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package etomica.models.co2;

import etomica.api.IAtomList;
import etomica.api.IBoundary;
import etomica.api.IBox;
import etomica.api.IElement;
import etomica.api.IMolecule;
import etomica.api.IMoleculeList;
import etomica.api.IPotentialMolecular;
import etomica.api.IVector;
import etomica.api.IVectorMutable;
import etomica.atom.AtomTypeAgentManager;
import etomica.atom.IAtomOriented;
import etomica.atom.MoleculePair;
import etomica.chem.elements.Carbon;
import etomica.chem.elements.ElementSimple;
import etomica.chem.elements.Oxygen;
import etomica.config.IConformation;
import etomica.models.co2.P2CO2Hellmann.Parameters;
import etomica.potential.P3AxilrodTeller;
import etomica.potential.PotentialMolecular;
import etomica.potential.PotentialPolarizable;
import etomica.simulation.Simulation;
import etomica.space3d.Space3D;
import etomica.species.SpeciesSpheresHetero;
import etomica.species.SpeciesSpheresRotating;
import etomica.units.Electron;
import etomica.units.ElectronVolt;
import etomica.units.Kelvin;

 * GCPM CO2 potential class (GCPCDO).  This potential was described in
 * and checked against Persson's fortran implementation
 * @author Ken, Andrew and Dave
public class PNCO2GCPM extends PotentialMolecular implements PotentialPolarizable {

    public PNCO2GCPM(ISpace space) {
        this(space, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    public PNCO2GCPM(ISpace space, int nBody) {
        super(nBody, space);
        pair = new MoleculePair();
        sigmaC = 3.193;
        sigmaO = sigmaC * 1.0483; //paper says 3.347;
        coreFac = 0.57 * 0.57;
        epsilonC = Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(71.34);
        epsilonO = Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(67.72);
        tauO = 0.6100;
        tauC = tauO / 1.0483; // paper reports 0.5819, fortran uses this instead
        sqrtCOtau = Math.sqrt(2 * (tauC * tauC + tauO * tauO));
        double[] t = new double[] { tauC, tauO, tauO };
        double[] s = new double[] { sigmaC, sigmaO, sigmaO };
        double[] e = new double[] { epsilonC, epsilonO, epsilonO };
        tauAll = new double[3][3];
        sigmaAll = new double[3][3];
        epsilonAll = new double[3][3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                sigmaAll[i][j] = 0.5 * (s[i] + s[j]);
                epsilonAll[i][j] = 2 * e[i] * e[j] / (e[i] + e[j]);
                tauAll[i][j] = Math.sqrt(2 * (t[i] * t[i] + t[j] * t[j]));
        gamma = 15.5;
        chargeO = Electron.UNIT.toSim(-0.3321);
        chargeC = Electron.UNIT.toSim(+0.6642);
        chargeAll = new double[] { chargeC, chargeO, chargeO };
        sqrtPiCOtau = Math.sqrt(Math.PI * (tauC * tauC + tauO * tauO));
        sqrtPiCCtau = Math.sqrt(Math.PI * (2 * tauC * tauC));
        alphaPar = 4.05;
        alphaPerp = 1.95;

        oldMu = space.makeVector();
        shift = space.makeVector();

        rijVector = space.makeVector();

        work = space.makeVector();

        Tunit = space.makeTensor();
        Tunit.E(new double[][] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } });
        Tij = space.makeTensor();

        Eq = new IVectorMutable[0];
        Ep = new IVectorMutable[0];
        mu = new IVectorMutable[0];
        component = Component.FULL;

    public void setComponent(Component comp) {
        component = comp;

    protected boolean oops = false;

    public double energy(IMoleculeList atoms) {
        double sum = 0;
        if (component != Component.INDUCTION) {
            for (int i = 0; i < atoms.getMoleculeCount() - 1; i++) {
                pair.atom0 = atoms.getMolecule(i);
                for (int j = i + 1; j < atoms.getMoleculeCount(); j++) {
                    pair.atom1 = atoms.getMolecule(j);
                    sum += getNonPolarizationEnergy(pair);
                    if (Double.isInfinite(sum)) {
                        return sum;
        if (component != Component.TWO_BODY) {
            sum += getPolarizationEnergy(atoms);
        if (!oops && Double.isNaN(sum)) {
            oops = true;
            throw new RuntimeException("oops NaN");
        return sum;

    public static boolean debugme = false;

     * This returns the pairwise-additive portion of the GCPM potential for a
     * pair of atoms (dispersion + fixed-charge electrostatics)
    public double getNonPolarizationEnergy(IMoleculeList molecules) {
        IAtomList water1Atoms = molecules.getMolecule(0).getChildList();
        IAtomList water2Atoms = molecules.getMolecule(1).getChildList();

        IVectorMutable C1r = water1Atoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();
        IVectorMutable C2r = water2Atoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();

        work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, C2r);
        shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work);
        final boolean zeroShift = shift.squared() < 0.1;

        double r2 = work.squared();

        if (r2 <= sigmaC * coreFac) {
            return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

        IVectorMutable O11r = water1Atoms.getAtom(1).getPosition();
        IVectorMutable O12r = water1Atoms.getAtom(2).getPosition();
        IVectorMutable O21r = water2Atoms.getAtom(1).getPosition();
        IVectorMutable O22r = water2Atoms.getAtom(2).getPosition();

        double sum = 0;
        if (zeroShift) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    r2 = water1Atoms.getAtom(i).getPosition().Mv1Squared(water2Atoms.getAtom(j).getPosition());
                    double r = Math.sqrt(r2);
                    double rOverSigma = r / sigmaAll[i][j];
                    double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma);
                    if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac)
                        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma;
                    sum += epsilonAll[i][j] / (1 - sixOverGamma)
                            * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma))
                                    - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2);//exp-6 potential(Udisp)
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    IVector r1 = water1Atoms.getAtom(i).getPosition();
                    r2 = water2Atoms.getAtom(j).getPosition().Mv1Squared(shift);

                    double r = Math.sqrt(r2);
                    double rOverSigma = r / sigmaAll[i][j];
                    double sigma2OverR2 = 1 / (rOverSigma * rOverSigma);
                    if (1 / sigma2OverR2 < coreFac)
                        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double sixOverGamma = 6 / gamma;

                    sum += epsilonAll[i][j] / (1 - sixOverGamma)
                            * (sixOverGamma * Math.exp(gamma * (1 - rOverSigma))
                                    - sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2 * sigma2OverR2);//exp-6 potential(Udisp)

        if (zeroShift) {
            r2 = O11r.Mv1Squared(O21r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O11r.Mv1Squared(O22r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O12r.Mv1Squared(O21r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O12r.Mv1Squared(O22r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = C1r.Mv1Squared(O21r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C1r.Mv1Squared(O22r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C2r.Mv1Squared(O11r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C2r.Mv1Squared(O12r);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C1r.Mv1Squared(C2r);
            sum += chargeC * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauC)));
        } else {
            r2 = O21r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O22r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O21r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O22r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeO / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauO)));

            r2 = O21r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = O22r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C2r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C2r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeO * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / sqrtCOtau));

            r2 = C2r.Mv1Squared(shift);
            sum += chargeC * chargeC / Math.sqrt(r2)
                    * (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(Math.sqrt(r2) / (2 * tauC)));

        return sum;

     * This returns the polarizable portion of the GCPM potential for any
     * number of atoms.
    public double getPolarizationEnergy(IMoleculeList molecules) {

        final int atomCount = molecules.getMoleculeCount();
        if (Eq.length < atomCount + 1) {
            int oldSize = Eq.length;
            Eq = (IVectorMutable[]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(Eq, atomCount);
            Ep = (IVectorMutable[]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(Ep, atomCount);
            mu = (IVectorMutable[]) etomica.util.Arrays.resizeArray(mu, atomCount);
            for (int i = oldSize; i < atomCount; i++) {
                Eq[i] = space.makeVector();
                Ep[i] = space.makeVector();
                mu[i] = space.makeVector();
        for (int i = 0; i < atomCount; i++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {
            IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList();
            IVectorMutable C1r = iLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();

            for (int j = 0; j < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); j++) {
                if (i == j)
                IAtomList jLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(j).getChildList();
                IVectorMutable Cjr = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();
                IVectorMutable Oj1r = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(1).getPosition();
                IVectorMutable Oj2r = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(2).getPosition();

                work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, Cjr);
                shift.Ea1Tv1(-1, work);
                final boolean zeroShift = shift.squared() < 0.1;
                double rCtoO1, rCtoO2, rCtoC;

                if (zeroShift) {

                    rCtoO1 = Math.sqrt(C1r.Mv1Squared(Oj1r));
                    rCtoO2 = Math.sqrt(C1r.Mv1Squared(Oj2r));
                    rCtoC = Math.sqrt(C1r.Mv1Squared(Cjr));
                } else {
                    rCtoO1 = Math.sqrt(Oj1r.Mv1Squared(shift));

                    rCtoO2 = Math.sqrt(Oj2r.Mv1Squared(shift));

                    rCtoC = Math.sqrt(Cjr.Mv1Squared(shift));

                // For molecules that are far apart, fac=chargeX/comWtoX^3, but we add up
                // facs for H and M, which mostly cancel each other out, so we lose quite 
                // a bit of precision (~2-3 digits).
                double fac = chargeO / (rCtoO1 * rCtoO1 * rCtoO1)
                        * ((1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(rCtoO1 / sqrtCOtau))
                                - Math.sqrt(2) * rCtoO1 / sqrtPiCOtau
                                        * Math.exp(-rCtoO1 * rCtoO1 / (2 * (tauC * tauC + tauO * tauO))));
                work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, Oj1r);

                fac = chargeO / (rCtoO2 * rCtoO2 * rCtoO2)
                        * ((1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(rCtoO2 / sqrtCOtau))
                                - Math.sqrt(2) * rCtoO2 / sqrtPiCOtau
                                        * Math.exp(-rCtoO2 * rCtoO2 / (2 * (tauC * tauC + tauO * tauO))));
                work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, Oj2r);

                fac = chargeC / (rCtoC * rCtoC * rCtoC)
                        * ((1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(rCtoC / (2 * tauC))) - Math.sqrt(2)
                                * rCtoC / sqrtPiCCtau * Math.exp(-rCtoC * rCtoC / (4 * tauC * tauC)));
                work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, Cjr);

        int maxIter = 550;
        double mixIter = 0.9;
        double sqrtpi = Math.sqrt(Math.PI);
        for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) {
            double sumDeltaMu = 0;
            double sumMu = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {
                IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList();
                IVectorMutable C1r = iLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();

                work.Ev1Mv2(C1r, iLeafAtoms.getAtom(1).getPosition());
                double cosTheta = Math.abs([i]) / Math.sqrt(Ep[i].squared()));
                mu[i].Ea1Tv1(alphaPerp + cosTheta * (alphaPar - alphaPerp), Ep[i]);
                mu[i].PEa1Tv1(1 - mixIter, oldMu);
                sumDeltaMu += mu[i].Mv1Squared(oldMu);
                sumMu += mu[i].squared();
            for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {

            double tauK = tauAll[0][0];
            for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {
                IAtomList iLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(i).getChildList();
                IVectorMutable C1r = iLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();

                for (int j = i + 1; j < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); j++) {
                    IAtomList jLeafAtoms = molecules.getMolecule(j).getChildList();
                    IVectorMutable Cjr = jLeafAtoms.getAtom(0).getPosition();

                    rijVector.Ev1Mv2(C1r, Cjr);

                    double r2 = rijVector.squared();

                    if (r2 < coreFac * sigmaC) {
                        UpolAtkins = Double.NaN;
                        return UpolAtkins;

                    double r1 = Math.sqrt(r2);

                    double erf = (1 - org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf.erfc(r1 / (tauK)));
                    double exp = Math.exp(-r2 / (tauK * tauK));

                    double prefac = (r1 / (0.5 * tauK * sqrtpi)) * exp;

                    double postfac = prefac * 0.666666666666666666666 * r2 / (tauK * tauK);

                    double fr = erf - prefac;

                    double fpr = fr - postfac;

                    Ep[i].PEa1Tv1(-fr / (r1 * r2), mu[j]);

                    Ep[i].PEa1Tv1(3 *[j]) * fpr / (r2 * r2 * r1), rijVector);

                    Ep[j].PEa1Tv1(-fr / (r1 * r2), mu[i]);
                    Ep[j].PEa1Tv1(3 *[i]) * fpr / (r2 * r2 * r1), rijVector);

            if (debugme) {
                for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {
                    System.out.println(iter + " " + i + " " + Ep[i] + " " + mu[i]);

            if (sumDeltaMu < 1e-20)
            if (iter == maxIter - 1) {
                System.err.println("we were unable to converge");
                System.err.println("sumDeltaMu " + sumDeltaMu);
                System.err.println("sumMu " + sumMu);
        UpolAtkins = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < molecules.getMoleculeCount(); i++) {
            UpolAtkins += Eq[i].dot(mu[i]);
        UpolAtkins *= -0.5;
        if (!debugme && Double.isNaN(UpolAtkins)) {
            debugme = true;
            throw new RuntimeException("oops");
        //x here represents P (almost).
        //For x to be P, the A of the Ax=b actually needs an extra factor of
        //alphaPol.  We'll add that bit in when we calculate UpolAtkins.  
        return UpolAtkins;

    public double getLastPolarizationEnergy() {
        return UpolAtkins;

    public final double getRange() {
        return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    public void setBox(IBox box) {
        boundary = box.getBoundary();

    public P3GCPMAxilrodTeller makeAxilrodTeller() {
        return new P3GCPMAxilrodTeller(space);

    protected final MoleculePair pair;
    protected IBoundary boundary;
    protected final double sigmaC, sigmaO;
    protected final double[][] sigmaAll, epsilonAll;
    protected final double epsilonC, epsilonO, gamma;
    protected final double chargeO, chargeC;
    protected final double[] chargeAll;
    protected final double tauC, tauO; // sigma for water
    protected final double[][] tauAll;
    protected final double coreFac;
    protected IVectorMutable[] Eq, Ep, mu;
    protected IVectorMutable oldMu;
    protected final IVectorMutable rijVector;
    protected final IVectorMutable work, shift;
    protected final Tensor Tunit, Tij;
    protected final double sqrtCOtau;
    protected final double sqrtPiCOtau;
    protected final double sqrtPiCCtau;
    protected final double alphaPerp, alphaPar;
    protected double UpolAtkins;
    protected Component component;

    public enum Component {

    public class P3GCPMAxilrodTeller implements IPotentialMolecular {

        protected final IVectorMutable rij, rik, rjk;
        protected final IVectorMutable bveci, bvecj, bveck;
        protected final double[] cosg;
        protected final IVectorMutable norm;
        protected final IVectorMutable xveci, xvecj, xveck;
        protected final IVectorMutable yveci, yvecj, yveck;
        protected final double[] xx, yy, zz;
        public static final double dpolx = 1.95, anx = 2.1;
        public final double nufac0;

        public P3GCPMAxilrodTeller(ISpace space) {
            rij = space.makeVector();
            rik = space.makeVector();
            rjk = space.makeVector();
            cosg = new double[4];
            norm = space.makeVector();
            bveci = space.makeVector();
            bvecj = space.makeVector();
            bveck = space.makeVector();
            xveci = space.makeVector();
            xvecj = space.makeVector();
            xveck = space.makeVector();
            yveci = space.makeVector();
            yvecj = space.makeVector();
            yveck = space.makeVector();
            xx = new double[3];
            yy = new double[3];
            zz = new double[3];
            nufac0 = Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(2.52e4);

        public double getRange() {
            return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

        public void setBox(IBox box) {


        public int nBody() {
            return 3;

        public double energy(IMoleculeList molecules) {
            double bfac = 1.0 / (2 * 1.161);
            IAtomList atomsi = molecules.getMolecule(0).getChildList();
            IAtomList atomsj = molecules.getMolecule(1).getChildList();
            IAtomList atomsk = molecules.getMolecule(2).getChildList();
            IVector ri = atomsi.getAtom(0).getPosition();
            IVector rj = atomsj.getAtom(0).getPosition();
            IVector rk = atomsk.getAtom(0).getPosition();
            rij.Ev1Mv2(rj, ri);
            rik.Ev1Mv2(rk, ri);
            rjk.Ev1Mv2(rk, rj);
            double drij2 = rij.squared();
            double drik2 = rik.squared();
            double drjk2 = rjk.squared();
            double drij = Math.sqrt(drij2);
            double drik = Math.sqrt(drik2);
            double drjk = Math.sqrt(drjk2);
            double drij3 = drij2 * drij;
            double drik3 = drik2 * drik;
            double drjk3 = drjk2 * drjk;
            rij.TE(1 / drij);
            rik.TE(1 / drik);
            rjk.TE(1 / drjk);
            cosg[0] =;
            cosg[1] =;
            cosg[2] =;
            cosg[3] = cosg[0];
            bveci.Ev1Mv2(atomsi.getAtom(1).getPosition(), atomsi.getAtom(2).getPosition());
            bvecj.Ev1Mv2(atomsj.getAtom(1).getPosition(), atomsj.getAtom(2).getPosition());
            bveck.Ev1Mv2(atomsk.getAtom(1).getPosition(), atomsk.getAtom(2).getPosition());

            xveci.Ev1Pv2(rij, rik);

            xvecj.Ev1Mv2(rjk, rij);

            xveck.Ev1Pv2(rjk, rik);

            double eadd = 1;
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
                xx[a] = Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[a]) * (1 + cosg[a + 1]))
                        + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[a]) * (1 - cosg[a + 1])) * 0.5;
                eadd *= xx[a];
            double apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double polix = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double poljx = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double polkx = dpolx + apol;

            double nufac = polkx * poljx * polix;
            eadd *= nufac;
            double u = eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3);

            // (z, z, z) matrix element
            // the polarizability is here the projection on the normal to the 
            // intermolecular plane. 
            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double poliz = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double poljz = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double polkz = dpolx + apol;

            nufac = polkz * poljz * poliz;

            u += nufac / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3);

            // (y, y, y) matrix element
            // the polarizability is here the projection on the axis orthogonal both
            // to the bisector axis, and to the normal of the intermolecular plane.
            eadd = 1;
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
                yy[a] = -Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[a]) * (1 - cosg[a + 1]))
                        - Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[a]) * (1 + cosg[a + 1])) * 0.5;
                eadd *= yy[a];

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double poliy = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double poljy = dpolx + apol;

            apol = anx * Math.abs(;
            double polky = dpolx + apol;

            nufac = polkx * poljx * polix;
            u += eadd * nufac / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3);

            // here come the mixed matrix elements. six in total. three double x's and
            // three double y's.
            // (x, x, y)
            double eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[2]))
                    - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[2])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5);
            nufac = polix * poljx * polky;
            eadd = xx[0] * eprd * nufac;

            // (x, y, x)
            eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[1])) - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[1])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5);
            nufac = polix * poljy * polkx;
            eadd += xx[2] * eprd * nufac;

            // (y, x, x)
            eprd = (Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[0])) - Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[0])) + Math.sqrt((1 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5);
            nufac = poliy * poljx * polkx;
            eadd += xx[1] * eprd * nufac;
            u += eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3);

            // the double y's.
            // (y, y, x)
            eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[0])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[2]) * (1 - cosg[1]))
                            + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[2]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5);
            nufac = poliy * poljy * polkx;
            eadd = yy[0] * eprd * nufac;

            // (y, x, y)
            eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[2])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[1]) * (1 - cosg[0]))
                            + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[1]) * (1 + cosg[0])) * 0.5);
            nufac = poliy * poljx * polky;
            eadd += yy[2] * eprd * nufac;

            // (x, y, y)
            eprd = (Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[1])) - Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[1])) * 0.5)
                    * (-Math.sqrt((1.0 + cosg[0]) * (1 - cosg[2]))
                            + Math.sqrt((1.0 - cosg[0]) * (1 + cosg[2])) * 0.5);
            nufac = polix * poljy * polky;
            eadd = eadd + yy[1] * eprd * nufac;

            u += eadd / (drij3 * drik3 * drjk3);

            if (Double.isNaN(u)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("oops " + u);
            return u * nufac0;

    public static void main2(String[] args) {
        double x = 0;
        double z = 4.;
        ISpace space = Space3D.getInstance();
        Simulation sim = new Simulation(space);
        SpeciesSpheresHetero speciesCO2 = new SpeciesSpheresHetero(space,
                new IElement[] { Carbon.INSTANCE, Oxygen.INSTANCE });
        speciesCO2.setChildCount(new int[] { 1, 2 });
        speciesCO2.setConformation(new IConformation() {

            public void initializePositions(IAtomList atomList) {
                atomList.getAtom(1).getPosition().setX(0, 1.161);
                atomList.getAtom(2).getPosition().setX(0, -1.161);
        IBox box = new;
        box.setNMolecules(speciesCO2, 2);
        box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 }));
        IMolecule mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0);
        IMolecule mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1);

        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0.000000, 0, 0.000000 }));
        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, 0 }));
        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, 0 }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, z }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, z }));

        //        space.makeVector(new double[]{ 1.000000,-11.000000,-5.000000 }) 
        //        space.makeVector(new double[]{ 0.732908,-10.699688,-3.910782 }) 
        //        space.makeVector(new double[]{ 1.267092,-11.300312,-6.089218 }) 

        //        MoleculeActionTranslateTo translator = new MoleculeActionTranslateTo(space);
        //        translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[]{x,0,z}));
        //        translator.actionPerformed(mol1);
        PNCO2GCPM p2 = new PNCO2GCPM(space);
        IMoleculeList molecules = box.getMoleculeList();
        double u =;

        sim = new Simulation(space);
        SpeciesSpheresRotating species2CO2 = new SpeciesSpheresRotating(space,
                new ElementSimple("CO2", Carbon.INSTANCE.getMass() + 2 * Oxygen.INSTANCE.getMass()));
        box = new;
        box.setNMolecules(species2CO2, 2);
        box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 }));
        IAtomList pair = box.getLeafList();
        IAtomOriented atom0 = (IAtomOriented) pair.getAtom(0);
        IAtomOriented atom1 = (IAtomOriented) pair.getAtom(1);
        atom1.getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { x, 0, z }));
        //        ((IAtomOriented)pair.getAtom(0)).getOrientation().setDirection(space.makeVector(new double[]{Math.cos(22.5/180.0*Math.PI), Math.sin(22.5/180.0*Math.PI),0}));
        //        IVectorMutable o1 = space.makeVector(new double[]{-1,0,0});
        //        atom1.getOrientation().setDirection(o1);
        P2CO2Hellmann p2H = new P2CO2Hellmann(space, Parameters.B);
        double uH =;
        System.out.println("Hellmann: " + uH);


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double nufac0 = Kelvin.UNIT.toSim(2.52e4);
        double nufac = 9.0 / 16.0 * ElectronVolt.UNIT.toSim(13.7);
        System.out.println(nufac0 + " " + nufac);
        double x1 = 6;
        double z1 = 5.;
        double y2 = 7.;
        double z2 = -2;
        ISpace space = Space3D.getInstance();
        Simulation sim = new Simulation(space);
        SpeciesSpheresHetero speciesCO2 = new SpeciesSpheresHetero(space,
                new IElement[] { Carbon.INSTANCE, Oxygen.INSTANCE });
        speciesCO2.setChildCount(new int[] { 1, 2 });
        speciesCO2.setConformation(new IConformation() {

            public void initializePositions(IAtomList atomList) {
                atomList.getAtom(1).getPosition().setX(0, 1.161);
                atomList.getAtom(2).getPosition().setX(0, -1.161);
        IBox box = new;
        box.setNMolecules(speciesCO2, 3);
        box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 }));
        IMolecule mol0 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(0);
        IMolecule mol1 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(1);
        IMolecule mol2 = box.getMoleculeList().getMolecule(2);

        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0.000000, 0, 0.000000 }));
        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { -1.161, 0, 0 }));
        mol0.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 1.161, 0, 0 }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { x1, 0, z1 }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { x1, 0, z1 - 1.161 }));
        mol1.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { x1, 0, z1 + 1.161 }));
        mol2.getChildList().getAtom(0).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2, z2 }));
        mol2.getChildList().getAtom(1).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2 - 1.161, z2 }));
        mol2.getChildList().getAtom(2).getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2 + 1.161, z2 }));

        //        MoleculeActionTranslateTo translator = new MoleculeActionTranslateTo(space);
        //        translator.setDestination(space.makeVector(new double[]{x,0,z}));
        //        translator.actionPerformed(mol1);
        PNCO2GCPM p = new PNCO2GCPM(space);
        IMoleculeList molecules = box.getMoleculeList();
        P3GCPMAxilrodTeller p3 = p.makeAxilrodTeller();
        double u3 =;

        sim = new Simulation(space);
        SpeciesSpheresRotating species2CO2 = new SpeciesSpheresRotating(space,
                new ElementSimple("CO2", Carbon.INSTANCE.getMass() + 2 * Oxygen.INSTANCE.getMass()));
        box = new;
        box.setNMolecules(species2CO2, 3);
        box.getBoundary().setBoxSize(space.makeVector(new double[] { 100, 100, 100 }));
        IAtomList pair = box.getLeafList();
        IAtomOriented atom0 = (IAtomOriented) pair.getAtom(0);
        IAtomOriented atom1 = (IAtomOriented) pair.getAtom(1);
        IAtomOriented atom2 = (IAtomOriented) pair.getAtom(2);
        atom1.getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, 0, z1 }));
        atom2.getPosition().E(space.makeVector(new double[] { 0, y2, 0 }));
        //        ((IAtomOriented)pair.getAtom(0)).getOrientation().setDirection(space.makeVector(new double[]{Math.cos(22.5/180.0*Math.PI), Math.sin(22.5/180.0*Math.PI),0}));
        //        IVectorMutable o1 = space.makeVector(new double[]{-1,0,0});
        //        atom1.getOrientation().setDirection(o1);

        AtomTypeAgentManager paramsManagerATM = new AtomTypeAgentManager(null);
        P3AxilrodTeller p3ATM0 = new P3AxilrodTeller(space, paramsManagerATM);
        double alphaCO2 = 2.913;
                new P3AxilrodTeller.MyAgent(alphaCO2, ElectronVolt.UNIT.toSim(13.7)));


