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 * Copyright (c) 2013, Inmite s.r.o. (
 * All rights reserved. This source code can be used only for purposes specified
 * by the given license contract signed by the rightful deputy of Inmite s.r.o.
 * This source code can be used only by the owner of the license.
 * Any disputes arising in respect of this agreement (license) shall be brought
 * before the Municipal Court of Prague.


import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.*;

 * <p>
 *      Validate forms. Use either {@link #validate(,} methods
 *      to validate all views at once or start live validation by calling {@link #startLiveValidation(,}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *      Views inherited from {@link android.widget.TextView} are automatically recognized and can be validated, for other views you need to provide adapter and
 *      register it by calling {@link #registerViewAdapter(Class, Class)}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     To validate multiple views at once by one validator, use {@link} annotation. <br/>
 *     You can also add condition to view and the validation will proceed only of the given condition is met, see {@link Condition}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *      For all available validations see package {@link}.
 *      To add custom validation you can use {@link} annotation and provide own {@link IValidator}.
 * </p>
 * @author Tomas Vondracek
public class FormValidator {

    private static Map<Object, ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener> sLiveValidations;

     * Register custom validator. This is only usable if you want to use custom validation annotations.
     * Otherwise you can use {@link} annotation.
     * @param validator validator class that is annotated with {@link} annotation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if validator is null
    public static void registerValidator(Class<? extends IValidator<?>> validator) {
        if (validator == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("validator cannot be null");


     * Register adapter that can be used to get value from view.
     * @param viewType type of view adapter is determined to get values from
     * @param adapterClass class of adapter to register
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if adapterClass is null or viewType is null
     * @throws FormsValidationException when there is a problem when accessing adapter class
    public static void registerViewAdapter(Class<? extends View> viewType,
            Class<? extends IFieldAdapter<? extends View, ?>> adapterClass) {
        if (viewType == null || adapterClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("arguments must not be null");

        try {
            FieldAdapterFactory.registerAdapter(viewType, adapterClass);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new FormsValidationException(e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new FormsValidationException(e);

     * remove all adapters that have been registered with {@link #registerValidator(Class)}
    public static void clearViewAdapters() {

    public static void clear() {

     * Clear fields cache for all targets. In general this isn't necessary since cache is freed automatically.
    public static boolean clearCaches() {
        return FieldFinder.clearCache();

     * Start live validation - whenever focus changes from view with validations upon itself, validators will run. <br/>
     * Don't forget to call {@link #stopLiveValidation(Object)} once you are done.
     * @param fragment fragment with views to validate, there can be only one continuous validation per target object (fragment)
     * @param callback callback invoked whenever there is some validation fail
    public static void startLiveValidation(final Fragment fragment, final IValidationCallback callback) {
        startLiveValidation(fragment, fragment.getView(), callback);

     * Start live validation - whenever focus changes from view with validations upon itself, validators will run.<br/>
      * Don't forget to call {@link #stopLiveValidation(Object)} once you are done.
     * @param target target with views to validate, there can be only one continuous validation per target
     * @param formContainer view that contains our form (views to validate)
     * @param callback callback invoked whenever there is some validation fail, can be null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if formContainer or target is null
    public static void startLiveValidation(final Object target, final View formContainer,
            final IValidationCallback callback) {
        if (formContainer == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("form container view cannot be null");
        if (target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("target cannot be null");

        if (sLiveValidations == null) {
            sLiveValidations = new HashMap<Object, ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener>();
        } else if (sLiveValidations.containsKey(target)) {
            // validation is already running

        final Map<View, FieldInfo> infoMap = FieldFinder.getFieldsForTarget(target);
        final ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener listener = new ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener(infoMap, formContainer,
                target, callback);
        final ViewTreeObserver observer = formContainer.getViewTreeObserver();

        sLiveValidations.put(target, listener);

    public static boolean isLiveValidationRunning(final Object target) {
        return sLiveValidations != null && sLiveValidations.containsKey(target);

     * stop previously started live validation by {@link #startLiveValidation(Object, android.view.View,}
     * @param target live validation is recognized by target object
     * @return true if there was live validation to stop
    public static boolean stopLiveValidation(final Object target) {
        if (sLiveValidations == null || !sLiveValidations.containsKey(target)) {
            return false;
        final ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener removed = sLiveValidations.remove(target);
        final ViewTreeObserver treeObserver = removed.formContainer.getViewTreeObserver();
        if (treeObserver.isAlive()) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Perform validation over the views of the activity.
     * @param activity activity with views to validate
     * @param callback callback the will receive result of validation, results are ordered by order param in annotation.
     * @return whether the validation succeeded
    public static boolean validate(Activity activity, IValidationCallback callback) {
        return validate(activity, activity, callback);

     * Perform validation over the views of given fragment
     * @param fragment fragment with views to validate
     * @param callback callback the will receive result of validation, results are ordered by order param in annotation.
     * @return whether the validation succeeded
    public static boolean validate(Fragment fragment, IValidationCallback callback) {
        return validate(fragment.getActivity(), fragment, callback);

     * Perform validation over all fields on the target object. <br/>
     * Please note that if you have used joined validations (see {@link} over several fields at the same time,
     * target needs to be of type {@link Activity}, {@link Fragment} or {@link android.view.ViewGroup}. Exception will be thrown otherwise.
     * @return whether the validation succeeded
     * @throws FormsValidationException if there is problem in validation process
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if context or target is null
    public synchronized static boolean validate(Context context, Object target, IValidationCallback callback)
            throws FormsValidationException {
        if (context == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("context cannot ben null");
        if (target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("target cannot be null");

        final List<ValidationFail> failedValidations = new ArrayList<ValidationFail>();
        boolean result = true;

        final Map<View, FieldInfo> infoMap = FieldFinder.getFieldsForTarget(target);
        for (Map.Entry<View, FieldInfo> entry : infoMap.entrySet()) {
            final FieldInfo fieldInfo = entry.getValue();
            final View view = entry.getKey();

            if (view.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
                // don't run validation on views that are not visible

            ValidationFail fieldResult = performFieldValidations(context, target, fieldInfo, view);
            if (fieldResult != null) {
                result = false;
            } // else validation passed


        if (callback != null) {
            Collections.sort(failedValidations, new Comparator<ValidationFail>() {
                public int compare(ValidationFail lhs, ValidationFail rhs) {
                    return lhs.order < rhs.order ? -1 : (lhs.order == rhs.order ? 0 : 1);
            callback.validationComplete(result, Collections.unmodifiableList(failedValidations));
        return result;

     * perform all validations on single field
    private static ValidationFail performFieldValidations(Context context, Object target, FieldInfo fieldInfo,
            View view) {
        // first, we need to check if condition is not applied for all validations on field
        if (fieldInfo.condition != null && fieldInfo.condition.validationAnnotation().equals(Condition.class)) {
            // condition is applied to all validations on field
            boolean evaluation = evaluateCondition(target, fieldInfo.condition);
            if (!evaluation) {
                // go to next field
                return null;

        // field validations
        for (ValidationInfo valInfo : fieldInfo.validationInfoList) {
            final Annotation annotation = valInfo.annotation;
            if (fieldInfo.condition != null
                    && fieldInfo.condition.validationAnnotation().equals(annotation.annotationType())) {
                boolean evaluation = evaluateCondition(target, fieldInfo.condition);

                if (!evaluation) {
                    // continue to next annotation
            final IFieldAdapter adapter = FieldAdapterFactory.getAdapterForField(view, annotation);
            if (adapter == null) {
                throw new NoFieldAdapterException(view, annotation);

            final Object value = adapter.getFieldValue(annotation, target, view);
            final boolean isValid = valInfo.validator.validate(annotation, value);

            if (!isValid) {
                final String message = valInfo.validator.getMessage(context, annotation, value);
                final int order = valInfo.validator.getOrder(annotation);

                // no more validations on this field
                return new ValidationFail(view, message, order);
        return null;

    private static boolean evaluateCondition(Object target, Condition conditionAnnotation) {
        final int viewId = conditionAnnotation.viewId();
        final View conditionView;

        if (target instanceof Activity) {
            conditionView = ((Activity) target).findViewById(viewId);
        } else if (target instanceof Fragment) {
            conditionView = ((Fragment) target).getView().findViewById(viewId);
        } else if (target instanceof View) {
            conditionView = ((View) target).findViewById(viewId);
        } else {
            throw new FormsValidationException("unknown target " + target);

        final Class<? extends ICondition> clazz = conditionAnnotation.value();
        final IFieldAdapter adapter = FieldAdapterFactory.getAdapterForField(conditionView);
        final Object value = adapter.getFieldValue(null, target, conditionView);
        try {
            return clazz.newInstance().evaluate(value);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new FormsValidationException(e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new FormsValidationException(e);

    static class ValidationInfo {
        private final Annotation annotation;
        private final IValidator validator;
        final int order;

        ValidationInfo(Annotation annotation, IValidator validator) {
            this.annotation = annotation;
            this.validator = validator;
            this.order = validator.getOrder(annotation);

    static class FieldInfo {
        private final Condition condition;
        private final List<ValidationInfo> validationInfoList;

        FieldInfo(Condition condition, List<ValidationInfo> validationInfoList) {
            this.condition = condition;
            this.validationInfoList = validationInfoList;

     * Holds information about failed validation on concrete view
    public static final class ValidationFail {
        public final View view;
        public final String message;
        final int order;

        private ValidationFail(View view, String message, int order) {
            this.view = view;
            this.message = message;
            this.order = order;

    static class ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalFocusChangeListener {

        private final Map<View, FieldInfo> infoMap;
        private final View formContainer;
        private final Object target;
        private final IValidationCallback callback;

        private View currentlyFocusedView;

        public ViewGlobalFocusChangeListener(Map<View, FieldInfo> infoMap, View formContainer, Object target,
                IValidationCallback callback) {
            this.infoMap = infoMap;
            this.formContainer = formContainer;
   = target;
            this.callback = callback;
            this.currentlyFocusedView = formContainer.findFocus();

        public void onGlobalFocusChanged(View oldFocus, View newFocus) {
            // dunno why, but oldFocus is absolutely wrong
            if (this.currentlyFocusedView != null && this.currentlyFocusedView != newFocus) {
                FieldInfo info = this.infoMap.get(this.currentlyFocusedView);
                if (info != null) {
                    final ValidationFail validationFail = performFieldValidations(this.formContainer.getContext(),
                            target, info, this.currentlyFocusedView);

                    if (validationFail != null && callback != null) {
                        // we have a failed validation
                        this.callback.validationComplete(false, Collections.singletonList(validationFail));

            this.currentlyFocusedView = newFocus;