Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
  See the file "LICENSE" for more information
package gamlss.distributions;

import gamlss.distributions.GT.IntegratingFunction;
import gamlss.distributions.GT.UniRootObjFunction;
import gamlss.utilities.Controls;
import gamlss.utilities.MakeLinkFunction;
import gamlss.utilities.TDistr;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.BaseAbstractUnivariateIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.LegendreGaussIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.UnivariateIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BrentSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.UnivariateSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformRealDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

 * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, 
 * Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby.
public class ST1 implements GAMLSSFamilyDistribution {

    /** Number of distribution parameters. */
    private final int numDistPar = 4;
    /** Hashtable to hold vectors of distribution 
     * parameters values (mu, sigma, ...). */
    private Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector> distributionParameters = new Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector>();
    /** Hashtable to hold types of link functions 
     * for the distribution parameters. */
    private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> distributionParameterLink = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
    /** vector of values of mu distribution parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector muV;
    /** vector of values of sigma distribution parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector sigmaV;
    /** vector of values of nu distribution parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector nuV;
    /** vector of values of tau distribution parameter. */
    private ArrayRealVector tauV;
    /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dmu. */
    private double[] dldm;
    /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dsigma. */
    private double[] dlds;
    /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dnu. */
    private double[] dldn;
    /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dtau. */
    private double[] dldt;
    /** Temporary vector for interim operations. */
    private ArrayRealVector tempV;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations. */
    private double[] z;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations. */
    private double[] w;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations. */
    private double[] lam;
    /** Temporary int for interim operations. */
    private int size;
    /** Object of t distribution class. */
    private TDistr tdDist;
    /** Object of Normal distribution class. */
    private NormalDistribution noDist;
    /** Object of LegendreGaussIntegrator class. */
    private LegendreGaussIntegrator integrator;
    /** Object of IntegratingFunction class. */
    private IntegratingFunction function;
    /** Temporary array for interim operations. */
    private double[] interval;
    /** object of uni-root objective function. */
    private UniRootObjFunction uniRootObj;
    /** Object of UnivariateSolver class. */
    private UnivariateSolver uniRootSolver;

    /** This is the Skew t (Azzalini type 1)  distribution
     *  with default link (muLink="identity",sigmaLink="log",
     *   nuLink="log", tauLink="log"). */
    public ST1() {

        this(DistributionSettings.IDENTITY, DistributionSettings.LOG, DistributionSettings.IDENTITY,

    /** This is the Skew t (Azzalini type 1) distribution with
     *  supplied link function for each of the distribution parameters.
     * @param muLink - link function for mu distribution parameter
     * @param sigmaLink - link function for sigma distribution parameter
     * @param nuLink - link function for nu distribution parameter
     * @param tauLink - link function for tau distribution parameter
    public ST1(final int muLink, final int sigmaLink, final int nuLink, final int tauLink) {

                MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, muLink));
                MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, sigmaLink));
                MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, nuLink));
                MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, tauLink));

        tdDist = new TDistr();
        noDist = new NormalDistribution();
        integrator = new LegendreGaussIntegrator(2, LegendreGaussIntegrator.DEFAULT_RELATIVE_ACCURACY,
        function = new IntegratingFunction();
        interval = new double[2];
        uniRootSolver = new BrentSolver(1.0e-12, 1.0e-8);
        uniRootObj = new UniRootObjFunction();

    /** Initialises the distribution parameters.
     * @param y - response variable */
    public final void initialiseDistributionParameters(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.MU, setMuInitial(y));
        distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.SIGMA, setSigmaInitial(y));
        distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.NU, setNuInitial(y));
        distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.TAU, setTauInitial(y));

    /**  Calculate and set initial value of mu, by assumption 
     * these values lie between observed data and the trend line.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return vector of initial values of mu
    private ArrayRealVector setMuInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        //mu.initial =  expression(mu <- (y+mean(y))/2)
        size = y.getDimension();
        double[] out = new double[size];
        Mean mean = new Mean();
        double yMean = mean.evaluate(y.getDataRef());
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            out[i] = (y.getEntry(i) + yMean) / 2;
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Calculate and set initial value of sigma.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return vector of initial values of sigma
    private ArrayRealVector setSigmaInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        //sigma.initial = expression(sigma <- rep(sd(y)/4, length(y))),
        tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension());
        final double out = new StandardDeviation().evaluate(y.getDataRef());
        tempV.set(out / 4);
        return tempV;

    /** Calculate and set initial value of nu.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return vector of initial values of nu
    private ArrayRealVector setNuInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        //nu.initial = expression(nu <- rep(0.1, length(y))),
        tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension());
        return tempV;

    /** Calculates initial value of tau.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return vector of initial values of tau
    private ArrayRealVector setTauInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        //tau.initial = expression(tau <-rep(5, length(y)))
        tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension());
        return tempV;

    /** Calculates a first derivative of the likelihood 
        * function in respect to supplied distribution parameter.
        * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter
        * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function
        * @return vector of first derivative of the likelihood 
    public final ArrayRealVector firstDerivative(final int whichDistParameter, final ArrayRealVector y) {
        setInterimArrays(y, whichDistParameter);
        tempV = null;
        switch (whichDistParameter) {
        case DistributionSettings.MU:
            tempV = dldm(y);
        case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
            tempV = dlds(y);
        case DistributionSettings.NU:
            tempV = dldn(y);
        case DistributionSettings.TAU:
            tempV = dldt(y);
            System.err.println("Requested first order " + "derivative does not exist");
        return tempV;

     * Set z, w, lam arrays.
     * @param y - response variable
    private void setInterimArrays(final ArrayRealVector y, final int whichDistParameter) {
        muV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU);
        sigmaV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA);
        nuV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU);
        tauV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU);

        size = y.getDimension();
        z = new double[size];
        lam = new double[size];
        w = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            //z <- (y-mu)/sigma
            z[i] = (y.getEntry(i) - muV.getEntry(i)) / sigmaV.getEntry(i);

            //w <- nu*z
            w[i] = nuV.getEntry(i) * z[i];

            if (whichDistParameter != DistributionSettings.NU) {
                //lam <- ifelse(tau < 1000000, (tau+1)/(tau+(z^2)),1)
                if (tauV.getEntry(i) < 1000000) {

                    lam[i] = (tauV.getEntry(i) + 1) / (tauV.getEntry(i) + (z[i] * z[i]));
                } else {

                    lam[i] = 1.0;

    /**  First derivative dldm = dl/dmu, where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of first derivative dldm = dl/dmu
    public final ArrayRealVector dldm(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        dldm = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            //dldm <- -(dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*nu/sigma + lam*z/sigma
            dldm[i] = -(tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * nuV.getEntry(i)
                    / sigmaV.getEntry(i) + lam[i] * z[i] / sigmaV.getEntry(i);
        z = null;
        w = null;
        lam = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(dldm, false);

    /** First derivative dlds = dl/dsigma, where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of First derivative dlds = dl/dsigma
    public final ArrayRealVector dlds(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        dlds = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            //dldd <- -(dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*nu*z/sigma 
            //+ ((lam*(z^2))-1)/sigma
            dlds[i] = -(tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * nuV.getEntry(i) * z[i]
                    / sigmaV.getEntry(i) + ((lam[i] * (z[i] * z[i])) - 1) / sigmaV.getEntry(i);
        z = null;
        w = null;
        lam = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(dlds, false);

    /** First derivative dldn = dl/dnu, where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of First derivative dldn = dl/dnu
    public final ArrayRealVector dldn(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        dldn = new double[size];
        double temp = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            //dwdv <- w/nu
            //dldv <- (dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*dwdv
            dldn[i] = (tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * w[i] / nuV.getEntry(i);
        z = null;
        w = null;
        lam = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(dldn, false);

    /** First derivative dldtau = dl/dtau, where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of First derivative dldtau = dl/dtau
    public final ArrayRealVector dldt(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        dldt = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            //j <- (pt(w,df=tau+0.001,log.p=TRUE)
            tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i) + 0.001);
            final double part1 = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i]));

            tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i) - 0.001);
            final double part2 = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i]));

            final double j = (part1 - part2) / 0.002;

            //dldt <- j + (digamma((tau+1)/2)-digamma(tau/2)
            dldt[i] = j + (Gamma.digamma((tauV.getEntry(i) + 1) / 2) - Gamma.digamma(tauV.getEntry(i) / 2)
                    - (1 / tauV.getEntry(i)) - FastMath.log(1 + (z[i] * z[i]) / tauV.getEntry(i))
                    + lam[i] * (z[i] * z[i]) / tauV.getEntry(i)) / 2.0;
        z = null;
        w = null;
        lam = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(dldt, false);

    /** Calculates a second derivative of the likelihood 
        * function in respect to supplied distribution parameter.
        * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter
        * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function 
        * @return vector of second derivative of the likelihood
    public final ArrayRealVector secondDerivative(final int whichDistParameter, final ArrayRealVector y) {
        tempV = null;
        switch (whichDistParameter) {
        case DistributionSettings.MU:
            tempV = d2ldm2(y);
        case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
            tempV = d2lds2(y);
        case DistributionSettings.NU:
            tempV = d2ldn2(y);
        case DistributionSettings.TAU:
            tempV = d2ldt2(y);
            System.err.println("Requested second order " + "derivative does not exist");
        return tempV;

    /** Second derivative d2ldm2= (d^2l)/(dmu^2),
     *  where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of second derivative d2ldm2= (d^2l)/(dmu^2)
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldm2(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldm2 <- -dldm*dldm
            out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldm[i];
            if (out[i] > -1e-15) {
                out[i] = -1e-15;
        muV = null;
        sigmaV = null;
        nuV = null;
        tauV = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second derivative d2lds2= (d^2l)/(dsigma^2), 
     * where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of second derivative d2lds2= (d^2l)/(dsigma^2)
    private ArrayRealVector d2lds2(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldd2 <- -dldd*dldd
            out[i] = -dlds[i] * dlds[i];
            if (out[i] > -1e-15) {
                out[i] = -1e-15;
        muV = null;
        sigmaV = null;
        nuV = null;
        tauV = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);


    /** Second derivative d2ldn2= (d^2l)/(dnu^2), 
     * where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of second derivative d2ldn2= (d^2l)/(dnu^2)
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldn2(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldv2 <- -dldv*dldv
            out[i] = -dldn[i] * dldn[i];

            //d2ldv2 <- ifelse(d2ldv2 < -1e-15, d2ldv2,-1e-15)
            if (out[i] > -1e-15) {
                out[i] = -1e-15;
        muV = null;
        sigmaV = null;
        nuV = null;
        tauV = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second derivative d2ldt2= (d^2l)/(dtau^2),
     * where l - log-likelihood function.
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of second derivative d2ldt2= (d^2l)/(dtau^2)
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldt2(final ArrayRealVector y) {

        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldt2 <- -dldt*dldt
            out[i] = -dldt[i] * dldt[i];

            //d2ldt2 <- ifelse(d2ldt2 < -1e-15, d2ldt2,-1e-15)
            if (out[i] > -1e-15) {
                out[i] = -1e-15;
        muV = null;
        sigmaV = null;
        nuV = null;
        tauV = null;
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Calculates a second cross derivative of the likelihood 
     * function in respect to supplied distribution parameters.
     * @param whichDistParameter1 - first distribution parameter
     * @param whichDistParameter2 - second distribution parameter
     * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function 
     * @return  vector of second cross derivative of the likelihood
    public final ArrayRealVector secondCrossDerivative(final int whichDistParameter1, final int whichDistParameter2,
            final ArrayRealVector y) {
        tempV = null;
        if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.MU) {
            switch (whichDistParameter2) {
            case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
                tempV = d2ldmds(y);
            case DistributionSettings.NU:
                tempV = d2ldmdn(y);
            case DistributionSettings.TAU:
                tempV = d2ldmdt(y);
                System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist");
                return null;
        if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.SIGMA) {
            switch (whichDistParameter2) {
            case DistributionSettings.NU:
                tempV = d2ldsdn(y);
            case DistributionSettings.TAU:
                tempV = d2ldsdt(y);
                System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist");
                return null;
        if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.NU) {
            switch (whichDistParameter2) {
            case DistributionSettings.TAU:
                tempV = d2ldndt(y);
                System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist");
                return null;

        return tempV;

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function in 
        * respect to mu and sigma (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dsigma).
        * @param y - vector of values of response variable
        * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldmds(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            // d2ldmdd <- -(dldm*dldd)
            out[i] = -dldm[i] * dlds[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function
      * in respect to mu and nu (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dnu).
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldmdn(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldmdv <- -(dldm*dldv)
            out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldn[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function 
     * in respect to mu and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dtau).
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldmdt(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldmdt <- -(dldm*dldt)
            out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldt[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function 
     * in respect to sigma and nu (d2ldmdd = d2l/dsigma*dnu).
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldsdn(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldddv <- -(dldd*dldv)
            out[i] = -dlds[i] * dldn[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function 
     * in respect to sigma and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dsigma*dtau).
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldsdt(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldddt <- -(dldd*dldt) 
            out[i] = -dlds[i] * dldt[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function 
     * in respect to nu and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dnu*dtau).
     * @param y - vector of values of response variable
     * @return  a vector of Second cross derivative
    private ArrayRealVector d2ldndt(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        double[] out = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            //d2ldvdt <- -(dldv*dldt)
            out[i] = -dldn[i] * dldt[i];
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Computes the global Deviance Increament.
     * @param y - vector of response variable values
     * @return vector of global Deviance Increament values 
    public final ArrayRealVector globalDevianceIncreament(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        //  = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau,...)  
        size = y.getDimension();
        double[] out = new double[size];

        double[] muArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU).getDataRef();
        double[] sigmaArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA).getDataRef();
        double[] nuArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU).getDataRef();
        double[] tauArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU).getDataRef();

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            out[i] = (-2)
                    * dST1(y.getEntry(i), muArr[i], sigmaArr[i], nuArr[i], tauArr[i], Controls.LOG_LIKELIHOOD);
        return new ArrayRealVector(out, false);

    /** Computes the probability density function (PDF) of this 
     * distribution evaluated at the specified point x.
     * @param x - value of response variable
     * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter
     * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter
     * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter
     * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter
     * @param isLog  - logical, whether to take log of the function or not
     * @return value of probability density function
    public final double dST1(final double x, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final boolean isLog) {

        // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
        if (sigma <= 0) {
            System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
            return -1.0;

        //if (any(tau <= 0))  stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
        if (tau <= 0) {
            System.err.println("tau must be positive");
            return -1.0;

        double out = 0;

        //z <- (x-mu)/sigma
        final double z = (x - mu) / sigma;

        //w <- nu*z
        final double w = nu * z;

        //loglik <- ifelse(tau<1000000, loglik1, loglik2)
        if (tau < 1000000) {

            //loglik1 <- pt(w,df=tau,log.p=TRUE) 
            //+ dt(z,df=tau,log =TRUE) + log(2) - log(sigma)
            out = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w)) + FastMath.log(tdDist.density(z))
                    + FastMath.log(2.0) - FastMath.log(sigma);
        } else {

            //loglik2 <- pNO(w,mu=0,sigma=1,log.p=TRUE) 
            //+ dNO(z,mu=0,sigma=1,log =TRUE) + log(2) - log(sigma)
            out = FastMath.log(noDist.cumulativeProbability(w)) + FastMath.log(noDist.density(z))
                    + FastMath.log(2.0) - FastMath.log(sigma);

        //if(log==FALSE) ft  <- exp(loglik) else ft <- loglik 
        if (!isLog) {
            out = FastMath.exp(out);
        return out;

     * dST1(x) launches dST1(x, mu, sigma, nu, isLog) 
     * with deafult mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2, isLof=false.
     * @param x - value of response variable 
     * @return value of probability density function 
    //dST1 <- function(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2, log = FALSE)
    public final double dST1(final double x) {
        return dST1(x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, false);

    /** Computes the cumulative distribution 
     * function P(X <= q) for a random variable X .
     * whose values are distributed according to this distribution
     * @param q - value of quantile
     * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter
     * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter
     * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter 
     * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter 
     * @param lowerTail - logical, if TRUE (default), probabilities
     *  are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x].
     * @param isLog - logical, if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p)
     * @return value of cumulative probability function values P(X <= q)
    public final double pST1(final double q, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) {

        // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
        if (sigma <= 0) {
            System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
            return -1.0;

        //if (any(tau < 0))  stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", ""))
        if (tau < 0) {
            System.err.println("tau must be positive");
            return -1.0;

        //cdf[i] <- integrate(function(x) 
        //dST1(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = nu[i], tau = tau[i]),
        //-Inf, (q[i]-mu[i])/sigma[i] )$value
        double out = integrator.integrate(Integer.MAX_VALUE, function, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, (q - mu) / sigma);

        //if(lower.tail==TRUE) cdf  <- cdf else  cdf <- 1-cdf
        if (!lowerTail) {
            if (isLog) {
                out = FastMath.log(1 - out);
            } else {
                out = 1 - out;
        } else if (isLog) {
            //if(log.p==FALSE) cdf  <- cdf else  cdf <- log(cdf)
            out = FastMath.log(out);
        return out;

      * Inner class is a shell for objective function to
      * find the root of the function.
    class IntegratingFunction implements UnivariateFunction {

        /** nu distribution parameter. */
        private double nu;
        /** tau distribution parameter. */
        private double tau;

         * This function is used to integrate the objectivefunction function.
         * @param x - income value to determine zero of the function
         * @return value of the function
        public double value(final double x) {
            return dST1(x, 0.0, 1.0, nu, tau, false);

         * Set nu distribution parameter.
         * @param nu - distribution parameter
        public void setNu(final double nu) {
   = nu;

         * Set tau distribution parameter.
         * @param tau - distribution parameter
        public void setTau(final double tau) {
            this.tau = tau;

     * pST1(q) launches pST1(q, mu, sigma, nu,  tau, 
     * lowerTail, isLog) with deafult mu = 0, sigma = 1, 
     * nu = 0, tau = 2.
     * lowerTail = true, isLog = false.
     * @param q - quantile
     * @return cumulative probability function value P(X <= q)
    //  pST1 <- function(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, 
    //tau = 2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    public final double pST1(final double q) {
        return pST1(q, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, true, false);

    /** Computes the quantile (inverse cumulative probability)
     *  function  of this distribution.
    * @param p - value of cumulative probability
    * @param mu -  value of mu distribution parameters
    * @param sigma -  value of sigma distribution parameters
    * @param nu -  value of nu distribution parameters 
    * @param tau -  value of tau distribution parameters
    * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities 
    * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x]
    * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
    * @return value of quantile function
    public final double qST1(final double p, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) {

        // {  if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",))
        if (sigma <= 0) {
            System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
            return -1.0;

        //if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p
        double out = 0;
        double temp = p;
        // if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p
        if (isLog) {
            temp = FastMath.exp(temp);
        if (temp <= 0 || temp >= 1) {
            System.err.println("p must be between 0 and 1");
        if (!lowerTail) {
            temp = 1 - temp;

        //if (h(mu[i])<p[i])
        if (h(mu, mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) < temp) {

            //interval <- c(mu[i], mu[i]+sigma[i])
            interval[0] = mu;
            interval[1] = mu + sigma;

            //j <-2
            int j = 2;

            //while (h(interval[2]) < p[i])
            while (h(interval[1], mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) < temp) {
                //interval[2]<- mu[i]+j*sigma[i]
                interval[1] = mu + j * sigma;

        } else {

            //interval <-  c(mu[i]-sigma[i], mu[i])
            interval[0] = mu - sigma;
            interval[1] = mu;

            //j <-2
            int j = 2;

            //while (h(interval[1]) > p[i])
            while (h(interval[0], mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) > temp) {

                //interval[1]<- mu[i]-j*sigma[i]
                interval[0] = mu - j * sigma;


        //q[i] <- uniroot(h1, interval)$root
        uniRootObj.setParameters(out, mu, sigma, nu, tau, temp);
        if (interval[0] < interval[1]) {
            out = uniRootSolver.solve(1000, uniRootObj, interval[0], interval[1]);
        } else {
            out = uniRootSolver.solve(1000, uniRootObj, interval[1], interval[0]);
        return out;

     * Supportive function for qST1, calss pST1.
     * @param in - income value
    * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
    * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
    * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
    * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
    * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities 
    * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x]
    * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
     * @return value of cumulative probability function
    public final double h(final double in, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) {

        return pST1(in, mu, sigma, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog);

       * Inner class is a shell for objective function to
       * find the root of the function.
    class UniRootObjFunction implements UnivariateFunction {

        /** mu distribution parameter. */
        private double mu;
        /** sigma distribution parameter. */
        private double sigma;
        /** nu distribution parameter. */
        private double nu;
        /** tau distribution parameter. */
        private double tau;
        /** income value. */
        private double q;
        /** value of cumulative probability. */
        private double p;

         * This function is used to integrate the objectivefunction function.
         * @param x - income value to determine zero of the function
         * @return value of the function
        public double value(final double x) {
            return h1(q, mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false, p);

         * Set required paeameters.
         * @param q - income value       
         * @param mu -  value of mu distribution parameters
         * @param sigma -  value of sigma distribution parameters
         * @param nu -  value of nu distribution parameters 
         * @param tau -  value of tau distribution parameters
         * @param p - value of cumulative probability
        public void setParameters(final double q, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu,
                final double tau, final double p) {
   = mu;
            this.sigma = sigma;
   = nu;
            this.tau = tau;
            this.q = q;
            this.p = p;

     * Supportive function for qGTs, calss pGT.
     * @param in - income value
    * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
    * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
    * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
    * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
    * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities 
    * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x]
    * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
    * @param p - value of cumulative probability
     * @return value of cumulative probability function
    public final double h1(final double in, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog, final double p) {

        return (pST1(in, mu, sigma, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog) - p);

     * qST1(p) launches qST1(p, mu, sigma, nu,  tau, lowerTail, isLog)
     *  with deafult mmu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2.
     * lowerTail = true, isLog = false.
     * @param p - value of cumulative probability 
     * @return quantile
    //qST1 <-  function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, 
    //tau = 2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    public final double qST1(final double p) {
        return qST1(p, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, true, false);

    /** Generates a random sample from this distribution.
     * @param mu -  vector of mu distribution parameters values
     * @param sigma -  vector of sigma distribution parameters values
     * @param nu -  vector of nu distribution parameters values
     * @param tau -  vector of tau distribution parameters values
     * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
     * @return random sample vector
    public final double rST1(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau,
            final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {

        // {if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive"))
        if (sigma <= 0) {
            System.err.println("sigma must be positive");
            return -1.0;
        //r <- qST1(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau)
        return qST1(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false);

    * rST1(uDist) launches rST1(mu, sigma, nu,  tau, uDist) 
    * with deafult mu=0, sigma=1, nu=0, tau=2.
       * @param uDist -  object of UniformRealDistribution class;
     * @return random sample value
    //rST1 <- function(n, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=0, tau=2)
    public final double rST1(final UniformRealDistribution uDist) {
        return rST1(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, uDist);

    * Checks whether the mu distribution parameter is valid.
    * @param y - vector of response variavbles
    * @return - boolean
    public final boolean isYvalid(final ArrayRealVector y) {
        return true;

    /** Checks whether entries of ArrayRealVectors 
     * of distribution parameters are valid.
    * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter
      @return Hashtable of booleans
    public final boolean areDistributionParametersValid(final int whichDistParameter) {
        boolean tempB = false;
        switch (whichDistParameter) {
        case DistributionSettings.MU:
            tempB = isMuValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU));
        case DistributionSettings.SIGMA:
            tempB = isSigmaValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA));
        case DistributionSettings.NU:
            tempB = isNuValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU));
        case DistributionSettings.TAU:
            tempB = isTauValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU));
            System.out.println("The specific distribution parameter" + " does not exist for this distribution");
        return tempB;

    * Checks whether the mu distribution parameter is valid.
    * @param mu - vector of mu (mean) values
    * @return - boolean
    private boolean isMuValid(final ArrayRealVector mu) {
        //mu.valid = function(mu) TRUE,
        return true;

     * Checks whether the sigma distribution parameter is valid.
     * @param sigma - vector of sigma (standard deviation) values
     * @return - - boolean
    private boolean isSigmaValid(final ArrayRealVector sigma) {
        return sigma.getMinValue() > 0;

     * Checks whether the nu distribution parameter is valid.
     * @param nu - vector of nu values
     * @return - - boolean
    private boolean isNuValid(final ArrayRealVector nu) {
        //nu.valid = function(nu) TRUE ,
        return true;

     * Checks whether the tau distribution parameter is valid.
     * @param tau - vector of nu values
     * @return - - boolean
    private boolean isTauValid(final ArrayRealVector tau) {
        return tau.getMinValue() > 0;

     * Get number of distribution parameters.
     * @return number of distribution parameters
    public final int getNumberOfDistribtionParameters() {
        return numDistPar;

     * Get type of distributuion (Continuous, Discrete or Mixed).
     * @return type of distributuion
    public final int getTypeOfDistribution() {
        return DistributionSettings.CONTINUOUS;

     * Get distribution name.
     * @return distribution name.
    public final int getFamilyOfDistribution() {
        return DistributionSettings.ST1;

     * Set distribution parsameters.
     * @param whichDistParameter - the fitting distribution parameter
     * @param fvDistributionParameter - vector of values of 
     * fitting distribution parameter
    public final void setDistributionParameter(final int whichDistParameter,
            final ArrayRealVector fvDistributionParameter) {
        this.distributionParameters.put(whichDistParameter, fvDistributionParameter);

     * Get distribution parsameters.
     * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter
     * @return - vector of distribution parameter values
    public final ArrayRealVector getDistributionParameter(final int whichDistParameter) {
        return this.distributionParameters.get(whichDistParameter);

    /** Get the link function type of the current distribution parameter.
     * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter
     * @return link function type
    public final int getDistributionParameterLink(final int whichDistParameter) {
        return distributionParameterLink.get(whichDistParameter);