Java tutorial
package elaborate.editor.export.mvn; /* * #%L * elab4-backend * ======= * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 Huygens ING * ======= * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import static nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Traversal.NEXT; import static nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Traversal.STOP; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import elaborate.editor.export.mvn.MVNConversionData.AnnotationData; import elaborate.editor.model.orm.Transcription; import elaborate.util.XmlUtil; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Comment; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.CommentHandler; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.DelegatingVisitor; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Element; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.ElementHandler; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Text; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.TextHandler; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.Traversal; import nl.knaw.huygens.tei.XmlContext; public class MVNTranscriptionVisitor extends DelegatingVisitor<XmlContext> implements ElementHandler<XmlContext>, TextHandler<XmlContext>, CommentHandler<XmlContext> { static final String choiceTag = "choice"; static final String abbrTag = "abbr"; static final String expanTag = "expan"; static final Stack<String> textNumStack = new Stack<String>(); public static boolean inParagraph = false; private static final String HI = "hi"; private static int lb = 1; private static boolean firstText = true; private static boolean ignoreText = false; private static boolean inLineGroup = false; private static String pageId; private static Map<Integer, AnnotationData> annotationIndex; private static MVNConversionResult result; private static String currentEntryId; private static Set<String> deepestTextNums; private static int indent; private static LineInfo currentLineInfo; public static String currentPageBreak = ""; public MVNTranscriptionVisitor(final MVNConversionResult result, final Map<Integer, AnnotationData> annotationIndex, final Set<String> deepestTextNums) { super(new XmlContext()); MVNTranscriptionVisitor.deepestTextNums = deepestTextNums; MVNTranscriptionVisitor.pageId = "1"; MVNTranscriptionVisitor.result = result; MVNTranscriptionVisitor.annotationIndex = annotationIndex; MVNTranscriptionVisitor.indent = 3; // MVNTranscriptionVisitor.sigle = sigle; setTextHandler(this); setDefaultElementHandler(this); setCommentHandler(this); addElementHandler(new BodyHandler(), "body"); addElementHandler(new PageBreakHandler(), "pb"); addElementHandler(new AnnotationHandler(), "ab", "ae"); addElementHandler(new LineBeginHandler(), "lb"); addElementHandler(new LineEndHandler(), "le"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("del")), "strike"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("ex")), "i", "em"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("hi").withAttribute("rend", "underline")), "u"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("hi").withAttribute("rend", "rubric")), "b", "strong"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("hi").withAttribute("rend", "superscript")), "sup"); addElementHandler(new ElementReplacer(new Element("hi").withAttribute("rend", "subscript")), "sub"); } @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { // Log.warn("ignoring {}", elemen t); return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal visitText(final Text text, final XmlContext context) { if (!ignoreText) { handleFirstLB(context); String normalized = text.getText(); // if (normalized.contains("\n")) { // normalized = normalized.replace("\n", "\n" + indent() + newLB()); // } context.addLiteral(normalized); } return Traversal.NEXT; } private static String indent() { return StringUtils.repeat(" ", indent * 2); } @Override public Traversal visitComment(final Comment comment, final XmlContext context) { return Traversal.NEXT; } private static void handleFirstLB(final XmlContext context) { if (firstText) { // context.addLiteral(newLB()); firstText = false; } } private static void closeOpenParagraph(final XmlContext context) { if (inParagraph) { context.addCloseTag("p"); context.addLiteral("\n"); indent--; inParagraph = false; } } private static void closeOpenLineGroup(final XmlContext context) { if (inLineGroup) { context.addCloseTag("lg"); context.addLiteral("\n"); indent--; inLineGroup = false; } } static class BodyHandler implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element arg0, final XmlContext arg1) { lb = 1; firstText = true; ignoreText = false; inParagraph = false; inLineGroup = false; return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element e, final XmlContext c) { closeOpenParagraph(c); closeOpenLineGroup(c); currentPageBreak = ""; return Traversal.NEXT; } } static class PageBreakHandler extends CopyElementHandler { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); context.addLiteral("\n" + indent()); pageId = element.getAttribute("id"); currentEntryId = element.getAttribute("_entryId"); element.removeAttribute("_entryId"); element.removeAttribute("id"); element.setAttribute("xml:id", pageId); if (element.getAttribute("facs").equals("null")) { element.removeAttribute("facs"); } lb = 1; return super.enterElement(element, context); } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { super.leaveElement(element, context); context.addLiteral("\n"); currentPageBreak = context.closeLayer(); // if (inText()) { // addPageBreak(context); // } return Traversal.NEXT; } } static class CopyElementHandler implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { if (element.hasChildren()) { context.addOpenTag(element); } else { context.addEmptyElementTag(element); } return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { if (element.hasChildren()) { context.addCloseTag(element); } return Traversal.NEXT; } } static class LineBeginHandler implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { currentLineInfo = new LineInfo(); return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); return Traversal.NEXT; } } static class LineEndHandler implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { String line = context.closeLayer(); context.addLiteral(currentLineInfo.preTags); context.addLiteral(currentPageBreak); currentPageBreak = ""; if (currentLineInfo.witregel) { context.addLiteral(indent()); context.addEmptyElementTag("lb"); context.addLiteral("\n"); } context.addLiteral(indent()); String lineNo = String.valueOf(lb); if (currentLineInfo.useCustomLineNo) { lineNo = currentLineInfo.lineNo; } else { lb++; } Element e = new Element("lb")// .withAttribute("n", String.valueOf(lineNo))// .withAttribute("xml:id", pageId + "-lb-" + lineNo); if (currentLineInfo.inspringen) { e.setAttribute("rend", "indent"); } context.addEmptyElementTag(e); context.addOpenTag("l"); context.addLiteral(line); context.addCloseTag("l"); context.addLiteral(currentLineInfo.postTags); return Traversal.NEXT; } } static class AnnotationHandler implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { final String id = element.getAttribute("id"); final AnnotationData annotationData = getAnnotationData(id); if (annotationData != null) { final String name = element.getName(); if (Transcription.BodyTags.ANNOTATION_BEGIN.equals(name)) { handleOpenAnnotation(annotationData, context); } else if (Transcription.BodyTags.ANNOTATION_END.equals(name)) { handleCloseAnnotation(annotationData, context); } } return STOP; } private void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotationData, final XmlContext context) { final MVNAnnotationType type = getVerifiedType(annotationData); ignoreText = type.ignoreText(); // if (MVNAnnotationType.REGELNUMMERING_BLAD.equals(type)) { // final String body = annotationData.body; // if (StringUtils.isNumeric(body)) { // lb = Integer.valueOf(body); // } else { // addError(MVNAnnotationType.REGELNUMMERING_BLAD, "body: '" + body + "' is not numeric"); // } // // } else { // handleFirstLB(context); if (handlers.containsKey(type)) { handlers.get(type).handleOpenAnnotation(annotationData, context); } else { throw new RuntimeException("uncaught MVNAnnotationType: " + type.getName()); } // } } private void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotationData, final XmlContext context) { final MVNAnnotationType type = getVerifiedType(annotationData); ignoreText = false; // but what if it's inside another mvnannotation that should ignore text? if (handlers.containsKey(type)) { handlers.get(type).handleCloseAnnotation(annotationData, context); } else { throw new RuntimeException("uncaught MVNAnnotationType: " + type.getName()); } } private MVNAnnotationType getVerifiedType(final AnnotationData annotationData) { final String typeName = annotationData.type; verifyAnnotationTypeIsAllowed(typeName); final MVNAnnotationType type = MVNAnnotationType.fromName(typeName); return type; } private void verifyAnnotationTypeIsAllowed(final String type) { if (!MVNAnnotationType.getAllNames().contains(type)) { result.addError(currentEntryId, "onbekend annotatietype: " + type); throw new RuntimeException(Joiner.on("\n").join(result.getStatus().getErrors())); } } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { return NEXT; } private AnnotationData getAnnotationData(final String annotationId) { return annotationIndex.get(Integer.valueOf(annotationId)); } } static Map<MVNAnnotationType, MVNAnnotationHandler> handlers = ImmutableMap.<MVNAnnotationType, MVNTranscriptionVisitor.MVNAnnotationHandler>builder()// .put(MVNAnnotationType.AFKORTING, new AfkortingHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.ALINEA, new AlineaHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.CIJFERS, new WrapInElementHandler(new Element("num").withAttribute("type", "roman")))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.DEFECT, new DefectHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.DOORHALING, new WrapInElementHandler("del"))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.GEBRUIKERSNOTITIE, new GebruikersnotitieHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.INCIPIT, new IncipitHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.INITIAAL, new InitiaalHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.INSPRINGEN, new InspringenHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.KOLOM, new KolomHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.LETTERS, new WrapInElementHandler("mentioned"))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.LINKERMARGEKOLOM, new WrapInElementHandler( new Element("note").withAttribute("place", "margin-left").withAttribute("type", "ms")))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.RECHTERMARGEKOLOM, new WrapInElementHandler( new Element("note").withAttribute("place", "margin-right").withAttribute("type", "ms")))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.METAMARK, new MetamarkHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.ONDERSCHRIFT, new OnderschriftHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.ONDUIDELIJK, new WrapInElementHandler("unclear"))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.ONLEESBAAR, new DefectHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.OPHOGING_ROOD, new WrapInElementHandler(new Element(HI).withAttribute("rend", "rubricated")))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.OPSCHRIFT, new OpschriftHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.PALEOGRAFISCH, new PaleografischHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.POEZIE, new PoezieHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.REGELNUMMERING_BLAD, new RegelnummeringBladHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.REGELNUMMERING_TEKST, new RegelnummeringTekstHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.TEKSTBEGIN, new TekstBeginHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.TEKSTEINDE, new TekstEindeHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.TEKSTKLEUR_ROOD, new WrapInElementHandler(new Element(HI).withAttribute("rend", "rubric")))// .put(MVNAnnotationType.VERSREGEL, new VersregelHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.VREEMDTEKEN, new VreemdtekenHandler())// .put(MVNAnnotationType.WITREGEL, new WitregelHandler())// .build(); public static interface MVNAnnotationHandler { public void handleOpenAnnotation(AnnotationData annotation, XmlContext context); public void handleCloseAnnotation(AnnotationData annotationData, XmlContext context); } private static class WrapInElementHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { Element element; public WrapInElementHandler(final Element element) { this.element = element; } public WrapInElementHandler(final String elementName) { this.element = new Element(elementName); } @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addOpenTag(element); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addCloseTag(element); } } private static class AfkortingHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { final String annotatedText = context.closeLayer(); context.addOpenTag(choiceTag); context.addOpenTag(abbrTag); context.addLiteral(annotatedText); context.addCloseTag(abbrTag); context.addOpenTag(expanTag); context.addLiteral(cleanUpAnnotationBody(annotation).replace("i>", "ex>")); context.addCloseTag(expanTag); context.addCloseTag(choiceTag); } } private static class AlineaHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { closeOpenParagraph(context); closeOpenLineGroup(context); context.addOpenTag("p"); inParagraph = true; } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { // no action on closeAnnotation } } private static class DefectHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addEmptyElementTag("gap"); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class GebruikersnotitieHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class IncipitHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class InitiaalHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { Element hi = new Element("hi"); @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { Integer size = 0; final String body = annotation.body.trim(); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(body)) { size = Integer.valueOf(body); if (size < 1 || size > 19) { addValidationError(body); } } else { addValidationError(body); } hi.setAttribute("rend", "capitalsize" + size); context.addOpenTag(hi); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addCloseTag(hi); } private void addValidationError(final String body) { addError(MVNAnnotationType.INITIAAL, "De inhoud van de annotatie ('" + body + "') is geen natuurlijk getal > 0 en < 20."); } } private static class InspringenHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { currentLineInfo.inspringen = true; } } private static class KolomHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addEmptyElementTag("cb"); } } private static class MetamarkHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class OnderschriftHandler extends WrapInElementHandler { public OnderschriftHandler() { super("closer"); } @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { closeOpenParagraph(context); closeOpenLineGroup(context); super.handleOpenAnnotation(annotation, context); } } private static class OpschriftHandler extends WrapInElementHandler { public OpschriftHandler() { super("head"); } @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { closeOpenParagraph(context); closeOpenLineGroup(context); super.handleOpenAnnotation(annotation, context); } } private static class PaleografischHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { final Element note = new Element("note").withAttribute("type", "pc"); context.addOpenTag(note); context.addLiteral(cleanUpAnnotationBody(annotation).replaceAll("<i>", "<mentioned>").replaceAll("</i>", "</mentioned>")); context.addCloseTag(note); } } private static class PoezieHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { closeOpenParagraph(context); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.addLiteral("\n" + indent()); context.addOpenTag("lg"); // currentLineInfo.preTags = "\n<lg>" + currentLineInfo.preTags; inLineGroup = true; } } private static class RegelnummeringBladHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { String customLineNo = annotation.body; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(customLineNo)) { lb = Integer.valueOf(customLineNo); } else { currentLineInfo.lineNo = customLineNo; currentLineInfo.useCustomLineNo = true; } } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class RegelnummeringTekstHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class TekstBeginHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { final String annotatedText = context.closeLayer(); if (!"".equals(annotatedText)) { addError(MVNAnnotationType.TEKSTBEGIN, "Het geannoteerde teken moet zijn, is '" + annotatedText + "'"); } final List<String> parts = Splitter.on(";").trimResults().splitToList(annotation.body); final String textNum = parts.get(0); // result.addError(currentEntryId, "<tekst num='" + textNum + "'>"); textNumStack.push(textNum); final boolean isText = isText(textNum); final Element element = new Element(isText ? "text" : "group")// .withAttribute("n", textNum)// .withAttribute("xml:id", result.getSigle() + "-" + textNum); context.openLayer(); context.addLiteral("\n" + indent()); context.addOpenTag(element); context.addLiteral("\n"); indent++; if (isText) { context.addLiteral(indent()); context.addOpenTag("body"); context.addLiteral("\n"); indent++; } currentLineInfo.preTags = currentLineInfo.preTags + context.closeLayer(); addPageBreak(context); if (parts.size() > 1) { final String title = parts.get(1); final Element head = new Element("head").withAttribute("type", "assigned"); context.openLayer(); context.addOpenTag(head); context.addLiteral(title); context.addCloseTag(head); currentLineInfo.postTags = currentLineInfo.postTags + context.closeLayer(); } } } static class ElementReplacer implements ElementHandler<XmlContext> { private final Element replacementElement; public ElementReplacer(Element replacementElement) { this.replacementElement = replacementElement; } @Override public Traversal enterElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { context.addOpenTag(replacementElement); return Traversal.NEXT; } @Override public Traversal leaveElement(final Element element, final XmlContext context) { context.addCloseTag(replacementElement); return Traversal.NEXT; } } private static boolean isText(final String textNum) { return deepestTextNums.contains(textNum); } private static boolean inText() { return !textNumStack.isEmpty(); } private static class TekstEindeHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { final String annotatedText = context.closeLayer(); if (!"".equals(annotatedText)) { addError(MVNAnnotationType.TEKSTEINDE, "Het geannoteerde teken moet zijn, is '" + annotatedText + "'"); } final List<String> parts = Splitter.on(";").trimResults().splitToList(annotation.body); final String textNum = parts.get(0); // result.addError(currentEntryId, "</tekst num='" + textNum + "'>"); final String peek = textNumStack.peek(); if (textNum.equals(peek)) { textNumStack.pop(); } else { if (textNumStack.contains(textNum)) { result.addError(currentEntryId, "mvn:teksteinde : tekstNum '" + textNum + "' gevonden waar '" + peek + "' verwacht was."); } else { result.addError(currentEntryId, "mvn:teksteinde : tekstNum '" + textNum + "' heeft geen corresponderende mvn:tekstbegin."); } textNumStack.remove(textNum); } final boolean inTextBody = isText(textNum); context.openLayer(); if (inTextBody) { indent--; currentLineInfo.preTags = " " + currentLineInfo.preTags; context.addLiteral("\n" + indent()); context.addCloseTag("body"); } indent--; currentLineInfo.preTags = " " + currentLineInfo.preTags; final Element element = new Element(inTextBody ? "text" : "group"); context.addLiteral("\n" + indent()); context.addCloseTag(element); currentLineInfo.postTags = currentLineInfo.postTags + context.closeLayer(); closeOpenLineGroup(context); } } private static class VersregelHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class VreemdtekenHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { } } private static class WitregelHandler implements MVNAnnotationHandler { @Override public void handleOpenAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { context.openLayer(); } @Override public void handleCloseAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotation, final XmlContext context) { final String annotatedText = XmlUtil.removeXMLtags(context.closeLayer()); if (!"".equals(annotatedText)) { addError(MVNAnnotationType.WITREGEL, "Het geannoteerde teken moet zijn, is '" + annotatedText + "'"); } currentLineInfo.witregel = true; } } private static String cleanUpAnnotationBody(final AnnotationData annotation) { return normalized(annotation.body)// .replaceAll("<b>", "<hi rend=\"rubric\">").replaceAll("</b>", "</hi>")// .replaceAll("<u>", "<hi rend=\"underline\">").replaceAll("</u>", "</hi>"); } private static String normalized(final String rawXml) { final String normalized = rawXml// .replaceAll("<i .*?>", "<i>")// .replaceAll("<div>", "")// .replaceAll("</div>", "")// .replaceAll("<br>", "")// .replaceAll("<span.*?>", "")// .replaceAll("</span>", "")// .replace(" ", " "); return normalized; } private static void addError(MVNAnnotationType type, String error) { result.addError(currentEntryId, type.getName() + " : " + error); } private static void addPageBreak(XmlContext context) { currentLineInfo.preTags = currentLineInfo.preTags + currentPageBreak; currentPageBreak = ""; } }