fll.web.scoreEntry.ScoreEntry.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for fll.web.scoreEntry.ScoreEntry.java


 * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 INSciTE.  All rights reserved
 * INSciTE is on the web at: http://www.hightechkids.org
 * This code is released under GPL; see LICENSE.txt for details.
package fll.web.scoreEntry;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import net.mtu.eggplant.util.sql.SQLFunctions;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import fll.Team;
import fll.db.Queries;
import fll.util.FLLInternalException;
import fll.util.FP;
import fll.util.LogUtils;
import fll.web.ApplicationAttributes;
import fll.web.SessionAttributes;
import fll.xml.AbstractConditionStatement;
import fll.xml.AbstractGoal;
import fll.xml.BasicPolynomial;
import fll.xml.CaseStatement;
import fll.xml.ChallengeDescription;
import fll.xml.ChallengeParser;
import fll.xml.ComplexPolynomial;
import fll.xml.ComputedGoal;
import fll.xml.ConditionStatement;
import fll.xml.EnumConditionStatement;
import fll.xml.EnumeratedValue;
import fll.xml.FloatingPointType;
import fll.xml.Goal;
import fll.xml.GoalRef;
import fll.xml.GoalScoreType;
import fll.xml.InequalityComparison;
import fll.xml.PerformanceScoreCategory;
import fll.xml.Restriction;
import fll.xml.ScoreType;
import fll.xml.SwitchStatement;
import fll.xml.Term;
import fll.xml.Variable;
import fll.xml.VariableRef;

 * Java code used in scoreEntry.jsp.
public final class ScoreEntry {

    private static final Logger LOG = LogUtils.getLogger();

     * Number of spaces to indent code at each level.
    private static final int INDENT_LEVEL = 2;

    private ScoreEntry() {

     * Generate the isConsistent method for the goals in the performance element
     * of document.
    public static void generateIsConsistent(final JspWriter writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws IOException {
        final ChallengeDescription descriptor = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = descriptor.getPerformance();

        writer.println("function isConsistent() {");

        // check all goal min and max values
        for (final AbstractGoal element : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
            if (!element.isComputed()) {
                final Goal goal = (Goal) element;
                final String name = goal.getName();
                final double min = goal.getMin();
                final double max = goal.getMax();

                writer.println("  <!-- " + name + " -->");
                if (goal.isEnumerated()) {
                    // enumerated
                    writer.println("  <!-- nothing to check -->");
                } else {
                    final String rawVarName = getVarNameForRawScore(name);
                    writer.println("  if(" + rawVarName + " < " + min + " || " + rawVarName + " > " + max + ") {");
                    writer.println("    return false;");
                    writer.println("  }");
            } // !computed
        } // foreach goal

        writer.println("  return true;");

     * Genrate the increment methods and variable declarations for the goals in
     * the performance element of document. Generate the methods to compute goals
     * as well.
     * @throws ParseException
    public static void generateIncrementMethods(final Writer writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws IOException, ParseException {
        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(writer);

        for (final AbstractGoal goal : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
            if (goal.isComputed()) {
                // generate the method to update the computed goal variables
                final String goalName = goal.getName();
                formatter.format("<!-- %s -->%n", goalName);
                formatter.format("var %s;%n", getVarNameForComputedScore(goalName));
                generateComputedGoalFunction(formatter, (ComputedGoal) goal);
            } else {
                final String name = goal.getName();
                final double min = goal.getMin();
                final double max = goal.getMax();
                final String rawVarName = getVarNameForRawScore(name);

                formatter.format("<!-- %s -->%n", name);
                formatter.format("var %s;%n", rawVarName);
                formatter.format("var %s;%n", getVarNameForComputedScore(name));

                // set method
                formatter.format("function %s(newValue) {%n", getSetMethodName(name));
                formatter.format("  var temp = %s;%n", rawVarName);
                formatter.format("  %s = newValue;%n", rawVarName);
                formatter.format("  if(!isConsistent()) {%n");
                formatter.format("    %s = temp;%n", rawVarName);
                formatter.format("  }%n");
                formatter.format("  refresh();%n");

                // check input method
                formatter.format("function %s() {%n", getCheckMethodName(name));
                formatter.format("  var str = document.scoreEntry.%s.value;%n", name);
                if (ScoreType.FLOAT == goal.getScoreType()) {
                    formatter.format("  var num = parseFloat(str);%n");
                } else {
                    formatter.format("  var num = parseInt(str);%n");
                formatter.format("  if(!isNaN(num)) {%n");
                formatter.format("    %s(num);%n", getSetMethodName(name));
                formatter.format("  }%n");
                formatter.format("  refresh();%n");

                if (!goal.isEnumerated() && !goal.isYesNo()) {
                    formatter.format("function %s(increment) {%n", getIncrementMethodName(name));
                    formatter.format("  var temp = %s%n", rawVarName);
                    formatter.format("  %s += increment;%n", rawVarName);
                    formatter.format("  if(%s > %s) {%n", rawVarName, max);
                    formatter.format("    %s = %s;%n", rawVarName, max);
                    formatter.format("   }%n");
                    formatter.format("  if(%s < %s) {%n", rawVarName, min);
                    formatter.format("    %s = %s;%n", rawVarName, min);
                    formatter.format("   }%n");
                    formatter.format("  if(!isConsistent()) {%n");
                    formatter.format("    %s = temp;%n", rawVarName);
                    formatter.format("  }%n");
                    formatter.format("  refresh();%n");

        } // end for each goal

        // method for double-check field
        formatter.format("<!-- Verified -->%n");
        formatter.format("var Verified;%n");
        formatter.format("function %s(newValue) {%n", getSetMethodName("Verified"));
        formatter.format("  Verified = newValue;%n");
        formatter.format("  if (newValue == 1 && document.getElementsByName('EditFlag').length == 0) {");
        formatter.format("    replaceText('verification_error', 'Are you sure this score has been Verified?');");
        formatter.format("  } else if (newValue == 0) {");
        formatter.format("    replaceText('verification_error', '');");
        formatter.format("  }");
        formatter.format("  refresh();%n");

     * Generate the body of the refresh function
    public static void generateRefreshBody(final Writer writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws ParseException, IOException {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Entering generateRefreshBody");

        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(writer);

        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();

        // output the assignments of each element
        for (final AbstractGoal agoal : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
            if (agoal.isComputed()) {
                // output calls to the computed goal methods

                final String goalName = agoal.getName();
                final String computedVarName = getVarNameForComputedScore(goalName);
                formatter.format("%s();%n", getComputedMethodName(goalName));

                // add to the total score
                formatter.format("score += %s;%n", computedVarName);


            } else {
                final Goal goal = (Goal) agoal;
                final String name = goal.getName();
                final double multiplier = goal.getMultiplier();
                final double min = goal.getMin();
                final double max = goal.getMax();
                final String rawVarName = getVarNameForRawScore(name);
                final String computedVarName = getVarNameForComputedScore(name);

                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    LOG.trace("name: " + name);
                    LOG.trace("multiplier: " + multiplier);
                    LOG.trace("min: " + min);
                    LOG.trace("max: " + max);

                formatter.format("<!-- %s -->%n", name);

                if (goal.isEnumerated()) {
                    // enumerated
                    final List<EnumeratedValue> posValues = agoal.getSortedValues();
                    for (int valueIdx = 0; valueIdx < posValues.size(); valueIdx++) {
                        final EnumeratedValue valueEle = posValues.get(valueIdx);

                        final String value = valueEle.getValue();
                        final double valueScore = valueEle.getScore();
                        if (valueIdx > 0) {
                            formatter.format("} else ");

                        formatter.format("if(%s == \"%s\") {%n", rawVarName, value);
                        formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s[%d].checked = true;%n", name, valueIdx);
                        formatter.format("  %s = %f * %s;%n", computedVarName, valueScore, multiplier);

                        formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s.value = '%s'%n",
                                getElementNameForYesNoDisplay(name), value.toUpperCase());
                    } // foreach value
                } else if (goal.isYesNo()) {
                    // set the radio button to match the gbl variable
                    formatter.format("if(%s == 0) {%n", rawVarName);
                    // 0/1 needs to match the order of the buttons generated in
                    // generateYesNoButtons
                    formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s[0].checked = true%n", name);
                    formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s_radioValue.value = 'NO'%n", name);
                    formatter.format("} else {%n");
                    formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s[1].checked = true%n", name);
                    formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.%s_radioValue.value = 'YES'%n", name);
                    formatter.format("%s = %s * %s;%n", computedVarName, rawVarName, multiplier);
                } else {
                    // set the count form element
                    formatter.format("document.scoreEntry.%s.value = %s;%n", name, rawVarName);
                    formatter.format("%s = %s * %s;%n", computedVarName, rawVarName, multiplier);

                // add to the total score
                formatter.format("score += %s;%n", computedVarName);

                // set the score form element
                formatter.format("document.scoreEntry.score_%s.value = %s;%n", name, computedVarName);
        } // end foreach goal

        // set the radio buttons for score verification
        formatter.format("if(Verified == 0) {%n");
        // order of elements needs to match generateYesNoButtons
        formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.Verified[0].checked = true%n"); // NO
        formatter.format("} else {%n");
        formatter.format("  document.scoreEntry.Verified[1].checked = true%n"); // YES

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Exiting generateRefreshBody");


     * Output the body for the check_restrictions method.
     * @param writer where to write
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParseException
    public static void generateCheckRestrictionsBody(final Writer writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws IOException, ParseException {
        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(writer);

        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();

        final Collection<String> goalsWithRestrictions = new LinkedList<String>();
        final List<Restriction> restrictions = performanceElement.getRestrictions();

        // find out which goals are involved in restrictions
        for (final Restriction restrictEle : restrictions) {

        // output variable declaration for each goal
        for (final String goalName : goalsWithRestrictions) {
            formatter.format("  var %s = \"\";%n", getElementIDForError(goalName));

        // output actual check of restriction
        for (int restrictIdx = 0; restrictIdx < restrictions.size(); ++restrictIdx) {
            final Restriction restrictEle = restrictions.get(restrictIdx);
            final double lowerBound = restrictEle.getLowerBound();
            final double upperBound = restrictEle.getUpperBound();
            final String message = restrictEle.getMessage();

            final String polyString = polyToString(restrictEle);
            final String restrictValStr = String.format("restriction_%d_value", restrictIdx);
            formatter.format("  var %s = %s;%n", restrictValStr, polyString);
            formatter.format("  if(%s > %f || %s < %f) {%n", restrictValStr, upperBound, restrictValStr,
            // append error text to each error cell if the restriction is violated
            for (final String goalName : getGoalsInRestriction(restrictEle)) {
                final String errorId = getElementIDForError(goalName);
                formatter.format("    %s = %s + \" \" + \"%s\";%n", errorId, errorId, message);
            formatter.format("    error_found = true;%n");
            formatter.format("  }%n");

        // output text assignment for each goal involved in a restriction
        for (final String goalName : goalsWithRestrictions) {
            final String errorId = getElementIDForError(goalName);
            formatter.format("  replaceText(\"%s\", %s);%n", errorId, errorId);
            formatter.format("  if(%s.length > 0) {%n", errorId);
            formatter.format("    var el = document.getElementById(\"%s\");%n", errorId);
            formatter.format("  }%n");
            formatter.format("  replaceText(\"%s\", %s);%n", errorId, errorId);

    private static Set<String> getGoalsInRestriction(final Restriction restrictEle) {
        final Set<String> goals = new HashSet<String>();
        for (final Term termEle : restrictEle.getTerms()) {
            for (final GoalRef goal : termEle.getGoals()) {
                final String goalName = goal.getGoalName();
        return goals;

     * Generate init for new scores, initializes all variables to their default
     * values.
    public static void generateInitForNewScore(final JspWriter writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws IOException, ParseException {
        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();

        for (final AbstractGoal element : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
            if (!element.isComputed()) {
                final Goal goal = (Goal) element;
                final String name = goal.getName();
                final double initialValue = goal.getInitialValue();
                if (goal.isEnumerated()) {
                    // find score that matches initialValue or is min
                    final List<EnumeratedValue> values = goal.getSortedValues();
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (final EnumeratedValue valueEle : values) {
                        final String value = valueEle.getValue();
                        final double valueScore = valueEle.getScore();
                        if (FP.equals(valueScore, initialValue, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
                            writer.println("  " + getVarNameForRawScore(name) + " = \"" + value + "\";");
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) {
                        // fall back to just using the first enum value
                                "Initial value for enum goal '%s' does not match the score of any enum value",
                                "  " + getVarNameForRawScore(name) + " = \"" + values.get(0).getValue() + "\";");

                } else {
                    writer.println("  " + getVarNameForRawScore(name) + " = " + initialValue + ";");
            } // !computed
        } // foreach goal

        writer.println("  Verified = 0;");

     * Generates the portion of the score entry form where the user checks whether
     * the score has been double-checked or not.
    public static void generateVerificationInput(final JspWriter writer) throws IOException {
        writer.println("<!-- Score Verification -->");
        writer.println("    <tr>");
                "      <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size='4' color='red'>Score entry verified:</font></td>");
                "      <td><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='150'><tr align='center'>");
        generateYesNoButtons("Verified", writer);
        writer.println("      </tr></table></td>");
        writer.println("      <td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td>");
        writer.println("      <td class='error' id='verification_error'>&nbsp;</td>");
        writer.println("    </tr>");

     * Generate the score entry form.
    public static void generateScoreEntry(final JspWriter writer, final ServletContext application)
            throws IOException {
        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(writer);

        String prevCategory = null;
        final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();
        for (final AbstractGoal goalEle : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
            final String name = goalEle.getName();
            final String title = goalEle.getTitle();
            final String category = goalEle.getCategory();

            try {

                if (!StringUtils.equals(prevCategory, category)) {
                    writer.println("<tr><td colspan='5'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
                    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(category)) {
                        writer.println("<tr><td colspan='5' class='center'><b>" + category + "</b></td></tr>");

                writer.println("<!-- " + name + " -->");
                writer.println("  <td>");
                writer.println("    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size='3'><b>" + title + ":</b></font>");
                writer.println("  </td>");

                if (goalEle.isComputed()) {
                    writer.println("  <td colspan='2' align='center'><b>Computed Goal</b></td>");
                } else {
                    if (goalEle.isEnumerated()) {
                        // enumerated
                        writer.println("  <td>");
                        generateEnumeratedGoalButtons(goalEle, name, writer);
                        writer.println("  </td>");
                    } else {
                        writer.println("  <td>");
                        generateSimpleGoalButtons(goalEle, name, writer);
                        writer.println("  </td>");
                    } // end simple goal
                } // goal

                // computed score
                writer.println("  <td align='right'>");
                writer.println("    <input type='text' name='score_" + name
                        + "' size='3' align='right' readonly tabindex='-1'>");
                writer.println("  </td>");

                // error message
                formatter.format("  <td class='error score-error' id='error_%s'>&nbsp;</td>%n", name);

                writer.println("<!-- end " + name + " -->");
            } catch (final ParseException pe) {
                throw new RuntimeException("FATAL: min/max not parsable for goal: " + name);

            prevCategory = category;
        } // end foreach child of performance

     * Generate a the buttons for a simple goal.
     * @param goalEle
     * @param name
     * @param writer
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParseException
    private static void generateSimpleGoalButtons(final AbstractGoal goalEle, final String name,
            final JspWriter writer) throws IOException, ParseException {
        // start inc/dec buttons
        writer.println("    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='150'>");
        writer.println("      <tr align='center'>");

        final double min = goalEle.getMin();
        final double max = goalEle.getMax();
        if (goalEle.isYesNo()) {
            generateYesNoButtons(name, writer);
        } else {
            final double range = max - min;
            final int maxRangeIncrement = (int) Math.floor(range);

            generateIncDecButton(name, -1 * maxRangeIncrement, writer);

            if (FP.greaterThanOrEqual(range, 10, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
                generateIncDecButton(name, -5, writer);
            } else if (FP.greaterThanOrEqual(range, 5, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
                generateIncDecButton(name, -3, writer);

            // -1
            generateIncDecButton(name, -1, writer);

            // +1
            generateIncDecButton(name, 1, writer);

            if (FP.greaterThanOrEqual(range, 10, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
                generateIncDecButton(name, 5, writer);
            } else if (FP.greaterThanOrEqual(range, 5, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
                generateIncDecButton(name, 3, writer);

            generateIncDecButton(name, maxRangeIncrement, writer);

        writer.println("       </tr>");
        writer.println("    </table>");
        writer.println("  </td>");
        // end inc/dec buttons

        // count
        writer.println("  <td align='right'>");
        if (FP.equals(0, min, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)
                && FP.equals(1, max, ChallengeParser.INITIAL_VALUE_TOLERANCE)) {
            writer.println("    <input type='text' name='" + name
                    + "_radioValue' size='3' align='right' readonly tabindex='-1'>");
        } else {
            // allow these to be editable
            writer.println("    <input type='text' name='" + name + "' size='3' align='right' onChange='"
                    + getCheckMethodName(name) + "()'>");

     * Generate an increment or decrement button for goal name with
     * increment/decrement increment.
    private static void generateIncDecButton(final String name, final int increment, final JspWriter writer)
            throws IOException {
        // generate buttons with calls to increment<name>
        final String buttonName = (increment < 0 ? "" : "+") + String.valueOf(increment);
        final String buttonID = getIncDecButtonID(name, increment);
        writer.println("        <td>");
        writer.println("          <input id='" + buttonID + "' type='button' value='" + buttonName + "' onclick='"
                + getIncrementMethodName(name) + "(" + increment + ")'>");
        writer.println("        </td>");

    public static String getIncDecButtonID(final String name, final int increment) {
        final String incdec = (increment < 0 ? "dec" : "inc");
        return incdec + "_" + name + "_" + String.valueOf(Math.abs(increment));

     * Generate yes and no buttons for goal name.
    private static void generateYesNoButtons(final String name, final JspWriter writer) throws IOException {
        // generate radio buttons with calls to set<name>

        // order of yes/no buttons needs to match order in generateRefreshBody
        writer.println("        <td>");
        writer.println("          <input type='radio' id='" + name + "_no' name='" + name + "' value='0' onclick='"
                + getSetMethodName(name) + "(0)'>");
        writer.println("          <label for='" + name + "_no'>No</label>");

        writer.println("          &nbsp;&nbsp;");

        writer.println("          <input type='radio' id='" + name + "_yes' name='" + name + "' value='1' onclick='"
                + getSetMethodName(name) + "(1)'>");
        writer.println("          <label for='" + name + "_yes'>Yes</label>");
        writer.println("        </td>");

     * Generate the initial assignment of the global variables for editing a
     * team's score.
    public static void generateInitForScoreEdit(final JspWriter writer, final ServletContext application,
            final HttpSession session) throws SQLException, IOException {
        final ChallengeDescription description = ApplicationAttributes.getChallengeDescription(application);
        final int teamNumber = SessionAttributes.getNonNullAttribute(session, "team", Team.class).getTeamNumber();
        final int runNumber = SessionAttributes.getNonNullAttribute(session, "lRunNumber", Number.class).intValue();

        final DataSource datasource = ApplicationAttributes.getDataSource(application);

        PreparedStatement prep = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Connection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = datasource.getConnection();
            final int tournament = Queries.getCurrentTournament(connection);

            prep = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * from Performance" + " WHERE TeamNumber = ?" //
                    + " AND RunNumber = ?"//
                    + " AND Tournament = ?");
            prep.setInt(1, teamNumber);
            prep.setInt(2, runNumber);
            prep.setInt(3, tournament);

            rs = prep.executeQuery();
            if (rs.next()) {
                final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance();
                for (final AbstractGoal element : performanceElement.getGoals()) {
                    if (!element.isComputed()) {
                        final Goal goal = (Goal) element;
                        final String name = goal.getName();
                        final String rawVarName = getVarNameForRawScore(name);

                        if (goal.isEnumerated()) {
                            // enumerated
                            final String storedValue = rs.getString(name);
                            boolean found = false;
                            for (final EnumeratedValue valueElement : goal.getSortedValues()) {
                                final String value = valueElement.getValue();
                                if (value.equals(storedValue)) {
                                    writer.println("  " + rawVarName + " = \"" + value + "\";");
                                    found = true;
                            if (!found) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(
                                        "Found enumerated value in the database that's not in the XML document, goal: "
                                                + name + " value: " + storedValue);
                        } else {
                            // just use the value that is stored in the database
                            writer.println("  " + rawVarName + " = " + rs.getString(name) + ";");
                    } // !computed
                } // foreach goal
                  // Always init the special double-check column
                writer.println("  Verified = " + rs.getBoolean("Verified") + ";");
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find TeamNumber and RunNumber in Performance table"
                        + " TeamNumber: " + teamNumber + " RunNumber: " + runNumber);
        } finally {

    private static void generateEnumeratedGoalButtons(final AbstractGoal goal, final String goalName,
            final JspWriter writer) throws IOException, ParseException {
        writer.println("    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>");

        for (final EnumeratedValue valueEle : goal.getSortedValues()) {
            final String valueTitle = valueEle.getTitle();
            final String value = valueEle.getValue();
            final String id = getIDForEnumRadio(goalName, value);
            writer.println("      <tr>");
            writer.println("        <td>");
            writer.println("          <input type='radio' name='" + goalName + "' value='" + value + "' id='" + id
                    + "' ' onclick='" + getSetMethodName(goalName) + "(\"" + value + "\")'>");
            writer.println("        </td>");
            writer.println("        <td><label for='" + id + "'/>");
            writer.println("          " + valueTitle);
            writer.println("        </td>");
            writer.println("      </tr>");

        writer.println("        </table>");

        writer.println("  <td align='right'>");
        writer.println("    <input type='text' name='" + goalName
                + "_radioValue' size='10' align='right' readonly tabindex='-1'>");


     * Name of the element that stores the textual value of the specified yes/no
     * value.
    public static String getElementNameForYesNoDisplay(final String goalName) {
        return goalName + "_radioValue";

     * The ID assigned to the radio button for a particular value of an enumerated
     * goal.
    public static String getIDForEnumRadio(final String goalName, final String value) {
        return goalName + "_" + value;

     * The name of the javascript variable that represents the raw score for a
     * goal
     * @param goalName
     * @return
    private static String getVarNameForComputedScore(final String goalName) {
        return goalName + "_computed";

     * The name of the javascript variable that represents the computed score for
     * a goal
    private static String getVarNameForRawScore(final String goalName) {
        return goalName + "_raw";

     * The name of method that increments scores for the specified goal.
    private static String getIncrementMethodName(final String goalName) {
        return "increment_" + goalName;

     * The name of the method that sets scores for the specified goal.
    private static String getSetMethodName(final String goalName) {
        return "set_" + goalName;

     * The name of the method that checks input for the specified goal.
    private static String getCheckMethodName(final String goalName) {
        return "check_" + goalName;

     * The name of the method that computes scores for the specified goal.
    private static String getComputedMethodName(final String goalName) {
        return "compute_" + goalName;

     * The ID of the element that holds errors for the specified goal. This name
     * is also used for the name of the variable that holds the error text for the
     * goal in check_restrictions.
    private static String getElementIDForError(final String goalName) {
        return "error_" + goalName;

    private static void generateComputedGoalFunction(final Formatter formatter, final ComputedGoal compGoal)
            throws ParseException {
        final String goalName = compGoal.getName();

        formatter.format("function %s() {%n", getComputedMethodName(goalName));

        for (final Variable var : compGoal.getVariables()) {
            final String varName = getComputedGoalLocalVarName(var.getName());
            final String varValue = polyToString(var);
            formatter.format("var %s = %s;%n", varName, varValue);

        generateSwitch(formatter, compGoal.getSwitch(), goalName, INDENT_LEVEL);

        formatter.format("%sdocument.scoreEntry.score_%s.value = %s;%n", generateIndentSpace(INDENT_LEVEL),
                goalName, getVarNameForComputedScore(goalName));

     * Get the name of a local variable inside a computed goal function that
     * stores the specified variable value.
    private static String getComputedGoalLocalVarName(final String varname) {
        return varname;

    private static void generateSwitch(final Formatter formatter, final SwitchStatement ele, final String goalName,
            final int indent) throws ParseException {
        // keep track if there are any case statements
        boolean first = true;
        final boolean hasCase = !ele.getCases().isEmpty();

        for (final CaseStatement childEle : ele.getCases()) {
            final AbstractConditionStatement condition = childEle.getCondition();
            final String ifPrefix;
            if (!first) {
                ifPrefix = " else ";
            } else {
                first = false;
                ifPrefix = generateIndentSpace(indent);
            generateCondition(formatter, ifPrefix, condition);

            formatter.format(" {%n");
            if (null != childEle.getResultPoly()) {
                final ComplexPolynomial resultPoly = childEle.getResultPoly();
                formatter.format("%s%s = %s;%n", generateIndentSpace(indent + INDENT_LEVEL),
                        getVarNameForComputedScore(goalName), polyToString(resultPoly));
            } else if (null != childEle.getResultSwitch()) {
                generateSwitch(formatter, childEle.getResultSwitch(), goalName, indent + INDENT_LEVEL);
            } else {
                throw new FLLInternalException(
                        "Expected case statement to have result poly or result switch, but found neight");
            formatter.format("%s}", generateIndentSpace(indent));

        if (hasCase) {
            formatter.format(" else {%n");
        formatter.format("%s%s = %s;%n", generateIndentSpace(indent + INDENT_LEVEL),
                getVarNameForComputedScore(goalName), polyToString(ele.getDefaultCase()));
        if (hasCase) {
            formatter.format("%s}%n", generateIndentSpace(indent));

     * Convert a polynomial to a string. Handles both {@link BasicPolynomial} and
     * {@link ComplexPolynomial}.
     * @param poly the polynomial
     * @return the string that represents the polynomial
     * @throws ParseException
    private static String polyToString(final BasicPolynomial poly) throws ParseException {
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter();

        boolean first = true;
        for (final Term term : poly.getTerms()) {
            if (!first) {
                formatter.format(" + ");
            } else {
                first = false;

            final double coefficient = term.getCoefficient();

            final Formatter termFormatter = new Formatter();
            termFormatter.format("%f", coefficient);

            for (final GoalRef goalRef : term.getGoals()) {
                final String goal = goalRef.getGoalName();
                final GoalScoreType scoreType = goalRef.getScoreType();
                final String varName;
                switch (scoreType) {
                case RAW:
                    varName = getVarNameForRawScore(goal);
                case COMPUTED:
                    varName = getVarNameForComputedScore(goal);
                    throw new RuntimeException("Expected 'raw' or 'computed', but found: " + scoreType);
                termFormatter.format("* %s", varName);

            for (final VariableRef varRef : term.getVariables()) {
                final String var = varRef.getVariableName();
                final String varName = getComputedGoalLocalVarName(var);
                termFormatter.format("* %s", varName);

            formatter.format("%s", termFormatter.toString());

        final FloatingPointType floatingPoint = poly.getFloatingPoint();
        return applyFloatingPoint(formatter.toString(), floatingPoint);

     * Make the appropriate modifications to <code>value</code> to reflect the
     * specified floating point handling
     * @param value the expression
     * @param floatingPoint the floating point handling
     * @return value with the floating point handling applied
    private static String applyFloatingPoint(final String value, final FloatingPointType floatingPoint) {
        switch (floatingPoint) {
        case DECIMAL:
            return value;
        case ROUND:
            return "Math.round(" + value + ")";
        case TRUNCATE:
            return "parseInt(" + value + ")";
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected floating point type: " + floatingPoint);

    private static String ineqToString(final InequalityComparison eq) {
        switch (eq) {
        case EQUAL_TO:
            return "==";
        case GREATER_THAN:
            return ">";
            return ">=";
        case LESS_THAN:
            return "<";
        case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
            return "<=";
        case NOT_EQUAL_TO:
            return "!=";
            throw new FLLInternalException("Unknown inequality found: " + eq);

     * @param formatter where to write
     * @param ifPrefix what goes before "if", either spaces or "else"
     * @param ele
     * @throws ParseException
    private static void generateCondition(final Formatter formatter, final String ifPrefix,
            final AbstractConditionStatement ele) throws ParseException {
        formatter.format("%sif(", ifPrefix);

        if (ele instanceof ConditionStatement) {
            ConditionStatement cond = (ConditionStatement) ele;
            formatter.format("%s %s %s", polyToString(cond.getLeft()), ineqToString(ele.getComparison()),
        } else if (ele instanceof EnumConditionStatement) {
            EnumConditionStatement cond = (EnumConditionStatement) ele;
            final String leftStr;
            if (null != cond.getLeftGoal()) {
                leftStr = getVarNameForRawScore(cond.getLeftGoal().getName());
            } else {
                leftStr = "'" + cond.getLeftString() + "'";

            final String rightStr;
            if (null != cond.getRightGoal()) {
                rightStr = getVarNameForRawScore(cond.getRightGoal().getName());
            } else {
                rightStr = "'" + cond.getLeftString() + "'";

            formatter.format("%s %s %s", leftStr, ineqToString(ele.getComparison()), rightStr);
        } else {
            throw new FLLInternalException(
                    "Expecting ConditionStatement or EnumConditionStatement, but was" + ele.getClass().getName());

    private static String generateIndentSpace(final int indent) {
        final StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) {
            retval.append(' ');
        return retval.toString();
