Java tutorial
/* Agrega es una federacin de repositorios de objetos digitales educativos formada por todas las Comunidades Autnomas propiedad de Este cdigo ha sido desarrollado por la Entidad Pblica Empresarial adscrita al Ministerio de Industria,Turismo y Comercio a travs de la Secretara de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Informacin, dentro del Programa Internet en el Aula, que se encuadra dentro de las actuaciones previstas en el Plan Avanza (Plan 2006-2010 para el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Informacin y de Convergencia con Europa y entre Comunidades Autnomas y Ciudades Autnomas) y ha sido cofinanciado con fondos FEDER del Programa Operativo FEDER 2000-2006 Sociedad de la Informacin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL v.1.0). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the European Union Public Licence (EUPL v.1.0). You should have received a copy of the EUPL licence along with this program. If not, see */ // license-header java merge-point package es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.catalogadorBasicPlus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile; import es.agrega.soporte.agregaProperties.AgregaPropertiesImpl; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AccesoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AgregadorORVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.ArbolCurricularVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvAnnotationVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvClassificationVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvEducationalVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvGeneralVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvLifeCycleVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvMetametadataVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvRelationVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvRightsVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.AvTechnicalVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.CBTaxonVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.ClassificationVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.ContribucionVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.DescripcionVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.DuracionVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.EducationalVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.EntidadVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.EntryVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.EsquemaDeMetadatosVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.FechaVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.FormatoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.FuenteVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.GeneralVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.IdVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.IdentificadorVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.IdiomaVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.LangStringVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.LomAvanzadoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.LomBasicoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.OtrosRequisitosVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.PalabraClaveVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.PautasInstalacionVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.RecursoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.RequisitoVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.RutaTaxonomicaVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.SourceValueVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.TamanioVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.TaxonVO; import es.pode.catalogacion.negocio.servicios.TituloVO; import es.pode.parseadorXML.util.types.CataloguerVCard; import es.pode.catalogacion.soporte.CataloguerDuration; import es.pode.catalogacion.soporte.Contribucion; import es.pode.catalogacion.soporte.Entidad; import es.pode.catalogacion.soporte.Fecha; import es.pode.catalogacion.soporte.UtilidadesOrdenarCombos; import es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.CatalogadorBPSession; import es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.CatalogadorBSession; import es.pode.fuentestaxonomicas.negocio.servicio.TerminoVO; import es.pode.fuentestaxonomicas.negocio.servicio.TerminoYPadreVO; import es.pode.fuentestaxonomicas.negocio.servicio.VocabularioVO; import es.pode.soporte.constantes.ConstantesAgrega; import es.pode.soporte.i18n.I18n; import es.pode.soporte.seguridad.ldap.LdapUserDetailsUtils; import es.pode.validador.negocio.servicio.MDBasicosOblVO; import es.pode.validador.negocio.servicio.ValidaVO; /** * @see es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.catalogadorBasicPlus.CatBasicPlusController */ public class CatBasicPlusControllerImpl extends CatBasicPlusController { protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CatBasicPlusControllerImpl.class); private static final String HTTP = "http://"; private static final String BARRA = "/"; private static final String SEPARADOR = ":"; // A list of user-friendly labels for MIME types. We set this up at class // loading time and need no modifications to it thereafter. private static final Map<String, String> MIMEToLabelMap = initMIMEToFormatLabelMap(); private static Map<String, String> initMIMEToFormatLabelMap() { Map fMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); fMap.put("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", "Slideshow/Open Office presentation"); fMap.put("application/", "Database/Microsoft Access"); fMap.put("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database", "Database/Open Office database"); fMap.put("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", "Spreadsheet/Open Office Spreadsheet"); fMap.put("application/", "Image/Open Office graphics"); fMap.put("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", "Text/Open Office text document"); fMap.put("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Application/X-www-form-urlencoded"); fMap.put("application/exe", "Application/exe"); fMap.put("application/java", "Application/Java"); fMap.put("application/pdf", "Text/PDF"); fMap.put("application/postscript", "Image/PS"); fMap.put("application/rtf", "Text/RTF"); fMap.put("application/tar", "Application/TAR"); fMap.put("application/", "Spreadsheet/Excel"); fMap.put("application/", "Slideshow/Powerpoint"); fMap.put("application/word", "Text/Word"); fMap.put("application/x-director", "Multimedia/Director"); fMap.put("application/x-shockwave-flash", "Multimedia/Flash"); fMap.put("application/zip", "Application/ZIP"); fMap.put("audio/aiff", "Audio/AIFF"); fMap.put("audio/basic", "Audio/Sun"); fMap.put("audio/midi", "Audio/Midi"); fMap.put("audio/mp3", "Audio/MP3"); fMap.put("audio/ogg", "Audio/ogg"); fMap.put("audio/vnd.rn-realaudio", "Audio/Real"); fMap.put("audio/wav", "Audio/WAV"); fMap.put("audio/x-ms-wma", "Audio/WMA"); fMap.put("image/bmp", "Image/BMP"); fMap.put("image/gif", "Image/GIF"); fMap.put("image/jpeg", "Image/JPEG"); fMap.put("image/png", "Image/PNG"); fMap.put("image/tiff", "Image/TIFF"); fMap.put("text/html", "Text/HTML"); fMap.put("text/plain", "Text/Plain text"); fMap.put("text/xml", "Text/XML"); fMap.put("video/avi", "Video/AVI"); fMap.put("video/mp4v-es", "Video/MP4"); fMap.put("video/mpeg", "Video/MPEG"); fMap.put("video/quicktime", "Video/Quicktime"); fMap.put("video/x-ms-wmv", "Video/WMV"); return fMap; } /** * @see es.pode.catalogadorBasicPlus.presentacion.catalogador.CatBasicPlusController#cargarDatos(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, * es.pode.catalogadorBasicPlus.presentacion.catalogador.CargarDatosForm, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public final void cargarDatos(ActionMapping mapping, es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.catalogadorBasicPlus.CargarDatosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // Load the information from the ODE specified in the request into a // LOM object within the session // String idioma = ((Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)).getLanguage(); String ficheroProperties = "/"; String source = AgregaPropertiesImpl.getInstance().getProperty("esquemaDeMetadatos"); InputStream is = null; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); try { // Load the appropriate properties from the file is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(ficheroProperties); Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(is); // Load the vocabulary terms for field values we wish to explicitly check for HashMap vocabTerms = getVocabularyTerms(idioma); // Setup the various backing lists required for this form; we do this by // grabbing the terms specified // by the l_id array from the VocabulariosControladosService, and then // translating them from ISO form to their longer form int longVocabulario = 0; String[] l_id = { prop.getProperty("idioma"), prop.getProperty("aggregationLevel"), prop.getProperty("technicalOrCompositeType"), prop.getProperty("tipoDeRecurso"), prop.getProperty("intendedEndUserRole"), prop.getProperty("relationKind"), prop.getProperty("technicalOrCompositeName"), prop.getProperty("format") }; VocabularioVO[] vocabulario = this.getSrvVocabulariosControladosService().obtenerCombos(l_id, idioma); //vamos a ordenar vocabulario UtilidadesOrdenarCombos vocabularioOrdenado1 = new UtilidadesOrdenarCombos(); VocabularioVO[] vocabularioOrdenado = vocabularioOrdenado1.ordenarVocabulariosVO(vocabulario); longVocabulario = vocabularioOrdenado.length; for (int x = 0; x < longVocabulario; x++) { TerminoVO terminoVO = new TerminoVO(); terminoVO.setIdiomaTermino(""); terminoVO.setIdTermino(""); terminoVO.setNomTermino(""); switch (x) { case 0: // For the language (idioma) list Collection idIdioma = new ArrayList(); idIdioma.add(terminoVO); // modificamos las cadenas de idiomas TerminoVO[] terminos = vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos(); for (int li = 0; li < terminos.length; li++) { TerminoVO idAux = new TerminoVO(); idAux = terminos[li]; String textoIdioma = idAux.getNomTermino(); String idiomasTra = ""; if (!textoIdioma.equals("x-none")) { idiomasTra = I18n.getInstance().obtenerIdiomaTraducido(textoIdioma, idioma); } else { idiomasTra = datosResources.getString("x-none"); } // Translate language code from short (ISO) format to long format idAux.setNomTermino(idiomasTra); } UtilidadesOrdenarCombos terminosOrd2 = new UtilidadesOrdenarCombos(); TerminoVO[] terminosOrd = terminosOrd2.ordenarTerminosVO(terminos, idioma); Collection id2 = Arrays.asList(terminosOrd); Iterator z = id2.iterator(); while (z.hasNext()) { idIdioma.add(; } // Set the language list form.setIdiomaBackingList(idIdioma, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 1: // Aggregation Level list Collection idAggLevel = new ArrayList(); idAggLevel.add(terminoVO); // Get the aggregation level terms TerminoVO[] terminosAggLevel = vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos(); // Sort them UtilidadesOrdenarCombos sortAggLevel = new UtilidadesOrdenarCombos(); TerminoVO[] sortedAggLevelTerms = sortAggLevel.ordenarTerminosVO(terminosAggLevel, idioma); // Store as an ArrayList Collection idAggLevelList = Arrays.asList(sortedAggLevelTerms); Iterator zAggLevel = idAggLevelList.iterator(); while (zAggLevel.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisAggLevelTerm = (TerminoVO); idAggLevel.add(thisAggLevelTerm); } // // HACK ALERT: Because the Aggregation Level form has separate labels // from values (and this is not supported in the VDEX vocabulary), we // forcibly override it here // zAggLevel = idAggLevelList.iterator(); int c = 0; while (zAggLevel.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisAggLevelTerm = (TerminoVO); switch (c) { case 0: // Level 1 thisAggLevelTerm.setNomTermino("Asset"); break; case 1: // Level 2 thisAggLevelTerm.setNomTermino("Lesson part"); break; case 2: // Level 3 thisAggLevelTerm.setNomTermino("Full lesson or topic"); break; case 3: // Level 4 thisAggLevelTerm.setNomTermino("Course"); break; } c++; } // Set the aggregation level list form.setAggregationLevelBackingList(idAggLevel, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 2: // Technical OrComposite type list Collection tTechOrCompositeType = new ArrayList(); tTechOrCompositeType.add(terminoVO); Collection tTechOrCompositeType2 = Arrays.asList(vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos()); Iterator contTechOrCompositeType = tTechOrCompositeType2.iterator(); while (contTechOrCompositeType.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisTechOrCompositeTypeTerm = (TerminoVO); tTechOrCompositeType.add(thisTechOrCompositeTypeTerm); } // Set the technical OrComposite type backing list form.setTechnicalOrCompositeTypeBackingList(tTechOrCompositeType, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 3: // Resource type list Collection tResourceType = new ArrayList(); tResourceType.add(terminoVO); Collection tResourceType2 = Arrays.asList(vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos()); Iterator contResourceType = tResourceType2.iterator(); while (contResourceType.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisTipoRecursoTerm = (TerminoVO); tResourceType.add(thisTipoRecursoTerm); } // Set the resource type backing list form.setTipoRecursoBackingList(tResourceType, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 4: // Intended end user role list Collection tIntendedEndUserRole = new ArrayList(); tIntendedEndUserRole.add(terminoVO); Collection tIntendedEndUserRole2 = Arrays.asList(vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos()); Iterator contIntendedEndUserRoleType = tIntendedEndUserRole2.iterator(); while (contIntendedEndUserRoleType.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisIntendedEndUserRoleTerm = (TerminoVO); tIntendedEndUserRole.add(thisIntendedEndUserRoleTerm); } // Set the intended user role backing list form.setIntendedEndUserRoleBackingList(tIntendedEndUserRole, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 5: // Relation kind list Collection tRelationKind = new ArrayList(); tRelationKind.add(terminoVO); Collection tRelationKind2 = Arrays.asList(vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos()); Iterator contRelationKindType = tRelationKind2.iterator(); while (contRelationKindType.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisRelationKindTerm = (TerminoVO); tRelationKind.add(thisRelationKindTerm); } // Set the relation kind backing list form.setRelationKindBackingList(tRelationKind, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 6: // Technical OrComposite name list Collection tTechOrCompositeName = new ArrayList(); tTechOrCompositeName.add(terminoVO); Collection tTechOrCompositeName2 = Arrays.asList(vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos()); Iterator contTechOrCompositeName = tTechOrCompositeName2.iterator(); while (contTechOrCompositeName.hasNext()) { TerminoVO thisTechOrCompositeNameTerm = (TerminoVO); tTechOrCompositeName.add(thisTechOrCompositeNameTerm); } // Set the technical OrComposite type backing list form.setTechnicalOrCompositeNameBackingList(tTechOrCompositeName, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; case 7: // Format list Collection tFormat = new ArrayList(); tFormat.add(terminoVO); TerminoVO[] formatTVOs = vocabularioOrdenado[x].getTerminos(); // // The default vocab term ordering uses name (a format MIME // type) as the sort key which makes the label list look // inconsistent; for instance, in the NWLG's label list, // "Text/PDF" corresponds to the MIME type "application/pdf" // and "Image/PS" to "application/postscript". // // Therefore, we use the term ID as the sort key for an // ascending order sort instead; the order in which the // format terms appear in the vocabulary is the order // of the backing list. // // In terms of overhead, this little merge sort is not even // close to the ugly sort in ordenarVocabulariosVO; which is // performed just above this loop. Note that the frequency // of invocation in this method is the same for both sorts. // Arrays.sort(formatTVOs, new TerminoVOByIdComparator()); for (TerminoVO ftvo : formatTVOs) { // // If we find a user-friendly label for this MIME type, // we use that instead. // String label = MIMEToLabelMap.get(ftvo.getNomTermino()); if (label != null) { ftvo.setNomTermino(label); } tFormat.add(ftvo); } // Set the format backing list form.setFormatBackingList(tFormat, "idTermino", "nomTermino"); break; } } // Setup the advanced LOM CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced; if (os.getMBOSesion() == null) { // If the session object has not been set, load some defaults... String usuario = LdapUserDetailsUtils.getUsuario(); String identificador = request.getParameter("identificador");//"idLOM1";// //introducido nuevo parametro para vuelta al empaquetador String returnURL = request.getParameter("returnURL"); //PortalEmpaquetador/Inicio/ os.setIdioma(idioma); os.setIdentificador(identificador); os.setUsuario(usuario); //metemos en la sesion el parametro de vuelta al empaquetador os.setReturnURL(returnURL); // If we get here then we are entering the cataloguer for the first // time. Hence we need to make sure that the following sections of // the LOM exist: // - General // - Technical // - Educational // - Lifecycle // - Relation // Grab the advanced LOM for this ODE lomAdvanced = this.getSrvCatalogacionAvanzadaService().obtenerLomAvanzado(identificador, usuario, idioma); if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral() == null) lomAdvanced.setGeneral(new AvGeneralVO()); if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical() == null) lomAdvanced.setTechnical(new AvTechnicalVO()); if (lomAdvanced.getEducational() == null) lomAdvanced.setEducational(new AvEducationalVO[] { new AvEducationalVO() }); if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones() == null) lomAdvanced.setRelaciones(new AvRelationVO[] { new AvRelationVO() }); if (lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle() == null) lomAdvanced.setLifeCycle(new AvLifeCycleVO()); if (lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata() == null) lomAdvanced.setMetaMetadata(new AvMetametadataVO()); // Store this LOM in the session this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request).setMBOSesion(lomAdvanced); } else { // If we are already editing an object (i.e. it's in the session) // then we simply set the form values to be those set in the // LOM object within the session lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); } // Set the title if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getTitulo() == null) { TituloVO tmpTituloVO = new TituloVO(); lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setTitulo(tmpTituloVO); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpTituloVO.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); } // Set the language if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas() == null || lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas().length == 0) { IdiomaVO[] tmpIdiomaVOArray = new IdiomaVO[1]; IdiomaVO tmpIdiomaVO = new IdiomaVO(); tmpIdiomaVO.setTexto(""); tmpIdiomaVOArray[0] = tmpIdiomaVO; lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setIdiomas(tmpIdiomaVOArray); } // Set the description (we allow one field only in this cataloguer) if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getDescripciones() == null || lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getDescripciones().length == 0) { DescripcionVO tmpDescriptionVO = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpDescriptionVO.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setDescripciones(new DescripcionVO[] { tmpDescriptionVO }); } // Set the keyword (we allow one field in this cataloguer) if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getPalabrasClave() == null || lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getPalabrasClave().length == 0) { PalabraClaveVO tmpKeywordVO = new PalabraClaveVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpKeywordVO.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setPalabrasClave(new PalabraClaveVO[] { tmpKeywordVO }); } // Get a reference to the aggregation level object, creating one if it // doesn't already exist if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getNivelAgregacion() == null) { SourceValueVO tmpSourceValue = new SourceValueVO(); tmpSourceValue.setSource(source); tmpSourceValue.setValor(""); lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setNivelAgregacion(tmpSourceValue); } else { // Catch the case where the LOM has a general section, but no // initial value set if (lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getNivelAgregacion().getValor() == null) lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getNivelAgregacion().setValor(""); } // We're about to set some fields based upon particular contributor values // so let's get the contribution list if (lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones() == null) { // Create an empty collection to keep things working lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().setContribuciones(new ContribucionVO[] {}); } // Create a HashMap containing the contributions already within // the LOM keyed by contributor type HashMap contributorHashMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones().length; i++) contributorHashMap.put(lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones()[i].getTipo().getValor(), lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones()[i]); // Check to see if the author is present, and add it if not if (contributorHashMap.get((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor")) == null) { ContribucionVO thisContribution = new ContribucionVO(); SourceValueVO tmpContributorSourceValueVO = new SourceValueVO(); tmpContributorSourceValueVO.setSource(source); tmpContributorSourceValueVO.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor")); thisContribution.setTipo(tmpContributorSourceValueVO); thisContribution.setEntidades(new EntidadVO[] { new EntidadVO() }); // Store back in the HashMap contributorHashMap.put((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor"), thisContribution); } // Check to see if the content provider is present, and add it if not if (contributorHashMap.get((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider")) == null) { ContribucionVO thisContribution = new ContribucionVO(); SourceValueVO tmpContributorSourceValueVO = new SourceValueVO(); tmpContributorSourceValueVO.setSource(source); tmpContributorSourceValueVO.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider")); thisContribution.setTipo(tmpContributorSourceValueVO); thisContribution.setEntidades(new EntidadVO[] { new EntidadVO() }); // Store back in the HashMap contributorHashMap.put((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider"), thisContribution); } // Convert the HashMap values back into an array and store in the LOM lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().setContribuciones( (ContribucionVO[]) contributorHashMap.values().toArray(new ContribucionVO[] {})); // Create a LifeCycle status object if it doesn't already exist... if (lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getEstado() == null) { SourceValueVO tmpState = new SourceValueVO(); tmpState.setSource(source); tmpState.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("lifeCycleStatusFinal")); lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().setEstado(tmpState); } // Set the installation remarks if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getPautasInstalacion() == null) { PautasInstalacionVO tmpInstallationNotes = new PautasInstalacionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpInstallationNotes.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setPautasInstalacion(tmpInstallationNotes); } // Set the platform requirements if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getOtrosRequisitos() == null) { OtrosRequisitosVO tmpPlatformRequirements = new OtrosRequisitosVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpPlatformRequirements.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setOtrosRequisitos(tmpPlatformRequirements); } // Set the duration fields // From Advanced: expresion regular P[yY][mM][dD][T[hH][nM][s[.s]S]] if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getDuracion() == null) { DuracionVO tmpDuration = new DuracionVO(); DescripcionVO tmpDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); tmpDuration.setDescripcion(tmpDescription); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setDuracion(tmpDuration); } // Create the requirements section with an single blank // OrRequirement if it doesn't exist in the LOM if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos() == null || lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos().length == 0) { RequisitoVO tmpRequirement = new RequisitoVO(); AgregadorORVO tmpOrRequirement = new AgregadorORVO(); SourceValueVO tmpOrRequirementType = new SourceValueVO(); tmpOrRequirementType.setSource(source); tmpOrRequirementType.setValor(""); SourceValueVO tmpOrRequirementName = new SourceValueVO(); tmpOrRequirementName.setSource(source); tmpOrRequirementName.setValor(""); tmpOrRequirement.setTipo(tmpOrRequirementType); tmpOrRequirement.setNombre(tmpOrRequirementName); tmpRequirement.setAgregadoresOR(new AgregadorORVO[] { tmpOrRequirement }); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setRequisitos(new RequisitoVO[] { tmpRequirement }); } // Create the format section with a single blank format if it // doesn't exist in the LOM if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getFormatos() == null || lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getFormatos().length == 0) { FormatoVO tmpFormat = new FormatoVO(); tmpFormat.setTexto(""); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setFormatos(new FormatoVO[] { tmpFormat }); } // Create the annotation section with a single blank note if it // doesn't exist in the LOM if (lomAdvanced.getAnotaciones() == null || lomAdvanced.getAnotaciones().length == 0) { lomAdvanced.setAnotaciones(new AvAnnotationVO[] { createDefaultAnnotation() }); } // Get a reference to the resource type object, creating one if it // doesn't already exist if (lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu() == null || lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu().length == 0) { SourceValueVO tmpSourceValue = new SourceValueVO(); tmpSourceValue.setSource(source); tmpSourceValue.setValor(""); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setTiposrecursoedu(new SourceValueVO[] { tmpSourceValue }); } else { // Catch the case where the LOM has an educational section, but no // initial value set if (lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu()[0].getValor() == null) lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu()[0].setValor(""); } // Get a reference to the intended end user role object, creating one if it // doesn't already exist if (lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios() == null || lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios().length == 0) { SourceValueVO tmpSourceValue = new SourceValueVO(); tmpSourceValue.setSource(source); tmpSourceValue.setValor(""); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setDestinatarios(new SourceValueVO[] { tmpSourceValue }); } else { // Catch the case where the LOM has an educational section, but no // initial value set if (lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios()[0].getValor() == null) lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios()[0].setValor(""); } // Set the typical learning time fields if (lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiempoAprendizaje() == null) { DuracionVO tmpDuration = new DuracionVO(); DescripcionVO tmpDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(""); tmpDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); tmpDuration.setDescripcion(tmpDescription); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setTiempoAprendizaje(tmpDuration); } // // Load the curriculum trees from the LOM // // Make sure we have a classification object, and that we do not // overwrite the in-session curricular tree array when we reach here // from the curriculum tree browser. if (os.getCurriculumTreesArray() == null && lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones() != null && lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones().length > 0) { // And a taxonPath object if (lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].getRutasTaxonomicas() != null && lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].getRutasTaxonomicas().length > 0) { // Create an array of ArbolCurricularVO objects containing // the information from the LOM ArbolCurricularVO[] curriculumTreeArray = new ArbolCurricularVO[lomAdvanced .getClasificaciones()[0].getRutasTaxonomicas().length]; int treeId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].getRutasTaxonomicas().length; i++) { RutaTaxonomicaVO thisTaxonPath = lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0] .getRutasTaxonomicas()[i]; curriculumTreeArray[i] = new ArbolCurricularVO(); // Convert taxons array from CBTaxonVO to TaxonVO CBTaxonVO[] curriculumTaxonVO = new CBTaxonVO[thisTaxonPath.getTaxones().length]; int n = thisTaxonPath.getTaxones().length; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { TaxonVO thisTaxon = thisTaxonPath.getTaxones()[(n - 1) - j]; curriculumTaxonVO[j] = new CBTaxonVO(); curriculumTaxonVO[j].setId(thisTaxon.getId().getTexto()); curriculumTaxonVO[j].setValorTax(thisTaxon.getEntry().getTextos()[0].getTexto()); } // Store in the curriculum tree array. Note the tree identifier is just set // as an dummy 0.X value (where X increments by 1) for use as // a unique identifier for deleting curriculumTreeArray[i].setIdArbol("0." + treeId); curriculumTreeArray[i].setTaxones(curriculumTaxonVO); treeId++; } // Finally store the trees in the session os.setCurriculumTreesArray(curriculumTreeArray); } } // Get a reference to the relation kind object, creating one if it // doesn't already exist. Note that this field is optional. if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones().length == 0) lomAdvanced.setRelaciones(new AvRelationVO[] { new AvRelationVO() }); if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getTipo() == null) { SourceValueVO tmpSourceValue = new SourceValueVO(); tmpSourceValue.setSource(source); tmpSourceValue.setValor(""); lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].setTipo(tmpSourceValue); } else { // Catch the case where the LOM has an relation section, but no // initial value set if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getTipo().getValor() == null) lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getTipo().setValor(""); } // Set the relation kind description if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso() == null) { RecursoVO tmpResource = new RecursoVO(); DescripcionVO tmpDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangString = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangString.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangString.setTexto(""); tmpDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangString }); IdentificadorVO tmpIdentifier = new IdentificadorVO(); tmpIdentifier.setCatalogo(""); tmpIdentifier.setEntrada(""); tmpResource.setIdentificador(tmpIdentifier); tmpResource.setDescripciones(new DescripcionVO[] { tmpDescription }); lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].setRecurso(tmpResource); } // Force the list of items in the typicalLearningTimeFull backing list form.setTypicalLearningTimeFullLabelList(new String[] { "", "Less than 10 mins", "10 - 30 mins", "30 mins - 1 hour", "1 - 8 hours", "More than 8 hours" }); form.setTypicalLearningTimeFullValueList(new String[] { "", "00-00-00-00-10-00", "00-00-00-00-30-00", "00-00-00-01-00-00", "00-00-00-08-00-00", "00-00-07-00-00-00" }); // // Now load all of the form values from the LOM // // Set the title form.setTitulo(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getTitulo().getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the description form.setDescription(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getDescripciones()[0].getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the keyword form.setKeyword(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getPalabrasClave()[0].getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the author/content provider lifecycle contributions ContribucionVO[] contributions = lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones(); for (int i = 0; i < contributions.length; i++) { ContribucionVO thisContribution = contributions[i]; // Check for author contributor type if (thisContribution.getTipo().getValor().equals(vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor"))) { logger.debug("Located the author lifecycle entity"); // Grab the vCard string String vCardString = thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].getTexto(); // Parse it into a vCard object CataloguerVCard cvc = new CataloguerVCard(vCardString); if (cvc != null) { // Set the LifeCycle -> Author field if (cvc.getFullName() != null) form.setAuthorFullName(cvc.getFullName()); else form.setAuthorFullName(""); // Set the LifeCycle -> Organisation field if (cvc.getOrganisation() != null) form.setAuthorOrganisation(cvc.getOrganisation()); else form.setAuthorOrganisation(""); } } // Check for content provider contributor type if (thisContribution.getTipo().getValor().equals(vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider"))) { logger.debug("Located the provider lifecycle entity"); // Grab the vCard string String vCardString = thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].getTexto(); // Parse it into a vCard object CataloguerVCard cvc = new CataloguerVCard(vCardString); if (cvc != null) { // Set the LifeCycle -> Contributor field if (cvc.getFullName() != null) form.setProviderFullName(cvc.getFullName()); else form.setProviderFullName(""); } } } // Set the installation remarks form.setInstallationNotes(lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getPautasInstalacion().getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the platform requirements form.setPlatformRequirements(lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getOtrosRequisitos().getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the notes form.setNotes(lomAdvanced.getAnotaciones()[0].getDescripcion().getTextos()[0].getTexto()); // Set the duration fields: remember technical duration is optional... if (lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getDuracion() != null) { CataloguerDuration d1 = new CataloguerDuration( lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getDuracion().getDuracion()); form.setDurationYears(d1.getYears()); form.setDurationMonths(d1.getMonths()); form.setDurationDays(d1.getDays()); form.setDurationHours(d1.getHours()); form.setDurationMinutes(d1.getMinutes()); form.setDurationSeconds(d1.getSeconds()); } // Set the typical learning time fields CataloguerDuration d2 = new CataloguerDuration( lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiempoAprendizaje().getDuracion()); // We currently use a string of the form YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS to represent // the typical time within the form. Set let's generate this and then // set it. StringBuilder typicalLearningTimeFull = new StringBuilder(); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getYears()) + "-"); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getMonths()) + "-"); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getDays()) + "-"); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getHours()) + "-"); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getMinutes()) + "-"); typicalLearningTimeFull.append(zeroFromEmpty(d2.getSeconds())); form.setTypicalLearningTimeFull(typicalLearningTimeFull.toString()); // Set the relation kind entry (optional) if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones().length > 0) { form.setRelationKindEntry( lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getIdentificador().getEntrada()); // Set the relation kind description form.setRelationKindDescription( lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getDescripciones()[0].getTextos()[0] .getTexto()); } // // For the LOM fields that are based upon backing lists (and so are // referenced by termIds rather than values), obtain the values for // the specified termIds from the vocabulary service so we can set // the form fields // TerminoYPadreVO[] terminoypadrear = new TerminoYPadreVO[longVocabulario]; for (int i = 0; i < longVocabulario; i++) { TerminoYPadreVO terminoypadreVO = new TerminoYPadreVO(); terminoypadreVO.setIdiomaTermino("en"); terminoypadreVO.setIdVocabulario(l_id[i]); terminoypadreVO.setIdTermino(""); switch (i) { case 0: // For the language (idioma) term terminoypadreVO.setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas()[0].getTexto()); break; case 1: // Aggregation Level term terminoypadreVO.setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getNivelAgregacion().getValor()); break; case 2: // Technical OrComposite type term terminoypadreVO .setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos()[0].getAgregadoresOR()[0] .getTipo().getValor()); break; case 3: // Resource type term terminoypadreVO .setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu()[0].getValor()); break; case 4: // Intended end user role term terminoypadreVO.setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios()[0].getValor()); break; case 5: // Relation kind term terminoypadreVO.setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getTipo().getValor()); break; case 6: // Technical OrComposite name term terminoypadreVO .setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos()[0].getAgregadoresOR()[0] .getNombre().getValor()); break; case 7: // Format term terminoypadreVO.setNomTermino(lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getFormatos()[0].getTexto()); break; } terminoypadrear[i] = terminoypadreVO; } // Lookup the terms from the termIds TerminoYPadreVO[] terminoYPadreVuelta = this.getSrvVocabulariosControladosService() .obtenerIdTermino(terminoypadrear); String idi; // Set language term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[0].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setIdioma(idi); // Set the aggregation level term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[1].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setAggregationLevel(idi); // Set the technical OrComposite type term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[2].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setTechnicalOrCompositeType(idi); // Set the resource type term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[3].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setTipoRecurso(idi); // Set the intended end user role term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[4].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setIntendedEndUserRole(idi); // Set the relation kind term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[5].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setRelationKind(idi); // Set the technical OrComposite name term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[6].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setTechnicalOrCompositeName(idi); // Set the format term idi = terminoYPadreVuelta[7].getIdTermino(); if (idi != null) form.setFormat(idi); // // Finally set the curriculum trees form variable so we can // display them // form.setCurriculumTreesAsArray(os.getCurriculumTreesArray()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("could not open file"); return; } logger.debug("#### Finished setting LomAdvanced"); } public void cargarDatosGuardar(ActionMapping mapping, CargarDatosGuardarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // Save the information posted from the form back into the session // object, ready for use later // Locale locale = (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE); String idioma = locale.getLanguage(); CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); // Rebuild the LOM with the new form information LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); // Parse the form fields and update the LOM updateLOMFromForm(form, lomAdvanced, idioma); // Store the result back into the session os.setMBOSesion(lomAdvanced); String returnURL = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request).getReturnURL(); os.setReturnURL(returnURL); this.setCatalogadorBPSession(request, os); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Insertamos los valores del formulario en el objeto de sesion"); } } /** * @see es.pode.catalogadorBasicPlus.presentacion.catalogador.CatBasicPlusController#guardarMetadatos(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, * es.pode.catalogadorBasicPlus.presentacion.catalogador.GuardarMetadatosForm, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public final void guardarMetadatos(ActionMapping mapping, es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.catalogadorBasicPlus.GuardarMetadatosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // This Action is called once the user agrees to save the data. Note that // we don't need to update the LomAvanzado object as we did that earlier // and stored it in the session - for some reason the original Basic // Cataloguer repeats most of the earlier code again here?! // String usuario = LdapUserDetailsUtils.getUsuario(); String idioma = ((Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)).getLanguage(); String identificador; if (this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request) == null) { identificador = request.getParameter("identificador"); } else { identificador = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request).getIdentificador(); } CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); // // The curriculum trees are stored in the session, so extract // each term and add it to the LOM // if (os.getCurriculumTreesArray() != null) updateLOMFromCurriculumTreesArray(os.getCurriculumTreesArray(), lomAdvanced, idioma); // Okay... so this next bit of code looks as if it should just // generate a LomVO from a LomAvanzado, but it also seems to // set up a couple of variables in the session required for // any changes to be saved??!? this.getSrvCatalogacionAvanzadaService().generarMetadatos(identificador, usuario, lomAdvanced, idioma); // Store in the session logger.debug("FOO!"); } public void cargarDatosSesion(ActionMapping mapping, CargarDatosSesionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Update the LOM with any form variables in preparation before // forwarding to the taxonomy curriculum tree Locale locale = (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE); String idioma = locale.getLanguage(); CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); updateLOMFromForm(form, lomAdvanced, idioma); } public boolean sonValidosMDBO(ActionMapping mapping, SonValidosMDBOForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // All of the hard work has been done by this point (in validarMetadatos), so // we can simply return the isValid form variable return form.getIsValid(); } public void validarMetadatos(ActionMapping mapping, ValidarMetadatosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Validate the data in the LOM according the custom rules specified // by NWLG for the BasicPlus cataloguer. In order to make this easier // to follow, the code from the Advanced Cataloguer has been borrowed // as a starting point, split into a different method for each section. // // Each section method returns either true or false depending upon // whether or not the section passed validation. Locale locale = (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE); String idioma = locale.getLanguage(); ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); Collection errorMessages = new ArrayList(); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); // Apply any form changes updateLOMFromForm(form, lomAdvanced, idioma); // Apply any curriculum tree changes updateLOMFromCurriculumTreesArray(os.getCurriculumTreesArray(), lomAdvanced, idioma); if ( // General section: currently the only mandatory LOM-NDRB fields // are in this section validateBasicPlusGeneral(lomAdvanced, locale, errorMessages)) { // Assume we pass all tests, set the isValid variable to true // for the controller form.setIsValid(true); // Set the default validation successful message; if any of the // above validations returned false, we would have at least one // message errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.0.0")); } // Store the resulting error messages in the form for retrieval later form.setMensajesError(errorMessages); } public void eliminarArbol(ActionMapping mapping, EliminarArbolForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // Remove the curriculum trees Ids from the LOM as specified by // the user // String idioma = ((Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)).getLanguage(); CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = os.getMBOSesion(); // Get the array of Ids to delete String[] treeIds = (String[]) request.getParameterValues("idArbol"); // Search through the curriculum trees array, removing any entries that are // specified in the treeIds array. We use an ArrayList as we aren't 100% sure // of the final array length. ArrayList newCurriculumTreesArrayList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < os.getCurriculumTreesArray().length; i++) { ArbolCurricularVO thisCurriculumTree = os.getCurriculumTreesArray()[i]; boolean toBeDeleted = false; for (int j = 0; j < treeIds.length; j++) { if (thisCurriculumTree.getIdArbol().equals(treeIds[j])) toBeDeleted = true; } // If we're not in the list of specified Ids to delete, copy // to the new ArrayList if (!toBeDeleted) newCurriculumTreesArrayList.add(thisCurriculumTree); } // Now store back in the session os.setCurriculumTreesArray((ArbolCurricularVO[]) newCurriculumTreesArrayList .toArray(new ArbolCurricularVO[newCurriculumTreesArrayList.size()])); // And finally update the LOM updateLOMFromCurriculumTreesArray(os.getCurriculumTreesArray(), lomAdvanced, idioma); } public void volverAEmpaquetador(ActionMapping mapping, VolverAEmpaquetadorForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { //Recogemos el parametro para ir a PortalEmpaquetador String returnUrl = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request).getReturnURL(); // borramos datos de sesion request.getSession().removeAttribute(es.pode.catalogadorWeb.presentacion.CatalogadorBPSession.SESSION_KEY); String url = HTTP + LdapUserDetailsUtils.getHost(); if (returnUrl == null) { returnUrl = BARRA + request.getSession().getServletContext().getInitParameter("url_portada"); } if (LdapUserDetailsUtils.getSubdominio() != null && LdapUserDetailsUtils.getSubdominio().length() != 0 && !returnUrl.startsWith(LdapUserDetailsUtils.getSubdominio())) { returnUrl = LdapUserDetailsUtils.getSubdominio() + returnUrl; } url = url + returnUrl; response.sendRedirect(url); } public void realizarSubmit(ActionMapping mapping, RealizarSubmitForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String accion = form.getAccionSubmit(); } public String recogeAccion(ActionMapping mapping, RecogeAccionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { //Recogemos la accion a realizar String accion = form.getAccionSubmit(); String resAction = ""; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Aceptar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Guardar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Validar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Validar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.ArbolCurricular").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Arbol Curricular"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Eliminar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Eliminar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Cancelar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Cancelar"; } else if (accion == null || datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Exportar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Exportar"; } return resAction; } public void exportarLomes(ActionMapping mapping, ExportarLomesForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // This method is called after the LOM has been validated and exports // the LOM file content directly to the browser // CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); final int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; DataHandler dh = null; try { // Remember: grab the LOM from the disk so that we don't have any of the temporary fields // that may have been added to accept user input. LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = this.getSrvCatalogacionAvanzadaService() .obtenerLomAvanzado(os.getIdentificador(), os.getUsuario(), os.getIdioma()); dh = this.getSrvCatalogacionAvanzadaService().exportarLomes(os.getIdentificador(), os.getUsuario(), lomAdvanced, os.getIdioma()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new ValidatorException("{catalogadorAvanzado.exportar.error.fichero}"); } if (dh == null) { logger.error("Fichero vacio. Abortamos descarga."); throw new ValidatorException("{catalogadorAvanzado.exportar.error.fichero}"); } // asignamos el titulo del fichero que vamos a exportar response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=utf-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=metadataLOMES.xml"); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); InputStream in = dh.getInputStream(); logger.debug("Descargando metadata.xml"); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int count; while ((count =, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, count); } out.flush(); } public void validarExportar(ActionMapping mapping, ValidarExportarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // This method is called to validate the LOM before it is exported. // Since we are working on the last saved LOM, we perform the // validation without updating from the form, and set the IsValid // variable. Note that this is actually the same as validarMetadatos, // but without the form update parts. // Locale locale = (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE); ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); CatalogadorBPSession os = this.getCatalogadorBPSession(request); Collection errorMessages = new ArrayList(); LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced = this.getSrvCatalogacionAvanzadaService() .obtenerLomAvanzado(os.getIdentificador(), os.getUsuario(), os.getIdioma()); if ( // General section: currently the only mandatory LOM-NDRB fields // are in this section validateBasicPlusGeneral(lomAdvanced, locale, errorMessages)) { // Assume we pass all tests, set the isValid variable to true // for the controller form.setIsValid(true); // Set the default validation successful message; if any of the // above validations returned false, we would have at least one // message errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.0.0")); } // Store the resulting error messages in the form for retrieval later form.setMensajesError(errorMessages); } public boolean sonValidosExportar(ActionMapping mapping, SonValidosExportarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // This is called once we have validated the form ready for export. // Normally you would return a set of error messages to the user // here, and set a form variable to indicate the validation passed. // Fortunately the validation routines already do this for us, so all // we have to do is return the precalculated value :D return form.getIsValid(); } public String submitAdvertenciaExportar(ActionMapping mapping, SubmitAdvertenciaExportarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String accion = form.getAccion(); String resAction = ""; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.exportar.advertencia.exportar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Exportar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.exportar.advertencia.volver").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Volver"; } else { resAction = "Volver"; } return resAction; } public boolean actualizados(ActionMapping mapping, ActualizadosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Yes, I know, this callback is so stupid as to be beyond comprehension... return form.isActualizados(); } public void chequearDatos(ActionMapping mapping, ChequearDatosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // // This method is called when the user has clicked on the LOM "Export" // button. It should determine whether any form fields have been set, and // if so, direct the user to a warning page to point out that only the // last saved LOM will be exported. // CatalogadorBasicPlusFormImpl entireForm = (CatalogadorBasicPlusFormImpl) form; // If the form is not empty, set the actualizados flag to false // so that we emit a warning if (!lomesVacio(entireForm)) form.setActualizados(true); else form.setActualizados(false); } private boolean lomesVacio(CatalogadorBasicPlusFormImpl form) throws Exception { // Return true or false depending upon whether any fields have been set // in the form boolean result = true; // Only check the compulsory fields // TODO: this may need to be revised during use if ((form.getAggregationLevel() != null && form.getAggregationLevel().length() != 0) || (form.getAuthorFullName() != null && form.getAuthorFullName().length() != 0) || (form.getDescription() != null && form.getDescription().length() != 0) || (form.getProviderFullName() != null && form.getProviderFullName().length() != 0)) result = false; return result; } public String comprobarLomesVacio(ActionMapping mapping, ComprobarLomesVacioForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String resultado = "Vacio"; return resultado; } public void subirFichero(ActionMapping mapping, SubirFicheroForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { System.out.println("SUBMIT FORM!"); } public String submitAdvertenciaImportar(ActionMapping mapping, SubmitAdvertenciaImportarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String accion = form.getAccion(); String resAction = ""; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.importar.advertencia.aceptar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Aceptar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.importar.advertencia.cancelar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Cancelar"; } return resAction; } public String submitImportar(ActionMapping mapping, SubmitImportarForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String resAction = ""; return resAction; } public String guardarDatos(ActionMapping mapping, GuardarDatosForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Recogemos la accion a realizar String accion = form.getAccion(); String resAction = ""; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", (Locale) request.getSession().getAttribute(ConstantesAgrega.DEFAULT_LOCALE)); if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.AceptarGuardar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "AceptarGuardar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.NoGuardar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "NoGuardar"; } else if (datosResources.getString("catalogadorBasicPlus.Cancelar").equals(accion)) { resAction = "Cancelar"; } return resAction; } // // deepCopy method taken from JavaWorld's Java tips section: // // // Since the LomAvanzadoVO as generated from the WSDL implements Serializable // but not the clone() method, in order to make a copy we serialize/deserialize // into a new Object private Object deepCopy(Object oldObj) throws Exception { ObjectOutputStream oos = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // A oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); // B // serialize and pass the object oos.writeObject(oldObj); // C oos.flush(); // D ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); // E ois = new ObjectInputStream(bin); // F // return the new object return ois.readObject(); // G } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception in ObjectCloner = " + e); throw (e); } finally { oos.close(); ois.close(); } } // // When setting defaults for some fields, we need to know the name of the // particular field values, e.g. when searching for "content provider" or // "author". // // This function performs a vocabulary lookup for the terms we want and // then stores the results in a HashMap for retrieval later // private HashMap getVocabularyTerms(String idioma) { HashMap terms = new HashMap(); String ficheroProperties = "/"; InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(ficheroProperties); Properties prop = new Properties(); try { prop.load(is); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("could not open properties file: " + ficheroProperties); return null; } String[] vocabInputTerms = new String[] { prop.getProperty("roleLifeCycleVocabulary"), prop.getProperty("roleMetadataVocabulary"), prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsVocabulary"), prop.getProperty("costRightsVocabulary"), prop.getProperty("statusLifeCycleVocabulary"), prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsDescriptionVocabulary") }; // Call the service to do the work VocabularioVO[] vocabTerms; try { vocabTerms = this.getSrvVocabulariosControladosService().obtenerCombos(vocabInputTerms, idioma); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error calling SrvVocabulariosControladosService"); return null; } // Now extract the terms we want: // - LifeCycle Author role // - LifeCycle Content Provider role // - Metadata Creator Role // - Rights License // - Rights Cost for (int i = 0; i < vocabTerms.length; i++) { // Lifecycle Role terms if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("roleLifeCycleVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // Author if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("roleLifeCycleAuthor"))) terms.put("lifecycleAuthor", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); // Content provider if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("roleLifeCycleContentProvider"))) terms.put("lifecycleContentProvider", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } // Metadata Role terms if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("roleMetadataVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // Creator if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("roleMetadataCreator"))) terms.put("metadataCreator", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } // Rights has copyright term if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // By default, yes, we do have copyright if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsHasCopyright"))) terms.put("rightsHasCopyright", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } // Rights description (license) if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsDescriptionVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // Creative commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike if (thisTerm.getIdTermino() .equals(prop.getProperty("copyrightRightsDefaultLicenseDescription"))) terms.put("rightsDefaultLicense", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } // Rights cost terms if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("costRightsVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // Creative commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("costRightsNoCost"))) terms.put("rightsNoCost", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } // Lifecycle status terms if (vocabTerms[i].getIdVocabulario().equals(prop.getProperty("statusLifeCycleVocabulary"))) { for (int j = 0; j < vocabTerms[i].getTerminos().length; j++) { TerminoVO thisTerm = vocabTerms[i].getTerminos()[j]; // Final status if (thisTerm.getIdTermino().equals(prop.getProperty("statusLifeCycleFinal"))) terms.put("lifeCycleStatusFinal", (String) thisTerm.getNomTermino()); } } } // Return the hashmap return terms; } // // This function takes an input from one of the CataloguerDuration input fields // and returns 00 if the input is either null or empty // private String zeroFromEmpty(String input) { if (input == null || input.length() == 0) return "00"; else return input; } private void updateLOMFromForm(CatalogadorBasicPlusForm form, LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, String idioma) { // Take all of the information from the specified form bean and apply it to // the specified LomAvanzadoVO String source = AgregaPropertiesImpl.getInstance().getProperty("esquemaDeMetadatos"); // Load the vocabulary terms for field values we wish to explicitly check for HashMap vocabTerms = getVocabularyTerms(idioma); try { // When the form is posted, the value sent will be the termId so in order to // insert into the LOM, we must convert the termId back into is text equivalent InputStream is = null; Properties prop = new Properties(); is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/"); prop.load(is); // The array of terms Ids we are looking at String[] l_id = { prop.getProperty("idioma"), prop.getProperty("aggregationLevel"), prop.getProperty("technicalOrCompositeType"), prop.getProperty("tipoDeRecurso"), prop.getProperty("intendedEndUserRole"), prop.getProperty("relationKind"), prop.getProperty("technicalOrCompositeName"), prop.getProperty("format") }; // The array of actual terms from the form String[] term_id = { form.getIdioma(), form.getAggregationLevel(), form.getTechnicalOrCompositeType(), form.getTipoRecurso(), form.getIntendedEndUserRole(), form.getRelationKind(), form.getTechnicalOrCompositeName(), form.getFormat() }; TerminoYPadreVO[] termsArray = this.getSrvVocabulariosControladosService() .crearTraduccionAIngles(term_id); // Cambiado el identificador del termino al nombre del termino en ingles boolean setLangTerm = false, setAggregationLevelTerm = false, setOrCompositeTerm = false, setResourceTypeTerm = false, setEndUserRole = false, setRelationKind = false, setOrCompositeNameTerm = false, setFormat = false; for (int cont = 0; cont < termsArray.length; cont++) { // Language (idioma) term if (l_id[0].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas()[0].setTexto(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setLangTerm = true; } // Aggregation level term else if (l_id[1].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getNivelAgregacion().setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setAggregationLevelTerm = true; } // Technical OrComposite type term else if (l_id[2].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos()[0].getAgregadoresOR()[0].getTipo() .setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setOrCompositeTerm = true; } // Resource type term else if (l_id[3].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiposrecursoedu()[0] .setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setResourceTypeTerm = true; } // Intended end user role term else if (l_id[4].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getDestinatarios()[0] .setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setEndUserRole = true; } // Relation kind term else if (l_id[5].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getTipo().setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setRelationKind = true; } // Technical OrComposite name term else if (l_id[6].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getRequisitos()[0].getAgregadoresOR()[0].getNombre() .setValor(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setOrCompositeNameTerm = true; } // Format term else if (l_id[7].equals(termsArray[cont].getIdVocabulario())) { lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getFormatos()[0].setTexto(termsArray[cont].getNomTermino()); setFormat = true; } } // For any terms that were not set, remove them from the LOM if (!setLangTerm) lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setIdiomas(null); if (!setAggregationLevelTerm) lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setNivelAgregacion(null); // According to spec, must be set as a pair if (!setOrCompositeTerm || !setOrCompositeNameTerm) lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setRequisitos(new RequisitoVO[] {}); if (!setEndUserRole) lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setDestinatarios(new SourceValueVO[] {}); if (!setResourceTypeTerm) lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setTiposrecursoedu(new SourceValueVO[] {}); if (!setFormat) lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setFormatos(new FormatoVO[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not look up vocabulary terms: " + e.getMessage()); return; } // Set the title lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getTitulo().getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getTitulo()); // Set/remove the description if (!form.getDescription().equals("")) lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getDescripciones()[0].getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getDescription()); else lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setDescripciones(null); // Set/remove the keyword if (!form.getKeyword().equals("")) lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getPalabrasClave()[0].getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getKeyword()); else lomAdvanced.getGeneral().setPalabrasClave(null); // Set the author/content provider lifecycle contributions ContribucionVO[] contributions = lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones(); // Here we store the contributions we actually want to keep from those // currently stored in the LOM ArrayList newContributionArrayList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < contributions.length; i++) { ContribucionVO thisContribution = contributions[i]; // Create a current time/date stamp for the contribution fields Date now = new Date(); String nowString = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(now) + "T" + new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").format(now); // Check for author contributor type if (thisContribution.getTipo().getValor().equals(vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor"))) { logger.debug("Located the author lifecycle entity"); // Grab the vCard string String vCardString = thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].getTexto(); // Parse it into a vCard object CataloguerVCard cvc = new CataloguerVCard(vCardString); // Only update the entry if it has changed; otherwise the time/date // stamp will always be overwritten with the current time/date if (cvc.getFullName() != form.getAuthorFullName() || cvc.getOrganisation() != form.getAuthorOrganisation()) { // Set the LifeCycle -> Author field cvc.setFullName(form.getAuthorFullName()); // Set the LifeCycle -> Organisation field cvc.setOrganisation(form.getAuthorOrganisation()); // Store the vCard back into the LOM thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].setTexto(cvc.toString()); // Update the time/date stamp field FechaVO dateVO = new FechaVO(); dateVO.setFecha(nowString); DescripcionVO dateDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO dateDescriptionLangString = new LangStringVO(); dateDescriptionLangString.setIdioma(idioma); dateDescriptionLangString.setTexto((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleAuthor")); dateDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { dateDescriptionLangString }); dateVO.setDescripcion(dateDescription); thisContribution.setFecha(dateVO); } // Finally: only keep this contribution if the author's full name and organisation // have been set if (!(form.getAuthorFullName().equals("") && form.getAuthorOrganisation().equals(""))) newContributionArrayList.add((ContribucionVO) thisContribution); } // Check for content provider contributor type if (thisContribution.getTipo().getValor().equals(vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider"))) { logger.debug("Located the provider lifecycle entity"); // Grab the vCard string String vCardString = thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].getTexto(); // Parse it into a vCard object CataloguerVCard cvc = new CataloguerVCard(vCardString); // Only update the entry if it has changed; otherwise the time/date // stamp will always be overwritten with the current time/date if (cvc.getFullName() != form.getProviderFullName()) { // Set the LifeCycle -> Contributor field cvc.setFullName(form.getProviderFullName()); // Store the vCard back into the LOM thisContribution.getEntidades()[0].setTexto(cvc.toString()); // Update the time/date stamp field FechaVO dateVO = new FechaVO(); dateVO.setFecha(nowString); DescripcionVO dateDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO dateDescriptionLangString = new LangStringVO(); dateDescriptionLangString.setIdioma(idioma); dateDescriptionLangString.setTexto((String) vocabTerms.get("lifecycleContentProvider")); dateDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { dateDescriptionLangString }); dateVO.setDescripcion(dateDescription); thisContribution.setFecha(dateVO); // Finally: only keep this contribution and set the metadata if the provider's full name // has been specified if (!form.getProviderFullName().equals("")) { newContributionArrayList.add((ContribucionVO) thisContribution); // // IMPORTANT: according to the LOM-NDRB spec then the meta-metadata // section should also be filled in for the creater role. We shall // simply duplicate the "content provider" contribution in order // to implement this. // // Always create a new object from scratch ContribucionVO thisMetaDataContribution = new ContribucionVO(); SourceValueVO tmpSourceValue = new SourceValueVO(); tmpSourceValue.setSource(source); tmpSourceValue.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("metadataCreator")); thisMetaDataContribution.setTipo(tmpSourceValue); // Note: use the existing entity setup... thisMetaDataContribution.setEntidades(thisContribution.getEntidades()); // and the existing date setup thisMetaDataContribution.setFecha(dateVO); // Store the result in the LOM lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata() .setContribuciones(new ContribucionVO[] { thisMetaDataContribution }); // Now set the meta-metadata catalog and entry the same as general lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata() .setIdentificadores(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdentificadores()); // Set the metadata schema EsquemaDeMetadatosVO[] metadataSchemeArray = new EsquemaDeMetadatosVO[1]; metadataSchemeArray[0] = new EsquemaDeMetadatosVO(); metadataSchemeArray[0].setTexto(source); lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().setEsquemas(metadataSchemeArray); } else { // If not set then we also need to clear the metadata // LOM section lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().setContribuciones(new ContribucionVO[] {}); lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().setIdentificadores(new IdentificadorVO[] {}); lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().setEsquemas(new EsquemaDeMetadatosVO[] {}); } } } } // Always set the MetaMetadata language to "en" so that it appears in the English // language index IdiomaVO metaDataLanguage = new IdiomaVO(); metaDataLanguage.setTexto("en"); lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().setIdioma(metaDataLanguage); // Set the contributions we wish to keep lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle() .setContribuciones((ContribucionVO[]) newContributionArrayList.toArray(new ContribucionVO[] {})); // Set/remove the installation remarks if (!form.getInstallationNotes().equals("")) lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getPautasInstalacion().getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getInstallationNotes()); else lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setPautasInstalacion(null); // Set the platform requirements if (!form.getPlatformRequirements().equals("")) lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getOtrosRequisitos().getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getPlatformRequirements()); else lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setOtrosRequisitos(null); // Set/remove the notes if (form.getNotes().length() != 0) { lomAdvanced.getAnotaciones()[0].getDescripcion().getTextos()[0].setTexto(form.getNotes()); FechaVO dateVO = new FechaVO(); // Create a current timestamp Date now = new Date(); String nowString = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(now) + "T" + new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").format(now); dateVO.setFecha(nowString); DescripcionVO dateDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO dateDescriptionLangString = new LangStringVO(); dateDescriptionLangString.setIdioma(idioma); dateDescriptionLangString.setTexto((String) vocabTerms.get("metadataValidator")); dateDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { dateDescriptionLangString }); dateVO.setDescripcion(dateDescription); lomAdvanced.getAnotaciones()[0].setFecha(dateVO); } else { lomAdvanced.setAnotaciones(null); } // Set the duration fields CataloguerDuration d1 = new CataloguerDuration(); d1.setYears(form.getDurationYears()); d1.setMonths(form.getDurationMonths()); d1.setDays(form.getDurationDays()); d1.setHours(form.getDurationHours()); d1.setMinutes(form.getDurationMinutes()); d1.setSeconds(form.getDurationSeconds()); // Note: the technical duration is optional, so if no duration // is specified then we simply omit/remove the technical duration // from the LOM if (!d1.isEmpty()) { // Create a new duration object DuracionVO techDuration = new DuracionVO(); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setDuracion(techDuration); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getDuracion().setDuracion(d1.toString()); DescripcionVO durationDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO durationLangString = new LangStringVO(); durationLangString.setIdioma(idioma); durationLangString.setTexto("duration for continuous play media"); durationDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { durationLangString }); lomAdvanced.getTechnical().getDuracion().setDescripcion(durationDescription); } else { // Remove from the LOM totally! lomAdvanced.getTechnical().setDuracion(null); } // Set the typical learning time fields if (!form.getTypicalLearningTimeFull().equals("")) { // Note: the form variable is of the form YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS CataloguerDuration d2 = new CataloguerDuration(); String[] splitLearningTime = form.getTypicalLearningTimeFull().split("-"); d2.setYears(splitLearningTime[0]); d2.setMonths(splitLearningTime[1]); d2.setDays(splitLearningTime[2]); d2.setHours(splitLearningTime[3]); d2.setMinutes(splitLearningTime[4]); d2.setSeconds(splitLearningTime[5]); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiempoAprendizaje().setDuracion(d2.toString()); DescripcionVO learningTimeDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO learningTimeLangString = new LangStringVO(); learningTimeLangString.setIdioma(idioma); learningTimeLangString.setTexto("duration for typical learning time"); learningTimeDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { learningTimeLangString }); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getTiempoAprendizaje().setDescripcion(learningTimeDescription); // Create educational language entry if it doesn't already exist // and we've set one further up in the LOM if ((lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getIdiomas() == null || lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].getIdiomas().length == 0) && lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas() != null && lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas().length > 0) { IdiomaVO educationalLanguage = new IdiomaVO(); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setIdiomas(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdiomas()); } } else { // Remove from LOM totally! lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setTiempoAprendizaje(null); lomAdvanced.getEducational()[0].setIdiomas(new IdiomaVO[] {}); } // Set the relation description entry (optional) if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones().length > 0) { lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getDescripciones()[0].getTextos()[0] .setTexto(form.getRelationKindDescription()); } // Rights: according to the NDRB specification, the default license should // be creative commons: attribution - non commercial - share alike. So lets // add the default license here. // Create the rights entry if it doesn't already exist if (lomAdvanced.getDerechos() == null) { AvRightsVO rights = new AvRightsVO(); SourceValueVO type = new SourceValueVO(); type.setSource(source); type.setValor("universal"); DescripcionVO description = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO descriptionLangString = new LangStringVO(); descriptionLangString.setIdioma(idioma); descriptionLangString.setTexto("MEC"); description.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { descriptionLangString }); AccesoVO access = new AccesoVO(); access.setDescripcion(description); access.setTipo(type); // Set the values in the LOM rights.setAcceso(access); lomAdvanced.setDerechos(rights); } // Set the cost SourceValueVO rightsCost = new SourceValueVO(); rightsCost.setSource(source); rightsCost.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("rightsNoCost")); lomAdvanced.getDerechos().setCoste(rightsCost); // Set the rights "has copyright" to yes SourceValueVO rightsHasCopyright = new SourceValueVO(); rightsHasCopyright.setSource(source); rightsHasCopyright.setValor((String) vocabTerms.get("rightsHasCopyright")); lomAdvanced.getDerechos().setDerechosDeAutor(rightsHasCopyright); // Set the description to the default license (CC non-com share-alike) DescripcionVO rightsLicense = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO rightsLicenseLangString = new LangStringVO(); rightsLicenseLangString.setIdioma(idioma); rightsLicenseLangString.setTexto((String) vocabTerms.get("rightsDefaultLicense")); rightsLicense.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { rightsLicenseLangString }); lomAdvanced.getDerechos().setDescripcion(rightsLicense); // // Relation entry // if (form.getRelationKind() != null && form.getRelationKind().length() != 0) { // If no relation entry exists, create it... if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones() == null || lomAdvanced.getRelaciones().length == 0) { AvRelationVO relation = new AvRelationVO(); RecursoVO relationResource = new RecursoVO(); IdentificadorVO relationId = new IdentificadorVO(); relationResource.setIdentificador(relationId); relation.setRecurso(relationResource); lomAdvanced.setRelaciones(new AvRelationVO[] { relation }); } // Now set the catalogue and entry fields... // Create the identifier entry if it doesn't exist... if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso() == null) lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].setRecurso(new RecursoVO()); if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getIdentificador() == null) lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().setIdentificador(new IdentificadorVO()); // Borrow catalogue from the General LOM section lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getIdentificador() .setCatalogo(lomAdvanced.getGeneral().getIdentificadores()[0].getCatalogo()); // Set the entry to the form value lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso().getIdentificador().setEntrada(form.getRelationKindEntry()); // Set the description DescripcionVO relationDescription = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO relationDescriptionLangString = new LangStringVO(); relationDescriptionLangString.setIdioma(idioma); relationDescriptionLangString.setTexto(form.getRelationKindDescription()); relationDescription.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { relationDescriptionLangString }); lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[0].getRecurso() .setDescripciones(new DescripcionVO[] { relationDescription }); // And the type... this is already handled by the vocabulary lookup at the // very start. } else { // Relation kind is unspecified; remove the relation element from the LOM lomAdvanced.setRelaciones(new AvRelationVO[] {}); } logger.debug("Completed updateLOMFromForm"); } private void updateLOMFromCurriculumTreesArray(ArbolCurricularVO[] curriculumTreesArray, LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, String idioma) { // Take the contents of the specified ArbolCurricularVO[] which is used by the // session to store the curriculum trees, and then use it to update the LOM with // the entries within the array. // Firstly get the name of the vocabulary - this will be the source // name for the specified taxonomy entries String ficheroProperties = "/"; InputStream iss = null; iss = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(ficheroProperties); Properties fprop = new Properties(); try { fprop.load(iss); String nomTaxonomia = fprop.getProperty("arbolCurricular").toString(); String vocabName = this.getSrvTaxonomiaService().obtenerVocabName(nomTaxonomia, idioma); // Create an array ready to store our new paths if (curriculumTreesArray != null && curriculumTreesArray.length > 0) { RutaTaxonomicaVO[] newTaxonPathArray = new RutaTaxonomicaVO[curriculumTreesArray.length]; // Create the classification object within the LOM if it doesn't already exist if (lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones() == null || lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones().length == 0) { AvClassificationVO tmpClassificationVO = new AvClassificationVO(); lomAdvanced.setClasificaciones(new AvClassificationVO[] { tmpClassificationVO }); } // Clear the existing taxonPaths are we are going to update them // from the ArbolCurricularVO[] input array lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].setRutasTaxonomicas(new RutaTaxonomicaVO[] {}); for (int i = 0; i < curriculumTreesArray.length; i++) { // Get a reference to the curriculum tree and then determine // the id with the longest path to check for duplicates ArbolCurricularVO thisCurriculumTree = curriculumTreesArray[i]; // Create the object ready for the LOM newTaxonPathArray[i] = new RutaTaxonomicaVO(); // First add the source FuenteVO tmpFuenteVO = new FuenteVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStringVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringVO.setIdioma(idioma); tmpLangStringVO.setTexto(vocabName); tmpFuenteVO.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringVO }); newTaxonPathArray[i].setFuente(tmpFuenteVO); // Now for the taxonPath. Loop through each entry and add it to // the newTaxonPathArray array int n = thisCurriculumTree.getTaxones().length; TaxonVO[] tmpTaxonVOArray = new TaxonVO[n]; for (int o = 0; o < n; o++) { tmpTaxonVOArray[o] = new TaxonVO(); IdVO tmpIdVO = new IdVO(); tmpIdVO.setTexto(thisCurriculumTree.getTaxones()[(n - 1) - o].getId()); LangStringVO tmpLangStringEntryVO = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStringEntryVO.setIdioma(idioma); tmpLangStringEntryVO.setTexto(thisCurriculumTree.getTaxones()[(n - 1) - o].getValorTax()); EntryVO tmpEntryVO = new EntryVO(); tmpEntryVO.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStringEntryVO }); tmpTaxonVOArray[o].setId(tmpIdVO); tmpTaxonVOArray[o].setEntry(tmpEntryVO); } // Set the new taxon array within the LOM newTaxonPathArray[i].setTaxones(tmpTaxonVOArray); } // Now update the LOM to contains the new values lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].setRutasTaxonomicas(newTaxonPathArray); } else { // Otherwise if empty we simply remove the items from the LOM lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0].setRutasTaxonomicas(new RutaTaxonomicaVO[] {}); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean validateBasicPlusGeneral(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM general section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); boolean ok = true; String resultado = ""; // Get a reference to the general section of the LOM AvGeneralVO gn = lomAdvanced.getGeneral(); //CATALOGOS int i = 0; while ((ok) && (i < gn.getIdentificadores().length)) { String cat = gn.getIdentificadores()[i].getCatalogo().trim(); String ent = gn.getIdentificadores()[i].getEntrada().trim(); if (((cat == null) || (cat.length() == 0)) && ((ent != null) && (ent.length() != 0)))//Si existe una entrada, un catlogo es obligatorio errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.1.1")); if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } else { i++; } } //ENTRADAS i = 0; while ((ok) && (i < gn.getIdentificadores().length)) { String cat = gn.getIdentificadores()[i].getCatalogo().trim(); String ent = gn.getIdentificadores()[i].getEntrada().trim(); if (((ent == null) || (ent.length() == 0)) && ((cat != null) && (cat.length() != 0)))//Si existe un catlogo, una entrada es obligatoria errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.1.2")); if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } else { i++; } } //TITULOS boolean todosVacios = true; String texto; for (i = 0; i < gn.getTitulo().getTextos().length && todosVacios; i++) { texto = gn.getTitulo().getTextos()[i].getTexto().trim(); if (texto != null && texto.length() != 0) { todosVacios = false; } } if (todosVacios) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.2"));//debe tener por lo menos un titulo /* * Not required for LOM-NDRB * //IDIOMA todosVacios=true; String idioma; for(i=0;i<gn.getIdiomas().length && todosVacios;i++) { idioma= gn.getIdiomas()[i].getTexto(); if(idioma!=null && idioma.length() != 0) { todosVacios=false; } } if(todosVacios) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.3"));//debe tener por lo menos un idioma todosVacios=true; String descripcion; for(i=0;i<gn.getDescripciones().length && todosVacios;i++) { for(int j=0;j<gn.getDescripciones()[i].getTextos().length && todosVacios;j++) { descripcion=gn.getDescripciones()[i].getTextos()[j].getTexto().trim(); if(descripcion!=null && descripcion.length() != 0) { todosVacios=false; } } } if(todosVacios) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.4"));//al menos una descripcion //NIVEL DE AGREGACION if(gn.getNivelAgregacion().getValor()==null || gn.getNivelAgregacion().getValor().length() == 0) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.1.8")); */ if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusLifeCycle(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM lifecycle section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. boolean enc = false; boolean encDesc = false; boolean encTipo = false; SourceValueVO tipo = new SourceValueVO(); String fech = ""; ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); ContribucionVO[] contribucionesVO = lomAdvanced.getLifeCycle().getContribuciones(); if (contribucionesVO != null) { for (int i = 0; i < contribucionesVO.length; i++) { tipo = contribucionesVO[i].getTipo(); if (tipo == null) encTipo = true; if (contribucionesVO[i].getEntidades() != null && contribucionesVO[i].getEntidades().length > 0) { int j = 0; while (!enc && j < contribucionesVO[i].getEntidades().length) { if (contribucionesVO[i].getEntidades()[j].getTexto() == null) j++; else enc = true; } } if (contribucionesVO[i].getFecha() != null) { fech = contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getFecha(); int k = 0; if (contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getDescripcion() != null) { while (!encDesc && k < contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getDescripcion().getTextos().length) { if (contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getDescripcion().getTextos()[k].getTexto() .length() == 0) k++; else encDesc = true; } } } if (encTipo && (enc || encDesc || fech != null) && !errorMessages.contains(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.1"))) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.1")); } if (!enc && (!encTipo || encDesc || fech != null) && !errorMessages.contains(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.2"))) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.2")); } if ((fech == null || fech.trim().length() == 0) && !encDesc && (!encTipo || enc) && !errorMessages.contains(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.3"))) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.2.3.3")); } enc = false; encDesc = false; encTipo = false; } } //FECHA--DESCRIPCION boolean fechDesc = true; if (contribucionesVO != null) { for (int i = 0; i < contribucionesVO.length && fechDesc; i++) { String fecha = ""; String idiom = ""; String text = ""; if (contribucionesVO[i].getFecha() != null) { fecha = contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getFecha(); DescripcionVO descVO = contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getDescripcion(); if (descVO != null) { if (descVO.getTextos() != null && descVO.getTextos().length > 0 && fechDesc) { for (int j = 0; j < descVO.getTextos().length && fechDesc; j++) { idiom = descVO.getTextos()[j].getIdioma(); text = descVO.getTextos()[j].getTexto(); if ((fecha == null || fecha.length() == 0) && (idiom.length() != 0 || text.length() != 0)) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.")); fechDesc = false; } } } } } } } // DESCRIPCION-FECHA fechDesc = true; if (contribucionesVO != null) { for (int i = 0; i < contribucionesVO.length && fechDesc; i++) { String fecha = ""; String idiom = ""; String text = ""; if (contribucionesVO[i].getFecha() != null) { fecha = contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getFecha(); DescripcionVO descVO = contribucionesVO[i].getFecha().getDescripcion(); if (descVO != null) { if (descVO.getTextos() != null && descVO.getTextos().length > 0 && fechDesc) { for (int j = 0; j < descVO.getTextos().length && fechDesc; j++) { idiom = descVO.getTextos()[j].getIdioma(); text = descVO.getTextos()[j].getTexto(); if (fechDesc && fecha != null && ((text.length() == 0))) { if (fechDesc && fecha.length() != 0 && ((text.length() == 0))) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.")); fechDesc = false; } } } } } else { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.")); } } } } if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusMetaMetadata(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM meta-metadata section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with some heavy modifications in the middle, due to an internal // but different API being used for time/date extraction. I've added a // rather naive implementation which I hope will do for the moment... ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); int i = 0; boolean completo = true; boolean todosVacios = true; IdentificadorVO[] identificadores = lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().getIdentificadores(); //IDENTIFICADORES for (i = 0; i < identificadores.length && completo; i++) { if ((identificadores[i].getCatalogo() != null && identificadores[i].getCatalogo().trim().length() == 0) && (identificadores[i].getEntrada() != null && identificadores[i].getEntrada().trim().length() != 0)) { completo = false; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.1.1"));//Si existe una entrada para un identificador, un catálogo es obligatorio } } completo = true; for (i = 0; i < identificadores.length && completo; i++) { if ((identificadores[i].getCatalogo() != null && identificadores[i].getCatalogo().trim().length() != 0) && (identificadores[i].getEntrada() != null && identificadores[i].getEntrada().trim().length() == 0)) { completo = false; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.1.2"));//Si existe un catálogo para un identificador, una entrada es obligatoria } } //CONTRIBUCION String rol; // boolean errorRol=false; boolean errorContRol = false; boolean errorContEntidad = false; boolean errorContFecha = false; boolean errorFecha = false; boolean errorFechaVacia = false; boolean errorDescVacia = false; boolean errorMinutos = false; boolean entidadesVacia; boolean fechaVacia; boolean horasVacia; boolean descVacios; ContribucionVO[] contribuciones = lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().getContribuciones(); for (i = 0; i < contribuciones.length && (!errorContRol || !errorContEntidad || !errorContFecha); i++) { // ROL rol = contribuciones[i].getTipo().getValor(); // //entidad entidadesVacia = true; for (int j = 0; j < contribuciones[i].getEntidades().length && entidadesVacia; j++) { EntidadVO ent = contribuciones[i].getEntidades()[j]; CataloguerVCard cvc = new CataloguerVCard(ent.getTexto()); if ((cvc.getFullName() != null && cvc.getFullName().trim().length() != 0) || (cvc.getOrganisation() != null && cvc.getOrganisation().trim().length() != 0) || (cvc.getEmailAddress() != null && cvc.getEmailAddress().trim().length() != 0)) { entidadesVacia = false; } } //fecha FechaVO fechaCont = contribuciones[i].getFecha(); DescripcionVO descCont = fechaCont.getDescripcion(); // Ensure the date is set to something... fechaVacia = false; if (fechaCont.getFecha() != null && fechaCont.getFecha().length() == 0) { fechaVacia = true; } int timeDateSplit = fechaCont.getFecha().indexOf('T'); horasVacia = false; if (timeDateSplit != -1) { // Warning: Very naive function. We simply split on T, then a colon // to break down to hours/minutes/seconds String[] splitDate = fechaCont.getFecha().substring(timeDateSplit + 1).split(":"); if ((splitDate[0].trim().length() == 0) && (splitDate[1].trim().length() == 0)) { horasVacia = true; } } else { // If there is no split, then the time has not been specified :( horasVacia = true; } descVacios = true; String descFec; for (int j = 0; j < descCont.getTextos().length && descVacios; j++) { descFec = descCont.getTextos()[j].getTexto(); if (descFec != null && descFec.length() != 0) { descVacios = false;// si todos los campos descripcion son vacios } } if (!((rol == null || rol.trim().length() == 0) && //rol vacio (entidadesVacia) && //entidades vacia fechaVacia && descVacios && horasVacia)//fechavacia ) { if (rol == null || rol.trim().length() == 0) { errorContRol = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.2.1"));//El campo Tipo es obligatorio si se va a incluir una contribución } if (entidadesVacia) { errorContEntidad = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.2.2"));//El campo Entidad es obligatorio si se va a incluir una contribución } if (descVacios && fechaVacia && !errorFecha) { errorContFecha = true; errorFecha = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.2.3"));//El campo FECHA es obligatorio } else if (descVacios && !fechaVacia && !errorFechaVacia) { errorContFecha = true; errorFechaVacia = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV."));//La descripción de la fecha es obligatoria si existe una fecha } else if (!descVacios && fechaVacia && !errorDescVacia) { errorContFecha = true; errorDescVacia = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV."));//La fecha es obligatoria si existe una descripci&oacuete;n de fecha } if (fechaVacia && !horasVacia && !errorMinutos) { errorContFecha = true; errorMinutos = true; errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV."));//La fecha es obligatoria si el tiempo está definido } if (errorFecha && errorFechaVacia && errorDescVacia && errorMinutos) errorContFecha = true; } // } } //ESQUEMA METADATOS No es obligatorio // todosVacios=true; // String esquema; // for(i=0;i<esquemasMeta.length && todosVacios;i++) // { // esquema=esquemasMeta[i].getTexto(); // if(esquema!=null && esquema.length() != 0) // { // todosVacios=false; // } // } // if(todosVacios) // mensajes.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.3"));//El campo Esquema de metadatos es obligatorio //IDIOMA String idioma = lomAdvanced.getMetaMetadata().getIdioma().getTexto(); if (idioma == null || idioma.length() == 0) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.3.4"));//El campo Idioma es obligatorio if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusTechnical(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM technical section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); String resultado = ""; boolean ok = true; String nombre = ""; String tipo = ""; AvTechnicalVO tec = lomAdvanced.getTechnical(); //TIPO+NOMBRE ok = true; int i = 0; while ((ok) && (tec.getRequisitos() != null && i < tec.getRequisitos().length)) { AgregadorORVO[] cat = tec.getRequisitos()[i].getAgregadoresOR(); if (cat != null && cat.length > 0) { int j = 0; while ((ok) && (j < cat.length)) { SourceValueVO sNombre = cat[j].getNombre(); SourceValueVO sTipo = cat[j].getTipo(); if (sNombre != null) { nombre = sNombre.getValor(); } if (nombre == null || nombre.length() == 0) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.")); } if (sTipo != null) { tipo = sTipo.getValor(); } if (tipo == null || tipo.length() == 0) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.")); } if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } else { j++; } } } if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } else i++; } //DURACION boolean todosVacios = true; boolean duracionVacia = false; String descripcion; if (tec.getDuracion() != null) { if ((tec.getDuracion().getDescripcion() != null) && (tec.getDuracion().getDescripcion().getTextos() != null) && (tec.getDuracion().getDescripcion().getTextos().length > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < tec.getDuracion().getDescripcion().getTextos().length && todosVacios; i++) { descripcion = tec.getDuracion().getDescripcion().getTextos()[i].getTexto(); if (descripcion != null && descripcion.trim().length() != 0) { todosVacios = false; } } } //DURACION // MCA: Note that technical duration is optional (only for continuous play media) // MCA: Use the new CataloguerDuration class to handle this easily :) CataloguerDuration cd = new CataloguerDuration(tec.getDuracion().getDuracion()); if ((cd.getYears() == null || cd.getYears().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getMonths() == null || cd.getMonths().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getDays() == null || cd.getDays().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getHours() == null || cd.getHours().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getMinutes() == null || cd.getMinutes().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getSeconds() == null || cd.getSeconds().trim().length() == 0)) { //si alguno de los campos dia, mes o anyo esta vacio, fecha esta vacio duracionVacia = true; } if (todosVacios && !duracionVacia) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.4.7.2"));//La descripción dela duración es obligatoria si existe una duración if (!todosVacios && duracionVacia) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.4.7.1"));//La duración es obligatoria si existe una descripción de duración } // Size TamanioVO size = tec.getTamanio(); if (size != null && size.getTexto() != null && size.getTexto().length() != 0) { try { Long bigSize = new Long(size.getTexto()); if (bigSize.intValue() < 0) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.4.1"));//Meterle la validacin del integer no negativo } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.4.1"));//Meterle la validacin del integer no negativo } } if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusEducational(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM educational section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); boolean todosVacios = true; int i; // Cycle through all of the Educational sections for (int e = 0; e < lomAdvanced.getEducational().length; e++) { AvEducationalVO thisEducational = lomAdvanced.getEducational()[e]; //TIPO DE RECURSO DE APRENDIZAJE String recurso; for (i = 0; i < thisEducational.getTiposrecursoedu().length && todosVacios; i++) { recurso = thisEducational.getTiposrecursoedu()[i].getValor(); if (recurso != null && recurso.length() != 0) { todosVacios = false; } } if (todosVacios) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.5.2"));//El campo Tipo de recurso es obligatorio //IDIOMA todosVacios = true; String idioma; if (thisEducational.getIdiomas() != null) { for (i = 0; i < thisEducational.getIdiomas().length && todosVacios; i++) { idioma = thisEducational.getIdiomas()[i].getTexto(); if (idioma != null && idioma.length() != 0) { todosVacios = false; } } } if (todosVacios) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.5.11"));//El campo Idioma es obligatorio //TIEMPO DE APRENDIZAJE //DESCRIPCIONES todosVacios = true; String descripcion; if (thisEducational.getTiempoAprendizaje() != null) { if (thisEducational.getTiempoAprendizaje().getDescripcion() != null && thisEducational.getTiempoAprendizaje().getDescripcion().getTextos() != null && thisEducational.getTiempoAprendizaje().getDescripcion().getTextos().length != 0) { todosVacios = false; } } /* MCA: This checks for general description, not just for learning time if (thisEducational.getDescripciones() != null) { for(i = 0; i < thisEducational.getDescripciones().length && todosVacios; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < thisEducational.getDescripciones()[i].getTextos().length && todosVacios;j++) { descripcion = thisEducational.getDescripciones()[i].getTextos()[j].getTexto(); if(descripcion!=null && descripcion.trim().length() != 0) { todosVacios=false; } } } } */ //DURACION boolean duracionVacia = false; // MCA: Use the new CataloguerDuration object to handle this CataloguerDuration cd = new CataloguerDuration(thisEducational.getTiempoAprendizaje().getDuracion()); if ((cd.getYears() != null && cd.getYears().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getMonths() != null && cd.getMonths().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getDays() != null && cd.getDays().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getHours() != null && cd.getHours().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getMinutes() != null && cd.getMinutes().trim().length() == 0) && (cd.getSeconds() != null && cd.getSeconds().trim().length() == 0)) { //si alguno de los campos dia, mes o anyo esta vacio, fecha esta vacio duracionVacia = true; } if (todosVacios && !duracionVacia) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.5.9.2"));//La descripción dela duración es obligatoria si existe una duración if (!todosVacios && duracionVacia) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.5.9.1"));//La duración es obligatoria si existe una descripción de duración // Intended User Role boolean intendedUserRolePresent = false; if (thisEducational.getDestinatarios() != null && thisEducational.getDestinatarios()[0] != null) { if (thisEducational.getDestinatarios()[0].getValor().length() != 0) intendedUserRolePresent = true; } if (intendedUserRolePresent == false) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.5.9.3"));//Intended user role must be set } //aadir mensajesError en el form if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusRights(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM rights section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); AvRightsVO rights = lomAdvanced.getDerechos(); //COST if (rights.getCoste() == null || rights.getCoste().getValor().length() == 0) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.6.1")); //COPYRIGHT if (rights.getDerechosDeAutor() == null || rights.getDerechosDeAutor().getValor().length() == 0) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.6.2")); //ACCESO if (rights.getAcceso() == null || rights.getAcceso().getTipo() == null) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.6.4.1")); //AMBITO if (rights.getAcceso().getTipo().getSource().length() == 0) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.6.4.2"));//Es necesario seleccionar al menos un ámbito if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean validateBasicPlusRelation(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM relation section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); String resultado = ""; boolean ok = true; // This field is optional, so we allow a LOM without this section to pass if (lomAdvanced.getRelaciones() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lomAdvanced.getRelaciones().length; i++) { AvRelationVO thisRelation = lomAdvanced.getRelaciones()[i]; //TIPO if ((thisRelation.getTipo() != null)) { String tip = thisRelation.getTipo().getValor(); if ((tip == null) || (tip.length() == 0)) errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.7.1")); } //IDENTIFICADOR if ((ok) && (thisRelation.getRecurso() != null) && (thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador() != null) && (thisRelation.getTipo() != null)) { String cat = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getCatalogo(); String ent = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getEntrada(); String tip = thisRelation.getTipo().getValor(); if (((cat == null) || (cat.trim().length() == 0)) && ((ent == null) || (ent.trim().length() == 0)))//Si existe una entrada, un catlogo es obligatorio errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.7.3")); if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } } //CATALOGOS ok = true; if ((ok) && (thisRelation.getRecurso() != null) && (thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador() != null) && (thisRelation.getTipo() != null)) { String cat = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getCatalogo(); String ent = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getEntrada(); String tip = thisRelation.getTipo().getValor(); if (((cat == null) || (cat.trim().length() == 0)) && ((ent != null) && (ent.trim().length() != 0)))//Si existe una entrada, un catlogo es obligatorio errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.7.3.1")); if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } } //ENTRADAS if ((ok) && (thisRelation.getRecurso() != null) && (thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador() != null)) { String cat = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getCatalogo(); String ent = thisRelation.getRecurso().getIdentificador().getEntrada(); if (((ent == null) || (ent.trim().length() == 0)) && ((cat != null) && (cat.trim().length() != 0)))//Si existe un catlogo, una entrada es obligatoria errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.7.3.2")); if (resultado.length() != 0) { ok = false; } } } } if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } private AvAnnotationVO createDefaultAnnotation() { AvAnnotationVO tmpAnn = new AvAnnotationVO(); DescripcionVO tmpDesc = new DescripcionVO(); LangStringVO tmpLangStr = new LangStringVO(); tmpLangStr.setIdioma("en"); tmpLangStr.setTexto(""); tmpDesc.setTextos(new LangStringVO[] { tmpLangStr }); tmpAnn.setDescripcion(tmpDesc); EntidadVO tmpEntity = new EntidadVO(); CataloguerVCard annEntCvc = new CataloguerVCard(null); annEntCvc.setFullName("NDRB"); // per basic+ specs tmpEntity.setTexto(annEntCvc.toString()); tmpAnn.setEntidad(tmpEntity); return tmpAnn; } private boolean validateBasicPlusClassification(LomAvanzadoVO lomAdvanced, Locale locale, Collection errorMessages) { // Validate the LOM classification section with the criteria specified // for the BasicPlus cataloguer. This code is borrowed from the Advanced // Cataloguer with a few modifications. ResourceBundle datosResources = I18n.getInstance().getResource("application-resources", locale); // Obtain a reference to the classification section; if it doesn't exist then simply // exit with true to allow resources with no curriculum tagging if (lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones() == null) return true; AvClassificationVO cl = lomAdvanced.getClasificaciones()[0]; if (cl.getProposito() != null) { if ((cl.getProposito().getValor() == null) || (cl.getProposito().getValor().length() == 0)) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.9.1")); } } boolean errorDado = true; if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas().length > 0 && errorDado) { for (int i = 0; i < cl.getRutasTaxonomicas().length; i++) { boolean vacio = false; boolean propVacio = false; boolean taxonVacio = false; boolean todoVacio = true; if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas().length == 1) { if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getFuente() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getFuente().getTextos() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getFuente().getTextos().length > 0) { String sce = cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getFuente().getTextos()[0].getTexto(); if ((sce == null) || (sce.length() == 0)) { propVacio = true; } } if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones().length > 0) { if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones().length == 1) { if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getId() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getEntry() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getEntry().getTextos() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getEntry() .getTextos().length > 0) { String id = cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getId().getTexto(); String entry = cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[0].getTaxones()[0].getEntry().getTextos()[0] .getTexto(); if ((id == null) || (id.length() == 0) || ((entry == null) || (entry.length() == 0))) { taxonVacio = true; } } } } if (propVacio && taxonVacio) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.9.2")); todoVacio = false; } } if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getFuente() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getFuente().getTextos() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getFuente().getTextos().length > 0 && todoVacio) { String sce = cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getFuente().getTextos()[0].getTexto(); if ((sce == null) || (sce.length() == 0)) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.9.2.1")); errorDado = false; } } if (cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getTaxones() != null && cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getTaxones().length == 1) { TaxonVO[] taxones = cl.getRutasTaxonomicas()[i].getTaxones(); boolean identVacio = false; if (taxones != null && taxones.length > 0) { EntryVO entrada = taxones[0].getEntry(); IdVO identif = taxones[0].getId(); if (identif != null) { String idText = identif.getTexto(); if (idText != null && idText.length() != 0) { identVacio = false; } else { identVacio = true; } } else { identVacio = true; } boolean entradaLlena = false; if (entrada != null && entrada.getTextos() != null && entrada.getTextos().length > 0) { int k = 0; while (k < entrada.getTextos().length && !entradaLlena) { LangStringVO[] entradaTexto = entrada.getTextos(); String textoEntrada = entradaTexto[k].getTexto(); if (textoEntrada != null && textoEntrada.length() != 0) { entradaLlena = true; } k++; } } else { entradaLlena = true; } if (!entradaLlena && identVacio) { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.9.2.2")); errorDado = false; } } else { errorMessages.add(datosResources.getString("CAV.9.2.2")); errorDado = false; } } } } if (errorMessages.size() > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } class TerminoVOByIdComparator implements Comparator<TerminoVO> { @Override public int compare(TerminoVO tvoA, TerminoVO tvoB) { // // We are comparing term IDs of the form [0-9]+(.[0-9]+)* at the same // vocabulary term level; eg IDs for format terms run range from 4.1.1 // to 4.1.33. For ordering, we simply compare the leaf node numbers // the range for which is 1 to 33. // Integer idA = getIdInt(tvoA.getIdTermino()); Integer idB = getIdInt(tvoB.getIdTermino()); return idA.compareTo(idB); } private Integer getIdInt(String idStr) { // // A regex-based implementation could be a bit smaller but a few times // more expensive in this particular instance. Note the frequency of // invocation for this method is reasonably high. // int idx = idStr.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx != -1) { return new Integer(Integer.parseInt(idStr.substring(idx + 1))); } else { return new Integer(Integer.parseInt(idStr)); } } }