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 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by the Stratosphere project (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.hash;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypePairComparator;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import eu.stratosphere.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import eu.stratosphere.core.memory.MemorySegmentSource;
import eu.stratosphere.core.memory.SeekableDataOutputView;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.util.MathUtils;
import eu.stratosphere.util.MutableObjectIterator;

 * An implementation of a Hybrid Hash Join. The join starts operating in memory and gradually starts
 * spilling contents to disk, when the memory is not sufficient. It does not need to know a priori 
 * how large the input will be.
 * <p>
 * The design of this class follows on many parts the design presented in
 * "Hash joins and hash teams in Microsoft SQL Server", by Goetz Graefe et al. In its current state, the
 * implementation lacks features like dynamic role reversal, partition tuning, or histogram guided partitioning. 
 * <hr>
 * The layout of the buckets inside a memory segment is as follows:
 * <pre>
 * +----------------------------- Bucket x ----------------------------
 * |Partition (1 byte) | Status (1 byte) | element count (2 bytes) |
 * | next-bucket-in-chain-pointer (8 bytes) | reserved (4 bytes) |
 * |
 * |hashCode 1 (4 bytes) | hashCode 2 (4 bytes) | hashCode 3 (4 bytes) |
 * | ... hashCode n-1 (4 bytes) | hashCode n (4 bytes)
 * |
 * |pointer 1 (8 bytes) | pointer 2 (8 bytes) | pointer 3 (8 bytes) |
 * | ... pointer n-1 (8 bytes) | pointer n (8 bytes)
 * |
 * +---------------------------- Bucket x + 1--------------------------
 * |Partition (1 byte) | Status (1 byte) | element count (2 bytes) |
 * | next-bucket-in-chain-pointer (8 bytes) | reserved (4 bytes) |
 * |
 * |hashCode 1 (4 bytes) | hashCode 2 (4 bytes) | hashCode 3 (4 bytes) |
 * | ... hashCode n-1 (4 bytes) | hashCode n (4 bytes)
 * |
 * |pointer 1 (8 bytes) | pointer 2 (8 bytes) | pointer 3 (8 bytes) |
 * | ... pointer n-1 (8 bytes) | pointer n (8 bytes)
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------
 * | ...
 * |
 * </pre>
 * @param <BT> The type of records from the build side that are stored in the hash table.
 * @param <PT> The type of records from the probe side that are stored in the hash table.
public class MutableHashTable<BT, PT> implements MemorySegmentSource {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MutableHashTable.class);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                         Internal Constants
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The maximum number of recursive partitionings that the join does before giving up.
    private static final int MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH = 3;

     * The minimum number of memory segments the hash join needs to be supplied with in order to work.
    private static final int MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS = 33;

     * The maximum number of partitions, which defines the spilling granularity. Each recursion, the
     * data is divided maximally into that many partitions, which are processed in one chuck.
    private static final int MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS = Byte.MAX_VALUE;

     * The default record width that is used when no width is given. The record width is
     * used to determine the ratio of the number of memory segments intended for partition
     * buffers and the number of memory segments in the hash-table structure. 
    private static final int DEFAULT_RECORD_LEN = 24;

     * The length of the hash code stored in the bucket.
    private static final int HASH_CODE_LEN = 4;

     * The length of a pointer from a hash bucket to the record in the buffers.
    private static final int POINTER_LEN = 8;

     * The number of bytes for the serialized record length in the partition buffers.
    private static final int SERIALIZED_LENGTH_FIELD_BYTES = 0;

     * The number of bytes that the entry in the hash structure occupies, in bytes.
     * It corresponds to a 4 byte hash value and an 8 byte pointer.
    private static final int RECORD_TABLE_BYTES = HASH_CODE_LEN + POINTER_LEN;

     * The total storage overhead per record, in bytes. This corresponds to the space in the
     * actual hash table buckets, consisting of a 4 byte hash value and an 8 byte
     * pointer, plus the overhead for the stored length field.

    // -------------------------- Bucket Size and Structure -------------------------------------

    static final int NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS = 7;

    static final int HASH_BUCKET_SIZE = 0x1 << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

    static final int BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH = 16;



    // ------------------------------ Bucket Header Fields ------------------------------

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header indicating the bucket's partition.
    private static final int HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET = 0;

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header indicating the bucket's status (spilled or in-memory).
    private static final int HEADER_STATUS_OFFSET = 1;

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header indicating the bucket's element count.
    private static final int HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET = 2;

     * Offset of the field in the bucket header that holds the forward pointer to its
     * first overflow bucket.
    private static final int HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET = 4;

     * Constant for the forward pointer, indicating that the pointer is not set. 
    private static final long BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET = ~0x0L;

    //   private static final byte BUCKET_STATUS_SPILLED = 1;

     * Constant for the bucket status, indicating that the bucket is in memory.
    private static final byte BUCKET_STATUS_IN_MEMORY = 0;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              Members
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The utilities to serialize the build side data types.
    protected final TypeSerializer<BT> buildSideSerializer;

     * The utilities to serialize the probe side data types.
    protected final TypeSerializer<PT> probeSideSerializer;

     * The utilities to hash and compare the build side data types.
    protected final TypeComparator<BT> buildSideComparator;

     * The utilities to hash and compare the probe side data types.
    private final TypeComparator<PT> probeSideComparator;

     * The comparator used to determine (in)equality between probe side and build side records.
    private final TypePairComparator<PT, BT> recordComparator;

     * The free memory segments currently available to the hash join.
    protected final List<MemorySegment> availableMemory;

     * The queue of buffers that can be used for write-behind. Any buffer that is written
     * asynchronously to disk is returned through this queue. hence, it may sometimes contain more
    protected final LinkedBlockingQueue<MemorySegment> writeBehindBuffers;

     * The I/O manager used to instantiate writers for the spilled partitions.
    protected final IOManager ioManager;

     * The size of the segments used by the hash join buckets. All segments must be of equal size to ease offset computations.
    protected final int segmentSize;

     * The total number of memory segments available to the hash join.
    private final int totalNumBuffers;

     * The number of write-behind buffers used.
    private final int numWriteBehindBuffers;

     * The number of hash table buckets in a single memory segment - 1.
     * Because memory segments can be comparatively large, we fit multiple buckets into one memory segment.
     * This variable is a mask that is 1 in the lower bits that define the number of a bucket
     * in a segment.
    protected final int bucketsPerSegmentMask;

     * The number of bits that describe the position of a bucket in a memory segment. Computed as log2(bucketsPerSegment).
    protected final int bucketsPerSegmentBits;

     * An estimate for the average record length.
    private final int avgRecordLen;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The partitions that are built by processing the current partition.
    protected final ArrayList<HashPartition<BT, PT>> partitionsBeingBuilt;

     * The partitions that have been spilled previously and are pending to be processed.
    private final ArrayList<HashPartition<BT, PT>> partitionsPending;

     * Iterator over the elements in the hash table.
    private HashBucketIterator<BT, PT> bucketIterator;

    //   private LazyHashBucketIterator<BT, PT> lazyBucketIterator;

     * Iterator over the elements from the probe side.
    protected ProbeIterator<PT> probeIterator;

     * The reader for the spilled-file of the probe partition that is currently read.
    private BlockChannelReader currentSpilledProbeSide;

     * The channel enumerator that is used while processing the current partition to create
     * channels for the spill partitions it requires.
    protected Channel.Enumerator currentEnumerator;

     * The array of memory segments that contain the buckets which form the actual hash-table
     * of hash-codes and pointers to the elements.
    protected MemorySegment[] buckets;

     * The number of buckets in the current table. The bucket array is not necessarily fully
     * used, when not all buckets that would fit into the last segment are actually used.
    protected int numBuckets;

     * The number of buffers in the write behind queue that are actually not write behind buffers,
     * but regular buffers that only have not yet returned. This is part of an optimization that the
     * spilling code needs not wait until the partition is completely spilled before proceeding.
    protected int writeBehindBuffersAvailable;

     * The recursion depth of the partition that is currently processed. The initial table
     * has a recursion depth of 0. Partitions spilled from a table that is built for a partition
     * with recursion depth <i>n</i> have a recursion depth of <i>n+1</i>. 
    protected int currentRecursionDepth;

     * Flag indicating that the closing logic has been invoked.
    protected AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();

     * If true, build side partitions are kept for multiple probe steps.
    protected boolean keepBuildSidePartitions = false;

    protected boolean furtherPartitioning = false;

    private boolean running = true;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                         Construction and Teardown
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public MutableHashTable(TypeSerializer<BT> buildSideSerializer, TypeSerializer<PT> probeSideSerializer,
            TypeComparator<BT> buildSideComparator, TypeComparator<PT> probeSideComparator,
            TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator, List<MemorySegment> memorySegments, IOManager ioManager) {
        this(buildSideSerializer, probeSideSerializer, buildSideComparator, probeSideComparator, comparator,
                memorySegments, ioManager, DEFAULT_RECORD_LEN);

    public MutableHashTable(TypeSerializer<BT> buildSideSerializer, TypeSerializer<PT> probeSideSerializer,
            TypeComparator<BT> buildSideComparator, TypeComparator<PT> probeSideComparator,
            TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator, List<MemorySegment> memorySegments, IOManager ioManager,
            int avgRecordLen) {
        // some sanity checks first
        if (memorySegments == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (memorySegments.size() < MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few memory segments provided. Hash Join needs at least "
                    + MIN_NUM_MEMORY_SEGMENTS + " memory segments.");

        // assign the members
        this.buildSideSerializer = buildSideSerializer;
        this.probeSideSerializer = probeSideSerializer;
        this.buildSideComparator = buildSideComparator;
        this.probeSideComparator = probeSideComparator;
        this.recordComparator = comparator;
        this.availableMemory = memorySegments;
        this.ioManager = ioManager;

        this.avgRecordLen = avgRecordLen > 0 ? avgRecordLen
                : buildSideSerializer.getLength() == -1 ? DEFAULT_RECORD_LEN : buildSideSerializer.getLength();

        // check the size of the first buffer and record it. all further buffers must have the same size.
        // the size must also be a power of 2
        this.totalNumBuffers = memorySegments.size();
        this.segmentSize = memorySegments.get(0).size();
        if ((this.segmentSize & this.segmentSize - 1) != 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hash Table requires buffers whose size is a power of 2.");
        int bucketsPerSegment = this.segmentSize >> NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        if (bucketsPerSegment == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Hash Table requires buffers of at least " + HASH_BUCKET_SIZE + " bytes.");
        this.bucketsPerSegmentMask = bucketsPerSegment - 1;
        this.bucketsPerSegmentBits = MathUtils.log2strict(bucketsPerSegment);

        // take away the write behind buffers
        this.writeBehindBuffers = new LinkedBlockingQueue<MemorySegment>();
        this.numWriteBehindBuffers = getNumWriteBehindBuffers(memorySegments.size());

        this.partitionsBeingBuilt = new ArrayList<HashPartition<BT, PT>>();
        this.partitionsPending = new ArrayList<HashPartition<BT, PT>>();

        // because we allow to open and close multiple times, the state is initially closed

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                              Life-Cycle
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Opens the hash join. This method reads the build-side input and constructs the initial
     * hash table, gradually spilling partitions that do not fit into memory. 
     * @throws IOException Thrown, if an I/O problem occurs while spilling a partition.
    public void open(final MutableObjectIterator<BT> buildSide, final MutableObjectIterator<PT> probeSide)
            throws IOException {
        // sanity checks
        if (!this.closed.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Hash Join cannot be opened, because it is currently not closed.");

        // grab the write behind buffers first
        for (int i = this.numWriteBehindBuffers; i > 0; --i) {
            this.writeBehindBuffers.add(this.availableMemory.remove(this.availableMemory.size() - 1));
        // open builds the initial table by consuming the build-side input
        this.currentRecursionDepth = 0;

        // the first prober is the probe-side input
        this.probeIterator = new ProbeIterator<PT>(probeSide, this.probeSideSerializer.createInstance());

        // the bucket iterator can remain constant over the time
        this.bucketIterator = new HashBucketIterator<BT, PT>(this.buildSideSerializer, this.recordComparator);

    protected boolean processProbeIter() throws IOException {
        final ProbeIterator<PT> probeIter = this.probeIterator;
        final TypeComparator<PT> probeAccessors = this.probeSideComparator;

        PT next;
        while ((next = != null) {
            final int hash = hash(probeAccessors.hash(next), this.currentRecursionDepth);
            final int posHashCode = hash % this.numBuckets;

            // get the bucket for the given hash code
            final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
            final int bucketInSegmentOffset = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
            final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];

            // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
            final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(partitionNumber);

            // for an in-memory partition, process set the return iterators, else spill the probe records
            if (p.isInMemory()) {
                this.bucketIterator.set(bucket, p.overflowSegments, p, hash, bucketInSegmentOffset);
                return true;
            } else {

        // -------------- partition done ---------------

        return false;

    protected boolean prepareNextPartition() throws IOException {
        // finalize and cleanup the partitions of the current table
        int buffersAvailable = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.partitionsBeingBuilt.size(); i++) {
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(i);
            buffersAvailable += p.finalizeProbePhase(this.availableMemory, this.partitionsPending);

        this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable += buffersAvailable;


        if (this.currentSpilledProbeSide != null) {
            this.currentSpilledProbeSide = null;

        // check if there are pending partitions
        if (!this.partitionsPending.isEmpty()) {
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsPending.get(0);

            // build the next table

            // set the probe side - gather memory segments for reading
            LinkedBlockingQueue<MemorySegment> returnQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<MemorySegment>();
            this.currentSpilledProbeSide = this.ioManager
                    .createBlockChannelReader(p.getProbeSideChannel().getChannelID(), returnQueue);

            List<MemorySegment> memory = new ArrayList<MemorySegment>();

            ChannelReaderInputViewIterator<PT> probeReader = new ChannelReaderInputViewIterator<PT>(
                    this.currentSpilledProbeSide, returnQueue, memory, this.availableMemory,
                    this.probeSideSerializer, p.getProbeSideBlockCount());

            // unregister the pending partition
            this.currentRecursionDepth = p.getRecursionLevel() + 1;

            // recursively get the next
            return nextRecord();
        } else {
            // no more data
            return false;

     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean nextRecord() throws IOException {

        final boolean probeProcessing = processProbeIter();
        if (probeProcessing) {
            return true;
        return prepareNextPartition();

    public HashBucketIterator<BT, PT> getMatchesFor(PT record) throws IOException {
        final TypeComparator<PT> probeAccessors = this.probeSideComparator;
        final int hash = hash(probeAccessors.hash(record), this.currentRecursionDepth);
        final int posHashCode = hash % this.numBuckets;

        // get the bucket for the given hash code
        final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
        final int bucketInSegmentOffset = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];

        // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
        final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
        final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(partitionNumber);

        // for an in-memory partition, process set the return iterators, else spill the probe records
        if (p.isInMemory()) {
            this.bucketIterator.set(bucket, p.overflowSegments, p, hash, bucketInSegmentOffset);
            return this.bucketIterator;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Method is not applicable to partially spilled hash tables.");

    //   public LazyHashBucketIterator<BT, PT> getLazyMatchesFor(PT record) throws IOException
    //   {
    //      final TypeComparator<PT> probeAccessors = this.probeSideComparator;
    //      final int hash = hash(probeAccessors.hash(record), this.currentRecursionDepth);
    //      final int posHashCode = hash % this.numBuckets;
    //      // get the bucket for the given hash code
    //      final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
    //      final int bucketInSegmentOffset = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
    //      final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];
    //      // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
    //      final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);
    //      final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(partitionNumber);
    //      // for an in-memory partition, process set the return iterators, else spill the probe records
    //      if (p.isInMemory()) {
    //         this.recordComparator.setReference(record);
    //         this.lazyBucketIterator.set(bucket, p.overflowSegments, p, hash, bucketInSegmentOffset);
    //         return this.lazyBucketIterator;
    //      }
    //      else {
    //         throw new IllegalStateException("Method is not applicable to partially spilled hash tables.");
    //      }
    //   }

     * @return
    public PT getCurrentProbeRecord() {
        return this.probeIterator.getCurrent();

     * @return
    public HashBucketIterator<BT, PT> getBuildSideIterator() {
        return this.bucketIterator;

    public MutableObjectIterator<BT> getPartitionEntryIterator() {
        return new HashPartitionIterator<BT, PT>(this.partitionsBeingBuilt.iterator(), this.buildSideSerializer);

     * Closes the hash table. This effectively releases all internal structures and closes all
     * open files and removes them. The call to this method is valid both as a cleanup after the
     * complete inputs were properly processed, and as an cancellation call, which cleans up
     * all resources that are currently held by the hash join.
    public void close() {
        // make sure that we close only once
        if (!this.closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

        // clear the iterators, so the next call to next() will notice
        this.bucketIterator = null;
        this.probeIterator = null;

        // release the table structure

        // clear the memory in the partitions

        // clear the current probe side channel, if there is one
        if (this.currentSpilledProbeSide != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                LOG.warn("Could not close and delete the temp file for the current spilled partition probe side.",

        // clear the partitions that are still to be done (that have files on disk)
        for (int i = 0; i < this.partitionsPending.size(); i++) {
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsPending.get(i);

        // return the write-behind buffers
        for (int i = 0; i < this.numWriteBehindBuffers + this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Hashtable closing was interrupted");

    public void abort() {
        this.running = false;

    public List<MemorySegment> getFreedMemory() {
        if (!this.closed.get()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot return memory while join is open.");

        return this.availableMemory;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                       Hash Table Building
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @param input
     * @throws IOException
    protected void buildInitialTable(final MutableObjectIterator<BT> input) throws IOException {
        // create the partitions
        final int partitionFanOut = getPartitioningFanOutNoEstimates(this.availableMemory.size());
        if (partitionFanOut > MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Hash join partitions estimate exeeds maximum number of partitions.");
        createPartitions(partitionFanOut, 0);

        // set up the table structure. the write behind buffers are taken away, as are one buffer per partition
        final int numBuckets = getInitialTableSize(this.availableMemory.size(), this.segmentSize, partitionFanOut,
        initTable(numBuckets, (byte) partitionFanOut);

        final TypeComparator<BT> buildTypeComparator = this.buildSideComparator;
        BT record = this.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();

        // go over the complete input and insert every element into the hash table
        while (this.running && ((record = != null)) {
            final int hashCode = hash(buildTypeComparator.hash(record), 0);
            insertIntoTable(record, hashCode);

        if (!this.running) {

        // finalize the partitions
        for (int i = 0; i < this.partitionsBeingBuilt.size(); i++) {
            HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(i);
            p.finalizeBuildPhase(this.ioManager, this.currentEnumerator, this.writeBehindBuffers);

     * @param p
     * @throws IOException
    protected void buildTableFromSpilledPartition(final HashPartition<BT, PT> p) throws IOException {

        final int nextRecursionLevel = p.getRecursionLevel() + 1;
        if (nextRecursionLevel > MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Hash join exceeded maximum number of recursions, without reducing "
                    + "partitions enough to be memory resident. Probably cause: Too many duplicate keys.");

        // we distinguish two cases here:
        // 1) The partition fits entirely into main memory. That is the case if we have enough buffers for
        //    all partition segments, plus enough buffers to hold the table structure.
        //    --> We read the partition in as it is and create a hashtable that references only
        //        that single partition.
        // 2) We can not guarantee that enough memory segments are available and read the partition
        //    in, distributing its data among newly created partitions.
        final int totalBuffersAvailable = this.availableMemory.size() + this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable;
        if (totalBuffersAvailable != this.totalNumBuffers - this.numWriteBehindBuffers) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Hash Join bug in memory management: Memory buffers leaked.");

        long numBuckets = (p.getBuildSideRecordCount() * RECORD_TABLE_BYTES)
                / (HASH_BUCKET_SIZE - BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH) + 1;

        // we need to consider the worst case where everything hashes to one bucket which needs to overflow by the same
        // number of total buckets again.
        final long totalBuffersNeeded = (numBuckets * 2) / (this.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1)
                + p.getBuildSideBlockCount() + 1;

        if (totalBuffersNeeded < totalBuffersAvailable) {
            // we are guaranteed to stay in memory

            // first read the partition in
            final BulkBlockChannelReader reader = this.ioManager.createBulkBlockChannelReader(
                    p.getBuildSideChannel().getChannelID(), this.availableMemory, p.getBuildSideBlockCount());
            // call waits until all is read
            if (keepBuildSidePartitions && p.recursionLevel == 0) {
                reader.close(); // keep the partitions
            } else {

            final List<MemorySegment> partitionBuffers = reader.getFullSegments();
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> newPart = new HashPartition<BT, PT>(this.buildSideSerializer,
                    this.probeSideSerializer, 0, nextRecursionLevel, partitionBuffers, p.getBuildSideRecordCount(),
                    this.segmentSize, p.getLastSegmentLimit());


            // erect the buckets
            initTable((int) numBuckets, (byte) 1);

            // now, index the partition through a hash table
            final HashPartition<BT, PT>.PartitionIterator pIter = newPart
            BT record = this.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();

            while ((record = != null) {
                final int hashCode = hash(pIter.getCurrentHashCode(), nextRecursionLevel);
                final int posHashCode = hashCode % this.numBuckets;
                final long pointer = pIter.getPointer();

                // get the bucket for the given hash code
                final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
                final int bucketInSegmentPos = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
                final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];

                insertBucketEntry(newPart, bucket, bucketInSegmentPos, hashCode, pointer);
        } else {
            // we need to partition and partially spill
            final int avgRecordLenPartition = (int) (((long) p.getBuildSideBlockCount()) * this.segmentSize
                    / p.getBuildSideRecordCount());

            final int bucketCount = (int) (((long) totalBuffersAvailable) * RECORD_TABLE_BYTES
                    / (avgRecordLenPartition + RECORD_OVERHEAD_BYTES));

            // compute in how many splits, we'd need to partition the result 
            final int splits = (int) (totalBuffersNeeded / totalBuffersAvailable) + 1;
            final int partitionFanOut = Math.min(10 * splits /* being conservative */, MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS);

            createPartitions(partitionFanOut, nextRecursionLevel);

            // set up the table structure. the write behind buffers are taken away, as are one buffer per partition
            initTable(bucketCount, (byte) partitionFanOut);

            // go over the complete input and insert every element into the hash table
            // first set up the reader with some memory.
            final List<MemorySegment> segments = new ArrayList<MemorySegment>(2);

            final BlockChannelReader inReader = this.ioManager
            final ChannelReaderInputView inView = new HeaderlessChannelReaderInputView(inReader, segments,
                    p.getBuildSideBlockCount(), p.getLastSegmentLimit(), false);
            final ChannelReaderInputViewIterator<BT> inIter = new ChannelReaderInputViewIterator<BT>(inView,
                    this.availableMemory, this.buildSideSerializer);
            final TypeComparator<BT> btComparator = this.buildSideComparator;
            BT rec = this.buildSideSerializer.createInstance();
            while ((rec = != null) {
                final int hashCode = hash(btComparator.hash(rec), nextRecursionLevel);
                insertIntoTable(rec, hashCode);

            // finalize the partitions
            for (int i = 0; i < this.partitionsBeingBuilt.size(); i++) {
                HashPartition<BT, PT> part = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(i);
                part.finalizeBuildPhase(this.ioManager, this.currentEnumerator, this.writeBehindBuffers);

     * @param record
     * @param hashCode
     * @throws IOException
    protected final void insertIntoTable(final BT record, final int hashCode) throws IOException {
        final int posHashCode = hashCode % this.numBuckets;

        // get the bucket for the given hash code
        final int bucketArrayPos = posHashCode >> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits;
        final int bucketInSegmentPos = (posHashCode & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;
        final MemorySegment bucket = this.buckets[bucketArrayPos];

        // get the basic characteristics of the bucket
        final int partitionNumber = bucket.get(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET);

        // get the partition descriptor for the bucket
        if (partitionNumber < 0 || partitionNumber >= this.partitionsBeingBuilt.size()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error: Hash structures in Hash-Join are corrupt. Invalid partition number for bucket.");
        final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(partitionNumber);

        // --------- Step 1: Get the partition for this pair and put the pair into the buffer ---------

        long pointer = p.insertIntoBuildBuffer(record);
        if (pointer != -1) {
            // record was inserted into an in-memory partition. a pointer must be inserted into the buckets
            insertBucketEntry(p, bucket, bucketInSegmentPos, hashCode, pointer);

     * @param p
     * @param bucket
     * @param bucketInSegmentPos
     * @param hashCode
     * @param pointer
     * @throws IOException
    final void insertBucketEntry(final HashPartition<BT, PT> p, final MemorySegment bucket,
            final int bucketInSegmentPos, final int hashCode, final long pointer) throws IOException {
        // find the position to put the hash code and pointer
        final int count = bucket.getShort(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
        if (count < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
            // we are good in our current bucket, put the values
            bucket.putInt(bucketInSegmentPos + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH + (count * HASH_CODE_LEN), hashCode); // hash code
            bucket.putLong(bucketInSegmentPos + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (count * POINTER_LEN), pointer); // pointer
            bucket.putShort(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, (short) (count + 1)); // update count
        } else {
            // we need to go to the overflow buckets
            final long originalForwardPointer = bucket.getLong(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
            final long forwardForNewBucket;

            if (originalForwardPointer != BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {

                // forward pointer set
                final int overflowSegNum = (int) (originalForwardPointer >>> 32);
                final int segOffset = (int) (originalForwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                final MemorySegment seg = p.overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];

                final short obCount = seg.getShort(segOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);

                // check if there is space in this overflow bucket
                if (obCount < NUM_ENTRIES_PER_BUCKET) {
                    // space in this bucket and we are done
                    seg.putInt(segOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH + (obCount * HASH_CODE_LEN), hashCode); // hash code
                    seg.putLong(segOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (obCount * POINTER_LEN), pointer); // pointer
                    seg.putShort(segOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, (short) (obCount + 1)); // update count
                } else {
                    // no space here, we need a new bucket. this current overflow bucket will be the
                    // target of the new overflow bucket
                    forwardForNewBucket = originalForwardPointer;
            } else {
                // no overflow bucket yet, so we need a first one
                forwardForNewBucket = BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET;

            // we need a new overflow bucket
            MemorySegment overflowSeg;
            final int overflowBucketNum;
            final int overflowBucketOffset;

            // first, see if there is space for an overflow bucket remaining in the last overflow segment
            if (p.nextOverflowBucket == 0) {
                // no space left in last bucket, or no bucket yet, so create an overflow segment
                overflowSeg = getNextBuffer();
                if (overflowSeg == null) {
                    // no memory available to create overflow bucket. we need to spill a partition
                    final int spilledPart = spillPartition();
                    if (spilledPart == p.getPartitionNumber()) {
                        // this bucket is no longer in-memory
                    overflowSeg = getNextBuffer();
                    if (overflowSeg == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Bug in HybridHashJoin: No memory became available after spilling a partition.");
                overflowBucketOffset = 0;
                overflowBucketNum = p.numOverflowSegments;

                // add the new overflow segment
                if (p.overflowSegments.length <= p.numOverflowSegments) {
                    MemorySegment[] newSegsArray = new MemorySegment[p.overflowSegments.length * 2];
                    System.arraycopy(p.overflowSegments, 0, newSegsArray, 0, p.overflowSegments.length);
                    p.overflowSegments = newSegsArray;
                p.overflowSegments[p.numOverflowSegments] = overflowSeg;
            } else {
                // there is space in the last overflow bucket
                overflowBucketNum = p.numOverflowSegments - 1;
                overflowSeg = p.overflowSegments[overflowBucketNum];
                overflowBucketOffset = p.nextOverflowBucket << NUM_INTRA_BUCKET_BITS;

            // next overflow bucket is one ahead. if the segment is full, the next will be at the beginning
            // of a new segment
            p.nextOverflowBucket = (p.nextOverflowBucket == this.bucketsPerSegmentMask ? 0
                    : p.nextOverflowBucket + 1);

            // insert the new overflow bucket in the chain of buckets
            // 1) set the old forward pointer
            // 2) let the bucket in the main table point to this one
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, forwardForNewBucket);
            final long pointerToNewBucket = (((long) overflowBucketNum) << 32) | ((long) overflowBucketOffset);
            bucket.putLong(bucketInSegmentPos + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, pointerToNewBucket);

            // finally, insert the values into the overflow buckets
            overflowSeg.putInt(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH, hashCode); // hash code
            overflowSeg.putLong(overflowBucketOffset + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET, pointer); // pointer

            // set the count to one
            overflowSeg.putShort(overflowBucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, (short) 1);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                          Setup and Tear Down of Structures
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Returns a new inMemoryPartition object.
     * This is required as a plug for ReOpenableMutableHashTable.
    protected HashPartition<BT, PT> getNewInMemoryPartition(int number, int recursionLevel) {
        return new HashPartition<BT, PT>(this.buildSideSerializer, this.probeSideSerializer, number, recursionLevel,
                this.availableMemory.remove(this.availableMemory.size() - 1), this, this.segmentSize);

     * @param numPartitions
    protected void createPartitions(int numPartitions, int recursionLevel) {
        // sanity check

        this.currentEnumerator = this.ioManager.createChannelEnumerator();

        for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
            HashPartition<BT, PT> p = getNewInMemoryPartition(i, recursionLevel);

     * This method clears all partitions currently residing (partially) in memory. It releases all memory
     * and deletes all spilled partitions.
     * <p>
     * This method is intended for a hard cleanup in the case that the join is aborted.
    protected void clearPartitions() {
        for (int i = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = this.partitionsBeingBuilt.get(i);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error during partition cleanup.", e);

     * @param numBuckets
     * @param numPartitions
     * @return
    protected void initTable(int numBuckets, byte numPartitions) {
        final int bucketsPerSegment = this.bucketsPerSegmentMask + 1;
        final int numSegs = (numBuckets >>> this.bucketsPerSegmentBits)
                + ((numBuckets & this.bucketsPerSegmentMask) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
        final MemorySegment[] table = new MemorySegment[numSegs];


        // go over all segments that are part of the table
        for (int i = 0, bucket = 0; i < numSegs && bucket < numBuckets; i++) {
            final MemorySegment seg = getNextBuffer();

            // go over all buckets in the segment
            for (int k = 0; k < bucketsPerSegment && bucket < numBuckets; k++, bucket++) {
                final int bucketOffset = k * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE;

                // compute the partition that the bucket corresponds to
                final byte partition = assignPartition(bucket, numPartitions);

                // initialize the header fields
                seg.put(bucketOffset + HEADER_PARTITION_OFFSET, partition);
                seg.put(bucketOffset + HEADER_STATUS_OFFSET, BUCKET_STATUS_IN_MEMORY);
                seg.putShort(bucketOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET, (short) 0);
                seg.putLong(bucketOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET, BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET);

            table[i] = seg;
        this.buckets = table;
        this.numBuckets = numBuckets;

     * Releases the table (the array of buckets) and returns the occupied memory segments to the list of free segments.
    protected void releaseTable() {
        // set the counters back
        this.numBuckets = 0;

        if (this.buckets != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
            this.buckets = null;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                                    Memory Handling
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Selects a partition and spills it. The number of the spilled partition is returned.
     * @return The number of the spilled partition.
    protected int spillPartition() throws IOException {
        // find the largest partition
        ArrayList<HashPartition<BT, PT>> partitions = this.partitionsBeingBuilt;
        int largestNumBlocks = 0;
        int largestPartNum = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
            HashPartition<BT, PT> p = partitions.get(i);
            if (p.isInMemory() && p.getBuildSideBlockCount() > largestNumBlocks) {
                largestNumBlocks = p.getBuildSideBlockCount();
                largestPartNum = i;
        final HashPartition<BT, PT> p = partitions.get(largestPartNum);

        // spill the partition
        int numBuffersFreed = p.spillPartition(this.availableMemory, this.ioManager,,
        this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable += numBuffersFreed;
        // grab as many buffers as are available directly
        MemorySegment currBuff = null;
        while (this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable > 0 && (currBuff = this.writeBehindBuffers.poll()) != null) {
        return largestPartNum;

     * This method makes sure that at least a certain number of memory segments is in the list of free segments.
     * Free memory can be in the list of free segments, or in the return-queue where segments used to write behind are
     * put. The number of segments that are in that return-queue, but are actually reclaimable is tracked. This method
     * makes sure at least a certain number of buffers is reclaimed.
     * @param minRequiredAvailable The minimum number of buffers that needs to be reclaimed.
    final void ensureNumBuffersReturned(final int minRequiredAvailable) {
        if (minRequiredAvailable > this.availableMemory.size() + this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("More buffers requested available than totally available.");

        try {
            while (this.availableMemory.size() < minRequiredAvailable) {
        } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Hash Join was interrupted.");

     * Gets the next buffer to be used with the hash-table, either for an in-memory partition, or for the
     * table buckets. This method returns <tt>null</tt>, if no more buffer is available. Spilling a partition
     * may free new buffers then.
     * @return The next buffer to be used by the hash-table, or null, if no buffer remains.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, if the thread is interrupted while grabbing the next buffer. The I/O
     *                     exception replaces the <tt>InterruptedException</tt> to consolidate the exception
     *                     signatures.
    final MemorySegment getNextBuffer() {
        // check if the list directly offers memory
        int s = this.availableMemory.size();
        if (s > 0) {
            return this.availableMemory.remove(s - 1);

        // check if there are write behind buffers that actually are to be used for the hash table
        if (this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable > 0) {
            // grab at least one, no matter what
            MemorySegment toReturn;
            try {
                toReturn = this.writeBehindBuffers.take();
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Hybrid Hash Join was interrupted while taking a buffer.");

            // grab as many more buffers as are available directly
            MemorySegment currBuff = null;
            while (this.writeBehindBuffersAvailable > 0 && (currBuff = this.writeBehindBuffers.poll()) != null) {
            return toReturn;
        } else {
            // no memory available
            return null;

    public MemorySegment nextSegment() {
        final MemorySegment seg = getNextBuffer();
        if (seg == null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error spilling Hash Join Partition"
                        + (ioex.getMessage() == null ? "." : ": " + ioex.getMessage()), ioex);

            MemorySegment fromSpill = getNextBuffer();
            if (fromSpill == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("BUG in Hybrid Hash Join: Spilling did not free a buffer.");
            } else {
                return fromSpill;
        } else {
            return seg;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                             Utility Computational Functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Determines the number of buffers to be used for asynchronous write behind. It is currently
     * computed as the logarithm of the number of buffers to the base 4, rounded up, minus 2.
     * The upper limit for the number of write behind buffers is however set to six.
     * @param numBuffers The number of available buffers.
     * @return The number 
    public static final int getNumWriteBehindBuffers(int numBuffers) {
        int numIOBufs = (int) (Math.log(numBuffers) / Math.log(4) - 1.5);
        return numIOBufs > 6 ? 6 : numIOBufs;

     * Gets the number of partitions to be used for an initial hash-table, when no estimates are
     * available.
     * <p>
     * The current logic makes sure that there are always between 10 and 127 partitions, and close
     * to 0.1 of the number of buffers.
     * @param numBuffers The number of buffers available.
     * @return The number of partitions to use.
    public static final int getPartitioningFanOutNoEstimates(int numBuffers) {
        return Math.max(10, Math.min(numBuffers / 10, MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS));

    public static final int getInitialTableSize(int numBuffers, int bufferSize, int numPartitions,
            int recordLenBytes) {
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // the following observations hold:
        // 1) If the records are assumed to be very large, then many buffers need to go to the partitions
        //    and fewer to the table
        // 2) If the records are small, then comparatively many have to go to the buckets, and fewer to the
        //    partitions
        // 3) If the bucket-table is chosen too small, we will eventually get many collisions and will grow the
        //    hash table, incrementally adding buffers.
        // 4) If the bucket-table is chosen to be large and we actually need more buffers for the partitions, we
        //    cannot subtract them afterwards from the table
        // ==> We start with a comparatively small hash-table. We aim for a 200% utilization of the bucket table
        //     when all the partition buffers are full. Most likely, that will cause some buckets to be re-hashed
        //     and grab additional buffers away from the partitions.
        // NOTE: This decision may be subject to changes after conclusive experiments!
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        final long totalSize = ((long) bufferSize) * numBuffers;
        final long numRecordsStorable = totalSize / (recordLenBytes + RECORD_OVERHEAD_BYTES);
        final long bucketBytes = numRecordsStorable * RECORD_TABLE_BYTES;
        final long numBuckets = bucketBytes / (2 * HASH_BUCKET_SIZE) + 1;

        return numBuckets > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) numBuckets;

     * Assigns a partition to a bucket.
     * @param bucket
     * @param numPartitions
     * @return The hash code for the integer.
    public static final byte assignPartition(int bucket, byte numPartitions) {
        return (byte) (bucket % numPartitions);

     * This function hashes an integer value. It is adapted from Bob Jenkins' website
     * <a href=""></a>.
     * The hash function has the <i>full avalanche</i> property, meaning that every bit of the value to be hashed
     * affects every bit of the hash value. 
     * @param code The integer to be hashed.
     * @return The hash code for the integer.
    public static final int hash(int code, int level) {
        final int rotation = level * 11;

        code = (code << rotation) | (code >>> -rotation);

        code = (code + 0x7ed55d16) + (code << 12);
        code = (code ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (code >>> 19);
        code = (code + 0x165667b1) + (code << 5);
        code = (code + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (code << 9);
        code = (code + 0xfd7046c5) + (code << 3);
        code = (code ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (code >>> 16);
        return code >= 0 ? code : -(code + 1);

    public TypeComparator<PT> getProbeSideComparator() {
        return this.probeSideComparator;

    // ======================================================================================================

    public static class HashBucketIterator<BT, PT> implements MutableObjectIterator<BT> {

        private final TypeSerializer<BT> accessor;

        private final TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator;

        private MemorySegment bucket;

        private MemorySegment[] overflowSegments;

        private HashPartition<BT, PT> partition;

        private int bucketInSegmentOffset;

        private int searchHashCode;

        private int posInSegment;

        private int countInSegment;

        private int numInSegment;

        private int originalBucketInSegmentOffset;

        private MemorySegment originalBucket;

        private long lastPointer;

        HashBucketIterator(TypeSerializer<BT> accessor, TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator) {
            this.accessor = accessor;
            this.comparator = comparator;

        void set(MemorySegment bucket, MemorySegment[] overflowSegments, HashPartition<BT, PT> partition,
                int searchHashCode, int bucketInSegmentOffset) {
            this.bucket = bucket;
            this.originalBucket = bucket;
            this.overflowSegments = overflowSegments;
            this.partition = partition;
            this.searchHashCode = searchHashCode;
            this.bucketInSegmentOffset = bucketInSegmentOffset;
            this.originalBucketInSegmentOffset = bucketInSegmentOffset;

            this.posInSegment = this.bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
            this.countInSegment = bucket.getShort(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
            this.numInSegment = 0;

        public BT next(BT reuse) {
            // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
            while (true) {

                while (this.numInSegment < this.countInSegment) {

                    final int thisCode = this.bucket.getInt(this.posInSegment);
                    this.posInSegment += HASH_CODE_LEN;

                    // check if the hash code matches
                    if (thisCode == this.searchHashCode) {
                        // get the pointer to the pair
                        final long pointer = this.bucket.getLong(this.bucketInSegmentOffset
                                + BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (this.numInSegment * POINTER_LEN));

                        // deserialize the key to check whether it is really equal, or whether we had only a hash collision
                        try {
                            reuse = this.accessor.deserialize(reuse, this.partition);
                            if (this.comparator.equalToReference(reuse)) {
                                this.lastPointer = pointer;
                                return reuse;
                        } catch (IOException ioex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(
                                    "Error deserializing key or value from the hashtable: " + ioex.getMessage(),
                    } else {

                // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
                final long forwardPointer = this.bucket.getLong(this.bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
                if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
                    return null;

                final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
                this.bucket = this.overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
                this.bucketInSegmentOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
                this.countInSegment = this.bucket.getShort(this.bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
                this.posInSegment = this.bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
                this.numInSegment = 0;

        public void writeBack(BT value) throws IOException {
            final SeekableDataOutputView outView = this.partition.getWriteView();
            this.accessor.serialize(value, outView);

        public void reset() {
            this.bucket = this.originalBucket;
            this.bucketInSegmentOffset = this.originalBucketInSegmentOffset;

            this.posInSegment = this.bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
            this.countInSegment = bucket.getShort(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
            this.numInSegment = 0;

    } // end HashBucketIterator

    // ======================================================================================================

    //   public static final class LazyHashBucketIterator<BT, PT> {
    //      private final TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator;
    //      private MemorySegment bucket;
    //      private MemorySegment[] overflowSegments;
    //      private HashPartition<BT, PT> partition;
    //      private int bucketInSegmentOffset;
    //      private int searchHashCode;
    //      private int posInSegment;
    //      private int countInSegment;
    //      private int numInSegment;
    //      private LazyHashBucketIterator(TypePairComparator<PT, BT> comparator) {
    //         this.comparator = comparator;
    //      }
    //      void set(MemorySegment bucket, MemorySegment[] overflowSegments, HashPartition<BT, PT> partition,
    //            int searchHashCode, int bucketInSegmentOffset) {
    //         this.bucket = bucket;
    //         this.overflowSegments = overflowSegments;
    //         this.partition = partition;
    //         this.searchHashCode = searchHashCode;
    //         this.bucketInSegmentOffset = bucketInSegmentOffset;
    //         this.posInSegment = this.bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
    //         this.countInSegment = bucket.getShort(bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
    //         this.numInSegment = 0;
    //      }
    //      public boolean next(BT target) {
    //         // loop over all segments that are involved in the bucket (original bucket plus overflow buckets)
    //         while (true) {
    //            while (this.numInSegment < this.countInSegment) {
    //               final int thisCode = this.bucket.getInt(this.posInSegment);
    //               this.posInSegment += HASH_CODE_LEN;
    //               // check if the hash code matches
    //               if (thisCode == this.searchHashCode) {
    //                  // get the pointer to the pair
    //                  final long pointer = this.bucket.getLong(this.bucketInSegmentOffset + 
    //                                       BUCKET_POINTER_START_OFFSET + (this.numInSegment * POINTER_LEN));
    //                  this.numInSegment++;
    //                  // check whether it is really equal, or whether we had only a hash collision
    //                  LazyDeSerializable lds = (LazyDeSerializable) target;
    //                  lds.setDeSerializer(this.partition, this.partition.getWriteView(), pointer);
    //                  if (this.comparator.equalToReference(target)) {
    //                     return true;
    //                  }
    //               }
    //               else {
    //                  this.numInSegment++;
    //               }
    //            }
    //            // this segment is done. check if there is another chained bucket
    //            final long forwardPointer = this.bucket.getLong(this.bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_FORWARD_OFFSET);
    //            if (forwardPointer == BUCKET_FORWARD_POINTER_NOT_SET) {
    //               return false;
    //            }
    //            final int overflowSegNum = (int) (forwardPointer >>> 32);
    //            this.bucket = this.overflowSegments[overflowSegNum];
    //            this.bucketInSegmentOffset = (int) (forwardPointer & 0xffffffff);
    //            this.countInSegment = this.bucket.getShort(this.bucketInSegmentOffset + HEADER_COUNT_OFFSET);
    //            this.posInSegment = this.bucketInSegmentOffset + BUCKET_HEADER_LENGTH;
    //            this.numInSegment = 0;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   } 

    // ======================================================================================================

    public static final class ProbeIterator<PT> {

        private MutableObjectIterator<PT> source;

        private PT instance;

        ProbeIterator(MutableObjectIterator<PT> source, PT instance) {
            this.instance = instance;

        void set(MutableObjectIterator<PT> source) {
            this.source = source;

        public PT next() throws IOException {
            PT retVal =;
            if (retVal != null) {
                this.instance = retVal;
                return retVal;
            } else {
                return null;

        public PT getCurrent() {
            return this.instance;