Java tutorial
/* * Data Hub Service (DHuS) - For Space data distribution. * Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 GAEL Systems * * This file is part of DHuS software sources. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.client.AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.client.GWTClient; import; import; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.CollectionData; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.FileScannerData; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.RoleData; public class UploadPage extends AbstractPage { private static CollectionServiceAsync collectionService = CollectionServiceAsync.Util.getInstance(); private static UploadServiceAsync uploadService = UploadServiceAsync.Util.getInstance(); private static HashMap<Long, CollectionData> displayedCollections = new HashMap<Long, CollectionData>(); private static CollectionData root; private static List<Long> selectedCollections = new ArrayList<Long>(); private static FormPanel uploadForm; private static FileUpload uploadProductFile; private static RootPanel uploadButton; private static TextBox url; private static TextBox username; private static TextBox pattern; private static RootPanel patternResult; private static PasswordTextBox password; private static RootPanel status; private static RootPanel scanButton; private static RootPanel stopButton; private static RootPanel addButton; private static RootPanel deleteButton; private static RootPanel cancelButton; private static RootPanel saveButton; private static RootPanel refreshButton; private static RootPanel scannerInfos; private static SimpleCheckBox collectionsCheckAll; private static boolean collectionsTableDisabled = false; private static boolean collectionsCheckAllChecked; private static HashMap<Long, FileScannerData> displayedScanners = new HashMap<Long, FileScannerData>(); private static Integer editedScannerId = null; private static boolean newScannerEdited = false; private static State state; public UploadPage() { = "Upload"; super.roles = Arrays.asList(RoleData.UPLOAD); } @Override public native JavaScriptObject getJSInitFunction() /*-{ return function() {; } }-*/; @Override public native JavaScriptObject getJSRefreshFunction() /*-{ return function() {; } }-*/; private static native void refreshCollections() /*-{ $wnd.upload_refreshCollections(); }-*/; private static native void refreshScanners() /*-{ $wnd.upload_refreshScanners(); }-*/; private static native void refreshingCollections() /*-{ $wnd.upload_refreshingCollections(); }-*/; private static native void urlChanged() /*-{ $wnd.upload_urlChanged(); }-*/; private static native void productFileChanged() /*-{ $wnd.upload_productFileChanged(); }-*/; private static native void setCollectionsTableEnabled(boolean enabled) /*-{ $wnd.upload_setCollectionsTableEnabled(enabled); }-*/; private static native void setScannersTableEnabled(boolean enabled) /*-{ $wnd.upload_setScannersTableEnabled(enabled); }-*/; private static native void disableButtons() /*-{ $wnd.upload_disableButtons(); }-*/; private static native void exitEditMode() /*-{ $wnd.upload_exitEditMode(); }-*/; private static native void switchToEditMode(boolean running) /*-{ $wnd.upload_switchToEditMode(running); }-*/; private static native void enableRefreshButton() /*-{ $wnd.upload_enableRefreshButton(); }-*/; private static native void saveScrollPosition() /*-{ $wnd.upload_saveScrollPosition(); }-*/; private static native void resetScrollPosition() /*-{ $wnd.upload_resetScrollPosition(); }-*/; private static native void showUpload() /*-{ $wnd.showUpload( function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {*) (fnCallback)}, function (event, id) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); // W3C model } else { event.cancelBubble = true; // IE model }*)(id) }, function (id) {*)(id) }, function () {*)() }, function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {*) (oSettings._iDisplayStart, oSettings._iDisplayLength, fnCallback)}, function (id) {*)(id) }, function (data) { if (data == null) {*)() } else {*)(data[2]) }}, function (event, id) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); // W3C model } else { event.cancelBubble = true; // IE model }*)(id) }); }-*/; private static void refresh() { setState(State.DEFAULT); } private static void init() { showUpload(); uploadProductFile = FileUpload.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_productFile").getElement()); final Hidden collectionsField = Hidden.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_collections").getElement()); uploadButton = RootPanel.get("upload_uploadButton"); url = TextBox.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_url").getElement()); username = TextBox.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_username").getElement()); pattern = TextBox.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_pattern").getElement()); patternResult = RootPanel.get("upload_patternResult"); password = PasswordTextBox.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_password").getElement()); scanButton = RootPanel.get("upload_scanButton"); stopButton = RootPanel.get("upload_stopButton"); addButton = RootPanel.get("upload_addButton"); cancelButton = RootPanel.get("upload_cancelButton"); deleteButton = RootPanel.get("upload_deleteButton"); saveButton = RootPanel.get("upload_saveButton"); status = RootPanel.get("upload_status"); refreshButton = RootPanel.get("upload_refreshButton"); scannerInfos = RootPanel.get("upload_scannerInfos"); uploadForm = new FormPanel(); uploadForm.setAction(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "/api/upload"); uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); uploadForm.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); uploadForm.setWidget(RootPanel.get("upload_form")); RootPanel.get("upload_product").add(uploadForm); selectedCollections = new ArrayList<Long>(); uploadButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (uploadButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } String filename = uploadProductFile.getFilename(); if (filename.length() == 0) { Window.alert("No file selected!"); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "wait"); String collections = ""; if (selectedCollections != null && !selectedCollections.isEmpty()) { for (Long cId : selectedCollections) { collections += cId + ","; } collections = collections.substring(0, collections.length() - 1); } collectionsField.setValue(collections); uploadForm.submit(); setState(State.UPLOADING); } } }, ClickEvent.getType()); uploadForm.addSubmitCompleteHandler(new FormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler() { @Override public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) { RegExp regexp = RegExp.compile(".*HTTP Status ([0-9]+).*"); Integer errCode = null; try { errCode = new Integer(regexp.exec(event.getResults()).getGroup(1)); } catch (Exception e) { } if (errCode == null) { Window.alert("Your product has been successfully uploaded."); } else { switch (errCode) { case 400: Window.alert("Your request is missing a product file to upload."); break; case 403: Window.alert("You are not allowed to upload a file on Sentinel Data Hub."); break; case 406: Window.alert("Your product was not added. It can not be read by the system."); break; case 415: Window.alert("Request contents type is not supported by the servlet."); break; case 500: Window.alert("An error occurred while creating the file."); break; default: Window.alert("There was an untraceable error while uploading your product."); break; } } DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); setState(State.DEFAULT); } }); addButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (addButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } uploadService.addFileScanner(url.getValue(), username.getValue(), password.getValue(), pattern.getValue(), selectedCollections, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Long>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error during adding '" + url.getValue() + "' to your file scanners.\n" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Long result) { setState(State.ADDING_FILESCANNER); setState(State.DEFAULT); } }); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); scanButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (scanButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } if (state == State.EDIT_FILESCANNER && editedScannerId != null) { uploadService.updateFileScanner(new Long(editedScannerId.longValue()), url.getValue(), username.getValue(), password.getValue(), pattern.getValue(), selectedCollections, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error during adding '" + url.getValue() + "' to your file scanners.\n" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void scanId) { // final String sUrl = url.getValue(); setState(State.DEFAULT); uploadService.processScan(new Long(editedScannerId.longValue()), new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { } }); } }); } else { uploadService.addFileScanner(url.getValue(), username.getValue(), password.getValue(), pattern.getValue(), selectedCollections, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Long>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error during adding '" + url.getValue() + "' to your file scanners.\n" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Long scanId) { // final String sUrl = url.getValue(); setState(State.ADDING_FILESCANNER); setState(State.DEFAULT); uploadService.processScan(scanId, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { } }); } }); } } }, ClickEvent.getType()); stopButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (stopButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } uploadService.stopScan(new Long(editedScannerId.longValue()), new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { setState(State.ADDING_FILESCANNER); setState(State.DEFAULT); } }); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); cancelButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (cancelButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } setDefaultState(); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); refreshButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (refreshButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } refreshScanners(); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); deleteButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (deleteButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled") && editedScannerId != null) { return; } removeScanner(editedScannerId); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); saveButton.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (saveButton.getElement().getClassName().contains("disabled")) { return; } uploadService.updateFileScanner(new Long(editedScannerId), url.getValue(), username.getValue(), password.getValue(), pattern.getValue(), selectedCollections, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error while updating your file scanner.\n" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { setDefaultState(); } }); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); refresh(); } private static void removeFromDisplayedCollections(List<CollectionData> collections) { for (CollectionData col : collections) { displayedCollections.remove(col.getId()); if (col.getDisplayedChildren() != null && col.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { removeFromDisplayedCollections(col.getDisplayedChildren()); } } } private static void openCollection(int id) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "wait"); CollectionData parent = displayedCollections.get(new Long(id)); if (parent == null) { Window.alert("Error while opening collection #" + id); return; } if (parent.getDisplayedChildren() != null && parent.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { removeFromDisplayedCollections(parent.getDisplayedChildren()); parent.getDisplayedChildren().clear(); displayedCollections.put(parent.getId(), parent); saveScrollPosition(); refreshCollections(); } else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "wait"); requestCollections(parent, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { saveScrollPosition(); refreshCollections(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } }); } } private static void getCollections(final JavaScriptObject function) { GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval("{\"aaData\": [],\"iTotalRecords\" : 0, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 0}")); refreshingCollections(); if (root == null) { root = new CollectionData(); root.setId(null); root.setDeep(-1); } collectionsToRefresh = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (CollectionData c : displayedCollections.values()) { if (c.getDisplayedChildren() != null && c.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { collectionsToRefresh.add(c.getId()); } } displayedCollections.clear(); requestCollections(root, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { collectionsCheckAllChecked = true; String json = "{\"aaData\": ["; json += computeJSON(root); boolean children = false; if (root.getDisplayedChildren() != null && root.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 1); children = true; } json += "],\"iTotalRecords\" : " + (children ? 1 : 0) + ", \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : " + (children ? 1 : 0) + "}"; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval(json)); collectionsCheckAll = SimpleCheckBox.wrap(RootPanel.get("upload_collectionsCheckAll").getElement()); collectionsCheckAll.setValue(children && collectionsCheckAllChecked); collectionsCheckAll.setEnabled(children && !collectionsTableDisabled); } }); } private static void checkCollection(int cId) { if (selectedCollections.contains(new Long(cId))) { selectedCollections.remove(new Long(cId)); } else { selectedCollections.add(new Long(cId)); } saveScrollPosition(); refreshCollections(); } private static void checkAllCollections() { // remove root Collection Iterator<Long> idIterator = displayedCollections.keySet().iterator(); Long[] cids = new Long[displayedCollections.size() - 1]; for (int i = 0; idIterator.hasNext();) { Long id =; if (id != root.getId()) { cids[i] = id; i++; } } if (collectionsCheckAll.getValue()) { selectedCollections.addAll(Arrays.asList(cids)); } else { selectedCollections.removeAll(Arrays.asList(cids)); } saveScrollPosition(); refreshCollections(); } private static void requestCollections(final CollectionData parent, final AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void> callback) { collectionService.getSubCollections(parent, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<List<CollectionData>>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<CollectionData> collections) { parent.setDisplayedChildren(collections); displayedCollections.put(parent.getId(), parent); for (CollectionData collection : collections) { // if already added, don't replace it if (!displayedCollections.containsKey(collection.getId())) { displayedCollections.put(collection.getId(), collection); } } refreshEnded(parent, callback); } }); } private static ArrayList<Long> collectionsToRefresh; private static void refreshEnded(CollectionData refreshed, AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void> callback) { collectionsToRefresh.remove(refreshed.getId()); if (collectionsToRefresh.size() == 0) { callback.onSuccess(null); } else { CollectionData parent = displayedCollections.get(collectionsToRefresh.get(0)); requestCollections(parent, callback); } } private static String computeJSON(CollectionData collection) { String json = ""; if (collection == null || collection.getDisplayedChildren() == null) { return ""; } for (CollectionData col : collection.getDisplayedChildren()) { CollectionData c = displayedCollections.get(col.getId()); boolean checked = selectedCollections.contains(c.getId()); collectionsCheckAllChecked = collectionsCheckAllChecked && checked; json += "[{\"checked\":" + checked + ", \"id\":" + c.getId() + "},{\"name\":\"" + c.getName() + "\", \"id\":" + c.getId() + ", \"deep\":" + c.getDeep() + ", \"hasChildren\":" + c.hasChildren() + ", \"open\":" + (c.getDisplayedChildren() != null && c.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) + "}],"; if (c.hasChildren()) { json += computeJSON(c); } } return json; } private static void getScanners(final int start, final int length, final JavaScriptObject function) { displayedScanners.clear(); GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval("{\"aaData\": [],\"iTotalRecords\" : 0, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 0}")); uploadService.countFileScanners(new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error while counting your saved file scanners."); } @Override public void onSuccess(final Integer total) { uploadService.getFileScanners(new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<List<FileScannerData>>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error while getting your saved file scanners."); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<FileScannerData> result) { String json = "{\"aaData\": ["; for (FileScannerData scanner : result) { displayedScanners.put(scanner.getId(), scanner); String display = scanner.getUrl().replace("\\", "/"); if (scanner.getUsername() != null && !scanner.getUsername().isEmpty()) { display += " - user: " + scanner.getUsername(); } json += "[{\"status\": \"" + scanner.getStatus() + "\", \"label\":\"" + display + "\"}," + "{\"id\":" + scanner.getId() + ", \"active\":" + scanner.isActive() + "}," + scanner.getId() + "],"; } if (total >= 1) { json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 1); } json += "],\"iTotalRecords\" : " + total + ", \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : " + total + "}"; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval(json)); } }); } }); } private static void removeScanner(int id) { uploadService.removeFileScanner(new Long(id), new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("There was an error while deleting your saved file scanner."); } @Override public void onSuccess(final Void result) { setDefaultState(); } }); } private static void editScanner(int id) { editedScannerId = id; newScannerEdited = true; resetScrollPosition(); setState(State.EDIT_FILESCANNER); } private static void switchScannerActivation(int id) { FileScannerData scan = displayedScanners.get(new Long(id)); if (scan == null) { return; } uploadService.setFileScannerActive(new Long(id), !scan.isActive(), new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert( "There was an error while updating your file scanner.\n" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { state = null; // hack to reset page setDefaultState(); } }); } private static void setDefaultState() { setState(State.DEFAULT); } private static void setState(State s) { // disable scannerTable when uploading setScannersTableEnabled(!s.equals(State.UPLOADING)); // changing state = reset every fields if (state != s) { if (s == State.DEFAULT) { resetScrollPosition(); } if (s == State.UPLOADING) { uploadForm.reset(); productFileChanged(); } // Reset after adding scanner if (s == State.ADDING_FILESCANNER) { password.setValue(""); url.setValue(""); username.setValue(""); pattern.setValue(""); status.getElement().setInnerText(""); urlChanged(); } // only refreshing scanners when not editing if (s != State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) { refreshScanners(); } // Reset fields & collections when exiting edit mode if (state == State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) { password.setValue(""); url.setValue(""); username.setValue(""); pattern.setValue(""); status.getElement().setInnerText(""); urlChanged(); selectedCollections.clear(); exitEditMode(); } } boolean running = false; if (s == State.EDIT_FILESCANNER && newScannerEdited) { FileScannerData scanner = displayedScanners.get(new Long(editedScannerId)); running = scanner.getStatus() == "running"; password.setValue(scanner.getPassword()); url.setValue(scanner.getUrl()); username.setValue(scanner.getUsername()); pattern.setValue(scanner.getPattern()); status.getElement().setInnerHTML(scanner.getStatusMessage()); urlChanged(); selectedCollections = new ArrayList<Long>(scanner.getCollections()); switchToEditMode(scanner.getStatus() == "running"); saveButton.getElement() .setClassName(scanner.getStatus() != "running" ? "button_black" : "button_disabled"); scanButton.getElement() .setClassName(scanner.getStatus() != "running" ? "button_black" : "button_disabled"); deleteButton.getElement() .setClassName(scanner.getStatus() != "running" ? "button_black" : "button_disabled"); newScannerEdited = false; } uploadProductFile.setEnabled(s.equals(State.DEFAULT)); password.setEnabled(s.equals(State.DEFAULT) || (s.equals(State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) && !running)); url.setEnabled(s.equals(State.DEFAULT) || (s.equals(State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) && !running)); username.setEnabled(s.equals(State.DEFAULT) || (s.equals(State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) && !running)); pattern.setEnabled(s.equals(State.DEFAULT) || (s.equals(State.EDIT_FILESCANNER) && !running)); collectionsTableDisabled = s.equals(State.UPLOADING); setCollectionsTableEnabled(!collectionsTableDisabled); refreshCollections(); if (s.equals(State.UPLOADING) || s.equals(State.ADDING_FILESCANNER)) { disableButtons(); } else { enableRefreshButton(); } uploadService.getNextScheduleFileScanner(new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Date>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { scannerInfos.getElement() .setInnerText("An active file scanner means that it will be run every day."); } @Override public void onSuccess(Date result) { DateTimeFormat sdf = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("EEEE dd MMMM yyyy - HH:mm:ss"); scannerInfos.getElement().setInnerText( "An active file scanner means that it will be run" + " on " + sdf.format(result)); } }); state = s; } private enum State { DEFAULT, EDIT_FILESCANNER, UPLOADING, ADDING_FILESCANNER; } }