Source code

Java tutorial


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package etomica.potential;

import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf;

import etomica.api.IAtom;
import etomica.api.IAtomList;
import etomica.api.IBox;
import etomica.api.IMolecule;
import etomica.api.IMoleculeList;
import etomica.api.IVector;
import etomica.api.IVectorMutable;
import etomica.atom.AtomLeafAgentManager;
import etomica.space3d.Tensor3D;
import etomica.units.Joule;
import etomica.util.Constants;

//Given: rc=L/2  ,  s  ,  
//Calc.: alpha = s/rc    ,  F&S: radius => nc=(s*alpha/PI)*L Sabry: n_max=N  , nx = ny = nz ~ N^1/3   ,
//                            Shu : nx = ny = nz = coefficient_fourier * N^1/3 (coefficient_fourier=4 hERE)

public class EwaldSummation implements PotentialSoft {
    protected final ISpace space;
    protected final AtomLeafAgentManager<MyCharge> atomAgentManager;
    protected final IBox box;
    protected final double alpha, alpha2, alpha3;//sqrt of the Frenkel's alpha, follow other authors' convention
    protected final double[] boxSize, basis;
    protected final double volume;
    protected final int[] nKs, nRealShells;
    protected final IMoleculeList moleculeList;
    protected final int numMolecules;
    protected IVectorMutable[] gradient;
    protected double[] sinkrj, coskrj;
    protected final Tensor secondDerivative;
    protected final Tensor tempTensorkk;
    protected final IVectorMutable rAB;
    protected final IVectorMutable Lxyz;
    protected final IVectorMutable drTmp;
    protected final Tensor identity = new Tensor3D(
            new double[][] { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } });
    protected final IVectorMutable kVector;
    protected double rCutRealES, rCutSquared, kCut;
    protected final double sqrtPI = Math.sqrt(Math.PI);
    protected boolean doRealSum = true;

    // *********************************************** constructor ************************************ // 
    public EwaldSummation(IBox box, AtomLeafAgentManager<MyCharge> atomAgentManager, ISpace _space, double kCut,
            double rCutRealES) { = box;
        this.atomAgentManager = atomAgentManager; = _space;
        this.secondDerivative = space.makeTensor();
        this.tempTensorkk = space.makeTensor();
        this.kCut = kCut;

        moleculeList = box.getMoleculeList();
        numMolecules = moleculeList.getMoleculeCount();
        boxSize = new double[] { box.getBoundary().getBoxSize().getX(0), box.getBoundary().getBoxSize().getX(1),
                box.getBoundary().getBoxSize().getX(2) };
        volume = box.getBoundary().volume();
        Lxyz = space.makeVector();
        this.rCutRealES = rCutRealES;
        rCutSquared = rCutRealES * rCutRealES;
        nRealShells = new int[] { (int) Math.ceil(rCutRealES / boxSize[0] - 0.49999),
                (int) Math.ceil(rCutRealES / boxSize[1] - 0.49999),
                (int) Math.ceil(rCutRealES / boxSize[2] - 0.49999) };

        nKs = new int[] { (int) Math.ceil(boxSize[0] / 2.0 / Math.PI * kCut),
                (int) Math.ceil(boxSize[1] / 2.0 / Math.PI * kCut),
                (int) Math.ceil(boxSize[2] / 2.0 / Math.PI * kCut) };

        double s = Math.sqrt(rCutRealES * kCut / 2);

        alpha = s / rCutRealES; //=0.2406189232882774  //nX=1

        int nAtoms = box.getLeafList().getAtomCount();
        double Q2 = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {//H
            IAtom atom = box.getLeafList().getAtom(i);
            double charge = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom).charge;
            Q2 += charge * charge;
        Q2 /= numMolecules;

        alpha2 = alpha * alpha;
        alpha3 = alpha * alpha2;

        basis = new double[] { 2 * Math.PI / boxSize[0], 2 * Math.PI / boxSize[1], 2 * Math.PI / boxSize[2] };
        gradient = new IVectorMutable[0];
        sinkrj = new double[0];
        coskrj = new double[0];
        rAB = space.makeVector();
        drTmp = space.makeVector();
        kVector = space.makeVector();

     * Sets a new value of rCutRealES
     * This will not alter values of alpha or nRealShells!
    public void setRCut(double newRCutRealES) {
        rCutRealES = newRCutRealES;
        rCutSquared = rCutRealES * rCutRealES;

     * Returns real-space cutoff
    public double getRCut() {
        return rCutRealES;

    //////////////////////////////////////////// begin calculating energy //////////////////////////////////////

    // *********************************************************************************************//
    // *************************************  Real-space ******************************************//
    // *********************************************************************************************//
    public double uReal() {
        int nAtoms = box.getLeafList().getAtomCount();
        double uReal = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {//H
            IAtom atomA = box.getLeafList().getAtom(i);
            double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;

            if (chargeA == 0)

            int aIndex = atomA.getParentGroup().getIndex();
            IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
            for (int j = i; j < nAtoms; j++) {
                IAtom atomB = box.getLeafList().getAtom(j);
                int bIndex = atomB.getParentGroup().getIndex();

                if (aIndex == bIndex && nRealShells[0] == 0 && nRealShells[1] == 0 && nRealShells[2] == 0)
                    continue;//Skip atom-pairs in the same molecule in the orig. cell.

                double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;

                if (chargeB == 0)

                IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();
                rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB);// get vector rAB
                box.getBoundary().nearestImage(rAB);// minimum image
                boolean isSelf = i == j;
                for (int nx = -nRealShells[0]; nx <= nRealShells[0]; nx++) {
                    Lxyz.setX(0, nx * boxSize[0]);
                    for (int ny = -nRealShells[1]; ny <= nRealShells[1]; ny++) {
                        Lxyz.setX(1, ny * boxSize[1]);
                        for (int nz = -nRealShells[2]; nz <= nRealShells[2]; nz++) {
                            boolean centerImage = nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz == 0;

                            if (aIndex == bIndex && centerImage)
                                continue;//Skip atom-pairs in the same molecule in the orig. cell & ignores self+centerImage too

                            Lxyz.setX(2, nz * boxSize[2]);
                            drTmp.Ev1Pv2(rAB, Lxyz);
                            double r2 = drTmp.squared();
                            if (r2 > rCutSquared)
                            double drTmpM = Math.sqrt(r2);
                            double tmepReal = chargeA * chargeB * Erf.erfc(alpha * drTmpM) / drTmpM;//Don't worry about 1/2 factor;j>i
                            uReal += (isSelf ? 0.5 : 1.0) * tmepReal;
            } // close for all sites in j-th molecule
        } // close for the outside loop
        return uReal;

    // *********************************************************************************************//
    // *************************************  Fourier-space ****************************************//
    // *********************************************************************************************//
    public double uFourier() {
        double kCutSquared = kCut * kCut; // criteria for spherical cutoff in fourier space
        double coefficient = 2.0 * Math.PI / volume;
        double uFourier = 0.0; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
        IAtomList atoms = box.getLeafList();
        int nAtoms = atoms.getAtomCount();

        // loop over vectors in k-space. (1)k=(0,0,0) is excluded, (2)within sphere with kCutoff as its radius
        for (int xAxis = -nKs[0]; xAxis < nKs[0] + 1; xAxis++) {
            kVector.setX(0, (xAxis * basis[0]));// assign value to the x-axis
            for (int yAxis = -nKs[1]; yAxis < nKs[1] + 1; yAxis++) {
                kVector.setX(1, (yAxis * basis[1]));// assign value to the y-axis
                for (int zAxis = -nKs[2]; zAxis < nKs[2] + 1; zAxis++) {
                    if ((xAxis * xAxis + yAxis * yAxis + zAxis * zAxis) == 0)
                        continue;// first check: k is a non-zero vector
                    kVector.setX(2, (zAxis * basis[2]));// assign value to the z-axis, now the vector is specified
                    double kSquared = kVector.squared();

                    if (kSquared > kCutSquared)
                        continue;// k-vector should be within the sphere with kCutoff as the radius

                    double kCoefficientTerm = Math.exp(-0.25 * kSquared / alpha2) / kSquared;//exp(-k*k/4/alpha/alpha) / k/k , a constant for a given kVector
                    double structureFactorReal = 0.0;//>>>>>>>>>>>>> calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                    double structureFactorImagine = 0.0;//>>>>>>>>>>>>> calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
                        IAtom atom = atoms.getAtom(i);
                        IVectorMutable position = atom.getPosition();
                        double charge = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom).charge;
                        if (charge == 0)
                        double k_r_dot =;
                        structureFactorReal += charge * Math.cos(k_r_dot);// >>>>>>>>>>>>> calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                        structureFactorImagine += charge * Math.sin(k_r_dot);// >>>>>>>>>>>>> calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                    } // close loop for all sites within 1 molecule
                    double structureFactorSquared = structureFactorReal * structureFactorReal
                            + structureFactorImagine * structureFactorImagine;//>>>>>>>>>>>>>calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                    uFourier += kCoefficientTerm * structureFactorSquared; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>calculated from cos*cos + sin*sin
                } // close for z-axis
            } //close for y-axis
        } // close for x-axis(all non-zero kVecors)
        double u = coefficient * uFourier;
        return u;

    // *********************************************************************************************//
    // ********************** self-correction Part************************************************* // 
    // *********************************************************************************************//
    public double uSelf() {
        double uSelf = 0.0;

        IAtomList atoms = box.getLeafList();
        int nAtoms = atoms.getAtomCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
            IAtom atom = atoms.getAtom(i);
            double charge = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom).charge;
            uSelf += charge * charge;

        uSelf *= -alpha / sqrtPI;
        return uSelf;

    public double uBondCorr() {
        double uCorr = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numMolecules; i++) {
            IMolecule molecule = moleculeList.getMolecule(i);
            int numSites = molecule.getChildList().getAtomCount();
            for (int siteA = 0; siteA < numSites; siteA++) {
                IAtom atomA = molecule.getChildList().getAtom(siteA);
                IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
                double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;
                if (chargeA == 0)
                for (int siteB = siteA + 1; siteB < numSites; siteB++) {
                    IAtom atomB = molecule.getChildList().getAtom(siteB);
                    IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();
                    double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;
                    if (chargeB == 0)
                    rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB);
                    double rABMagnitudeSquared = rAB.squared();
                    double rABMagnitude = Math.sqrt(rABMagnitudeSquared);
                    uCorr += chargeA * chargeB * Erf.erf(alpha * rABMagnitude) / rABMagnitude;
        return uCorr;

    public double getRange() {
        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    public int nBody() {
        return 0;

    public void setBox(IBox box) {

    //******************************** inner class ********************************************//
    public static class MyCharge {
        public MyCharge(double charge) {
            this.charge = charge;

        public final double charge;

    public double energy(IAtomList atoms) {
        double real = doRealSum ? uReal() : 0;
        double fourier = uFourier();
        double self = uSelf();
        double bondCorr = uBondCorr();

        double totalEnergy = real + fourier + self - bondCorr;
        if (false) {
            System.out.println("total:               " + totalEnergy / numMolecules);
            System.out.println("real   : " + real / numMolecules);
            System.out.println("fourier: " + fourier / numMolecules);
            System.out.println("self: " + self / numMolecules);
            System.out.println("bond correction: " + (-bondCorr / numMolecules));

        return totalEnergy;

    public double virial(IAtomList atoms) {
        return 0;

    //////////////////////////////////////////// begin calculating gradient //////////////////////////////////////

    public IVector[] gradient(IAtomList atoms) {
        int nAtoms = box.getLeafList().getAtomCount();
        double coeff = 4.0 * Math.PI / volume;
        double kCutSquared = kCut * kCut; // criteria for spherical cutoff in fourier space

        if (gradient.length < nAtoms) {
            gradient = new IVectorMutable[nAtoms];
            sinkrj = new double[nAtoms];
            coskrj = new double[nAtoms];
            for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
                gradient[i] = space.makeVector();
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
                gradient[i].E(0); //for Vecors and scalar
                sinkrj[i] = 0;
                coskrj[i] = 0;

        if (doRealSum) {
            //Real gradient  //Cross Interaction
            for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
                IAtom atomA = box.getLeafList().getAtom(i);
                double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;
                if (chargeA == 0)
                int aIndex = atomA.getParentGroup().getIndex(); // molecule a
                IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
                for (int j = i + 1; j < nAtoms; j++) {
                    IAtom atomB = box.getLeafList().getAtom(j);
                    int bIndex = atomB.getParentGroup().getIndex(); // molecule b

                    if (nRealShells[0] == 0 && nRealShells[1] == 0 && nRealShells[2] == 0 && aIndex == bIndex)
                        continue;//Skip same molecules!

                    double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;
                    if (chargeB == 0)
                    IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();
                    rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB); //rAB == rA - rB
                    for (int nx = -nRealShells[0]; nx <= nRealShells[0]; nx++) {
                        Lxyz.setX(0, nx * boxSize[0]);
                        for (int ny = -nRealShells[1]; ny <= nRealShells[1]; ny++) {
                            Lxyz.setX(1, ny * boxSize[1]);
                            for (int nz = -nRealShells[2]; nz <= nRealShells[2]; nz++) {
                                if (aIndex == bIndex && nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz == 0)
                                Lxyz.setX(2, nz * boxSize[2]);
                                drTmp.Ev1Pv2(rAB, Lxyz);

                                double rAB2 = drTmp.squared();
                                if (rAB2 > rCutSquared)
                                double rABMagnitude = Math.sqrt(rAB2);
                                double rAB3 = rABMagnitude * rAB2;
                                double B = Erf.erfc(alpha * rABMagnitude)
                                        + 2.0 * alpha * rABMagnitude / sqrtPI * Math.exp(-alpha2 * rAB2);
                                double realCoeff = -chargeA * chargeB * B / rAB3; // gradU = -F
                                gradient[i].PEa1Tv1(realCoeff, drTmp);
                                gradient[j].PEa1Tv1(-realCoeff, drTmp);

        //Fourier gradient Part      

        for (int xAxis = -nKs[0]; xAxis < nKs[0] + 1; xAxis++) {
            kVector.setX(0, (xAxis * basis[0]));// assign value to the x-axis
            for (int yAxis = -nKs[1]; yAxis < nKs[1] + 1; yAxis++) {
                kVector.setX(1, (yAxis * basis[1]));// assign value to the y-axis
                for (int zAxis = -nKs[2]; zAxis < nKs[2] + 1; zAxis++) {
                    if ((xAxis * xAxis + yAxis * yAxis + zAxis * zAxis) == 0)
                        continue;// first check: k is a non-zero vector
                    kVector.setX(2, (zAxis * basis[2]));// assign value to the z-axis, now the vector is specified
                    double kSquared = kVector.squared();
                    if (kSquared > kCutSquared)
                        continue;// k-vector should be within the sphere with kCutoff as the radius
                    double sCoskr = 0.0, sSinkr = 0.0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < nAtoms; j++) { // Loop over atoms (4*nBasis)
                        IAtom atom = box.getLeafList().getAtom(j);
                        IVectorMutable position = atom.getPosition();
                        sinkrj[j] = Math.sin(;
                        coskrj[j] = Math.cos(;
                        double chargej = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom).charge;

                        sCoskr += chargej * coskrj[j];
                        sSinkr += chargej * sinkrj[j];
                    } //End loop over j

                    double coeffk = coeff / kSquared * Math.exp(-kSquared / 4.0 / alpha2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
                        IAtom atom = box.getLeafList().getAtom(i);
                        double chargei = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom).charge;
                        double coeffki = coeffk * chargei * (sinkrj[i] * sCoskr - coskrj[i] * sSinkr);
                        gradient[i].PEa1Tv1(-coeffki, kVector); // gradU = -F
                } //end of storing Sin and Cos
        } //End loop over ks

        //Intra-Molecular  gradient:
        for (int i = 0; i < numMolecules; i++) {
            IMolecule molecule = moleculeList.getMolecule(i);
            int numSites = molecule.getChildList().getAtomCount();
            for (int siteA = 0; siteA < numSites; siteA++) {
                IAtom atomA = molecule.getChildList().getAtom(siteA); // index = 0, 1, 2, 3|||leafIndex=0...184
                double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;
                if (chargeA == 0)
                IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
                for (int siteB = siteA + 1; siteB < numSites; siteB++) {
                    IAtom atomB = molecule.getChildList().getAtom(siteB);
                    double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;
                    if (chargeB == 0)
                    IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();

                    rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB);
                    double rAB2 = rAB.squared();
                    double rABMagnitude = Math.sqrt(rAB2);
                    double B = 2 * alpha / sqrtPI * Math.exp(-alpha2 * rAB2)
                            - Erf.erf(alpha * rABMagnitude) / rABMagnitude;
                    double coeffAB = -chargeA * chargeB * B / rAB2; // gradU = -F
                    gradient[atomA.getLeafIndex()].PEa1Tv1(coeffAB, rAB);
                    gradient[atomB.getLeafIndex()].PEa1Tv1(-coeffAB, rAB);
        return gradient;

    //////////////////////////          begin calculating secondDerivatives               /////////////////////////

    public Tensor secondDerivative(IAtom atom0, IAtom atom1) {
        double kCutSquared = kCut * kCut; // criteria for spherical cutoff in fourier space
        IVectorMutable pos0 = atom0.getPosition();
        IVectorMutable pos1 = atom1.getPosition();
        rAB.Ev1Mv2(pos0, pos1);

        double q0 = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom0).charge;
        double q1 = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atom1).charge;
        if (q0 * q1 == 0)
            return secondDerivative;
        double coeff = 4.0 * Math.PI / volume;

        for (int xAxis = -nKs[0]; xAxis < nKs[0] + 1; xAxis++) {
            kVector.setX(0, (xAxis * basis[0]));// assign value to the x-axis
            for (int yAxis = -nKs[1]; yAxis < nKs[1] + 1; yAxis++) {
                kVector.setX(1, (yAxis * basis[1]));// assign value to the y-axis
                for (int zAxis = -nKs[2]; zAxis < nKs[2] + 1; zAxis++) {
                    if ((xAxis * xAxis + yAxis * yAxis + zAxis * zAxis) == 0)
                        continue;// first check: k is a non-zero vector
                    kVector.setX(2, (zAxis * basis[2]));// assign value to the z-axis, now the vector is specified
                    double kSquared = kVector.squared();
                    if (kSquared > kCutSquared)
                        continue;// k-vector should be within the sphere with kCutoff as the radius
                    tempTensorkk.Ev1v2(kVector, kVector);
                    tempTensorkk.TE(Math.exp(-kSquared / 4.0 / alpha2) * Math.cos( / kSquared);
        boolean intraMolecular = atom0.getParentGroup() == atom1.getParentGroup();

        for (int nx = -nRealShells[0]; nx <= nRealShells[0]; nx++) {
            Lxyz.setX(0, nx * boxSize[0]);
            for (int ny = -nRealShells[1]; ny <= nRealShells[1]; ny++) {
                Lxyz.setX(1, ny * boxSize[1]);
                for (int nz = -nRealShells[2]; nz <= nRealShells[2]; nz++) {
                    Lxyz.setX(2, nz * boxSize[2]);
                    drTmp.Ev1Pv2(rAB, Lxyz);

                    double rAB2 = drTmp.squared();
                    if (rAB2 > rCutSquared && (!intraMolecular || (nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz > 0)))
                    double rABMagnitude = Math.sqrt(rAB2);
                    double rAB3 = rABMagnitude * rAB2;
                    double rAB4 = rAB2 * rAB2;
                    double rAB5 = rABMagnitude * rAB4;
                    double erfc = Erf.erfc(alpha * rABMagnitude);
                    double exp_Alpha2r2 = Math.exp(-alpha2 * rAB2);
                    double B0 = (6 * alpha / rAB4 + 4 * alpha3 / rAB2) / sqrtPI * exp_Alpha2r2;

                    tempTensorkk.Ev1v2(drTmp, drTmp);

                    if (intraMolecular && nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz == 0) {
                        double A = (1.0 - erfc) / rAB3 - 2 * alpha / sqrtPI * exp_Alpha2r2 / rAB2;
                        double B = B0 - 3 * (1 - erfc) / rAB5;
                        tempTensorkk.PEa1Tt1(-A, identity);//ch
                    } else {
                        double A = erfc / rAB3 + 2 * alpha / sqrtPI * exp_Alpha2r2 / rAB2;
                        double B = B0 + 3 * erfc / rAB5;
                        tempTensorkk.PEa1Tt1(A, identity);

                } //nz
            } //ny
        } //nx

        secondDerivative.TE(q0 * q1);
        return secondDerivative;

    public IVector[] gradient(IAtomList atoms, Tensor pressureTensor) {
        return gradient(atoms);

    public P2EwaldReal makeP2EwaldReal() {
        doRealSum = false;
        return new P2EwaldReal();

    public static void computeScaledSysParams(double sigma_Er_sim, double alpha0, double volume, double Q2) {
        double alpha = alpha0 / Math.sqrt(7); //nX=2  
        double precision_splus = 0;
        double precision_sminus = Math.pow(-Math.log(sigma_Er_sim), 2.0 / 3.0);
        double f = 1;
        double precision_s = 0;
        while (true) {
            precision_s = (precision_sminus + precision_splus) / 2;
            if (precision_s == precision_sminus || precision_s == precision_splus)
            f = Math.exp(-precision_s * precision_s) * Q2 * Math.sqrt(precision_s / 2 / alpha / volume)
                    - precision_s * precision_s * sigma_Er_sim;
            if (f == 0)
            if (f > 0) {
                precision_splus = precision_s;
            } else {
                precision_sminus = precision_s;
        double scaledAlpha = alpha;
        System.out.println("Scaled s = " + precision_sminus);
        System.out.println("Scaled alpha = " + scaledAlpha);
        System.out.println("Scaled rCutES = " + precision_sminus / scaledAlpha);
        System.out.println("Scaled kCut = " + 2.0 * precision_sminus * scaledAlpha);
        sigma_Er_sim = Q2 * Math.sqrt(precision_sminus / 2 / scaledAlpha / volume)
                * Math.exp(-precision_sminus * precision_sminus) / precision_sminus / precision_sminus;
        double sigma_Er = Joule.UNIT.fromSim(sigma_Er_sim) * 1.0E-3 * Constants.AVOGADRO;
        System.out.println("sigma(Er) = Q/N*(s/2/alpha/L^3)^1/2 * exp(-s^2)/s/s  (kJ/mol) =  " + sigma_Er);
        System.out.println("sigma(Er_sim) = " + sigma_Er_sim);


    public class P2EwaldReal implements PotentialSoft {

        protected final IVectorMutable[] gradient2;

        public P2EwaldReal() {
            gradient2 = new IVectorMutable[2];
            gradient2[0] = space.makeVector();
            gradient2[1] = space.makeVector();

        public double energy(IAtomList atoms) {
            IAtom atomA = atoms.getAtom(0);
            double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;

            IAtom atomB = atoms.getAtom(1);
            double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;

            IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
            IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();

            rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB);// get vector rAB
            box.getBoundary().nearestImage(rAB);// minimum image

            double r2 = rAB.squared();
            if (r2 > rCutSquared)
                return 0;
            double r = Math.sqrt(r2);
            return chargeA * chargeB * Erf.erfc(alpha * r) / r;//Don't worry about 1/2 factor!

        public double getRange() {
            return rCutRealES;

        public void setBox(IBox box) {

        public int nBody() {
            return 2;

        public double virial(IAtomList atoms) {
            return 0;

        public IVector[] gradient(IAtomList atoms) {
            //Real gradient  //Cross Interaction
            IAtom atomA = atoms.getAtom(0);
            double chargeA = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomA).charge;
            IVectorMutable positionA = atomA.getPosition();
            IAtom atomB = atoms.getAtom(1);

            double chargeB = atomAgentManager.getAgent(atomB).charge;

            IVectorMutable positionB = atomB.getPosition();
            rAB.Ev1Mv2(positionA, positionB); //rAB == rA - rB

            double rAB2 = rAB.squared();
            if (rAB2 > rCutSquared) {
                return gradient2;

            double rABMagnitude = Math.sqrt(rAB2);
            double rAB3 = rABMagnitude * rAB2;
            double B = Erf.erfc(alpha * rABMagnitude)
                    + 2.0 * alpha * rABMagnitude / sqrtPI * Math.exp(-alpha2 * rAB2);
            double realCoeff = -chargeA * chargeB * B / rAB3; // gradU = -F
            gradient2[0].Ea1Tv1(realCoeff, rAB);
            gradient2[1].Ea1Tv1(-realCoeff, rAB);
            return gradient2;

        public IVector[] gradient(IAtomList atoms, Tensor pressureTensor) {
            return gradient(atoms);