Java tutorial
/** Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Helsinki. This file is part of Etymon. Etymon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Etymon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Etymon. If not, see <>. **/ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package etymology.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma; import etymology.util.LogRegretMatrixPrinter; import; /** * The approximations are from articles like * * * @author arto */ public class EtyMath { private static final double GAMMA_CACHE_DIVIDER = 100.0; private static final double LOG2 = Math.log(2); private static List<Double> logValues = new ArrayList(); private static List<Double> logGammaValues = new ArrayList(); private static double[][] logRegret; static { base2LogFactorial(1000000); //initLogRegret(8, 8000); } public static void setLogRegretTable(double[][] logRegret) { EtyMath.logRegret = logRegret; } public static double[][] initLogRegret(int K, int N) { logRegret = new double[K][N]; int row; int col; //init: L(1,n) = 0 for all n in N for (int n = 1; n <= N; n++) { System.out.println("n: " + n); col = n - 1; //init k=1 (row 0) logRegret[0][col] = 0; logRegret[1][col] = 0; //init k==2 (row 1) for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { double a = logRegret[1][col]; double b = lnFactorial(n) - lnFactorial(i) - lnFactorial(n - i) + xlogx(i) + xlogx(n - i) - xlogx(n); logRegret[1][col] = logPlus(a, b); } //init k>=3 (row 2 -->) for (int k = 3; k <= K; k++) { row = k - 1; double a = logRegret[row - 1][col]; double b = Math.log(n) - Math.log(k) + logRegret[row - 2][col]; logRegret[row][col] = logPlus(a, b); } } // for (double[] roww : logRegret) { // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(roww)); // } return logRegret; // } public static double logPlus(double a, double b) { double logPlus = 0; double max = Math.max(a, b); double min = Math.min(a, b); logPlus = max + Math.log(1.0 + Math.exp(min - max)); return logPlus; } public static double xbase2logx(double x) { return xlogx(x) / LOG2; } public static double xlogx(double x) { if (x == 0) { return 0; } return x * Math.log(x); } /** * * @param K Event type * @param N Event instances * @return */ public static double logRegret(int K, int N) throws FileNotFoundException { if (K == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("K = 0!!!"); } if (N == 0) { return 0; } if (logRegret == null) { String logRegretTableName = "/home/group/langtech/Etymology-Project/logRegretMatrix-10kx1k"; setLogRegretTable(LogRegretMatrixPrinter.getLogRegretMatrix(logRegretTableName)); } return logRegret[K - 1][N - 1]; } public static double base2LogGamma(double value) { return lnGamma(value) / LOG2; } // gamma K = (K - 1)!, returns lnGamma public static double lnGamma(double value) { if (value < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Value for lnGamma must be > 0."); } if (value == 0) { return 0; } if (value == 1.0) { return 0; } if (value > 100000) { return avgLnGamma(value); } int arrayIndex = (int) Math.ceil((value * GAMMA_CACHE_DIVIDER)); if (logGammaValues.size() > arrayIndex) { return logGammaValues.get(arrayIndex); } int size = (logGammaValues.isEmpty()) ? 1 : logGammaValues.size(); double val = 0.0; for (int i = size; i <= arrayIndex; i++) { val = Gamma.logGamma((i / GAMMA_CACHE_DIVIDER)); logGammaValues.add(val); } return val; } public static double avgLnGamma(double value) { int floor = (int) Math.floor(value); double diff = Math.abs(value - floor); if (diff <= 0.01) { return lnFactorial(floor - 1); } int ceil = (int) Math.ceil(value); diff = Math.abs(ceil - value); if (diff <= 0.01) { return lnFactorial(ceil - 1); } double logFactCeil = lnFactorial(ceil); double logFactFloor = lnFactorial(floor); double overFloor = value - floor; return (overFloor * logFactFloor) + (1 - overFloor) * logFactCeil; } public static double getNormalizedCompressionDistance(double langsCost, double l1Cost, double l2Cost) { // NCD(1,2) = ( C12 - min (C11, C22)) / max (C11, C22) double min = Math.min(l1Cost, l2Cost); double max = Math.max(l1Cost, l2Cost); double dist = (langsCost - min) / max; return dist; } public static double base2LogFactorial(int n) { if (n == 0) { return 0.0; } if (n < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Sorry, you're trying to get a bad number"); } return lnFactorial(n) / LOG2; //return logValues.get(n-1)/LOG2; } // return ln n! public static double lnFactorial(int n) { if (n > 0 && logValues.size() >= n) { return logValues.get(n - 1); } double val = 0.0; int start = 1; if (logValues.size() > 1) { start = logValues.size(); val = logValues.get(start - 1); } for (int i = start; i <= n; i++) { val += Math.log(i); logValues.add(val); } return val; } // return log binomial n choose k. public static double lnBinomial(int n, int k) { return lnFactorial(n) - lnFactorial(k) - lnFactorial(n - k); } public static double base2LogBinomial(int n, int k) { return base2LogFactorial(n) - base2LogFactorial(k) - base2LogFactorial(n - k); } // base 2 log, duh. public static double base2Log(double value) { return (Math.log(value) / LOG2); } //// Could be used at the initial rounds, after which switch to accurate calculations // approximations for faster calc public static double approxPow(final double a, final double b) { final int x = (int) (Double.doubleToLongBits(a) >> 32); final int y = (int) (b * (x - 1072632447) + 1072632447); return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long) y) << 32); } public static double approxLn(double val) { final double x = (Double.doubleToLongBits(val) >> 32); return (x - 1072632447) / 1512775; } public static double approxExp(double val) { final long tmp = (long) (1512775 * val + (1072693248 - 60801)); return Double.longBitsToDouble(tmp << 32); } public static double approxLogGamma(double x) { double tmp = (x - 0.5) * Math.log(x + 4.5) - (x + 4.5); double ser = 1.0 + 76.18009173 / (x + 0) - 86.50532033 / (x + 1) + 24.01409822 / (x + 2) - 1.231739516 / (x + 3) + 0.00120858003 / (x + 4) - 0.00000536382 / (x + 5); return tmp + Math.log(ser * Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI)); } public static double approxGamma(double x) { return Math.exp(approxLogGamma(x)); } public static float roundFloat(float val) { return (float) (Math.round(val * 1000.0) / 1000.0); } public static float roundFloat(double val) { return (float) (Math.round(val * 1000.0) / 1000.0); } public static double getMin(Collection<Double> values) { double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (double value : values) { min = Math.min(min, value); } return min; } public static double getMax(Collection<Double> values) { double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (double value : values) { max = Math.max(max, value); } return max; } public static double getAverage(Collection<Double> values) { return getMean(values); } public static double getMean(Collection<Double> values) { if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) { return 0; } double val = 0.0; for (double value : values) { val += value; } return val / values.size(); } public static double getExpectedAbsoluteDeviation(Collection<Double> values) { double avg = getAverage(values); double absoluteDeviations = 0; for (double val : values) { absoluteDeviations += Math.abs(avg - val); } double expectedAbsoluteDeviation = absoluteDeviations / values.size(); return expectedAbsoluteDeviation; } public static double getVariance(Collection<Double> values) { return getExpectedSquaredDeviation(values); } public static double getStandardDeviation(Collection<Double> values) { return Math.sqrt(getVariance(values)); } public static double getExpectedSquaredDeviation(Collection<Double> values) { double expectedSquaredDeviation = getSquaredDeviation(values) / values.size(); return expectedSquaredDeviation; } public static double getSquaredDeviation(Collection<Double> values) { double avg = getAverage(values); double squaredDeviation = 0; for (double val : values) { squaredDeviation += Math.pow(Math.abs(avg - val), 2); } return squaredDeviation; } public static void main(String[] args) { double oyToOi = (98.0 / (298116 - 97)) * (1.0 / 3344) * (200.0 / 3345); System.out.println(oyToOi); double oToO = (32.0 / 546) * (1.0 / 3344) * (200.0 / 3345); System.out.println(oToO); double yToI = 20.0 / 3344; System.out.println(yToI); double oToOToYToIPath = oToO * yToI; System.out.println(oToOToYToIPath); double pathCost = -1.0 * base2Log(oToOToYToIPath); System.out.println(pathCost); double combinedPathCost = -1.0 * base2Log(oyToOi); System.out.println(combinedPathCost); } }