Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012 by Dr. Vlasios Voudouris and ABM Analytics Ltd Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package gamlss.distributions; import gamlss.distributions.GT.IntegratingFunction; import gamlss.distributions.GT.UniRootObjFunction; import gamlss.utilities.Controls; import gamlss.utilities.MakeLinkFunction; import gamlss.utilities.TDistr; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.BaseAbstractUnivariateIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.LegendreGaussIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.UnivariateIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.BrentSolver; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.UnivariateSolver; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformRealDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; /** * @author Dr. Vlasios Voudouris, Daniil Kiose, * Prof. Mikis Stasinopoulos and Dr Robert Rigby. */ public class ST1 implements GAMLSSFamilyDistribution { /** Number of distribution parameters. */ private final int numDistPar = 4; /** Hashtable to hold vectors of distribution * parameters values (mu, sigma, ...). */ private Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector> distributionParameters = new Hashtable<Integer, ArrayRealVector>(); /** Hashtable to hold types of link functions * for the distribution parameters. */ private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> distributionParameterLink = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>(); /** vector of values of mu distribution parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector muV; /** vector of values of sigma distribution parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector sigmaV; /** vector of values of nu distribution parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector nuV; /** vector of values of tau distribution parameter. */ private ArrayRealVector tauV; /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dmu. */ private double[] dldm; /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dsigma. */ private double[] dlds; /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dnu. */ private double[] dldn; /** Array of first derrivative values dl/dtau. */ private double[] dldt; /** Temporary vector for interim operations. */ private ArrayRealVector tempV; /** Temporary array for interim operations. */ private double[] z; /** Temporary array for interim operations. */ private double[] w; /** Temporary array for interim operations. */ private double[] lam; /** Temporary int for interim operations. */ private int size; /** Object of t distribution class. */ private TDistr tdDist; /** Object of Normal distribution class. */ private NormalDistribution noDist; /** Object of LegendreGaussIntegrator class. */ private LegendreGaussIntegrator integrator; /** Object of IntegratingFunction class. */ private IntegratingFunction function; /** Temporary array for interim operations. */ private double[] interval; /** object of uni-root objective function. */ private UniRootObjFunction uniRootObj; /** Object of UnivariateSolver class. */ private UnivariateSolver uniRootSolver; /** This is the Skew t (Azzalini type 1) distribution * with default link (muLink="identity",sigmaLink="log", * nuLink="log", tauLink="log"). */ public ST1() { this(DistributionSettings.IDENTITY, DistributionSettings.LOG, DistributionSettings.IDENTITY, DistributionSettings.LOG); } /** This is the Skew t (Azzalini type 1) distribution with * supplied link function for each of the distribution parameters. * @param muLink - link function for mu distribution parameter * @param sigmaLink - link function for sigma distribution parameter * @param nuLink - link function for nu distribution parameter * @param tauLink - link function for tau distribution parameter */ public ST1(final int muLink, final int sigmaLink, final int nuLink, final int tauLink) { distributionParameterLink.put(DistributionSettings.MU, MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, muLink)); distributionParameterLink.put(DistributionSettings.SIGMA, MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, sigmaLink)); distributionParameterLink.put(DistributionSettings.NU, MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, nuLink)); distributionParameterLink.put(DistributionSettings.TAU, MakeLinkFunction.checkLink(DistributionSettings.ST1, tauLink)); tdDist = new TDistr(); noDist = new NormalDistribution(); integrator = new LegendreGaussIntegrator(2, LegendreGaussIntegrator.DEFAULT_RELATIVE_ACCURACY, LegendreGaussIntegrator.DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY); function = new IntegratingFunction(); interval = new double[2]; uniRootSolver = new BrentSolver(1.0e-12, 1.0e-8); uniRootObj = new UniRootObjFunction(); } /** Initialises the distribution parameters. * @param y - response variable */ public final void initialiseDistributionParameters(final ArrayRealVector y) { distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.MU, setMuInitial(y)); distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.SIGMA, setSigmaInitial(y)); distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.NU, setNuInitial(y)); distributionParameters.put(DistributionSettings.TAU, setTauInitial(y)); } /** Calculate and set initial value of mu, by assumption * these values lie between observed data and the trend line. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return vector of initial values of mu */ private ArrayRealVector setMuInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) { //mu.initial = expression(mu <- (y+mean(y))/2) size = y.getDimension(); double[] out = new double[size]; Mean mean = new Mean(); double yMean = mean.evaluate(y.getDataRef()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { out[i] = (y.getEntry(i) + yMean) / 2; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Calculate and set initial value of sigma. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return vector of initial values of sigma */ private ArrayRealVector setSigmaInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) { //sigma.initial = expression(sigma <- rep(sd(y)/4, length(y))), tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension()); final double out = new StandardDeviation().evaluate(y.getDataRef()); tempV.set(out / 4); return tempV; } /** Calculate and set initial value of nu. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return vector of initial values of nu */ private ArrayRealVector setNuInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) { //nu.initial = expression(nu <- rep(0.1, length(y))), tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension()); tempV.set(0.1); return tempV; } /** Calculates initial value of tau. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return vector of initial values of tau */ private ArrayRealVector setTauInitial(final ArrayRealVector y) { //tau.initial = expression(tau <-rep(5, length(y))) tempV = new ArrayRealVector(y.getDimension()); tempV.set(5.0); return tempV; } /** Calculates a first derivative of the likelihood * function in respect to supplied distribution parameter. * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function * @return vector of first derivative of the likelihood */ public final ArrayRealVector firstDerivative(final int whichDistParameter, final ArrayRealVector y) { setInterimArrays(y, whichDistParameter); tempV = null; switch (whichDistParameter) { case DistributionSettings.MU: tempV = dldm(y); break; case DistributionSettings.SIGMA: tempV = dlds(y); break; case DistributionSettings.NU: tempV = dldn(y); break; case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempV = dldt(y); break; default: System.err.println("Requested first order " + "derivative does not exist"); break; } return tempV; } /** * Set z, w, lam arrays. * @param y - response variable */ private void setInterimArrays(final ArrayRealVector y, final int whichDistParameter) { muV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU); sigmaV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA); nuV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU); tauV = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU); size = y.getDimension(); z = new double[size]; lam = new double[size]; w = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //z <- (y-mu)/sigma z[i] = (y.getEntry(i) - muV.getEntry(i)) / sigmaV.getEntry(i); //w <- nu*z w[i] = nuV.getEntry(i) * z[i]; if (whichDistParameter != DistributionSettings.NU) { //lam <- ifelse(tau < 1000000, (tau+1)/(tau+(z^2)),1) if (tauV.getEntry(i) < 1000000) { lam[i] = (tauV.getEntry(i) + 1) / (tauV.getEntry(i) + (z[i] * z[i])); } else { lam[i] = 1.0; } } } } /** First derivative dldm = dl/dmu, where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of first derivative dldm = dl/dmu */ public final ArrayRealVector dldm(final ArrayRealVector y) { dldm = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //dldm <- -(dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*nu/sigma + lam*z/sigma tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i)); dldm[i] = -(tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * nuV.getEntry(i) / sigmaV.getEntry(i) + lam[i] * z[i] / sigmaV.getEntry(i); } z = null; w = null; lam = null; return new ArrayRealVector(dldm, false); } /** First derivative dlds = dl/dsigma, where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of First derivative dlds = dl/dsigma */ public final ArrayRealVector dlds(final ArrayRealVector y) { dlds = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //dldd <- -(dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*nu*z/sigma //+ ((lam*(z^2))-1)/sigma tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i)); dlds[i] = -(tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * nuV.getEntry(i) * z[i] / sigmaV.getEntry(i) + ((lam[i] * (z[i] * z[i])) - 1) / sigmaV.getEntry(i); } z = null; w = null; lam = null; return new ArrayRealVector(dlds, false); } /** First derivative dldn = dl/dnu, where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of First derivative dldn = dl/dnu */ public final ArrayRealVector dldn(final ArrayRealVector y) { dldn = new double[size]; double temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //dwdv <- w/nu //dldv <- (dt(w,df=tau)/pt(w,df=tau))*dwdv tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i)); dldn[i] = (tdDist.density(w[i]) / tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])) * w[i] / nuV.getEntry(i); } z = null; w = null; lam = null; return new ArrayRealVector(dldn, false); } /** First derivative dldtau = dl/dtau, where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of First derivative dldtau = dl/dtau */ public final ArrayRealVector dldt(final ArrayRealVector y) { dldt = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //j <- (pt(w,df=tau+0.001,log.p=TRUE) //-pt(w,df=tau-0.001,log.p=TRUE))/0.002 tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i) + 0.001); final double part1 = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])); tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tauV.getEntry(i) - 0.001); final double part2 = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w[i])); final double j = (part1 - part2) / 0.002; //dldt <- j + (digamma((tau+1)/2)-digamma(tau/2) //-(1/tau)-log(1+(z^2)/tau)+lam*(z^2)/tau)/2 dldt[i] = j + (Gamma.digamma((tauV.getEntry(i) + 1) / 2) - Gamma.digamma(tauV.getEntry(i) / 2) - (1 / tauV.getEntry(i)) - FastMath.log(1 + (z[i] * z[i]) / tauV.getEntry(i)) + lam[i] * (z[i] * z[i]) / tauV.getEntry(i)) / 2.0; } z = null; w = null; lam = null; return new ArrayRealVector(dldt, false); } /** Calculates a second derivative of the likelihood * function in respect to supplied distribution parameter. * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function * @return vector of second derivative of the likelihood */ public final ArrayRealVector secondDerivative(final int whichDistParameter, final ArrayRealVector y) { tempV = null; switch (whichDistParameter) { case DistributionSettings.MU: tempV = d2ldm2(y); break; case DistributionSettings.SIGMA: tempV = d2lds2(y); break; case DistributionSettings.NU: tempV = d2ldn2(y); break; case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempV = d2ldt2(y); break; default: System.err.println("Requested second order " + "derivative does not exist"); break; } return tempV; } /** Second derivative d2ldm2= (d^2l)/(dmu^2), * where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of second derivative d2ldm2= (d^2l)/(dmu^2) */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldm2(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldm2 <- -dldm*dldm out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldm[i]; if (out[i] > -1e-15) { out[i] = -1e-15; } } muV = null; sigmaV = null; nuV = null; tauV = null; return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second derivative d2lds2= (d^2l)/(dsigma^2), * where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of second derivative d2lds2= (d^2l)/(dsigma^2) */ private ArrayRealVector d2lds2(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldd2 <- -dldd*dldd out[i] = -dlds[i] * dlds[i]; if (out[i] > -1e-15) { out[i] = -1e-15; } } muV = null; sigmaV = null; nuV = null; tauV = null; return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second derivative d2ldn2= (d^2l)/(dnu^2), * where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of second derivative d2ldn2= (d^2l)/(dnu^2) */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldn2(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldv2 <- -dldv*dldv out[i] = -dldn[i] * dldn[i]; //d2ldv2 <- ifelse(d2ldv2 < -1e-15, d2ldv2,-1e-15) if (out[i] > -1e-15) { out[i] = -1e-15; } } muV = null; sigmaV = null; nuV = null; tauV = null; return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second derivative d2ldt2= (d^2l)/(dtau^2), * where l - log-likelihood function. * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of second derivative d2ldt2= (d^2l)/(dtau^2) */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldt2(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldt2 <- -dldt*dldt out[i] = -dldt[i] * dldt[i]; //d2ldt2 <- ifelse(d2ldt2 < -1e-15, d2ldt2,-1e-15) if (out[i] > -1e-15) { out[i] = -1e-15; } } muV = null; sigmaV = null; nuV = null; tauV = null; return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Calculates a second cross derivative of the likelihood * function in respect to supplied distribution parameters. * @param whichDistParameter1 - first distribution parameter * @param whichDistParameter2 - second distribution parameter * @param y - vector of values of likelihood function * @return vector of second cross derivative of the likelihood */ public final ArrayRealVector secondCrossDerivative(final int whichDistParameter1, final int whichDistParameter2, final ArrayRealVector y) { tempV = null; if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.MU) { switch (whichDistParameter2) { case DistributionSettings.SIGMA: tempV = d2ldmds(y); break; case DistributionSettings.NU: tempV = d2ldmdn(y); break; case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempV = d2ldmdt(y); break; default: System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist"); return null; } } if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.SIGMA) { switch (whichDistParameter2) { case DistributionSettings.NU: tempV = d2ldsdn(y); break; case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempV = d2ldsdt(y); break; default: System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist"); return null; } } if (whichDistParameter1 == DistributionSettings.NU) { switch (whichDistParameter2) { case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempV = d2ldndt(y); break; default: System.err.println("Second derivative does not exist"); return null; } } return tempV; } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function in * respect to mu and sigma (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dsigma). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldmds(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // d2ldmdd <- -(dldm*dldd) out[i] = -dldm[i] * dlds[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function * in respect to mu and nu (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dnu). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldmdn(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldmdv <- -(dldm*dldv) out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldn[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function * in respect to mu and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dmu*dtau). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldmdt(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldmdt <- -(dldm*dldt) out[i] = -dldm[i] * dldt[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function * in respect to sigma and nu (d2ldmdd = d2l/dsigma*dnu). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldsdn(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldddv <- -(dldd*dldv) out[i] = -dlds[i] * dldn[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function * in respect to sigma and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dsigma*dtau). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldsdt(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldddt <- -(dldd*dldt) out[i] = -dlds[i] * dldt[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Second cross derivative of likelihood function * in respect to nu and tau (d2ldmdd = d2l/dnu*dtau). * @param y - vector of values of response variable * @return a vector of Second cross derivative */ private ArrayRealVector d2ldndt(final ArrayRealVector y) { double[] out = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //d2ldvdt <- -(dldv*dldt) out[i] = -dldn[i] * dldt[i]; } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Computes the global Deviance Increament. * @param y - vector of response variable values * @return vector of global Deviance Increament values */ public final ArrayRealVector globalDevianceIncreament(final ArrayRealVector y) { // = function(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau,...) //-2*dST3(y,mu,sigma,nu,tau,log=TRUE), size = y.getDimension(); double[] out = new double[size]; double[] muArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU).getDataRef(); double[] sigmaArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA).getDataRef(); double[] nuArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU).getDataRef(); double[] tauArr = distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU).getDataRef(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { out[i] = (-2) * dST1(y.getEntry(i), muArr[i], sigmaArr[i], nuArr[i], tauArr[i], Controls.LOG_LIKELIHOOD); } return new ArrayRealVector(out, false); } /** Computes the probability density function (PDF) of this * distribution evaluated at the specified point x. * @param x - value of response variable * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter * @param isLog - logical, whether to take log of the function or not * @return value of probability density function */ public final double dST1(final double x, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final boolean isLog) { // { if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",)) if (sigma <= 0) { System.err.println("sigma must be positive"); return -1.0; } //if (any(tau <= 0)) stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", "")) if (tau <= 0) { System.err.println("tau must be positive"); return -1.0; } double out = 0; //z <- (x-mu)/sigma final double z = (x - mu) / sigma; //w <- nu*z final double w = nu * z; //loglik <- ifelse(tau<1000000, loglik1, loglik2) if (tau < 1000000) { //loglik1 <- pt(w,df=tau,log.p=TRUE) //+ dt(z,df=tau,log =TRUE) + log(2) - log(sigma) tdDist.setDegreesOfFreedom(tau); out = FastMath.log(tdDist.cumulativeProbability(w)) + FastMath.log(tdDist.density(z)) + FastMath.log(2.0) - FastMath.log(sigma); } else { //loglik2 <- pNO(w,mu=0,sigma=1,log.p=TRUE) //+ dNO(z,mu=0,sigma=1,log =TRUE) + log(2) - log(sigma) out = FastMath.log(noDist.cumulativeProbability(w)) + FastMath.log(noDist.density(z)) + FastMath.log(2.0) - FastMath.log(sigma); } //if(log==FALSE) ft <- exp(loglik) else ft <- loglik if (!isLog) { out = FastMath.exp(out); } return out; } /** * dST1(x) launches dST1(x, mu, sigma, nu, isLog) * with deafult mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2, isLof=false. * @param x - value of response variable * @return value of probability density function */ //dST1 <- function(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2, log = FALSE) public final double dST1(final double x) { return dST1(x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, false); } /** Computes the cumulative distribution * function P(X <= q) for a random variable X . * whose values are distributed according to this distribution * @param q - value of quantile * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameter * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameter * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameter * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameter * @param lowerTail - logical, if TRUE (default), probabilities * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x]. * @param isLog - logical, if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p) * @return value of cumulative probability function values P(X <= q) */ public final double pST1(final double q, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) { // { if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",)) if (sigma <= 0) { System.err.println("sigma must be positive"); return -1.0; } //if (any(tau < 0)) stop(paste("tau must be positive", "\n", "")) if (tau < 0) { System.err.println("tau must be positive"); return -1.0; } //cdf[i] <- integrate(function(x) //dST1(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = nu[i], tau = tau[i]), //-Inf, (q[i]-mu[i])/sigma[i] )$value function.setNu(nu); function.setTau(tau); double out = integrator.integrate(Integer.MAX_VALUE, function, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, (q - mu) / sigma); //if(lower.tail==TRUE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- 1-cdf if (!lowerTail) { if (isLog) { out = FastMath.log(1 - out); } else { out = 1 - out; } } else if (isLog) { //if(log.p==FALSE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- log(cdf) out = FastMath.log(out); } return out; } /** * Inner class is a shell for objective function to * find the root of the function. * */ class IntegratingFunction implements UnivariateFunction { /** nu distribution parameter. */ private double nu; /** tau distribution parameter. */ private double tau; /** * This function is used to integrate the objectivefunction function. * @param x - income value to determine zero of the function * @return value of the function */ public double value(final double x) { return dST1(x, 0.0, 1.0, nu, tau, false); } /** * Set nu distribution parameter. * @param nu - distribution parameter */ public void setNu(final double nu) { = nu; } /** * Set tau distribution parameter. * @param tau - distribution parameter */ public void setTau(final double tau) { this.tau = tau; } } /** * pST1(q) launches pST1(q, mu, sigma, nu, tau, * lowerTail, isLog) with deafult mu = 0, sigma = 1, * nu = 0, tau = 2. * lowerTail = true, isLog = false. * @param q - quantile * @return cumulative probability function value P(X <= q) */ // pST1 <- function(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, //tau = 2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) public final double pST1(final double q) { return pST1(q, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, true, false); } /** Computes the quantile (inverse cumulative probability) * function of this distribution. * @param p - value of cumulative probability * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameters * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameters * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameters * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameters * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x] * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). * @return value of quantile function */ public final double qST1(final double p, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) { // { if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive",)) if (sigma <= 0) { System.err.println("sigma must be positive"); return -1.0; } //if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p double out = 0; double temp = p; // if (log.p==TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p if (isLog) { temp = FastMath.exp(temp); } if (temp <= 0 || temp >= 1) { System.err.println("p must be between 0 and 1"); } if (!lowerTail) { temp = 1 - temp; } //if (h(mu[i])<p[i]) if (h(mu, mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) < temp) { //interval <- c(mu[i], mu[i]+sigma[i]) interval[0] = mu; interval[1] = mu + sigma; //j <-2 int j = 2; //while (h(interval[2]) < p[i]) while (h(interval[1], mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) < temp) { //interval[2]<- mu[i]+j*sigma[i] interval[1] = mu + j * sigma; //j<-j+1 j++; } } else { //interval <- c(mu[i]-sigma[i], mu[i]) interval[0] = mu - sigma; interval[1] = mu; //j <-2 int j = 2; //while (h(interval[1]) > p[i]) while (h(interval[0], mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false) > temp) { //interval[1]<- mu[i]-j*sigma[i] interval[0] = mu - j * sigma; //j<-j+1 j++; } } //q[i] <- uniroot(h1, interval)$root uniRootObj.setParameters(out, mu, sigma, nu, tau, temp); if (interval[0] < interval[1]) { out = uniRootSolver.solve(1000, uniRootObj, interval[0], interval[1]); } else { out = uniRootSolver.solve(1000, uniRootObj, interval[1], interval[0]); } return out; } /** * Supportive function for qST1, calss pST1. * @param in - income value * @param mu - vector of mu distribution parameters values * @param sigma - vector of sigma distribution parameters values * @param nu - vector of nu distribution parameters values * @param tau - vector of tau distribution parameters values * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x] * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). * @return value of cumulative probability function */ public final double h(final double in, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog) { return pST1(in, mu, sigma, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog); } /** * Inner class is a shell for objective function to * find the root of the function. * */ class UniRootObjFunction implements UnivariateFunction { /** mu distribution parameter. */ private double mu; /** sigma distribution parameter. */ private double sigma; /** nu distribution parameter. */ private double nu; /** tau distribution parameter. */ private double tau; /** income value. */ private double q; /** value of cumulative probability. */ private double p; /** * This function is used to integrate the objectivefunction function. * @param x - income value to determine zero of the function * @return value of the function */ public double value(final double x) { return h1(q, mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false, p); } /** * Set required paeameters. * @param q - income value * @param mu - value of mu distribution parameters * @param sigma - value of sigma distribution parameters * @param nu - value of nu distribution parameters * @param tau - value of tau distribution parameters * @param p - value of cumulative probability */ public void setParameters(final double q, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final double p) { = mu; this.sigma = sigma; = nu; this.tau = tau; this.q = q; this.p = p; } } /** * Supportive function for qGTs, calss pGT. * @param in - income value * @param mu - vector of mu distribution parameters values * @param sigma - vector of sigma distribution parameters values * @param nu - vector of nu distribution parameters values * @param tau - vector of tau distribution parameters values * @param lowerTail - logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities * are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x] * @param isLog - logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). * @param p - value of cumulative probability * @return value of cumulative probability function */ public final double h1(final double in, final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final boolean lowerTail, final boolean isLog, final double p) { return (pST1(in, mu, sigma, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog) - p); } /** * qST1(p) launches qST1(p, mu, sigma, nu, tau, lowerTail, isLog) * with deafult mmu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, tau = 2. * lowerTail = true, isLog = false. * @param p - value of cumulative probability * @return quantile */ //qST1 <- function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, //tau = 2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) public final double qST1(final double p) { return qST1(p, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, true, false); } /** Generates a random sample from this distribution. * @param mu - vector of mu distribution parameters values * @param sigma - vector of sigma distribution parameters values * @param nu - vector of nu distribution parameters values * @param tau - vector of tau distribution parameters values * @param uDist - object of UniformRealDistribution class; * @return random sample vector */ public final double rST1(final double mu, final double sigma, final double nu, final double tau, final UniformRealDistribution uDist) { // {if (any(sigma <= 0))stop(paste("sigma must be positive")) if (sigma <= 0) { System.err.println("sigma must be positive"); return -1.0; } //r <- qST1(p,mu=mu,sigma=sigma,nu=nu,tau=tau) return qST1(uDist.sample(), mu, sigma, nu, tau, true, false); } /** * rST1(uDist) launches rST1(mu, sigma, nu, tau, uDist) * with deafult mu=0, sigma=1, nu=0, tau=2. * @param uDist - object of UniformRealDistribution class; * @return random sample value */ //rST1 <- function(n, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=0, tau=2) public final double rST1(final UniformRealDistribution uDist) { return rST1(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, uDist); } /** * Checks whether the mu distribution parameter is valid. * @param y - vector of response variavbles * @return - boolean */ public final boolean isYvalid(final ArrayRealVector y) { return true; } /** Checks whether entries of ArrayRealVectors * of distribution parameters are valid. * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter @return Hashtable of booleans */ public final boolean areDistributionParametersValid(final int whichDistParameter) { boolean tempB = false; switch (whichDistParameter) { case DistributionSettings.MU: tempB = isMuValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.MU)); break; case DistributionSettings.SIGMA: tempB = isSigmaValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.SIGMA)); break; case DistributionSettings.NU: tempB = isNuValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.NU)); break; case DistributionSettings.TAU: tempB = isTauValid(distributionParameters.get(DistributionSettings.TAU)); break; default: System.out.println("The specific distribution parameter" + " does not exist for this distribution"); } return tempB; } /** * Checks whether the mu distribution parameter is valid. * @param mu - vector of mu (mean) values * @return - boolean */ private boolean isMuValid(final ArrayRealVector mu) { //mu.valid = function(mu) TRUE, return true; } /** * Checks whether the sigma distribution parameter is valid. * @param sigma - vector of sigma (standard deviation) values * @return - - boolean */ private boolean isSigmaValid(final ArrayRealVector sigma) { return sigma.getMinValue() > 0; } /** * Checks whether the nu distribution parameter is valid. * @param nu - vector of nu values * @return - - boolean */ private boolean isNuValid(final ArrayRealVector nu) { //nu.valid = function(nu) TRUE , return true; } /** * Checks whether the tau distribution parameter is valid. * @param tau - vector of nu values * @return - - boolean */ private boolean isTauValid(final ArrayRealVector tau) { return tau.getMinValue() > 0; } /** * Get number of distribution parameters. * @return number of distribution parameters */ public final int getNumberOfDistribtionParameters() { return numDistPar; } /** * Get type of distributuion (Continuous, Discrete or Mixed). * @return type of distributuion */ public final int getTypeOfDistribution() { return DistributionSettings.CONTINUOUS; } /** * Get distribution name. * @return distribution name. */ public final int getFamilyOfDistribution() { return DistributionSettings.ST1; } /** * Set distribution parsameters. * @param whichDistParameter - the fitting distribution parameter * @param fvDistributionParameter - vector of values of * fitting distribution parameter */ public final void setDistributionParameter(final int whichDistParameter, final ArrayRealVector fvDistributionParameter) { this.distributionParameters.put(whichDistParameter, fvDistributionParameter); } /** * Get distribution parsameters. * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter * @return - vector of distribution parameter values */ public final ArrayRealVector getDistributionParameter(final int whichDistParameter) { return this.distributionParameters.get(whichDistParameter); } /** Get the link function type of the current distribution parameter. * @param whichDistParameter - distribution parameter * @return link function type */ public final int getDistributionParameterLink(final int whichDistParameter) { return distributionParameterLink.get(whichDistParameter); } }