Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2014 EUBrazilCC (EU?Brazil Cloud Connect)
 * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by 
 * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
 * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
 * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the Licence.
 * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text
 * file for details on the various modules and licenses.
 * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works
 * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file.

package eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.service;

import static;
import static;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.DataSource.GENBANK;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.SequenceCollection.SANDFLY_COLLECTION;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Shareable.SharedAccess.VIEW_SHARE;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationFinder.DEFAULT_LOCATION;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationManager.CONFIG_MANAGER;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationManager.LVL_DEFAULT_NS;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationManager.REST_SERVICE_CONFIG;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationManager.getDefaultConfiguration;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.entrez.GbSeqXmlHelper.getSequence;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.http.LinkRelation.LAST;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.util.NamingUtils.urlEncodeUtf8;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.util.UrlUtils.getPath;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.util.UrlUtils.getQueryParams;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.xml.GbSeqXmlBinder.GBSEQ_XML_FACTORY;
import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.service.Task.TaskType.IMPORT_SANDFLY_SEQ;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis;
import static java.lang.System.getProperty;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils.random;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.defaultIfBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToEmpty;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.greaterThan;
import static;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;


import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HeaderElement;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpVersion;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties;
import org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.DataSource;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Dataset;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.DatasetOpenAccess;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.DatasetShare;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Leishmania;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.LvlInstance;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Metadata;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Reference;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Sandfly;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Target;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.geojson.FeatureCollection;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.geojson.LngLatAlt;
import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.geojson.Point;

 * Tests REST Web service.
 * @author Erik Torres <>
public class ServiceTest {

    private static final File TEST_OUTPUT_DIR = new File(
            concat(getProperty(""), ServiceTest.class.getSimpleName() + "_" + random(8, true, true)));

    private static final String HOST = "https://localhost:8443";
    private static final String SERVICE = "/lvl-service/rest/v1";
    private static final String BASE_URI = HOST + SERVICE;

    private WebTarget target;
    private static final String TOKEN_ROOT = "1234567890abcdEFGhiJKlMnOpqrstUVWxyZ";
    private static final String TOKEN_USER1 = "0987654321zYXwvuTSRQPoNmLkjIHgfeDCBA";
    private static final String TOKEN_USER2 = "zYXwvuTSRQPoNmLkjIHgfeDCBA1234567890";
    private static final String TOKEN_USER3 = "zYXwvuTSRQ567890PoNmLkjIHgfeDCBA1234";
    private String ownerId1;
    private String ownerId2;
    private String ownerId3;

    private static final ObjectMapper JSON_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // load test configuration
        final File file = new File(
                concat(DEFAULT_LOCATION, "test" + separator + "etc" + separator + REST_SERVICE_CONFIG));
        if (file.canRead()) {
            final List<URL> urls = newArrayList(getDefaultConfiguration());
            for (final ListIterator<URL> it = urls.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                final URL url =;
                if (url.getPath().endsWith(REST_SERVICE_CONFIG)) {
                    it.add(toURLs(new File[] { file })[0]);
        // setup test file-system environment
        // prepare client
        final Client client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().register(MapperProvider.class)
        // configure Web target
        target =;, true);
        // insert valid users in the database (they are needed for properly authentication/authorization)
        ownerId1 = toResourceOwnerId("user1");
        ownerId2 = toResourceOwnerId("user2");
        ownerId3 = toResourceOwnerId("user3");
        final User user1 = User.builder().userid("user1").password("password1").email("")
                .firstname("User 1").lastname("LVL User").role(USER_ROLE)
                user2 = User.builder().userid("user2").password("password2").email("")
                        .firstname("User 2").lastname("LVL User").role(USER_ROLE)
                user3 = User.builder().userid("user3").password("password3").email("")
                        .firstname("User 3").lastname("LVL User").role(USER_ROLE)
        // insert valid tokens in the database
                AccessToken.builder().token(TOKEN_ROOT).issuedAt(currentTimeMillis() / 1000l).expiresIn(604800l)
        TOKEN_DAO.insert(AccessToken.builder().token(TOKEN_USER1).issuedAt(currentTimeMillis() / 1000l)
        TOKEN_DAO.insert(AccessToken.builder().token(TOKEN_USER2).issuedAt(currentTimeMillis() / 1000l)
        TOKEN_DAO.insert(AccessToken.builder().token(TOKEN_USER3).issuedAt(currentTimeMillis() / 1000l)

    public void cleanUp() {
        // cleanup test file-system environment

    public void test() {
        try {
            Path path = null;
            Response response = null;
            String payload, response2 = null;
            URI location = null, uri = null;
            FeatureCollection featCol = null;

            // test import sandflies task
            path = TaskResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            Task task = Task.builder().type(IMPORT_SANDFLY_SEQ)
                    .ids(newArrayList("353470160", "353483325", "384562886")).build();

            response = target.path(path.value()).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .post(entity(task, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));

            // test import sandflies task progress
            EventInput eventInput = target.path(path.value()).path("progress").path(getName(location.getPath()))
                    .queryParam("refresh", 1).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
            while (!eventInput.isClosed()) {
                final InboundEvent inboundEvent =;
                if (inboundEvent == null) {
                    // connection has been closed
                final String id = trimToEmpty(inboundEvent.getId()); // Last-Event-ID is optional
                final String name = inboundEvent.getName();
                assertThat("Progress event name is not null", name, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Progress event name is not empty", isNotBlank(name));
                final String data = inboundEvent.readData(String.class);
                assertThat("Progress event data is not null", data, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Progress event data is not empty", isNotBlank(data));
                final Progress progress = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(data, Progress.class);
                assertThat("Progress event decoded object is not null", progress, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Import sandflies task does not have errors", !progress.isHasErrors());
                // uncomment for additional output            
                        .println(" >> Event [" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:S z").format(new Date())
                                + "]: id=" + id + "; name=" + name + "; data=" + data + "; object=" + progress);

            // repeat the import new sandflies task to test how the subscription is made from a client using the JavaScript EventSource interface
            task = Task.builder().type(IMPORT_SANDFLY_SEQ).ids(newArrayList("430902590")).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .post(entity(task, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create import sandflies task response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create import sandflies task HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));

            eventInput = target.path(path.value()).path("progress").path(getName(location.getPath()))
                    .queryParam("refresh", 1).queryParam("token", TOKEN_ROOT) // token attribute replaces HTTP header to overcome this EventSource limitation
            while (!eventInput.isClosed()) {
                final InboundEvent inboundEvent =;
                if (inboundEvent == null) {
                    // connection has been closed
                final String data = inboundEvent.readData(String.class);
                assertThat("Progress event data is not empty", isNotBlank(data));
                final Progress progress = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(data, Progress.class);
                assertThat("Progress event decoded object is not null", progress, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Import sandflies task does not have errors", !progress.isHasErrors());
                // uncomment for additional output            
                        .println(" >> Event [" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:S z").format(new Date())
                                + "]: object=" + progress);

            // test create new sandfly
            final GBSeq sandflySeq = GBSEQ_XML_FACTORY.createGBSeq().withGBSeqPrimaryAccession("ABC12345678")

            path = SandflySequenceResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final Sandfly sandfly = Sandfly.builder().dataSource(DataSource.GENBANK).definition("Example sandfly")
                    .accession("LVL00000").version("0.0").organism("Example organism").location(Point.builder()
                            .coordinates(LngLatAlt.builder().coordinates(1.2d, 3.4d).build()).build())
            SequenceKey sequenceKey = SequenceKey.builder().dataSource(sandfly.getDataSource())
            response = target.path(path.value()).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .post(entity(sandfly, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create new sandfly response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new sandfly response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create new sandfly response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create new sandfly response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new sandfly response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Create new sandfly response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new sandfly response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new sandfly HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get sandflies (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Get sandflies response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandflies response is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            assertThat("Get sandflies response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Get sandflies response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandflies response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandflies response body (JSON): " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandflies response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandflies HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get sandflies (Java object)
            Sequences sandflies = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Get sandflies result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandflies list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandflies list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Get sandflies items count coincide with list size", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandflies result: " + sandflies.toString());

            // test sandfly pagination (JSON encoded)
            final int perPage = 2;
            response = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("per_page", perPage).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page response is OK", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            sandflies = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(payload, Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page items count coincide with page size",
                    sandflies.getElements().size(), equalTo(min(perPage, sandflies.getTotalCount())));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Paginate sandflies first page response body (JSON): " + payload);

            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links is not null", sandflies.getLinks(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links is not empty", !sandflies.getLinks().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links count coincide with expected",
                    sandflies.getLinks().size(), equalTo(2));
            Link lastLink = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < sandflies.getLinks().size() && lastLink == null; i++) {
                final Link link = sandflies.getLinks().get(i);
                if (LAST.equalsIgnoreCase(link.getRel())) {
                    lastLink = link;
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page link to last page is not null", lastLink, notNullValue());

            response = target.path(getPath(lastLink).substring(SERVICE.length()))
                    .queryParam("page", parseInt(getQueryParams(lastLink).get("page")))
                    .queryParam("per_page", parseInt(getQueryParams(lastLink).get("per_page")))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page response is OK", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            sandflies = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(payload, Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Paginate sandflies last page response body (JSON): " + payload);

            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links is not null", sandflies.getLinks(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links is not empty", !sandflies.getLinks().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links count coincide with expected",
                    sandflies.getLinks().size(), equalTo(2));

            // test get sandflies pagination (Java object)
            sandflies = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("per_page", perPage).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page items count coincide with list size",
                    sandflies.getElements().size(), equalTo(min(perPage, sandflies.getTotalCount())));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Paginate sandflies first page result: " + sandflies.toString());

            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links is not null", sandflies.getLinks(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links is not empty", !sandflies.getLinks().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page links count coincide with expected",
                    sandflies.getLinks().size(), equalTo(2));
            lastLink = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < sandflies.getLinks().size() && lastLink == null; i++) {
                final Link link = sandflies.getLinks().get(i);
                if (LAST.equalsIgnoreCase(link.getRel())) {
                    lastLink = link;
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies first page link to last page is not null", lastLink, notNullValue());

            sandflies = target.path(getPath(lastLink).substring(SERVICE.length()))
                    .queryParam("page", parseInt(getQueryParams(lastLink).get("page")))
                    .queryParam("per_page", parseInt(getQueryParams(lastLink).get("per_page")))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Paginate sandflies last page result: " + sandflies.toString());

            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links is not null", sandflies.getLinks(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links is not empty", !sandflies.getLinks().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate sandflies last page links count coincide with expected",
                    sandflies.getLinks().size(), equalTo(2));

            // test get sandflies applying a full-text search filter
            sandflies = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("q", "papatasi").request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Search sandflies result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Search sandflies items count coincide with list size", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            assertThat("Search sandflies coincides result with expected", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Search sandflies result: " + sandflies.toString());

            // test get sandflies applying a keyword matching filter
            sandflies = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("q", "accession:JP553239").request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Search sandflies result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Search sandflies items count coincide with list size", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            assertThat("Search sandflies coincides result with expected", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Search sandflies result: " + sandflies.toString());

            // test get sandflies applying a full-text search combined with a keyword matching filter
            sandflies = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("q", "source:GenBank Phlebotomus")
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
            assertThat("Search sandflies result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Search sandflies items count coincide with list size", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            assertThat("Search sandflies coincides result with expected", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Search sandflies result: " + sandflies.toString());

            // test get sandflies applying a full-text search combined with a keyword matching filter (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("per_page", perPage)
                    .queryParam("q", "source:GenBank Phlebotomus").request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) response is OK", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            sandflies = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(payload, Sequences.class);
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Search sandflies (JSON encoded) items count coincide with page size",
                    sandflies.getElements().size(), equalTo(min(perPage, sandflies.getTotalCount())));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Search sandflies response body (JSON): " + payload);

            // test get sandflies sorted by accession number
            sandflies = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("sort", "accession").queryParam("order", "asc")
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
            assertThat("Sorted sandflies result is not null", sandflies, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Sorted sandflies list is not null", sandflies.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Sorted sandflies list is not empty", !sandflies.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Sorted sandflies items count coincide with list size", sandflies.getElements().size(),
            String last = "-1";
            for (final Sandfly seq : sandflies.getElements()) {
                assertThat("Sandflies are properly sorted", seq.getAccession().compareTo(last) > 0);
                last = seq.getAccession();
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Sorted sandflies result: " + sandflies.toString());

            // test get sandfly by data source + accession number
            Sandfly sandfly2 = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sandfly.class);
            assertThat("Get sandfly by accession number result is not null", sandfly2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandfly by accession number coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandfly by accession number result: " + sandfly2.toString());

            // test export sandfly 
            final GBSeq gbSeq = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).path("export/gb/xml")
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
            assertThat("Export sandfly result is not null", gbSeq, notNullValue());
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Export sandfly result: " + gbSeq.toString());

            // test update sandfly
            sandfly.setDefinition("Modified example sandfly");
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).put(entity(sandfly, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Update sandfly response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update sandfly response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Update sandfly response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Update sandfly response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update sandfly response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Update sandfly response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Update sandfly response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Update sandfly HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get sandfly by accession number after update
            sandfly2 = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Sandfly.class);
            assertThat("Get sandfly by accession number after update result is not null", sandfly2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get sandfly by accession number after update coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get sandfly by accession number after update result: " + sandfly2.toString());

            // test find sandflies near to a location
            featCol = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("1.216666667").path("3.416666667")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 4000.0d).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby sandflies result: " + featCol.toString());

            // test find sandflies near to a location (using plain REST, no Jersey client)
            uri = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("1.216666667").path("3.416666667")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 4000.0d).getUri();
            response2 = Request.Get(uri).addHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                    .addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).execute().returnContent().asString();
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain) is not null", response2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain) is not empty", isNotBlank(response2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby sandflies result (plain): " + response2);
            featCol = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(response2, FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain) is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies (plain) list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies (plain) list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby sandflies result (plain): " + featCol.toString());

            // test find sandflies near to a location (using plain REST, no Jersey client, and query style authz token)
            uri = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("1.216666667").path("3.416666667")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 4000.0d).queryParam(AUTHORIZATION_QUERY_OAUTH2, TOKEN_ROOT).getUri();
            response2 = Request.Get(uri).addHeader("Accept", "application/json").execute().returnContent()
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain + query token) is not null", response2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain + query token) is not empty", isNotBlank(response2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby sandflies result (plain + query token): " + response2);
            featCol = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(response2, FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies result (plain + query token) is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies (plain + query token) list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(),
            assertThat("Get nearby sandflies (plain + query token) list is not empty",
                    featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby sandflies result (plain + query token): " + featCol.toString());

            // test delete sandfly
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete sandfly response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete sandfly response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete sandfly response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete sandfly response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete sandfly response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete sandfly response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete sandfly response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete sandfly HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create new leishmania
            path = LeishmaniaSequenceResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final Leishmania leishmania = Leishmania.builder().dataSource(DataSource.GENBANK)
                    .definition("Example leishmania").accession("LVL00000").version("0.0")
                    .organism("Example organism").location(Point.builder()
                            .coordinates(LngLatAlt.builder().coordinates(1.2d, 3.4d).build()).build())
            sequenceKey = SequenceKey.builder().dataSource(leishmania.getDataSource())
            response = target.path(path.value()).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .post(entity(leishmania, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create new leishmania response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new leishmania response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create new leishmania response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create new leishmania response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new leishmania response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Create new leishmania response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new leishmania response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new leishmania HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get leishmania (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Get leishmania response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get leishmania response is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            assertThat("Get leishmania response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Get leishmania response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get leishmania response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get leishmania response body (JSON): " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Get leishmania response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Get leishmania HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test leishmania pagination (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).queryParam("per_page", perPage).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page response is OK", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            final LeishmaniaSequenceResource.Sequences leishmanias = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(payload,
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page result is not null", leishmanias, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page list is not null", leishmanias.getElements(),
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page list is not empty", !leishmanias.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Paginate leishmania first page items count coincide with page size",
                    leishmanias.getElements().size(), equalTo(min(perPage, leishmanias.getTotalCount())));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Paginate leishmanias first page response body (JSON): " + payload);

            // test update leishmania
            leishmania.setDefinition("Modified example leishmania");
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .put(entity(leishmania, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Update leishmania response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update leishmania response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Update leishmania response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Update leishmania response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update leishmania response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Update leishmania response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Update leishmania response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Update leishmania HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get leishmania by accession number after update
            final Leishmania leishmania2 = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId())
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
            assertThat("Get leishmania by accession number after update result is not null", leishmania2,
            assertThat("Get leishmania by accession number after update coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
                    " >> Get leishmania by accession number after update result: " + leishmania2.toString());

            // test find leishmania near to a location (using plain REST, no Jersey client)
            uri = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("1.216666667").path("3.416666667")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 4000.0d).getUri();
            response2 = Request.Get(uri).addHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                    .addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).execute().returnContent().asString();
            assertThat("Get nearby leishmania result (plain) is not null", response2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby leishmania result (plain) is not empty", isNotBlank(response2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby leishmania result (plain): " + response2);
            featCol = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(response2, FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby leishmania result (plain) is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby leishmania (plain) list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby leishmania (plain) list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby leishmania result (plain): " + featCol.toString());

            // test delete leishmania
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(sequenceKey.toId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete leishmania response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete leishmania response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete leishmania response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete leishmania response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete leishmania response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete leishmania response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete leishmania response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete leishmania HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create dataset (GZIP compressed FASTA sandfly)
            path = DatasetResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            Target datasetTarget = Target.builder().type("sequence").collection(SANDFLY_COLLECTION)
            Metadata datasetMetadata = Metadata.builder().target(datasetTarget).description("Optional description")
            Dataset dataset = Dataset.builder().filename("").metadata(datasetMetadata)
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
                    " >> Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) response JAX-RS object: " + response);
                    " >> Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA.GZIP sandfly) path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test list datasets (from super-user account)   
            Datasets datasets = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1)).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Datasets.class);
            assertThat("Get datasets (root account) result is not null", datasets, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (root account) list is not null", datasets.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (root account) list is not empty", datasets.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get datasets (root account) items count coincide with list size",
                    datasets.getElements().size(), equalTo(datasets.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get datasets (root account) result: " + datasets.toString());

            // test list datasets (from user unauthorized user account)
            try {
                datasets = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1)).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                        .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER2)).get(Datasets.class);
                fail("list datasets from user unauthorized user account must produce 401 error");
            } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
                // uncomment for additional output         
                System.out.println(" >> Get datasets (unauthorized user account) produced the expected 401 error");

            // test list datasets (from user account)
            datasets = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1)).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).get(Datasets.class);
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) result is not null", datasets, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) list is not null", datasets.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) list is not empty", datasets.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) items count coincide with list size",
                    datasets.getElements().size(), equalTo(datasets.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get datasets (user account) result: " + datasets.toString());

            // test list datasets (from user account using default namespace)
            datasets = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).get(Datasets.class);
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) result is not null", datasets, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) list is not null", datasets.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) list is not empty", datasets.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get datasets (user account) items count coincide with list size",
                    datasets.getElements().size(), equalTo(datasets.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get datasets (user account) result: " + datasets.toString());

            // test get dataset
            datasetMetadata = dataset.getMetadata();
            Dataset dataset2 = target.path(path.value()).path(datasets.getElements().get(0).getUrlSafeNamespace())
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).get(Dataset.class);
            assertThat("Get dataset result is not null", dataset2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset namespace is not empty", isNotBlank(dataset2.getNamespace()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset namespace coincides with expected", dataset2.getNamespace(), equalTo(ownerId1));
            assertThat("Get dataset id is not empty", isNotBlank(dataset2.getId()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset length coincides with expected", dataset2.getLength(), greaterThan(0L));
            assertThat("Get dataset chunk size coincides with expected", dataset2.getChunkSize(), greaterThan(0L));
            assertThat("Get dataset creation date is not null", dataset2.getUploadDate(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset md5 is not empty", isNotBlank(dataset2.getMd5()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset filename is not empty", isNotBlank(dataset2.getFilename()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset filename coincides with expected", dataset2.getFilename(),
            assertThat("Get dataset content type is not empty", isNotBlank(dataset2.getContentType()),
            assertThat("Get dataset content type coincides with expected", dataset2.getContentType(),
            assertThat("Get dataset aliases coincides with expected", dataset2.getAliases(),
            assertThat("Get dataset metadata coincides with expected", dataset2.getMetadata(),
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset result: " + dataset2.toString());

            // test get dataset manually encoding the namespace and filename
            final String datasetId = dataset2.getId();
            dataset2 = target.path(path.value())
                            defaultIfBlank(datasets.getElements().get(0).getNamespace(), LVL_DEFAULT_NS).trim()))
                            defaultIfBlank(datasets.getElements().get(0).getFilename(), LVL_DEFAULT_NS).trim()))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
            assertThat("Get dataset (url encoded) result is not null", dataset2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset (url encoded) Id coincides with expected", dataset2.getId(),
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset (url encoded) result: " + dataset2.toString());

            // test update dataset
            dataset.getMetadata().setDescription("Different description");
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(datasets.getElements().get(0).getUrlSafeNamespace())
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).put(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Update dataset response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update dataset response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Update dataset response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Update dataset response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update dataset response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Update dataset response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Update dataset response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Update dataset HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test delete dataset
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(datasets.getElements().get(0).getUrlSafeNamespace())
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete dataset response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete dataset response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete dataset response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create dataset (GZIP compressed NCBI sandfly)
            datasetTarget = Target.builder().type("sequence").collection(SANDFLY_COLLECTION).id("gb:JP540074")
            datasetMetadata = Metadata.builder().target(datasetTarget).description("Optional description").build();
            dataset = Dataset.builder().filename("").metadata(datasetMetadata).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
                    " >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) response JAX-RS object: " + response);
                    .println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test create dataset (uncompressed FASTA sandfly)
            datasetTarget = Target.builder().type("sequence").collection(SANDFLY_COLLECTION).id("gb:JP540074")
            datasetMetadata = Metadata.builder().target(datasetTarget).description("Optional description").build();
            dataset = Dataset.builder().filename("my_sequence.fasta").metadata(datasetMetadata).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (FASTA sandfly) path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test create dataset (uncompressed NCBI sandfly)
            datasetTarget = Target.builder().type("sequence").collection(SANDFLY_COLLECTION).id("gb:JP540074")
            datasetMetadata = Metadata.builder().target(datasetTarget).description("Optional description").build();
            dataset = Dataset.builder().filename("my_ncbi_sequence.xml").metadata(datasetMetadata).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI sandfly) path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test create dataset (GZIP compressed NCBI bulk of sandflies)
            datasetTarget = Target.builder().type("sequence").collection(SANDFLY_COLLECTION)
                    .ids(newHashSet("gb:JP540074", "gb:JP553239")).filter("export").compression("gzip").build();
            datasetMetadata = Metadata.builder().target(datasetTarget).description("Optional description").build();
            dataset = Dataset.builder().filename("").metadata(datasetMetadata).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(dataset, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response entity is not null", payload,
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
                    " >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandflies bulk) response JAX-RS object: " + response);
                    .println(" >> Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset (NCBI.GZIP sandfly) path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test file download
            URI downloadUri = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS))
            org.apache.http.client.fluent.Response response3 = Request.Get(downloadUri)
                    .version(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) // use HTTP/1.1
                    .addHeader("Accept", APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)
                    .addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).execute();
            assertThat("Download dataset response is not null", response3, notNullValue());
            HttpResponse response4 = response3.returnResponse();
            assertThat("Download dataset HTTP response is not null", response4, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download dataset status line is not null", response4.getStatusLine(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download dataset status coincides with expected", response4.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(),
            Header[] headers = response4.getAllHeaders();
            assertThat("Download dataset headers is not null", headers, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download dataset headers is not empty", headers.length, greaterThan(0));
            String filename = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length && filename == null; i++) {
                if ("content-disposition".equalsIgnoreCase(headers[i].getName())) {
                    final HeaderElement[] elements = headers[i].getElements();
                    if (elements != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < elements.length && filename == null; j++) {
                            if ("attachment".equalsIgnoreCase(elements[j].getName())) {
                                final NameValuePair pair = elements[j].getParameterByName("filename");
                                if (pair != null) {
                                    filename = pair.getValue();
            assertThat("Download dataset filename is not empty", isNotBlank(filename), equalTo(true));
            HttpEntity entity = response4.getEntity();
            assertThat("Download dataset entity is not null", entity, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download dataset content length coincides with expected", entity.getContentLength(),
            File outfile = new File(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR, filename);
            try (final InputStream inputStream = entity.getContent();
                    final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outfile)) {
                int read = 0;
                byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
                while ((read = != -1) {
                    outputStream.write(bytes, 0, read);
            assertThat("Downloaded file exists", outfile.exists(), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Downloaded file is not empty", outfile.length(), greaterThan(0L));
            GBSeq sequence = getSequence(outfile);
            assertThat("XML parsed from downloaded file is not null", sequence, notNullValue());
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Saved file: " + filename);

            // test create a dataset share (user1 grants access to user2)
            path = DatasetShareResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final DatasetShare share = DatasetShare.builder().subject(ownerId2).build();
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).post(entity(share, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset share response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset share response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset share response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset share response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset share response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset share response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset share response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset share HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset share location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset share path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()), equalTo(true));

            // test listing dataset shares (from super-user account)   
            DatasetShares shares = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(DatasetShares.class);
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (root account) result is not null", shares, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (root account) list is not null", shares.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (root account) list is not empty", shares.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (root account) items count coincide with list size",
                    shares.getElements().size(), equalTo(shares.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset shares (root account) result: " + shares.toString());

            // test list dataset shares (from user unauthorized user account)
            try {
                shares = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                        .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER3)).get(DatasetShares.class);
                fail("list dataset shares from unauthorized user account must produce 401 error");
            } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
                // uncomment for additional output         
                        " >> List dataset shares (unauthorized user account) produced the expected 401 error");

            // test list dataset shares (from owner)
            shares = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).get(DatasetShares.class);
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (owner) result is not null", shares, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (owner) list is not null", shares.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (owner) list is not empty", shares.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (owner) items count coincide with list size",
                    shares.getElements().size(), equalTo(shares.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset shares (owner) result: " + shares.toString());

            // test list datasets (from granted user)
            shares = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER2)).get(DatasetShares.class);
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (granted user) result is not null", shares, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (granted user) list is not null", shares.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (granted user) list is not empty", shares.getElements().isEmpty(),
            assertThat("Get dataset shares (granted user) items count coincide with list size",
                    shares.getElements().size(), equalTo(shares.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset shares (granted user) result: " + shares.toString());

            // test getting a dataset share from owner
            DatasetShare share2 = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) result is not null", share2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) access type is not null", share2.getAccessType(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) access type coincides with expected", share2.getAccessType(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) filename is not empty", isNotBlank(share2.getFilename()),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) filename coincides with expected", share2.getFilename(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) namespace is not empty", isNotBlank(share2.getNamespace()),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) namespace coincides with expected", share2.getNamespace(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) shared date is not null", share2.getSharedDate(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) subject is not empty", isNotBlank(share2.getSubject()),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from owner) subject coincides with expected", share2.getSubject(),
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset share (from owner) result: " + share2.toString());

            // test viewing a dataset from an account granted (not from the owner account)
            share2 = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER2))
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) result is not null", share2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) access type is not null", share2.getAccessType(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) access type coincides with expected",
                    share2.getAccessType(), equalTo(VIEW_SHARE));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) filename is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(share2.getFilename()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) filename coincides with expected",
                    share2.getFilename(), equalTo("my_ncbi_sequence.xml"));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) namespace is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(share2.getNamespace()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) namespace coincides with expected",
                    share2.getNamespace(), equalTo(ownerId1));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) shared date is not null", share2.getSharedDate(),
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) subject is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(share2.getSubject()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset share (from granted account) subject coincides with expected",
                    share2.getSubject(), equalTo(ownerId2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset share (from granted account) result: " + share2.toString());

            // test viewing a dataset share (from user unauthorized user account)
            try {
                share2 = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                        .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER3))
                fail("get dataset share from unauthorized user account must produce 401 error");
            } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
                // uncomment for additional output         
                        " >> Get dataset share (unauthorized user account) produced the expected 401 error");

            // test removing permissions to data share and accessing (not from the owner account)
            try {
                response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                        .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER2)).delete();
                if (UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode() == response.getStatus()) {
                    throw new ExpectedException("No exception was thrown, but status is 401");
                fail("delete dataset share from granted user account must produce 401 error, instead got "
                        + response.getStatus());
            } catch (NotAuthorizedException | ExpectedException e) {
                // uncomment for additional output         
                        .println(" >> Delete dataset share (granted user account) produced the expected 401 error");

            // test removing permissions to data share and accessing (from the owner account)
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete dataset share response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset share response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete dataset share response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete dataset share response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset share response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset share response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset share response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset share HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create open access link
            path = DatasetOpenAccessResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final DatasetOpenAccess openAccess = DatasetOpenAccess.builder().filename("my_ncbi_sequence.xml")
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS)).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
                    .post(entity(openAccess, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset open access link response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset open access link response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create dataset open access link HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());
            location = new URI((String) response.getHeaders().get("Location").get(0));
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link location is not null", location, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create dataset open access link path is not empty", isNotBlank(location.getPath()),

            // test get open access link (from user unauthorized user account)
            DatasetOpenAccess openAccess2 = null;
            try {
                openAccess2 = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                        .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER3)).get(DatasetOpenAccess.class);
                fail("get dataset open access link from unauthorized user account must produce 401 error");
            } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
                // uncomment for additional output      
                        " >> Get dataset open access link (unauthorized user account) produced the expected 401 error");

            // test get open access link (from owner account)
            openAccess2 = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).get(DatasetOpenAccess.class);
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) result is not null", openAccess2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) filename is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(openAccess2.getFilename()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) filename coincides with expected",
                    openAccess2.getFilename(), equalTo("my_ncbi_sequence.xml"));
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) namespace is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(openAccess2.getNamespace()), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) namespace coincides with expected",
                    openAccess2.getNamespace(), equalTo(ownerId1));
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) creation date is not null",
                    openAccess2.getOpenAccessDate(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset open access link (from owner) link is not empty",
                    isNotBlank(openAccess2.getOpenAccessLink()), equalTo(true));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset open access link (from owner) result: " + openAccess2.toString());

            // test list open access links (from owner account)
            DatasetOpenAccesses openAccesses = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(LVL_DEFAULT_NS))
                    .request(APPLICATION_JSON).header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1))
            assertThat("Get dataset open access links (owner) result is not null", openAccesses, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get dataset open access links (owner) list is not null", openAccesses.getElements(),
            assertThat("Get dataset open access links (owner) list is not empty",
                    openAccesses.getElements().isEmpty(), equalTo(false));
            assertThat("Get dataset open access links (owner) items count coincide with list size",
                    openAccesses.getElements().size(), equalTo(openAccesses.getTotalCount()));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get dataset open access links (owner) result: " + openAccesses.toString());

            // test download from open access link         
            downloadUri = target.path(PublicResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class).value()).path("datasets")
            response3 = Request.Get(downloadUri).version(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) // use HTTP/1.1
                    .addHeader("Accept", APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM).execute();
            assertThat("Download open access dataset response is not null", response3, notNullValue());
            response4 = response3.returnResponse();
            assertThat("Download open access dataset HTTP response is not null", response4, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download open access dataset status line is not null", response4.getStatusLine(),
            assertThat("Download open access dataset status coincides with expected",
                    response4.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            headers = response4.getAllHeaders();
            assertThat("Download open access dataset headers is not null", headers, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download open access dataset headers is not empty", headers.length, greaterThan(0));
            filename = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length && filename == null; i++) {
                if ("content-disposition".equalsIgnoreCase(headers[i].getName())) {
                    final HeaderElement[] elements = headers[i].getElements();
                    if (elements != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < elements.length && filename == null; j++) {
                            if ("attachment".equalsIgnoreCase(elements[j].getName())) {
                                final NameValuePair pair = elements[j].getParameterByName("filename");
                                if (pair != null) {
                                    filename = pair.getValue();
            assertThat("Download open access dataset filename is not empty", isNotBlank(filename), equalTo(true));
            entity = response4.getEntity();
            assertThat("Download open access dataset entity is not null", entity, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Download open access dataset content length coincides with expected",
                    entity.getContentLength(), greaterThan(0l));
            outfile = new File(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR, filename);
            try (final InputStream inputStream = entity.getContent();
                    final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outfile)) {
                int read = 0;
                byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
                while ((read = != -1) {
                    outputStream.write(bytes, 0, read);
            assertThat("Downloaded open access file exists", outfile.exists(), equalTo(true));
            assertThat("Downloaded open access file is not empty", outfile.length(), greaterThan(0L));
            sequence = getSequence(outfile);
            assertThat("XML parsed from downloaded open access file is not null", sequence, notNullValue());
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Saved open access file: " + filename);

            // URL shortening tests (depends on the availability of the Google API key)
            if (isNotBlank(CONFIG_MANAGER.getGoogleAPIKey())) {
                // test shorten URL with valid public resource
                URI endpointUri = target.path(PublicResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class).value())
                payload = Request.Get(endpointUri).version(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) // use HTTP/1.1
                        .addHeader("Accept", TEXT_PLAIN).execute().returnContent().asString();
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset response entity is empty", isNotBlank(payload));
                // uncomment for additional output
                System.out.println(" >> Shortened URL: " + payload);

                // test shorten URL with invalid public resource (should fail with status 404)
                endpointUri = target.path(PublicResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class).value()).path("datasets")
                response3 = Request.Get(endpointUri).version(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) // use HTTP/1.1
                        .addHeader("Accept", TEXT_PLAIN).execute();
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset response is not null", response3, notNullValue());
                response4 = response3.returnResponse();
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset HTTP response is not null", response4, notNullValue());
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset status line is not null", response4.getStatusLine(),
                assertThat("Shorten open access dataset status coincides with expected",
                        response4.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), equalTo(NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()));
            } else {
                        "\n\n >> Skipping URL shortening test since Google API key is not available in the test system\n");

            // test remove open access link
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(urlEncodeUtf8(ownerId1))
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_USER1)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete dataset open access link response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset open access link response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete dataset open access link response is not empty", response.getEntity(),
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete dataset open access link response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete dataset open access link response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset open access link response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset open access link response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete dataset open access link HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create new reference
            final String pmid = "00000000";

            final Sandfly sandfly3 = Sandfly
                            .coordinates(LngLatAlt.builder().coordinates(-122.90d, 38.08d).build()).build())

            path = CitationResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final Reference reference = Reference.builder().title("The best paper in the world").pubmedId(pmid)
            response = target.path(path.value()).request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .post(entity(reference, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create new reference response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new reference response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create new reference response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create new reference response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new reference response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Create new reference response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new reference response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new reference HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get reference by PMID (Java object)
            Reference reference2 = target.path(path.value()).path(reference.getPubmedId()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Reference.class);
            assertThat("Get reference by PMID result is not null", reference2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get reference by PMID coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get reference by PMID result: " + reference2.toString());

            // test list all references (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get();
            assertThat("Get references response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get references response is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            assertThat("Get references response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Get references response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get references response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get references response body (JSON): " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Get references response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Get references HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test list all references (Java object)
            References references = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(References.class);
            assertThat("Get references result is not null", references, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get references list is not null", references.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get references list is not empty", !references.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Get references items count coincide with list size", references.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get references result: " + references.toString());

            // test find references near to a location (JSON encoded)
            uri = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("-122.90").path("38.08")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 1000.0d).getUri();
            response2 = Request.Get(uri).addHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                    .addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).execute().returnContent().asString();
            assertThat("Get nearby references result (plain) is not null", response2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby references result (plain) is not empty", isNotBlank(response2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby references result (plain): " + response2);
            featCol = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(response2, FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby references result (plain) is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby references (plain) list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby references (plain) list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby references result (plain): " + featCol.toString());

            // test find references near to a location (Java object)
            featCol = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("-122.90").path("38.08")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 1000.0d).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby references result is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby references list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby references list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby references result: " + featCol.toString());

            // test update reference
            reference.setTitle("A very good paper");
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(reference.getPubmedId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT))
                    .put(entity(reference, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Update reference response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update reference response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Update reference response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Update reference response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update reference response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Update reference response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Update reference response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Update reference HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get reference by PMID after update
            reference2 = target.path(path.value()).path(reference.getPubmedId()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).get(Reference.class);
            assertThat("Get reference by PMID after update result is not null", reference2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get reference by PMID after update coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get reference by PMID after update result: " + reference2.toString());

            // test delete reference
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(reference.getPubmedId()).request()
                    .header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, bearerHeader(TOKEN_ROOT)).delete();
            assertThat("Delete reference response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete reference response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete reference response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete reference response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete reference response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete reference response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete reference response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete reference HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test create new instance
            final String instanceId = "00000001";
            final Date heartbeat = new Date();

            path = LvlInstanceResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class);
            final LvlInstance instance = LvlInstance.builder().instanceId(instanceId).roles(newHashSet("shard"))
                            .coordinates(LngLatAlt.builder().coordinates(-122.90d, 38.08d).build()).build())
            response = target.path(path.value()).request().post(entity(instance, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Create new instance response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new instance response is CREATED", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Create new instance response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Create new instance response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Create new instance response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Create new instance response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new instance response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Create new instance HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get instance by Id (Java object)
            LvlInstance instance2 = target.path(path.value()).path(instance.getInstanceId())
            assertThat("Get instance by Id result is not null", instance2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instance by Id coincides with expected", instance2.equalsIgnoringVolatile(instance));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get instance by Id result: " + instance2.toString());

            // test list all instances (JSON encoded)
            response = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON).get();
            assertThat("Get instances response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instances response is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            assertThat("Get instances response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Get instances response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instances response entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get instances response body (JSON): " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Get instances response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Get instances HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test list all instances (Java object)
            LvlInstances instances = target.path(path.value()).request(APPLICATION_JSON).get(LvlInstances.class);
            assertThat("Get instances result is not null", instances, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instances list is not null", instances.getElements(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instances list is not empty", !instances.getElements().isEmpty());
            assertThat("Get instances items count coincide with list size", instances.getElements().size(),
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get instances result: " + instances.toString());

            // test find instances near to a location (JSON encoded)
            uri = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("-122.90").path("38.08")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 1000.0d).getUri();
            response2 = Request.Get(uri).addHeader("Accept", "application/json").execute().returnContent()
            assertThat("Get nearby instances result (plain) is not null", response2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby instances result (plain) is not empty", isNotBlank(response2));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby instances result (plain): " + response2);
            featCol = JSON_MAPPER.readValue(response2, FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby instances result (plain) is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby instances (plain) list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby instances (plain) list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby instances result (plain): " + featCol.toString());

            // test find instances near to a location (Java object)
            featCol = target.path(path.value()).path("nearby").path("-122.90").path("38.08")
                    .queryParam("maxDistance", 1000.0d).request(APPLICATION_JSON).get(FeatureCollection.class);
            assertThat("Get nearby instances result is not null", featCol, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby instances list is not null", featCol.getFeatures(), notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get nearby instances list is not empty", featCol.getFeatures().size() > 0);
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Get nearby instances result: " + featCol.toString());

            // test update instance
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(instance.getInstanceId()).request()
                    .put(entity(instance, APPLICATION_JSON));
            assertThat("Update instance response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update instance response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Update instance response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Update instance response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Update instance response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Update instance response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Update instance response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Update instance HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get instance by Id after update
            instance2 = target.path(path.value()).path(instance.getInstanceId()).request(APPLICATION_JSON)
            assertThat("Get instance by Id after update result is not null", instance2, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get instance by Id after update coincides with expected",
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get instance by Id after update result: " + instance2.toString());

            // test delete instance
            response = target.path(path.value()).path(instance.getInstanceId()).request().delete();
            assertThat("Delete instance response is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete instance response is NO_CONTENT", response.getStatus(),
            assertThat("Delete instance response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Delete instance response entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Delete instance response entity is empty", isBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output         
            System.out.println(" >> Delete instance response body (JSON), empty is OK: " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete instance response JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Delete instance HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

            // test get collection statistics
            response = target.path(path.value()).path("stats/collection").request().accept(APPLICATION_JSON).get();
            assertThat("Get collection stats is not null", response, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get collection stats is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
            assertThat("Get collection stats is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
            payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
            assertThat("Get collection stats entity is not null", payload, notNullValue());
            assertThat("Get collection stats entity is not empty", isNotBlank(payload));
            // uncomment for additional output
            System.out.println(" >> Get collection stats body (JSON): " + payload);
            System.out.println(" >> Get collection stats JAX-RS object: " + response);
            System.out.println(" >> Get collection stats HTTP headers: " + response.getStringHeaders());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("ServiceTest.test() failed: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            System.out.println("ServiceTest.test() has finished");

    protected static void printWadl(final WebTarget target) {
        final Response response = target.path("application.wadl").request().get();
        assertThat("Get WADL response is not null", response, notNullValue());
        assertThat("Get WADL response is OK", response.getStatus(), equalTo(OK.getStatusCode()));
        assertThat("Get WADL response is not empty", response.getEntity(), notNullValue());
        final String payload = response.readEntity(String.class);
        // uncomment for additional output
        System.out.println(" >> Get WADL response body: " + payload);

    public static class ExpectedException extends RuntimeException {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1985898389956760475L;

        public ExpectedException(final String message) {

