Java tutorial
/* fEMR - fast Electronic Medical Records Copyright (C) 2014 Team fEMR fEMR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. fEMR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with fEMR. If not, see <>. If you have any questions, contact <>. */ package femr.ui.controllers; import*; import femr.common.models.*; import*; import femr.common.dtos.ServiceResponse; import; import; import femr.util.DataStructure.Mapping.VitalMultiMap; import static femr.util.stringhelpers.StringUtils.*; import femr.util.DataStructure.Mapping.TabFieldMultiMap; import; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.*; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Security; import; import java.util.List; @Security.Authenticated(FEMRAuthenticated.class) @AllowedRoles({ Roles.PHYSICIAN, Roles.PHARMACIST, Roles.NURSE }) public class PDFController extends Controller { private final ISearchService searchService; private final IEncounterService encounterService; private final ITabService tabService; private final IVitalService vitalService; @Inject public PDFController(ISearchService searchService, IEncounterService encounterService, ITabService tabService, IVitalService vitalService) { this.searchService = searchService; this.encounterService = encounterService; this.tabService = tabService; this.vitalService = vitalService; } public Result index(int encounterId) { return ok(buildPDF(encounterId)).as("application/pdf"); } /** * Take the patient encounter and build a pdf * * @param encounterId The id of the encounter to * @return The the PDF stream to output to the browser */ private byte[] buildPDF(int encounterId) { // Get Patient Encounter ServiceResponse<PatientEncounterItem> patientEncounterItemServiceResponse = searchService .retrievePatientEncounterItemByEncounterId(encounterId); if (patientEncounterItemServiceResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } PatientEncounterItem patientEncounter = patientEncounterItemServiceResponse.getResponseObject(); // Get Patient ServiceResponse<PatientItem> patientItemServiceResponse = searchService .retrievePatientItemByEncounterId(encounterId); if (patientItemServiceResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } PatientItem patientItem = patientItemServiceResponse.getResponseObject(); // Get Vitals for Encounter ServiceResponse<VitalMultiMap> vitalMultiMapServiceResponse = vitalService .retrieveVitalMultiMap(encounterId); if (vitalMultiMapServiceResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } VitalMultiMap patientVitals = vitalMultiMapServiceResponse.getResponseObject(); // Get TabFields for Encounter ServiceResponse<TabFieldMultiMap> patientEncounterTabFieldResponse = tabService .retrieveTabFieldMultiMap(encounterId); if (patientEncounterTabFieldResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } TabFieldMultiMap tabFieldMultiMap = patientEncounterTabFieldResponse.getResponseObject(); // Get Prescriptions ServiceResponse<List<PrescriptionItem>> prescriptionItemServiceResponse = searchService .retrieveDispensedPrescriptionItems(encounterId); if (prescriptionItemServiceResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } List<PrescriptionItem> prescriptions = prescriptionItemServiceResponse.getResponseObject(); // Get Problems ServiceResponse<List<ProblemItem>> problemItemServiceResponse = encounterService .retrieveProblemItems(encounterId); if (problemItemServiceResponse.hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } List<ProblemItem> problems = problemItemServiceResponse.getResponseObject(); // Will eventually output the PDF -- all 3 lines below are needed ByteArrayOutputStream pdfStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10); try { PdfWriter docWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, pdfStream);; // PDF Author Info document.addAuthor("fEMR"); document.addCreationDate(); document.addCreator("fEMR"); document.addTitle("Patient Report"); // Add the header to the page document.add(createHeaderTable()); // Add basic patient info document.add(createPatientInfoTable(patientItem)); // Add Encounter Info Table document.add(createEncounterInfoTable(patientEncounter)); // Add Vitals Table document.add(createVitalsTable(patientEncounter, patientVitals)); // Add Assessments Table document.add(getAssessments(tabFieldMultiMap, prescriptions, problems)); // Add Chief Complaints Table document.add(getChiefComplaintsTable(tabFieldMultiMap)); document.close(); docWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return pdfStream.toByteArray(); } /** * Builds the page header - Title and Empty cell (for border) * * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document */ public PdfPTable createHeaderTable() { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); table.setSpacingAfter(10); table.setWidthPercentage(100); Paragraph title = new Paragraph("Medical Record", new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 18, Font.BOLD)); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(title); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); cell.setBorderColorBottom(BaseColor.BLACK); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(1); cell.setPaddingBottom(5); table.addCell(cell); //Paragraph encounterId = new Paragraph("Encounter ID: " + patientEncounter.getId(), new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.NORMAL)); cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); cell.setBorderColorBottom(BaseColor.BLACK); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(1); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setPaddingBottom(5); table.addCell(cell); return table; } /** * Builds the Patient Info Table - Info unique to the patient * * @param patientItem the patient item * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document * @throws DocumentException */ public PdfPTable createPatientInfoTable(PatientItem patientItem) throws DocumentException { PdfPTable table = getDefaultTable(3); table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Patient ID: ", Integer.toString(patientItem.getId()))); table.completeRow(); // Row 1 table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Name: ", patientItem.getFirstName() + " " + patientItem.getLastName())); table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("DOB: ", outputStringOrNA(patientItem.getFriendlyDateOfBirth()))); table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Age: ", outputStringOrNA((patientItem.getAge())))); // Row 2 table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Sex: ", outputStringOrNA(patientItem.getSex()))); //[FEMR-113] Contributed by Robert Massicotte during the CEN5035 course at FSU int patientHeightFeet = patientItem.getHeightFeet(); int patientHeightInches = patientItem.getHeightInches(); if (patientHeightFeet == 0 && patientHeightInches == 0) { // display null height as N/A table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Height: ", "N/A")); } else { // otherwise, display normally (e.g. 5'8") table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Height: ", outputHeightOrNA(patientHeightFeet, patientHeightInches))); } table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Weight: ", outputFloatOrNA(patientItem.getWeight()) + " lbs")); table.completeRow(); // Row 3 table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("City: ", outputStringOrNA(patientItem.getCity()))); table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Address: ", outputStringOrNA(patientItem.getAddress()))); table.addCell(getStyledPhrase("Phone Number: ", outputStringOrNA(patientItem.getPhoneNumber()))); table.completeRow(); return table; } /** * Builds the Encounter Info Table - The names and dates of each stage of the encounter * * @param encounter the encounter item * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document */ private PdfPTable createEncounterInfoTable(PatientEncounterItem encounter) { PdfPTable table = getDefaultTable(3); table.addCell(getDefaultHeaderCell("Encounter Information", 3)); // // Nurse // PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); // Paragraph title = new Paragraph("Nurse:", getTitleFont()); // Paragraph value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getNurseEmailAddress()), getValueFont()); // cell.addElement(title); // cell.addElement(value); // table.addCell(cell); // // // Physician // cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); // title = new Paragraph("Physician:", getTitleFont()); // value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getPhysicianEmailAddress()), getValueFont()); // cell.addElement(title); // cell.addElement(value); // table.addCell(cell); // // // Pharmacist // cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); // title = new Paragraph("Pharmacist:", getTitleFont()); // value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getPharmacistEmailAddress()), getValueFont()); // cell.addElement(title); // cell.addElement(value); // table.addCell(cell); // Nurse PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); Paragraph title = new Paragraph("Nurse:", getTitleFont()); Paragraph value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getNurseFullName()), getValueFont()); //Andrew Change cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); // Physician cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); title = new Paragraph("Physician:", getTitleFont()); value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getPhysicianFullName()), getValueFont()); //Andrew Change cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); // Pharmacist cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); title = new Paragraph("Pharmacist:", getTitleFont()); value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getPharmacistFullName()), getValueFont()); //Andrew Change cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); // Triage cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); title = new Paragraph("Triage Visit:", getTitleFont()); value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getTriageDateOfVisit()), getValueFont()); cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); // Medical cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); title = new Paragraph("Medical Visit:", getTitleFont()); value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getMedicalDateOfVisit()), getValueFont()); cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); // Pharmacy cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); title = new Paragraph("Pharmacy Visit:", getTitleFont()); value = new Paragraph(outputStringOrNA(encounter.getPharmacyDateOfVisit()), getValueFont()); cell.addElement(title); cell.addElement(value); table.addCell(cell); return table; } /** * Builds the Vitals Table - The vitals of the encounter * * @param encounter the encounter item * @param vitalMap the map of the vital values * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document */ private PdfPTable createVitalsTable(PatientEncounterItem encounter, VitalMultiMap vitalMap) { PdfPTable table = getDefaultTable(3); table.addCell(getDefaultHeaderCell("Patient Vitals", 3)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Blood Pressure: ", "bloodPressure", vitalMap)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Temperature:", "temperature", vitalMap)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Glucose:", "glucose", vitalMap)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Heart Rate: ", "bloodPressure", vitalMap)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Respiration Rate:", "respiratoryRate", vitalMap)); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Oxygen Saturation:", "oxygenSaturation", vitalMap)); //Sam Zanni PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); cell.setPaddingTop(2); table.addCell(getVitalMapCell("Weeks Pregnant:", "weeksPregnant", vitalMap)); table.completeRow(); return table; } /** * Builds the Assessments Table - The assessment fields for the encounter * * @param tabFieldMultiMap multimap of the encounter's tab fields * @param prescriptionItems a list of the encounter's prescriptions * @param problemItems a list of the encounter's problems * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document */ private PdfPTable getAssessments(TabFieldMultiMap tabFieldMultiMap, List<PrescriptionItem> prescriptionItems, List<ProblemItem> problemItems) { PdfPTable table = getDefaultTable(3); //Set table to span 3 columns to counteract tablesize for dispensed prescriptions table.addCell(getDefaultHeaderCell("Assessments", 3)); // Row 1 PdfPCell cellMSH = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem msh = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("medicalSurgicalHistory", null); cellMSH.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Medical Surgical History: ", outputStringOrNA(msh.getValue()))); cellMSH.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellMSH); // Row 2 PdfPCell cellCM = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem cm = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("currentMedication", null); cellCM.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Medication: ", outputStringOrNA(cm.getValue()))); cellCM.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellCM); // Row 3 PdfPCell cellSH = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem sh = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("socialHistory", null); cellSH.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Social History: ", outputStringOrNA(sh.getValue()))); cellSH.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellSH); // Row 4 PdfPCell cellAssesment = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem assessment = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("assessment", null); cellAssesment.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Assessment: ", outputStringOrNA(assessment.getValue()))); cellAssesment.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellAssesment); // Row 5 PdfPCell cellFH = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem fh = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("familyHistory", null); cellFH.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Family History: ", outputStringOrNA(fh.getValue()))); cellFH.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellFH); // Row 6 PdfPCell cellTreatment = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem treatment = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("procedure_counseling", null); cellTreatment.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Procedure/Counseling: ", outputStringOrNA(treatment.getValue()))); cellTreatment.setColspan(3); table.addCell(cellTreatment); // Loop through and add any potential Custom Field Names // Row 7+ , set cells to colspan of 2 so they fill the whole page for (String customField : tabFieldMultiMap.getCustomFieldNameList()) { String value = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty(customField, null).getValue(); PdfPCell customCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); customCell.setColspan(3); customCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase(customField + " :", outputStringOrNA(value))); table.addCell(customCell); } // AJ Saclayan Dispensed Table Paragraph prescriptionsTitle = new Paragraph("Dispensed Prescription(s):", getTitleFont()); PdfPCell prescriptionCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); prescriptionCell.setPaddingRight(10); prescriptionCell.addElement(prescriptionsTitle); prescriptionCell.setColspan(3); table.addCell(prescriptionCell); table.completeRow(); if (!prescriptionItems.isEmpty()) { //Create Dispensed Table. Paragraph originalMedsTitle = new Paragraph("Original", getTitleFont()); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(originalMedsTitle); table.addCell(cell); Paragraph replacedMedsTitle = new Paragraph("Replacement", getTitleFont()); cell = new PdfPCell(replacedMedsTitle); table.addCell(cell); table.completeRow(); for (PrescriptionItem prescription : prescriptionItems) { String medicationForm = prescription.getMedicationForm(); if (medicationForm == null || medicationForm.equals("")) { medicationForm = "N/A"; } else { medicationForm = medicationForm.trim(); } if (prescription.getReplacementMedicationName() != null) { Paragraph originalMedName = new Paragraph( "Prescription #" + prescription.getId() + " - Replaced \n" + prescription.getAmount() + " " + prescription.getName() + " (" + medicationForm + ")", getValueFont()); cell = new PdfPCell(originalMedName); table.addCell(cell); Paragraph replacedMedName = new Paragraph("Prescription #" + prescription.getReplacementId() + " \n" + prescription.getReplacementAmount() + " " + prescription.getReplacementMedicationName(), getValueFont()); cell = new PdfPCell(replacedMedName); table.addCell(cell); } else { Paragraph medName = new Paragraph("Prescription #" + prescription.getId() + "\n" + prescription.getAmount() + " " + prescription.getName() + " (" + medicationForm + ")", getValueFont()); cell = new PdfPCell(medName); table.addCell(cell); Paragraph blankCell = new Paragraph(" ", getValueFont()); cell = new PdfPCell(blankCell); table.addCell(cell); } table.completeRow(); } } // Get Problems Paragraph problemsTitle = new Paragraph("Problem(s):", getTitleFont()); PdfPCell problemsCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); problemsCell.addElement(problemsTitle); for (ProblemItem problem : problemItems) { Paragraph probText = new Paragraph(" - " + problem.getName(), getValueFont()); problemsCell.addElement(probText); } table.addCell(problemsCell); table.completeRow(); return table; } /** * Builds the Chief Complaints Table - The fields unique to each chief complaint, if there is one * * @param tabFieldMultiMap multimap of the encounter's tab fields * @return PdfPTable the itext table to add to the document */ private PdfPTable getChiefComplaintsTable(TabFieldMultiMap tabFieldMultiMap) { PdfPTable table = getDefaultTable(2); PdfPCell header = getDefaultHeaderCell("Chief Complaints", 2); table.addCell(header); if (tabFieldMultiMap.getChiefComplaintList().isEmpty()) { // Add treatment fields for null chief complaint addChiefComplaintSectionToTable(table, null, tabFieldMultiMap); } else { // Add treatment fields for all chief complaints for (String chiefComplaint : tabFieldMultiMap.getChiefComplaintList()) { addChiefComplaintSectionToTable(table, chiefComplaint, tabFieldMultiMap); } } return table; } /** * Adds the fields for the cheif complaint to the passed in table * * @param table the PdfPTable object to add the rows to * @param chiefComplaint the chief complaint as a string or null * @param tabFieldMultiMap multimap of the encounter's tab fields */ private void addChiefComplaintSectionToTable(PdfPTable table, String chiefComplaint, TabFieldMultiMap tabFieldMultiMap) { PdfPCell cellCC = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); cellCC.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Chief Complaint: ", outputStringOrNA(chiefComplaint))); cellCC.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cellCC); // Known Field Names // Put styled phrase into a cell, then add it to the table PdfPCell onsetC = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); onsetC.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Onset: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("onset", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(onsetC); PdfPCell fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Quality: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("quality", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Severity: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("severity", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Provokes: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("provokes", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Palliates: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("palliates", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("TimeOfDay: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("timeOfDay", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); fieldCell = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldCell.setPaddingRight(5); fieldCell.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Radiation: ", outputStringOrNA(tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("radiation", chiefComplaint).getValue()))); table.addCell(fieldCell); // Physical Examination PdfPCell cellPE = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); TabFieldItem fieldItem = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("physicalExamination", chiefComplaint); cellPE.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Physical Examination: ", outputStringOrNA(fieldItem.getValue()))); cellPE.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cellPE); // Narrative PdfPCell cellNarrative = new PdfPCell(table.getDefaultCell()); fieldItem = tabFieldMultiMap.getMostRecentOrEmpty("narrative", chiefComplaint); cellNarrative.addElement(getStyledPhrase("Narrative: ", outputStringOrNA(fieldItem.getValue()))); cellNarrative.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cellNarrative); // add an empty row to add spacing between chief complaints table.addCell(" "); table.completeRow(); } /** * Default Styles * * Trying to remove some code duplication and set some base styles * * **/ /** * Builds a table with numColumns with the base stylins * @param numColumns the number of columns the table will have * @return an instantiated PdfPTable object */ private PdfPTable getDefaultTable(int numColumns) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(numColumns); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.setSpacingAfter(10); table.getDefaultCell().setPaddingBottom(5); table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); return table; } /** * Builds the Header Cell used for every section of the document * * @param title the title for the cell * @param colspan the number of columns in the table it will be added to * @return a formatted PdfPCell ready to insert into a PdfPTable */ private PdfPCell getDefaultHeaderCell(String title, int colspan) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); Paragraph titleParagraph = new Paragraph(title, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 16, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK)); cell.addElement(titleParagraph); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); cell.setColspan(colspan); cell.setBorderColorBottom(BaseColor.DARK_GRAY); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(1); cell.setPaddingBottom(5); return cell; } /** * Most values are in the format * title: value * * This returns the font used for the title portion * * @return the Font used for Titles on the pdf */ private Font getTitleFont() { return new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 11, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK); } /** * Most values are in the format * title: value * * This returns the font used for the value portion * * @return the Font used for Values on the pdf */ private Font getValueFont() { return new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 11, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK); } private Phrase getStyledPhrase(String title, String value) { Phrase phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(new Chunk(title, getTitleFont())); phrase.add(new Chunk(value, getValueFont())); return phrase; } // @TODO - Add the units to each measurement /** * Builds a cell that lists all values for the given key present in the vital map, * one measurement per line * * @param titleString The title of the vital map cell * @param key The key to get the values in the vital map * @param vitalMap the vital map that has all the values * @return PdfPCell the table cell formatted with the requested vital elements */ private PdfPCell getVitalMapCell(String titleString, String key, VitalMultiMap vitalMap) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); // Add the title Paragraph title = new Paragraph(titleString, getTitleFont()); cell.addElement(title); // For each vital value in the map add a new Paragraph element for (int dateIndex = 1; dateIndex <= vitalMap.getDateListChronological().size(); dateIndex++) { String value; if (key.equals("bloodPressure")) { value = outputStringOrNA(vitalMap.get("bloodPressureSystolic", vitalMap.getDate(dateIndex - 1))); value += '/' + outputStringOrNA(vitalMap.get("bloodPressureDiastolic", vitalMap.getDate(dateIndex - 1))); } else { value = outputStringOrNA(vitalMap.get(key, vitalMap.getDate(dateIndex - 1))); } Paragraph p = new Paragraph(value); cell.addElement(p); } return cell; } }