Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of pwt. * * pwt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * pwt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with pwt. If not, * see <>. */ package fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.editor.client.factory.CloneableWidget; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.model.client.base.HasDrawable; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.theme.client.CssStyle; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.AbstractPanel; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.HasFooter; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.HasHeader; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.base.SimpleStyle; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.util.StyleUtils; import fr.putnami.pwt.core.widget.client.util.WidgetUtils; public class Modal extends AbstractPanel implements HasOneWidget, CloneableWidget, HasDrawable { private static final CssStyle STYLE_MODAL = new SimpleStyle("modal"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_MODAL_OPEN = new SimpleStyle("modal-open"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_DIALOG = new SimpleStyle("modal-dialog"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_CONTENT = new SimpleStyle("modal-content"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_HEADER = new SimpleStyle("modal-header"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_BODY = new SimpleStyle("modal-body"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_FOOTER = new SimpleStyle("modal-footer"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_BACKDROP = new SimpleStyle("modal-backdrop"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_FADE = new SimpleStyle("fade"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_VISIBLE = new SimpleStyle("in"); private static final CssStyle STYLE_CLOSE = new SimpleStyle("close"); private static class ModalBackdrop extends Widget { ModalBackdrop() { this.setElement(Document.get().createDivElement()); StyleUtils.addStyle(this, Modal.STYLE_BACKDROP); StyleUtils.addStyle(this, Modal.STYLE_FADE); } public void show() { RootPanel.get().add(this); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { StyleUtils.addStyle(ModalBackdrop.this, Modal.STYLE_VISIBLE); } }); } public void hide() { StyleUtils.removeStyle(ModalBackdrop.this, Modal.STYLE_VISIBLE); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { RootPanel.get().remove(ModalBackdrop.this); return false; } }, 100); } } public enum Size implements CssStyle { SMALL("modal-sm"), DEFAULT(null), LARGE("modal-lg"); private final String style; Size(String style) { = style; } @Override public String get() { return; } } private static final ModalBackdrop MODAL_BACKDROP = new ModalBackdrop(); private final Container headerContainer = new Container(DivElement.TAG); private final Container dialogContainer = new Container(DivElement.TAG); private final Container contentContainer = new Container(DivElement.TAG); private final Container bodyContainer = new Container(DivElement.TAG); private Widget containerWidget; private Anchor<?> dismissButton; private Header header; private Widget widget; private Footer footer; private boolean visible = false; private boolean dismissable; private String title; private Size size = Size.DEFAULT; public Modal() { super(DivElement.TAG); StyleUtils.addStyle(this, Modal.STYLE_MODAL); StyleUtils.addStyle(this, Modal.STYLE_FADE); this.append(this.dialogContainer); this.dialogContainer.append(this.contentContainer); StyleUtils.addStyle(this.dialogContainer, Modal.STYLE_DIALOG); StyleUtils.addStyle(this.contentContainer, Modal.STYLE_CONTENT); StyleUtils.addStyle(this.bodyContainer, Modal.STYLE_BODY); } protected Modal(Modal source) { super(source); this.visible = source.visible; this.dismissable = source.dismissable; this.title = source.title; this.setHeader(WidgetUtils.cloneWidget(this.header)); this.setFooter(WidgetUtils.cloneWidget(this.footer)); this.setWidget(WidgetUtils.cloneWidget(this.widget)); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet"); } @Override public IsWidget cloneWidget() { return new Modal(this); } @Override public void add(IsWidget w) { if (w instanceof Header) { this.setHeader((Header) w); return; } if (w instanceof Footer) { this.setFooter((Footer) w); return; } if (w instanceof HasHeader) { this.setHeader(((HasHeader) w).getHeader()); } if (w instanceof HasFooter) { this.setFooter(((HasFooter) w).getFooter()); } this.setWidget(w); } public void setHeader(Header header) { if (header == null) { return; } assert this.header == null : "header may only be set once"; this.header = header; } public void setFooter(Footer footer) { if (footer == null) { return; } assert this.footer == null : "footer may only be set once"; this.footer = footer; StyleUtils.addStyle(footer, Modal.STYLE_FOOTER); } public void show() { this.ensureDismissButton(); this.redraw(); this.visible = true; Widget modal = getContainerWidget(); if (modal.isAttached()) { modal.removeFromParent(); }; this.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.BLOCK); RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(); rootPanel.add(modal); StyleUtils.addStyle(rootPanel, Modal.STYLE_MODAL_OPEN); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { StyleUtils.addStyle(Modal.this, Modal.STYLE_VISIBLE); return false; } }, 150); } public void hide() { final RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(); this.visible = false; StyleUtils.removeStyle(Modal.this, Modal.STYLE_VISIBLE); StyleUtils.removeStyle(rootPanel, Modal.STYLE_MODAL_OPEN); Modal.MODAL_BACKDROP.hide(); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { Modal.this.getElement().getStyle().clearDisplay(); rootPanel.remove(getContainerWidget()); return false; } }, 150); } public void toggleVisibility() { if (this.visible) { this.hide(); } else {; } } @Override public Widget getWidget() { return this.widget; } @Override public void setWidget(IsWidget w) { this.setWidget(w.asWidget()); } @Override public void setWidget(Widget w) { this.widget = w; this.bodyContainer.append(this.widget); } @Override public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; super.setTitle(title); } @Override public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public void setDismissable(boolean dismissable) { this.dismissable = dismissable; } public Size getSize() { return this.size; } public void setSize(Size size) { this.size = size; StyleUtils.addStyle(this.contentContainer, this.size); } @Override public void redraw() { this.headerContainer.clear(); if (this.dismissable) { this.headerContainer.append(this.ensureDismissButton()); } if (this.header != null) { this.headerContainer.append(this.header); } else if (this.title != null) { Heading titleHeading = new Heading(4); titleHeading.setText(this.title); this.headerContainer.append(titleHeading); } if (this.headerContainer.getWidgetCount() > 0) { StyleUtils.addStyle(this.headerContainer, Modal.STYLE_HEADER); } this.contentContainer.clear(); this.contentContainer.append(this.headerContainer); this.contentContainer.append(this.bodyContainer); this.contentContainer.append(this.footer); } private Widget getContainerWidget() { if (containerWidget == null) { if (getParent() instanceof HasWidgets) { containerWidget = this; } else if (getParent() instanceof Composite) { containerWidget = getParent(); } } return containerWidget; } private Anchor<?> ensureDismissButton() { if (this.dismissable && this.dismissButton == null) { this.dismissButton = new Anchor<>("×"); StyleUtils.addStyle(this.dismissButton, Modal.STYLE_CLOSE); this.dismissButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Modal.this.hide(); } }); } return this.dismissButton; } }