Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, All partners of the iTesla project ( * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package; import com.csvreader.CsvWriter; import; import; import; import eu.itesla_project.computation.ComputationManager; import eu.itesla_project.computation.local.LocalComputationManager; import eu.itesla_project.iidm.import_.Importers; import; import eu.itesla_project.modules.contingencies.ContingenciesAndActionsDatabaseClient; import; import; import; import; import eu.itesla_project.simulation.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; /** * @author Quinary <> */ //@AutoService(Tool.class) public class RunTDSimulation implements Tool { private static Command COMMAND = new Command() { @Override public String getName() { return "run-td-simulation"; } @Override public String getTheme() { return Themes.ONLINE_WORKFLOW; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Run time-domain simulation"; } @Override public Options getOptions() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt("case-file").desc("the case path").hasArg().argName("FILE") .required().build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt("contingencies") .desc("contingencies to test separated by , (all the db in not set)").hasArg().argName("LIST") .build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt("empty-contingency") .desc("include the empty contingency among the contingencies").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt("output-folder").desc("the folder where to store the data") .hasArg().argName("FOLDER").build()); return options; } @Override public String getUsageFooter() { return null; } }; @Override public Command getCommand() { return COMMAND; } private Path getFile(Path folder, String filename) { if (folder != null) return Paths.get(folder.toString(), filename); return Paths.get(filename); } private void writeCsvViolations(Path folder, Map<String, List<LimitViolation>> networksViolations) throws IOException { Path csvFile = getFile(folder, "networks-violations.csv"); System.out.println("writing pre-contingency network violations to file " + csvFile.toString()); try (FileWriter content = new FileWriter(csvFile.toFile())) { CsvWriter cvsWriter = null; try { cvsWriter = new CsvWriter(content, ','); String[] headers = new String[] { "Basecase", "Equipment", "Type", "Value", "Limit" }; cvsWriter.writeRecord(headers); for (String caseBasename : networksViolations.keySet()) { for (LimitViolation violation : networksViolations.get(caseBasename)) { String[] values = new String[] { caseBasename, violation.getSubject().getId(), violation.getLimitType().name(), Float.toString(violation.getValue()), Float.toString(violation.getLimit()) }; cvsWriter.writeRecord(values); } } cvsWriter.flush(); } finally { if (cvsWriter != null) cvsWriter.close(); } } } private void writeCsvTDResults(Path folder, Map<String, Map<String, Boolean>> tdSimulationsResults) throws IOException { Path csvFile = getFile(folder, "simulation-results.csv"); System.out.println("writing simulation results to file " + csvFile.toString()); Set<String> securityIndexIds = new LinkedHashSet<>(); tdSimulationsResults.values().stream().filter(m -> m != null) .forEach(m -> securityIndexIds.addAll(m.keySet())); String[] indexIds = securityIndexIds.toArray(new String[securityIndexIds.size()]); Arrays.sort(indexIds); try (FileWriter content = new FileWriter(csvFile.toFile())) { CsvWriter cvsWriter = null; try { cvsWriter = new CsvWriter(content, ','); String[] headers = new String[indexIds.length + 1]; headers[0] = "Basecase"; int i = 1; for (String securityIndexId : indexIds) headers[i++] = securityIndexId; cvsWriter.writeRecord(headers); for (String caseBasename : tdSimulationsResults.keySet()) { String[] values = new String[indexIds.length + 1]; values[0] = caseBasename; i = 1; for (String securityIndexId : indexIds) { String result = "NA"; if (tdSimulationsResults.get(caseBasename).containsKey(securityIndexId)) result = tdSimulationsResults.get(caseBasename).get(securityIndexId) ? "OK" : "KO"; values[i++] = result; } cvsWriter.writeRecord(values); } cvsWriter.flush(); } finally { if (cvsWriter != null) cvsWriter.close(); } } } @Override public void run(CommandLine line) throws Exception { Path caseFile = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("case-file")); Set<String> contingencyIds = line.hasOption("contingencies") ? Sets.newHashSet(line.getOptionValue("contingencies").split(",")) : null; boolean emptyContingency = line.hasOption("empty-contingency"); Path outputFolder = line.hasOption("output-folder") ? Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("output-folder")) : null; Map<String, List<LimitViolation>> networksViolations = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<String, Boolean>> tdSimulationsResults = new HashMap<>(); Path metricsFile = getFile(outputFolder, "metrics.log"); try (ComputationManager computationManager = new LocalComputationManager(); FileWriter metricsContent = new FileWriter(metricsFile.toFile())) { OnlineConfig config = OnlineConfig.load(); ContingenciesAndActionsDatabaseClient contingencyDb = config.getContingencyDbClientFactoryClass() .newInstance().create(); SimulatorFactory simulatorFactory = config.getSimulatorFactoryClass().newInstance(); if (Files.isRegularFile(caseFile)) { // load the network Network network = Importers.loadNetwork(caseFile); if (network == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Case '" + caseFile + "' not found"); } List<LimitViolation> networkViolations = Security.checkLimits(network); networksViolations.put(network.getId(), networkViolations); Map<String, Boolean> tdSimulationResults = Utils.runTDSimulation(network, contingencyIds, emptyContingency, computationManager, simulatorFactory, contingencyDb, metricsContent); tdSimulationsResults.put(network.getId(), tdSimulationResults); } else if (Files.isDirectory(caseFile)) { Importers.loadNetworks(caseFile, false, network -> { try { List<LimitViolation> networkViolations = Security.checkLimits(network); networksViolations.put(network.getId(), networkViolations); Map<String, Boolean> tdSimulationResults = Utils.runTDSimulation(network, contingencyIds, emptyContingency, computationManager, simulatorFactory, contingencyDb, metricsContent); tdSimulationsResults.put(network.getId(), tdSimulationResults); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, dataSource -> System.out.println("loading case " + dataSource.getBaseName())); } } try { writeCsvViolations(outputFolder, networksViolations); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { writeCsvTDResults(outputFolder, tdSimulationsResults); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }