Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Nortal AS * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package eu.databata.engine.dao; import eu.databata.Propagator; import eu.databata.engine.model.HistoryLogEntry; import eu.databata.engine.model.PropagationHistory; import eu.databata.engine.model.PropagationLock; import eu.databata.engine.model.PropagationObject; import eu.databata.engine.model.PropagationObject.ObjectType; import eu.databata.engine.model.PropagationSqlLog; import eu.databata.engine.util.PropagationUtils; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import; /** * @author Maksim Boiko {@literal<>} */ public class PropagationDAO extends JdbcDaoSupport { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PropagationDAO.class); private static final String TABLE_NAME_MARKER = "<<TABLE_NAME>>"; private final static int MAX_SQLTEXT_LENGTH = 2000; private final static int MAX_ERRORTEXT_LENGTH = 1000; private String changeHistoryTable; private String propagationObjectsTable; private String lockTable; private String historyLogTable; private String databaseCode; private String createHistorySQL; private String createPropagationObjectsSQL; private String createLockSQL; private String createHistoryLogSQL; /** * This method loads already propagated changes from the DB. If history table does not exist then empty set is * returned and new history table created. */ public Set<String> getPropagatedChages(String moduleName) { try { return loadChangeHistory(moduleName); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) {"No history table found, creating it."); createHistoryTable(); return new HashSet<String>(); } } private void createHistoryTable() { getJdbcTemplate().update(getCreateHistorySQL()); } private Set<String> loadChangeHistory(String moduleName) { return new HashSet<String>( getJdbcTemplate().queryForList("SELECT code FROM " + changeHistoryTable + " WHERE module_name = ?", new Object[] { moduleName }, String.class)); } public void updateHistoryTable(String moduleName, String id) { getJdbcTemplate().update("INSERT INTO " + changeHistoryTable + " VALUES (?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { moduleName, id, new Date() }); } public List<PropagationObject> getPropagationObjects(String moduleName) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + propagationObjectsTable + " WHERE object_type IN (?,?,?,?,?,?) AND module_name = ?"; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Loading propagation objects: " + sql); } try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(sql, new Object[] {,,,,,, moduleName }, new PropagationObjectRowMapper()); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) { LOG.error(ex);"Creating " + propagationObjectsTable + ", because it does not exist."); createPropagationObjectsTable(); return new ArrayList<PropagationObject>(); } } public List<PropagationObject> getPropagationObjects() { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query("SELECT * FROM " + propagationObjectsTable, new PropagationObjectRowMapper()); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) { LOG.error(ex); return new ArrayList<PropagationObject>(); } } public List<PropagationHistory> getHistory() { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query("SELECT * FROM " + changeHistoryTable, new PropagationHistoryRowMapper()); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) { LOG.error(ex); return Collections.emptyList(); } } public List<PropagationSqlLog> getHistoryLog() { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query("SELECT * FROM " + historyLogTable, new PropagationSqlLogRowMapper()); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) { LOG.error(ex); return Collections.emptyList(); } } private void createPropagationObjectsTable() { getJdbcTemplate().update(getCreatePropagationObjectsSQL()); } public boolean hasPropagationObjectEntry(String objectName, String moduleName) { String sql = "SELECT 1 FROM " + propagationObjectsTable + " WHERE object_name = ? AND module_name = ?"; try { Number number = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(sql, new Object[] { objectName, moduleName }, Integer.class); return (number != null ? number.intValue() : 0) == 1; } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { return false; } } public void insertPropagationObjectEntry(PropagationObject propagationObject) { String sql = "INSERT INTO " + propagationObjectsTable + " (MODULE_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, MD5_HASH, VERSION) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; getJdbcTemplate().update(sql, new Object[] { propagationObject.getModuleName(), propagationObject.getObjectName(), propagationObject.getObjectType().name(), propagationObject.getMd5Hash(), propagationObject.getVersion() == null ? "" : propagationObject.getVersion() }); } public void removePropagationObjectEntry(String objectName, String moduleName) { String removeSql = "DELETE FROM " + propagationObjectsTable + " WHERE object_name = ? AND module_name = ?"; getJdbcTemplate().update(removeSql, new Object[] { objectName, moduleName }); } public void updatePropagationObjectEntry(PropagationObject propagationObject) { String update = "UPDATE " + propagationObjectsTable + " SET md5_hash = ?, version = ? WHERE object_name = ? AND module_name = ?"; getJdbcTemplate().update(update, new Object[] { propagationObject.getMd5Hash(), propagationObject.getVersion(), propagationObject.getObjectName(), propagationObject.getModuleName() }); } public void createLockTable() { getJdbcTemplate().update(getCreateLockSQL()); getJdbcTemplate().update("INSERT INTO " + lockTable + " VALUES (NULL, ?)", new Object[] { new Date() }); } public void insertLockRecord() { getJdbcTemplate().update("INSERT INTO " + lockTable + " VALUES (NULL, ?)", new Object[] { new Date() }); } public void deleteLock() { getJdbcTemplate().update("UPDATE " + lockTable + " SET TOKEN = NULL"); } public PropagationLock getLockInfo() { return getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("SELECT * FROM " + lockTable, new RowMapper<PropagationLock>() { @Override public PropagationLock mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { PropagationLock lock = new PropagationLock(); lock.setToken(rs.getString("token")); lock.setLockTime(rs.getDate("lock_time")); return lock; } }); } public String getLockToken() { return getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("SELECT token FROM " + lockTable, String.class); } public int updateLock(String token) { return getJdbcTemplate().update("UPDATE " + lockTable + " SET TOKEN = ?, LOCK_TIME = ? WHERE TOKEN IS NULL", new Object[] { token, new Date() }); } public void checkHistoryTable() { getJdbcTemplate().execute("SELECT 1 FROM " + historyLogTable); } public void createHistoryLogTable() { getJdbcTemplate().update(getCreateHistoryLogSQL()); } public void insertHistoryLog(String moduleName, HistoryLogEntry entry) { String sqlText = StringUtils.abbreviate(entry.getSqlText(), MAX_SQLTEXT_LENGTH); String errorText = StringUtils.abbreviate(entry.getSqlErrorText(), MAX_ERRORTEXT_LENGTH); getJdbcTemplate().update("INSERT INTO " + historyLogTable + "(MODULE_NAME, DB_CHANGE_CODE, SQL_TEXT, ROWS_UPDATED, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_TEXT, UPDATE_TIME, EXECUTION_TIME) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ", new Object[] { moduleName, entry.getDbChange() == null ? "" : entry.getDbChange(), sqlText, entry.getSqlRows(), entry.getSqlErrorCode(), errorText, entry.getDate(), entry.getExecutionTime() }); } public void updateVersion() { try { getJdbcTemplate().queryForList("SELECT 1 FROM " + propagationObjectsTable + " WHERE version = ?", new Object[] { "MARKER" }); } catch (final BadSqlGrammarException ex) { addVersionColumn(); } } private void addVersionColumn() { String sql = "ALTER TABLE " + propagationObjectsTable + " ADD version " + getVarcharDefinition(30); try { getJdbcTemplate().update(sql); } catch (BadSqlGrammarException e) { LOG.error(e);"Creating " + propagationObjectsTable + ", because it does not exist."); createPropagationObjectsTable(); } } private String getCreateHistorySQL() { if (createHistorySQL == null) { String createHistoryFilePath = databaseCode + "_create_history.sql"; return readSqlFromFile(createHistoryFilePath).replaceAll(TABLE_NAME_MARKER, changeHistoryTable); } return createHistorySQL; } private String getCreatePropagationObjectsSQL() { if (createPropagationObjectsSQL == null) { String createPropagationObjectsFilePath = databaseCode + "_create_propagation_objects.sql"; return readSqlFromFile(createPropagationObjectsFilePath).replaceAll(TABLE_NAME_MARKER, propagationObjectsTable); } return createPropagationObjectsSQL; } private String getCreateLockSQL() { if (createLockSQL == null) { String createLockFilePath = databaseCode + "_create_lock.sql"; return readSqlFromFile(createLockFilePath).replaceAll(TABLE_NAME_MARKER, lockTable); } return createLockSQL; } private String getCreateHistoryLogSQL() { if (createHistoryLogSQL == null) { String createHistoryLogFilePath = databaseCode + "_create_history_log.sql"; return readSqlFromFile(createHistoryLogFilePath).replaceAll(TABLE_NAME_MARKER, historyLogTable); } return createHistoryLogSQL; } private String readSqlFromFile(String filePath) { // Enumeration<URL> findEntries = bundleContext.getBundle().findEntries(".", filePath, false); String fileLocation = "META-INF/databata/" + filePath;"Reading file from " + fileLocation); ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(fileLocation); try { String sqlFile = PropagationUtils.readFile(classPathResource.getInputStream()); sqlFile = sqlFile.replaceAll("--.*$\n", ""); return sqlFile; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot read " + fileLocation + " file from classpath."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String getVarcharDefinition(int charNumber) { if (Propagator.DATABASE_CODE_ORACLE.equals(databaseCode)) { return "VARCHAR2(" + charNumber + " char)"; } return "VARCHAR " + charNumber; } public void setChangeHistoryTable(String changeHistoryTable) { this.changeHistoryTable = changeHistoryTable; } public void setPropagationObjectsTable(String propagationObjectsTable) { this.propagationObjectsTable = propagationObjectsTable; } public void setLockTable(String lockTable) { this.lockTable = lockTable; } public void setHistoryLogTable(String historyLogTable) { this.historyLogTable = historyLogTable; } public void setDatabaseCode(String databaseCode) { this.databaseCode = databaseCode; } }