Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static ezbake.util.AuditEvent.event; import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.engine.VersionConflictEngineException; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.AndFilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.ExistsFilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.IdsQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ezbake.base.thrift.CancelStatus; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzBakeBasePurgeThriftService; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityTokenException; import ezbake.base.thrift.PurgeState; import ezbake.base.thrift.PurgeStatus; import ezbake.base.thrift.SSR; import ezbake.base.thrift.Visibility; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ezbake.thrift.ThriftClientPool; import ezbake.util.AuditEvent; import ezbake.util.AuditEventType; import ezbake.util.AuditLogger; import ezbake.util.AuditLoggerConfigurator; import ezbakehelpers.ezconfigurationhelpers.application.EzBakeApplicationConfigurationHelper; @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") public class SSRServiceHandler extends EzBakeBasePurgeThriftService implements ssrService.Iface { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSRServiceHandler.class); private Gson gson; private JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); private ThriftClientPool pool; private final LRUMap typeCache = new LRUMap(1000); private final String DATE_FACET_KEY = "Report Date"; private final String INGEST_FACET_KEY = "Ingest Date"; private final String VISIBILITY_FACET_KEY = "Report Visibility"; private final String TYPE_FACET_KEY = "Report Type"; private final String GEO_COUNTRY_FACET_KEY = "Report Country"; private final String GEO_PROVINCE_FACET_KEY = "Report State/Province"; private long last24hoursMS = 0; private long last48hoursMS = 0; private long last72hoursMS = 0; private long last7daysMS = 0; private long last30daysMS = 0; private long last90daysMS = 0; private long last365daysMS = 0; private String securityId; private static AuditLogger auditLogger; private boolean isGeoEnabled; private int percolatorInboxLimit; private final int MAX_PERCOLATOR_RESPONSE = 50; private final int MAX_WEEKLY_PERCOLATOR_RESULTS = 350; // Configuration constants public static String EZELASTIC_APPLICATION_NAME_KEY = ""; public static String EZELASTIC_SERVICE_NAME_KEY = ""; public static String ENABLE_GEO_KEY = "ssr.geo.enable"; private static final String PERCOLATOR_INBOX_LIMIT = "ssr.percolator.inbox.limit"; // default date format private static final String SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMdd'T' HHmmss.SSSZ"; private EzbakeSecurityClient security; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TProcessor getThriftProcessor() { EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; AuditEvent evt = null; try { EzProperties props = new EzProperties(getConfigurationProperties(), true); pool = new ThriftClientPool(props); documentClient = getDocumentClient(); security = new EzbakeSecurityClient(props); EzSecurityToken ssrServiceToken = security.fetchAppToken(); evt = event(AuditEventType.ApplicationInitialization.getName(), ssrServiceToken).arg("event", "init"); isGeoEnabled = props.getBoolean(ENABLE_GEO_KEY, true); percolatorInboxLimit = props.getInteger(PERCOLATOR_INBOX_LIMIT, 500); // default to 500 // Update the index to ignore malformed values coming in. The malformed values will still be added // to _all, but they won't be searchable in their field. securityId = new EzBakeApplicationConfigurationHelper(props).getSecurityID(); documentClient.closeIndex(ssrServiceToken); documentClient.applySettings("{\"index\" : {\"mapping\" : {\"ignore_malformed\" : true}}}", ssrServiceToken); documentClient.openIndex(ssrServiceToken); gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateSerializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(Boolean.TYPE, new BooleanSerializer()).create(); AuditLoggerConfigurator.setAdditivity(true); auditLogger = AuditLogger.getAuditLogger(SSRServiceHandler.class); // setup type mappings setupTypeMappings(documentClient, ssrServiceToken); return new ssrService.Processor(this); } catch (AppNotRegisteredException e) { logError(e, evt, "SSR Service not registered in ezsecurity. Exiting."); throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize SSR service", e); } catch (TException e) { logError(e, evt, "Error starting SSR Service."); throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize SSR service", e); } finally { if (evt != null) auditLogger.logEvent(evt); returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } } // setup the necessary type mappings elasticsearch required to run query successfully when // these fields are missing from ssr document types private void setupTypeMappings(EzElastic.Client documentClient, EzSecurityToken token) { try { // mapping for ssr_default String type = SSRUtils.SSR_DEFAULT_TYPE_NAME; if (!typeCache.containsKey(type)) { documentClient.setTypeMapping(type, getSSRDefaultTypeMap(type), token); typeCache.put(type, true); } } catch (TException e) { logger.error("setupTypeMappings exception", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("setupTypeMappings exception", e); } } @Override public List<IndexResponse> putWithDocs(Map<SSR, String> ssrJsonMap, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { List<Document> toIndex = new ArrayList<>(); AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "putWithDocs"); HashMap<String, String> auditArgs = Maps.newHashMap(); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; List<IndexResponse> responses = null; try { for (Map.Entry<SSR, String> entry : ssrJsonMap.entrySet()) { SSR ssr = entry.getKey(); String type = getTypeFromUri(ssr.getUri()); if (!typeCache.containsKey(type)) { // If it already exists and just isn't in the cache there is no harm"Setting up initial mapping for type ({})", type); try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); documentClient.setTypeMapping(type, getSSRTypeMap(type), userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } typeCache.put(type, true); } if (ssr.getTimeOfIngest() == null) { ssr.setTimeOfIngest(TimeUtil.getCurrentThriftDateTime()); } toIndex.add(generateDocument(ssr, getCombinedJSON(ssr, entry.getValue()))); auditArgs.put("uri", ssr.getUri()); } try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); responses = documentClient.bulkPut(toIndex, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } // key: document type, value: list of document ids Map<String, List<String>> typeMap = groupByType(responses); // key: perlocator id, value: list of document ids to add to inbox Map<String, List<PercolatorHit>> percolatorInboxHitMap = new HashMap<>(); // key: document id, value: percolateHit object Map<String, PercolatorHit> idsToInboxHitDocument = new HashMap<>(); for (String type : typeMap.keySet()) { List<PercolateQuery> percolateResponse; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); percolateResponse = documentClient.percolateByIds(typeMap.get(type), type, MAX_PERCOLATOR_RESPONSE, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } for (PercolateQuery percolateQuery : percolateResponse) { String matchingDocId = percolateQuery.getMatchingDocId(); String percolatorId = percolateQuery.getId(); // this document should be added to the percolator inbox if (!percolatorInboxHitMap.containsKey(percolatorId)) { percolatorInboxHitMap.put(percolatorId, new ArrayList<PercolatorHit>()); } if (!idsToInboxHitDocument.containsKey(matchingDocId)) { idsToInboxHitDocument.put(matchingDocId, getPercolatorHitDocument(matchingDocId, ssrJsonMap.keySet())); } PercolatorHit hit = idsToInboxHitDocument.get(matchingDocId); // should not happen, but just to be safe. if (hit != null) { percolatorInboxHitMap.get(percolatorId).add(hit); } } } for (Map.Entry<String, List<PercolatorHit>> entry : percolatorInboxHitMap.entrySet()) { addPercolatorHits(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), userToken); } } catch (DocumentIndexingException e) { logError(e, evt, "Failed to index records"); throw new TException("Error indexing records - document index exception", e); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "putWithDocs encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { auditLogger.logEvent(evt); returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } return responses; } // construct PercolatorHit from SSR private PercolatorHit getPercolatorHitDocument(String targetDocId, Set<SSR> ssrSet) { for (SSR ssr : ssrSet) { if (ssr.getUri().equals(targetDocId)) { PercolatorHit hitDoc = new PercolatorHit(); hitDoc.setDocumentId(ssr.getUri()); hitDoc.setTimeOfIngest(ssr.getTimeOfIngest()); return hitDoc; } } logger.warn("Document not found from SSR set with id " + targetDocId); return null; } private Map<String, List<String>> groupByType(List<IndexResponse> indexResponses) { Map<String, List<String>> typeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (IndexResponse response : indexResponses) { if (response.isSuccess()) { String type = response.get_type(); if (!typeMap.containsKey(type)) { typeMap.put(type, new LinkedList<String>()); } typeMap.get(type).add(response.get_id()); } } return typeMap; } @Override public SearchResult search(Query query, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "search") .arg("query", query.toString()); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); documentClient = getDocumentClient(); return documentClient.query(query, userToken); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "search encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public IndexResponse putPercolateQuery(String name, PercolateQuery percolateQuery, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "putPercolateQuery").arg("percolateQuery", percolateQuery); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { // This sections checks how many results were ingested in the last week that match the query DateHistogramFacet dateHistogramFacet = new DateHistogramFacet(); DateField dateField = new DateField(); dateField.set_field(SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST); dateHistogramFacet.setField(dateField); DateInterval dateInterval = new DateInterval(); dateInterval.setStaticInterval(DateIntervalType.WEEK); dateHistogramFacet.setInterval(dateInterval); // This is just a simple DateHistogram Facet request but is complicated by thrift objects FacetRequest facetRequest = new FacetRequest(); facetRequest.setDateHistogramFacet(dateHistogramFacet); Facet facet = new Facet(); facet.setFacet(facetRequest); facet.setLabel("pastWeek"); Query query = new Query(); query.addToFacets(facet); String percolateQueryDoc = percolateQuery.getQueryDocument(); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(percolateQueryDoc); // The actual query of the percolator is stored under the key "query" Object searchString = jsonObject.get("query"); query.setSearchString(searchString.toString()); SearchResult response = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); response = documentClient.query(query, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } // If there are too many results then the percolator is rejected for being too broad DateHistogramFacetResult dateHistogramFacetResult = response.getFacets().get("pastWeek") .getDateFacetResult(); if (dateHistogramFacetResult.getEntriesSize() > 0 && dateHistogramFacetResult.entries.get(0).getCount() > MAX_WEEKLY_PERCOLATOR_RESULTS) throw new TException("Percolate query is too broad. Please be more specific"); IndexResponse indexResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); indexResponse = documentClient.addPercolateQuery(percolateQuery, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } percolateQuery.setId(indexResponse.get_id()); // Add this percolator id to the user's main inbox addToMainPercolatorInbox(indexResponse.get_id(), userToken); // Initialize the individual inbox initializeIndividualPercolatorInbox(name, percolateQuery, userToken); return indexResponse; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "putPercolateQuery encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public SearchResult queryPercolators(Query query, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "getPercolateQuery").arg("query", query); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { query.setType(ElasticUtils.PERCOLATOR_TYPE); documentClient = getDocumentClient(); return documentClient.queryPercolate(query, userToken); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "queryPercolators encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } private String getPercolatorInboxId(String percolatorId) { return percolatorId + "_inbox"; } private String getPercolatorMainInboxId(EzSecurityToken userToken) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return getEncodedUserPrincipal(userToken) + "_maininbox"; } /* This method will add the passed percolatorId to the main inbox for the user who's usertoken is passed. If the inbox doesn't exist yet then one will be created. */ private boolean addToMainPercolatorInbox(String id, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException, UnsupportedEncodingException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "addToMainPercolatorInbox").arg("id", id); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; boolean result = false; try { String mainInboxId = getPercolatorMainInboxId(userToken); Document response = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); response = documentClient.getWithType(mainInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } // If the id is null then the inbox doesn't exist yet and it must be made if (response.get_id() == null) { if (!typeCache.containsKey(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD)) { // If it already exists and just isn't in the cache there is no harm"Setting up initial mapping for type ({})", SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD); try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); documentClient.setTypeMapping(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, getMainInboxMapping(), userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } typeCache.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, true); } Visibility visibility = new Visibility(); // TODO revisit the visibility level to use visibility.setFormalVisibility(userToken.getAuthorizationLevel()); // Creates a new Main percolator inbox with only one percolator id and the current date as the last flushed date JSONObject mainInboxJson = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonArrayIds = new JSONArray(); jsonArrayIds.put(id); mainInboxJson.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS, jsonArrayIds); // Create the inbox Document mainInboxDoc = new Document(); mainInboxDoc.set_id(mainInboxId); mainInboxDoc.set_type(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD); mainInboxDoc.setVisibility(visibility); mainInboxDoc.set_jsonObject(mainInboxJson.toString()); IndexResponse mainPutResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); mainPutResponse = documentClient.put(mainInboxDoc, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (!mainPutResponse.isSuccess()) { throw new TException( "Failed to create a main inbox for user " + userToken.getTokenPrincipal().getName()); } result = true; } else { // This loop is to ensure a version doesn't get overwritten boolean successFullyInserted = false; while (!successFullyInserted) { try { // If inbox already exits then get the list of ids JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response.get_jsonObject()); JSONArray jsonArrayIds = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS); // This checks to see if the percolator id is already in the list (in the case the percolator is just being updated) String jsonIdsInString = jsonArrayIds.toString(); if (!jsonIdsInString.contains(id)) { // If it's not then add it jsonArrayIds.put(id); jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS, jsonArrayIds); response.set_jsonObject(jsonObject.toString()); IndexResponse inboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); inboxResponse = documentClient.put(response, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } pool.returnToPool(documentClient); if (!inboxResponse.isSuccess()) throw new TException("Failed to insert percolatorId into main percolator inbox"); } else successFullyInserted = true; // If it attempts to insert the wrong version of the document a VersionConflictEngineExcetion is thrown } catch (VersionConflictEngineException e) { try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); response = documentClient.getWithType(mainInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } } } result = true; } } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "addToMainPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { if (documentClient != null) pool.returnToPool(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } return result; } // create a new percolator individual inbox document. private boolean initializeIndividualPercolatorInbox(String name, PercolateQuery percolator, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectCreate.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "initializeIndividualPercolatorInbox").arg("percolatorId", percolator.getId()); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { if (!typeCache.containsKey(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD)) { // If it already exists and just isn't in the cache there is no harm"Setting up initial mapping for type ({})", SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD); String mapping = getIndividualPercolatorInboxMapping(); try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); documentClient.setTypeMapping(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, mapping, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } typeCache.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, true); } // Create the percolator hit and add it to the inbox object Visibility visibility = new Visibility(); // TODO revisit the visibility level to use visibility.setFormalVisibility(userToken.getAuthorizationLevel()); JSONObject percolatorInboxMap = new JSONObject(); SimpleDateFormat ingestFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); percolatorInboxMap.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLAOTR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_LAST_FLUSHED, ingestFormatter.format(new Date())); percolatorInboxMap.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_NAME, name); percolatorInboxMap.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_SEARCH_TEXT, percolator.getQueryDocument()); JSONArray docHits = new JSONArray(); percolatorInboxMap.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS, docHits); percolatorInboxMap.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT, false); // Put the inbox into ElasticSearch Document percolatorInboxDoc = new Document(); String percolatorInboxId = getPercolatorInboxId(percolator.getId()); percolatorInboxDoc.set_id(percolatorInboxId); percolatorInboxDoc.set_type(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD); percolatorInboxDoc.setVisibility(visibility); percolatorInboxDoc.set_jsonObject(percolatorInboxMap.toString()); IndexResponse mainPutResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); mainPutResponse = documentClient.put(percolatorInboxDoc, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (!mainPutResponse.isSuccess()) { throw new TException("Failed to create a inbox for user " + userToken.getTokenPrincipal().getName() + " for percolator " + percolator.getId()); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "initializeIndividualPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } // When a document is ingested and there is a percolator that matches that doc this method is called. This method adds the hit to the inbox private boolean addPercolatorHits(String percolatorId, List<PercolatorHit> hits, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectModify.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "addPercolatorHits").arg("percolatorId", percolatorId).arg("hits", hits.size()); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; SimpleDateFormat ingestFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); boolean result = false; try { // get the inbox String percolatorInboxId = getPercolatorInboxId(percolatorId); Document response = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); response = documentClient.getWithType(percolatorInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } // If the response of the get has a null id then it doesn't exist if (response.get_id() == null) { logger.warn("Individual percolator inbox doesn't exist for id " + percolatorId); evt.failed(); return false; } // This loop is to ensure a version doesn't get overwritten boolean successFullyInserted = false; while (!successFullyInserted) { try { // get existing hit array JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response.get_jsonObject()); // check if hit already exceeds limit if (jsonObject.has(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT) && jsonObject.getBoolean(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT)) { logger.warn("Individual percolator inbox exceeds hit limit. Will not put new hits in."); return false; } JSONArray jsonArrayIds = (JSONArray) jsonObject .get(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS); // put existing records in a map to eliminate duplicate SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); Map<String, Date> hitMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrayIds.length(); i++) { JSONObject hit = jsonArrayIds.getJSONObject(i); String docId = hit.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_ID); Date ingestDate = dateFormat .parse(hit.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_TIMEOFINGEST)); hitMap.put(docId, ingestDate); } int hitCount = hitMap.values().size(); // add new record to the map if not exist yet or ingest time is later for (PercolatorHit hit : hits) { String docId = hit.getDocumentId(); Date ingestTime = new Date(TimeUtil.convertFromThriftDateTime(hit.getTimeOfIngest())); // we get a new hit, increment the count if (!hitMap.containsKey(docId)) { hitCount++; } if (!hitMap.containsKey(docId) || (hitMap.get(docId).compareTo(ingestTime) < 0)) { // check if exceeds hit limit if (hitCount <= percolatorInboxLimit) { hitMap.put(docId, ingestTime); } else { logger.warn( "Individual percolator inbox exceeds hit limit. Will not put new hits in."); break; } } } // re-construct the json array using the map jsonArrayIds = new JSONArray(); for (Map.Entry<String, Date> hit : hitMap.entrySet()) { JSONObject docHit = new JSONObject(); docHit.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_ID, hit.getKey()); docHit.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_TIMEOFINGEST, ingestFormatter.format(hit.getValue())); jsonArrayIds.put(docHit); } // update the percolate document with the new hit array jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS, jsonArrayIds); // update exceedLimit property jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT, hitCount > percolatorInboxLimit); response.set_jsonObject(jsonObject.toString()); IndexResponse inboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); inboxResponse = documentClient.put(response, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (inboxResponse.isSuccess()) successFullyInserted = true; else throw new TException("Failed to insert doc hit into percolator inbox"); } catch (VersionConflictEngineException e) { try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); response = documentClient.getWithType(percolatorInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } } } result = true; } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "addPercolatorHit encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } return result; } @Override public PercolatorInboxPeek peekPercolatorInbox(String percolatorId, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "peekPercolatorInbox"); try { return percolatorInboxPeekHelper(percolatorId, userToken); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "peekPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } finally { auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } private PercolatorInboxPeek percolatorInboxPeekHelper(String percolatorId, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException, ParseException { EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { // Get the inbox from EzElastic PercolatorInboxPeek result = new PercolatorInboxPeek(); String inboxId = getPercolatorInboxId(percolatorId); Document percolatorInboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); percolatorInboxResponse = documentClient.getWithType(inboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (percolatorInboxResponse.get_id() != null) { // Get the list of percolators and the lastFlush date from the inbox JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(percolatorInboxResponse.get_jsonObject()); String name = jsonObject.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_NAME); String searchText = jsonObject.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_SEARCH_TEXT); JSONArray individualJsonArrayIds = jsonObject .getJSONArray(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS); String lastFlushedString = jsonObject.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLAOTR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_LAST_FLUSHED); SimpleDateFormat ingestFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); Date lastFlushedDate = ingestFormatter.parse(lastFlushedString); result.setLastFlushed(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(lastFlushedDate.getTime())); result.setCountOfHits(individualJsonArrayIds.length()); result.setName(name); result.setSearchText(searchText); return result; } else { throw new TException("Could not get the percolatorInbox for this percolator id:" + percolatorId); } } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } } @Override public PercolatorHitInbox getAndFlushPercolatorInbox(String percolatorId, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectModify.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "getAndFlushPercolatorInbox"); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { // Get the inbox from EzElastic userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); PercolatorHitInbox result = new PercolatorHitInbox(); String inboxId = getPercolatorInboxId(percolatorId); Document percolatorInboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); percolatorInboxResponse = documentClient.getWithType(inboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (percolatorInboxResponse.get_id() == null) throw new TException("Could not get the percolatorInbox for this percolator id:" + percolatorId); // Get the lastFlush date from the inbox JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(percolatorInboxResponse.get_jsonObject()); String lastFlushedString = jsonObject.getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLAOTR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_LAST_FLUSHED); SimpleDateFormat ingestFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); Date lastFlushedDate = ingestFormatter.parse(lastFlushedString); result.setLastFlushed(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(lastFlushedDate.getTime())); boolean exceedsLimit = false; if (jsonObject.has(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT)) { exceedsLimit = jsonObject.getBoolean(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT); } result.setExceedLimit(exceedsLimit); // Get the array of document hit JSONArray hitArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS); // the query to query SSR by ids IdsQueryBuilder idsQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.idsQuery(); for (int i = 0; i < hitArray.length(); i++) { // prepare the doc ids to query again for SSR String documentId = hitArray.getJSONObject(i) .getString(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_ID); idsQueryBuilder.addIds(documentId); } // query the matching SSRs from database again try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); Query query = new Query(idsQueryBuilder.toString()); query.setReturnedFields(ImmutableSet.of(SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD)); // we want all the documents query.setPage(new Page(0, (short) hitArray.length())); // set the facets query.setFacets(buildSSRFacets()); // we care only documents have ssr field addExistSSRFilter(query); SearchResult ssrResults = documentClient.query(query, userToken); // The matching ssr results for document hits result.setHits(processSsrSearchResult(ssrResults, (short) ssrResults.getTotalHits(), 0)); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } // Set the last flush date to the current date jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLAOTR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_LAST_FLUSHED, ingestFormatter.format(new Date())); jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS, new JSONArray()); // Clear exceedLimit flag jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_EXCEEDS_LIMIT, false); percolatorInboxResponse.set_jsonObject(jsonObject.toString()); IndexResponse inboxFlushingResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); inboxFlushingResponse = documentClient.put(percolatorInboxResponse, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (!inboxFlushingResponse.isSuccess()) logError(new TException("getAndFlushPercolatorInbox failed to update the inbox"), evt, "getAndFlushPercolatorInbox failed to update the inbox"); return result; } catch (ParseException e) { logError(e, evt, "getAndFlushPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "getAndFlushPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public Map<String, PercolatorInboxPeek> peekMainPercolatorInbox(EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectModify.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "peekMainPercolatorInbox"); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; Map<String, PercolatorInboxPeek> results; try { // Get the inbox from EzElastic userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); results = new HashMap<>(); String mainInboxId = getPercolatorMainInboxId(userToken); Document mainInboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); mainInboxResponse = documentClient.getWithType(mainInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (!mainInboxResponse.get_jsonObject().isEmpty()) { // Get the last flushed date and list of percolators from the main inbox JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(mainInboxResponse.get_jsonObject()); JSONArray jsonArrayIds = jsonObject.getJSONArray(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS); // Iterate over the percolator ids getting their inboxes for (int mainInboxCounter = 0; mainInboxCounter < jsonArrayIds.length(); mainInboxCounter++) { String percolatorId = jsonArrayIds.getString(mainInboxCounter); try { PercolatorInboxPeek percolatorInboxPeek = percolatorInboxPeekHelper(percolatorId, userToken); results.put(percolatorId, percolatorInboxPeek); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "percolatorInboxPeek failed [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "] for this percolator:" + "(id:" + percolatorId + ")"); } } } return results; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logError(e, evt, "peekMainPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "peekMainPercolatorInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { if (documentClient != null) pool.returnToPool(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public IndexResponse updatePercolateInbox(String name, String percolateId, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "updatePercolateInbox").arg("name", name).arg("percolateId", percolateId); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); DocumentIdentifier docId = new DocumentIdentifier(getPercolatorInboxId(percolateId)); docId.setType(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD); UpdateScript script = new UpdateScript(); final String nameParam = "name"; script.setScript("ctx._source." + SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_NAME + " = " + nameParam); Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put(nameParam, name); script.setParameters(parameters); UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions(); options.setRetryCount(3); return documentClient.update(docId, script, options, userToken); } catch (TException e) { logError(e, evt, "updatePercolateInbox encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public boolean deletePercolateQuery(String id, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete.getName(), userToken) .arg("event", "deletePercolateQuery").arg("percolateId", id); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); boolean result = documentClient.removePercolateQuery(id, userToken); pool.returnToPool(documentClient); // When deleting a percolator query it also needs to be removed from the main percolator inbox the user String mainInboxId = getPercolatorMainInboxId(userToken); Document mainInboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); mainInboxResponse = documentClient.getWithType(mainInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(mainInboxResponse.get_jsonObject()); JSONArray jsonArrayIds; jsonArrayIds = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS); // Iterate over the inbox to see if the id is there. for (int mainInboxCounter = 0; mainInboxCounter < jsonArrayIds.length(); mainInboxCounter++) { if (jsonArrayIds.get(mainInboxCounter).equals(id)) { // This loop ensures no version gets overwritten boolean successFullyInserted = false; while (!successFullyInserted) { try { // Remove the percolator id from the list and insert the main inbox back jsonArrayIds.remove(mainInboxCounter); jsonObject.put(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS, jsonArrayIds); mainInboxResponse.set_jsonObject(jsonObject.toString()); IndexResponse inboxResponse = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); inboxResponse = documentClient.put(mainInboxResponse, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } if (inboxResponse.isSuccess()) successFullyInserted = true; else throw new TException("Failed to insert doc hit into percolator inbox"); } catch (VersionConflictEngineException e) { try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); mainInboxResponse = documentClient.getWithType(mainInboxId, SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } } } mainInboxCounter = jsonArrayIds.length(); } } // delete the percolator inbox document too try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); documentClient.deleteWithType(getPercolatorInboxId(id), SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD, userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } return result; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logError(e, evt, "deletePercolateQuery encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw new TException(e); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "deletePercolateQuery encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { returnAndNullClient(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public List<PercolateQuery> percolate(Map<SSR, String> ssrJsonMap, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "percolate"); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; List<Document> toPercolate = new ArrayList<>(); userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); try { for (Map.Entry<SSR, String> entry : ssrJsonMap.entrySet()) { SSR ssr = entry.getKey(); String type = getTypeFromUri(ssr.getUri()); if (!typeCache.containsKey(type)) { // If it already exists and just isn't in the cache there is no harm"Setting up initial mapping for type ({})", type); try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); documentClient.setTypeMapping(type, getSSRTypeMap(type), userToken); } finally { documentClient = returnAndNullClient(documentClient); } typeCache.put(type, true); } Document document = generateDocument(ssr, getCombinedJSON(ssr, entry.getValue())); document.setPercolate(new PercolateRequest()); toPercolate.add(document); evt.arg("uri", ssr.getUri()); } documentClient = getDocumentClient(); return documentClient.percolate(toPercolate, userToken); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "percolate encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { if (documentClient != null) pool.returnToPool(documentClient); auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } @Override public SSRSearchResult searchSSR(Query query, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { AuditEvent evt = event(AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess.getName(), userToken).arg("event", "searchSSR") .arg("query", query.toString()); try { userToken = validateAndFetchDerived(userToken); SearchResult datasetResults = new SearchResult(); EzElastic.Client documentClient = null; try { documentClient = getDocumentClient(); query.setReturnedFields(ImmutableSet.of(SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD)); if (!query.isSetFacets()) { query.setFacets(new ArrayList<Facet>()); } query.getFacets().addAll(buildSSRFacets()); // we care only documents have ssr field addExistSSRFilter(query); datasetResults = documentClient.query(query, userToken); } catch (MalformedQueryException e) { logger.error("Query was malformed"); throw new TException(e); } finally { if (documentClient != null) pool.returnToPool(documentClient); } return processSsrSearchResult(datasetResults, query.getPage().getPageSize(), query.getPage().getOffset()); } catch (Exception e) { logError(e, evt, "searchSSR encountered an exception [" + e.getClass().getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + "]"); throw e; } finally { auditLogger.logEvent(evt); } } // convert the searchResult to SSRSearchResult private SSRSearchResult processSsrSearchResult(SearchResult datasetResults, short pageSize, int offset) { SSRSearchResult results = new SSRSearchResult(); results.setTotalHits(datasetResults.getTotalHits()); results.setPageSize(pageSize); results.setOffset(offset); results.setMatchingRecords(new ArrayList<SSR>()); if (datasetResults.isSetHighlights()) { results.setHighlights(datasetResults.getHighlights()); } for (Document match : datasetResults.getMatchingDocuments()) { String jsonObjectAsString = match.get_jsonObject(); if (jsonObjectAsString == null) { logger.error("Document had no json object"); } JsonElement jsonElement = jsonParser.parse(jsonObjectAsString); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement ssrObject = jsonObject.get(SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD); String ssrJson = ssrObject.toString(); SSR ssrResult = gson.fromJson(ssrJson, SSR.class); ssrResult.setVisibility(match.getVisibility()); results.addToMatchingRecords(ssrResult); } results.setFacets(new HashMap<String, FacetCategory>()); if (results.getTotalHits() > 0) { Map<String, FacetCategory> facetValues = new HashMap<>(); FacetCategory dateCategory = new FacetCategory(); dateCategory.setField(SSRUtils.SSR_DATE_FIELD); dateCategory.setFacetValues(getDateFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(DATE_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(DATE_FACET_KEY, dateCategory); // ingest time category FacetCategory ingestCategory = new FacetCategory(); ingestCategory.setField(SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST); ingestCategory.setFacetValues(getDateFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(INGEST_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(INGEST_FACET_KEY, ingestCategory); FacetCategory visibilityCategory = new FacetCategory(); visibilityCategory.setField("ezbake_auths"); visibilityCategory .setFacetValues(getVisibilityFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(VISIBILITY_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(VISIBILITY_FACET_KEY, visibilityCategory); FacetCategory typeCategory = new FacetCategory(); typeCategory.setField(SSRUtils.SSR_TYPE_FIELD); typeCategory.setFacetValues(getTermFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(TYPE_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(TYPE_FACET_KEY, typeCategory); if (isGeoEnabled) { FacetCategory countryCategory = new FacetCategory(); countryCategory.setField(SSRUtils.SSR_COUNTRY_FIELD); countryCategory .setFacetValues(getTermFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(GEO_COUNTRY_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(GEO_COUNTRY_FACET_KEY, countryCategory); FacetCategory provinceCategory = new FacetCategory(); provinceCategory.setField(SSRUtils.SSR_PROVINCE_FIELD); provinceCategory .setFacetValues(getTermFacets(datasetResults.getFacets().get(GEO_PROVINCE_FACET_KEY))); facetValues.put(GEO_PROVINCE_FACET_KEY, provinceCategory); } results.setFacets(facetValues); } return results; } // add {"exists":{"field":"_ssr"}} to the filter private void addExistSSRFilter(Query query) { ExistsFilterBuilder existFilter = FilterBuilders.existsFilter(SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD); if (!query.isSetFilterJson()) { query.setFilterJson(existFilter.toString()); } else { AndFilterBuilder filter = FilterBuilders.andFilter(); filter.add(existFilter); filter.add(FilterBuilders.wrapperFilter(query.getFilterJson())); query.setFilterJson(filter.toString()); } logger.debug("*** after add ssr filter = " + query.getFilterJson()); } @Override public boolean ping() { GeospatialExtractorService.Client geoClient = null; EzElastic.Client docClient = null; try { boolean result; logger.debug("getting document dataset"); docClient = getDocumentClient(); logger.debug("calling ping on doc client"); result =; if (isGeoEnabled) { logger.debug("getting geo service"); geoClient = getGeospatialClient(); logger.debug("calling ping on geo client"); result = result &&; } return result; } catch (TException e) { logger.error("SSR ping failed : {}", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } finally { if (docClient != null) { pool.returnToPool(docClient); } if (geoClient != null) { pool.returnToPool(geoClient); } } return false; } private List<FacetValue> getTermFacets(FacetResult facetResult) { List<FacetValue> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (TermsFacetEntry entry : facetResult.getTermsFacetResult().getEntries()) { RawValue rawValue = new RawValue(); rawValue.setStringValue(entry.getTerm()); values.add(new FacetValue().setLabel(entry.getTerm()).setValue(rawValue) .setCount(String.valueOf(entry.getCount()))); } return values; } private List<FacetValue> getVisibilityFacets(FacetResult facetResult) { List<FacetValue> values = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO return values; } private List<FacetValue> getDateFacets(FacetResult facetResult) { List<FacetValue> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (RangeFacetEntry entry : facetResult.getRangeFacetResult().getEntries()) { RawValue rawValue = new RawValue(); rawValue.setDoubleValue(Double.valueOf(entry.getRangeFrom())); values.add(new FacetValue().setLabel(getTimeWindow(Double.valueOf(entry.getRangeFrom()))) .setValue(rawValue).setCount(String.valueOf(entry.getCount()))); } return values; } private String getTimeWindow(double ms) { if (ms <= last365daysMS) { return "Last Year"; } if (ms <= last90daysMS) { return "Last 90 Days"; } if (ms <= last30daysMS) { return "Last 30 Days"; } if (ms <= last7daysMS) { return "Last Week"; } if (ms <= last72hoursMS) { return "Last 72 Hours"; } if (ms <= last48hoursMS) { return "Last 48 Hours"; } return "Last 24 Hours"; } private Facet getDateRangeFacets(String field, String label) { GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Facet dateFacet = new Facet(); RangeFacet dateRangeFacet = new RangeFacet(); BaseFacetValue dateField = new BaseFacetValue(); dateField.setFacetField(field); dateRangeFacet.setField(dateField); FacetRange last24 = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); last24hoursMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); last24.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last24hoursMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(last24); FacetRange last48 = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); last48hoursMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); last48.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last48hoursMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(last48); FacetRange last72 = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); last72hoursMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); last72.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last72hoursMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(last72); FacetRange lastWeek = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -4); last7daysMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); lastWeek.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last7daysMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(lastWeek); FacetRange last30Days = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -23); last30daysMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); last30Days.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last30daysMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(last30Days); FacetRange last90Days = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -60); last90daysMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); last90Days.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last90daysMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(last90Days); FacetRange lastYear = new FacetRange(RangeType.DATE); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -275); last365daysMS = DateUtils.round(calendar, Calendar.HOUR).getTimeInMillis(); lastYear.setRangeFrom(String.valueOf(last365daysMS)); dateRangeFacet.addToRanges(lastYear); FacetRequest dateRequest = new FacetRequest(); dateRequest.setRangeFacet(dateRangeFacet); dateFacet.setLabel(label); dateFacet.setFacet(dateRequest); return dateFacet; } private List<Facet> buildSSRFacets() { List<Facet> facets = new ArrayList<>(); /* Date Facet */ facets.add(getDateRangeFacets(SSRUtils.SSR_DATE_FIELD, DATE_FACET_KEY)); /* Ingest Date Facet */ facets.add(getDateRangeFacets(SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST, INGEST_FACET_KEY)); /* Geo Facet via Metacarta */ if (isGeoEnabled) { TermsFacet countryFacet = new TermsFacet(); countryFacet.setFields(Arrays.asList(SSRUtils.SSR_COUNTRY_FIELD)); FacetRequest countryFacetRequest = new FacetRequest(); countryFacetRequest.setTermsFacet(countryFacet); Facet ssrCountryFacet = new Facet(); ssrCountryFacet.setLabel(GEO_COUNTRY_FACET_KEY); ssrCountryFacet.setFacet(countryFacetRequest); facets.add(ssrCountryFacet); TermsFacet provinceFacet = new TermsFacet(); provinceFacet.setFields(Arrays.asList(SSRUtils.SSR_PROVINCE_FIELD)); FacetRequest provinceFacetRequest = new FacetRequest(); provinceFacetRequest.setTermsFacet(provinceFacet); Facet ssrProvinceFacet = new Facet(); ssrProvinceFacet.setLabel(GEO_PROVINCE_FACET_KEY); ssrProvinceFacet.setFacet(provinceFacetRequest); facets.add(ssrProvinceFacet); } /* End Geo Facet */ /* Type Facet */ TermsFacet typeFacet = new TermsFacet(); typeFacet.setFields(Arrays.asList(SSRUtils.SSR_TYPE_FIELD)); FacetRequest typeFacetRequest = new FacetRequest(); typeFacetRequest.setTermsFacet(typeFacet); Facet ssrTypeFacet = new Facet(); ssrTypeFacet.setLabel(TYPE_FACET_KEY); ssrTypeFacet.setFacet(typeFacetRequest); facets.add(ssrTypeFacet); /* End Type Facet */ /* Security Facet */ TermsFacet securityFacet = new TermsFacet(); securityFacet.setFields(Arrays.asList("ezbake_auths")); FacetRequest securityFacetRequest = new FacetRequest(); securityFacetRequest.setTermsFacet(securityFacet); Facet ssrAuthFacet = new Facet(); ssrAuthFacet.setLabel(VISIBILITY_FACET_KEY); ssrAuthFacet.setFacet(securityFacetRequest); facets.add(ssrAuthFacet); /* End Security Facet */ return facets; } private EzElastic.Client getDocumentClient() throws TException { return pool.getClient(getConfigurationProperties().getProperty(EZELASTIC_APPLICATION_NAME_KEY), getConfigurationProperties().getProperty(EZELASTIC_SERVICE_NAME_KEY), EzElastic.Client.class); } private GeospatialExtractorService.Client getGeospatialClient() throws TException { return pool.getClient(GeospatialExtractorConstants.SERVICE_NAME, GeospatialExtractorService.Client.class); } private Document generateDocument(SSR ssr, String json) { Document document = new Document(); document.set_jsonObject(json); document.set_id(ssr.getUri()); // Type should be application + thrift object type document.set_type(getTypeFromUri(ssr.getUri())); document.setVisibility(ssr.getVisibility()); return document; } private String getCombinedJSON(SSR ssr, String jsonDocument) throws TException { Map<String, Object> ssrJson = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Double> coordMap = new HashMap<>(); coordMap.put(SSRUtils.ELASTIC_LATITUDE_DEFAULT, ssr.getCoordinate() != null ? ssr.getCoordinate().getLatitude() : 0.0); coordMap.put(SSRUtils.ELASTIC_LONGITUDE_DEFAULT, ssr.getCoordinate() != null ? ssr.getCoordinate().getLongitude() : 0.0); SimpleDateFormat resultFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("ddHHmm'Z' MMM yy"); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_DATE_FIELD, ssr.getResultDate() != null ? resultFormatter.format(new Date(TimeUtil.convertFromThriftDateTime(ssr.getResultDate()))) : null); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_COORDINATE_FIELD, coordMap); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_TYPE_FIELD, getTypeFromUri(ssr.getUri())); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD, ssr); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_METADATA_FIELD, ssr.getMetaData() != null ? ssr.getMetaData().getTags() : null); SimpleDateFormat ingestFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST, ssr.getTimeOfIngest() != null ? ingestFormatter.format( new Date(TimeUtil.convertFromThriftDateTime(ssr.getTimeOfIngest()))) : null); if (ssr.getCoordinate() != null && isGeoEnabled) { GeospatialExtractorService.Client geoClient = getGeospatialClient(); try { TLocationFinderResult geoLocation = geoClient.findLocation( new TCentroid(ssr.getCoordinate().getLatitude(), ssr.getCoordinate().getLongitude()), null); if (!geoLocation.getLocations().isEmpty()) { // Find the location with the most administrative paths List<String> administrativePaths = getMostAccurateLocation(geoLocation.getLocations()); if (!administrativePaths.isEmpty()) { ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_COUNTRY_FIELD, administrativePaths.get(administrativePaths.size() - 1)); if (administrativePaths.size() > 1) { ssrJson.put(SSRUtils.SSR_PROVINCE_FIELD, administrativePaths.get(administrativePaths.size() - 2)); }"SSR being indexed based on geospatial locations : {}", StringUtils.join(administrativePaths, ", ")); } } } finally { pool.returnToPool(geoClient); } } String ssrStripped = gson.toJson(ssrJson).replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("{"), StringUtils.EMPTY); return jsonDocument.substring(0, jsonDocument.lastIndexOf("}")) + "," + ssrStripped; } private List<String> getMostAccurateLocation(List<TLocation> locations) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (TLocation location : locations) { if (location.getPaths().getAdministrativeSize() > results.size()) { results = location.getPaths().getAdministrative(); } } return results; } protected String getTypeFromUri(String uri) { String type = uri.replace("://", ":"); return type.substring(0, type.indexOf("/")); } protected static String getSSRTypeMap(String type) { return "{\n" + " \"" + type + "\" : {\n" + " \"properties\" : {\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_COORDINATE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"geo_point\",\n" + " \"lat_lon\" : true\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_DATE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"date\",\n" + " \"format\" : \"ddHHmm'Z' MMM yy\",\n" + " \"store\" : true\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"object\",\n" + " \"store\" : true\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_TYPE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\",\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"not_analyzed\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_COUNTRY_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\",\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"not_analyzed\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_PROVINCE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\",\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"not_analyzed\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_METADATA_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"object\",\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"not_analyzed\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"date\",\n" + " \"format\" : \"yyyyMMdd'T' HHmmss.SSSZ\",\n" + " \"store\" : true\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; } // purge implementation /** * Deletes documents with given set of ids (uris, more specifically) from the elastic database. * * @param uriList set of URIs to delete from SSR * @param userToken the token of the user or service initiating this request */ protected void bulkDelete(Set<String> uriList, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { EzElastic.Client documentClient = getDocumentClient(); try { documentClient.bulkDelete(uriList, userToken); } finally { pool.returnToPool(documentClient); } } protected class SSRDeleterRunnable implements Runnable { private Set<Long> idsToPurge; private EzSecurityToken userToken; private long purgeId; public SSRDeleterRunnable(Set<Long> idsToPurge, EzSecurityToken userToken, long purgeId) { this.idsToPurge = idsToPurge; this.userToken = userToken; this.purgeId = purgeId; } @Override public void run() { Visibility visibility = new Visibility(); // TODO revisit the visibility level to use visibility.setFormalVisibility(userToken.getAuthorizationLevel()); try { PurgeState state = purgeStatus(userToken, purgeId); try { if (!(state.getCancelStatus() == CancelStatus.CANCELED && state.getPurgeStatus() == PurgeStatus.ERROR && state.getPurgeStatus() == PurgeStatus.FINISHED_COMPLETE)) { Set<String> uriList = getPurgeUris(idsToPurge, userToken); bulkDelete(uriList, security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, securityId)); // Purge completed, update the status object state.setPurgeStatus(PurgeStatus.FINISHED_COMPLETE); state.setTimeStamp(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); state.setPurged(idsToPurge); state.setNotPurged(Sets.<Long>newHashSet()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("The delete of the URIs from the ssr index failed. The requesting purgeId is '" + purgeId + "'.", e); state.setPurgeStatus(PurgeStatus.ERROR); } insertPurgeStatus(state, visibility, userToken); } catch (EzSecurityTokenException e) { logger.error("Could not retrieve chained security token for delete operation", e); } catch (TException e) { logger.error("Purge could not complete successfully", e); } } } @Override public PurgeState beginVirusPurge(String purgeCallbackService, long purgeId, Set<Long> idsToPurge, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { return this.beginPurge(purgeCallbackService, purgeId, idsToPurge, userToken); } /** * Always returns a {@link CancelStatus#CANNOT_CANCEL} status and does * not cancel previously started purges from ezElastic. */ @Override public PurgeState cancelPurge(EzSecurityToken userToken, long purgeId) throws TException { HashMap<String, String> auditArgs = Maps.newHashMap(); auditArgs.put("action", "cancelPurge"); auditArgs.put("purgeId", Long.toString(purgeId)); auditLog(userToken, AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete, auditArgs); validateEzCentralPurgeSecurityId(userToken); PurgeState state = purgeStatus(userToken, purgeId); // TODO state.setCancelStatus(CancelStatus.CANNOT_CANCEL); state.setTimeStamp(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); insertPurgeStatus(state, new Visibility().setFormalVisibility(userToken.getAuthorizationLevel()), userToken); return state; } @Override public PurgeState beginPurge(String purgeCallbackService, long purgeId, Set<Long> idsToPurge, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { HashMap<String, String> auditArgs = Maps.newHashMap(); auditArgs.put("action", "beginPurge"); auditArgs.put("purgeId", Long.toString(purgeId)); auditLog(userToken, AuditEventType.FileObjectDelete, auditArgs); validateEzCentralPurgeSecurityId(userToken); boolean emptyPurgeIds = idsToPurge == null || idsToPurge.isEmpty(); Visibility visibility = new Visibility(); // TODO revisit the visibility level to use visibility.setFormalVisibility(userToken.getAuthorizationLevel()); PurgeState state = new PurgeState(); state.setPurgeId(purgeId); state.setPurgeStatus(PurgeStatus.STARTING); state.setTimeStamp(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); state.setPurged(Sets.<Long>newHashSet()); state.setNotPurged(Sets.<Long>newHashSet()); state.setSuggestedPollPeriod(10000); if (emptyPurgeIds) {"No ids were given for purge. Marking the purge as finished."); state.setPurgeStatus(PurgeStatus.FINISHED_COMPLETE); } insertPurgeStatus(state, visibility, userToken); // Checking emptyPurgeIds twice because we want the start up of the deleter thread // to be the absolute last thing we do before returning if (!emptyPurgeIds) { new Thread(new SSRDeleterRunnable(idsToPurge, userToken, purgeId)).start(); } return state; } @Override public PurgeState purgeStatus(EzSecurityToken userToken, long purgeId) throws TException { HashMap<String, String> auditArgs = Maps.newHashMap(); auditArgs.put("action", "purgeStatus"); auditArgs.put("purgeId", Long.toString(purgeId)); auditLog(userToken, AuditEventType.FileObjectAccess, auditArgs); validateEzCentralPurgeSecurityId(userToken); PurgeState state = new PurgeState(); state.setPurgeId(purgeId); state.setPurgeStatus(PurgeStatus.UNKNOWN_ID); state.setTimeStamp(TimeUtil.convertToThriftDateTime(System.currentTimeMillis())); Set<Long> emptySet = Sets.newHashSet(); state.setPurged(emptySet); state.setNotPurged(emptySet); state.setSuggestedPollPeriod(10000); String queryStr = QueryBuilders.matchQuery("purgeId", purgeId).toString(); Query query = new Query(); query.setSearchString(queryStr); query.setType(SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD); purgeResults; EzElastic.Client documentClient = getDocumentClient(); try { purgeResults = documentClient.query(query, security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, securityId)); } catch (MalformedQueryException e) { logger.error("Purge query was malformed.", e); throw new TException(e); } finally { pool.returnToPool(documentClient); } if (purgeResults.getMatchingDocuments().size() > 0) { Document match = purgeResults.getMatchingDocuments().get(0); String jsonObjectAsString = match.get_jsonObject(); if (jsonObjectAsString == null) { logger.error("Document had no json object"); } JsonElement jsonElement = jsonParser.parse(jsonObjectAsString); state = gson.fromJson(jsonElement, PurgeState.class); } return state; } /** * Retrieves the document URIs corresponding to given IDs from the * Provenance service. * * @param idsToPurge set of IDs to purge whose URIs we are seeking * @param userToken security token * @return set of document URIs * @throws TException if any error occurs */ private Set<String> getPurgeUris(Set<Long> idsToPurge, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { ProvenanceService.Client client = null; try { client = pool.getClient(ProvenanceServiceConstants.SERVICE_NAME, ProvenanceService.Client.class); ArrayList<Long> idsToPurgeList = new ArrayList<>(); idsToPurgeList.addAll(idsToPurge); EzSecurityTokenWrapper chained = security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, pool.getSecurityId(ProvenanceServiceConstants.SERVICE_NAME)); PositionsToUris uriPositions = client.getDocumentUriFromId(chained, idsToPurgeList); Map<Long, String> map = uriPositions.getMapping(); Collection<String> uris = map.values(); return uris == null ? new HashSet<String>() : new HashSet<>(uris); } finally { pool.returnToPool(client); } } /** * Inserts a purge status into the elastic database via the ezElastic * service. * * @param purgeState containing the purge id, status, time, etc. * @param visibility visibility of the purge. * @param userToken security token. * @throws TException if any error occurs */ void insertPurgeStatus(PurgeState purgeState, Visibility visibility, EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { EzElastic.Client documentClient = getDocumentClient(); if (!typeCache.containsKey(SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD)) { // If it already exists and just isn't in the cache there is no harm"Setting up initial mapping for purge type ({})", SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD); documentClient.setTypeMapping("purge:type", getPurgeTypeMap(), security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, securityId)); typeCache.put(SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD, true); } String json = gson.toJson(purgeState); Document document = new Document(); document.set_jsonObject(json); document.set_id(String.valueOf(purgeState.getPurgeId())); document.set_type(SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD); document.setVisibility(visibility); try { List<IndexResponse> result = Lists.newArrayList(); IndexResponse response = documentClient.put(document, security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, securityId)); if (!response.isSuccess()) { logger.error("Put failed for purge status with id {}", response.get_id()); result.add(response); } } catch (DocumentIndexingException e) { logger.error("Failed to index purge status", e); throw new TException("Error indexing purge status - document index exception", e); } finally { pool.returnToPool(documentClient); } } /** * Creates an elasticsearch mapping specifically for the purge state persistence, * distinct from the ssr mapping. Used to separate purge state data * from ssr search queries. * * @return purge type mapping string for elasticsearch. */ private String getPurgeTypeMap() { return "{\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.PURGE_TYPE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"_all\" : {\"enabled\" : false}, \n" + " \"properties\" : {\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.PURGE_ID_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\",\n" + " \"include_in_all\" : false,\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"no\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.PURGE_STATE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\",\n" + " \"include_in_all\" : false,\n" + " \"store\" : true,\n" + " \"index\" : \"no\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; } /** * Creates an elasticsearch mapping specifically for the main inbox for * saved percolator queries * * @return main inbox type mapping string for elasticsearch. */ private String getMainInboxMapping() { return "{\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD + "\" : {\n" + " \"properties\" : {\n" + " \"" + SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_MAIN_INBOX_IDS + "\" : {\n" + " \"type\" : \"string\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; } // get the ssr_default type mapping protected static String getSSRDefaultTypeMap(String type) throws IOException { final XContentBuilder mappingBuilder = jsonBuilder().startObject().startObject(type) .startObject("properties").startObject(SSRUtils.SSR_DATE_FIELD).field("type", "date") .field("format", "ddHHmm'Z' MMM yy").endObject().startObject(SSRUtils.SSR_TIME_OF_INGEST) .field("type", "date").field("format", SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).endObject().endObject().endObject();"ssr_default mapping = " + mappingBuilder.string()); return mappingBuilder.string(); } /** * Creates an elasticsearch mapping specifically for the main inbox for * saved percolator queries * * @return main inbox type mapping string for elasticsearch. */ private String getIndividualPercolatorInboxMapping() throws IOException { final XContentBuilder mappingBuilder = jsonBuilder().startObject() .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_TYPE_FIELD).startObject("properties") .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLAOTR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_LAST_FLUSHED).field("type", "date") .field("format", SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).endObject() .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_NAME).field("type", "string").endObject() .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_SEARCH_TEXT).field("type", "string").endObject() .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_HITS).startObject("properties") .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_ID).field("type", "string").endObject() .startObject(SSRUtils.PERCOLATOR_INDIVIDUAL_INBOX_DOC_TIMEOFINGEST).field("type", "date") .field("format", SSR_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).endObject().endObject().endObject().endObject() .endObject();"percolator inbox mapping = " + mappingBuilder.string()); return mappingBuilder.string(); } /** * Validates that the app security from the userToken matches up the * EzCentralPurgeService security id. * * @param userToken The purge service's token * @throws TException thrown if the security Id does not match up. */ private void validateEzCentralPurgeSecurityId(EzSecurityToken userToken) throws TException { security.validateReceivedToken(userToken); String purgeSecurityId = pool.getSecurityId(EzCentralPurgeConstants.SERVICE_NAME); EzSecurityTokenWrapper tokenWrapper = new EzSecurityTokenWrapper(userToken); String appSecurityId = tokenWrapper.getSecurityId(); if ((purgeSecurityId != null) && (!purgeSecurityId.equals(appSecurityId))) { logger.error("CentralPurge security id mismatch! expected = " + purgeSecurityId + " actual = " + appSecurityId); throw new TException( "The app security id does not match up with the" + " EzCentralPurgeService security id"); } } @Override public void shutdown() { pool.close(); try { if (security != null) { security.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Could not properly close security client", e); } } private void auditLog(EzSecurityToken userToken, AuditEventType eventType, Map<String, String> args) { AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent(eventType, userToken); for (String argName : args.keySet()) { event.arg(argName, args.get(argName)); } if (auditLogger != null) { auditLogger.logEvent(event); } } private void logError(Exception e, AuditEvent evt, String loggerMessage) { if (evt != null) { evt.failed(); evt.arg(e.getClass().getName(), e); } logger.error(loggerMessage); e.printStackTrace(); } public static String getEncodedUserPrincipal(EzSecurityToken userToken) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLEncoder.encode(userToken.getTokenPrincipal().getPrincipal().replaceAll("\\s", ""), "UTF-8"); } private EzElastic.Client returnAndNullClient(EzElastic.Client client) { if (client != null) pool.returnToPool(client); return null; } /** * Given a token, will validate it, and then return a new token created for SSR * @param userToken the user's passed in token * @return A token created specifically for SSR * @throws EzSecurityTokenException if the token isn't valid */ private EzSecurityToken validateAndFetchDerived(EzSecurityToken userToken) throws EzSecurityTokenException { security.validateReceivedToken(userToken); return security.fetchDerivedTokenForApp(userToken, securityId); } }