Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2009 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.annocultor.api.Common; import eu.annocultor.context.Environment; import eu.annocultor.triple.Property; import eu.annocultor.triple.Triple; import eu.annocultor.triple.ValueHelper; import eu.annocultor.utils.SesameWriter; import eu.annocultor.xconverter.api.Graph; public abstract class AbstractFileWritingGraph extends AbstractGraph { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass().getName()); private final long MAX_TRIPLES_PER_FILE = 300000; private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 100; private Map<Property, Integer> properties = new HashMap<Property, Integer>(); private Map<String, Integer> propertySourcePath = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Environment environment; private boolean startedWriting; private String extension; /** * Target that corresponds to an output RDF file. * * @param datasetId * signature of a dataset (conversion task). null indicates that this graph is not a result of a conversion task. * @param objectType * signature, typically the type (class) of objects stored in this * RDF. * @param propertyType * signature, typically the type of properties stored in this RDF. * @param comment * Descriptive text put into the RDF file header */ public AbstractFileWritingGraph(String datasetId, Environment environment, String datasetModifier, String objectType, String propertyType, String extension, String... comment) { super(Common.makeNewNamedGraphId(datasetId, datasetModifier, objectType, propertyType), comment); this.extension = extension; this.environment = environment; setRealGraph(this); startedWriting = false; cleanAllFileVolumes(); } void cleanAllFileVolumes() { File[] files = environment.getOutputDir().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.matches(getId() + "\\.\\d+\\." + extension); } }); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (!file.delete()) { log.warn("Failed to delete file " + file.getName()); } } } } public void startRdf() throws Exception { if (startedWriting) { throw new RuntimeException("Writing has already started"); } startedWriting = true; } public File getFinalFile(int volume) throws IOException { return new File(environment.getOutputDir(), getId() + "." + volume + "." + extension); } private String makePropertySourcePath(Triple triple) { return triple.getProperty().getUri() + "\n source: " + (triple.getRule() == null ? "NORULE" : ((triple.getRule().getSourcePath() == null ? "NOPATH" : triple.getRule().getSourcePath().getPath()))); } private Set<String> subjects = new HashSet<String>(); public Set<String> getSubject() { return subjects; } private void checkTriple(final Triple t) throws Exception { if (t == null) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects NULL triple " + t); if (t.getSubject() == null) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects triple with NULL subject " + t); if (t.getSubject().length() == 0) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects triple with empty subject " + t); if (!(t.getSubject().startsWith("http://") || t.getSubject().startsWith("https://"))) throw new Exception( "TripleBuffer Rejects triple with subject that does not start with 'http(s)://' " + t); if (t.getSubject().contains("#http://") || t.getSubject().contains("/http://")) throw new Exception( "Found suspicious pattern in subject #http:// or /http://, suggesting a mistake " + t); // property if (t.getProperty() == null) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects triple with NULL property, " + t.getSubject()); SesameWriter.checkPredicateUri(t.getProperty().getUri()); // value if (t.getValue() == null) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects triple with NULL value, " + t.getSubject()); if (t.getValue().getValue() == null) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects triple with NULL value of value, " + t.getSubject()); if (t.getValue().getValue().contains("#http://") || t.getValue().getValue().contains("/http://")) log.debug("Found suspicious pattern in value #http:// or /http://, suggesting a mistake " + t); if (ValueHelper.isResource(t.getValue())) { if (t.getValue().getValue().contains(";")) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects resource triple with ; in resource value, " + t); if (t.getValue().getValue().length() == 0) throw new Exception("TripleBuffer Rejects resource triple with zero-length of value " + t); if (!(t.getValue().getValue().startsWith("http://") || t.getValue().getValue().startsWith("https://"))) throw new Exception( "TripleBuffer Rejects resource triple with value that does not start with 'http(s)://' " + t); } } private long size = 0; public long size() { return size; } LinkedList<Triple> tripleAddCache = new LinkedList<Triple>(); public Triple getLastAddedTriple(int offset) { return tripleAddCache.get(offset); } private boolean isInCache(Triple triple) { return tripleAddCache.contains(triple); } private void cache(Triple triple) { tripleAddCache.addFirst(triple); while (tripleAddCache.size() > CACHE_SIZE) { tripleAddCache.removeLast(); } } public void startObject(String subject) throws Exception { } public void finishObject() throws Exception { } private String lastSubject; private void checkStartVolume(String subject) throws Exception { if (size > getVolume() * MAX_TRIPLES_PER_FILE) { // check for resource boundary if (lastSubject == null || !lastSubject.equals(subject)) { // new resource, can start new volume endRdf(); startedWriting = false; subjects = new HashSet<String>(); incVolume(); } } if (!startedWriting) { startRdf(); } if (!StringUtils.equals(lastSubject, subject)) { if (lastSubject != null) { finishObject(); } startObject(subject); lastSubject = subject; } } public final void add(Triple triple) throws Exception { if (getRealGraph() != this) { getRealGraph().add(triple); } else { checkTriple(triple); checkStartVolume(triple.getSubject()); if (getListener() != null) { getListener().add(triple); } if (isInCache(triple)) { return; } cache(triple); // write into RDF file try { writeTriple(triple); } catch (Exception e) { // building last triples String msg = "Failed committing the following triple to Sesame " + triple + "\n" + "This triple, and this record, may not be the cause, but the previous one \n" + "The last triples that may actually cause the problem are as follows:"; for (Triple t : tripleAddCache) { msg += t + "\n"; } throw new Exception(msg, e); } size++; // RDF properties count if (properties.containsKey(triple.getProperty())) { int count = properties.get(triple.getProperty()); properties.put(triple.getProperty(), count + 1); } else { properties.put(triple.getProperty(), 0); } // count on pairs (RDF property, XML path) String psp = makePropertySourcePath(triple); if (propertySourcePath.containsKey(psp)) { int count = propertySourcePath.get(psp); propertySourcePath.put(psp, count + 1); } else { propertySourcePath.put(psp, 0); } // RDF subjects if (!subjects.contains(triple.getSubject())) subjects.add(triple.getSubject()); } } abstract public void writeTriple(Triple triple) throws Exception; public Set<Property> getProperties() { return properties.keySet(); } public String getReport(Property property) throws Exception { try { String report = ""; for (String psp : propertySourcePath.keySet()) { if (psp.startsWith(property.getUri())) { report += psp + "\n count: " + propertySourcePath.get(psp) + "\n"; } } return report; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Property not found: " + property, e); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Graph)) return false; Graph tObj = (Graph) obj; return getId().equals(tObj.getId()); } @Override public boolean writingHappened() throws Exception { return startedWriting; } abstract public void endRdf() throws Exception; public Environment getEnvironment() { return environment; } public static void createTempDocToShowWhileWorking(File file) throws IOException { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, "<html><head><title>AnnoCultor is working</title></head><body>" + "<p><a href=''>AnnoCultor</a> job was started on " + new Date() + " and is still running. Upon completion, a detailed report would appear at this location.</p>" + "</body></head>", "UTF-8"); } }