Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2016 UMR AMAP (botAnique et Modlisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des vgtations.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301  USA

import fr.amap.commons.math.matrix.Mat4F;
import fr.amap.commons.math.vector.Vec3F;
import fr.amap.commons.math.util.SphericalCoordinates;
import fr.amap.viewer3d.object.scene.MousePicker;
import fr.amap.viewer3d.object.scene.SceneObject;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;

 * @author Julien Heurtebize (
public class TrackballCamera extends Camera {

    private Vec3F forwardVec;
    private Vec3F rightVec;
    private Vec3F upVec;

    private float viewportWidth;
    private float viewportHeight;

    private float width;
    private float height;

    private boolean inverseY = false;
    private MousePicker mousePicker;

    private SceneObject pivot;

    public float getAngleX() {
        return angleX;

    public float getAngleY() {
        return angleY;

    public float getAngleZ() {
        return angleZ;

    public TrackballCamera() {

        listeners = new EventListenerList();
        viewMatrix = Mat4F.identity();
        location = new Vec3F();
        target = new Vec3F();
        up = new Vec3F(0, 0, 1);
        mousePicker = new MousePicker(this);

    public void init(Vec3F location, Vec3F target, Vec3F up) {

        this.location =location; = target;
        this.up = up;
        viewMatrix = Mat4F.identity();
        viewMatrix = Mat4F.lookAt(location, target, up);
        orientation = Vec3F.substract(target, location);
        orientation = Vec3F.normalize(orientation);



    public void initOrtho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float near, float far) {

        this.left = left;
        this.right = right; = top;
        this.bottom = bottom;
        this.nearOrtho = near;
        this.farOrtho = far;

    public void setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) {

        this.fovy = fovy;
        this.aspect = aspect;
        this.nearPersp = near;
        this.farPersp = far;

        this.perspective = true;



    public void setOrthographic(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float near, float far) {

        this.left = left;
        this.right = right; = top;
        this.bottom = bottom;
        this.nearOrtho = near;
        this.farOrtho = far;

        this.perspective = false;



    public void rotateAroundPoint(Vec3F axis, Vec3F pivot, float angle) {

        if (axis.x != 0) {

            //this.angleX = angle;
            this.angleX = this.angleX + angle;

            float r = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pivot.z - location.z, 2) + Math.pow(pivot.y - location.y, 2));

            float z = (float) (pivot.z + r * Math.cos(this.angleX));
            float y = (float) (pivot.y + r * Math.sin(this.angleX));

            location.z = z;
            location.y = y;

        } else if (axis.y != 0) {

            //this.angleY = angle;
            this.angleY = this.angleY + angle;

            angleY = (float) Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(angleY) - 360);
            }else if(Math.toDegrees(angleY)<0){
            angleY = (float) Math.toRadians(360 - Math.toDegrees(-angleY));

            float r = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pivot.x - location.x, 2) + Math.pow(pivot.z - location.z, 2));

            float x = (float) (pivot.x + r * Math.cos(this.angleY));
            float z = (float) (pivot.z + r * Math.sin(this.angleY));

            location.x = x;
            location.z = z;

        } else if (axis.z != 0) {

            //this.angleZ = angle;
            this.angleZ = this.angleZ + angle;

            float r = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pivot.x - location.x, 2) + Math.pow(pivot.y - location.y, 2));

            float x = (float) (pivot.x + r * Math.cos(this.angleZ));
            float y = (float) (pivot.y + r * Math.sin(this.angleZ));

            location.x = x;
            location.y = y;

        target = pivot;


    public void setPivot(SceneObject sceneObject) { = new Vec3F(sceneObject.getGravityCenter().x, sceneObject.getGravityCenter().y,
        this.pivot = sceneObject;

    public void setPivot(Vec3F pivot) { = pivot;

    private float normalizeTheta(float theta) {

        return (float) MathUtils.normalizeAngle(theta, 0);
        //normalize between 0 and 2pi
        /*while(theta < 0){
        theta += Math.PI * 2;
        while(theta > (Math.PI * 2)){
        theta -= (Math.PI  * 2);
        return theta;*/

    private float normalizePhi(float phi) {

        //lock between 0 excluded and pi exluded
        while (phi < 0) {
            phi += Math.PI * 2;
        while (phi > (Math.PI * 2)) {
            phi -= (Math.PI * 2);

        return phi;

    public void rotateFromOrientationV2(float offsetX, float offsetY) {

        //get current theta and phi
        SphericalCoordinates sc1 = new SphericalCoordinates();
        sc1.toSpherical(new Point3d(location.x - target.x, location.y - target.y, location.z - target.z));

        float oldTheta = (float) sc1.getAzimut();
        float oldPhi = (float) sc1.getZenith();

        if (location.x == target.x && location.y == target.y) {

            SphericalCoordinates sc2 = new SphericalCoordinates();
            sc2.toSpherical(upVec.x, upVec.y, upVec.z);
            double azimut1 = sc2.getAzimut();

            oldTheta = (float) -azimut1;

            if (upVec.y == -1) {
                offsetY = 0;

        //theta doit tre compris entre 0 et 2pi
        //phi doit tre compris entre entre ]0 et pi[
        float theta = 0, phi = 0;

        forwardVec = getForwardVector();
        float radius = Vec3F.length(forwardVec);

        float thetaStep = (float) Math.toRadians(Math.abs(offsetX));
        float phiStep = (float) Math.toRadians(Math.abs(offsetY / 2.0f));

        //float thetaStep = (float) ((Math.PI * 2)/360.0f); //1 step
        //float phiStep = (float) ((Math.PI * 2)/360.0f); //1 step

        theta += oldTheta;
        phi += oldPhi;

        if (offsetX > 0) {
            theta -= thetaStep;
        } else if (offsetX < 0) {
            theta += thetaStep;
        //theta = normalizeTheta(theta);

        if (offsetY > 0) {
            phi -= phiStep;
            if (phi < 0) {
                phi += phiStep;
        } else if (offsetY < 0) {

            if (phi + phiStep < Math.PI) {
                phi += phiStep;
            /*if(phi > Math.PI){
            phi -= phiStep + 0.000001;

        //phi = normalizePhi(phi);

        SphericalCoordinates sc = new SphericalCoordinates(theta, phi, radius);
        Point3d cartesian = sc.toCartesian();

        location.x = target.x + (float) cartesian.getX();
        location.y = target.y + (float) cartesian.getY();
        location.z = target.z + (float) cartesian.getZ();


    public void rotateFromOrientation(Vec3F axis, Vec3F center, float angle) {

        forwardVec = getForwardVector();

        float radius = Vec3F.length(forwardVec);

        forwardVec = Vec3F.normalize(forwardVec);

        rightVec = Vec3F.cross(forwardVec, up);

        if (Vec3F.length(rightVec) == 0) {
            rightVec.y = 1;

        upVec = getUpVector();

        //forwardVec = Vec3F.normalize(forwardVec);
        rightVec = Vec3F.normalize(rightVec);
        upVec = Vec3F.normalize(upVec);

        if (axis.x != 0) {

            //quation du cercle:
            //M = C + A* r * cos(t) + B * r *sin(t) avec M = position sur le cercle, C = centre du cercle, A = vecteur du cercle, B = vecteur du cercle orthogonal  A, r = rayon du cercle, t = angle
            //position = Vec3.add(pivot, Vec3.add(Vec3.multiply(viewXAxis, r* (float)Math.cos(angleX)), Vec3.multiply(viewYAxis, r* (float)Math.sin(angleX))));

            //pondration de l'angle par l'inclinaison
            float n =, up);
            float d = Vec3F.length(forwardVec) * Vec3F.length(up);

            float tilt = (float) (Math.acos(Math.abs(n / d)));
            if(tilt == 0){
            tilt = 0.18f;

            angle *= (tilt / (Math.PI / 2.0d));

            angle = -angle;
            float angleSinus = (float) Math.sin(angle);
            float angleCosinus = (float) Math.cos(angle);

            location.x = target.x + (-forwardVec.x * radius * angleCosinus) + (rightVec.x * radius * angleSinus);
            location.y = target.y + (-forwardVec.y * radius * angleCosinus) + (rightVec.y * radius * angleSinus);
            location.z = target.z + (-forwardVec.z * radius * angleCosinus) + (rightVec.z * radius * angleSinus);

        if (axis.y != 0) {

            float angleSinus = (float) Math.sin(angle);
            float angleCosinus = (float) Math.cos(angle);

            Vec3F oldLocation = new Vec3F(location.x, location.y, location.z);

            location.x = target.x + (-forwardVec.x * radius * angleCosinus) + (upVec.x * radius * angleSinus);
            location.y = target.y + (-forwardVec.y * radius * angleCosinus) + (upVec.y * radius * angleSinus);
            location.z = target.z + (-forwardVec.z * radius * angleCosinus) + (upVec.z * radius * angleSinus);

            Vec3F newForwardVec = getForwardVector();
            newForwardVec = Vec3F.normalize(newForwardVec);

            Vec3F newRightVec = Vec3F.cross(newForwardVec, up);

            if ((newRightVec.y < 0 && rightVec.y > 0) || (newRightVec.y > 0 && rightVec.y < 0)) {
                location = oldLocation;

        //target = pivot;



    public void rotateX(Vec3F center, float angle) {

        rotateAroundPoint(new Vec3F(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), center, angle);

    public void rotateY(Vec3F center, float angle) {

        rotateAroundPoint(new Vec3F(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), center, angle);

    public void rotateZ(Vec3F center, float angle) {

        rotateAroundPoint(new Vec3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), center, angle);

     * @param translation translation vector of camera
    public void translate(Vec3F translation) {

        float copyDistanceToTarget = getDistanceToTarget();

        forwardVec = getForwardVector();

        forwardVec = Vec3F.normalize(forwardVec);

        if (translation.x != 0.0f) {

            Vec3F sideShift = Vec3F.normalize(Vec3F.cross(up, forwardVec));
            location = Vec3F.add(location, Vec3F.multiply(sideShift, translation.x));
            //target = Vec3F.add(target, Vec3F.multiply(sideShift, translation.x));
        if (translation.y != 0.0f) {

            Vec3F verticalShift = up;
            location = Vec3F.add(location, Vec3F.multiply(verticalShift, translation.y));
            //target = Vec3F.add(target, Vec3F.multiply(verticalShift, translation.y));
        if (translation.z != 0.0f) {

            if (perspective) {
                //target = Vec3F.add(target, Vec3F.multiply(orientation, translation.z)); //use for not reaching the target
                //setPerspective(70.0f, (1.0f*640)/480, near-translation.z, far-translation.z);
            } else {

                if ((left < -1.0f && right > 1.0f) || translation.z < 0) {

                    float widthCoeff = viewportWidth / 100.0f;
                    float heightCoeff = viewportHeight / 100.0f;

                    float leftCopy = left;
                    float rightCopy = right;
                    float topCopy = top;
                    float bottomCopy = bottom;

                    left = left + translation.z * (widthCoeff);

                    right = right - translation.z * (widthCoeff);

                    bottom = bottom + translation.z * (heightCoeff);

                    top = top - translation.z * (heightCoeff);

                    if (left > -1 || right < 1 || bottom > -1 || top < 1) {
                        left = leftCopy;
                        right = rightCopy;
                        bottom = bottomCopy;
                        top = topCopy;


            //copy old location
            Vec3F oldForwardVector = getForwardVector();
            Vec3F oldLocation = location;

            //test translation effect
            location = Vec3F.add(location, Vec3F.multiply(forwardVec, translation.z));
            Vec3F newForwardVector = getForwardVector();

            //if translation is not good, get back to the original location (equivalent to not move)
            if ((newForwardVector.z < 0 && oldForwardVector.z > 0)
                    || (newForwardVector.z > 0 && oldForwardVector.z < 0)) {
                location = oldLocation;



        float distanceToTarget = getDistanceToTarget();

        nearPersp = distanceToTarget - 500.0f;
        nearPersp = Float.max(nearPersp, 0.01f);

        farPersp = distanceToTarget + 500.0f;

        //nearOrtho = nearPersp;
        //farOrtho = farPersp;


    public void translateV2(Vec3F translation) {

        forwardVec = getForwardVector();

        //slow down relatively from the length of the forward vector
        if (perspective) {
            translation = Vec3F.multiply(translation, (Vec3F.length(forwardVec) / (float) Math.tan(fovy)) * 0.001f);
        } else {
            translation = Vec3F.multiply(translation, Vec3F.length(forwardVec) * 0.0025f);

        forwardVec = Vec3F.normalize(forwardVec);

        rightVec = getRightVector();
        upVec = getUpVector();

        Vec3F xTranslation = Vec3F.multiply(rightVec, -translation.x);
        Vec3F yTranslation = Vec3F.multiply(upVec, translation.y);

        Vec3F translationVec = Vec3F.add(xTranslation, yTranslation);

        location = Vec3F.add(translationVec, location);
        target = Vec3F.add(translationVec, target);


    public void updateViewMatrix() {

        Mat4F oldValue = viewMatrix;
        forwardVec = getForwardVector();
        viewMatrix = Mat4F.lookAt(location, target, up);
        props.firePropertyChange("viewMatrix", oldValue, viewMatrix);


    public void notifyViewMatrixChanged() {


    public void addCameraListener(CameraListener listener) {
        listeners.add(CameraListener.class, listener);

    public void fireLocationChanged(Vec3F location) {

        for (CameraListener listener : listeners.getListeners(CameraListener.class)) {


    public void fireTargetChanged(Vec3F target) {

        for (CameraListener listener : listeners.getListeners(CameraListener.class)) {


    public void setTarget(Vec3F target) { = target;

    public void setLocation(Vec3F location) {
        this.location = location;

    public void fireViewMatrixChanged(Mat4F viewMatrix) {

        for (CameraListener listener : listeners.getListeners(CameraListener.class)) {


    public void fireProjectionMatrixChanged(Mat4F projMatrix) {

        for (CameraListener listener : listeners.getListeners(CameraListener.class)) {

            try {
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                listeners.remove(CameraListener.class, listener);


    public boolean isPerspective() {
        return perspective;

    public void setOrthographic(float near, float far) {

        this.nearOrtho = near;
        this.farOrtho = far;

        this.perspective = false;


    private float getTargetDistance() {

        Vec3F center = new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,

        return Vec3F.length(Vec3F.substract(location, center));

    public void setViewToBack() {

        project(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y + getTargetDistance(),
                new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,


    public void setViewToFront() {

        project(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y - getTargetDistance(),

                new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,


    public void setViewToLeft() {

        setLocation(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x - getTargetDistance(),
                getPivot().getGravityCenter().y, getPivot().getGravityCenter().z));

        setTarget(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getLocation().y, getLocation().z));


    public void setViewToRight() {

        setLocation(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x + getTargetDistance(),
                getPivot().getGravityCenter().y, getPivot().getGravityCenter().z));

        setTarget(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getLocation().y, getLocation().z));


    public void setViewToBottom() {

        project(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,
                getPivot().getGravityCenter().z - getTargetDistance()),
                new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,


        upVec = new Vec3F(0, -1, 0);
        rightVec = new Vec3F(1, 0, 0);

    public void setViewToTop() {

        project(new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,
                getPivot().getGravityCenter().z + getTargetDistance()),
                new Vec3F(getPivot().getGravityCenter().x, getPivot().getGravityCenter().y,

        //rightVec = new Vec3F(0, 0, 1);
        upVec = new Vec3F(0, 1, 0);
        rightVec = new Vec3F(1, 0, 0);


    public void setViewToOrthographic() {

        /*float objectDepth =
                    new Vec3F(voxelSpace.getCenterX(), voxelSpace.getCenterY(), voxelSpace.getCenterZ()),
        float cameraWidth = (2.0f / camera.getProjectionMatrix().mat[0]) * objectDepth;
        float cameraHeight = (2.0f / camera.getProjectionMatrix().mat[5]) * objectDepth;
        float ymax = (float) Math.tan(camera.getFovy() * Math.PI / 360.0f);
        float xmax = ymax * camera.getAspect();
        cameraWidth = objectDepth * xmax;
        cameraHeight = objectDepth * ymax;
        setOrthographic(getLeft(), getRight(), getTop(), getBottom(), getNearOrtho(), getFarOrtho());

    public void setViewToOrthographic(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float near, float far) {

        setOrthographic(left, right, top, bottom, near, far);

    public void setViewToPerspective() {

        setPerspective(getFovy(), getAspect(), getNearPersp(), getFarPersp());

    public void setViewToPerspective(float fov, float near, float far) {

        setPerspective(fov, getAspect(), near, far);

    public void switchPerspective() {

        if (isPerspective()) {
        } else {

    public Vec3F getForwardVector() {
        return Vec3F.substract(target, location);

    public float getDistanceToTarget() {
        return Vec3F.length(Vec3F.substract(target, location));

    public Vec3F getUpVector() {

        return Vec3F.cross(rightVec, forwardVec);

    public Vec3F getRightVector() {

        Vec3F result = Vec3F.cross(forwardVec, up);

        if (Vec3F.length(result) == 0) {
            result.x = 1;

        rightVec = result;

        return result;

    public Vec3F getTarget() {
        return target;

    public Vec3F getLocation() {
        return location;

    public void setViewportWidth(float viewportWidth) {
        this.viewportWidth = viewportWidth;

    public void setViewportHeight(float viewportHeight) {
        this.viewportHeight = viewportHeight;

    public float getViewportWidth() {
        return viewportWidth;

    public float getViewportHeight() {
        return viewportHeight;

    public float getWidth() {
        return width;

    public void setWidth(float width) {
        this.width = width;

    public float getHeight() {
        return height;

    public void setHeight(float height) {
        this.height = height;

    public SceneObject getPivot() {
        return pivot;