Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, All partners of the iTesla project ( * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package eu.itesla_project.modules.topo; import; import*; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Geoffroy Jamgotchian <geoffroy.jamgotchian at> */ public class UniqueTopologyChecker { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UniqueTopologyChecker.class); private final Network network; private final TopologyHistory topologyHistory; private final Map<String, UniqueTopology> uniqueTopos; private final ShortIdDictionary dict; public UniqueTopologyChecker(Network network, TopologyHistory topologyHistory, Map<String, UniqueTopology> uniqueTopos, ShortIdDictionary dict) { = Objects.requireNonNull(network); this.topologyHistory = Objects.requireNonNull(topologyHistory); this.uniqueTopos = Objects.requireNonNull(uniqueTopos); this.dict = dict; } public UniqueTopologyChecker(Network network, TopologyHistory topologyHistory, Map<String, UniqueTopology> uniqueTopos) { this(network, topologyHistory, uniqueTopos, null); } private static Set<Set<String>> toTopoSet(VoltageLevel vl, ShortIdDictionary dict) { Set<Set<String>> sets = new HashSet<>(); for (Bus b : vl.getBusView().getBuses()) { final Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); b.visitConnectedEquipments(new EquipmentTopologyVisitor() { @Override public void visitEquipment(Connectable eq) { set.add(dict != null ? dict.getShortId(eq.getId()) : eq.getId()); } }); sets.add(set); } return sets; } // has to be consistent with BusBreakerVoltageLevel.CalculatedBusTopology.isBusValid private static boolean isBusValid(PossibleTopology.Bus bus) { int feederCount = 0; int branchCount = 0; for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : bus.getEquipments()) { switch (eq.getType()) { case LINE: case TWO_WINDINGS_TRANSFORMER: case THREE_WINDINGS_TRANSFORMER: branchCount++; feederCount++; break; case DANGLING_LINE: case LOAD: case GENERATOR: case SHUNT_COMPENSATOR: feederCount++; break; case BUSBAR_SECTION: // must not happen in a bus/breaker topology default: throw new AssertionError(); } } return Networks.isBusValid(feederCount, branchCount); } private static Set<Set<String>> toTopoSet(PossibleTopology.Substation ps, ShortIdDictionary dict) { Set<Set<String>> sets = new HashSet<>(); for (PossibleTopology.Bus b : ps.getBuses()) { if (isBusValid(b)) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : b.getEquipments()) { set.add(dict != null ? dict.getShortId(eq.getId()) : eq.getId()); } sets.add(set); } } return sets; } public void check() { int errors = 0; // create a test state String topoCheckStateId = "topocheck"; String oldState = network.getStateManager().getWorkingStateId(); network.getStateManager().cloneState(oldState, topoCheckStateId); network.getStateManager().setWorkingState(topoCheckStateId); try { // try to apply all possible configurations to the unique topology and check it is equal to the corresponding // historical nodal topology for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyHistory.getTopologyChoices()) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation possibleSubstation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { VoltageLevel vl = network.getVoltageLevel(possibleSubstation.getId()); if (vl == null) { continue; } for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : possibleSubstation.getSwitches().entrySet()) { String switchId = entry.getKey(); boolean open = entry.getValue(); Switch s = vl.getBusBreakerView().getSwitch(switchId); if (s == null) { throw new AssertionError(); } s.setOpen(open); } Set<Set<String>> topoSet = toTopoSet(possibleSubstation, dict); Set<Set<String>> topoSet2 = toTopoSet(vl, dict); if (!topoSet.equals(topoSet2)) { LOGGER.error("Inconsistent unique topology of substation {}", possibleSubstation.getId()); LOGGER.error(" history topo set {}: {}", possibleTopology.getTopoHash(), topoSet); LOGGER.error(" network topo set: {}", topoSet2); LOGGER.error(" topo set diff : {}", Sets.symmetricDifference(topoSet, topoSet2)); LOGGER.error(" possible topo:"); possibleSubstation.print(System.out, 0, dict); LOGGER.error(" unique topo:"); uniqueTopos.get(possibleSubstation.getId()).print(System.out, dict); vl.printTopology(System.out, dict); errors++; } } } } } finally { network.getStateManager().removeState(topoCheckStateId); network.getStateManager().setWorkingState(oldState); } if (errors > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Check failed for " + errors + " substations"); } } }