value at zero]:
        // [(eta^0 / 0!) * FastMath.exp(-eta)] * [eta * alpha]
        // FastMath.exp(-eta) * [eta * alpha]
        final double f0 = alpha * FastMath.exp(-eta) * eta;

        // ?
        final double fp0 = f0 * 0.5 * alpha * (eta - 2);

        // The cumulative normal distribution of the read noise
        // at the observed count
        final double conv0 = 0.5 * (1 + Erf.erf(cij / (sqrt2sigma2)));

        // [Noise * Gaussian PMF at observed count] + 
        //  [observed count * cumulative distribution of read noise at observed count]
        // [sigma*FastMath.exp(-cij**2/(twoSigma2))/Math.sqrt(2*pi)] + [cij*conv0]
        final double conv1 = sigma * FastMath.exp(-(cij * cij) / twoSigma2) / sqrt2pi + cij * conv0;

        // ? 
        double temp = (f0 * conv0 + fp0 * conv1 + FastMath.exp(-eta) * gauss(cij));

        if (cij > 0.0) {
            // The observed count converted to photons
            final double nij = alpha * cij;

            if (eta * nij > 10000) {
                // Approximate Bessel function i1(x) when using large x:
                // i1(x) ~ exp(x)/sqrt(2*pi*x)
                // However the entire equation is logged (creating transform),
                // evaluated then raised to e to prevent overflow error on 
                // large exp(x)

                final double transform = 0.5 * Math.log(alpha * eta / cij) - nij - eta + 2 * Math.sqrt(eta * nij)
                        - Math.log(twoSqrtPi * Math.pow(eta * nij, 0.25));
                temp += (FastMath.exp(transform) - f0 - fp0 * cij);
            } else {
                // Second part of equation 135 but not sure what the 
                // -f0-fp0*cij term is.
                // This indicates that temp should already be the first
                // part of eq.135: exp(-eta)*delta(cij)
                temp += (Math.sqrt(alpha * eta / cij) * FastMath.exp(-nij - eta)
                        * Bessel.I1(2 * Math.sqrt(eta * nij)) - f0 - fp0 * cij);

        return temp;

    private double eval(double sqrt2sigma, double z, double vk_g, double g, double u) {
        final double f1 = (z - u) / sqrt2sigma;
        final double f2 = Math.sqrt(vk_g * u);
        return FastMath.exp(-(f1 * f1) - u / g) * f2 * Bessel.I1(2 * f2) / u;

     * This code is adapted from the Python source code within the supplementary information of the paper Mortensen, et
     * al (2010) Nature Methods 7, 377-383.
     * <p>
     * Note this will return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if there is no Gaussian standard deviation and the observed count
     * is below zero (since the likelihood is zero).
     * @param o
     *            The observed count
     * @param e
     *            The expected count
     * @return The log-likelihood
    public double logLikelihood(final double o, final double e) {
        return Math.log(likelihood(o, e));

    private double gauss(final double x) {
        return FastMath.exp(-(x * x) / twoSigma2) / sqrt2piSigma2;

     * @return the useApproximation
    public boolean isUseApproximation() {
        return useApproximation;

     * @param useApproximation
     *            the useApproximation to set
    public void setUseApproximation(boolean useApproximation) {
        this.useApproximation = useApproximation;

     * @return the useSimpleIntegration
    public boolean isUseSimpleIntegration() {
        return useSimpleIntegration;

     * @param useSimpleIntegration
     *            the useSimpleIntegration to set
    public void setUseSimpleIntegration(boolean useSimpleIntegration) {
        this.useSimpleIntegration = useSimpleIntegration;

     * @return the alpha
    public double getAlpha() {
        return alpha;

     * @return the sigma
    public double getSigma() {
        return sigma;