Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012 Daniel Gonzalez Pea, Osvaldo Graa This file is part of the bicycle Project. bicycle Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. bicycle Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License along with bicycle Project. If not, see <>. */ package es.cnio.bioinfo.bicycle.gatk; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.BinomialDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.BinomialDistributionImpl; import org.broad.tribble.Feature; import org.broad.tribble.bed.BEDFeature; import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.Argument; import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.Input; import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.IntervalBinding; import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.Output; import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.RodBinding; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.DownsampleType; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.arguments.GATKArgumentCollection; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.contexts.AlignmentContext; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.contexts.ReferenceContext; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.datasources.reads.SAMReaderID; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.refdata.RefMetaDataTracker; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.By; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.DataSource; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.Downsample; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.LocusWalker; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.Reference; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.TreeReducible; import org.broadinstitute.sting.gatk.walkers.Window; import org.broadinstitute.sting.utils.pileup.ReadBackedPileup; import es.cnio.bioinfo.bicycle.MethylationCall; import net.sf.picard.filter.SamRecordFilter; import net.sf.picard.util.SamLocusIterator.RecordAndOffset; import net.sf.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary; import net.sf.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord; class MethylationFilePair { private static int instancecount = 0; private File watsonFile; private File crickFile; //private PrintStream watsonStream, crickStream; public File getWatsonFile() { return watsonFile; } public File getCrickFile() { return crickFile; } public MethylationFilePair(File watson, File crick) { instancecount++; this.watsonFile = watson; this.crickFile = crick; watsonPvals.put(Context.CG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); watsonPvals.put(Context.CHG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); watsonPvals.put(Context.CHH, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); crickPvals.put(Context.CG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); crickPvals.put(Context.CHG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); crickPvals.put(Context.CHH, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); } public MethylationFilePair(File watson, File crick, Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> watsonPvals, Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> crickPvals) { this(watson, crick); this.watsonPvals = watsonPvals; this.crickPvals = crickPvals; } private static int PRINTS_BEFORE_FLUSH = 50; private int printWatsonCount = 0; private int printCrickCount = 0; private StringBuffer watsonBuffer = new StringBuffer(); private StringBuffer crickBuffer = new StringBuffer(); private Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> watsonPvals = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); private Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> crickPvals = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); public void pushCall(MethylationCall call) { Map<Double, Integer> pvals = null; if (call.getStrand() == Strand.WATSON) { this.printWatson(call.marshall() + "\n"); pvals = watsonPvals.get(call.getContext()); } else { this.printCrick(call.marshall() + "\n"); pvals = crickPvals.get(call.getContext()); } Integer currentCount = pvals.get(call.getPval()); if (currentCount == null) { currentCount = 0; } currentCount++; pvals.put(call.getPval(), currentCount); } public Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> getWatsonPvals() { return watsonPvals; } public Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> getCrickPvals() { return crickPvals; } private void printWatson(String str) { watsonBuffer.append(str); printWatsonCount++; if (printWatsonCount == PRINTS_BEFORE_FLUSH) { flushWatson(); } } private void flushWatson() { PrintStream stream; try { stream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(watsonFile, true))); stream.print(watsonBuffer.toString()); watsonBuffer.setLength(0); stream.flush(); stream.close(); printWatsonCount = 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void printCrick(String str) { crickBuffer.append(str); printCrickCount++; if (printCrickCount == PRINTS_BEFORE_FLUSH) { flushCrick(); } } private void flushCrick() { PrintStream stream; try { stream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(crickFile, true))); stream.print(crickBuffer.toString()); crickBuffer.setLength(0); stream.flush(); stream.close(); printCrickCount = 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /*private PrintStream getWatsonStream() throws FileNotFoundException{ if (watsonStream == null){ watsonStream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(watsonFile))); } return this.watsonStream; } private PrintStream getCrickStream() throws FileNotFoundException{ if (crickStream == null){ crickStream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(crickFile))); } return this.crickStream; }*/ public void flush() { flushWatson(); flushCrick(); } public void close() { instancecount--; flush(); this.watsonBuffer = null; this.crickBuffer = null; //System.out.println("open reduces (MethylationFilePair): "+instancecount); } } @By(DataSource.READS) @Reference(window = @Window(start = -2, stop = 2)) @Downsample(by = DownsampleType.NONE) public class ListerMethylationWalker extends LocusWalker<List<MethylationCall>, MethylationFilePair> implements TreeReducible<MethylationFilePair> { @Argument(doc = "control genome for error computation. If parameter errorrate is also provided, this contig will " + "be skipped in methylcytosine call", required = false) public String controlGenome = ""; @Argument(doc = "use a fixed error rate form <rate_watson>,<rate_crick>", required = false) public String errorRate = ""; @Argument(doc = "FDR", required = false) public double FDR = 0.01; @Argument(doc = "correctNonCG", required = false) public boolean correctNonCG = false; @Argument(doc = "outdir", required = false) public File outdir = new File("./"); @Argument(doc = "methylationwatsonfile", required = false) public File methylationwatsonfile = null; @Argument(doc = "methylationcrickfile", required = false) public File methylationcrickfile = null; @Argument(doc = "summaryfile", required = false) public File summaryfile = null; @Argument(doc = "methylcytosinesfile", required = false) public File methylcytosinesfile = null; @Argument(doc = "methylcytosinesvcffile", required = false) public File methylcytosinesvcffile = null; @Argument(doc = "remove clonal reads", required = false) public boolean removeClonal = false; @Argument(doc = "trim", required = false) public boolean trim = false; @Input(fullName = "annotation", shortName = "annotation", doc = "BED files to annotate methylcytosines", required = false) public List<RodBinding<BEDFeature>> beds = new ArrayList<RodBinding<BEDFeature>>(); @Output public PrintStream out; private ContigBisulfiteError error; private HashMap<Strand, File> methylationFiles = new HashMap<Strand, File>(); //private HashMap<Strand, PrintStream> methylationFilesOuts = new HashMap<Strand, PrintStream>(); private HashMap<Strand, HashMap<Context, Double>> cutOffs = new HashMap<Strand, HashMap<Context, Double>>(); private Tools tools = new Tools(); private ListerFilter listerFilter; @Override public List<MethylationCall> map(RefMetaDataTracker metadata, ReferenceContext refContext, AlignmentContext alignmentContext) { if (refContext.getLocus().getContig().equals(controlGenome)) { return null; } if (refContext.getBase() == Strand.WATSON.getCytosineBase() || refContext.getBase() == Strand.CRICK.getCytosineBase()) { List<String> annotations = new LinkedList<String>(); for (RodBinding<BEDFeature> binding : this.beds) { String annotation = ""; List<BEDFeature> features = metadata.getValues(binding); if (features.size() == 0) { annotation = "N/A"; } else { boolean first = true; for (BEDFeature feature : features) { if (!first) { annotation += "|"; } annotation += feature.getName(); first = false; } } annotations.add(annotation); } if (refContext.getBase() == Strand.WATSON.getCytosineBase()) { //WATSON List<MethylationCall> call = computeMethylationCall(refContext, alignmentContext, Strand.WATSON, Strand.CRICK, this.error, annotations); return call; } else { //CRICK List<MethylationCall> call = computeMethylationCall(refContext, alignmentContext, Strand.CRICK, Strand.WATSON, this.error, annotations); return call; } } return null; } @Override public void onTraversalDone(MethylationFilePair result) { super.onTraversalDone(result); result.flush(); if (this.getToolkit().getArguments().numberOfThreads > 1) { //System.out.println("renaming "+result.CRICK+ " to "+this.methylationcrickfile); result.getCrickFile().renameTo(this.methylationcrickfile); //System.out.println("renaming "+result.WATSON+ " to "+this.methylationwatsonfile); result.getWatsonFile().renameTo(this.methylationwatsonfile); } String details = computePValCutOffs(result); try { GlobalMethylationStatistics stats = writeMethylCytosines(); printSummary(stats, details); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String getOutputFilesPrefix() { StringBuilder toret = new StringBuilder(); for (SAMReaderID readId : getToolkit().getReadsDataSource().getReaderIDs()) { toret.append(getToolkit().getReadsDataSource().getSAMFile(readId).getName()); } return toret.toString(); } private GlobalMethylationStatistics writeMethylCytosines() throws FileNotFoundException { PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(getMethylcytosinesfile()))); PrintStream outvcf = new PrintStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(getMethylcytosinesVCFfile()))); try { BufferedReader wReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.methylationFiles.get(Strand.WATSON))); BufferedReader cReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.methylationFiles.get(Strand.CRICK))); List<String> sortedSequenceNames = toSequenceNames(super.getMasterSequenceDictionary()); GPFilesReader reader = new GPFilesReader(sortedSequenceNames, wReader, cReader); String line = null; GlobalMethylationStatistics stats = new GlobalMethylationStatistics(); writeMethylcytosinesHeader(out); writeVCFHeader(outvcf); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { MethylationCall call = MethylationCall.unmarshall(line); writeMehylcytosinesRecord(out, call, stats); writeVCFRecord(outvcf, call); } out.close(); outvcf.close(); return stats; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private List<String> toSequenceNames(SAMSequenceDictionary masterSequenceDictionary) { String[] sequenceNames = new String[masterSequenceDictionary.getSequences().size()]; for (SAMSequenceRecord record : masterSequenceDictionary.getSequences()) { sequenceNames[record.getSequenceIndex()] = record.getSequenceName(); } return Arrays.asList(sequenceNames); } private void writeMethylcytosinesHeader(PrintStream out) { out.print(MethylationCall.getMarshallHeader()); for (RodBinding<BEDFeature> binding : this.beds) { out.print("\t" + binding.getName()); } out.println("\tSTATUS"); } private void writeMehylcytosinesRecord(PrintStream out, MethylationCall call, GlobalMethylationStatistics stats) { double cutOff = this.cutOffs.get(call.getStrand()).get(call.getContext()); call.setCutOff(cutOff); stats.add(call); call.marshall(out); if (call.getPval() < cutOff) { out.println("\tMETHYLATED"); } else { out.println("\tUNMETHYLATED"); } } private void writeVCFHeader(PrintStream out) { //header out.println("#fileformat=VCFv4.1"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of Samples With Data\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total Depth\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=CTDP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"CorT Depth\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=CD,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Cytosine Depth\">"); //modified (osvaldo, 3jan2016) //out.println("##INFO=<ID=PER,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Methylation percentage\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=BS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Beta Score\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=PU,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Readed bases at this position\">"); out.println( "##INFO=<ID=CO,Number=1,Type=Flag,Description=\"Corrected, i.e., this CG is derived from a non-GC " + "to GC correction\">"); out.println( "##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=1,Type=Flag,Description=\"Added by correction, i.e., this CG is added due to" + " a correction from non-CG to CG in the opposite strand\">"); out.println("##INFO=<ID=STR,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Strand Aligment\">"); for (RodBinding<BEDFeature> binding : this.beds) { out.println("##INFO=<ID=" + binding.getName() + ",Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"" + binding.getName() + " annotation\">"); } out.println("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO"); } private void writeVCFRecord(PrintStream out, MethylationCall call) { double cutOff = this.cutOffs.get(call.getStrand()).get(call.getContext()); out.print(call.getContig() + "\t"); out.print(call.getPosition() + "\t"); out.print(call.getContext() + "\t"); out.print("C\t"); if (call.getPval() < cutOff) { out.print("C\t"); } else { out.print(".\t"); } out.print(".\t.\t"); //info out.print("NS=1;"); out.print("DP=" + call.getDepth() + ";"); out.print("CTDP=" + call.getCTdepth() + ";"); out.print("CD=" + call.getCytosines() + ";"); //modified (osvaldo, 3jan2016) //out.print("PER="+new DecimalFormat("###.##").format(100*(double)call.getCytosines()/(double)call.getDepth()) // +";"); out.print("BS=" + new DecimalFormat("#.#######").format(call.getBetaScore()) + ";"); out.print("PU=" + call.getPileup() + ";"); if (call.isCorrectedFromNonCG()) { out.print("CO;"); } if (call.isAddedByCorrection()) { out.print("AC;"); } out.print("STR=" + (call.getStrand() == Strand.WATSON ? "+" : "-") + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < this.beds.size(); i++) { out.print(this.beds.get(i).getName() + "=" + call.getAnnotations().get(i) + ";"); } out.println(); } private File getMethylcytosinesfile() { if (this.methylcytosinesfile == null) { return new File(this.outdir + "/" + getOutputFilesPrefix() + ".methylcytosines"); } else { return this.methylcytosinesfile; } } private File getMethylcytosinesVCFfile() { if (this.methylcytosinesvcffile == null) { return new File(this.outdir + "/" + getMethylcytosinesfile().getName() + ".vcf"); } else { return this.methylcytosinesvcffile; } } private void printSummary(GlobalMethylationStatistics stats, String cutoffDetails) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintStream summary = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(getSummaryFile())); summary.println("====METHYLATION RESULTS======================================================="); summary.println("File: " + getSummaryFile().getName()); summary.println("Date: " + new Date()); summary.println(); summary.println("====ANALYSIS PARAMETERS======================================================="); summary.println(" Correct non-CG: " + this.correctNonCG); summary.println(" Filters:" + (listerFilter == null ? "\n" : "\n " + listerFilter.toString().replace(",", "\n" + " "))); summary.println(" remove clonal reads: " + this.removeClonal); summary.println(" FDR threshold: " + this.FDR); summary.println(); summary.println("====ERROR ESTIMATION AND SIGNIFICANCE ADJUSTMENTS============================="); //error rates summary.print(" Error rates ("); if (!this.errorRate.equals("")) { summary.println("fixed):"); } else if (!this.controlGenome.equals("")) { summary.println("from control genome: " + this.controlGenome + "):"); } summary.println(" " + this.error.toString().replaceAll("\n", "\n ")); summary.println(" p-value cutoffs: " + this.cutOffs); summary.println(); summary.println("====METHYLATION ANALYSIS RESULTS=============================================="); //statistics summary.println(stats); //cut-off details summary.println("Cut-off computation details:\n" + cutoffDetails); } private ListerFilter getListerFilter() { //has lister filters? ListerFilter listerFilter = null; for (SamRecordFilter filter : this.getToolkit().getFilters()) { if (filter instanceof ListerFilter) { listerFilter = (ListerFilter) filter; break; } } return listerFilter; } private File getSummaryFile() { if (this.summaryfile == null) { return new File(this.outdir + "/" + getOutputFilesPrefix() + ".summary"); } else { return this.summaryfile; } } @Override public MethylationFilePair reduce(List<MethylationCall> arg0, MethylationFilePair arg1) { if (arg0 != null) { if (arg1 == null) { File outwatson = null, outcrick = null; if (this.getToolkit().getArguments().numberOfThreads > 1) { try { outwatson = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + this.methylationwatsonfile.getName() + UUID.randomUUID() + ".methylation"); outwatson.deleteOnExit(); new FileOutputStream(outwatson).close(); //touch outcrick = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + this.methylationcrickfile.getName() + UUID.randomUUID() + ".methylation"); outcrick.deleteOnExit(); new FileOutputStream(outcrick).close(); //touch } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { outwatson = this.methylationwatsonfile; outcrick = this.methylationcrickfile; } arg1 = new MethylationFilePair(outwatson, outcrick); } for (MethylationCall call : arg0) { arg1.pushCall(call); } } return arg1; } @Override public MethylationFilePair reduceInit() { return null; } @Override public MethylationFilePair treeReduce(MethylationFilePair arg0, MethylationFilePair arg1) { //System.err.println("treereduce: "+arg0+" "+arg1); if (arg0 == null && arg1 != null) { arg1.flush(); return arg1; } if (arg1 == null && arg0 != null) { arg0.flush(); return arg0; } if (arg1 == null && arg0 == null) { return null; } try { File outwatson = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + this.methylationwatsonfile.getName() + UUID.randomUUID() + ".methylation"); outwatson.deleteOnExit(); File outcrick = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + this.methylationcrickfile.getName() + UUID.randomUUID() + ".methylation"); outcrick.deleteOnExit(); arg0.flush(); arg1.flush(); arg0.close(); arg1.close(); appendFiles(arg0.getWatsonFile(), arg1.getWatsonFile(), outwatson); appendFiles(arg0.getCrickFile(), arg1.getCrickFile(), outcrick); Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> watsonPvals = mergePvals(arg0.getWatsonPvals(), arg1.getWatsonPvals()); Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> crickPvals = mergePvals(arg0.getCrickPvals(), arg1.getCrickPvals()); return new MethylationFilePair(outwatson, outcrick, watsonPvals, crickPvals); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> mergePvals(Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> pvals1, Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> pvals2) { Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> toret = new HashMap<Context, Map<Double, Integer>>(); toret.put(Context.CG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); toret.put(Context.CHG, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); toret.put(Context.CHH, new HashMap<Double, Integer>()); for (Context context : Context.values()) { HashMap<Double, Integer> toretPvals = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); toret.put(context, toretPvals); Set<Double> allPvals = new HashSet<Double>(); allPvals.addAll(pvals1.get(context).keySet()); allPvals.addAll(pvals2.get(context).keySet()); for (Double pval : allPvals) { int count = 0; Integer count1 = pvals1.get(context).get(pval); if (count1 == null) { count1 = 0; } Integer count2 = pvals2.get(context).get(pval); if (count2 == null) { count2 = 0; } count = count1 + count2; toretPvals.put(pval, count); } } return toret; } @Override public void initialize() { super.initialize(); this.listerFilter = this.getListerFilter(); ListerFilter.trim = this.trim; if (this.controlGenome.equals("") && this.errorRate.equals("")) { throw new RuntimeException("Please provide at least --controlgenome or --erorrate"); } if (!this.controlGenome.equals("") && this.errorRate.equals("")) { GATKArgumentCollection arguments = this.getToolkit().getArguments(); List<IntervalBinding<Feature>> oldIntervals = arguments.intervals; arguments.intervals = new LinkedList<IntervalBinding<Feature>>(); arguments.intervals.add(new IntervalBinding(controlGenome)); out.println("computing error"); ComputeErrorFromContig walker = (ComputeErrorFromContig) this.getToolkit() .getWalkerByName("ComputeErrorFromContig"); =; walker.removeClones = this.removeClonal; this.getToolkit().setWalker(walker); this.getToolkit().execute(); //this.getToolkit().execute(arguments, walker, this.getToolkit().getFilters()); this.error = walker.getLastTraversalResult(); arguments.intervals = oldIntervals; if (this.listerFilter != null) { this.listerFilter.resetCounters(); } } else { final double WATSON_ERROR = Double.parseDouble(this.errorRate.split(",")[0]); final double CRICK_ERROR = Double.parseDouble(this.errorRate.split(",")[1]); this.error = new ContigBisulfiteError() { @Override public BisulfiteError getError(final Strand strand, Context context) { return new BisulfiteError() { @Override public double getError() { if (strand == Strand.WATSON) { return WATSON_ERROR; } else if (strand == Strand.CRICK) { return CRICK_ERROR; } throw new RuntimeException("Incompatible strand " + strand); } }; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder toret = new StringBuilder(); for (Strand s : Strand.values()) { toret.append(s + " = {"); boolean first = true; for (Context c : Context.values()) { if (!first) toret.append(", "); else first = false; toret.append(c + " = " + getError(s, c).getError()); } toret.append("} "); } return toret.toString(); } }; } out.println("Error computed " + this.error); for (Strand strand : Strand.values()) { File file = getMethylationfile(strand); methylationFiles.put(strand, file); } } private File getMethylationfile(Strand strand) { if (strand == Strand.WATSON && this.methylationwatsonfile != null) { return this.methylationwatsonfile; } if (strand == Strand.CRICK && this.methylationcrickfile != null) { return this.methylationcrickfile; } return new File( this.outdir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + getOutputFilesPrefix() + "_" + strand + ".methylation"); } private List<MethylationCall> computeMethylationCall(ReferenceContext refContext, AlignmentContext alignmentContext, Strand strand, Strand oppositeStrand, ContigBisulfiteError error, List<String> annotations) { List<MethylationCall> toret = new LinkedList<MethylationCall>(); Context context = strand.getContext(refContext, alignmentContext.getPosition()); if (context == null) { return null; } ReadBackedPileup reads = ListerFilter .applyFilters(tools.getReadsForStrand(strand, alignmentContext, removeClonal)); if (reads != null) { /* DEBUG */ //System.out.println(strand+" "+alignmentContext.getContig()+":"+alignmentContext.getPosition()+":"+new // String(reads.getBases())); int mCCount = 0; int depth = reads.depthOfCoverage(); int CTdepth = reads.depthOfCoverage(); StringBuilder pileupb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte base : reads.getBases()) { pileupb.append((char) base); if (base == strand.getCytosineBase()) { mCCount++; } if (base != strand.getCytosineBase() && base != strand.getThymineBase()) { CTdepth--; } } double pval = computePval(strand, context, error, mCCount, depth); //added (osvaldo, 3jan2016) double CRatio = (double) mCCount / (double) depth; //modified (osvaldo, 31dec2015): adds CRatio argument MethylationCall call = new MethylationCall(alignmentContext.getContig(), alignmentContext.getPosition(), strand, context, pval, depth, CTdepth, mCCount, pileupb.toString(), false, false, annotations, new Double(CRatio)); toret.add(call); //perform nonCG to CG correction if (toret != null && context != Context.CG && this.correctNonCG) { int downstreamPosition = (int) strand.downstream(alignmentContext.getPosition()); // use raw Picard api to see the downstream bases if (this.listerFilter != null) { this.listerFilter.freezeCountersInThread(); } Collection<RecordAndOffset> strandReads = tools.getReadsForLocus(this.getToolkit(), strand, alignmentContext.getContig(), downstreamPosition, removeClonal); if (this.listerFilter != null) { this.listerFilter.unfreezeCountersInThread(); } int strandGCount = 0; int strandDepth = strandReads.size(); double strandGRatio = 0; char guanineBase = strand.getGuanineBase(); for (RecordAndOffset ro : strandReads) { if (ro.getReadBase() == guanineBase) { strandGCount++; } } strandGRatio = (double) strandGCount / (double) strandDepth; if (strandGRatio >= 0.2d) { if (this.listerFilter != null) { this.listerFilter.freezeCountersInThread(); } Collection<RecordAndOffset> oppositeReads = tools.getReadsForLocus(this.getToolkit(), oppositeStrand, alignmentContext.getContig(), downstreamPosition, removeClonal); if (this.listerFilter != null) { this.listerFilter.unfreezeCountersInThread(); } /* DEBUG */ /*StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (RecordAndOffset ro : oppositeReads){ s.append((char)ro.getReadBase()); } System.out.println(oppositeStrand+" "+alignmentContext.getContig()+":"+downstreamPosition+":"+s .toString()); */ if (!oppositeReads.isEmpty()) { //both G ratios above 20%? int oppositeCCount = 0; int oppositeDepth = oppositeReads.size(); int oppositeCTdepth = oppositeDepth; StringBuilder oppositePileup = new StringBuilder(); double oppositeCRatio = 0; for (RecordAndOffset ro : oppositeReads) { oppositePileup.append((char) ro.getReadBase()); if (ro.getReadBase() == oppositeStrand.getCytosineBase()) { oppositeCCount++; } if (ro.getReadBase() != oppositeStrand.getCytosineBase() && ro.getReadBase() != oppositeStrand.getThymineBase()) { oppositeCTdepth--; } } oppositeCRatio = (double) oppositeCCount / (double) oppositeDepth; if (oppositeCRatio >= 0.2) { call.correctToCG(); //modified (osvaldo, 31dec2015): adds oppositeCRatio argument //add another one to the opposite strand MethylationCall oppositeCall = new MethylationCall(alignmentContext.getContig(), downstreamPosition, oppositeStrand, Context.CG, computePval(oppositeStrand, Context.CG, this.error, oppositeCCount, oppositeDepth), oppositeDepth, oppositeCTdepth, oppositeCCount, oppositePileup.toString(), false, true, annotations, oppositeCRatio); if (downstreamPosition < alignmentContext.getPosition()) { toret.add(0, oppositeCall); //prepend } else { toret.add(oppositeCall); //append } } } else if (Math.abs(strandGCount - call.getCytosines()) <= 2) { call.correctToCG(); } } } } return toret; } private double computePval(Strand strand, Context context, ContigBisulfiteError error, int mCCount, int depth) { BinomialDistribution binomial = new BinomialDistributionImpl(depth, error.getError(strand, context).getError()); double pval = 1.0; try { pval = (mCCount == 0) ? 1.0d : (1.0d - binomial.cumulativeProbability(mCCount - 1)); } catch (MathException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return pval; } private String computePValCutOffs(final MethylationFilePair results) { class CutOffThread extends Thread { double[] cutoffs; Strand strand; Throwable error; StringBuffer details = new StringBuffer(); public CutOffThread(Strand strand) { this.strand = strand; } public void run() { try { cutoffs = computePValCutoffsFile(strand, results, details); //System.out.println("cutoffs: "+cutoffs); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.error = e; } } } ; CutOffThread watsonT = new CutOffThread(Strand.WATSON); CutOffThread crickT = new CutOffThread(Strand.CRICK); watsonT.start(); crickT.start(); try { for (CutOffThread thread : new CutOffThread[] { watsonT, crickT }) { thread.join(); if (thread.error != null) { throw new RuntimeException(thread.error); } out.println("p-val cutoffs computed for strand " + thread.strand + " : " + Arrays.toString(thread.cutoffs)); HashMap<Context, Double> cutOffs = new HashMap<Context, Double>(); cutOffs.put(Context.CG, thread.cutoffs[0]); cutOffs.put(Context.CHG, thread.cutoffs[1]); cutOffs.put(Context.CHH, thread.cutoffs[2]); this.cutOffs.put(thread.strand, cutOffs); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "WATSON\n" + watsonT.details + "\nCRICK\n" + crickT.details; } private double[] computePValCutoffsFile(Strand strand, MethylationFilePair results, StringBuffer computingDetails) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File outFile = null; if (strand == Strand.WATSON) { outFile = results.getWatsonFile(); } else { outFile = results.getCrickFile(); } double[] positiveRate = { 0d, 0d, 0d }; double[] cutoffs = { 1, 1, 1 }; boolean[] needAdjust = { true, true, true }; int[] cCount = countCs(strand, results); // int[] mcCount = {0,0,0}; int iteration = 0; while (needAdjust[0] || needAdjust[1] || needAdjust[2]) { iteration++; int[] mcCount = countMCs(strand, results, cutoffs); /* BufferedReader outIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outFile)); String line = null; while ((line = outIn.readLine())!=null){ MethylationCall call = MethylationCall.unmarshall(line); //String[] tokens = line.split("\t"); if (call.getContext()==Context.CG){ cCount[0]++; if (call.getPval()<cutoffs[0]){ mcCount[0]++; } }else if (call.getContext()==Context.CHG){ cCount[1]++; if (call.getPval()<cutoffs[1]){ mcCount[1]++; } }else if (call.getContext()==Context.CHH){ cCount[2]++; if (call.getPval()<cutoffs[2]){ mcCount[2]++; } } } outIn.close(); */ double[] _positiveRate = { ((double) mcCount[0] / (double) cCount[0]) * 100, ((double) mcCount[1] / (double) cCount[1]) * 100, ((double) mcCount[2] / (double) cCount[2]) * 100 }; computingDetails.append("Iteration " + iteration + ", M: " + Arrays.toString(cutoffs) + " %mC: " + Arrays.toString(_positiveRate) + "\n"); if (Double.isNaN(_positiveRate[0])) { cutoffs[0] = 0; // ?? needAdjust[0] = false; } else if (_positiveRate[0] != positiveRate[0]) { cutoffs[0] = FDR * _positiveRate[0] / (100d - _positiveRate[0]); positiveRate[0] = _positiveRate[0]; } else { needAdjust[0] = false; } if (Double.isNaN(_positiveRate[1])) { cutoffs[1] = 0; // ?? needAdjust[1] = false; } else if (_positiveRate[1] != positiveRate[1]) { cutoffs[1] = FDR * _positiveRate[1] / (100d - _positiveRate[1]); positiveRate[1] = _positiveRate[1]; } else { needAdjust[1] = false; } if (Double.isNaN(_positiveRate[2])) { cutoffs[2] = 0; // ?? needAdjust[2] = false; } else if (_positiveRate[2] != positiveRate[2]) { cutoffs[2] = FDR * _positiveRate[2] / (100d - _positiveRate[2]); positiveRate[2] = _positiveRate[2]; } else { needAdjust[2] = false; } computingDetails.append("\tneed Adjust: " + Arrays.toString(needAdjust) + "\n"); } computingDetails.append("Finished p-value adjust. Result " + Arrays.toString(cutoffs) + "\n"); return cutoffs; } private int[] countMCs(Strand strand, MethylationFilePair results, double[] cutoffs) { int[] toret = { 0, 0, 0 }; Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> pvals = null; if (strand == Strand.WATSON) { pvals = results.getWatsonPvals(); } else { pvals = results.getCrickPvals(); } int i = 0; for (Context context : new Context[] { Context.CG, Context.CHG, Context.CHH }) { int total = 0; for (Double pval : pvals.get(context).keySet()) { if (pval < cutoffs[i]) { total += pvals.get(context).get(pval); } } toret[i] = total; i++; } return toret; } private int[] countCs(Strand strand, MethylationFilePair results) { int[] toret = { 0, 0, 0 }; Map<Context, Map<Double, Integer>> pvals = null; if (strand == Strand.WATSON) { pvals = results.getWatsonPvals(); } else { pvals = results.getCrickPvals(); } int i = 0; for (Context context : new Context[] { Context.CG, Context.CHG, Context.CHH }) { int total = 0; for (Integer count : pvals.get(context).values()) { total += count; } toret[i] = total; i++; } return toret; } private void appendFiles(File f1, File f2, File outfile) throws IOException { //System.err.println("appending: "+f1+", "+f2+": "+outfile); byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile)); //file 1 FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f1); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fis); int readed = -1; while ((readed = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, readed); } in.close(); fis.close(); //file 2 fis = new FileInputStream(f2); in = new BufferedInputStream(fis); readed = -1; while ((readed = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, readed); } in.close(); fis.close(); if (!f1.delete()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could no delete tempary file: " + f1); } if (!f2.delete()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could no delete tempary file: " + f2); } out.flush(); out.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File f = new File("/mnt/lacie15t/BACKUP/lipido/NGS/LISTER/REFERENCES/phageLambda_plus_hg18.fa.fai"); RandomAccessFile ra = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); ra.getChannel().lock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, false); //a /*; ra.write("hello2\n".getBytes()); ra.close(); */ //b FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write("hello\n".getBytes()); fos.close(); } }