Source code

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* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
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* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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package fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.impl;

import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openrdf.OpenRDFException;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.GraphQuery;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult;
import org.openrdf.repository.Repository;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException;

import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.exception.BusinessException;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.exception.ErrorMessage;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.exception.InvalidParameterException;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.PrefixManager;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.ThesaurusMetadata;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.ThesaurusService;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.ThesaurusServiceConfiguration;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.rdf.Concept;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.rdf.ConceptCollection;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.rdf.ConceptScheme;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.rdf.Entry;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.service.rdf.RdfResource;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.util.TextUtils;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.util.rdf.RdfEntriesGenerationHandler;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.util.rdf.RdfXmlUtils;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.util.rdf.SparqlUtils;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.util.xml.XmlDate;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.vocabulary.DublinCoreTerms;
import fr.gouv.culture.thesaurus.vocabulary.Skos;

 * A {@link ThesaurusService thesaurus access service} implementation relying on
 * the <a href="">Open RDF Sesame API</a> to access the RDF
 * triple store.
 * <p>
 * To ease maintenance, the SPARQL queries used to extract data from the
 * repository are read from an external file:
 * <code></code>. SPARQL generic graph patterns are
 * read from <tt></tt>.
 * </p>
public class SesameThesaurus implements ThesaurusService {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constant definitions
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** SPARQL graph pattern definition file constants. */
    private final static String GRAPHPATTERN_DEFINITIONS = "";

    /** SPARQL query definition file constants. */
    private final static String QUERY_DEFINITIONS = "";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Class member definitions
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** En-tte SPARQL contenant les prfixes  utiliser. */
    private final static String namespacePrefixes;

    /** Requtes SPARQL. */
    private final static Map<String, String> sparqlQueries = new HashMap<String, String>();

    /** Graph Patterns SPARQL  injecter dans les requtes. */
    private final static Map<String, String> sparqlGraphPatterns = new HashMap<String, String>();

    /** Associations entre un champ de tri et le nom de variable. */
    private final static Map<ConceptSearchOrderBy, String> SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS = new HashMap<ConceptSearchOrderBy, String>();

    /** Tri par dfaut (ne doit pas tre vide). */
    private final static List<SortCriterion> DEFAULT_SORT_FIELDS = new ArrayList<ConceptSearchQuery.SortCriterion>();

    /** Journalisation. */
    private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SesameThesaurus.class);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance member definitions
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private final Repository repository;
    private final ValueFactory valueFactory;
    private final ThesaurusServiceConfiguration configuration;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Class initialization
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    static {
        try {
            // Get default prefix mappings
            namespacePrefixes = PrefixManager.getInstance().getSparqlPrefixes();

            Properties p = new Properties();

            // Load SPARQL query definitions
            // Build queries
            for (Object o : p.keySet()) {
                String key = (String) o;
                addSparqlQuery(key, p.getProperty(key));


            // Load SPARQL graph patterns.
            // Read patterns.
            for (Object o : p.keySet()) {
                String key = (String) o;
                addSparqlGraphPattern(key, p.getProperty(key));

            // Associations entre champs de tri et le nom des variables.
            SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS.put(ConceptSearchOrderBy.CONCEPT_URI, "?concept");
            SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS.put(ConceptSearchOrderBy.CONCEPT_PREFLABEL, "?conceptPrefLabel");
            SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS.put(ConceptSearchOrderBy.SCHEME_URI, "?scheme");
            SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS.put(ConceptSearchOrderBy.SCHEME_TITLE, "?schemeTitle");
            SORT_FIELD_BINDINGS.put(ConceptSearchOrderBy.MATCHING_LABEL, "?label");

            // Tri par dfaut (ne doit pas tre vide).
            DEFAULT_SORT_FIELDS.add(new SortCriterion(ConceptSearchOrderBy.SCHEME_TITLE, SearchOrder.ASC));
            DEFAULT_SORT_FIELDS.add(new SortCriterion(ConceptSearchOrderBy.CONCEPT_PREFLABEL, SearchOrder.ASC));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.fatal("SPARQL queries definitions (" + QUERY_DEFINITIONS + ") loading failed: " + e, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constructors
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a new thesaurus access service extracting data from the specified
     * RDF triple store.
     * @param configuration
     *            configuration of the service
     * @param repository
     *            the RDF triple store, as a Sesame Repository object.
    public SesameThesaurus(ThesaurusServiceConfiguration configuration, Repository repository) {
        if (repository == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("repository");

        this.configuration = (ThesaurusServiceConfiguration) configuration.clone();
        this.repository = repository;
        this.valueFactory = repository.getValueFactory();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ThesaurusService interface support
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<String> getRdfClasses(String uri) throws BusinessException {
        Collection<String> l = new LinkedList<String>();

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        TupleQueryResult rs = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            TupleQuery query = getSelectQuery("getRdfClasses", cnx);
            query.setBinding("uri", this.valueFactory.createURI(uri));

            rs = query.evaluate();
            while (rs.hasNext()) {
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_SELECT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (rs != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("getRdfClasses: " + uri + " -> " + l);
        return l;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<ConceptScheme> listConceptSchemes() throws BusinessException {
        Collection<ConceptScheme> conceptSchemes;

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            // Lecture des informations des concept schemes.
            GraphQuery graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptSchemes.QUERY, cnx);
            conceptSchemes = constructResourcesFromQuery(ConceptScheme.class, graphQuery).values();
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("listConceptSchemes: " + conceptSchemes);

        return conceptSchemes;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<ConceptScheme> listConceptSchemesByProducer(String producerName) throws BusinessException {
        Collection<ConceptScheme> conceptSchemes;

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            // Lecture des informations des concept schemes.
            GraphQuery graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptSchemes.BY_PRODUCER_QUERY, cnx);
            conceptSchemes = constructResourcesFromQuery(ConceptScheme.class, graphQuery).values();
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("listConceptSchemesByProducer: " + conceptSchemes);

        return conceptSchemes;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<ConceptScheme> listConceptSchemesBySubject(String subject) throws BusinessException {
        Collection<ConceptScheme> conceptSchemes;

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            // Lecture des informations des concept schemes.
            GraphQuery graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptSchemes.BY_SUBJECT_QUERY, cnx);
            conceptSchemes = constructResourcesFromQuery(ConceptScheme.class, graphQuery).values();
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("listConceptSchemesBySubject: " + conceptSchemes);

        return conceptSchemes;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<String> listConceptSchemesProducers(Locale locale) throws BusinessException {
        List<String> producers = new ArrayList<String>();

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            TupleQuery query = getSelectQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptSchemesProducers.QUERY, cnx);
            TupleQueryResult rs = query.evaluate();

            BindingSet result;
            while (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                producers.add(this.getValue("organisationName", result));

        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

        Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(locale);
        Collections.sort(producers, collator);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("listConceptSchemesProducers: " + producers);

        return producers;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Collection<String> listConceptSchemesSubjects(Locale locale) throws BusinessException {
        List<String> subjects = new ArrayList<String>();

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            TupleQuery query = getSelectQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptSchemesSubjects.QUERY, cnx);
            TupleQueryResult rs = query.evaluate();

            BindingSet result;
            while (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                String subject = this.getValue("subject", result);
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subject)) {
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

        Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(locale);
        Collections.sort(subjects, collator);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("listConceptSchemesSubjects: " + subjects);

        return subjects;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ConceptScheme getConceptScheme(String uri) throws BusinessException {
        final ConceptScheme cs;

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            final URI schemeUri = this.valueFactory.createURI(uri);

            // Lecture des informations du concept.
            GraphQuery graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.LoadConceptScheme.QUERY, cnx);
            graphQuery.setBinding(SparqlQueries.LoadConceptScheme.SCHEME_URI, schemeUri);
            cs = constructResourceFromQuery(ConceptScheme.class, graphQuery);

            // Rcupration des concepts racines.
            graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListTopConceptsFromScheme.QUERY, cnx);
            graphQuery.setBinding(SparqlQueries.ListTopConceptsFromScheme.SCHEME_URI, schemeUri);
            cs.setTopConcepts(constructResourcesFromQuery(Concept.class, graphQuery).values());

            // ConceptGroups
            cs.setConceptGroups(listConceptGroups(schemeUri, cnx));
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("getConceptScheme: " + uri + " -> " + cs);
        return cs;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ThesaurusMetadata getThesaurusMetadataWithConceptScheme(String uri) throws BusinessException {

        ThesaurusMetadata metadata = new ThesaurusMetadata();

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        TupleQueryResult rs = null;
        try {
            URI schemeUri = this.valueFactory.createURI(uri);

            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            TupleQuery query = getSelectQuery("getThesaurusOrganizationWithConceptScheme", cnx);
            query.setBinding("uri", schemeUri);
            rs = query.evaluate();

            BindingSet result = null;

            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                metadata.setOrganisation(this.getValue("organisationName", result));
                metadata.setOrganisationHomepage(this.getValue("organisationHomepage", result));
                metadata.setOrganisationMbox(this.getValue("organisationMbox", result));
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_AMBIGUOUS_QUERY);

            query = getSelectQuery("getThesaurusSeeMoreWithConceptScheme", cnx);
            query.setBinding("uri", schemeUri);
            rs = query.evaluate();
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                metadata.setSeeMoreUrl(this.getValue("seeMoreUrl", result));
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_AMBIGUOUS_QUERY);
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_SELECT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (rs != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("getThesaurusMetadata: " + uri + " -> " + metadata);
        return metadata;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ThesaurusMetadata getThesaurusMetadataWithConcept(String uri) throws BusinessException {

        ThesaurusMetadata metadata = new ThesaurusMetadata();

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        TupleQueryResult rs = null;
        try {
            URI conceptUri = this.valueFactory.createURI(uri);

            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            TupleQuery query = getSelectQuery("getThesaurusOrganizationWithConcept", cnx);
            query.setBinding("uri", conceptUri);
            rs = query.evaluate();

            BindingSet result;

            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                metadata.setOrganisation(this.getValue("organisationName", result));
                metadata.setOrganisationHomepage(this.getValue("organisationHomepage", result));
                metadata.setOrganisationMbox(this.getValue("organisationMbox", result));
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_AMBIGUOUS_QUERY);

            query = getSelectQuery("getThesaurusSeeMoreWithConcept", cnx);
            query.setBinding("uri", conceptUri);
            rs = query.evaluate();
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                result =;
                metadata.setSeeMoreUrl(this.getValue("seeMoreUrl", result));
            if (rs.hasNext()) {
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_AMBIGUOUS_QUERY);

        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_SELECT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (rs != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("getThesaurusMetadata: " + uri + " -> " + metadata);
        return metadata;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void getConceptScheme(String uri, Writer rdfOut, boolean fullDump, ExportType type)
            throws BusinessException, IOException {
        if (fullDump == false) {
            this.executeConstructQuery("constructConceptScheme", uri, rdfOut, type);
        } else {
            // Dump the full named graph associated to the concept scheme.
            this.exportNamedGraph(uri, rdfOut, type);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Concept getConcept(String uri) throws BusinessException {
        Concept concept = null;

        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            URI conceptUri = this.valueFactory.createURI(uri);

            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            // Lecture des informations du concept.
            GraphQuery graphQuery = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.LoadConcept.QUERY, cnx);
            graphQuery.setBinding(SparqlQueries.LoadConcept.CONCEPT_URI, conceptUri);
            concept = constructResourceFromQuery(Concept.class, graphQuery);

            // Ajout des associations spcifiques.
            concept.setConceptSchemes(listSchemesFromConcept(conceptUri, cnx));

            concept.setTopAncestors(listTopAncestors(conceptUri, cnx));
            concept.setBroaderConcepts(listRelatedSkosConcepts(conceptUri, Skos.BROADER, cnx));
            concept.setNarrowerConcepts(listRelatedSkosConcepts(conceptUri, Skos.NARROWER, cnx));
            concept.setRelatedConcepts(listRelatedSkosConcepts(conceptUri, Skos.RELATED, cnx));

            concept.setParentConcepts(listParentSkosConcepts(conceptUri, cnx));
            concept.setConceptGroups(listConceptGroupsFromConcept(conceptUri, cnx));

        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_SELECT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("getConcept: " + uri + " -> " + concept);
        return concept;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void getConcept(String uri, Writer rdfOut, ExportType type) throws BusinessException, IOException {
        this.executeConstructQuery("constructConcept", uri, rdfOut, type);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void load(File file, String namedGraphUri) throws BusinessException, IOException {
        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            log.debug("Loading RDF/XML data from \"" + file + "\" into named graph \"" + namedGraphUri + '"');

            URI ctx = this.valueFactory.createURI(namedGraphUri);
            // Get a transactional connection.
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            // Clear existing triples from named graph, if any.
            // Load new triples into named graph.
            cnx.add(file, null, RDFFormat.RDFXML, ctx);
            //         // Add specific triple for last import date (now!).
            cnx.add(ctx, this.valueFactory.createURI(DublinCoreTerms.DATE_SUBMITTED),
                    this.valueFactory.createLiteral(XmlDate.toXmlDateTime(null)), ctx);
            // Commit the whole transaction.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (cnx != null) {
                // Rollback any change done so far.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e2) { /* Ignore... */
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.RDF_IMPORT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void load(File file) throws BusinessException, IOException, InvalidParameterException {
        // Extract named graph URI from RDF XML file contents
        // (i.e. the ConceptScheme URI)
        String namedGraphUri = RdfXmlUtils.extractNamedGraphUri(file);
        if (namedGraphUri != null) {
            this.load(file, namedGraphUri);
        } else {
            throw new InvalidParameterException("");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void delete(String uri) throws BusinessException {
        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            log.debug("Deleting RDF/XML data from named graph \"" + uri + '"');

            URI ctx = this.valueFactory.createURI(uri);
            // Get a transactional connection.
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            // Clear existing triples from named graph, if any.
            // Commit the whole transaction.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (cnx != null) {
                // Rollback any change done so far.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e2) { /* Ignore... */
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.RDF_DELETE_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ConceptSearchResultsPage searchConcept(ConceptSearchQuery searchQuery) throws BusinessException {
        if (searchQuery.getRows() <= 0) {
            // Le nombre de rsultats demand doit tre strictement positif.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("searchQuery");

        final ConceptSearchResultsPage resultsPage = new ConceptSearchResultsPage(searchQuery);

        try {
            final RepositoryConnection cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            TupleQuery query;
            TupleQueryResult queryResultSet = null;

            try {
                final String queryPattern = getSparqlGraphPattern(SparqlGraphPatterns.SearchConcept.NAME);
                final String regexPatternFromQuery = createRegexPatternFromQuery(searchQuery.getQuery());
                final Literal regexPatternLiteral = valueFactory.createLiteral(regexPatternFromQuery);

                // Rcupration du nombre de rsultats de la recherche.
                query = getSelectQuery(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.FETCH_COUNT_QUERY_NAME, cnx, queryPattern);
                query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.QUERY, regexPatternLiteral);
                queryResultSet = query.evaluate();

                final Literal totalConcepts = getSingleLiteralValue(queryResultSet);
                resultsPage.setPage(1 + searchQuery.getStart() / searchQuery.getRows());

                queryResultSet = null;

                // Rcupration des rsultats de la recherche.
                final String orderByClause = createOrderByClause(searchQuery.getSortCriteria());
                query = getSelectQuery(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.FETCH_RESULTS_QUERY_NAME, cnx, queryPattern,
                        orderByClause, searchQuery.getStart(), searchQuery.getRows());
                query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.QUERY, regexPatternLiteral);
                queryResultSet = query.evaluate();

                // Interprtation des rsultats.
                extractSearchResults(searchQuery, queryResultSet, resultsPage.getPageResults());

                queryResultSet = null;
            } finally {
                if (queryResultSet != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) {
                        /* Ignore. */

                try {
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    /* Ignore. */
        } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_SELECT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);

        return resultsPage;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Specific implementation
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Construit des entres du thsaurus  partir d'une requte SPARQL gnrant
     * un graphe. Chaque sujet de triplets du graphe correspond  une entre.
     * @param entryClass
     *            Classe d'objets  crer
     * @param graphQuery
     *            Requte de graphe  excuter
     * @return Ensemble des objets crs (ne peut tre <code>null</code>)
     * @throws QueryEvaluationException
     *             Leve lorsque l'excution de la requte a chou
     * @throws RDFHandlerException
     *             Leve si la cration des entres de thsaurus a chou
    private <T extends RdfResource> Map<String, T> constructResourcesFromQuery(Class<T> entryClass,
            GraphQuery graphQuery) throws QueryEvaluationException, RDFHandlerException {
        final RdfEntriesGenerationHandler<T> handler = new RdfEntriesGenerationHandler<T>(entryClass);


        return handler.getEntriesMap();

     * Construit une entre du thsaurus  partir d'une requte SPARQL gnrant
     * un graphe. Il ne doit y avoir au plus qu'un seul sujet, ce sujet
     * correspondant  l'entre  dcrire.
     * @param entryClass
     *            Classe d'objets  crer
     * @param graphQuery
     *            Requte de graphe  excuter
     * @return Entre de thsaurus cre  partir de l'excution de la requte,
     *         ou <code>null</code> si aucune entre n'a t dcrite
     * @throws QueryEvaluationException
     *             Leve lorsque l'excution de la requte a chou
     * @throws RDFHandlerException
     *             Leve si la cration des entres de thsaurus a chou
     * @throws BusinessException
     *             Leve si plus d'un sujet a t trouv
    private <T extends RdfResource> T constructResourceFromQuery(Class<T> entryClass, GraphQuery graphQuery)
            throws QueryEvaluationException, RDFHandlerException, BusinessException {
        final Collection<T> entriesCollection = constructResourcesFromQuery(entryClass, graphQuery).values();
        final Iterator<T> iterator = entriesCollection.iterator();
        final T entry;

        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            entry =;

            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_AMBIGUOUS_QUERY);
        } else {
            entry = null;

        return entry;

     * Cre l'expression rgulire permettant de rechercher le texte dans les
     * libells de concepts.
     * <p>
     * L'expression rgulire correspond aux libells dont chaque terme de
     * l'expression apparat dans l'ordre. Chaque terme de l'expression peut
     * faire partie d'un mot du libell. Les termes peuvent contenir n'importe
     * quel caractre et sont spars par un ou plusieurs caractres blancs.
     * @param query
     *            Chane de caractres recherche
     * @return Expression rgulire correspondant  la chane de caractres
     *         recherche
    private String createRegexPatternFromQuery(String query) {
        final String[] originalQueryTerms = query.split("\\s+");
        final String[] transformedQueryTerms = new String[originalQueryTerms.length];

        for (int termIndex = 0; termIndex < originalQueryTerms.length; termIndex++) {
            transformedQueryTerms[termIndex] = SparqlUtils.escapeForRegex(originalQueryTerms[termIndex]);

        return StringUtils.join(transformedQueryTerms, ".*");

     * Cre la clause SPARQL <tt>ORDER BY</tt>  partir des critres de tri
     * d'une requte. Si les critres fournies sont vides, utilise le tri par
     * dfaut.
     * @param sortCriteria
     *            Critres de tri
     * @return Clause <tt>ORDER BY</tt> gnre
    private String createOrderByClause(List<SortCriterion> sortCriteria) {
        final List<SortCriterion> effectiveSort;
        if (sortCriteria.size() > 0) {
            effectiveSort = sortCriteria;
        } else {
            effectiveSort = DEFAULT_SORT_FIELDS;

        final StringBuffer orderByClause = new StringBuffer("ORDER BY");

        for (final SortCriterion sortCriterion : effectiveSort) {
            orderByClause.append(' ');

        return orderByClause.toString();

     * Convertit les rsultats de la requte SPARQL de recherche de concepts en
     * rsultats {@link ConceptSearchResult}.
     * @param searchQuery
     *            Requte d'origine
     * @param searchResultSet
     *            Rsultats de la requte de recherche de concepts (les
     *            variables attendues sont <tt>?concept</tt>,
     *            <tt>?conceptPrefLabel</tt>, <tt>?scheme</tt>,
     *            <tt>?schemeTitle</tt> et <tt>?label</tt>)
     * @param results
     *            Liste de destination des rsultats
     * @throws QueryEvaluationException
     *             Leve si l'excution de la requte a chou
    private void extractSearchResults(ConceptSearchQuery searchQuery, TupleQueryResult searchResultSet,
            List<ConceptSearchResult> results) throws QueryEvaluationException {
        final Pattern searchPattern = Pattern.compile(createRegexPatternFromQuery(searchQuery.getQuery()),

        while (searchResultSet.hasNext()) {
            final BindingSet bindingSet =;
            final String conceptUri = bindingSet.getValue(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.CONCEPT_URI).stringValue();
            final String schemeUri = bindingSet.getValue(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.SCHEME_URI).stringValue();
            final String matchingLabel = bindingSet.getValue(SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.MATCHING_LABEL)

            final ConceptSearchResult result = new ConceptSearchResult(conceptUri, schemeUri);

            result.setConceptPrefLabel(getStringValue(bindingSet, SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.CONCEPT_PREFLABEL));
            result.setSchemeTitle(getStringValue(bindingSet, SparqlQueries.SearchConcept.SCHEME_TITLE));
            result.setFirstMatchingOccurrence(abbreviateAndHighlightMatchingLabel(matchingLabel, searchPattern));


     * Retourne la valeur demande sous la forme d'une string si non null.
     * @param bindingSet le binding set
     * @param bindingName le nom demand
     * @return la valeur string demande.
    private String getStringValue(final BindingSet bindingSet, final String bindingName) {

        Value value = bindingSet.getValue(bindingName);

        if (value != null) {
            return value.stringValue();

        return null;

     * Abrge le libell en ne renvoyant que la premire occurrence du texte
     * trouv, avec le contexte et en surlignant les termes trouvs. Si aucune
     * occurrence n'a t trouve, renvoie la premire partie du libell.
     * @param matchingLabel
     *            Libell correspondant  la requte
     * @param queryPattern
     *            Requte d'origine sous forme d'expression rgulire
     * @return Premire occurrence du texte trouv avec le contexte et le
     *         surlignage en HTML
    private String abbreviateAndHighlightMatchingLabel(String matchingLabel, Pattern queryPattern) {
        final Matcher matcher = queryPattern.matcher(matchingLabel);
        final int maxDescriptionLength = configuration.getMatchingLabelFirstOccurrenceWidth();
        String abbreviatedVersion;

        if (matcher.find()) {
            final int contextMaxLength = configuration.getMatchingLabelContextLength();
            final int highlightMaxLength = maxDescriptionLength - 2 * contextMaxLength;
            if (highlightMaxLength < 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Invalid configuration: the occurrence width is not long enough to hold the highlighted part and the context.");

            abbreviatedVersion = TextUtils.htmlHighlightOccurrence(matchingLabel, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),
                    highlightMaxLength, contextMaxLength, "<em>", "</em>");
        } else {
             * Pour une certaine raison, les termes trouvs par la recherche ne
             * sont pas localisables dans le texte trait avec Java. On renvoie
             * alors le dbut du libell correspondant.
            abbreviatedVersion = StringEscapeUtils
                    .escapeHtml4(TextUtils.leftAbbreviateOnWords(matchingLabel, maxDescriptionLength));

        return abbreviatedVersion;

     * Dcrit les concepts anctres du plus haut niveau d'un concept. Les
     * concepts dcrits ne le sont pas entirement (seule la proprit
     * prefLabel est extraite).
     * @param uri
     *            URI de la ressource d'origine
     * @param cnx
     *            Connexion vers le triplestore
     * @return Collection de ressources lies au concept
     * @throws OpenRDFException
     *             Leve si l'accs au triplestore a chou
    private Collection<Concept> listTopAncestors(URI uri, RepositoryConnection cnx) throws OpenRDFException {
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.LoadTopAncestors.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.LoadTopAncestors.CONCEPT_URI, uri);

        return constructResourcesFromQuery(Concept.class, query).values();

     * Dcrit les ressources lies  un concept via une certaine relation. Les
     * ressources dcrites ne le sont pas entirement (seule la proprit
     * prefLabel est extraite).
     * @param uri
     *            URI de la ressource d'origine
     * @param link
     *            URI de la proprit pour laquelle il faut rcuprer l'objet de
     *            chaque triplet
     * @param cnx
     *            Connexion vers le triplestore
     * @return Collection de ressources lie  la ressource d'origine avec la
     *         relation spcifie
     * @throws OpenRDFException
     *             Leve si l'accs au triplestore a chou
    private Collection<Concept> listRelatedSkosConcepts(URI uri, String link, RepositoryConnection cnx)
            throws OpenRDFException {
        final URI linkUri = valueFactory.createURI(link);
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.DescribeRelatedSkosConcepts.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeRelatedSkosConcepts.STARTING_CONCEPT_URI, uri);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeRelatedSkosConcepts.LINK_URI, linkUri);

        final Map<String, Concept> concepts = constructResourcesFromQuery(Concept.class, query);
        if (!concepts.isEmpty()) {
            // Recherche des collections associes aux concepts trouvs.
            final GraphQuery collectionsQuery = getConstructQuery(
                    SparqlQueries.DescribeCollectionsFromRelatedSkosConcepts.QUERY, cnx);
            collectionsQuery.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeRelatedSkosConcepts.STARTING_CONCEPT_URI, uri);
            collectionsQuery.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeRelatedSkosConcepts.LINK_URI, linkUri);

            final Map<String, ConceptCollection> collections = constructResourcesFromQuery(ConceptCollection.class,
            for (final ConceptCollection collection : collections.values()) {
                for (final String conceptUri : collection.getMembers()) {
                    final Concept concept = concepts.get(conceptUri);

                    if (concept != null) {

        return concepts.values();

     * Dcrit les concept parents d' un concept. Les
     * ressources dcrites ne le sont pas entirement (seule la proprit
     * prefLabel est extraite).
     * @param uri
     *            URI de la ressource d'origine
     * @param cnx
     *            Connexion vers le triplestore
     * @return Collection de ressources lie  la ressource d'origine avec la
     *         relation spcifie
     * @throws OpenRDFException
     *             Leve si l'accs au triplestore a chou
    private Collection<Concept> listParentSkosConcepts(URI uri, RepositoryConnection cnx) throws OpenRDFException {
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.DescribeParentSkosConcepts.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeParentSkosConcepts.STARTING_CONCEPT_URI, uri);

        final Map<String, Concept> concepts = constructResourcesFromQuery(Concept.class, query);

        List<Concept> results = new LinkedList<Concept>(concepts.values());
        return results;

     * Liste les groupes de concept (iso-thes:ConceptGroup) d'un scheme.
     * @param uri URI du scheme
     * @param cnx Connexion vers le triplestore
     * @return Collection des groupes de concepts
     * @throws OpenRDFException
    private Collection<Entry> listConceptGroups(URI uri, RepositoryConnection cnx) throws OpenRDFException {
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptGroupsFromScheme.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.ListConceptGroupsFromScheme.SCHEME_URI, uri);

        final Map<String, Entry> groups = constructResourcesFromQuery(Entry.class, query);

        return groups.values();

    private Collection<Entry> listConceptGroupsFromConcept(URI uri, RepositoryConnection cnx)
            throws OpenRDFException {
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.ListConceptGroupsFromConcept.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.ListConceptGroupsFromConcept.CONCEPT_URI, uri);

        final Map<String, Entry> groups = constructResourcesFromQuery(Entry.class, query);

        return groups.values();

     * Dcrit les concept schemes lis  un concept. Les concept schemes ne sont
     * pas entirement dcrits (seul le titre est extrait).
     * @param uri
     *            URI du concept d'origine
     * @param cnx
     *            Connexion vers le triplestore
     * @return Collection des concept schemes lis au concept
     * @throws OpenRDFException
     *             Leve si l'accs au triplestore a chou
    private Collection<ConceptScheme> listSchemesFromConcept(URI uri, RepositoryConnection cnx)
            throws OpenRDFException {
        final GraphQuery query = getConstructQuery(SparqlQueries.DescribeSchemesFromConcept.QUERY, cnx);
        query.setBinding(SparqlQueries.DescribeSchemesFromConcept.STARTING_CONCEPT_URI, uri);

        return constructResourcesFromQuery(ConceptScheme.class, query).values();

    private void executeConstructQuery(String key, String uri, Writer rdfOut, ExportType type)
            throws BusinessException, IOException {
        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();
            GraphQuery query = cnx.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, getSparqlQuery(key));
            query.setBinding("uri", this.valueFactory.createURI(uri));
            query.evaluate(getRDFHandler(type, rdfOut));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

    private void exportNamedGraph(String uri, Writer rdfOut, ExportType type)
            throws BusinessException, IOException {
        RepositoryConnection cnx = null;
        try {
            cnx = this.repository.getConnection();

            cnx.export(getRDFHandler(type, rdfOut), this.valueFactory.createURI(uri));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessage.SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_FAILED, new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        } finally {
            if (cnx != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) { /* Ignore... */

    private RDFHandler getRDFHandler(ExportType type, Writer rdfOut) {
        switch (type) {
        case N3:
            return new N3Writer(rdfOut);
        case TURTLE:
            return new TurtleWriter(rdfOut);
        case RDF:
            return new RDFXMLPrettyWriter(rdfOut);

    private Literal getSingleLiteralValue(TupleQueryResult resultSet) throws QueryEvaluationException {
        final List<String> bindingNames = resultSet.getBindingNames();
        if (resultSet.hasNext() && bindingNames.size() == 1) {
            final BindingSet bindingSet =;
            final String literalName = bindingNames.get(0);

            return (Literal) bindingSet.getValue(literalName);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultSet");

    private String getValue(String key, BindingSet b) {
        Value v = b.getValue(key);
        return (v != null) ? v.stringValue() : null;

    private static TupleQuery getSelectQuery(String key, RepositoryConnection cnx) throws OpenRDFException {
        if (cnx == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cnx");
        return cnx.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, getSparqlQuery(key));

    private static TupleQuery getSelectQuery(String key, RepositoryConnection connection,
            Object... queryFormatParameters) throws OpenRDFException {
        if (connection == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cnx");
        return connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL,
                String.format(getSparqlQuery(key), queryFormatParameters));

    private static GraphQuery getConstructQuery(String key, RepositoryConnection cnx) throws OpenRDFException {
        if (cnx == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cnx");
        return cnx.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, getSparqlQuery(key));

    private static String getSparqlQuery(String key) {
        if (!sparqlQueries.containsKey(key)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown named query: " + key);
        return sparqlQueries.get(key);

    private static String getSparqlGraphPattern(String key) {
        if (!sparqlGraphPatterns.containsKey(key)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown named graph pattern: " + key);
        return sparqlGraphPatterns.get(key);

    private static void addSparqlQuery(String key, String query) {
        if ((key == null) || (key.length() == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key");
        if ((query == null) || (query.length() == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("query");
        sparqlQueries.put(key, namespacePrefixes + query);

    private static void addSparqlGraphPattern(String key, String graphPattern) {
        if ((key == null) || (key.length() == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key");
        if ((graphPattern == null) || (graphPattern.length() == 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("graphPattern");
        sparqlGraphPatterns.put(key, graphPattern);