Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) NetStruxr, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This software is published under the terms of the NetStruxr
 * Public Software License version 0.5, a copy of which has been
 * included with this distribution in the LICENSE.NPL file.  */

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication;

import er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication;
import er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto;

 * <div class="en">
 * Collection of simple utility methods used to get and set properties
 * in the system properties. The only reason this class is needed is
 * because all of the methods in NSProperties have been deprecated.
 * This is a wee bit annoying. The usual method is to have a method
 * like <code>getBoolean</code> off of Boolean which would resolve
 * the System property as a Boolean object.
 * Properties can be set in all the following places:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Properties in a bundle Resources directory</li>
 * <li> in a bundle Resources directory</li>
 * <li>Properties.username in a bundle Resources directory </li>
 * <li>~/Library/ file</li>
 * <li>in the eclipse launcher or on the command-line</li>
 * </ul>
 * </div>
 * <div class="ja">
 *    ?????
 *    ??????????NSProperties?????????
 *    ?? Boolean ?? <code>getBoolean</code> ??????????
 * </div>
 * @property er.extensions.ERXProperties.RetainDefaultsEnabled
 * @property NSProperties.useLoadtimeAppSpecifics Default is true.
 * TODO - Neither of these property names are standard. Should be camel-case and proper prefix.
 * TODO - What character sets can you use in property names? Only ISO-8859-1? UTF-8?
 * TODO - If this would fallback to calling the System getProperty, we could ask that Project Wonder frameworks only use this class.
public class ERXProperties extends Properties implements NSKeyValueCoding {
     * Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
     * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the 
     * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    /** default string */
    public static final String DefaultString = "Default";

    private static Boolean RetainDefaultsEnabled;
    private static String UndefinedMarker = "-undefined-";

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXProperties.class);
    private static final Logger configLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXConfigurationManager.class);

    private static final Map AppSpecificPropertyNames = new HashMap(128);

    /** WebObjects version number as string */
    private static String _webObjectsVersion;

    /** WebObjects version number as double */
    private static double _webObjectsVersionDouble;

    * <div class="en">Internal cache of type converted values to avoid reconverting attributes that are asked for frequently</div> 
    * <div class="ja">??????????????????</div>
    private static Map _cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

     * This boolean controls the behavior of application specific properties. Setting this to
     * false makes the old behavior active, true activates the new behavior. The value of this
     * boolean is controlled by the property "NSProperties.useLoadtimeAppSpecifics" and defaults
     * to true. Please note this property MUST be defined with a -D argument on the application
     * launch command.
     * <p>
     * The old behavior will retain the original property names (including the application name),
     * and will search for an application specific version of each property every time someone
     * reads a property.
     * <p>
     * The new behavior will analyze all properties after being loaded from their source, and create
     * (or update) generic properties for each application specific one. So, if we are MyApp,
     * will originate a new property (or, if already exists,
     * update its value to 4). is also kept, because we cannot be sure
     * is an app specific property or a regular property with an ambiguous name.
     * <p>
     * The advantage of the new method is getting rid of the performance hit each time an app
     * accesses a property, and making application specific properties work for code that uses
     * the native Java System.getProperty call.
    public static final boolean _useLoadtimeAppSpecifics;

     * Set in flattenPropertyNames().
     * The flattenPropertyNames() method is called from ERXSystem.updateProperties(), 
     *     which is called from ERXConfigurationManager.loadConfiguration(),
     *         which is called from ERXExtensions.finishInitialization(),
     *             which is registered to be called at ApplicationDidFinishLaunching-time by ERXApplication.
    private String _appNameSuffix;

    static {
        _useLoadtimeAppSpecifics = ERXValueUtilities
                .booleanValueWithDefault(System.getProperty("NSProperties.useLoadtimeAppSpecifics"), true);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?????????
     *    @return boolean - true ???????
     * </div>
    private static boolean retainDefaultsEnabled() {
        if (RetainDefaultsEnabled == null) {
            final String propertyValue = ERXSystem.getProperty("er.extensions.ERXProperties.RetainDefaultsEnabled",
            final boolean isEnabled = "true".equals(propertyValue);
            RetainDefaultsEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(isEnabled);
        return RetainDefaultsEnabled.booleanValue();

     * <div class="en">
     * Puts handy properties such as <code>com.webobjects.version</code> 
     * into the system properties. This method is called when 
     * the framework is initialized  
     * (when WOApplication.ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification 
     * is posted.)
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * <code>com.webobjects.version</code> ????
     * ???????
     * (WOApplication.ApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification )
     * </div>
    public static void populateSystemProperties() {
        System.setProperty("com.webobjects.version", "5.4");

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the version string of the application.  
     * It checks <code>CFBundleShortVersionString</code> property 
     * in the <code>info.plist</code> resource and returns 
     * a trimmed version of the value. 
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ??????
     * CustomInfo.plist ? CFBundleShortVersionString ??Trim??????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">version number as string; can be a null-string when the application doesn't have the value of <code>CFBundleShortVersionString</code> in its <code>info.plist</code> resource.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">?????????????? null-string ???</div>
     * @see #versionStringForFrameworkNamed
     * @see #webObjectsVersion
    public static String versionStringForApplication() {
        return valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(NSBundle.mainBundle(), "../Info.plist", "CFBundleShortVersionString");

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the version string of the given framework.
     * It checks <code>CFBundleShortVersionString</code> property 
     * in the <code>info.plist</code> resource and returns 
     * a trimmed version of the value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ????????
     * CustomInfo.plist ? CFBundleShortVersionString ??Trim??????
     * </div>
     * @param frameworkName <div class="en">name</div>
     *                      <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">version number as string; can be null-string when the framework is not found or the framework doesn't have the value of <code>CFBundleShortVersionString</code> in its <code>info.plist</code> resource.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">??????????????? null-string ???</div>
     * @see #versionStringForApplication()
     * @see #webObjectsVersion()
     * @see ERXStringUtilities#removeExtraDotsFromVersionString(String)
    public static String versionStringForFrameworkNamed(String frameworkName) {
        return valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(NSBundle.bundleForName(frameworkName), "Info.plist",

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the version string of the given framework.
     * It checks <code>SourceVersion</code> property
     * in the <code>version.plist</code> resource and returns
     * a trimmed version of the value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * WebObjects??????
     * version.plist? <code>SourceVersion</code> ??Trim??????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">version number as string; can be null-string when the framework is not found or the framework doesn't have the value of <code>SourceVersion</code> in its <code>info.plist</code> resource.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">??String?????????????null-string???</div>
     * @see #versionStringForApplication
     * @see #webObjectsVersion
    public static String sourceVersionString() {
        return valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(NSBundle.bundleForName("JavaWebObjects"), "version.plist",

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the key in an plist of the given framework.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ??plist????????
     * </div>
     * @param bundle <div class="en">bundle name</div>
     *               <div class="ja">????</div>
     * @param plist <div class="en">plist Filename</div>
     *              <div class="ja">plist ??</div>
     * @param key <div class="en">key</div>
     *            <div class="ja">plist ??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">Result</div>
     *         <div class="ja">?</div>
    public static String valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(NSBundle bundle, String plist, String key) {
        if (bundle == null)
            return "";

        String dictString = new String(bundle.bytesForResourcePath(plist));
        NSDictionary versionDictionary = NSPropertyListSerialization.dictionaryForString(dictString);

        String versionString = (String) versionDictionary.objectForKey(key);
        return versionString == null ? "" : versionString.trim(); // trim() removes the line ending char

    /** constant string used if Wonder version could not be determined */
    public static final String UNKNOWN_WONDER_VERSION = "Not Available";

     * Returns the version string of the Wonder frameworks.
     * @return version string
    public static String wonderVersion() {
        String wonderVersion = null;
        NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleForName("ERExtensions");
        if (bundle != null) {
            String note = valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(bundle, "Info.plist", "NOTE");
            if (note != null && note.equals("autogenerated")) {
                // Info.plist was generated by WOLips incremental builder
                wonderVersion = valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(bundle, "Info.plist", "CFBundleVersion");
            } else {
                // Info.plist was generated by ant
                wonderVersion = valueFromPlistBundleWithKey(bundle, "Info.plist", "CFBundleShortVersionString");
            if (wonderVersion == "" && ERXApplication.isDevelopmentModeSafe()) {
                // running within Eclipse and no Info.plist has been generated so look at maven config
                FileInputStream is = null;
                try {
                    URL path = bundle.pathURLForResourcePath("../pom.xml");
                    File pomFile = new File(path.toURI());
                    if (pomFile.exists()) {
                        is = new FileInputStream(pomFile);
                        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                        Document xml = builder.parse(is);
                        XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
                        wonderVersion = xPath.compile("/project/parent/version").evaluate(xml);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore
                } finally {
                    if (is != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            // ignore
        if (wonderVersion == null || wonderVersion == "") {
            wonderVersion = UNKNOWN_WONDER_VERSION;
        return wonderVersion;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning an NSArray for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? NSArray ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">array de-serialized from the string in the system properties</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???? String  NSArray ?????</div>
    public static NSArray arrayForKey(String s) {
        return arrayForKeyWithDefault(s, null);

     * <div class="en">
     * Converts the standard propertyName into one with a .&lt;AppName&gt; on the end, if the property is defined with
     * that suffix.  If not, then this caches the standard propertyName.  A cache is maintained to avoid concatenating
     * strings frequently, but may be overkill since most usage of this system doesn't involve frequent access.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ????????????????????
     * ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param propertyName <div class="en"></div>
     *                     <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en"></div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    private static String getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(final String propertyName) {
        if (_useLoadtimeAppSpecifics) {
            return propertyName;

        synchronized (AppSpecificPropertyNames) {
            // only keep 128 of these around
            if (AppSpecificPropertyNames.size() > 128) {
            String appSpecificPropertyName = (String) AppSpecificPropertyNames.get(propertyName);
            if (appSpecificPropertyName == null) {
                final WOApplication application = WOApplication.application();
                if (application != null) {
                    final String appName =;
                    appSpecificPropertyName = propertyName + "." + appName;
                } else {
                    appSpecificPropertyName = propertyName;
                final String propertyValue = ERXSystem.getProperty(appSpecificPropertyName);
                if (propertyValue == null) {
                    appSpecificPropertyName = propertyName;
                AppSpecificPropertyNames.put(propertyName, appSpecificPropertyName);
            return appSpecificPropertyName;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning an NSArray for a
     * given system property and set a default value if not given.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? NSArray ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">array de-serialized from the string in the system properties or default value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???? String  NSArray ?????</div>
    public static NSArray arrayForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final NSArray defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        NSArray value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof NSArray) {
            value = (NSArray) cachedValue;
        } else {
            value = ERXValueUtilities.arrayValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, value == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : value);
            if (value == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && value == null && defaultValue != null) {
                setArrayForKey(defaultValue, propertyName);
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     *    Cover method for returning a boolean for a
     *    given system property. This method uses the
     *    method <code>booleanValue</code> from
     *    {@link ERXUtilities}.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? boolean ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">boolean value of the string in the system properties.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">boolean ??false</div>
    public static boolean booleanForKey(String s) {
        return booleanForKeyWithDefault(s, false);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a boolean for a
     * given system property or a default value. This method uses the
     * method <code>booleanValue</code> from
     * {@link ERXUtilities}.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? boolean ????<br>
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">boolean value of the string in the system properties.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">boolean </div>
    public static boolean booleanForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final boolean defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        boolean value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof Boolean) {
            value = ((Boolean) cachedValue).booleanValue();
        } else {
            Boolean objValue = ERXValueUtilities.BooleanValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(propertyName, objValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : objValue);
            if (objValue == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            } else {
                value = objValue.booleanValue();
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && objValue == null) {
                System.setProperty(propertyName, Boolean.toString(defaultValue));
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning an NSDictionary for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? NSDictionary ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">dictionary de-serialized from the string in the system properties</div>
     *         <div class="ja">? NSDictionary ??</div>
    public static NSDictionary dictionaryForKey(String s) {
        return dictionaryForKeyWithDefault(s, null);

     * <div class="en">
     * dictionaryForKeyWithDefault
     * Cover method for returning an NSDictionary for a
     * given system property or the default value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? NSDictionary ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">dictionary de-serialized from the string in the system properties</div>
     *         <div class="ja">?? NSDictionary</div>
    public static NSDictionary dictionaryForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final NSDictionary defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        NSDictionary value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof NSDictionary) {
            value = (NSDictionary) cachedValue;
        } else {
            value = ERXValueUtilities.dictionaryValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, value == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : value);
            if (value == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && value == null && defaultValue != null) {
                setDictionaryForKey(defaultValue, propertyName);
        return value;

     * Checks if a property for the given key exists.
     * @param key name of the property
     * @return <code>true</code> if a property for key exists
    public static boolean hasKey(String key) {
        return hasKey(key, false);

     * Checks if a property for the given key exists. If you want to
     * ignore properties that have an empty value pass <code>true</code>
     * as parameter (i.e. '<code></code>').
     * @param key name of the property
     * @param ignoreEmptyValue <code>true</code> if you want to ignore
     *            properties with empty values
     * @return <code>true</code> if a property exists
    public static boolean hasKey(String key, boolean ignoreEmptyValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(key);
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (cachedValue == null || UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            String value = ERXSystem.getProperty(key);
            return value != null && !(ignoreEmptyValue && value.length() == 0);
        return true;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning an int for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? int ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">int value of the system property or 0</div>
     *         <div class="ja">int ?? 0</div>
    public static int intForKey(String s) {
        return intForKeyWithDefault(s, 0);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a long for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? long ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">long value of the system property or 0</div>
     *         <div class="ja">long ?? 0</div>
    public static long longForKey(String s) {
        return longForKeyWithDefault(s, 0);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a float for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? float ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">float value of the system property or 0</div>
     *         <div class="ja">float ?? 0</div>
    public static float floatForKey(String s) {
        return floatForKeyWithDefault(s, 0);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a double for a
     * given system property.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? double ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">double value of the system property or 0</div>
     *         <div class="ja">double ?? 0</div>
    public static double doubleForKey(String s) {
        return doubleForKeyWithDefault(s, 0);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a BigDecimal for a
     * given system property. This method uses the
     * method <code>bigDecimalValueWithDefault</code> from
     * {@link ERXValueUtilities}.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? BigDecimal ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">BigDecimal value of the string in the system properties.  Scale is controlled by the string, ie "4.400" will have a scale of 3.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">BigDecimal ?? null</div>
    public static BigDecimal bigDecimalForKey(String s) {
        return bigDecimalForKeyWithDefault(s, null);

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a BigDecimal for a
     * given system property or a default value. This method uses the
     * method <code>bigDecimalValueWithDefault</code> from
     * {@link ERXValueUtilities}.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? BigDecimal ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">BigDecimal value of the string in the system properties. Scale is controlled by the string, ie "4.400" will have a scale of 3.</div>
     *         <div class="ja">BigDecimal ???</div>
    public static BigDecimal bigDecimalForKeyWithDefault(String s, BigDecimal defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);

        Object value = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(value)) {
            return defaultValue;
        if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
            return (BigDecimal) value;

        String propertyValue = ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName);
        final BigDecimal bigDecimal = ERXValueUtilities.bigDecimalValueWithDefault(propertyValue, defaultValue);
        if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && propertyValue == null && bigDecimal != null) {
            propertyValue = bigDecimal.toString();
            System.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
        _cache.put(propertyName, propertyValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : bigDecimal);
        return bigDecimal;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning an int for a
     * given system property with a default value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? int ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">int value of the system property or the default value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">int ???</div>
    public static int intForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final int defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        int value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof Integer) {
            value = ((Integer) cachedValue).intValue();
        } else {
            Integer objValue = ERXValueUtilities.IntegerValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, objValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : objValue);
            if (objValue == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            } else {
                value = objValue.intValue();
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && objValue == null) {
                System.setProperty(propertyName, Integer.toString(defaultValue));
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a long for a
     * given system property with a default value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? long ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">long value of the system property or the default value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">long ???</div>
    public static long longForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final long defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        long value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof Long) {
            value = ((Long) cachedValue).longValue();
        } else {
            Long objValue = ERXValueUtilities.LongValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, objValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : objValue);
            if (objValue == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            } else {
                value = objValue.longValue();
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && objValue == null) {
                System.setProperty(propertyName, Long.toString(defaultValue));
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a float for a
     * given system property with a default value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? float ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">float value of the system property or the default value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">float </div>
    public static float floatForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final float defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);

        float value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof Float) {
            value = ((Float) cachedValue).floatValue();
        } else {
            Float objValue = ERXValueUtilities.FloatValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, objValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : objValue);
            if (objValue == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            } else {
                value = objValue.floatValue();
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && objValue == null) {
                System.setProperty(propertyName, Float.toString(defaultValue));
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     * Cover method for returning a double for a
     * given system property with a default value.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? double ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">double value of the system property or the default value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">double </div>
    public static double doubleForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final double defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);

        double value;
        Object cachedValue = _cache.get(propertyName);
        if (UndefinedMarker.equals(cachedValue)) {
            value = defaultValue;
        } else if (cachedValue instanceof Double) {
            value = ((Double) cachedValue).doubleValue();
        } else {
            Double objValue = ERXValueUtilities.DoubleValueWithDefault(ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName), null);
            _cache.put(s, objValue == null ? (Object) UndefinedMarker : objValue);
            if (objValue == null) {
                value = defaultValue;
            } else {
                value = objValue.doubleValue();
            if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && objValue == null) {
                System.setProperty(propertyName, Double.toString(defaultValue));
        return value;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returning an string for a given system 
     * property. This is a cover method of 
     * {@link java.lang.System#getProperty}
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? String ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">string value of the system property or null</div>
     *         <div class="ja">String ??null</div>
    public static String stringForKey(String s) {
        return stringForKeyWithDefault(s, null);

     * <div class="en">
     * Returning an string for a given system
     * property. This is a cover method of
     * {@link java.lang.System#getProperty}
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?? String ????
     * </div>
     * @param s <div class="en">system property</div>
     *          <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">default value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">string value of the system property or null</div>
     *         <div class="ja">String ???</div>
    public static String stringForKeyWithDefault(final String s, final String defaultValue) {
        final String propertyName = getApplicationSpecificPropertyName(s);
        final String propertyValue = ERXSystem.getProperty(propertyName);
        final String stringValue = propertyValue == null ? defaultValue : propertyValue;
        if (retainDefaultsEnabled() && propertyValue == null) {
            System.setProperty(propertyName, stringValue == null ? UndefinedMarker : stringValue);
        return stringValue == UndefinedMarker ? null : stringValue;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the decrypted value for the given property name using
     * the default crypter if the property propertyName.encrypted=true.  For
     * instance, if you are requesting my.password, if my.password.encrypted=true
     * the value of my.password will be passed to the default crypter's decrypt
     * method.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???? (propertyName.encrypted=true) ????????
     *    ???my.password ????my.password.encrypted=true ?????
     *    my.password ???? {@link er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto#defaultCrypter()} ???
     * </div>
     * @param propertyName <div class="en">the property name to retrieve and optionally decrypt</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the decrypted property value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static String decryptedStringForKey(String propertyName) {
        return ERXProperties.decryptedStringForKeyWithDefault(propertyName, null);

     * <div class="en">
     * If the <code>propertyName.encrypted</code> property is set to true, returns
     * the plain text value of the given property name, after decrypting it with the
     * {@link er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto#defaultCrypter()}. For instance, if you are requesting
     * my.password and <code>my.password.encrypted</code> is set to true,
     * the value of <code>my.password</code> will be sent to the default crypter's
     * decrypt() method.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???? (propertyName.encrypted=true) ????????
     *    ???my.password ????my.password.encrypted=true ?????
     *    my.password ???? {@link er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto#defaultCrypter()} ???
     * </div>
     * @param propertyName <div class="en">the property name to retrieve and optionally decrypt</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">the default value to return if there is no password</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the decrypted property value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static String decryptedStringForKeyWithDefault(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
        boolean propertyNameEncrypted = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault(propertyName + ".encrypted", false);
        String decryptedPassword;
        if (propertyNameEncrypted) {
            String encryptedPassword = ERXProperties.stringForKey(propertyName);
            decryptedPassword = ERXCrypto.defaultCrypter().decrypt(encryptedPassword);
        } else {
            decryptedPassword = ERXProperties.stringForKey(propertyName);
        if (decryptedPassword == null) {
            decryptedPassword = defaultValue;
        return decryptedPassword;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the decrypted value for the given property name using the
     * {@link er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto#defaultCrypter()}. This is slightly different than
     * decryptedStringWithKeyWithDefault in that it does not require  the encrypted
     * property to be set.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???? (propertyName.encrypted=true) ????????
     *    ???my.password ????my.password.encrypted=true ?????
     *    my.password ???? {@link er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto#defaultCrypter()} ???
     * </div>
     * @param propertyName <div class="en">the name of the property to decrypt</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">the default encrypted value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">????????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the decrypted value</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static String decryptedStringForKeyWithEncryptedDefault(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
        String encryptedPassword = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault(propertyName, defaultValue);
        return ERXCrypto.defaultCrypter().decrypt(encryptedPassword);

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns an array of strings separated with the given separator string.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? key ? separator ????
     *    ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param key <div class="en">the key to lookup</div>
     *            <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param separator <div class="en">the separator (",")</div>
     *                  <div class="ja">? (",")</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the array of strings or NSArray.EmptyArray if not found</div>
     *         <div class="ja">????? NSArray.EmptyArray ???</div>
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public static NSArray<String> componentsSeparatedByString(String key, String separator) {
        return ERXProperties.componentsSeparatedByStringWithDefault(key, separator, NSArray.EmptyArray);

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns an array of strings separated with the given separator string.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? key ? separator ????
     *    ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param key <div class="en">the key to lookup</div>
     *            <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param separator <div class="en">the separator (",")</div>
     *                  <div class="ja">? (",")</div>
     * @param defaultValue <div class="en">the default array to return if there is no value</div>
     *                     <div class="ja">????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the array of strings</div>
     *         <div class="ja">????? defaultValue ???</div>
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public static NSArray<String> componentsSeparatedByStringWithDefault(String key, String separator,
            NSArray<String> defaultValue) {
        NSArray<String> array;
        String str = stringForKeyWithDefault(key, null);
        if (str == null) {
            array = defaultValue;
        } else {
            array = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(str, separator);
        return array;

     * <div class="en">
     * Sets an array in the System properties for
     * a particular key.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ? NSArray ???
     * </div>
     * @param array <div class="en">to be set in the System properties</div>
     *              <div class="ja">???</div>
     * @param key <div class="en">to be used to get the value</div>
     *            <div class="ja">??</div>
    public static void setArrayForKey(NSArray array, String key) {
        setStringForKey(NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(array), key);

     * <div class="en">
     * Sets a dictionary in the System properties for
     * a particular key.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????
     * </div>
     * @param dictionary <div class="en">to be set in the System properties</div>
     *                   <div class="ja">?</div>
     * @param key <div class="en">to be used to get the value</div>
     *            <div class="ja">?</div>
    public static void setDictionaryForKey(NSDictionary dictionary, String key) {
        setStringForKey(NSPropertyListSerialization.stringFromPropertyList(dictionary), key);

     * <div class="en">
     * Sets a string in the System properties for
     * another string.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ? String ???
     * </div>
     * @param string <div class="en">to be set in the System properties</div>
     *               <div class="ja">??String</div>
     * @param key <div class="en">to be used to get the value</div>
     *            <div class="ja">??</div>
    // DELETEME: Really not needed anymore -- MS: Why?  We need the cache clearing.
    public static void setStringForKey(String string, String key) {
        System.setProperty(key, string);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???
     *    @param key - 
     * </div>
    public static void removeKey(String key) {

     * <div class="en">
     * Copies all properties from source to dest. 
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???????
     * </div>
     * @param source <div class="en">properties copied from</div>
     *               <div class="ja">?</div>
     * @param dest <div class="en">properties copied to</div>
     *             <div class="ja">?</div>
    public static void transferPropertiesFromSourceToDest(Properties source, Properties dest) {
        if (source != null) {
            if (dest == System.getProperties()) {

     * <div class="en">
     * Reads a Java properties file at the given path 
     * and returns a {@link java.util.Properties Properties} object 
     * as the result. If the file does not exist, returns 
     * an empty properties object. 
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ??? Java ??
     *    {@link java.util.Properties Properties} ??????
     *    ????????empty ???
     * </div>
     * @param path <div class="en">file path to the properties file</div>
     *             <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">properties object with the values from the file specified.</div>
     *         <div class="ja"???</div>
    // FIXME: This shouldn't eat the exception
    public static Properties propertiesFromPath(String path) {
        ERXProperties._Properties prop = new ERXProperties._Properties();

        if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {
            log.warn("Attempting to read property file for null file path");
            return prop;

        File file = new File(path);
        if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile() || !file.canRead()) {
            log.warn("File '{}' doesn't exist or can't be read.", path);
            return prop;

        try {
            log.debug("Loaded configuration file at path: {}", path);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Unable to initialize properties from file '{}'", path, e);
        return prop;

     * <div class="en">
     * Gets the properties for a given file.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?????
     * </div>
     * @param file <div class="en">the properties file</div>
     *             <div class="ja"></div>
     * @return <div class="en">properties from the given file</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
     * @throws if the file is not found or cannot be read
    public static Properties propertiesFromFile(File file) throws {
        if (file == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to get properties for a null file!");
        ERXProperties._Properties prop = new ERXProperties._Properties();
        return prop;

     * <div class="en">
     * Sets and returns properties object with the values from 
     * the given command line arguments string array. 
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param argv <div class="en">string array typically provided by the command line arguments</div>
     *             <div class="ja">?????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">properties object with the values from the argv</div>
     *         <div class="ja">argv ???</div>
    public static Properties propertiesFromArgv(String[] argv) {
        ERXProperties._Properties properties = new ERXProperties._Properties();
        NSDictionary argvDict = NSProperties.valuesFromArgv(argv);
        Enumeration e = argvDict.allKeys().objectEnumerator();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object key = e.nextElement();
            properties.put(key, argvDict.objectForKey(key));
        return properties;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns an array of paths to the <code>Properties</code> and 
     * <code></code> files contained in the 
     * application/framework bundles and home directory. 
     * <p>
     * If ProjectBuilder (for Mac OS X) has the project opened, 
     * it will attempt to get the path to the one in the project 
     * directory instead of the one in the bundle. 
     * <p>
     * This opened project detection feature is pretty fragile and 
     * will change between versions of the dev-tools.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    application/framework ???? <code>Properties</code> ?
     *  <code></code> ??????
     *  <p>
     *  ???????????????????
     *  <p>
     *  ??????????????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">paths to Properties files</div>
     *         <div class="ja">?</div>
    public static NSArray pathsForUserAndBundleProperties() {
        return pathsForUserAndBundleProperties(false);

    private static void addIfPresent(String info, String path, NSMutableArray<String> propertiesPaths,
            NSMutableArray<String> projectsInfo) {
        if (path != null && path.length() > 0) {
            path = getActualPath(path);
            if (propertiesPaths.containsObject(path)) {
                log.error("Path was already included: {}", path);
            projectsInfo.addObject("  " + info + " -> " + path);

    public static NSArray<String> pathsForUserAndBundleProperties(boolean reportLoggingEnabled) {
        NSMutableArray<String> propertiesPaths = new NSMutableArray();
        NSMutableArray<String> projectsInfo = new NSMutableArray();

        /*  Properties for frameworks */
        NSArray frameworkNames = (NSArray) NSBundle.frameworkBundles().valueForKey("name");
        Enumeration e = frameworkNames.reverseObjectEnumerator();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String frameworkName = (String) e.nextElement();

            String propertyPath = ERXFileUtilities.pathForResourceNamed("Properties", frameworkName, null);
            addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework", propertyPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

            /** -- per-Framework-dev properties 
             * This adds support for in your Frameworks new load order will be
            String devPropertiesPath = ERXApplication.isDevelopmentModeSafe()
                    ? ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("dev", frameworkName)
                    : null;
            addIfPresent(frameworkName + "", devPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

            /** Properties.<userName> -- per-Framework-per-User properties */
            String userPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle(ERXSystem.getProperty(""),
            addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework.user", userPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        NSBundle mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle();

        if (mainBundle != null) {
            String mainBundleName =;

            String appPath = ERXFileUtilities.pathForResourceNamed("Properties", "app", null);
            addIfPresent(mainBundleName + ".app", appPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        /* in the user home directory */
        String userHome = ERXSystem.getProperty("user.home");
        if (userHome != null && userHome.length() > 0) {
            File file = new File(userHome, "");
            if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
                try {
                    String userHomePath = file.getCanonicalPath();
                    addIfPresent("{$user.home}/", userHomePath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
                } catch ( ex) {
                    log.error("Failed to load the configuration file '{}'.", file, ex);

        /*  Optional properties files */
        if (optionalConfigurationFiles() != null && optionalConfigurationFiles().count() > 0) {
            for (Enumeration configEnumerator = optionalConfigurationFiles().objectEnumerator(); configEnumerator
                    .hasMoreElements();) {
                String configFile = (String) configEnumerator.nextElement();
                File file = new File(configFile);
                if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
                    try {
                        String optionalPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
                        addIfPresent("Optional Configuration", optionalPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
                    } catch ( ex) {
                        log.error("Failed to load configuration file '{}'.", file, ex);
                } else {
                    log.error("The optional configuration file '{}' either does not exist or could not be read.",

        optionalPropertiesLoader(ERXSystem.getProperty(""), propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        /** /etc/WebObjects/AppName/Properties -- per-Application-per-Machine properties */
        String applicationMachinePropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationMachinePropertiesPath("Properties");
        addIfPresent("Application-Machine Properties", applicationMachinePropertiesPath, propertiesPaths,

        /** -- per-Application-dev properties */
        String applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationDeveloperProperties();
        addIfPresent("Application-Developer Properties", applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths,

        /** Properties.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties */
        String applicationUserPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationUserProperties();
        addIfPresent("Application-User Properties", applicationUserPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        /*  Report the result */
        if (reportLoggingEnabled && projectsInfo.count() > 0 && log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
            message.append("\n\n").append("ERXProperties has found the following Properties files: \n");
            message.append("ERXProperties currently has the following properties:\n");
            // ERXLogger.configureLoggingWithSystemProperties();

        return propertiesPaths.immutableClone();

     * <div class="en">
     *    Making it possible to use Properties File in the Application more
     *    powerful, specially for newcomers.
     *    For every Framework it will try to call also following 
     *       Properties.[Framework] and Properties.[Framework].[Username]
     *    Also there is a Propertie for
     *       Properties.log4j, Properties.log4j.[Username] for logging
     *       Properties.database, Properties.database.[Username] for database infos
     *       Properties.multilanguage, Properties.multilanguage.[Username] for Encoding
     *       Properties.migration, Properties.migration.[Username] for Migration
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?????????????
     *    ?????????????
     *    ????????? 
     *       Properties.[Framework] ? Properties.[Framework].[Username]
     *    ??????
     *       Properties.log4j, Properties.log4j.[Username] 
     *       Properties.database, Properties.database.[Username] 
     *       Properties.multilanguage, Properties.multilanguage.[Username] 
     *       Properties.migration, Properties.migration.[Username] 
     * </div>
     * @param userName <div class="en">Username</div>
     *                 <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @param propertiesPaths <div class="en">Properites Path {@link ERXProperties#pathsForUserAndBundleProperties}</div>
     *                        <div class="ja"> {@link ERXProperties#pathsForUserAndBundleProperties}</div>
     * @param projectsInfo <div class="en">Project Info {@link ERXProperties#pathsForUserAndBundleProperties}</div>
     *                     <div class="ja"> {@link ERXProperties#pathsForUserAndBundleProperties}</div>
    private static void optionalPropertiesLoader(String userName, NSMutableArray<String> propertiesPaths,
            NSMutableArray<String> projectsInfo) {

        /** Properties.log4j.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties */
        String logPropertiesPath;
        logPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("log4j", "app");
        if (logPropertiesPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Log4j Properties", logPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
        logPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("log4j." + userName, "app");
        if (logPropertiesPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Log4j Properties", logPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        /** Properties.database.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties */
        String databasePropertiesPath;
        databasePropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("database", "app");
        if (databasePropertiesPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Database Properties", databasePropertiesPath, propertiesPaths,
        databasePropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("database." + userName, "app");
        if (databasePropertiesPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Database Properties", databasePropertiesPath, propertiesPaths,

        /** Properties.multilanguage.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties */
        String multilanguagePath;
        multilanguagePath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("multilanguage", "app");
        if (multilanguagePath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Multilanguage Properties", multilanguagePath, propertiesPaths,
        multilanguagePath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("multilanguage." + userName, "app");
        if (multilanguagePath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Multilanguage Properties", multilanguagePath, propertiesPaths,

        /** Properties.migration -- per-Application properties */
        String migrationPath;
        migrationPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("migration", "app");
        if (migrationPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Migration Properties", migrationPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
        migrationPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("migration." + userName, "app");
        if (migrationPath != null) {
            addIfPresent("Application-User Migration Properties", migrationPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

        /** Properties.<frameworkName>.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties */
        NSArray<String> frameworkNames = (NSArray<String>) NSBundle.frameworkBundles().valueForKey("name");
        Enumeration<String> e = frameworkNames.reverseObjectEnumerator();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String frameworkName = e.nextElement();
            String userPropertiesPath;
            userPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle(frameworkName, "app");
            if (userPropertiesPath != null) {
                addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework.common", userPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths,
            userPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle(frameworkName + "." + userName, "app");
            if (userPropertiesPath != null) {
                addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework.user", userPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);

     * Apply the current configuration to the supplied properties.
     * @param source
     * @param commandLine
     * @return the applied properties
    public static Properties applyConfiguration(Properties source, Properties commandLine) {

        Properties dest = source != null ? (Properties) source.clone() : new Properties();
        NSArray additionalConfigurationFiles = ERXProperties.pathsForUserAndBundleProperties(false);

        if (additionalConfigurationFiles.count() > 0) {
            for (Enumeration configEnumerator = additionalConfigurationFiles.objectEnumerator(); configEnumerator
                    .hasMoreElements();) {
                String configFile = (String) configEnumerator.nextElement();
                File file = new File(configFile);
                if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
                    try {
                        Properties props = ERXProperties.propertiesFromFile(file);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Loaded: {}\n{}", file, ERXProperties.logString(props));
                        ERXProperties.transferPropertiesFromSourceToDest(props, dest);
                    } catch ( ex) {
                        log.error("Unable to load optional configuration file: {}", configFile, ex);
                } else {
                    configLog.error("The optional configuration file '{}' either does not exist or cannot be read.",

        if (commandLine != null) {
            ERXProperties.transferPropertiesFromSourceToDest(commandLine, dest);
        return dest;


     * <div class="en">
     * Returns all of the properties in the system mapped to their evaluated values, sorted by key.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????????????
     * </div>
     * @param protectValues <div class="en">if true, keys with the word "password" in them will have their values removed</div>
     *                      <div class="ja">true ?????????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">all of the properties in the system mapped to their evaluated values, sorted by key</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???????</div>
    public static Map<String, String> allPropertiesMap(boolean protectValues) {
        return propertiesMap(ERXSystem.getProperties(), protectValues);

     * Returns all of the properties in the system mapped to their evaluated values, sorted by key.
     * @param properties
     * @param protectValues if <code>true</code>, keys with the word "password" in them will have their values removed 
     * @return all of the properties in the system mapped to their evaluated values, sorted by key
    public static Map<String, String> propertiesMap(Properties properties, boolean protectValues) {
        Map<String, String> props = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        for (Enumeration e = properties.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String key = (String) e.nextElement();
            if (protectValues && key.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
                props.put(key, "<deleted for log>");
            } else {
                props.put(key, String.valueOf(properties.getProperty(key)));
        return props;

     * Returns a string suitable for logging.
     * @param properties
     * @return string for logging
    public static String logString(Properties properties) {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertiesMap(properties, true).entrySet()) {
            message.append("  " + entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue() + "\n");
        return message.toString();

    public static class Property {
        public String key, value;

        public Property(String key, String value) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;

        public String toString() {
            return key + " = " + value;

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?????
     *    @return ??
     * </div>
    public static NSArray<Property> allProperties() {
        NSMutableArray props = new NSMutableArray();
        for (Enumeration e = ERXSystem.getProperties().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String key = (String) e.nextElement();
            String object = "" + ERXSystem.getProperty(key);
            props.addObject(new Property(key, object));
        return (NSArray) props.valueForKey("@sortAsc.key");

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the full path to the Properties file under the 
     * given project path. At the current implementation, 
     * it looks for /Properties and /Resources/Properties. 
     * If the Properties file doesn't exist, returns null.  
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????
     * ???? /Properties ? /Resources/Properties ????
     * ???????? null ???
     * </div>
     * @param projectPath <div class="en">string to the project root directory</div>
     *                    <div class="ja">???</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the path to the Properties file if it exists</div>
     *         <div class="ja">??</div>
    public static String pathForPropertiesUnderProjectPath(String projectPath) {
        String path = null;
        final NSArray supportedPropertiesPaths = new NSArray(
                new Object[] { "/Properties", "/Resources/Properties" });
        Enumeration e = supportedPropertiesPaths.objectEnumerator();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            File file = new File(projectPath + (String) e.nextElement());
            if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
                try {
                    path = file.getCanonicalPath();
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    log.error("Could not get canonical path from {}", file, ex);
        return path;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the application-specific user properties.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">application-specific user properties</div>
     *         <div class="ja">??</div>
    public static String applicationDeveloperProperties() {
        String applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath = null;
        if (ERXApplication.isDevelopmentModeSafe()) {
            String devName = ERXSystem.getProperty("er.extensions.ERXProperties.devPropertiesName", "dev");
            applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath = variantPropertiesInBundle(devName, "app");
        return applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath;

     * Returns the application-specific variant properties for the given bundle.
     * @param userName 
     * @param bundleName 
     * @return the application-specific variant properties for the given bundle.
    public static String variantPropertiesInBundle(String userName, String bundleName) {
        String applicationUserPropertiesPath = null;
        if (userName != null && userName.length() > 0) {
            String resourceApplicationUserPropertiesPath = ERXFileUtilities
                    .pathForResourceNamed("Properties." + userName, bundleName, null);
            if (resourceApplicationUserPropertiesPath != null) {
                applicationUserPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.getActualPath(resourceApplicationUserPropertiesPath);
        return applicationUserPropertiesPath;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the application-specific user properties.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ??????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">the application-specific user properties</div>
     *         <div class="ja">??</div>
    public static String applicationUserProperties() {
        return variantPropertiesInBundle(ERXSystem.getProperty(""), "app");

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the path to the application-specific system-wide file "fileName".  By default this path is /etc/WebObjects, 
     * and the application name will be appended.  For instance, if you are asking for the MyApp Properties file for the
     * system, it would go in /etc/WebObjects/MyApp/Properties.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ? "fileName" ?????
     * ?? /etc/WebObjects ?????
     * ???MyApp ??????????/etc/WebObjects/MyApp/Properties ???
     * </div>
     * @param fileName <div class="en">the Filename</div>
     *                 <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">the path, or null if the path does not exist</div>
     *         <div class="ja">????? null</div>
    public static String applicationMachinePropertiesPath(String fileName) {
        String applicationMachinePropertiesPath = null;
        String machinePropertiesPath = ERXSystem.getProperty("er.extensions.ERXProperties.machinePropertiesPath",
        WOApplication application = WOApplication.application();
        String applicationName;
        if (application != null) {
            applicationName =;
        } else {
            applicationName = ERXSystem.getProperty("WOApplicationName");
            if (applicationName == null) {
                NSBundle mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle();
                if (mainBundle != null) {
                    applicationName =;
                if (applicationName == null) {
                    applicationName = "Unknown";
        File applicationPropertiesFile = new File(machinePropertiesPath + File.separator + fileName);
        if (!applicationPropertiesFile.exists()) {
            applicationPropertiesFile = new File(
                    machinePropertiesPath + File.separator + applicationName + File.separator + fileName);
        if (applicationPropertiesFile.exists()) {
            try {
                applicationMachinePropertiesPath = applicationPropertiesFile.getCanonicalPath();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Failed to load machine Properties file '{}'.", fileName, e);
        return applicationMachinePropertiesPath;

     * <div class="en">
     * Gets an array of optionally defined configuration files.  For each file, if it does not
     * exist as an absolute path, ERXProperties will attempt to resolve it as an application resource
     * and use that instead.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ???????????????????
     *    ERXProperties ????????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">array of configuration file names</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static NSArray optionalConfigurationFiles() {
        NSArray immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles = arrayForKey(
        NSMutableArray optionalConfigurationFiles = null;
        if (immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles != null) {
            optionalConfigurationFiles = immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles.mutableClone();
            for (int i = 0; i < optionalConfigurationFiles.count(); i++) {
                String optionalConfigurationFile = (String) optionalConfigurationFiles.objectAtIndex(i);
                if (!new File(optionalConfigurationFile).exists()) {
                    String resourcePropertiesPath = ERXFileUtilities.pathForResourceNamed(optionalConfigurationFile,
                            "app", null);
                    if (resourcePropertiesPath != null) {
                                .replaceObjectAtIndex(ERXProperties.getActualPath(resourcePropertiesPath), i);
        return optionalConfigurationFiles;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns actual full path to the given file system path  
     * that could contain symbolic links. For example: 
     * /Resources will be converted to /Versions/A/Resources
     * when /Resources is a symbolic link.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ??????
     * ???/Resources ????? /Resources ? /Versions/A/Resources ???
     * </div>
     * @param path <div class="en">path string to a resource that could contain symbolic links</div>
     *             <div class="ja">?????????</div>
     * @return <div class="en">actual path to the resource</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static String getActualPath(String path) {
        String actualPath = null;
        File file = new File(path);
        try {
            actualPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.warn("The file at {} does not seem to exist.", path, ex);
        return actualPath;

     * <div class="ja">???????</div>
    public static void systemPropertiesChanged() {
        synchronized (AppSpecificPropertyNames) {
        // MS: Leave for future WO support ...
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification("PropertiesDidChange", null, null);

    //   ===========================================================================
    //   Instance Variable(s)
    //   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** caches the application name that is appended to the key for lookup */
    protected String applicationNameForAppending;

    //   ===========================================================================
    //   Instance Method(s)
    //   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * <div class="en">
     * Caches the application name for appending to the key.
     * Note that for a period when the application is starting up
     * application() will be null and name() will be null.
     * <p>
     * Note: this is redundant with the scheme checked in on March 21, 2005 by clloyd (ben holt did checkin).
     * This scheme requires the user to swizzle the existing properties file with a new one of this type.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ????????
     * ????? application() ? name() ??? null ??????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">application name used for appending, for example ".ERMailer"</div>
     *         <div class="ja">???????? ".ERMailer"</div>
    protected String applicationNameForAppending() {
        if (applicationNameForAppending == null) {
            applicationNameForAppending = WOApplication.application() != null ? WOApplication.application().name()
                    : null;
            if (applicationNameForAppending != null) {
                applicationNameForAppending = "." + applicationNameForAppending;
        return applicationNameForAppending;

     * <div class="en">
     * Overriding the default getProperty method to first check:
     * key.&lt;ApplicationName&gt; before checking for key. If nothing
     * is found then key.Default is checked.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     *    ? getProperty ????
     *     &lt;ApplicationName&gt; ?????
     *    ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param key <div class="en">to check</div>
     *            <div class="ja">??</div>
     * @return <div class="en">property value</div>
     *         <div class="ja"></div>
    public String getProperty(String key) {
        String property = null;
        String application = applicationNameForAppending();
        if (application != null) {
            property = super.getProperty(key + application);
        if (property == null) {
            property = super.getProperty(key);
            if (property == null) {
                property = super.getProperty(key + DefaultString);
            // We go ahead and set the value to increase the lookup the next time the
            // property is accessed.
            if (property != null && application != null) {
                setProperty(key + application, property);
        return property;

     * <div class="en">
     * Returns the properties as a String in Property file format. Useful when you use them 
     * as custom value types, you would set this as the conversion method name.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ???????
     * ???????
     * ??????????
     * </div>
     * @return <div class="en">Returns the properties as a String in Property file format</div>
     *         <div class="ja">?</div>
     * @throws IOException
    // TODO The result isn't a Object it is a String
    public Object toExternalForm() throws IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        store(os, null);
        return new String(os.toByteArray());

     * <div class="en">
     * Load the properties from a String in Property file format. Useful when you use them 
     * as custom value types, you would set this as the factory method name.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????
     * ???????
     * ?????????
     * </div>
     * @param string <div class="en"></div>
     *               <div class="ja">?</div>
     * @return <div class="en"></div>
     *         <div class="ja"></div>
    public static ERXProperties fromExternalForm(String string) {
        ERXProperties result = new ERXProperties();
        try {
            result.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes()));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // AK: shouldn't ever happen...
            throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
        return result;

    public void takeValueForKey(Object anObject, String aKey) {
        setProperty(aKey, (anObject != null ? anObject.toString() : null));

    public Object valueForKey(String aKey) {
        return getProperty(aKey);

     * <div class="en">Stores the mapping between operator keys and operators</div>
     * <div class="ja">???????</div>
    private static final NSMutableDictionary<String, ERXProperties.Operator> operators = new NSMutableDictionary<String, ERXProperties.Operator>();

     * <div class="en">
     * Registers a property operator for a particular key.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ??????
     * </div>
      * @param operator <div class="en">the operator to register</div>
      *                 <div class="ja">?</div>
      * @param key <div class="en">the key name of the operator</div>
      *            <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static void setOperatorForKey(ERXProperties.Operator operator, String key) {
        ERXProperties.operators.setObjectForKey(operator, key);

     * <div class="en">
     * Property operators work like array operators. In your properties, you can
     * define keys like:
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue</code></pre>
     * Which will be processed by the someOperatorKey operator. Because
     * properties get handled very early in the startup process, you should
     * register operators somewhere like a static block in your Application
     * class. For instance, if you wanted to register the forInstance operator,
     * you might put the following your Application class:
     * <pre><code>
     * static {
     *   ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.InRangeOperator(100), ERXProperties.InRangeOperator.ForInstanceKey);
     * }
     * </code></pre>
     * It's important to note that property operators evaluate at load time, not
     * access time, so the compute function should not depend on any runtime
     * state to execute. Additionally, access to other properties inside the
     * compute method should be very carefully considered because it's possible
     * that the operators are evaluated before all of the properties in the
     * system are loaded.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ?????????
     * ??????????????
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue</code></pre>
     * someOperatorKey ??????
     * ?????????????????
     * <pre><code>
     * static {
     *   ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.InRangeOperator(100), ERXProperties.InRangeOperator.ForInstanceKey);
     * }
     * </code></pre>
     * ???????????????
     * ????????????????
     * ?????????
     * ???????????????????
     * </div>
     * @author mschrag
    public static interface Operator {
         * <div class="en">
         * Performs some computation on the key, value, and parameters and
         * returns a dictionary of new properties. If this method returns null,
         * the original key and value will be used. If any other dictionary is
         * returned, the properties in the dictionary will be copied into the
         * destination properties.
         * </div>
         * <div class="ja">
         * ?????????
         * ????? null ????????
         * ??????
         * ????
         * </div>
         * @param key <div class="en">the key ("er.extensions.akey" in "er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue")</div>
         *            <div class="ja"> ("er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue" ? "er.extensions.akey")</div>
         * @param value <div class="en">("somevalue" in "er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue")</div>
         *              <div class="ja"> ("er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue" ? "somevalue")</div>
         * @param parameters <div class="en">("aparameter" in "er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue")</div>
         *                   <div class="ja"> ("er.extensions.akey.@someOperatorKey.aparameter=somevalue" ? "aparameter")</div>
         * @return <div class="en">a dictionary of properties (or null to use the original key and value)</div>
         *         <div class="ja">? (null ???????)</div>
        public NSDictionary<String, String> compute(String key, String value, String parameters);

     * <div class="en">
     * InRangeOperator provides support for defining properties that only
     * get set if a value falls within a specific range of values.
     * <p>
     * An example of this is instance-number-based properties, where you want to 
     * only set a specific value if the instance number of the application falls
     * within a certain value. In this example, because instance number is 
     * something that is associated with a request rather than the application 
     * itself, it is up to the class registering this operator to specify which 
     * instance number this application is (via, for instance, a custom system property).
     * <p>
     * InRangeOperator supports specifying keys like:
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.50=avalue</code></pre>
     * which would set the value of "er.extensions.akey" to "avalue" if this
     * instance is 50.
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.60,70=avalue</code></pre>
     * which would set the value of "er.extensions.akey" to "avalue" if this
     * instance is 60 or 70.
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.100-300=avalue</code></pre>
     * which would set the value of "er.extensions.akey" to "avalue" if this
     * instance is between 100 and 300 (inclusive).
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.20-30,500=avalue</code></pre>
     * which would set the value of "er.extensions.akey" to "avalue" if this
     * instance is between 20 and 30 (inclusive), or if the instance is 50.
     * <p>
     * If there are multiple inRange operators that match for the same key,
     * the last property (when sorted alphabetically by key name) will win. As a
     * result, it's important to not define overlapping ranges, or you
     * may get unexpected results.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * InRangeOperator ?????????
     * <p>
     * ??????????
     * ??????????????
     * ???
     * ?????????
     * ??????????????
     * <p>
     * InRangeOperator ??????????
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.50=avalue</code></pre>
     * ?50??? "er.extensions.akey" ? "avalue" ????
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.60,70=avalue</code></pre>
     * ?60??70?? "er.extensions.akey" ? "avalue" ????
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.100-300=avalue</code></pre>
     * ?100?300???? "er.extensions.akey" ? "avalue" ????
     * <pre><code>er.extensions.akey.@forInstance.20-30,50=avalue</code></pre>
     * ?20?30????50?? "er.extensions.akey" ? "avalue" ????
     * <p>
     * ???????????????????
     * ????????????????????????????
     * </div>
     * @author mschrag
    public static class InRangeOperator implements ERXProperties.Operator {
         * <div class="en">The default key name of the ForInstance variant of the InRange operator.</div>
         * <div class="ja">InRange???</div>
        public static final String ForInstanceKey = "forInstance";

        private int _instanceNumber;

         * <div class="en">
         * Constructs a new InRangeOperator.
         * </div>
         * <div class="ja">
          * ? InRangeOperator ?????
          * </div>
          * @param value <div class="en">the instance number of this application</div>
          *              <div class="ja">????</div>
        public InRangeOperator(int value) {
            _instanceNumber = value;

        public NSDictionary<String, String> compute(String key, String value, String parameters) {
            NSDictionary computedProperties = null;
            if (parameters != null && parameters.length() > 0) {
                if (ERXStringUtilities.isValueInRange(_instanceNumber, parameters)) {
                    computedProperties = new NSDictionary(value, key);
                } else {
                    computedProperties = NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary;
            return computedProperties;

     * <div class="en">
     * Encrypted operator supports decrypting values using the default crypter. To register this
     * operator, add the following static block to your Application class:
     * <pre><code>
     * static {
     *   ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator(), ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator.Key);
     * }
     * </code></pre>
     * Call er.extensions.ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator.register() in an Application static
     * block to register this operator.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ????????
     * <pre><code>
     * static {
     *   ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator(), ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator.Key);
     * }
     * </code></pre>
     * er.extensions.ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator.register() ??????????
     * </div>
     * @author mschrag
    public static class EncryptedOperator implements ERXProperties.Operator {
        public static final String Key = "encrypted";

        public static void register() {
            ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.EncryptedOperator(),

        public NSDictionary<String, String> compute(String key, String value, String parameters) {
            String decryptedValue = ERXCrypto.defaultCrypter().decrypt(value);
            return new NSDictionary<String, String>(decryptedValue, key);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    InIpRangeOperator ?IP????????
     * <p>
     *    ? IP ???????
     *    <code>er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.IpPriority.[[ip address]]</code>
     *    ? 0 - 9999
     *    er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.IpPriority. = 5
     *    ?IP
     *    <code>er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.UseThisIp</code>
     *    IP???IP???????IP???????
     *    ??????????
     *    er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.UseThisIp =
     *    er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.UseThisIp ???? IP ??????
     *    <code>er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.NoIpAndNoNetwork</code>
     *    ??????????IPMachineIp??????
     *    ???????????????
     *    er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.NoIpAndNoNetwork =
     *    InIpRangeOperator ??????????
     *    <pre><code>sampleip1.@forIP. = avalue</code></pre>
     *    IP? ??? "sampleip1" ? "avalue" ????
     *    <pre><code>test.sampleip2.@forIP., = avalue</code></pre>
     *    IP? ?? ?? "test.sampleip2" ? "avalue" ????
     *    <pre><code>test.sampleip3.@forIP. = avalue</code></pre>
     *    IP? ? ???? "test.sampleip3" ? "avalue" ????
     *    <pre><code>test.sampleip4.@forIP., = avalue</code></pre>
     *    IP? ? ???? ?? "test.sampleip4" ? "avalue" ????
     * <p>
     * ???????????????????
     * ????????????????????????????
     * </div>
     * @property er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.UseThisIp
     * @property er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.NoIpAndNoNetwork
     * @property er.erxtensions.ERXTcpIp.IpPriority.{IP Address}
     * @author tani &amp; fukui &amp; ishimoto
    public static class InIpRangeOperator implements ERXProperties.Operator {

         * <div class="ja">InIpRange???</div>
        public static final String ForInstanceKey = "forIP";

         * <div class="ja">IP ?</div> 
        private NSArray<String> _ipAddress;

         * <div class="ja">
         *    ? InIpRangeOperator ?????
         *    @param ipList - ??? IP ?
         * </div>
        public InIpRangeOperator(NSArray<String> ipList) {
            _ipAddress = ipList;

         * ?? InIpRangeOperator ????A10Application ???
        public static void register() {
            ERXProperties.setOperatorForKey(new ERXProperties.InIpRangeOperator(ERXTcpIp.machineIpList()),

        public NSDictionary<String, String> compute(String key, String value, String parameters) {
            NSDictionary<String, String> computedProperties = null;

            if (parameters != null && parameters.length() > 0) {
                boolean ipNumberMatches = false;
                String[] ranges = parameters.split(",");

                for (String range : ranges) {
                    range = range.trim();
                    int dashIndex = range.indexOf('-');

                    if (dashIndex == -1) {
                        String singleIP = range;
                        if (_ipAddress.contains(singleIP)) {
                            ipNumberMatches = true;
                    } else {
                        String lowValue = range.substring(0, dashIndex).trim();
                        String highValue = range.substring(dashIndex + 1).trim();

                        for (String obj : _ipAddress) {
                            if (ERXTcpIp.isInet4IPAddressWithinRange(lowValue, obj, highValue)) {
                                ipNumberMatches = true;

                if (ipNumberMatches) {
                    computedProperties = new NSDictionary<String, String>(value, key);
                } else {
                    computedProperties = new NSDictionary<String, String>();
            return computedProperties;

     * <div class="en">
     * For each property in originalProperties, process the keys and values with
     * the registered property operators and stores the converted value into
     * destinationProperties.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
     * ???????????
     * ?????????
     *  ERXSystem? 
     * </div>
     * @param originalProperties <div class="en">the properties to convert</div>
     *                           <div class="ja"></div>
     * @param destinationProperties <div class="en">the properties to copy into</div>
     *                              <div class="ja">???</div>
    public static void evaluatePropertyOperators(Properties originalProperties, Properties destinationProperties) {
        NSArray<String> operatorKeys = ERXProperties.operators.allKeys();
        for (Object keyObj : new TreeSet<Object>(originalProperties.keySet())) {
            String key = (String) keyObj;
            if (key != null && key.length() > 0) {
                String value = originalProperties.getProperty(key);
                if (operatorKeys.count() > 0 && key.indexOf(".@") != -1) {
                    ERXProperties.Operator operator = null;
                    NSDictionary<String, String> computedProperties = null;
                    for (String operatorKey : operatorKeys) {
                        String operatorKeyWithAt = ".@" + operatorKey;
                        if (key.endsWith(operatorKeyWithAt)) {
                            operator = ERXProperties.operators.objectForKey(operatorKey);
                            computedProperties = operator.compute(
                                    key.substring(0, key.length() - operatorKeyWithAt.length()), value, null);
                        int keyIndex = key.indexOf(operatorKeyWithAt + ".");
                        if (keyIndex != -1) {
                            operator = ERXProperties.operators.objectForKey(operatorKey);
                            computedProperties = operator.compute(key.substring(0, keyIndex), value,
                                    key.substring(keyIndex + operatorKeyWithAt.length() + 1));

                    if (computedProperties == null) {
                        destinationProperties.put(key, value);
                    } else {

                        // If the key exists in the System properties' defaults with a different value, we must reinsert
                        // the property so it doesn't get overwritten with the default value when we evaluate again.
                        // This happens because ERXConfigurationManager processes the properties after a configuration
                        // change in multiple passes and each calls this method.
                        if (System.getProperty(key) != null && !System.getProperty(key).equals(value)) {
                            originalProperties.put(key, value);

                        for (String computedKey : computedProperties.allKeys()) {
                            destinationProperties.put(computedKey, computedProperties.objectForKey(computedKey));
                } else {
                    destinationProperties.put(key, value);

     * For every application specific property, this method generates a similar property without
     * the application name in the property key. The original property is not removed.
     * <p>
     * Ex: if current application is MyApp, for a property a new property
     * is generated.
     * @param properties Properties to update
    // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    // This is more complex than it needs to be. Can just use endsWith....
    public static void flattenPropertyNames(Properties properties) {
        if (_useLoadtimeAppSpecifics == false) {

        WOApplication application = WOApplication.application();
        if (application == null) {
        String applicationName =;
        for (Object keyObj : new TreeSet<Object>(properties.keySet())) {
            String key = (String) keyObj;
            if (key != null && key.length() > 0) {
                String value = properties.getProperty(key);
                int lastDotPosition = key.lastIndexOf(".");
                if (lastDotPosition != -1) {
                    String lastElement = key.substring(lastDotPosition + 1);
                    if (lastElement.equals(applicationName)) {
                        properties.put(key.substring(0, lastDotPosition), value);

     * <div class="en">
     * _Properties is a subclass of Properties that provides support for including other
     * Properties files on the fly.  If you create a property named .includeProps, the value
     * will be interpreted as a file to load.  If the path is absolute, it will just load it
     * directly.  If it's relative, the path will be loaded relative to the current user's
     * home directory.  Multiple .includeProps can be included in a Properties file and they
     * will be loaded in the order they appear within the file.
     * </div>
     * <div class="ja">
      *    _Properties ? Properties ??????????
      *    .includeProps ??????????????????
      *    ??????????????????
      *    ??? .includeProps ?????????????
      * </div>
     * @author mschrag
    public static class _Properties extends Properties {
         * Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
         * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the 
         * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public static final String IncludePropsKey = ".includeProps";

        private Stack<File> _files = new Stack<File>();

        public synchronized Object put(Object key, Object value) {
            if (_Properties.IncludePropsKey.equals(key)) {
                String propsFileName = (String) value;
                File propsFile = new File(propsFileName);
                if (!propsFile.isAbsolute()) {
                    // if we don't have any context for a relative (non-absolute) props file,
                    // we presume that it's relative to the user's home directory
                    File cwd = null;
                    if (_files.size() > 0) {
                        cwd = _files.peek();
                    } else {
                        cwd = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
                    propsFile = new File(cwd, propsFileName);

                // Detect mutually recursing props files by tracking what we've already loaded:
                String existingIncludeProps = getProperty(_Properties.IncludePropsKey);
                if (existingIncludeProps == null) {
                    existingIncludeProps = "";
                if (existingIncludeProps.indexOf(propsFile.getPath()) > -1) {
                    log.error("_Properties.load(): recursive includeProps detected! {} in {}", propsFile,
                    log.error("_Properties.load() cannot proceed - QUITTING!");
                if (existingIncludeProps.length() > 0) {
                    existingIncludeProps += ", ";
                existingIncludeProps += propsFile;
                super.put(_Properties.IncludePropsKey, existingIncludeProps);

                try {
          "_Properties.load(): Including props file: {}", propsFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load the property file '" + value + "'.", e);
                return null;
            return super.put(key, value);

        public synchronized void load(File propsFile) throws IOException {
            try {
                BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(propsFile));
                try {
                } finally {
            } finally {

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    2??????????????
     *    @param s1 - 1
     *    @param s2 - 2
     *    @return String ??null
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringFor2Keys(String s1, String s2) {
        return stringForManyKeys(ERXValueUtilities.stringsToStringArray(s1, s2));

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    2??????????????
     *    @param s1 - 1
     *    @param s2 - 2
     *    @param defaultValue - 
     *    @return String ??defaultValue
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringFor2KeysWithDefault(String s1, String s2, final String defaultValue) {
        return stringForManyKeysWithDefault(ERXValueUtilities.stringsToStringArray(s1, s2), defaultValue);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    3??????????????
     *    @param s1 - 1
     *    @param s2 - 2
     *    @param s3 - 3
     *    @return String ?? null
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringFor3Keys(String s1, String s2, String s3) {
        return stringForManyKeys(ERXValueUtilities.stringsToStringArray(s1, s2, s3));

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    3??????????????
     *    @param s1 - 1
     *    @param s2 - 2
     *    @param s3 - 3
     *    @param defaultValue - 
     *    @return String ??defaultValue
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringFor3KeysWithDefault(String s1, String s2, String s3, final String defaultValue) {
        return stringForManyKeysWithDefault(ERXValueUtilities.stringsToStringArray(s1, s2, s3), defaultValue);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    ???????0???????????
     *    @param ss - s
     *    @return String ??null
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringForManyKeys(String[] ss) {
        return stringForManyKeysWithDefault(ss, null);

     * <div class="ja">
     *    ?? String ????
     *    ???????0???????????
     *    @param ss - s
     *    @param defaultValue - 
     *    @return String 
     * </div>
     * @author A10 nettani
    public static String stringForManyKeysWithDefault(final String[] ss, final String defaultValue) {
        if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(ss))
            return defaultValue; // ????defaultValue
        int count = ss.length;
        for (int loop = 0; loop < count; loop++) {
            if (!ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(ss[loop])) {
                String value = stringForKey(ss[loop]);
                if (!ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    return value;
        return defaultValue;
