Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to ESUP-Portail under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * ESUP-Portail licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.univrouen.poste.domain; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat; import org.springframework.roo.addon.javabean.RooJavaBean; import org.springframework.roo.addon.jpa.activerecord.RooJpaActiveRecord; import org.springframework.roo.addon.tostring.RooToString; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @RooJavaBean @RooToString(excludeFields = "postes") @RooJpaActiveRecord(finders = { "findUsersByNomLikeOrEmailAddressLikeOrPrenomLike", "findUsersByEmailAddress", "findUsersByEmailAddressAndActivationDateIsNotNull", "findUsersByActivationKey", "findUsersByActivationKeyAndEmailAddress", "findUsersByNumCandidat", "findUsersByIsAdmin", "findUsersByIsSuperManager", "findUsersByIsManager" }, table = "cUser") public class User { private static final int MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_LOCK = 3; private static final int MAX_MILISECONDS_LOCK = 10000; private String civilite = ""; private String nom = ""; private String prenom = ""; @NotNull @Column(unique = true) @Size(min = 1) private String emailAddress; private String password; @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @DateTimeFormat(style = "S-") private Date activationDate; private String activationKey; private Boolean enabled = true; private Long loginFailedNb = new Long(0); private Long loginFailedTime = new Long(0); @NotNull @Value("false") private Boolean isManager; @NotNull @Value("false") private Boolean isSuperManager; @NotNull @Value("false") private Boolean isAdmin; // only for candidat private String numCandidat; // only for membre @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "membres") private Set<PosteAPourvoir> postes; public Boolean getIsCandidat() { return (numCandidat != null && !numCandidat.isEmpty()); } public Boolean getIsMembre() { return (postes != null && !postes.isEmpty()); } public String getDisplayName() { return WordUtils.capitalizeFully(prenom + " " + nom); } // don't care of upper/lower case for authentication with email ... public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) { this.emailAddress = emailAddress.toLowerCase(); } public static long countActifCUsers() { return entityManager().createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM User o WHERE o.enabled=true", Long.class) .getSingleResult(); } public String getStatus() { String status = ""; if (this.getIsAdmin()) status = status.concat("admin, "); if (this.getIsSuperManager()) status = status.concat("super-manager, "); if (this.getIsManager()) status = status.concat("manager, "); if (this.getIsMembre()) status = status.concat("membre, "); if (this.getIsCandidat()) status = status.concat("candidat, "); return status; } public static Long countAdmins() { return countFindUsersByIsAdmin(true); } public static Long countSupermanagers() { return countFindUsersByIsSuperManager(true); } public static Long countManagers() { return countFindUsersByIsManager(true); } public static Long countMembres() { return entityManager().createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM User o WHERE o.postes is not EMPTY", Long.class) .getSingleResult(); } public static Long countCandidats() { return entityManager() .createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM User o WHERE o.numCandidat is not NULL AND o.numCandidat <> ''", Long.class) .getSingleResult(); } public static Long countActifCandidats() { return entityManager().createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(o) FROM User o WHERE o.numCandidat is not NULL AND o.numCandidat <> '' AND o.activationDate is not NULL", Long.class).getSingleResult(); } public static TypedQuery<User> findAllCandidats(String sortFieldName, String sortOrder) { String jpaQuery = "SELECT o FROM User AS o WHERE o.numCandidat is not NULL AND o.numCandidat <> ''"; if (sortFieldName == null) sortFieldName = "emailAddress"; if (fieldNames4OrderClauseFilter.contains(sortFieldName)) { jpaQuery = jpaQuery + " ORDER BY " + sortFieldName; if ("ASC".equalsIgnoreCase(sortOrder) || "DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(sortOrder)) { jpaQuery = jpaQuery + " " + sortOrder; } } return entityManager().createQuery(jpaQuery, User.class); } public static TypedQuery<User> findAllMembres(String sortFieldName, String sortOrder) { String jpaQuery = "SELECT o FROM User AS o WHERE o.postes is not EMPTY"; if (sortFieldName == null) sortFieldName = "emailAddress"; if (fieldNames4OrderClauseFilter.contains(sortFieldName)) { jpaQuery = jpaQuery + " ORDER BY " + sortFieldName; if ("ASC".equalsIgnoreCase(sortOrder) || "DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(sortOrder)) { jpaQuery = jpaQuery + " " + sortOrder; } } return entityManager().createQuery(jpaQuery, User.class); } public static Object findAllNoCandidats() { return entityManager().createQuery( "SELECT o FROM User AS o WHERE o.numCandidat is NULL OR o.numCandidat = '' order by o.emailAddress", User.class).getResultList(); } public void reportLoginFailure() { if (!isLocked() && ++loginFailedNb >= MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_LOCK) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date currentTime = cal.getTime(); loginFailedTime = currentTime.getTime(); } } public void reportLoginOK() { loginFailedNb = new Long(0); loginFailedTime = new Long(0); } public Boolean isLocked() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date currentTime = cal.getTime(); Long currentTimeMS = currentTime.getTime(); if (currentTimeMS < loginFailedTime + MAX_MILISECONDS_LOCK) { loginFailedNb = new Long(0); return true; } return false; } /** * @return true if one of his candidatures has a modification date not nul */ public Boolean isCandidatActif() { List<PosteCandidature> candidatures = PosteCandidature.findPosteCandidaturesByCandidat(this, null, null) .getResultList(); for (PosteCandidature candidature : candidatures) if (candidature.getModification() != null) return true; return false; } @Transactional public void remove() { EntityManager entityManager = entityManager(); User user = this; if (!entityManager.contains(this)) { user = User.findUser(this.getId()); } // candidat List<GalaxieEntry> galaxieEntries = GalaxieEntry.findGalaxieEntrysByCandidat(user).getResultList(); for (GalaxieEntry galaxieEntry : galaxieEntries) { galaxieEntry.remove(); } List<PosteCandidature> candidatures = PosteCandidature.findPosteCandidaturesByCandidat(user) .getResultList(); for (PosteCandidature candidature : candidatures) { candidature.remove(); } // membre List<CommissionEntry> commissionEntries = CommissionEntry.findCommissionEntrysByMembre(user) .getResultList(); for (CommissionEntry commissionEntry : commissionEntries) { commissionEntry.getPoste().getMembres().remove(user); commissionEntry.remove(); } Set<PosteAPourvoir> postes = user.getPostes(); if (postes != null) { for (PosteAPourvoir poste : postes) { poste.getMembres().remove(user); } } entityManager.remove(user); } public static TypedQuery<String> findAllUserIds() { String jpaQuery = "SELECT o.emailAddress FROM User AS o ORDER BY emailAddress"; return entityManager().createQuery(jpaQuery, String.class); } public static List<String> findAllCandidatsIds() { String jpaQuery = "SELECT o.emailAddress FROM User AS o WHERE o.numCandidat is not NULL AND o.numCandidat <> '' ORDER BY emailAddress"; return entityManager().createQuery(jpaQuery, String.class).getResultList(); } public static List<User> findUsersByEmailAddresses(List<String> emails) { if (emails == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The emails argument is required"); TypedQuery<User> q = entityManager().createQuery( "SELECT o FROM User o WHERE o.emailAddress IN :emails ORDER BY o.emailAddress asc", User.class); q.setParameter("emails", emails); return q.getResultList(); } }