Java tutorial
/* * Copyright * 2012 axYus - * 2012 C.Marchand - * * This file is part of XEMELIOS_NB. * * XEMELIOS_NB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * XEMELIOS_NB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with XEMELIOS_NB; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives; import fr.gouv.finances.cp.utils.PropertiesExpansion; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.utils.DateUtils; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.utils.Pair; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.utils.xml.FactoryProvider; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.auth.UnauthorizedException; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.auth.XemeliosUser; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.Constants; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.FileInfo; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.PJRef; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.config.DocumentModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.config.DocumentsModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.common.config.EtatModel.Marker; import; import; import; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.AbstractImportPatcherImpl; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.EtatImporteur; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.ImportServiceProvider; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives.rules.DeleteModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives.rules.XomDefinitionable; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives.rules.ImportModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.utils.Errors; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives.rules.RulesModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.importers.archives.rules.SectionModel; import fr.gouv.finances.dgfip.xemelios.utils.FileUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import net.sf.saxon.option.xom.DocumentWrapper; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathExecutable; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathSelector; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode; import nu.xom.Attribute; import nu.xom.Builder; import nu.xom.Document; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Nodes; import nu.xom.ParsingException; import nu.xom.XPathContext; import nu.xom.converters.DOMConverter; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * L'importeur d'archive, nouvelle mouture. * Il sait traiter avec des rgles * @author cmarchand */ public class ArchiveImporter { public static final transient String MANIFESTE_FILE_NAME = "manifeste_XeMeLios.xml"; public static final transient String NON_DISPONIBLE = "Non disponible"; public static final transient String NON = "Non"; public static final transient String OUI = "Oui"; private static final int OVERWRITE_RULE_UNSET = -1; private static final int OVERWRITE_RULE_OVERWRITE = 0; private static final int OVERWRITE_RULE_SKIP = 1; protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchiveImporter.class); private DocumentsModel documentsModel; private File fileToImport; private ImportServiceProvider importServiceProvider; private PropertiesExpansion applicationProperties; private RulesModel rules; private XemeliosUser user; private static XPathContext nsCtx = null; // les fichiers qui devront tre supprimes private ArrayList<File> filesToDrop; private Document archiveManifeste = null; private Document importedArchiveManifeste = null; private FileInfo __fileInfo; private File localTempDir = null; private boolean isLocalTempDirSet = false; public ArchiveImporter(DocumentsModel dms, File fToImport, ImportServiceProvider isp, PropertiesExpansion applicationProperties, RulesModel rules) { super(); this.documentsModel = dms; this.fileToImport = fToImport; this.importServiceProvider = isp; this.applicationProperties = applicationProperties; this.rules = rules; filesToDrop = new ArrayList<File>(); } public Errors doImport() { Errors errors = new Errors(); try { ZipFile zipArchive = new ZipFile(fileToImport); ZipEntry manifesteEntry = zipArchive.getEntry(MANIFESTE_FILE_NAME); archiveManifeste = getManisfesteFromArchive(zipArchive.getInputStream(manifesteEntry)); archiveManifeste.getRootElement() .addAttribute(new Attribute("archive-name", getArchiveName(fileToImport))); zipArchive.close(); HashMap<String, Object> importProperties = extractPropertiesFromArchiveManifeste(archiveManifeste); for (String docType : (String[]) importProperties.get("archiveDocumentTypes")) { if (!docType.equals("PJ") && !DataLayerManager.getImplementation().canImportDocument(docType, getUser())) { errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_WARNING, "Impossible d'importer ce type de document (" + docType + "), la base de donne doit d'abord tre mise jour."); } } importedArchiveManifeste = DataLayerManager.getImplementation() .getManifesteFromArchive(importProperties.get("archiveName").toString(), getUser()); definePropertiesFromImportedManifeste(importedArchiveManifeste, importProperties); Element historique = null; if (importedArchiveManifeste != null) { historique = (Element) importedArchiveManifeste .query("/m:manifeste/m:evenements", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0); // pour avoir un lment sans parent et pouvoir l'ajouter o on veut historique = new Element(historique); } else { historique = new Element("evenements"); } archiveManifeste.getRootElement().appendChild(historique); boolean sectionApplied = false; for (SectionModel section : rules.getSections()) { SectionModel theSection = section; if (theSection.getPredicat().matches(importProperties)) {"Application de la rgle " + theSection.getName()); int globalOverwriteRule = OVERWRITE_RULE_UNSET; if (theSection.getActions().isUsePreviousSection()) { // alors il y a forcment un manifeste import, et on va aller chercher sa section Element sectionElement = (Element) importedArchiveManifeste .query("/m:manifeste/rul:section", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0); if (sectionElement == null) throw new ImportException(new Errors.Error(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, "la section " + theSection.getName() + " impose l'application de la section du prcdente import, mais celui-ci n'a pas t trouv."), null); theSection = new SectionModel(sectionElement); // et on supprime toutes les donnes de l'archive HashMap<String, DocumentModel> docsToDrop = new HashMap<String, DocumentModel>(); for (String docId : (String[]) importProperties.get("archiveImportedDocumentTypes")) { docsToDrop.put(docId, documentsModel.getDocumentById(docId)); } DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeArchive(docsToDrop, importProperties.get("archiveName").toString(), getUser()); Nodes deleteActions = importedArchiveManifeste.query("/m:manifeste/m:on-delete/m:action", getNamespaceCtx()); for (int i = 0; i < deleteActions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) deleteActions.get(i); doApplyAction(action); } // a ce stade, aucune mise jour faire dans le manifeste, tous les documents sont supprims } else { if (importedArchiveManifeste != null) { // il faut reprendre l'historique de chacun des documents Nodes importedDocuments = importedArchiveManifeste.query("//m:document", getNamespaceCtx()); for (int i = 0; i < importedDocuments.size(); i++) { Element importedDoc = (Element) importedDocuments.get(i); Element thisDoc = getElement( archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/documents/document[@path='" + importedDoc.getAttributeValue("path") + "']")); if (thisDoc != null) { String __imported = importedDoc.getAttributeValue("imported"); thisDoc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", __imported)); if ("Oui".equals(__imported)) { Element result = getElement( importedDoc.query("m:resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (result != null) thisDoc.appendChild(new Element(result)); } } } } } if (theSection.getOverwriteRule() != null) { if (EtatImporteur.OVERWRITE_RULE_ALWAYS.equals(theSection.getOverwriteRule())) globalOverwriteRule = OVERWRITE_RULE_OVERWRITE; else if (EtatImporteur.OVERWRITE_RULE_NEVER.equals(theSection.getOverwriteRule())) globalOverwriteRule = OVERWRITE_RULE_SKIP; } // on rcupre la liste des documents importer pour pouvoir contrler qu'ils sont bien disponibles List<Element> documentsToImport = theSection.getDocumentsToImport(archiveManifeste, applicationProperties); if (documentsToImport.size() > 0) { TreeSet<String> volumesRequired = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Element filePlannedToImport : documentsToImport) { volumesRequired.add(filePlannedToImport.getAttributeValue("volume")); } int maxVolumes = Integer.parseInt(volumesRequired.last()); File[] volumes = new File[maxVolumes + 1]; for (String volume : volumesRequired) { String fichierVolume = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/volumes/volume[@num=" + volume + "]/@fichier").get(0) .getValue(); File f = new File(fileToImport.getParentFile(), fichierVolume); if (!f.exists()) { errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, f.getAbsolutePath() + " non trouv"); } volumes[Integer.parseInt(volume)] = f; } if (!errors.containsError()) {"displayProgress(" + (documentsToImport.size() + 1) + ")"); // ici, on ouvre une porte pour permettre de faire des modifs dans l'ArchiveImporteur preImport(theSection, archiveManifeste); importServiceProvider.displayProgress(documentsToImport.size() + 1); boolean doImport = false; boolean doDelete = false; // on traite les actions for (XomDefinitionable dd : theSection.getActions().getActions()) { if (dd instanceof ImportModel) { //ImportModel im = (ImportModel)dd; // on a dj dtermin la liste des fichiers importer, donc on les importe for (Element documentToImport : documentsToImport) { int vol = Integer.parseInt(documentToImport.getAttributeValue("volume")); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doImportDocument(documentToImport, volumes[vol], importProperties, globalOverwriteRule); if (fileInfo.getInProcessException() != null) errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, fileInfo.getInProcessException().getMessage()); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); if (fileInfo.getGlobalCount() == 0) { // rien n'a t import, probablement parce que overwrite rule disait // qu'il ne fallait pas importer. Donc on ne modifie rien. } else { Element result = new Element("resultatimport"); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("Duree", DateUtils.durationToString(fileInfo.getDurationImport()))); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("Debut", DateUtils .formatXsDateTime(new Date(fileInfo.getDebutImport())))); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("Fin", DateUtils .formatXsDateTime(new Date(fileInfo.getFinImport())))); // on supprime le prcdent rsultat d'import, si il existait... Nodes previousResults = documentToImport.query( "resultatimport | m:resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx()); for (int i = previousResults.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Element __res = (Element) previousResults.get(i); documentToImport.removeChild(__res); } documentToImport.insertChild(result, 0); documentToImport.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Oui")); } // on applique les ventuelles actions portant sur ce document Nodes actions = archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/action[@depends-on='" + documentToImport.getAttributeValue("path") + "']"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo actFileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = actFileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(actFileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error( "while importing " + documentToImport.getAttributeValue("path"), ex); documentToImport.addAttribute( new Attribute("imported", "Erreur: " + ex.getMessage())); } } doImport = true; } else if (dd instanceof DeleteModel) { importServiceProvider.startLongWait(); DeleteModel dm = (DeleteModel) dd; if (dm.getArchive() != null) { String archiveName = null; if ("archiveName".equals(dm.getArchive())) { // on remplace par le nom de l'archive archiveName = importProperties.get("archiveName").toString(); // pour le moment, on n'autorise pas la suppression d'une autre archive HashMap<String, DocumentModel> map = new HashMap<String, DocumentModel>(); for (String s : (String[]) importProperties .get("archiveDocumentTypes")) { map.put(s, documentsModel.getDocumentById(s)); } DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeArchive(map, archiveName, getUser()); Nodes documents = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/documents/document"); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { Element doc = (Element) documents.get(i); Element resultImport = getElement(doc.query( "m:resultatimport | resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (resultImport != null) doc.removeChild(resultImport); doc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); } // on applique toutes les actions, puisqu'on a supprim tous les documents Nodes actions = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/on-delete/action[@depends-on]"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } else if (dm.getTypeDoc() != null) { if (dm.getCollectivite() != null) { if (dm.getBudget() != null) { if (dm.getFileName() != null) { DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeDocument( documentsModel.getDocumentById(dm.getTypeDoc()), new Pair(dm.getCollectivite(), dm.getCollectivite()), new Pair(dm.getBudget(), dm.getBudget()), dm.getFileName(), user); Nodes documents = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/documents/document[@type='" + dm.getTypeDoc() + "' and @buIdCol='" + dm.getCollectivite() + "' and @buCode='" + dm.getBudget() + "' and ends-with(@path,'" + dm.getFileName() + "')]"); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { Element doc = (Element) documents.get(i); Element resultImport = getElement( doc.query("m:resultatimport | resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (resultImport != null) doc.removeChild(resultImport); doc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); } // on applique les actions du document Nodes actions = archiveManifeste.query( "/manifeste/on-delete/action[ends-with(@depends-on,'" + dm.getFileName() + "')]"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } else { DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeBudget( documentsModel.getDocumentById(dm.getTypeDoc()), new Pair(dm.getCollectivite(), dm.getCollectivite()), new Pair(dm.getBudget(), dm.getBudget()), user); Nodes documents = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/documents/document[@type='" + dm.getTypeDoc() + "' and @buIdCol='" + dm.getCollectivite() + "' and @buCode='" + dm.getBudget() + "']"); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { Element doc = (Element) documents.get(i); Element resultImport = getElement( doc.query("m:resultatimport | resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (resultImport != null) doc.removeChild(resultImport); doc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); // on applique les actions du document Nodes actions = archiveManifeste.query( "/manifeste/on-delete/action[@depends-on='" + doc.getAttributeValue("path") + "']"); for (int a = 0; a < actions.size(); a++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(a); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } } } else { DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeCollectivite( documentsModel.getDocumentById(dm.getTypeDoc()), new Pair(dm.getCollectivite(), dm.getCollectivite()), user); Nodes documents = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/documents/document[@type='" + dm.getTypeDoc() + "' and @buIdCol='" + dm.getCollectivite() + "']"); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { Element doc = (Element) documents.get(i); Element resultImport = getElement( doc.query("m:resultatimport | resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (resultImport != null) doc.removeChild(resultImport); doc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); // on applique les actions du document Nodes actions = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/on-delete/action[@depends-on='" + doc.getAttributeValue("path") + "']"); for (int a = 0; a < actions.size(); a++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(a); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } } } else { DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeDocumentModel( documentsModel.getDocumentById(dm.getTypeDoc()), user); Nodes documents = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/documents/document[@type='" + dm.getTypeDoc() + "']"); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { Element doc = (Element) documents.get(i); Element resultImport = getElement( doc.query("m:resultatimport | resultatimport", getNamespaceCtx())); if (resultImport != null) doc.removeChild(resultImport); doc.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); // on applique les actions du document Nodes actions = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/on-delete/action[@depends-on='" + doc.getAttributeValue("path") + "']"); for (int a = 0; a < actions.size(); a++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(a); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } } } } doDelete = true; } importServiceProvider.endLongWait(); } if (doImport) { // Pour compatibilit avec les archives avant 2011, on traite toutes les actions qui ne sont pas on-delete et qui n'ont pas de depends-on Nodes actions = archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/action[not(@depends-on)]"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } if (doImport) { // Pour les patchs edmn on applique les actions Nodes actions = archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/actions/action"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } if (doDelete) { // Pour compatibilit avec les archives avant 2011, on traite toutes les actions qui ne sont pas on-delete et qui n'ont pas de depends-on Nodes actions = archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/on-delete/action[not(@depends-on)]"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { Element action = (Element) actions.get(i); try { FileInfo fileInfo = doApplyAction(action); if (__fileInfo == null) __fileInfo = fileInfo; else __fileInfo.merge(fileInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while applying " + action.toXML(), ex); } } } } // dfinir ici si il y a des donnes ou non if (archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/documents/document[@imported='Oui']").size() > 0) archiveManifeste.getRootElement() .addAttribute(new Attribute("added:archive", Constants.ADDED_NS_URI, "Oui")); else archiveManifeste.getRootElement() .addAttribute(new Attribute("added:archive", Constants.ADDED_NS_URI, "Non")); // on ajoute les actions que l'on a pratiqu dans le manifeste, // pour savoir quoi refaire plus tard... archiveManifeste.getRootElement().appendChild(theSection.getXomDefinition()); sectionApplied = true; break; } else { // il n'y avait rien importer, mais la section a quand mme t importe sectionApplied = true; break; } } } if (sectionApplied) { // on a trait toutes les sections, peut-tre il ne s'est rien pass... boolean somethingHasBeenImported = false; Nodes nodes = archiveManifeste.query("//document[@imported]"); somethingHasBeenImported = nodes.size() > 0; // on recherche tous les documents qui n'ont pas t traits, et on positionne un @imported='false' nodes = archiveManifeste.query("//document[not(@imported)]"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) nodes.get(i); el.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); } archiveManifeste.getRootElement() .addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", Boolean.toString(somethingHasBeenImported))); Element result = new Element("resultatimport"); if (result != null) { // on sait jamais... en cas de suppression par exemple... if (__fileInfo != null) { result.addAttribute( new Attribute("Duree", DateUtils.durationToString(__fileInfo.getDurationImport()))); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("Debut", DateUtils.formatXsDateTime(new Date(__fileInfo.getDebutImport())))); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("Fin", DateUtils.formatXsDateTime(new Date(__fileInfo.getFinImport())))); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("User", getUser().getId())); result.addAttribute(new Attribute("LastModify", DateUtils.formatXsDateTime(new Date(__fileInfo.getLastModify())))); result.appendChild(__fileInfo.toXomXml(documentsModel)); } } archiveManifeste.getRootElement().appendChild(result); // l'historique des imports Element event = new Element("evenement"); event.addAttribute(new Attribute("date", DateUtils.formatXsDateTime(new Date()))); event.addAttribute(new Attribute("user", getUser().getId())); event.addAttribute(new Attribute("section", archiveManifeste .query("/manifeste/rul:section/@name", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0).getValue())); String version = archiveManifeste.getRootElement().getAttributeValue("version"); if (version == null || version.length() == 0) version = "1"; event.addAttribute(new Attribute("version-archive", version)); historique.insertChild(event, 0); doImportManifeste(archiveManifeste, importProperties.get("archiveName").toString()); DataLayerManager.getImplementation() .declareArchiveImported(importProperties.get("archiveName").toString(), user); // System.out.println(archiveManifeste.toXML()); } else { errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_WARNING, "Cette archive ne peut tre importe par aucune des rgles de cette configuration."); } } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioEx) { logger.error(fileToImport.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + ioEx.getMessage(), ioEx); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, ioEx.getMessage()); } catch (ImportException iEx) { Errors.Error error = iEx.error; errors.addError(error); } catch (DataConfigurationException dcEx) { logger.error(dcEx.getMessage(), dcEx); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, dcEx.getMessage()); } catch (DataAccessException daEx) { logger.error(daEx.getMessage(), daEx); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, daEx.getMessage()); } catch (UnauthorizedException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); errors.addError(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, t.getMessage()); } finally { // try { zipArchive.close(); } catch(Exception ex) {} } return errors; } protected FileInfo doImportDocument(Element document, File volume, HashMap<String, Object> importProperties, int overwriteRule) throws IOException { String filePath = document.getAttributeValue("path"); String type = document.getAttributeValue("type"); String idColl = document.getAttributeValue("buIdCol"); String libColl = document.getAttributeValue("buLibelle"); String idBudg = document.getAttributeValue("buCode"); String libBudg = "Budget Principal"; String nomOrigine = document.getAttributeValue("nomOrigine"); String idUnique = document.getAttributeValue("idUnique"); String sTmp = document.getAttributeValue("libBudget"); if (sTmp != null && sTmp.length() > 0) { libBudg = sTmp; } String docId = normalizeDocumentType(type); String skipProperty = null; if (document.getAttributeValue("skip-if-exists") != null && document.getAttributeValue("skip-if-exists").length() > 0) { skipProperty = document.getAttributeValue("skip-if-exists"); } if (skipProperty != null) { if ("true".equals(applicationProperties.getProperty(skipProperty))) {"skipping " + filePath + " because " + skipProperty + " exists."); return null; } } String overwriteBehavior = EtatImporteur.OVERWRITE_RULE_DEFAULT; if (document.getAttributeValue("default-overwrite") != null && document.getAttributeValue("default-overwrite").length() > 0) { overwriteBehavior = document.getAttributeValue("default-overwrite"); } if (overwriteRule != OVERWRITE_RULE_UNSET) { if (overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_RULE_OVERWRITE) overwriteBehavior = EtatImporteur.OVERWRITE_RULE_ALWAYS; else overwriteBehavior = EtatImporteur.OVERWRITE_RULE_NEVER; } Pair coll = new Pair(idColl, libColl); Pair budg = new Pair(idBudg, libBudg); if (docId != null && !"PJ".equals(docId)) { return doImportXmlDocument(docId, filePath, coll, budg, overwriteBehavior, document, volume, importProperties.get("archiveName").toString()); } else { return doImportPJ(filePath, coll, nomOrigine, idUnique, document, volume, importProperties.get("archiveName").toString()); } } protected FileInfo doImportXmlDocument(String docId, String filePath, Pair collectivite, Pair budget, String overwriteRule, Element document, File volume, String archiveName) throws IOException { File source = null; try { ZipFile zipArchive = new ZipFile(volume); source = extractFileFromZip(zipArchive, filePath); zipArchive.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // on a pas russi extraire le fichier, on l'indique dans le manifeste document.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", NON_DISPONIBLE)); } DocumentModel dm = documentsModel.getDocumentById(docId); try { Class clazz = Class.forName(dm.getImportClass()); Constructor cc = clazz.getConstructor(XemeliosUser.class, PropertiesExpansion.class); Object obj = cc.newInstance(getUser(), applicationProperties); if (!(obj instanceof EtatImporteur)) { throw new DataConfigurationException( "Cette classe n'est pas un importeur.\nLe fichier de configuration qui vous a t livr est certainement invalide.\nVeuillez contacter votre fournisseur."); } EtatImporteur ei = (EtatImporteur) obj; // WARNING : if one name per archive (and not one per volume), change this ei.setArchiveName(archiveName); ei.setImpSvcProvider(importServiceProvider); ei.setOverwriteRule(overwriteRule); ei.setApplicationConfiguration(applicationProperties); ei.setDocument(dm); File[] fichiers = new File[] { source }; ei.setFilesToImport(fichiers); importServiceProvider.setEtatImporter(ei); importServiceProvider.setCollectivite(collectivite); importServiceProvider.setBudget(budget); ei.setManifeste(DOMConverter.convert(archiveManifeste, FactoryProvider.getDocumentBuilderFactory().newDocumentBuilder().getDOMImplementation()));; if (ei.getInProcessException() != null) { // il s'est pass un truc pourri, on regarde si il faut tout interrompre document.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Non")); if (ei.getInProcessException() instanceof RuntimeException) { // l c'est certain, il faut interrompre throw ei.getInProcessException(); } } FileInfo fInfo = ei.getFileInfo(); fInfo.setLastModify(volume.lastModified()); fInfo.setWarningCount(ei.getWarningCount()); document.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Oui")); return fInfo; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("importer", ex); return new FileInfo(ex); } finally { if (source.exists()) { source.delete(); } } } protected FileInfo doApplyAction(Element action) throws Exception { // l'action peut provenir d'un manifeste import ou d'un manifeste neuf, // il faut grer les deux namespaces String className = action.getAttributeValue("class"); Class clazz = Class.forName(className); Object instance = clazz.newInstance(); if (!(instance instanceof AbstractImportPatcherImpl)) { throw new Exception(className + " n'est pas un AbstractImportPatcherImpl"); } AbstractImportPatcherImpl patcher = (AbstractImportPatcherImpl) instance; Nodes parameters = action.query("parameter | m:parameter", getNamespaceCtx()); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { Element param = (Element) parameters.get(i); String paramName = param.getAttributeValue("name"); String type = param.getAttributeValue("type"); if ("".equals(type) && !"index.file".equals(paramName)) { String value = (String) param.query("text()").get(0).getValue(); String volume = null; try { volume = action.getDocument().query("//document[@path = '" + value + "']/@volume").get(0) .getValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { volume = action.getDocument() .query("//m:document[@path = '" + value + "']/@volume", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); } if (volume == null) { volume = action.getDocument() .query("//m:document[@path = '" + value + "']/@volume", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); } String archiveFileName = null; try { archiveFileName = action.getDocument().query("//volume[@num = '" + volume + "']/@fichier") .get(0).getValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { archiveFileName = action.getDocument() .query("//m:volume[@num = '" + volume + "']/@fichier", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); } if (archiveFileName == null) archiveFileName = action.getDocument() .query("//m:volume[@num = '" + volume + "']/@fichier", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); File archiveFile = new File(fileToImport.getParentFile(), archiveFileName); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(archiveFile); // ca ne peut pas marcher, il faudrait une rfrence au numro de volume //ZipEntry ze = zf.getEntry(value); File f = null; try { f = extractFileFromZip(zf, value); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } if (f != null) { filesToDrop.add(f); patcher.setParameter(paramName, f); } zf.close(); } else if ("".equals(type) && "index.file".equals(paramName)) { // Pour les patchs de liasses edmn String value = (String) param.query("text()").get(0).getValue(); int nbVolumes = action.getDocument().query("//volume").size(); String archiveFileName = null; try { archiveFileName = action.getDocument().query("//volume[@num = '" + nbVolumes + "']/@fichier") .get(0).getValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { archiveFileName = action.getDocument() .query("//m:volume[@num = '" + nbVolumes + "']/@fichier", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); } if (archiveFileName == null) archiveFileName = action.getDocument() .query("//m:volume[@num = '" + nbVolumes + "']/@fichier", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0) .getValue(); File archiveFile = new File(fileToImport.getParentFile(), archiveFileName); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(archiveFile); // ca ne peut pas marcher, il faudrait une rfrence au numro de volume //ZipEntry ze = zf.getEntry(value); File f = null; try { f = extractFileFromZip(zf, value); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } if (f != null) { filesToDrop.add(f); patcher.setParameter(paramName, f); } zf.close(); } else if ("java.lang.String".equals(type)) { String value = param.getAttributeValue("value"); if (value == null) { value = param.query("text()").get(0).getValue(); } patcher.setParameter(paramName, value); } else if ("java.lang.Integer".equals(type)) { String value = param.getAttributeValue("value"); if (value == null) { value = param.query("text()").get(0).getValue(); } patcher.setParameter(paramName, Integer.valueOf(value)); } } patcher.setImportServiceProvider(importServiceProvider); FileInfo info =; return info; } protected FileInfo doImportManifeste(Document manif, String archiveName) throws IOException { DocumentModel dm = documentsModel.getDocumentById("manifeste2"); String idColl = "0000"; String libColl = "Traabilit"; String idBudg = "00"; String libBudg = "--"; Pair collectivite = new Pair(idColl, libColl); Pair budget = new Pair(idBudg, libBudg); if (importedArchiveManifeste != null) { try { DataLayerManager.getImplementation().removeDocument(dm, budget, collectivite, archiveName + ".xml", user); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while dropping previous manifeste", ex); } } File outputFile = null; try { outputFile = new File(FileUtils.getTempDir(), archiveName + ".xml"); Charset cs = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), cs); osw.write(manif.toXML()); osw.flush(); osw.close(); Class clazz = Class.forName(dm.getImportClass()); Constructor cc = clazz.getConstructor(XemeliosUser.class, PropertiesExpansion.class); Object obj = cc.newInstance(getUser(), applicationProperties); if (!(obj instanceof EtatImporteur)) { throw new DataConfigurationException( "Cette classe n'est pas un importeur.\nLe fichier de configuration qui vous a t livr est certainement invalide.\nVeuillez contacter votre fournisseur."); } EtatImporteur ei = (EtatImporteur) obj; // WARNING : if one name per archive (and not one per volume), change this ei.setArchiveName(archiveName); ei.setImpSvcProvider(importServiceProvider); importServiceProvider.setEtatImporter(ei); ei.setOverwriteRule("never"); ei.setApplicationConfiguration(applicationProperties); ei.setDocument(dm); File[] fichiers = new File[] { outputFile }; ei.setFilesToImport(fichiers); importServiceProvider.setCollectivite(collectivite); importServiceProvider.setBudget(budget); ei.setCollectivite(collectivite); ei.setBudget(budget);; FileInfo fInfo = ei.getFileInfo(); if (ei.getWarningCount() > 0) fInfo.setWarningCount(ei.getWarningCount()); return fInfo; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("importer", ex); return new FileInfo(); } finally { if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } } } protected FileInfo doImportPJ(String filePath, Pair collectivite, String nomOrigine, String idUnique, Element document, File volume, String archiveName) throws IOException { File f = null; try { ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(volume); f = extractFileFromZip(zf, filePath); zf.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(); try { // les PJ sont systmatiquement crases fInfo.setDebutImport(System.currentTimeMillis()); PJRef pj = new PJRef(); pj.setCollectivite(collectivite.key); pj.setFileName(nomOrigine); pj.setPjName(idUnique); pj.setUncompressedSize(f.length()); pj.setTmpFileName(f.getAbsolutePath()); pj.setPath(filePath); DataLayerManager.getImplementation().importPj(pj, archiveName, getUser()); fInfo.incElement(new Marker("PJ", null)); document.addAttribute(new Attribute("imported", "Oui")); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("doImportPJ(ZipFile,String,Pair,Pair,String,String)", ex); } finally { if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } fInfo.setFinImport(System.currentTimeMillis()); } return fInfo; } protected Document getManisfesteFromArchive(InputStream is) throws ImportException { try { Builder builder = new Builder(); Document ret =; return ret; } catch (ParsingException ex) { throw new ImportException(new Errors.Error(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage()), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ImportException(new Errors.Error(Errors.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage()), ex); } } protected HashMap<String, Object> extractPropertiesFromArchiveManifeste(Document archiveManifeste) throws XPathExpressionException { HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put("archiveName", archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/@archive-name").get(0).getValue()); Nodes versionList = archiveManifeste.query("/manifeste/@version"); // on peut ne pas avoir de version if (versionList.size() > 0) props.put("archiveVersion", versionList.get(0).getValue()); else props.put("archiveVersion", "1"); props.put("archiveFile", fileToImport.getAbsolutePath()); ArrayList<String> documentsTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); Processor proc = new Processor(FactoryProvider.getSaxonConfiguration()); try { XPathExecutable xpe = proc.newXPathCompiler().compile("distinct-values(//document/@type)"); XPathSelector xps = xpe.load(); xps.setContextItem(new XdmNode( new DocumentWrapper(archiveManifeste, "", FactoryProvider.getSaxonConfiguration()))); for (Iterator<XdmItem> it = xps.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { documentsTypes.add(normalizeDocumentType(; } String[] docTypesArray = new String[documentsTypes.size()]; documentsTypes.toArray(docTypesArray); props.put("archiveDocumentTypes", docTypesArray); } catch (Exception ex) { props.put("archiveDocumentTypes", null); throw new XPathExpressionException(ex); } return props; } protected void definePropertiesFromImportedManifeste(Document importedArchiveManifeste, HashMap<String, Object> props) throws XPathExpressionException { if (importedArchiveManifeste == null) { props.put("archiveImported", false); props.put("archiveImportedVersion", null); props.put("archiveImportedDocumentTypes", null); props.put("archiveDataPresent", false); return; } props.put("archiveImported", true); // a l'import du manifeste dans XeMeLios, on change le namespace // la version peut tre null String version = importedArchiveManifeste.getRootElement().getAttributeValue("version"); if (version == null || version.length() == 0) version = "1"; props.put("archiveImportedVersion", version); Processor proc = new Processor(FactoryProvider.getSaxonConfiguration()); try { ArrayList<String> documentsTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); XPathCompiler xpc = proc.newXPathCompiler(); xpc.declareNamespace("m", Constants.MANIFESTE_NS_URI); XPathExecutable xpe = xpc.compile("distinct-values(//m:document/@type)"); XPathSelector xps = xpe.load(); xps.setContextItem(new XdmNode( new DocumentWrapper(importedArchiveManifeste, "", FactoryProvider.getSaxonConfiguration()))); for (Iterator<XdmItem> it = xps.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { documentsTypes.add(normalizeDocumentType(; } String[] docTypesArray = new String[documentsTypes.size()]; documentsTypes.toArray(docTypesArray); props.put("archiveImportedDocumentTypes", docTypesArray); props.put("archiveDataPresent", "Oui".equals(importedArchiveManifeste .query("/m:manifeste/@added:archive", getNamespaceCtx()).get(0).getValue())); } catch (Exception ex) { props.put("archiveImportedDocumentTypes", null); throw new XPathExpressionException(ex); } } /** * Normalise le type de document qu'on peut trouver dans un manifeste, * pour le faire correspondre aux vritables identifiants de type * de docuemnts. * @param docType * @return */ public static String normalizeDocumentType(String docType) { if ("CGE".equals(docType)) { return "cg-colloc"; } else if ("CGETAT".equals(docType)) { return "cg-etat"; } else if ("PES".equals(docType)) { return "pes-aller"; } else if ("EDMN".equals(docType)) { return "edmn"; } else if ("ERTN".equals(docType)) { return "ertn"; } else { return docType; } } /** * Cette fonction est appele une fois la section appliquer dtermine * et avant le premier import ou la premire action. * Ici, on peut modifier la configuration de l'importeur avant de lancer * l'import. * @param section * @param archiveManifeste */ public void preImport(SectionModel section, Document archiveManifeste) { } private class ImportException extends Exception { private Errors.Error error; public ImportException() { super(); } public ImportException(Errors.Error error, Exception cause) { super(error.getMessage(), cause); this.error = error; } } public static XPathContext getNamespaceCtx() { if (nsCtx == null) { XPathContext ns = new XPathContext("m", Constants.MANIFESTE_NS_URI); ns.addNamespace("rul", Constants.RULES_NS_URI); ns.addNamespace("added", Constants.ADDED_NS_URI); nsCtx = ns; } return nsCtx; } public void setUser(XemeliosUser user) { this.user = user; } public XemeliosUser getUser() { if (user == null) { user = new XemeliosUser() { @Override public String getId() { return "authorized importer"; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return getId(); } @Override public boolean hasRole(String role) { return true; } @Override public boolean hasDocument(String document) { return true; } @Override public boolean hasCollectivite(String collectivite, DocumentModel dm) { return true; } }; } return user; } protected File extractFileFromZip(ZipFile zf, String filePath) throws IOException { ZipEntry ze = zf.getEntry(filePath); File ret = new File(getTempDir(), filePath); File parent = ret.getParentFile(); parent.mkdirs(); InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(ze); OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(ret); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read =; do { if (read > 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, read); } read =; } while (read > 0); fos.flush(); fos.close(); filesToDrop.add(ret); return ret; } public FileInfo getFileInfo() { return __fileInfo; } public DocumentsModel getDocumentsModel() { return documentsModel; } // un point d'entre, pour les hritiers... protected void setDocumentsModel(DocumentsModel dm) { this.documentsModel = dm; } public File getTempDir() { if (isLocalTempDirSet) return localTempDir; else return FileUtils.getTempDir(); } public static String getArchiveName(File fileToImport) { String fileName = fileToImport.getName(); String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName); String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(fileName); String shortName = baseName.replaceFirst("_[0-9]*$", ""); return shortName + "." + extension; } public static String getImportMode(PropertiesExpansion applicationProperties) { String ret = Constants.IMPORT_ARCHIVE_TOTAL; String sTmp = applicationProperties.getProperty(Constants.SYS_PROP_IMPORT_ARCHIVE_MODE); if (sTmp != null && Constants.IMPORT_ARCHIVE_PARTIEL.equals(sTmp)) ret = Constants.IMPORT_ARCHIVE_PARTIEL; return ret; } public void setLocalTempDir(File localTempDir) { this.localTempDir = localTempDir; isLocalTempDirSet = true; } public static Element getElement(Nodes nodes) { if (nodes.size() == 0) return null; else return (Element) nodes.get(0); } }