ezbake.groups.graph.EzGroupsGraphImpl.java Source code

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Here is the source code for ezbake.groups.graph.EzGroupsGraphImpl.java


/*   Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. */

package ezbake.groups.graph;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.*;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.FrameInitializer;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraph;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraphConfiguration;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraphFactory;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.AbstractModule;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.javahandler.JavaHandlerModule;
import com.tinkerpop.gremlin.java.GremlinPipeline;
import com.tinkerpop.pipes.PipeFunction;
import com.tinkerpop.pipes.branch.LoopPipe;
import ezbake.groups.common.GroupNameHelper;
import ezbake.groups.graph.api.GroupIDProvider;
import ezbake.groups.graph.exception.*;
import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.edge.BaseEdge;
import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.BaseVertex;
import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.Group;
import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User;
import ezbake.groups.graph.query.*;
import ezbake.groups.thrift.EzGroupsConstants;
import ezbake.groups.thrift.GroupInheritancePermissions;
import ezbake.groups.thrift.GroupQueryException;
import ezbake.groups.thrift.UserGroupPermissions;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;

import static ezbake.groups.graph.PermissionEnforcer.Permission;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class EzGroupsGraphImpl implements GroupsGraph {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EzGroupsGraphImpl.class);
    public static final String GROUP_NAME_SEP = EzGroupsConstants.GROUP_NAME_SEP;

     * Predicate for filtering out groups that should not be returned to the user, including 'root' and app access
     * related groups.
    private static final com.google.common.base.Predicate<Group> NON_USER_FACING_GROUP = new com.google.common.base.Predicate<Group>() {

        private final String appAccessName = String.format("%s.%s", Group.COMMON_GROUP,

        public boolean apply(@Nullable Group input) {
            if (input != null && input.getGroupName().equals(Group.COMMON_GROUP)
                    || input.getGroupName().equals(appAccessName)
                    || input.getGroupName().startsWith(appAccessName + '.')) {
                return true;

            return false;

    private final GroupNameHelper gnh = new GroupNameHelper();
    private final TitanGraph graph;
    private final FramedGraphFactory framedGraphFactory;

    private GroupIDProvider idProvider;

    final Object commonGroupId;
    final Object appGroupId;
    final Object appAccessGroupId;

    public EzGroupsGraphImpl(TitanGraph graph, GroupIDProvider idProvider, GroupQuery query) {
        this.graph = graph;
        this.idProvider = idProvider;

        // Set up the framed factory
        framedGraphFactory = new FramedGraphFactory(new AbstractModule() {
            public void doConfigure(FramedGraphConfiguration config) {
                config.addFrameInitializer(new FrameInitializer() {
                    public void initElement(Class<?> kind, FramedGraph<?> framedGraph, Element element) {
                        element.setProperty("class", kind.getName());
        }, new JavaHandlerModule());

        commonGroupId = createCommonGroup();
        appGroupId = addSpecialGroup(Group.APP_GROUP);
        appAccessGroupId = addSpecialGroup(Group.APP_ACCESS_GROUP);

    public GroupIDProvider getIdProvider() {
        return this.idProvider;

    public Graph getGraph() {
        return this.graph;

    public FramedGraph<TitanGraph> getFramedGraph() {
        return framedGraphFactory.create(graph);

    public Object getCommonGroupId() {
        return commonGroupId;

    public Object getAppGroupId() {
        return appGroupId;

     * Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated
     * with it. If the stream is already closed then invoking this
     * method has no effect.
     * @throws java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs
    public void close() throws IOException {

     * Commit a transaction with the graph
     * Transactions must be committed before changes made to the graph in other threads will be realized. If an
     * operation is doing many reads, it may be ideal to wait until the current transaction is fully finished
     * before committing the transaction. For this reason, read operations on this class do not automatically close
     * the transaction, and you must do so by calling this method
    public void commitTransaction() {

     * Transactions must be committed before changes made to the graph in other threads will be realized. If an
     * operation is doing many reads, it may be ideal to wait until the current transaction is fully finished
     * before committing the transaction. For this reason, read operations on this class do not automatically close
     * the transaction, and you must do so by calling this method
     * @param rollback optionally, rollback the transaction instead of committing it
    public void commitTransaction(boolean rollback) {
        if (rollback) {
        } else {

     * Set up the common group, or just get it's vertex ID. This is the default parent group, and must be created if not
     * present
     * @return vertex id for the common group
    public Object createCommonGroup() {
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        Object commonId;

        Iterator<Vertex> v = graph.query().has(BaseVertex.INDEX, Compare.EQUAL, 0)
                .has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, EzGroupsConstants.ROOT).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        if (!v.hasNext()) {
            try {
                // create the common group
                Group cg = framedGraph.addVertex(null, Group.class);
                commonId = cg.asVertex().getId();
                logger.info("Created common group with name: {}, index:{}", cg.getGroupName(), cg.getIndex());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Failed to create common group", e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set current ID for common group");
        } else {
            commonId = v.next().getId();

        return commonId;

    public Object addSpecialGroup(String specialName) {
        Vertex parentGroup = graph.getVertex(commonGroupId);

        // Get the vertex/id
        Object specialId;
        String groupName = Joiner.on(GROUP_NAME_SEP).join(Group.COMMON_GROUP, specialName);
        Iterator<Vertex> groups = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, groupName).limit(1).vertices()
        if (groups.hasNext()) {
            specialId = groups.next().getId();
        } else {
            try {
                Group specialGroup = addGroupPrivileged(parentGroup, specialName,
                        new GroupInheritancePermissions(false, false, false, false, false), true, false);
                specialId = specialGroup.asVertex().getId();
            } catch (VertexExistsException e) {
                // Should not happen, but create as best we can
                try {
                    Group specialGroup = getFramedGraph().addVertex(null, Group.class);
                    specialGroup.setGroupName(new GroupNameHelper().addRootGroupPrefix(groupName));
                    assignEdges(parentGroup, specialGroup.asVertex(), false, false, false, false, false);
                    specialId = specialGroup.asVertex().getId();
                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    logger.error("Failed to create {} group", specialName, e1);
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to acquire ID for " + specialName);
            } catch (IndexUnavailableException e) {
                // transaction rollback responsibility of thrower
                logger.error("Failed to create {} group. Problem getting id", specialName, e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to acquire ID for " + specialName, e);
            } catch (InvalidGroupNameException e) {
                logger.error("Failed to create {} group. Invalid name", specialName, e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid name for group " + specialName, e);

        return specialId;

     * Add a new child group to the common group, with the default inheritances
     * @param ownerType
     * @param ownerPrincipal
     * @param groupName
     * @return
     * @throws VertexExistsException
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
    public Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName)
            throws VertexExistsException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, IndexUnavailableException,
            InvalidGroupNameException {
        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerPrincipal, groupName, new GroupInheritancePermissions(),
                new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);

     * Add a new child group to the common group with the specified inheritances
     * @param ownerType
     * @param ownerPrincipal
     * @param groupName
     * @return
     * @throws VertexExistsException
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
    public Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName,
            GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, UserGroupPermissions permissions, boolean requireOnlyUser,
            boolean requireOnlyApp) throws UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, VertexExistsException,
            IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerPrincipal, groupName, graph.getVertex(commonGroupId), inheritance,
                permissions, requireOnlyUser, requireOnlyApp);

     * @param ownerType
     * @param ownerID
     * @param groupName
     * @param parentGroup
     * @return
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VertexExistsException
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException
    public Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerID, String groupName, String parentGroup,
            GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, UserGroupPermissions permissions, boolean requireOnlyUser,
            boolean requireOnlyApp) throws UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, VertexExistsException,
            VertexNotFoundException, IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        Iterator<Vertex> parents = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, parentGroup).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        if (!parents.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the parent group: " + parentGroup);

        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerID, groupName, parents.next(), inheritance, permissions, requireOnlyUser,

    protected Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName,
            String parentGroup) throws VertexExistsException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException,
            IndexUnavailableException, VertexNotFoundException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerPrincipal, groupName, getGroup(parentGroup).asVertex(),
                new GroupInheritancePermissions(true, false, false, false, false),
                new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);

    protected Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName,
            Group parentGroup) throws VertexExistsException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException,
            IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerPrincipal, groupName, parentGroup.asVertex(),
                new GroupInheritancePermissions(true, false, false, false, false),
                new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);

    protected Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName,
            Vertex parent) throws VertexExistsException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException,
            IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        return addGroup(ownerType, ownerPrincipal, groupName, parent, new GroupInheritancePermissions(),
                new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);

     * Add a new Group vertex to the graph. A childGroup edge will run from the parent vertex to the new group. Direct
     * admin edges (all of them) will run from the owner to the new group vertex. The inherit flags are used to set up
     * admin edges from the parent group to the new group. If a sibling group with the same name exists, throw an error
     * @param groupName
     * @param parent
     * @throws ezbake.groups.graph.exception.VertexExistsException if a sibling vertex with the same groupName
     * already exists
     * @return vertex id of the newly created group
    protected Group addGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType ownerType, String ownerPrincipal, String groupName,
            Vertex parent, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, UserGroupPermissions permissions,
            boolean requireOnlyUser, boolean requireOnlyApp) throws AccessDeniedException, UserNotFoundException,
            VertexExistsException, IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        logger.info("Processing addGroup with groupName: {}, parent: {}", groupName,
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        if (isAppAccessGroup(parent)) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException("No child groups may be added to the " + Group.APP_ACCESS_GROUP);

        // Find the owner
        User owner;
        Iterator<User> ownerit = framedGraph.query().has(User.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, ownerType.toString())
                .has(User.PRINCIPAL, Compare.EQUAL, ownerPrincipal).limit(1).vertices(User.class).iterator();
        if (!ownerit.hasNext()) {
            throw new UserNotFoundException("Requested owner for new group does not exist");
        owner = ownerit.next();

        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));
        // Owner must have admin create child on the parent group
        q.getPermissionEnforcer().validateAuthorized(owner, parent, Permission.CREATE_CHILD);

        return addGroupPrivileged(parent, owner.asVertex(), groupName, inheritance, permissions, requireOnlyUser,

     * Adds a group to a parent group, but does not do any access checks. This should only be used internally, and only
     * if you know what you are doing!
     * @param parent
     * @param owner
     * @param groupName
     * @return
     * @throws VertexExistsException
    private Group addGroupPrivileged(Vertex parent, Vertex owner, String groupName,
            GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, UserGroupPermissions permissions, boolean requireOnlyUser,
            boolean requireOnlyApp)
            throws VertexExistsException, IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        Group group = addGroupPrivileged(parent, groupName, inheritance, requireOnlyUser, requireOnlyApp);

        // Add direct admin to the group from the owner
        assignEdges(owner, group.asVertex(), permissions.isDataAccess(), permissions.isAdminRead(),
                permissions.isAdminWrite(), permissions.isAdminManage(), permissions.isAdminCreateChild());

        return group;

     * Adds a group to a parent group, but does not do any access checks. This should only be used internally, and only
     * if you know what you are doing!
     * @param parent
     * @param groupName
     * @return
     * @throws VertexExistsException
    private Group addGroupPrivileged(Vertex parent, String groupName, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance,
            boolean requireOnlyUser, boolean requireOnlyApp)
            throws VertexExistsException, IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        if (groupName.contains(EzGroupsConstants.GROUP_NAME_SEP)) {
            throw new InvalidGroupNameException(
                    "Group name must not contain '" + EzGroupsConstants.GROUP_NAME_SEP + "'");

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        Group parentGroup = framedGraph.frame(parent, Group.class);

        // Append the parent group name:
        String groupNameWithPath = Joiner.on(GROUP_NAME_SEP).join(parentGroup.getGroupName(), groupName);

        // Check existence - query parent group for group of the same name
        GremlinPipeline siblingExists = new GremlinPipeline(parent).outE(Group.CHILD_GROUP).inV()
                .has(Group.FRIENDLY_GROUP_NAME, groupName);
        if (siblingExists.hasNext()) {
            logger.debug("Parent vertex: {} has children with groupName: {}", parentGroup.getGroupName(),
            throw new VertexExistsException(
                    parentGroup.getGroupName() + " already has child with name: " + groupName);

        Group g = framedGraph.addVertex(null, Group.class);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IndexUnavailableException("Unable to acquire an index for group");

        assignEdges(parent, g.asVertex(), inheritance.isDataAccess(), inheritance.isAdminRead(),
                inheritance.isAdminWrite(), inheritance.isAdminManage(), inheritance.isAdminCreateChild());

        return g;

     * Get group metadata with is ADMIN_READ permission check
     * @param type of Vertex
     * @param userId of a user calling getGroup
     * @param groupName being searched for
     * @return Group
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws InvalidVertexTypeException
    public Group getGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String userId, String groupName)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException,
            InvalidVertexTypeException {
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // Get the group vertex
        Iterator<Group> g = framedGraph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, groupName)
                .has(BaseVertex.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, BaseVertex.VertexType.GROUP.toString()).limit(1)
        if (!g.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Group not found: " + groupName);

        final Group group = g.next();
        final User user = getUser(type, userId);

        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));
        q.getPermissionEnforcer().validateAuthorized(user, group, Permission.READ);

        return group;

     * Returns true if group exists.
     * @param name name of group to check
     * @return true if group exists, false if not
    private boolean groupExists(String name) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

     * Get a group with NO permission check.
     * @param groupName name of group to get.
     * @return the requested group.
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the group could not be found
    public Group getGroup(String groupName) throws VertexNotFoundException {
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        // Get the group vertex
        Iterator<Group> g = framedGraph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, groupName)
                .has(BaseVertex.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, BaseVertex.VertexType.GROUP.toString()).limit(1)
        if (!g.hasNext()) {
            final String errMsg = "Group not found: " + groupName;
            throw new VertexNotFoundException(errMsg);

        return g.next();

    public Set<Group> getGroups(Set<String> groupNames) {
        Set<Group> groups = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (String groupName : groupNames) {
            try {
            } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) {
                // ignoring group
        return groups;

    public Set<User> getUsers(BaseVertex.VertexType type, Set<String> ezbakeUserIds) {
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            final String errMsg = String
                    .format("Attempted to get invalid user type. Type '%s' is not a valid user type to get!", type);

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);

        Set<User> users = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (String userId : ezbakeUserIds) {
            try {
                users.add(getUserByEzBakeId(type, userId));
            } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) {
                // ignoring user

        return users;

     * Gets all groups excluding any 'special' groups.
     * @return all groups excluding any 'special' groups
    public Set<Group> getGroups() {
        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        final Iterable<Group> groups = framedGraph.frameVertices(
                framedGraph.query().has(BaseVertex.TYPE, BaseVertex.VertexType.GROUP.toString()).vertices(),

        final Set<Group> retrievedGroups = Sets.newHashSet(groups);
        Iterables.removeIf(retrievedGroups, NON_USER_FACING_GROUP);

        return retrievedGroups;

    public Set<Group> getGroupsByIds(Set<Long> indices) {
        final Set<Group> foundGroups = Sets.newHashSet();

        for (Long id : indices) {
            final Group group = getGroupById(id);
            if (group != null) {

        return foundGroups;

    public Set<Group> getGroupsByIdsWithAuths(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, Set<Long> indices)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        final Set<Group> groups = Sets.newHashSet();

        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        for (Group group : getGroupsByIds(indices)) {
            if (q.getPermissionEnforcer().hasAnyPermission(getUser(type, principal), group)) {

        return groups;

     * Gets a group by its EzGroups index.
     * @param ezGroupsIndex EzGroups index
     * @return group with the given EzGroups index or null if a group with that index cant be found
    private Group getGroupById(long ezGroupsIndex) {
        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        // Get the group vertex
        final Iterator<Group> g = framedGraph.query().has(Group.INDEX, Compare.EQUAL, ezGroupsIndex)
                .has(BaseVertex.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, BaseVertex.VertexType.GROUP.toString()).limit(1)
        if (!g.hasNext()) {
            return null;

        return g.next();

     * Gets an Ezbake User by the given EzBake ID.
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param ezBakeUserId user ID of the desired user
     * @return the requested User object
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the User could not be found
    private User getUserByEzBakeId(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String ezBakeUserId) throws VertexNotFoundException {
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // Get the user vertex
        Iterator<User> g = framedGraph.query().has(User.PRINCIPAL, Compare.EQUAL, ezBakeUserId)
                .has(BaseVertex.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, type.toString()).limit(1).vertices(User.class).iterator();
        if (!g.hasNext()) {
            final String errMsg = "User not found: " + ezBakeUserId;
            throw new VertexNotFoundException(errMsg);

        return g.next();

     * Gets if an user exists in groups.
     * @param type type of user
     * @param ezBakeUserId ezBake ID of user
     * @return true if the user exists, false if not
    private boolean userExists(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String ezBakeUserId) {
        try {
            getUserByEzBakeId(type, ezBakeUserId);
            return true;
        } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

    public void setGroupInheritance(String groupName, boolean dataAccess, boolean adminRead, boolean adminWrite,
            boolean adminManage, boolean adminCreateChild) throws VertexNotFoundException {
        Iterator<Vertex> gs = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, groupName).limit(1).vertices()
        if (!gs.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the group: " + groupName);
        setGroupInheritance(gs.next(), dataAccess, adminRead, adminWrite, adminManage, adminCreateChild);

    protected void setGroupInheritance(Vertex group, boolean dataAccess, boolean adminRead, boolean adminWrite,
            boolean adminManage, boolean adminCreateChild) throws VertexNotFoundException {
        // Find the parent group
        GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> parentPipe = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(group)
        if (!parentPipe.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException(
                    "Unable to find parent group of: " + group.getProperty(Group.GROUP_NAME));
        Vertex parent = parentPipe.next();

        assignEdges(parent, group, dataAccess, adminRead, adminWrite, adminManage, adminCreateChild);

     * Change the friendly name of a group and all of its children's fully qualified names as appropriate. Note that
     * there are NO checks on whether this operation should be permit here. For a change group name operation that
     * should have permission checked, see {@link #changeGroupName(ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User, String,
     * String)}
     * <p/>
     * For example: 'root.parentName.myName' could be a fully qualified group name with a friendly name of 'myName'. By
     * passing in this fully qualified group name and new friendly name 'newName' the fully qualified name would become
     * 'root.parentName.newName' with friendly name 'newName'.
     * @param groupName name of the group whose name to change
     * @param newFriendlyName new friendly name for the given group
     * @return a map of old group names to new group names if any were changed
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the given group cannot be found
     * @throws VertexExistsException if a group by the new name already exists
    public Map<String, String> changeGroupName(String groupName, String newFriendlyName)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, VertexExistsException {
        if (groupName.endsWith(newFriendlyName)) {
            return Maps.newHashMap();

        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        final String newGroupName = gnh.changeGroupName(groupName, newFriendlyName);
        if (groupExists(newGroupName)) {
            final String errMsg = String.format(
                    "Cannot rename a group to a group that already exists! Changing group's name '%s to '%s' cannot "
                            + "be completed.",
                    groupName, newGroupName);

            throw new VertexExistsException(errMsg);

        final Group group = getGroup(groupName);
        logger.info("Updating group name {} -> {}", groupName, newGroupName);

        final Map<String, String> changedGroupNames = Maps.newHashMap();
        changedGroupNames.put(groupName, newGroupName);
        // Change the group name and all child groups
        final List<Vertex> groups = Lists.newArrayList();
        getChildGroups(true, framedGraph, group.asVertex(), true).store(groups).iterate();

        for (Vertex v : groups) {
            final Group currentGroup = framedGraph.frame(v, Group.class);
            final String cgName = currentGroup.getGroupName();
            final String cgNewName = cgName.replace(groupName, newGroupName);
            logger.info("Updating child group name {} -> {}", cgName, cgNewName);
            changedGroupNames.put(cgName, cgNewName);

        return changedGroupNames;

     * Change the friendly name of a group and all of its children's fully qualified names as appropriate. This
     * operation is only allowed if the given {@code User} is authorized to manage all affected groups.
     * @param requesterType whether the requester is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param userId ID/principal of user requesting the operation
     * @param fullyQualifiedGroupName name of the group whose name will be changed
     * @param newFriendlyName new friendly name for the given group
     * @return a map of names before the change to names after the change, or an empty map if none were changed
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user principal could not be mapped to a valid user
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if the given User does not have manage rights on all affected groups
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the given group cannot be found
     * @throws ezbake.groups.graph.exception.VertexExistsException if a group by the new name already exists
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code requesterType} is not USER or APP_USER
    public Map<String, String> changeGroupName(BaseVertex.VertexType requesterType, String userId,
            String fullyQualifiedGroupName, String newFriendlyName)
            throws UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, VertexNotFoundException, VertexExistsException {
        if (requesterType == BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER || requesterType == BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
            final User requester = findAndRetrieveUserById(requesterType, userId, framedGraph);

            return changeGroupName(requester, fullyQualifiedGroupName, newFriendlyName);
        } else {
            final String errMsg = String.format("Type of requester for a name change must be either '%s' or '%s'!",
                    BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, BaseVertex.VertexType.USER);

            throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);

     * Change the friendly name of a group and all of its children's fully qualified names as appropriate. This
     * operation is only allowed if the given {@code User} is authorized to manage all affected groups.
     * @param requester User requesting the operation
     * @param fullyQualifiedGroupName name of the group whose name will be changed
     * @param newFriendlyName new friendly name for the given group
     * @return a Map of old group names to new group names or an empty map if none were changed
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if the given User does not have manage rights on all affected groups
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the given group cannot be found
     * @throws ezbake.groups.graph.exception.VertexExistsException if a group by the new name already exists
    private Map<String, String> changeGroupName(final User requester, String fullyQualifiedGroupName,
            String newFriendlyName) throws AccessDeniedException, VertexNotFoundException, VertexExistsException {
        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        final Group group = getGroup(fullyQualifiedGroupName);

        final GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> groupVertexPipe = getChildGroups(true, framedGraph, group.asVertex(),

        final List<Vertex> verticesToCheck = groupVertexPipe.toList();

        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));
        q.getPermissionEnforcer().validateAuthorized(requester, verticesToCheck, Permission.MANAGE);

        return changeGroupName(fullyQualifiedGroupName, newFriendlyName);

     * Add a new user to the graph. Create a DataAccess edge, and all the admin edges to the common group
     * @param type
     * @param principal
     * @param name
     * @throws ezbake.groups.graph.exception.VertexExistsException
     * @return
    public User addUser(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String name)
            throws InvalidVertexTypeException, VertexExistsException, AccessDeniedException, UserNotFoundException,
            IndexUnavailableException, InvalidGroupNameException {
        logger.info("Processing addUser type: {}, principal: {}, name: {}", type, principal, name);

        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException("Cannot create user of type: " + type);

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        Iterator<User> users = framedGraph.query().has(User.PRINCIPAL, Compare.EQUAL, principal)
                .has(BaseVertex.TYPE, Compare.EQUAL, type.toString()).limit(1).vertices(User.class).iterator();
        if (users.hasNext()) {
            logger.warn("User with principal: {} and type: {} already exists, not creating new user", principal,
            throw new VertexExistsException("A " + type + " with principal: " + principal + " already exists");

        // Add the User
        User user = framedGraph.addVertex(null, User.class);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error getting the next group ID", e);
            throw new IndexUnavailableException("Unable to receive new index", e);

        // Add edges for the User to the common group
        Vertex commonGroup = graph.getVertex(commonGroupId);
        assignEdges(user.asVertex(), commonGroup, true, false, false, false, true);

        switch (type) {
        case APP_USER:
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) {
                throw new InvalidGroupNameException("App Users must have a name in order to create app groups");
            // App users get direct data_access on appaccess group
            assignEdges(user.asVertex(), graph.getVertex(appAccessGroupId), true, false, false, false, false);

            // Add the app group and app access group
            Object appGroup = addGroupPrivileged(graph.getVertex(appGroupId), user.asVertex(), name,
                    new GroupInheritancePermissions(false, false, false, false, false),
                    new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);
            Object appAccessGroup = addGroupPrivileged(graph.getVertex(appAccessGroupId), user.asVertex(), name,
                    new GroupInheritancePermissions(true, false, false, false, false),
                    new UserGroupPermissionsWrapper(true, true, true, true, true), true, false);
        case USER:
            logger.error("Adding user encountered type : {}", type);

        return user;

     * Gets an user by its Titan/ EzGroups ID.
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param id Titan ID/ vertex ID of the user
     * @return an User identified by the given ID and type
     * @throws InvalidVertexTypeException if the UserType is not USER or APP_USER
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user cannot be found
    public User getUser(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String id)
            throws InvalidVertexTypeException, UserNotFoundException {
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException(
                    String.format("'%s' is not an user type that can be retrieved!", type));
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        return findAndRetrieveUserById(type, id, framedGraph);

     * Updates an user's principal to the new principal.
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user's original principal
     * @param newPrincipal new principal for the user
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user cannot be found
     * @throws InvalidVertexTypeException if the type is not USER or APP_USER
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the user is an APP user and associated groups (e.g. app access) are missing
     * @throws VertexExistsException if a vertex already exists with the new principal
    public void updateUser(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String newPrincipal)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException, VertexNotFoundException,
            VertexExistsException {

        updateUser(type, principal, newPrincipal, null);

     * Updates an user's principal to the new principal.
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user's original principal
     * @param newPrincipal new principal for the user
     * @param newName new name for the user - if this field is the same as original name or empty, name is not changed
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user cannot be found
     * @throws InvalidVertexTypeException if the type is not USER or APP_USER
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException if the user is an APP user and associated groups (e.g. app access) are missing
     * @throws VertexExistsException if a vertex already exists with the new principal
    public void updateUser(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String newPrincipal, String newName)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException, VertexNotFoundException,
            VertexExistsException {
        logger.info("Processing updateUser user type: {}, principal: {}, newPrincipal: {}", type, principal,

        // only accept valid user types
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            final String errMsg = "Cannot update user for type: " + type;
            logger.error("Cannot update user for type: " + type);
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException(errMsg);

        User user;

        // prevent principal change to a principal that already exists
        if (!principal.equals(newPrincipal) && userExists(type, newPrincipal)) {
            final String errMsg = String.format(
                    "Cannot update user with principal '%s' to new principal '%s', a vertex already exists with that "
                            + "principal!",
                    principal, newPrincipal);

            throw new VertexExistsException(errMsg);
        } else {
            // get the user and set its principal to the new value
            user = getUserByEzBakeId(type, principal);

        // Only set the name if a value is provided
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(newName) && !newName.trim().isEmpty()) {
            // If app user, need to update the app groups
            if (type == BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER) {
                final String currentName = user.getName();

                // Update group name
                final GroupNameHelper helper = new GroupNameHelper();
                final String appGroupName = helper.getNamespacedAppGroup(currentName);
                final String appAccessGroupName = helper.getNamespacedAppAccessGroup(currentName);

                try {
                    changeGroupName(appGroupName, newName);
                    changeGroupName(appAccessGroupName, newName);
                } catch (VertexNotFoundException | VertexExistsException e) {
                    logger.error("Failed to change APP_USER(id:{}) Name {} -> {}", principal, currentName, newName);
                    throw e;

            // update the user name


    public void setUserActiveOrNot(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, boolean active)
            throws InvalidVertexTypeException, UserNotFoundException {
        logger.info("Processing {} User user type: {}, principal: {}", active ? "activate" : "deactivate", type,
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException("Cannot add vertex of type: " + type + " to groups");

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        // Get the user vertex
        final User user = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, principal, framedGraph);

    public void setGroupActiveOrNot(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String userId, final String groupName,
            boolean active) throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException {
        setGroupActiveOrNot(type, userId, groupName, active, false);

    public void setGroupActiveOrNot(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String userId, final String groupName,
            boolean active, boolean andChildren)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException {
        logger.info("Processing activate/deactivate group: {}, become active: {}", groupName, active);
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // find the user
        final User user = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, userId, framedGraph);

        // find the group
        Iterator<Group> gs = framedGraph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices(Group.class)
        if (!gs.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException(
                    "Group: " + groupName + " does not exist. Cannot change active/deactivated");
        Group g = gs.next();

        // Find the group by traversing from the user along admin manage
        GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> gi = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(user.asVertex())
                .loop("traversalLoop", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return !vertexLoopBundle.getObject().getProperty(Group.GROUP_NAME).equals(groupName);
        if (!gi.hasNext()) {
            // Check if the vertex even exists
            if (!graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).vertices().iterator().hasNext()) {
                throw new VertexNotFoundException(
                        "Group: " + groupName + " does not exist. Cannot change active/deactivated");
            } else {
                throw new AccessDeniedException(
                        "User must have admin manage permissions on a group to " + "activate/deactivate it");
        Group g1 = framedGraph.frame(gi.next(), Group.class);

        if (andChildren) {
            GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> pipe = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(g.asVertex()).as("LOOPING")
                    // Make sure we can get back to the user
                    .loop("LOOPING", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                            return !vertexLoopBundle.getObject().getId().equals(user.asVertex().getId());
                    .loop("NEWLOOP", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                            return true;
                    }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                            return true;
                    }).as("child groups").inE(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_MANAGE.toString()).outV()
                    .loop("child groups", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                            return !vertexLoopBundle.getObject().getId().equals(user.asVertex().getId());
                    }).back("child groups").cast(Vertex.class);

            for (Vertex v : pipe) {
                Group childGroup = framedGraph.frame(v, Group.class);
                logger.info("Also {} child group {}", (active) ? "activating" : "deactivating",

    public void deleteUser(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal)
            throws InvalidVertexTypeException, UserNotFoundException {
        logger.info("Processing deleteUser user type: {}, principal: {}", type, principal);
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException("Cannot add vertex of type: " + type + " to groups");

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        // Get the user vertex
        final User user = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, principal, framedGraph);


     * Add a user to a group, which involves creating a direct DATA_ACCESS edge between the two
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user principal
     * @param groupName String group name
    public void addUserToGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String groupName)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        addUserToGroup(type, principal, groupName, true, false, false, false, false);

     * Add a user to a group, which involves creating a direct DATA_ACCESS edge between the two
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user principal
     * @param groupName String group name
    public void addUserToGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String groupName, boolean dataAccess,
            boolean adminRead, boolean adminWrite, boolean adminManage, boolean adminCreateChild)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        // Get the group verted
        Iterator<Group> groups = getFramedGraph().query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, Compare.EQUAL, groupName).limit(1)
        if (!groups.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the group: " + groupName);
        addUserToGroup(type, principal, groups.next(), dataAccess, adminRead, adminWrite, adminManage,

     * Add a user to a group, which involves creating a direct DATA_ACCESS edge between the two
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user principal
     * @param group Vertex of the group the user should be added to
    public void addUserToGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, Group group)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        addUserToGroup(type, principal, group, true, false, false, false, false);

     * Add a user to a group, which involves creating a direct DATA_ACCESS edge between the two
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user principal
     * @param group Vertex of the group the user should be added to
    public void addUserToGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, Group group, boolean dataAcces,
            boolean adminRead, boolean adminWrite, boolean adminManage, boolean adminCreateChild)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        logger.info("Processing addUserToGroup group: {}, user type: {}, principal: {}", group.getGroupName(), type,
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException("Cannot add vertex of type: " + type + " to groups");
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // Get the user vertex
        final User user = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, principal, framedGraph);
        assignEdges(user.asVertex(), group.asVertex(), dataAcces, adminRead, adminWrite, adminManage,


    public void removeUserFromGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, String groupName)
            throws UserNotFoundException, VertexNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        // Get the group verted
        Iterator<Vertex> groups = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        if (!groups.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the group: " + groupName);
        removeUserFromGroup(type, principal, groups.next().getId());

     * o
     * Remove a user from a group. The user must have explict access to that group in order to be removed. This simply
     * removes the DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group
     * @param type whether the user is a USER or an APP_USER
     * @param principal user principal
     * @param groupId Vertex ID of the group the user should be removed from
    public void removeUserFromGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String principal, Object groupId)
            throws UserNotFoundException, InvalidVertexTypeException {
        logger.info("Processing removeUserFromGroup group: {}, user type: {}, principal: {}", groupId, type,
        if (type != BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER && type != BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
            throw new InvalidVertexTypeException("Cannot remove vertex of type: " + type + " to groups");

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // Get the user vertex
        final User user = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, principal, framedGraph);
        Group group = framedGraph.getVertex(groupId, Group.class);

        removeEdges(user.asVertex(), group.asVertex(), true, false, false, false, false);

     * Traverse the graph to determine all of the groups an user is a member of. Group membership is defined as having a
     * path along DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group.
     * @param vertexID Titan ID of the user
     * @return the set of Group objects for all the groups the user is a member of
    Set<Group> userGroups(Object vertexID) {
        return userGroups(graph.getVertex(vertexID), false, true);

     * Traverse the graph to determine all of the groups an user is a member of. Group membership is defined as having a
     * path along DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group.
     * @param userID EzBake ID of the user for which to get the groups they are a member of
     * @return the set of all groups the user is a member of
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user whose groups were requested could not be found
    public Set<Group> userGroups(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userID) throws UserNotFoundException {
        return userGroups(userType, userID, false);

     * Traverse the graph to determine all of the groups a user is a member of. Group membership is defined as having a
     * path along DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group.
     * @param userID EzBake ID of the user for which to get the groups they are a member of
     * @return the set of all groups the user is a member of
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user could not be found
    public Set<Group> userGroups(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userID, boolean explicitGroupsOnly)
            throws UserNotFoundException {
        return userGroups(userType, userID, explicitGroupsOnly, true);

     * Traverse the graph to determine all of the groups a user is a member of. Group membership is defined as having a
     * path along DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group.
     * @param userType type of user, USER or APP_USER
     * @param userID EzBake ID of the user for which to get the groups they are a member of
     * @param explicitGroupsOnly if only groups that have a direct DATA_ACCESS edge to the user should be included in
     * the result
     * @param includeInactive if inactive groups should be included in the result
     * @return the set of all groups the user is a member of, or just the set of groups the user has a direct
     * DATA_ACCESS edge to if {@code explicitGroupsOnly} is true.
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user for which groups are requested cannot be found
    public Set<Group> userGroups(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userID, boolean explicitGroupsOnly,
            boolean includeInactive) throws UserNotFoundException {
        Iterator<Vertex> users = graph.query().has(BaseVertex.TYPE, userType.toString()).has(User.PRINCIPAL, userID)
        if (!users.hasNext()) {
            throw new UserNotFoundException("No user found with ID: " + userID);

        logger.trace("getting groups for {}", userID);
        return userGroups(users.next(), explicitGroupsOnly, includeInactive);

     * Traverse the graph to determine all of the groups a user is a member of. Group membership is defined as having a
     * path along DATA_ACCESS edges from the user to the group. If retrieving explicit groups, only return groups that
     * have a direct DATA_ACCESS edge.
     * @param user the user vertex from which to traverse down DATA_ACCESS edges
     * @param explicitPath if true, only return groups that have a direct DATA_ACCESS edge
     * @return the set of all groups the user is a member of
    Set<Group> userGroups(Vertex user, final boolean explicitPath, boolean includeInactive) {
        logger.trace("user: {}, explicitPath: {}, includeInactive: {}", user, explicitPath, includeInactive);

        final Set<Group> groups = new HashSet<>();

        GremlinPipeline<Object, Vertex> pipe = new GremlinPipeline<>(user).as("user_groups")
                .loop("user_groups", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return !explicitPath;
                }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return BaseVertex.VertexType.GROUP.toString()

        // Collect the results
        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        while (pipe.hasNext()) {
            Group g = framedGraph.frame(pipe.next(), Group.class);
            if (!includeInactive && !g.isActive()) {

        logger.trace("got user groups: {}", groups);
        return groups;

     * Look up members of a group by first querying the graph for the group by group name. Collect the group members by
     * traversing the graph from a group vertex, along IN DATA_ACCESS edges, to find users who have access to that group
     * @param groupName name of the group
     * @param explicityOnly only return group members who are explicitly included in the group
     * @return a set of User objects (both app and regular users)
    public Set<User> groupMembers(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userId, String groupName,
            boolean explicityOnly) throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException {
        return groupMembers(userType, userId, groupName, true, true, explicityOnly);

     * Look up members of a group by first querying the graph for the group by group name. Collect the group members by
     * traversing the graph from a group vertex, along IN DATA_ACCESS edges, to find users who have access to that group
     * @param groupName name of the group
     * @param explicityOnly only return group members who are explicitly included in the group
     * @param includeUsers whether or not users should be included in the query
     * @param includeApps whether or not apps should be included in the query
     * @return a set of User objects (both app and regular users)
    public Set<User> groupMembers(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userId, String groupName,
            final boolean includeUsers, final boolean includeApps, boolean explicityOnly)
            throws VertexNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException {
        // Find the owner
        Iterator<Vertex> users = graph.query().has(BaseVertex.TYPE, userType.toString()).has(User.PRINCIPAL, userId)
        if (!users.hasNext()) {
            throw new UserNotFoundException("No user id: " + userId);

        // Find the group
        Iterator<Vertex> groups = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        if (!groups.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("No group found with name: " + groupName);

        return groupMembers(users.next(), groups.next(), includeUsers, includeApps, explicityOnly);

    public Set<String> specialAppNamesQuery(String specialGroupName, Vertex user) throws VertexNotFoundException {
        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        return q.getAppGroupQuery().specialAppNamesQuery(specialGroupName, user);

     * Traverse the graph from a group vertex, along IN DATA_ACCESS edges, to find users who have access to that group
     * @param group Vertex of group where the query should begin
     * @param explicitPath if true, only return users that have a direct edge
     * @param includeUsers whether group members of type USER are included in result
     * @param includeApps whether group members of type APP_USER are included in result
     * @return a set of User objects (both app and regular users)
    public Set<User> groupMembers(final Vertex user, final Vertex group, final boolean includeUsers,
            final boolean includeApps, final boolean explicitPath) {
        final Set<User> users = new HashSet<>();

        GremlinPipeline<Object, Vertex> pipe = new GremlinPipeline<>(user).as("owner_access")
                .loop("owner_access", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return !vertexLoopBundle.getObject().getId().equals(group.getId());
                .loop("group_member_traversal", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return !explicitPath;
                }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        boolean isUser = BaseVertex.VertexType.USER.toString()
                        boolean isApp = BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER.toString()

                        return (includeUsers && isUser) || (includeApps && isApp);

        FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();
        while (pipe.hasNext()) {
            User member = framedGraph.frame(pipe.next(), User.class);
        return users;

     * Get child groups starting at a named parent group, as a user. The user must have ADMIN_READ permissions on the
     * parent group to get any results, and they will only see child groups they also have ADMIN_READ on. This will
     * only return direct children of the named parent group
     * @param userType type of user, USER or APP_USER
     * @param id the user's unique external id
     * @param groupName name of the group at which to start the query
     * @return a set of all the child groups the user can view
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
    public Set<Group> getGroupChildren(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id, String groupName)
            throws UserNotFoundException, VertexNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException {
        return getGroupChildren(userType, id, groupName, false);

     * Get child groups starting at a named parent group, as a user. The user must have ADMIN_READ permissions on the
     * parent group to get any results, and they will only see child groups they also have ADMIN_READ on.
     * @param userType type of user, USER or APP_USER
     * @param id the user's unique external id
     * @param recurse if true, this will return child groups of the children
     * @return a set of all the child groups the user can view
     * @throws UserNotFoundException
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
    public Set<Group> getGroupChildren(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id, String groupName,
            final boolean recurse) throws UserNotFoundException, VertexNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException {
        return getGroupChildren(userType, id, groupName, recurse, false);

    public Set<Group> getGroupChildren(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id, String groupName,
            final boolean recurse, boolean includeSelf)
            throws UserNotFoundException, VertexNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException {
        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // find the user vertex
        final User owner = findAndRetrieveUserById(userType, id, framedGraph);

        // find the parent group
        Iterator<Vertex> parents = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        if (!parents.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the parent group: " + groupName);
        Vertex parent = parents.next();

        final GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> groupPath = getChildGroups(recurse, framedGraph, parent, true);

                .loop("traverse_back_to_user", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                    public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                        return !vertexLoopBundle.getObject().equals(owner.asVertex());

        Set<Group> childGroups = Sets.newHashSet(framedGraph.frameVertices(groupPath, Group.class));
        if (includeSelf) {
            childGroups.add(framedGraph.frame(parent, Group.class));
        return childGroups;

     * Gets children of a given Vertex. A group-vertex is considered a child group of another group-vertex if it
     * has path of incoming {@link Group#CHILD_GROUP} edges connecting to that vertex. If {@code recurse} is false, only
     * the children one hop away are returned, otherwise all children are returned.
     * @param recurse true if all children are desired, false if only the immediate children
     * @param framedGraph framed graph to traverse
     * @param parent vertex to get the children from
     * @param activeGroupsOnly whether or not to only return active groups
     * @return a gremlin pipeline with the requested child groups
    private GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex> getChildGroups(final boolean recurse,
            final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph, Vertex parent, final boolean activeGroupsOnly) {
        final String findChildGroups = "findChildGroups";

        return new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(parent)
                // Traverse all the child groups, and emit as appropriate

                        new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                            public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {

                                return recurse;
                        }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() {
                            public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) {
                                final Group g = framedGraph.frame(vertexLoopBundle.getObject(), Group.class);
                                if (activeGroupsOnly) {
                                    return g.isActive();
                                } else {
                                    return true;

     * Given group name, infer permissions based on all edges between given vertex (determined by group name) and its
     * parent
     * @param groupName
     * @return inheritance permissions
     * @throws VertexNotFoundException
    public GroupInheritancePermissions getGroupInheritancePermissions(String groupName)
            throws VertexNotFoundException {
        List<String> split = Splitter.on(EzGroupsConstants.GROUP_NAME_SEP).splitToList(groupName);

        String parentName;
        if (split.size() > 1) { // prevent array out of boundary exception
            parentName = Joiner.on(EzGroupsConstants.GROUP_NAME_SEP).join(split.subList(0, split.size() - 1));
        } else {
            parentName = groupName;

        Iterator<Vertex> parents = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, parentName).limit(1).vertices().iterator();
        Iterator<Vertex> children = graph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices().iterator();

        if (!parents.hasNext() || !children.hasNext()) {
            logger.error("Cannot find group name: parent group {} | child group {}", parentName, groupName);
            throw new VertexNotFoundException(
                    "Cannot find group name: parent group " + parentName + " | child group " + groupName);

        Vertex parent = parents.next();
        Vertex child = children.next();
        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        return new GroupInheritancePermissions(
                q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(parent, child.getId(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.DATA_ACCESS.toString()),
                q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(parent, child.getId(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_READ.toString()),
                q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(parent, child.getId(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_WRITE.toString()),
                q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(parent, child.getId(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_MANAGE.toString()),
                q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(parent, child.getId(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_CREATE_CHILD.toString()));

    public Set<BaseEdge.EdgeType> userPermissionsOnGroup(BaseVertex.VertexType type, String userPrincipal,
            String groupName) throws UserNotFoundException, VertexNotFoundException {
        final FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph();

        // find the user vertex
        final User owner = findAndRetrieveUserById(type, userPrincipal, framedGraph);

        // find the group group
        Iterator<Group> groups = framedGraph.query().has(Group.GROUP_NAME, groupName).limit(1).vertices(Group.class)
        if (!groups.hasNext()) {
            throw new VertexNotFoundException("Cannot find the group: " + groupName);
        Group group = groups.next();

        Set<BaseEdge.EdgeType> edges = new HashSet<>();
        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        for (BaseEdge.EdgeType edge : BaseEdge.EdgeType.values()) {
            if (q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(owner.asVertex(), group.asVertex().getId(), edge.toString())) {

        return edges;

    public boolean pathExists(Vertex source, Vertex target, String... edgeLabel) {
        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        return q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(source, target, edgeLabel);

     * Finds and returns an User-vertex of the given type, by the given ID.
     * @param userType type of user, USER or APP_USER
     * @param id principal/id of the user to retrieve
     * @param framedGraph graph to search for the user
     * @return an User-vertex by the given ID
     * @throws UserNotFoundException if the user cannot be found
    private User findAndRetrieveUserById(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id,
            FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph) throws UserNotFoundException {
        Iterator<User> ownerit = framedGraph.query().limit(1).has(User.TYPE, userType.toString())
                .has(User.PRINCIPAL, id).vertices(User.class).iterator();

        if (!ownerit.hasNext()) {
            final String errMsg = String.format(String.format("User: '%s' of type: '%s' not found.", id, userType));
            throw new UserNotFoundException(errMsg);

        return ownerit.next();

     * App Access groups cannot have children, this will return true if it is a child group of App access
     * @param group the group that is being checked
     * @return true if the group is a child of app access
    protected boolean isAppAccessGroup(Vertex group) {
        return group != null && new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(group).inE(Group.CHILD_GROUP).outV()
                .has("id", appAccessGroupId).hasNext();

     * Helper function that will assign the various different edges between two vertices
     *  @param parent Vertex that will be the source of the edges
     * @param child Vertex that will be the destination of the edges
     * @param dataAccess if true, assign a data access edge
     * @param a_read if true, assign an admin read edge
     * @param a_write if true, assign an admin write edge
     * @param a_manage if true, assign an admin manage edge
     * @param a_create_child if true, assign an admin create child edge
    protected void assignEdges(final Vertex parent, final Vertex child, boolean dataAccess, boolean a_read,
            boolean a_write, boolean a_manage, boolean a_create_child) {
        if (dataAccess) {
            parent.addEdge(BaseEdge.EdgeType.DATA_ACCESS.toString(), child);
        } else {
        if (a_create_child) {
            parent.addEdge(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_CREATE_CHILD.toString(), child);
        } else {
            removeSpecificEdge(parent.getId(), child.query().labels(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_CREATE_CHILD.toString())
        if (a_manage) {
            parent.addEdge(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_MANAGE.toString(), child);
        } else {
        if (a_read) {
            parent.addEdge(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_READ.toString(), child);
        } else {
        if (a_write) {
            parent.addEdge(BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_WRITE.toString(), child);
        } else {

    private void removeSpecificEdge(Object id, Iterable<Edge> edges) {
        for (Edge e : edges) {
            if (e.getVertex(Direction.OUT).getId().equals(id)) {
                logger.debug("Removing edge: {} {}", e, e.getLabel());

    protected Iterable<Edge> getAllEdgesBetweenVertices(final Vertex parent, final Vertex child) {
        return new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Edge>(parent)
                .outE(BaseEdge.EdgeType.DATA_ACCESS.toString(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_CREATE_CHILD.toString(),
                        BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_MANAGE.toString(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_READ.toString(),
                .as("edges").inV().has("id", child.getId()).back("edges").cast(Edge.class);

    protected void removeEdges(final Vertex parent, final Vertex child, boolean dataAccess, boolean a_create_child,
            boolean a_manage, boolean a_read, boolean a_write) {
        Iterable<Edge> edges = getAllEdgesBetweenVertices(parent, child);
        for (Edge e : edges) {
            BaseEdge.EdgeType edgeType = BaseEdge.EdgeType.valueOf(e.getLabel());
            boolean needRemove = false;

            switch (edgeType) {
            case DATA_ACCESS:
                needRemove = dataAccess;
            case A_CREATE_CHILD:
                needRemove = a_create_child;
            case A_MANAGE:
                needRemove = a_manage;
            case A_WRITE:
                needRemove = a_write;
            case A_READ:
                needRemove = a_read;

            // Remove edges that need it
            if (needRemove) {

    //TODO: test me.
    protected void manageEdges(final Vertex parent, final Vertex child, boolean dataAccess, boolean a_create_child,
            boolean a_manage, boolean a_read, boolean a_write) {
        // Get all edges that currently exist between them
        Iterable<Edge> edges = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Edge>(parent)
                .outE(BaseEdge.EdgeType.DATA_ACCESS.toString(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_CREATE_CHILD.toString(),
                        BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_MANAGE.toString(), BaseEdge.EdgeType.A_READ.toString(),
                .as("edges").inV().has("id", child.getId()).back("edges").cast(Edge.class);

        // This list will contain only edges that need to be created once the following loop is complete
        List<BaseEdge.EdgeType> needCreate = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((BaseEdge.EdgeType.values())));

        // Remove ones that shouldn't exist, and remove edges from needCreate if they already exist (and should)
        for (Edge e : edges) {
            BaseEdge.EdgeType edgeType = BaseEdge.EdgeType.valueOf(e.getLabel());
            boolean needRemove = false;

            switch (edgeType) {
            case DATA_ACCESS:
                needRemove = !dataAccess;
            case A_CREATE_CHILD:
                needRemove = !a_create_child;
            case A_MANAGE:
                needRemove = !a_manage;
            case A_WRITE:
                needRemove = !a_write;
            case A_READ:
                needRemove = !a_read;

            // Remove edges that need it
            if (needRemove) {
            } else {

        // Add those edges that didn't exist
        for (BaseEdge.EdgeType type : needCreate) {
            parent.addEdge(type.toString(), child);

    public Set<Long> getAuthorizations(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userId, List<String> appFilter)
            throws GroupQueryException {
        return new AuthorizationQuery(this).execute(userType, userId, appFilter);

    public Set<BaseEdge.EdgeType> edgesBetweenVertices(Vertex source, final Vertex destination,
            BaseEdge.EdgeType... edgeLabels) {
        Set<BaseEdge.EdgeType> edges = new HashSet<>();
        final GroupQuery q = new GroupQuery(framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph));

        for (BaseEdge.EdgeType edgeLabel : edgeLabels) {
            logger.trace("Checking edge between {} and {}", source, destination);
            if (q.getBaseQuery().pathExists(source, destination.getId(), edgeLabel.toString())) {
                logger.trace("Path existed {}", edgeLabel);

        return edges;