Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010 Jeremie Gottero, Nicolas Bosc This file is part of Fallen Galaxy. Fallen Galaxy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fallen Galaxy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fallen Galaxy. If not, see <>. */ package fr.fg.server.contract; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.fg.server.i18n.Messages; import fr.fg.server.util.Utilities; public class NpcHelper { // ------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANTES -- // public final static String END_OF_DIALOG = "EOD"; public final static String KEY_REPUTATION = "reputation"; public final static String FACTION_NONE = "none"; public final static String FACTION_GDO = "gdo", FACTION_BROTHERHOOD = "brotherhood", FACTION_INDEPENDANT_NETWORK = "network"; public final static String AVATAR_GDO_OFFICER = "gdo_officer", AVATAR_BROTHERHOOD_PARIA = "bh_paria", AVATAR_NETWORK_CONNECTION = "in_connection"; public final static String[] ALL_FACTIONS = { FACTION_GDO, FACTION_BROTHERHOOD, FACTION_INDEPENDANT_NETWORK }; // -------------------------------------------------------- ATTRIBUTS -- // // Noms de PNJ alatoires private static List<RandomName> maleFirstNames, femaleFirstNames, lastNames; // Correspondance entre le nom d'une faction et son identifiant private static Map<Integer, String> factionsByAlly; private static int currentMaleFirstName, currentFemaleFirstName, currentLastName; static { factionsByAlly = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, String>()); maleFirstNames = new ArrayList<RandomName>(DataAccess.getRandomNamesByType(RandomName.TYPE_MALE_FNAME)); femaleFirstNames = new ArrayList<RandomName>(DataAccess.getRandomNamesByType(RandomName.TYPE_FEMALE_FNAME)); lastNames = new ArrayList<RandomName>(DataAccess.getRandomNamesByType(RandomName.TYPE_LNAME)); Collections.shuffle(maleFirstNames); Collections.shuffle(femaleFirstNames); Collections.shuffle(lastNames); currentMaleFirstName = 0; currentFemaleFirstName = 0; currentLastName = 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTEURS -- // // --------------------------------------------------------- METHODES -- // public static void initializeFactions() { for (String faction : ALL_FACTIONS) { String name = Messages.getString("contract.faction." + faction + ".name"); Ally ally = DataAccess.getAllyByName(name); if (ally == null) { String tag = Messages.getString("contract.faction." + faction + ".tag"); ally = new Ally(name, tag, Ally.ORGANIZATION_OLIGARCHY, "", 0, 0); ally.setAi(true);; } factionsByAlly.put(ally.getId(), faction); } } public static String getRandomFaction(String... factions) { return factions[(int) (Math.random() * factions.length)]; } public static String getFactionByAlly(int idAlly) { return factionsByAlly.get(idAlly); } public static Ally getAllyFaction(String faction) { String tag = Messages.getString("contract.faction." + faction + ".tag"); return DataAccess.getAllyByTag(tag); } // Cration de PNJ public static Player createAICharacter(long idContract, String faction) { return createAICharacter(idContract, faction, Math.random() < .5, ""); } public static Player createAICharacter(long idContract, String faction, boolean male, String avatar, String name) { Ally ally = null; if (faction != null && faction.length() > 0) ally = getAllyFaction(faction); Player aiPlayer = new Player(name, "", "", "", ""); aiPlayer.setAi(true); aiPlayer.setSex(male ? Player.SEX_MALE : Player.SEX_FEMALE); aiPlayer.setIdContract(idContract); aiPlayer.setAvatar(avatar); aiPlayer.setSettingsFleetSkin(Utilities.random(1, 10)); if (ally != null) { aiPlayer.setIdAlly(ally.getId()); aiPlayer.setAllyRank(1); }; return aiPlayer; } public static Player createAICharacter(long idContract, String faction, boolean male, String avatar) { String name; int attempts = 0; do { attempts++; name = getRandomCharacterName(male); } while (DataAccess.getPlayerByLogin(name) != null && attempts < 100); if (attempts == 100) { throw new RuntimeException("Tous les noms possibles " + "pour les PNJ semblent tre utiliss."); } return createAICharacter(idContract, faction, male, avatar, name); } public static String getRandomIndependantNetworkName() { String name; do { name = Messages.getString("", RandomStringUtils.random(1, true, false).toUpperCase() + RandomStringUtils.random(4, false, true)); } while (DataAccess.getPlayerByLogin(name) != null); return name; } /** * Renvoie un nom de personnage alatoire, sous la forme <code>Prnom * Nom</code>. Le nom renvoy a 50% de chances d'tre un nom masculin. * * @return Un nom de personnage, de la forme <code>Prnom Nom</code>. */ public static String getRandomCharacterName() { return getRandomCharacterName(Math.random() < .5); } /** * Renvoie un nom alatoire pour un personnage masculin ou fminin, sous * la forme <code>Prnom Nom</code>. * * @param male <code>true</code> pour gnrer un nom masculin, * <code>false</code> pour un nom fminin. * @return Un nom de personnage, de la forme <code>Prnom Nom</code>. */ public static String getRandomCharacterName(boolean male) { String name = (male ? getRandomMaleFirstName() : getRandomFemaleFirstName()) + " " + getRandomLastName(); Player npc = DataAccess.getPlayerByLogin(name); int i = 1; while (npc != null) { name = name + " " + i; i++; npc = DataAccess.getPlayerByLogin(name); } return name; } /** * Renvoie un prnom masculin alatoire. * * @return Un prnom masculin alatoire. */ public static String getRandomMaleFirstName() { String value = maleFirstNames.get(currentMaleFirstName).getName(); currentMaleFirstName++; if (currentMaleFirstName == maleFirstNames.size()) { Collections.shuffle(maleFirstNames); currentMaleFirstName = 0; } return value; } /** * Renvoie un prnom fminin alatoire. * * @return Un prnom fminin alatoire. */ public static String getRandomFemaleFirstName() { String value = femaleFirstNames.get(currentFemaleFirstName).getName(); currentFemaleFirstName++; if (currentFemaleFirstName == femaleFirstNames.size()) { Collections.shuffle(femaleFirstNames); currentFemaleFirstName = 0; } return value; } /** * Renvoie un nom de famille alatoire. * * @return Un nom de famille alatoire. */ public static String getRandomLastName() { String value = lastNames.get(currentLastName).getName(); currentLastName++; if (currentLastName == lastNames.size()) { Collections.shuffle(lastNames); currentLastName = 0; } return value; } public static Point getNearestFreeTile(Fleet fleet) { return getNearestFreeTile(fleet.getArea(), new Point(fleet.getX(), fleet.getY())); } public static Point getNearestFreeTile(Area area, Point location) { boolean found = false; int x = 0, y = 0; for (int step = 0; step < 100 && !found; step++) for (int i = -step; i <= step && !found; i++) { if (area.isFreeTile(location.x + i, location.y - step, Area.NO_FLEETS | Area.NO_SYSTEMS, null)) { x = location.x + i; y = location.y - step; found = true; } else if (area.isFreeTile(location.x - step, location.y + i, Area.NO_FLEETS | Area.NO_SYSTEMS, null)) { x = location.x - step; y = location.y + i; found = true; } else if (area.isFreeTile(location.x + i, location.y + step, Area.NO_FLEETS | Area.NO_SYSTEMS, null)) { x = location.x + i; y = location.y + step; found = true; } else if (area.isFreeTile(location.x + step, location.y + i, Area.NO_FLEETS | Area.NO_SYSTEMS, null)) { x = location.x + step; y = location.y + i; found = true; } } if (!found) return null; return new Point(x, y); } public static Fleet spawnFleet(Player owner, Area area, long idContract, String npcType, int shipId, int shipCount, boolean unstuckable) { return spawnFleet(owner, area, idContract, npcType, shipId, shipCount, unstuckable, owner.getLogin()); } public static Fleet spawnFleet(Player owner, Area area, long idContract, String npcType, int shipId, int shipCount, boolean unstuckable, String fleetName) { Point location = getRandomAreaLocation(area); return spawnFleet(owner, area, idContract, npcType, location, shipId, shipCount, unstuckable, fleetName); } public static Fleet spawnFleet(Player owner, Area area, long idContract, String npcType, Point location, int shipId, int shipCount, boolean unstuckable) { return spawnFleet(owner, area, idContract, npcType, location, shipId, shipCount, unstuckable, owner.getLogin()); } public static Fleet spawnFleet(Player owner, Area area, long idContract, String npcType, Point location, int shipId, int shipCount, boolean unstuckable, String fleetName) { // Gnre la flotte Fleet spawnedFleet = new Fleet(owner.getLogin(), location.x, location.y, owner.getId(), area.getId()); spawnedFleet.setSlot(new Slot(shipId, shipCount, true), 0); spawnedFleet.setIdContract(idContract); spawnedFleet.setNpcType(npcType); spawnedFleet.setUnstuckable(unstuckable);; return spawnedFleet; } // ------------------------------------------------- METHODES PRIVEES -- // private static Point getRandomAreaLocation(Area area) { // Gnre la position de la flotte Point location = area.getRandomFreeTiles(5, 5, Area.NO_FLEETS | Area.NO_SYSTEMS | Area.NO_OBJECTS | Area.EXCEPT_PASSABLE_OBJECTS, null); if (location == null) return null; location.x += 2; location.y += 2; return location; } }