Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Jonathan Schaeffer 2009-2010, * CC-IN2P3, CNRS <> * Contributors Andres Gomez, * CC-IN2P3, CNRS <> * * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to schedule, sort * and submit file requests to the hierarchical storage system HPSS. * * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, * modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL * "". * * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited * liability. * * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the * same conditions as regards security. * * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class responsible for activation of the staging queues. This class runs as a * thread and periodically scans the waiting queues to activate them. * <p> * It is recommended to have a configuration with the maxStager as multiple of * the maxStagersPerQueue. * <p> * TODO v2.0 Create a mechanism to stop the Activator when it passed and it did * not activate any queue. Then, wait for the Dispatcher to process something, * and then reactivates. This permits to process new requests faster. * * @author Jonathan Schaeffer * @since 1.0 */ public final class Activator extends AbstractProcess { /** * The singleton instance. */ private static Activator instance = null; /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Activator.class); /** * Destroys the only instance. ONLY for testing purposes. */ public static void destroyInstance() { LOGGER.trace("> destroyInstance"); if (instance != null) { if ((instance.getProcessStatus() == ProcessStatus.STARTING) || (instance.getProcessStatus() == ProcessStatus.STARTED)) { instance.conclude(); } if (instance.getProcessStatus() == ProcessStatus.STOPPING) { instance.waitToFinish(); }"Instance destroyed"); } instance = null; LOGGER.trace("< destroyInstance"); } /** * Retrieves the singleton instance. * * @return Unique instance of this class. * @throws TReqSException * If there is problem retrieving the configuration. */ public static Activator getInstance() throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> getInstance"); if (instance == null) { LOGGER.debug("Creating instance."); instance = new Activator(); } assert instance != null; LOGGER.trace("< getInstance"); return instance; } /** * Count active stagers. */ private short activeStagers; /** * List of drives allocations per media type. */ private final List<Resource> allocations; /** * Max number of stagers for overall activity. */ private short maxStagers = 2; /** * Maximum age of the resources metadata. */ private short metadataTimeout; /** * Time between loops. */ private int millisBetweenLoops; /** * Deferred time between stagers. */ private int millisBetweenStagers; /** * Max number of stager processes per active queue. */ private byte stagersPerQueue = 1; /** * Creates the activator, establishing all the values. * <p> * TODO v1.5.6 The parameters should be dynamic, this permits to reload the * configuration file in hot. Check if the value has changed. * * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem while retrieving the configuration * file. (The max could be invalid). */ private Activator() throws TReqSException { super("Activator"); LOGGER.trace("> create activator"); final short interval = Configurator.getInstance().getShortValue(Constants.SECTION_ACTIVATOR, Constants.ACTIVATOR_INTERVAL, DefaultProperties.SECONDS_BETWEEN_LOOPS); this.setSecondsBetweenLoops(interval); final short totalStagers = Configurator.getInstance().getShortValue(Constants.SECTION_ACTIVATOR, Constants.MAX_STAGERS, DefaultProperties.MAX_STAGERS); this.setMaxStagers(totalStagers); final byte maxStagerPerQueue = Configurator.getInstance().getByteValue(Constants.SECTION_ACTIVATOR, Constants.STAGING_DEPTH, DefaultProperties.STAGING_DEPTH); this.setMaxStagersPerQueue(maxStagerPerQueue); final short allocationsTimeout = Configurator.getInstance().getShortValue(Constants.SECTION_ACTIVATOR, Constants.ALLOCATIONS_TIMEOUT, DefaultProperties.ALLOCATIONS_TIMEOUT); this.setMetadataTimeout(allocationsTimeout); final byte timeStagers = Configurator.getInstance().getByteValue(Constants.SECTION_ACTIVATOR, Constants.SECONDS_BETWEEN_STAGERS, DefaultProperties.SECONDS_BETWEEN_STAGERS); this.setSecondsBetweenStagers(timeStagers); this.activeStagers = 0; this.allocations = new ArrayList<Resource>(); this.kickStart(); LOGGER.trace("< create activator"); } /** * Executes the activator. * * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem doing the action. */ private void action() throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> action"); // First remove all done stagers this.activeStagers -= StagersController.getInstance().cleanup();"Still {} active stagers.", this.activeStagers); // If necessary, refresh the resources allocations if (this.keepOn() && ((this.allocations.size() == 0) || (this.allocations.get(0).getAge() > this.getMetadataTimeout()))) { try { this.refreshAllocations(); } catch (final TReqSException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); Starter.getInstance().toStop(); throw new ActivatorException(e); } } if (this.keepOn()) { // Count the active queues and update the resources try { this.countUsedResources(); } catch (final TReqSException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); Starter.getInstance().toStop(); throw new ActivatorException(e); } } if (this.keepOn()) { // Loop through the resources try { this.process(); } catch (final TReqSException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); Starter.getInstance().toStop(); throw new ActivatorException(e); } } LOGGER.trace("< action"); } /** * Activates a queue. This function will also trigger the stagers. * <p> * TODO v2.0 It should activate a queue for a tape that is already in the * drive (the already activated queue has finished.) Each time a queue is * activate, a flag in the queue has to show this state. * * @param queue * The queue to activate. * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem activating the queue. */ void activate(final Queue queue) throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> activate"); assert queue != null; boolean cont = true; if (this.activeStagers > this.maxStagers - this.stagersPerQueue) { LOGGER.warn("No stagers available to activate queue. " + "({} > {} - {})", new Object[] { this.activeStagers, this.maxStagers, this.stagersPerQueue }); cont = false; } if (cont) { queue.activate(); LOGGER.debug("Preparing {} stagers", this.stagersPerQueue); int i; for (i = 1; i <= this.stagersPerQueue; i++) {"Starting stager {} of {}", i, this.stagersPerQueue); final Stager stager = StagersController.getInstance().create(queue); LOGGER.debug("Thread started: {}", stager.getName()); stager.start(); try {"Sleeping between stagers, {} millis", this.getMillisBetweenStagers()); Thread.sleep(this.getMillisBetweenStagers()); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Message", e); } this.activeStagers++; } LOGGER.debug("Launched {} stager(s)", (i - 1)); } LOGGER.trace("< activate"); } /** * Browses the queues and counts the activated queues into the corresponding * media type resource. * * @return the number of queues in ACTIVATED state. * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem retrieving the configuration. */ private short countUsedResources() throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> countUsedResources"); // Reset all used resources final Iterator<Resource> iterator = this.allocations.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) {; } final short active = QueuesController.getInstance().countUsedResources(this.allocations);"There are {} activated queues", active); assert active >= 0; LOGGER.trace("< countUsedResources"); return active; } /** * Getter. * * @return Maximal quantity of stagers. */ short getMaxStagers() { LOGGER.trace(">< getMaxStagers"); return this.maxStagers; } /** * Retrieves the validity of metadata. * * @return Value to consider the metadata as outdated. */ private short getMetadataTimeout() { LOGGER.trace(">< getMetadataTimeout"); return this.metadataTimeout; } /** * Retrieves the quantity of milliseconds between loops. * * @return Seconds between loops. */ public int getMillisBetweenLoops() { LOGGER.trace(">< getMillisBetweenLoops"); return this.millisBetweenLoops; } /** * Retrieves the quantity of milliseconds to wait between two stagers. * * @return Seconds between two stagers. */ public int getMillisBetweenStagers() { LOGGER.trace(">< getMillisBetweenStagers"); return this.millisBetweenStagers; } /** * Getter. * * @return Quantity of stagers per queue. */ public byte getStagersPerQueue() { LOGGER.trace(">< getStagersPerQueue"); return this.stagersPerQueue; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @Override public void oneLoop() { LOGGER.trace("> oneLoop"); assert this.getProcessStatus() == ProcessStatus.STARTING : this.getProcessStatus(); this.setStatus(ProcessStatus.STARTED); try { this.action(); } catch (final TReqSException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } this.setStatus(ProcessStatus.STOPPED); LOGGER.trace("< oneLoop"); } /** * Main method of the activator, where the queues are selected to be * activated. * * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem while retrieving the configuration. */ private void process() throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> process"); final Iterator<Resource> resources = this.allocations.iterator(); while (resources.hasNext()) { final Resource resource =; // while there is room to activate a queue, do it short freeResources = resource.countFreeResources(); List<Queue> waitingQueues = QueuesController.getInstance().getWaitingQueues(resource.getMediaType()); final boolean cont = true; while ((freeResources > 0) && (waitingQueues.size() > 0) && cont) { LOGGER.debug("Still {} resources available", freeResources); // Select best queue for the best user final Queue bestQueue = QueuesController.getInstance().getBestQueue(resource, waitingQueues); // Activate the best queue if (bestQueue != null) {"Activating queue {} for user {}", bestQueue.getTape().getName(), bestQueue.getOwner().getName()); try { this.activate(bestQueue); } catch (final TReqSException e) { LOGGER.error("Error activating queue {} in state {} - {}", new String[] { bestQueue.getTape().getName(), bestQueue.getStatus().name(), e.getMessage() }); } } else { LOGGER.error("Unable to choose a best queue."); assert false : "It is impossible to not have a queue."; } waitingQueues = QueuesController.getInstance().getWaitingQueues(resource.getMediaType()); freeResources--; } } LOGGER.trace("< process"); } /** * Get the allocation information from configuration database. Puts data * into Allocations list. * * @throws TReqSException * If there is a problem retrieving the allocations. */ void refreshAllocations() throws TReqSException { LOGGER.trace("> refreshAllocations"); // Get the drives allocations from data source. this.allocations.clear(); this.allocations.addAll(ResourcesController.getInstance().getMediaAllocations()); // Now get the shares from the data source. final MultiMap shares = ResourcesController.getInstance().getResourceAllocation(); // Browse the resources final Iterator<Resource> resources = this.allocations.iterator(); while (resources.hasNext()) { final Resource resource =; // Find all shares for the current media type. final byte id = resource.getMediaType().getId(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Collection<PersistenceHelperResourceAllocation> shareRange = (Collection<PersistenceHelperResourceAllocation>) shares .get(new Byte(id)); if (shareRange != null) { // Browse the shares for this media type and set the resources final Iterator<PersistenceHelperResourceAllocation> iterShares = shareRange.iterator(); while (iterShares.hasNext()) { final PersistenceHelperResourceAllocation resAlloc =; resource.setUserAllocation(UsersController.getInstance().add(resAlloc.getUsername()), resAlloc.getAllocation()); resource.setTimestamp(new GregorianCalendar());"Setting share on media: {} ; user: {}; share: {}", new Object[] { resource.getMediaType().getName(), resAlloc.getUsername(), resAlloc.getAllocation() }); } } else {"This media type has not defined users: id {}", id); } } LOGGER.trace("< refreshAllocations"); } /** * This method is just for tests, because it reinitializes the activator. * <p> * The process should be in stopped status. */ public void restart() { LOGGER.trace("> restart"); assert this.getProcessStatus() == ProcessStatus.STOPPED : this.getProcessStatus(); super.setStatus(ProcessStatus.STARTING); LOGGER.trace("< restart"); } /** * This is ONLY for test purposes. It does not have to be used. * * @param qty * Quantity of stagers. */ void setActiveStagers(final short qty) { LOGGER.trace("> setActiveStagers"); assert qty >= 0; this.activeStagers = qty; LOGGER.trace("> setActiveStagers"); } /** * Setter. * * @param max * Maximal quantity of stagers. * @throws InvalidMaxException * If the max value is invalid. */ void setMaxStagers(final short max) throws InvalidMaxException { LOGGER.trace("> setMaxStagers"); assert max > 0; if (max < this.stagersPerQueue) { throw new InvalidMaxException(InvalidMaxReasons.STAGERS, max, this.maxStagers, this.stagersPerQueue); } this.maxStagers = max; LOGGER.trace("< setMaxStagers"); } /** * Setter. * * @param max * Maximal quantity of stagers per queue. * @throws InvalidMaxException * If the max value is invalid. */ void setMaxStagersPerQueue(final byte max) throws InvalidMaxException { LOGGER.trace("> setStagersPerQueue"); assert max > 0; if (max > this.maxStagers) { throw new InvalidMaxException(InvalidMaxReasons.STAGERS_PER_QUEUE, max, this.maxStagers, this.stagersPerQueue); } this.stagersPerQueue = max; LOGGER.trace("< setStagersPerQueue"); } /** * Quantity of seconds to consider the metadata outdated. * * @param timeout * Seconds. */ void setMetadataTimeout(final short timeout) { LOGGER.trace("> setMetadataTimeout"); assert timeout > 0; this.metadataTimeout = timeout; LOGGER.trace("< setMetadataTimeout"); } /** * Establishes the quantity of seconds between loops. * * @param seconds * seconds between loops. */ public void setSecondsBetweenLoops(final short seconds) { LOGGER.trace("> setSecondsBetweenLoops"); assert seconds > 0; this.millisBetweenLoops = seconds * Constants.MILLISECONDS;"Seconds between loops {}", this.millisBetweenLoops); LOGGER.trace("< setSecondsBetweenLoops"); } /** * Establishes the quantity of seconds between stagers. * * @param seconds * Quantity of seconds between two stager activation. */ void setSecondsBetweenStagers(final short seconds) { LOGGER.trace("> setSecondsBetweenStagers"); assert seconds >= 0; this.millisBetweenStagers = seconds * Constants.MILLISECONDS; LOGGER.trace("< setSecondsBetweenStagers"); } /** * Just browse periodically the list of users and queues to activate the * best queue. * * @see */ @Override protected void toStart() { LOGGER.trace("> toStart"); try { while (this.keepOn()) { this.action(); if (this.keepOn()) { LOGGER.debug("Sleeping {} milliseconds", this.getMillisBetweenLoops()); // Waits before restart the process. try { Thread.sleep(this.getMillisBetweenLoops()); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("message", e); } } } } catch (final Throwable t) { try { Starter.getInstance().toStop(); LOGGER.error("Stopping", t); } catch (final TReqSException e) { LOGGER.error("Error", e); System.exit(Constants.ACTIVATOR_PROBLEM); } } LOGGER.warn("Activator Stopped"); LOGGER.trace("< toStart"); } }