Java tutorial
/* * Data Hub Service (DHuS) - For Space data distribution. * Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 GAEL Systems * * This file is part of DHuS software sources. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.client.AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.client.GWTClient; import; import; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.MetadataIndexData; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.ProductData; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.RoleData; import fr.gael.dhus.gwt.share.XMLNodeData; public class SearchViewPage extends AbstractPage { private static ProductServiceAsync productService = ProductServiceAsync.Util.getInstance(); private static ProductData displayedProduct = null; private static HashMap<String, XMLNodeData> displayedNodes = new HashMap<String, XMLNodeData>(); private static HashMap<String, Object> pathCounter = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private static XMLNodeData root; private static boolean initialized = false; private static boolean firstCallDone = false; private static CollectionServiceAsync collectionService = CollectionServiceAsync.Util.getInstance(); public SearchViewPage() { = "SearchView"; } @Override public native JavaScriptObject getJSInitFunction() /*-{ return function() {; } }-*/; @Override public native JavaScriptObject getJSRefreshFunction() /*-{ return function() {*)(); } }-*/; private static native void showSearchView() /*-{ $wnd.showSearchView( function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {*) (fnCallback)}, function (event, path, isLoadMoreNode) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); // W3C model } else { event.cancelBubble = true; // IE model }*)(path, isLoadMoreNode !== undefined) }); }-*/; private static native void resetSearchView(String title) /*-{ $wnd.resetSearchView(title); }-*/; private static native void setSearchViewFootprint(JavaScriptObject feature) /*-{ $wnd.setSearchViewFootprint(feature); }-*/; private static native void hideSearchViewFootprint() /*-{ $wnd.hideSearchViewFootprint(); }-*/; private static native void setSearchViewQuicklook(String url) /*-{ $wnd.setSearchViewQuicklook(url); }-*/; private static native void addInformationTab(String id, String data, boolean active) /*-{ $wnd.addInformationTab(id, data, active); }-*/; private static native void refreshViewDrbTree() /*-{ $wnd.refreshViewDrbTree(); }-*/; public static native void openUrl(String url) /*-{ return $, 'target=_blank') }-*/; private static void refresh() { resetSearchView("View product '" + displayedProduct.getIdentifier() + "'"); initialized = false; Double[][][] footprint = displayedProduct.getFootprint(); if (footprint != null && footprint.length > 0) { JavaScriptObject footPrintJS = ProductData.getJsFootprintLayer(footprint, false); setSearchViewFootprint(footPrintJS); } else { hideSearchViewFootprint(); } if (displayedProduct.hasQuicklook()) { setSearchViewQuicklook(displayedProduct.getOdataQuicklookPath(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL())); } String data = ""; for (String summary : displayedProduct.getSummary()) { int idx = summary.indexOf(":"); data += "<b>" + summary.substring(0, idx - 1) + "</b>" + summary.substring(idx) + "</br>"; } addInformationTab("Summary", data, true); for (MetadataIndexData mdi : displayedProduct.getIndexes()) { if (mdi.getName().toLowerCase() != "summary") { data = ""; for (MetadataIndexData m : mdi.getChildren()) { // Do not display footprints if ((m.getName() != null) && m.getName().toLowerCase().matches(".*footprint.*")) { Log.debug("Removing " + m.getName()); continue; } data += "<b>" + m.getName() + "</b> : " + m.getValue() + "</br>"; } addInformationTab(mdi.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + mdi.getName().substring(1), data, false); } } displayedNodes.clear(); pathCounter.clear(); root = null; refreshViewDrbTree(); } public static void viewProduct(final int id) { productService.getProduct(new Long(id), new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<ProductData>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("An error occured while getting product '#" + id + "'"); } @Override public void onSuccess(ProductData product) { displayedProduct = product; Page.SEARCHVIEW.load(); } }); } private static void init() { showSearchView(); refresh(); } private static void removeFromDisplayedNodes(List<XMLNodeData> collections) { for (XMLNodeData col : collections) { displayedNodes.remove(col.getPath()); pathCounter.remove(col.getPath()); if (col.getDisplayedChildren() != null && col.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { removeFromDisplayedNodes(col.getDisplayedChildren()); } } } private static void openItem(String request, boolean loadMoreNodeClicked) { Log.debug("DrbTree Request: " + request); XMLNodeData parent = displayedNodes.get(request); if (parent == null) { Window.alert("Error while opening node '" + request + "'"); return; } Log.debug("Found parent" + parent.getName()); // close item if (!loadMoreNodeClicked && parent.getDisplayedChildren() != null && parent.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { removeFromDisplayedNodes(parent.getDisplayedChildren()); parent.clearDisplayedChildren(); displayedNodes.put(parent.getPath(), parent); refreshViewDrbTree(); } // open item else { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "wait"); if (!loadMoreNodeClicked && parent.getDisplayedChildren() != null && !parent.getDisplayedChildren().isEmpty()) { refreshViewDrbTree(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); return; } requestXMLNode(parent, loadMoreNodeClicked, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { refreshViewDrbTree(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } }); } } private static void getDrbTree(final JavaScriptObject function) { if (!firstCallDone) { firstCallDone = true; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval("{\"aaData\": [],\"iTotalRecords\" : 0, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 0}")); generateDownloadLink(); return; } if (!initialized) { initialized = true; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval("{\"aaData\": [],\"iTotalRecords\" : 0, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 0}")); generateDownloadLink(); } DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "wait"); if (root == null) { root = new XMLNodeData(displayedProduct.getIdentifier(), "", "", 0); root.setDeep(-1); } if (root.getDisplayedChildren() != null && !root.getDisplayedChildren().isEmpty()) { String json = "{\"aaData\": ["; json += computeJSON(root); if (root.getDisplayedChildren() != null && root.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 1); } json += "],\"iTotalRecords\" : 1, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 1}"; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval(json)); DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); generateDownloadLink(); return; } requestXMLNode(root, false, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { String json = "{\"aaData\": ["; json += computeJSON(root); if (root.getDisplayedChildren() != null && root.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) { json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 1); } json += "],\"iTotalRecords\" : 1, \"iTotalDisplayRecords\" : 1}"; GWTClient.callback(function, JsonUtils.safeEval(json)); generateDownloadLink(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "cursor", "default"); } }); } private static void requestXMLNode(final XMLNodeData parent, boolean loadMoreNodeClicked, final AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<Void> callback) { getHTML(parent, loadMoreNodeClicked, new AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<List<XMLNodeData>>() { @Override public void _onFailure(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<XMLNodeData> result) { parent.addDisplayedChildren(result); displayedNodes.put(parent.getPath(), parent); for (XMLNodeData node : result) { // if already added, don't replace it if (!displayedNodes.containsKey(node.getPath())) { displayedNodes.put(node.getPath(), node); } } callback.onSuccess(null); } }); callback.onFailure(null); } private static String computeJSON(XMLNodeData node) { String json = ""; if (node == null || node.getDisplayedChildren() == null) { return ""; } for (XMLNodeData n : node.getDisplayedChildren()) { XMLNodeData child = displayedNodes.get(n.getPath()); if (child == null) { // not displayed child, go to next one continue; } json += "[{\"name\":\"" + child.getName() + "\", \"path\":\"" + child.getPath().replace("'", "'") + "\", \"deep\":" + child.getDeep() + ", \"hasChildren\":" + !child.isLeaf() + ", \"open\":" + (child.getDisplayedChildren() != null && child.getDisplayedChildren().size() > 0) + ", \"value\":\"" + child.getValue().trim().replace("'", "").replace("\"", "") .replace("<", "<").replace("}", "}").replace("{", "{").replace(">", ">") + "\"}],"; // if (child.getAttributes () != null && !child.getAttributes ().isEmpty ()) // { // String attributes = ""; // for (XMLNodeAttribute attr : child.getAttributes ()) // { // attributes += "@"+attr.getName ()+"="+ // attr.getValue ().replace ("\"", "\\\"").replace("<","<") // .replace (">", ">")+", "; // } // if (child.getAttributes ().size () > 0) // { // attributes = attributes.substring (0, attributes.length () - 2); // } // json += // "[{\"value\":\""+attributes+"\", \"deep\":"+(child.getDeep()+1)+ // ", \"isAttribute\": true}],"; // } if (!child.isLeaf()) { json += computeJSON(child); } } if (node.getLoadMoreRequest() != null && !node.getLoadMoreRequest().isEmpty()) { json += "[{\"name\":\"load more (" + (node.getChildrenNumber() - node.getDisplayedChildren().size()) + " left)\", \"path\":\"" + node.getPath().replace("'", "'") + "\", \"deep\":" + (node.getDeep() + 1) + ", \"hasChildren\":true, \"value\":\"\", \"open\":false, \"isLoadMoreNode\":true}, \"\"],"; } return json; } private static void getHTML(final XMLNodeData parent, boolean loadMoreNodeClicked, final AccessDeniedRedirectionCallback<List<XMLNodeData>> callback) { String request = loadMoreNodeClicked ? parent.getLoadMoreRequest() : parent.getRequest(); String urlToRead = displayedProduct.getOdataPath(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()) + "/" + request; urlToRead = URL.encode(urlToRead); urlToRead = urlToRead.replaceAll("#", "%23"); RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, urlToRead); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { Document doc = XMLParser.parse(response.getText()); ArrayList<XMLNodeData> xmlNodes = new ArrayList<XMLNodeData>(); NodeList list = doc.getFirstChild().getChildNodes(); for (int listId = 0; listId < list.getLength(); listId++) { if (list.item(listId).getNodeName() == "entry") { NodeList entryNodes = list.item(listId).getChildNodes(); Integer childrenNumber = 0; String name = null; String value = ""; String path = parent.getPath(); for (int entryNodeId = 0; entryNodeId < entryNodes.getLength(); entryNodeId++) { Node node = entryNodes.item(entryNodeId); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (node.getNodeName() == "title") { for (int childId = 0; childId < children.getLength(); childId++) { Node child = children.item(childId); if (child.getNodeName() == "#text") { name = child.getNodeValue(); } } } if (node.getNodeName() == "m:properties") { NodeList properties = node.getChildNodes(); for (int propertyId = 0; propertyId < properties.getLength(); propertyId++) { Node property = properties.item(propertyId); NodeList ns = property.getChildNodes(); if (property.getNodeName() == "d:ChildrenNumber") { for (int nId = 0; nId < ns.getLength(); nId++) { Node n = ns.item(nId); if (n.getNodeName() == "#text") { childrenNumber = new Integer(n.getNodeValue()); } } } if (property.getNodeName() == "d:Value") { for (int nId = 0; nId < ns.getLength(); nId++) { Node n = ns.item(nId); if (n.getNodeName() == "#text") { value = n.getNodeValue() == null ? "" : n.getNodeValue(); } } } } } } XMLNodeData xmlNode = new XMLNodeData(name, value, (path.isEmpty() ? "" : path + "/") + "Nodes('" + name + "')", childrenNumber); if (pathCounter.containsKey(xmlNode.getPath())) { Object item = pathCounter.get(xmlNode.getPath()); int id; if (item instanceof XMLNodeData) { XMLNodeData n = (XMLNodeData) item; n.setPath((path.isEmpty() ? "" : path + "/") + "Nodes('" + name + "[" + 1 + "]')"); id = 2; } else { id = (Integer) pathCounter.get(xmlNode.getPath()) + 1; } pathCounter.put(xmlNode.getPath(), id); xmlNode.setPath( (path.isEmpty() ? "" : path + "/") + "Nodes('" + name + "[" + id + "]')"); } else { pathCounter.put(xmlNode.getPath(), xmlNode); } xmlNode.setDeep(parent.getDeep() + 1); xmlNodes.add(xmlNode); } } callback.onSuccess(xmlNodes); } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert(exception.getMessage()); } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); return; } } private static void generateDownloadLink() { Label downloadLink = Label.wrap(RootPanel.get("searchView_download").getElement()); if (GWTClient.getCurrentUser().getRoles().contains(RoleData.DOWNLOAD)) { downloadLink.setText("Download the product"); downloadLink.getElement().setClassName("searchView_download"); downloadLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { openUrl(displayedProduct.getOdataDownaloadPath(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL())); } }); } else { downloadLink.setText("Explore the product"); downloadLink.getElement().setClassName(""); } } }