Java tutorial
/** * AADL-RAMSES * * Copyright 2014 TELECOM ParisTech and CNRS * * TELECOM ParisTech/LTCI * * Authors: see AUTHORS * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Eclipse Public License as published by Eclipse, * either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Eclipse Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the Eclipse Public License * along with this program. If not, see * */ package fr.tpt.aadl.launch; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.emftvm.util.VMException; import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2; import org.osate.aadl2.AadlPackage; import org.osate.aadl2.ComponentCategory; import org.osate.aadl2.SystemImplementation; import org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance; import org.osate.aadl2.instance.SystemInstance; import org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager; import org.osate.aadl2.util.Aadl2Util; import; import; import fr.tpt.aadl.ramses.analysis.AnalysisResultFactory; import; import; import; import; import fr.tpt.aadl.ramses.control.atl.AtlTransfoLauncher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.tpt.aadl.sched.aadlinspector.AADLInspectorLauncher; import fr.tpt.aadl.sched.aadlinspector.output.AnalysisResult; import fr.tpt.aadl.sched.aadlinspector.output.ResponseTimeResult; import fr.tpt.aadl.sched.aadlinspector.output.ResponseTimeResult.TaskResponseTimeResult; import fr.tpt.aadl.sched.wcetanalysis.result.reducedba.AnalysisModel; public class AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis extends AbstractAnalyzer { private final static String ANALYZER_NAME = Names.TIMING_ANALYSIS_PLUGIN_NAME; public final static String PLUGIN_NAME = Names.TIMING_ANALYSIS_PLUGIN_NAME; private final static String PLUGIN_ID = Names.TIMING_ANALYSIS_PLUGIN_NAME; private AadlModelInstantiatior _instantiator; private PredefinedAadlModelManager _predefinedResourcesManager; private String outputModelIdentifier; private Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis.class); private Map<ComponentInstance, List<ResponseTimeResult>> responseTimeResultList = new HashMap<ComponentInstance, List<ResponseTimeResult>>(); private ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); public AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis(AadlModelInstantiatior instantiator, PredefinedAadlModelManager predefinedResourcesManager) { _instantiator = instantiator; _predefinedResourcesManager = predefinedResourcesManager; } @Override public String getRegistryName() { return ANALYZER_NAME; } @Override public String getPluginName() { return PLUGIN_NAME; } @Override public String getPluginId() { return PLUGIN_ID; } boolean first = true; public int cpt; public int cpt_failed = 0; public int size; private Map<ResponseTimeResult, List<EGNode>> analysisResult = new HashMap<ResponseTimeResult, List<EGNode>>(); private IProgressMonitor _monitor; private RamsesConfiguration _config; @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, Object> parameters) { if (first) { mode = (String) parameters.get("Mode"); AnalysisResultFactory f = AnalysisResultFactory.eINSTANCE; currentResult = f.createAnalysisArtifact(); parameters.put("AnalysisResult", currentResult); outputModelIdentifier = (String) parameters.get("OutputModelIdentifier"); first = false; } } public List<EGNode> performAnalysis(ComponentInstance cpu, RamsesConfiguration config, AnalysisErrorReporterManager errorReporter, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws AnalysisException { this._config = config; this._monitor = monitor; /* XXX: test avec plusieurs cpu * cpu per cpu * Modify transformation to copy only selected CPU instances into subcomponent; * propagate to properties. Use EMFUtils.allInsta... to filter out. * propagate to connections (bus, etc...) * Extract one configuration per CPU. * model to exhibit = merge des listes de EGNode slectionner. */ EGAnalyzer ega = new EGAnalyzer(_instantiator, _predefinedResourcesManager); Map<ComponentInstance, List<EGNode>> wcetMap = ega.extractWCETModelsMap(cpu); List<Set<EGNode>> listForProduct = new ArrayList<Set<EGNode>>(); for (ComponentInstance thread : wcetMap.keySet()) { Set<EGNode> tmp = new LinkedHashSet<EGNode>(wcetMap.get(thread)); List<EGNode> toRemove = new ArrayList<EGNode>(); for (EGNode t : tmp) if (!t.hasCapacity()) toRemove.add(t); tmp.removeAll(toRemove); listForProduct.add(tmp); } Set<List<EGNode>> res = Sets.cartesianProduct(listForProduct); size = res.size(); String message = "INFO: " + size + " executions of AADLInspector schedulability" + "analysis will be executed."; _logger.trace(message); if (size == 0) { message = "At least one task has no worst case execution time defined in the " + "analysis model"; _logger.error(message); ServiceProvider.SYS_ERR_REP.error(message, false); return null; } // Launch analysis for each configuration // If one is not schedulable, exhibit this one // otherwise exhibit one that maximizes CPU usage int iter = 0; final Thread[] aadlInspectorThreads = new Thread[size]; final AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis app = this; for (List<EGNode> egNodeList : res) { String outputPath; if (config.getAadlInspectorOutputDir() != null) outputPath = config.getAadlInspectorOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(); else outputPath = config.getRamsesOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(); File tmpDir = new File(outputPath + "/wcet_" + iter); if (!tmpDir.exists()) tmpDir.mkdir(); // Execute analysis in several threads aadlInspectorThreads[iter] = new AADLInspectorAnalysisThread(app, egNodeList, tmpDir, cpu, "wcet_" + iter, "automatic"); iter++; } Command cmd = new Command() { int status = Command.UNSET; @Override public int run() throws Exception { for (Thread t : aadlInspectorThreads) { t.start(); } // Wait all the thread end. synchronized (app) { app.wait(); } status = Command.OK; return Command.OK; } @Override public boolean isCanceled() { return monitor.isCanceled(); } @Override public String getLabel() { return null; } @Override public int getStatus() { return status; } @Override public Process getProcess() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }; int exitStatus; WaitMonitor wm = new WaitMonitor(cmd); wm.start(); try { exitStatus = wm.waitAndCheck(500); } catch (Exception e) { killThreads(aadlInspectorThreads); String msg = "AADL inspector monitoring has been interrupted"; _logger.fatal(msg, e); throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } switch (exitStatus) { case Command.FATAL: { Exception e = wm.getCaughtException(); String msg = "AADL Inspector has failed"; _logger.fatal(msg, e); killThreads(aadlInspectorThreads); throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } case Command.ERROR: { // TODO } case Command.CANCEL: { killThreads(aadlInspectorThreads); String msg = "AADL Inspector has been canceled"; _logger.trace(msg); throw new OperationCanceledException(msg); } case Command.OK: { String msg = "AADL Inspector process done"; _logger.trace(msg); break; } default: { String errMsg = "AADL Inspector error: unknown exit code"; _logger.error(errMsg); ServiceProvider.SYS_ERR_REP.error(errMsg, true); } } int i = 0; String outputModelId = ""; List<EGNode> resultingEGNodeList = new ArrayList<EGNode>(); for (ComponentInstance ci : responseTimeResultList.keySet()) { List<EGNode> tmp = null; for (ResponseTimeResult ufr : responseTimeResultList.get(ci)) { double maxResponseTime = 0.0; boolean schedulable = true; double responseTimeSum = 0; if (ufr.isResult() == false) { tmp = new ArrayList<EGNode>(); tmp.addAll(this.analysisResult.get(ufr)); outputModelId = "wcet_" + (i + 1); schedulable = false; break; } for (TaskResponseTimeResult rt : ufr.getResponseTimes().values()) responseTimeSum += rt.worst; if (responseTimeSum >= maxResponseTime && schedulable) { tmp = new ArrayList<EGNode>(); tmp.addAll(this.analysisResult.get(ufr)); maxResponseTime = responseTimeSum; outputModelId = "wcet_" + (i + 1); } i++; } if (tmp != null) resultingEGNodeList.addAll(tmp); else { String errMsg = "AADL Inspector error: results show a schedulable" + " task set, tasks have execution time, but the sum of tasks response time is null"; _logger.error(errMsg); ServiceProvider.SYS_ERR_REP.error(errMsg, true); } } return resultingEGNodeList; } private void killThreads(Thread[] aadlInspectorThreads) { for (Thread t : aadlInspectorThreads) t.interrupt(); } public void performAnalysis(SystemInstance root, RamsesConfiguration config, AnalysisErrorReporterManager errorReporter, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws AnalysisException { List<EGNode> resultingEGNodeList = new ArrayList<EGNode>(); for (ComponentInstance ci : EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(root, ComponentInstance.class)) { if (ci.getCategory().equals(ComponentCategory.PROCESSOR)) { List<EGNode> executionGraphNodeList = this.performAnalysis(ci, config, errorReporter, monitor); if (executionGraphNodeList != null) resultingEGNodeList.addAll(executionGraphNodeList); else return; } } this.size = 1; String resultPath; if (config.getAadlInspectorOutputDir() != null) resultPath = config.getAadlInspectorOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(); else resultPath = config.getRamsesOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(); File resultDir = new File(resultPath + "/" + outputModelIdentifier); if (!resultDir.exists()) resultDir.mkdir(); AADLInspectorAnalysisThread last = new AADLInspectorAnalysisThread(this, resultingEGNodeList, resultDir, root, outputModelIdentifier, mode); Thread t = new Thread(last); t.start(); try { synchronized (this) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return; } synchronized private void addAnalysisResult(ComponentInstance ci, ResponseTimeResult rtr, List<EGNode> nodes) { this.analysisResult.put(rtr, nodes); if (this.responseTimeResultList.containsKey(ci)) { this.responseTimeResultList.get(ci).add(rtr); } else { List<ResponseTimeResult> l = new ArrayList<ResponseTimeResult>(); l.add(rtr); this.responseTimeResultList.put(ci, l); } } private Resource produceAnalysisAADLModel(ResourceSet rs, AnalysisModel m, File outputDir, SystemInstance systemInstance, String outputModelId, List<ComponentInstance> cpuList, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Wcet2AadlEMFTVMLauncher launcher = new Wcet2AadlEMFTVMLauncher(m, _instantiator, _predefinedResourcesManager, cpuList); Aadl2Util.setUseTunedEqualsMethods(false); launcher.setOutputPackageName(outputModelId); File aadlWithWcetFile = new File( outputDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + outputModelIdentifier + ".aadl2"); Resource rootResource = systemInstance.eResource(); Resource aadlModelWithWcet = launcher.doTransformation(rs, rootResource, outputDir.getAbsolutePath(), "_" + outputModelId, monitor); aadlModelWithWcet.setURI(URI.createFileURI(aadlWithWcetFile.getAbsolutePath())); _instantiator.serialize(aadlModelWithWcet, aadlWithWcetFile.getAbsolutePath()); Aadl2Util.setUseTunedEqualsMethods(false); return aadlModelWithWcet; } static class AADLInspectorAnalysisThread extends Thread { private List<EGNode> egNodeList; private File outputDir; private SystemInstance root; private final AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis initiator; private String outputModelId; private String mode; private List<ComponentInstance> cpuToIgnore = new ArrayList<ComponentInstance>(); public AnalysisResult analysisResult; private static Logger _LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AADLInspectorAnalysisThread.class); public AADLInspectorAnalysisThread(AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis aadlInspectorSchedulingAnalysis, List<EGNode> egNodeList, File outputDir, ComponentInstance cpu, String outputModelId, String mode) { this.initiator = aadlInspectorSchedulingAnalysis; this.egNodeList = egNodeList; this.outputDir = outputDir; this.root = cpu.getSystemInstance(); this.outputModelId = outputModelId; this.mode = mode; for (ComponentInstance ci : EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(root, ComponentInstance.class)) { if (ci.getCategory().equals(ComponentCategory.PROCESSOR) && !ci.equals(cpu)) { this.cpuToIgnore.add(ci); } } } public AADLInspectorAnalysisThread(final AADLInspectorSchedulingAnalysis aadlInspectorSchedulingAnalysis, List<EGNode> egNodeList, File outputDir, SystemInstance root, String outputModelId, String mode) { this.initiator = aadlInspectorSchedulingAnalysis; this.egNodeList = egNodeList; this.outputDir = outputDir; this.root = root; this.outputModelId = outputModelId; this.mode = mode; } public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); EGModels models = new EGModels(); for (EGNode node : egNodeList) { models.put((ComponentInstance) node.getThread(), node); } try { EG2ResultModel eg2resultModel = new EG2ResultModel(models); AnalysisModel result = eg2resultModel.getAnalysisModel(); if (initiator._monitor.isCanceled()) { String msg = "analysis has been canceled before analysis"; _LOGGER.trace(msg); return; } Resource aadlModel = initiator.produceAnalysisAADLModel(initiator.resourceSet, result, outputDir, root, outputModelId, cpuToIgnore, initiator._monitor); PropertiesLinkingService pls = new PropertiesLinkingService(); AadlPackage pkg = (AadlPackage) aadlModel.getContents().get(0); SystemImplementation si = (SystemImplementation) pls .findNamedElementInsideAadlPackage(outputModelId + ".impl", pkg.getOwnedPublicSection()); SystemInstance sinst = initiator._instantiator.instantiate(si); AADLInspectorLauncher launcher = new AADLInspectorLauncher( initiator._config.getAadlInspectorInstallDir()); analysisResult = launcher.launchAnalysis(sinst, outputDir, mode, initiator._monitor); if (initiator._monitor.isCanceled()) { String msg = "analysis has been canceled after analysis"; _LOGGER.trace(msg); return; } for (ComponentInstance ci : EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(sinst, ComponentInstance.class)) { if (ci.getCategory().equals(ComponentCategory.PROCESSOR)) { ResponseTimeResult ufr = analysisResult.getResponseTimeResults("root." + ci.getName()); initiator.addAnalysisResult(ci, ufr, egNodeList); } } synchronized (this.initiator.currentResult) { analysisResult.setIterationNb(this.initiator.iterationCounter); analysisResult.normalize(this.initiator.currentResult); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Analysis has been canceled by the user. Stop the analysis. String msg = "Intermediate AADLInspector has been interrupted"; _LOGGER.trace(msg); return; } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { // Analysis has been canceled by the user. Stop the analysis. _LOGGER.trace(cancelMsg()); return; } catch (VMException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof OperationCanceledException) { // Analysis has been canceled by the user. Stop the analysis. _LOGGER.trace(cancelMsg()); return; } else { e.printStackTrace(); _LOGGER.fatal(fatalMsg(), e); fatal(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); _LOGGER.fatal(fatalMsg(), e); fatal(); } synchronized (root) { initiator.cpt++; String message = initiator.cpt + " execution(s) of AADLInspector schedulability" + " done."; initiator._monitor.subTask(message); _LOGGER.trace(message); evaluateIfFinished(); } return; } private String fatalMsg() { return initiator.cpt_failed + " execution(s) of AADLInspector schedulability" + " failed."; } private void fatal() { synchronized (root) { initiator.cpt++; initiator.cpt_failed++; evaluateIfFinished(); } } private String cancelMsg() { return "Intermediate AADLInspector has been canceled"; } void evaluateIfFinished() { if (initiator.cpt == initiator.size) synchronized (initiator) { initiator.notify(); initiator.cpt = 0; } } } List<String> _ransformationModuleList = null; private int iterationCounter; @Override public List<String> getTransformationModuleList() { if (_ransformationModuleList == null) { _ransformationModuleList = AtlTransfoLauncher.getUninstanciateTransformationModuleList(); _ransformationModuleList.add("/WcetAnalysis/ReducedBA"); } return _ransformationModuleList; } @Override public void setIterationCounter(int iterationCounter) { this.iterationCounter = iterationCounter; } }