Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Antoine Seilles (Natoine) * This file is part of model-annotation. model-annotation is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. model-annotation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with model-annotation. If not, see <>. */ package fr.natoine.model_annotation; import; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.Lob; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; @Entity @Table(name = "ANNOTATIONSTATUS") @XmlRootElement public class AnnotationStatus implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name = "ANNOTATIONSTATUS_ID") private Long id; @Column(name = "LABEL", unique = true, nullable = false) private String label; @Column(name = "COMMENT") private String comment; @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, targetEntity = AnnotationStatus.class) @JoinColumn(name = "FATHERANNOTATIONSTATUS_ID") private AnnotationStatus father; @Lob @Column(name = "DESCRIPTEUR_JSON") private String descripteur; @Column(name = "COLOR") private String color; @Column(name = "ICON") private String icon; //Tout statut d'annotation est utilisable en rponse rapide. /** * Gets the father of an AnnotationStatus. * AnnotationStatus are organized as a hierarchy. * The father of an AnnotationStatus is the direct more general Status above the current status. * @return */ public AnnotationStatus getFather() { return father; } /** * Sets the father of an AnnotationStatus. * AnnotationStatus are organized as a hierarchy. * The father of an AnnotationStatus is the direct more general Status above the current status. * @param father */ public void setFather(AnnotationStatus father) { this.father = father; } /** * Gets the label of the status. * @return */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * Sets the label of the status. * @param label */ public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } /** * Gets the comment of a status. * Comment is used to disambiguate the status. * @return */ public String getComment() { return comment; } /** * Sets the comment of a status. * Comment is used to disambiguate the status. * @param comment */ public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } /** * Gets the Id of the Status * @return */ public Long getId() { return id; } /** * Sets a JSONArray as a decriptor of the Annotation Form * The JSONArry is made of JSONObjects composed of : * a string equals ANNOTATED or ADDED * a string that indicates the ClassName of the resource * a string that indicates a status for this resource (comment for example) * a String[] to give the possible values if there are * a string infinite or a number to indicate if you con add an infinity of this resource or a specified number, if the number is surrounded by |, it means you must add exactly this number of resources * @param descripteur */ public void setDescripteur(JSONArray descripteur) { this.descripteur = descripteur.toString(); } /** * Gets a JSONArray as a decriptor of the Annotation Form * The JSONArry is made of JSONObjects composed of : * a string type equals ANNOTATED or ADDED * a string className that indicates the ClassName of the resource * a string status that indicates a status for this resource (comment for example) * a String[] choices to give the possible values if there are * a string cardinalite infinite or a number to indicate if you con add an infinity of this resource or a specified number, if the number is surrounded by |, it means you must add exactly this number of resources * @return */ public JSONArray getDescripteur() { try { JSONArray descripteur_array = new JSONArray(descripteur); return descripteur_array; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("[model_annotation.AnnotationStatus.getDescripteur] Problem parsing descripteur"); return new JSONArray(); } } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public String getColor() { return color; } public void setIcon(String icon) { this.icon = icon; } public String getIcon() { return icon; } private String createCheckbox(String _html, String _className, String _status, String _unique_id, String _value, int _cpt) { _html = _html.concat( "<div class=choice><input type=checkbox name=\"checkbox_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _value + "</div>"); return _html; } private String createCheckboxes(String _html, String _className, String _status, String _unique_id, int _cpt, JSONArray _choices, int _choices_length) throws JSONException { _html = _html.concat("<input type=hidden name=\"checkboxes_annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" id=\"checkboxes_annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" value=\"\" />"); for (int j = 0; j < _choices_length; j++) { String _value = _choices.getString(j); _html = createCheckbox(_html, _className, _status, _unique_id, _value, _cpt); } return _html; } private String oneRadioButtonOnly(String _html, String _className, String _status, JSONArray _choices) throws JSONException { String _value = _choices.getString(0); _html = _html .concat("<div class=choice><input type=radio name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" checked /> " + _value + "</div>"); return _html; } private String radioButtons(String _html, String _className, String _status, JSONArray _choices, int _choices_length) throws JSONException { if (_choices_length == 1) { //un seul choix, radio bouton gris _html = oneRadioButtonOnly(_html, _className, _status, _choices); } else { for (int j = 0; j < _choices_length; j++) { String _value = _choices.getString(j); _html = _html.concat( "<div class=choice><input type=radio name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _value + "</div>"); } } return _html; } private String formTags(String _html, String _className, String _status, String _unique_id, int _cpt, JSONObject _elt, String _true_cardinalite, int _card) throws JSONException { JSONArray _choices = _elt.getJSONArray("choices"); int _choices_length = _choices.length(); if (_choices_length > 0) { if (_true_cardinalite.equalsIgnoreCase("n") || _card > 1) //checkboxes _html = createCheckboxes(_html, _className, _status, _unique_id, _cpt, _choices, _choices_length); else //radioButton _html = radioButtons(_html, _className, _status, _choices, _choices_length); } else _html = _html.concat("<input name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" type=text value=\"\" />"); return _html; } private String formMood(String _html, String _className, String _status, String _unique_id, int _cpt, JSONObject _elt, String _true_cardinalite, int _card) throws JSONException { JSONArray _choices = _elt.getJSONArray("choices"); int _choices_length = _choices.length(); if (_choices_length > 0) { if (_true_cardinalite.equalsIgnoreCase("n") || _card > 1) { //checkboxes _html = _html.concat("<input type=hidden name=\"checkboxes_annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" id=\"checkboxes_annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" value=\"\" />"); for (int j = 0; j < _choices_length; j++) { String _value = _choices.getString(j); //_html = _html.concat("<div class=choice><input type=radio name=annotation_added_mood_" + status + " value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _value + "</div>"); String _mood = "<img src=/PortletAnnotation-1.0.0/images/mood_" + _value.replaceAll("", "e").replace("", "e") + ".png title=" + _value + " />"; _html = _html.concat("<div class=choice><input type=checkbox name=\"checkbox_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "_" + _cpt + "_" + _unique_id + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _mood + "</div>"); } } else //radioButton { if (_choices_length == 1) { //un seul choix, radio bouton gris String _value = _choices.getString(0); _html = _html.concat("<div class=choice><input type=radio name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" checked/> " + _value + "</div>"); } else { for (int j = 0; j < _choices_length; j++) { String _value = _choices.getString(j); //_html = _html.concat("<div class=choice><input type=radio name=annotation_added_mood_" + status + " value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _value + "</div>"); String _mood = "<img src=/PortletAnnotation-1.0.0/images/mood_" + _value.replaceAll("", "e").replace("", "e") + ".png title=" + _value + " />"; _html = _html.concat("<div class=choice><input type=radio name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" value=\"" + _value + "\" /> " + _mood + "</div>"); } } } } else _html = _html.concat("<input name=\"annotation_added_" + _className.toLowerCase() + "_" + _status + "\" type=text value=\"\" />"); return _html; } /** * Returns the content of an HTMLForm as describe by the descriptor. * This is a default HTMLForm, you should define your own. * @return */ public String getHTMLForm(String unique_id) { if (descripteur != null) { JSONArray _descripteur = getDescripteur(); int nb_elts = _descripteur.length(); String _html = ""; try { JSONObject _elt; for (int i = 0; i < nb_elts; i++) { _elt = _descripteur.getJSONObject(i); String _type = _elt.getString("type"); if (_type.equalsIgnoreCase("ADDED")) //Dans cette version on ne traite pas les ANNOTATED { String status = _elt.getString("status"); _html = _html.concat("<div class=formelt>"); _html = _html.concat("<span class=eltheader>" + status + " : </span>"); String className = _elt.getString("className"); _html = _html.concat("<div class=formfield name=\"formfield_" + className + "_" + unique_id + "\" id=\"formfield_" + status + "_" + i + "_" + unique_id + "\" >"); if (className.equalsIgnoreCase(Post.class.getSimpleName())) { _html = _html.concat( "<textarea rows=3 onfocus=\"this.value=''; this.onfocus=null\" name=\"annotation_added_simpletext_" + status + "\" >Tapez ici votre texte</textarea>"); } else { String cardinalite = _elt.getString("cardinalite"); String true_cardinalite = cardinalite.substring(1); true_cardinalite = true_cardinalite.substring(0, true_cardinalite.length() - 1); //System.out.println("[AnnotationStatus.getHTMLForm] true_cardinalite : " + true_cardinalite); int card = 0; if (!true_cardinalite.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) { try { card = Integer.parseInt(true_cardinalite); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println( "[AnnotationStatus.getHTMLForm] true_cardinalite is not a number ..."); } } if (className.equalsIgnoreCase(Mood.class.getSimpleName())) _html = formMood(_html, className, status, unique_id, i, _elt, true_cardinalite, card); else if (className.equalsIgnoreCase(Tag.class.getSimpleName()) || className.equalsIgnoreCase(Domain.class.getSimpleName()) || className.equalsIgnoreCase(Judgment.class.getSimpleName())) _html = formTags(_html, className, status, unique_id, i, _elt, true_cardinalite, card); } _html = _html.concat("</div>"); _html = _html.concat("</div>"); } } return _html; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } else return ""; } public String getRDFLabel() { String _labelRDF = this.label.replaceAll(" ", ""); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("'", ""); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("", "e"); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("", "e"); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("", "e"); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("", "e"); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.replaceAll("", "a"); _labelRDF = _labelRDF.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _labelRDF.substring(1, _labelRDF.length()); return _labelRDF; } public String toRDF(String _urlRDF_voc) { String _rdf = "<owl:Class rdf:about=\"" + _urlRDF_voc + "#" + getRDFLabel() + "\">" .concat("<rdfs:label xml:lang=\"fr\">" + label + "</rdfs:label>") .concat("<rdfs:comment xml:lang=\"fr\">" + comment + "</rdfs:comment>") .concat("<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=\"\"/>") .concat("<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=\"" + _urlRDF_voc + "#\"/>").concat("</owl:Class>"); return _rdf; } public String toCSS() { String css = ".annotation_" + label.replaceAll(" ", "_"); css = css.concat("\n"); css = css.concat("{ \n"); if (color != null) { css = css.concat("border: 2px solid " + color + " ;\n"); css = css.concat("background-color : " + color + " ;\n"); } else { css = css.concat("border: 2px solid yellow ;\n"); css = css.concat("background-color : yellow ;\n"); } css = css.concat("\n }"); return css; } }