Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License * Copyright (c) 2015 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), Population Register Centre (VRK) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog; import static ee.ria.xroad.common.ErrorCodes.X_MLOG_TIMESTAMPER_FAILED; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.MessageLogDatabaseCtx.doInTransaction; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.TestUtil.assertTaskQueueSize; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.TestUtil.cleanUpDatabase; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.TestUtil.createMessage; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.TestUtil.createSignature; import static ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.TestUtil.initForTest; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import; import ee.ria.xroad.common.CodedException; import ee.ria.xroad.common.ExpectedCodedException; import ee.ria.xroad.common.conf.serverconf.ServerConf; import ee.ria.xroad.common.message.SoapMessageImpl; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.AbstractLogManager; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.AbstractLogRecord; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.LogRecord; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.MessageLogProperties; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.MessageRecord; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.TimestampRecord; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.archive.DigestEntry; import ee.ria.xroad.common.signature.SignatureData; import ee.ria.xroad.common.util.JobManager; import ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.Timestamper.TimestampFailed; import ee.ria.xroad.proxy.messagelog.Timestamper.TimestampSucceeded; import lombok.SneakyThrows; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; /** * Contains tests to verify correct message log behavior. */ @Slf4j public class MessageLogTest extends AbstractMessageLogTest { public static final String LAST_LOG_ARCHIVE_FILE = ""; public static final String LAST_DIGEST = "123567890abcdef"; protected static Date logRecordTime; protected static Exception throwWhenSavingTimestamp; @Rule public ExpectedCodedException thrown = ExpectedCodedException.none(); /** * Logs a message and timestamps it explicitly. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampingForced() throws Exception { initLogManager(); log("02-04-2014 12:34:56.100", createMessage("forced")); assertTaskQueueSize(1); MessageRecord record = (MessageRecord) findByQueryId("forced", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertMessageRecord(record, "forced"); TimestampRecord timestamp = timestamp(record); assertNotNull(timestamp); record = (MessageRecord) findByQueryId("forced", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertEquals(timestamp, record.getTimestampRecord()); assertTaskQueueSize(0); } /** * Logs a message and calls explicit timestamping on it twice. * The returned timestamps must match. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampingDouble() throws Exception { initLogManager(); log("02-04-2014 12:34:56.100", createMessage("forced")); assertTaskQueueSize(1); MessageRecord record = (MessageRecord) findByQueryId("forced", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertMessageRecord(record, "forced"); TimestampRecord timestamp1 = timestamp(record); assertNotNull(timestamp1); TimestampRecord timestamp2 = timestamp(record); assertNotNull(timestamp2); assertEquals(timestamp1, timestamp2); } private TestLogManager getTestLogManager() { return (TestLogManager) logManager; } /** * Logs 3 messages (message and signature is same) and time-stamps them. * Expects 1 time-stamp record and 3 message records that refer to * the time-stamp record. The time-stamp record must have hash chains. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void logThreeMessagesAndTimestamp() throws Exception { initLogManager(); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(3); startTimestamping(); TimestampSucceeded timestamp = waitForTimestampSuccessful(); assertTrue(TestLogManager.waitForTimestampSaved()); assertEquals(3, timestamp.getMessageRecords().length); assertNotNull(timestamp.getTimestampDer()); assertNotNull(timestamp.getHashChainResult()); assertEquals(3, timestamp.getHashChains().length); assertTaskQueueSize(0); assertEquals(0, getDeadLetters().size());"dead letters: " + getDeadLetters()); } /** * Timestamps message immediately. No messages are expected to be in the * task queue. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampImmediately() throws Exception { System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.TIMESTAMP_IMMEDIATELY, "true"); initLogManager(); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(0); } /** * Timestamps message immediately, but time-stamping fails. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampImmediatelyFail() throws Exception { System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.TIMESTAMP_IMMEDIATELY, "true"); initLogManager(); TestTimestamperWorker.failNextTimestamping(true); try { log(createMessage(), createSignature()); fail("Should fail to timestamp immediately"); } catch (Exception expected) {"Expected exception: " + expected); } } /** * Logs messages, time-stamps them. Then archives the messages and cleans * the database. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors * * FUTURE As this test is quite expensive in terms of time and usable * resources (in addition depends on external utilities), consider moving * this test apart from unit tests. */ @Test public void logTimestampArchiveAndClean() throws Exception { System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.KEEP_RECORDS_FOR, "0"); initLogManager(); assertTaskQueueSize(0); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(3); startTimestamping(); waitForTimestampSuccessful(); assertTaskQueueSize(0); startArchiving(); TestLogArchiver.waitForArchiveSuccessful(); assertEquals(4, getNumberOfRecords(true)); startCleaning(); TestLogCleaner.waitForCleanSuccessful(); assertEquals(0, getNumberOfRecords(true)); assertArchiveHashChain(); } /** * Logs 3 messages, time-stamping fails. Task queue must have 3 tasks. * Logs 1 more message, task queue must have 4 tasks. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampingFailed() throws Exception { initLogManager(); TestTimestamperWorker.failNextTimestamping(true); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(3); startTimestamping(); Object result = waitForMessageInTaskQueue(); assertTrue("Got " + result, result instanceof TimestampFailed); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(4); } /** * Logs messages, time-stamping failed. After acceptable period * no more messages are accepted. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampingFailedStopLogging() throws Exception { initLogManager(); thrown.expectError(X_MLOG_TIMESTAMPER_FAILED); System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.ACCEPTABLE_TIMESTAMP_FAILURE_PERIOD, "1"); TestTimestamperWorker.failNextTimestamping(true); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(3); DateTime atTime = new DateTime().minusMinutes(1); logManager.setTimestampFailedIfQueueIsEmpty(atTime); startTimestamping(); waitForMessageInTaskQueue(); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); } /** * Saving timestamp to database fails. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void failedToSaveTimestampToDatabase() throws Exception { throwWhenSavingTimestamp = new CodedException("expected"); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(3);"startTimestamping();"); startTimestamping();"waitForTimestampSuccessful();"); waitForTimestampSuccessful();"TestLogManager.waitForTimestampSaved();"); assertFalse(TestLogManager.waitForTimestampSaved()); assertTrue(logManager.isTimestampFailed()); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); assertTaskQueueSize(4); } /** * Get message by query id. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void findByQueryId() throws Exception { initLogManager(); log("02-04-2014 12:34:56.100", createMessage("message1")); log("02-04-2014 12:34:57.100", createMessage("message2")); log("02-04-2014 12:34:58.100", createMessage("message3")); LogRecord message1 = findByQueryId("message1", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertMessageRecord(message1, "message1"); LogRecord message2 = findByQueryId("message2", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertMessageRecord(message2, "message2"); LogRecord message3 = findByQueryId("message3", "02-04-2014 12:34:50.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100"); assertMessageRecord(message3, "message3"); assertNull(findByQueryId("message1", "02-04-2014 12:34:56.200", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100")); assertNull(findByQueryId("foo", "02-04-2014 12:34:56.100", "02-04-2014 12:34:59.100")); } /** * Wants to time-stamp, but no TSP urls configured. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void timestampNoTspUrls() throws Exception { ServerConf.reload(new EmptyServerConf()); initLogManager(); thrown.expectError(X_MLOG_TIMESTAMPER_FAILED); log(createMessage(), createSignature()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set up configuration. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // we do manual time-stamping System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.TIMESTAMP_IMMEDIATELY, "false"); System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.ACCEPTABLE_TIMESTAMP_FAILURE_PERIOD, "1800"); System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.ARCHIVE_INTERVAL, "0 0 0/12 1/1 * ? *"); System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.CLEAN_INTERVAL, "0 0 0/12 1/1 * ? *"); System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.ARCHIVE_PATH, "build/"); initForTest(); testSetUp(); initLastHashStep(); logRecordTime = null; throwWhenSavingTimestamp = null; TestTimestamperWorker.failNextTimestamping(false); } @SneakyThrows private void initLastHashStep() { DigestEntry lastArchive = new DigestEntry(LAST_DIGEST, LAST_LOG_ARCHIVE_FILE); doInTransaction(session -> { session.createQuery(getLastEntryDeleteQuery()).executeUpdate();; return null; }); } /** * Cleanup test environment for other tests. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { testTearDown(); cleanUpDatabase(); } @Override protected Class<? extends AbstractLogManager> getLogManagerImpl() throws Exception { return TestLogManager.class; } protected void log(String atDate, SoapMessageImpl message) throws Exception { log(atDate, message, createSignature()); } protected void log(String atDate, SoapMessageImpl message, SignatureData signature) throws Exception { logRecordTime = getDate(atDate); log(message, signature); } protected LogRecord findByQueryId(String queryId, String startTime, String endTime) throws Exception { return logManager.findByQueryId(queryId, getDate(startTime), getDate(endTime)); } private String getLastEntryDeleteQuery() { return "delete from " + DigestEntry.class.getName(); } @SneakyThrows private void assertArchiveHashChain() { String archiveFilePath = getArchiveFilePath(); String scriptFile = "../../../doc/archive-hashchain-verifier.rb"; String command = String.format("%s %s %s", scriptFile, archiveFilePath, LAST_DIGEST); ShellCommandOutput commandOutput = TestUtil.runShellCommand(command); if (commandOutput.isError()) { String errorMsg = String.format( "Running hash chain verifying script failed on zip file " + "'%s', script standard error:\n\t%s", archiveFilePath, commandOutput.getStandardError()); throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg); } String lastHashStepInArchive = commandOutput.getStandardOutput().trim(); String lastStepInDatabase = getLastHashStepInDatabase(); if (!StringUtils.equals(lastStepInDatabase, lastHashStepInArchive)) { String message = String.format( "Last hash step file must start with last hash step result, " + "but does not. Result:\n\t%s", lastHashStepInArchive); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } @SneakyThrows private static String getLastHashStepInDatabase() { return doInTransaction(session -> { return (String) session.createQuery(getLastDigestQuery()).setMaxResults(1).list().get(0); }); } private static String getLastDigestQuery() { return "select new java.lang.String(d.digest) from DigestEntry d " + "where d.digest is not null"; } @SneakyThrows private String getArchiveFilePath() { File outputDir = new File("build"); FileFilter fileFilter = new RegexFileFilter("^mlog-\\d+-\\d+-.\\w+\\.zip$"); File[] files = outputDir.listFiles(fileFilter); File latestModifiedZip = null; for (File eachFile : files) { if (changesLatestModified(latestModifiedZip, eachFile)) { latestModifiedZip = eachFile; } } if (latestModifiedZip == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No archive files were created."); } return latestModifiedZip.getPath(); } private static boolean changesLatestModified(File former, File candidate) { return former == null || former.lastModified() < candidate.lastModified(); } private static Object waitForMessageInTaskQueue() throws Exception { TestTaskQueue.waitForMessage(); Object message = TestTaskQueue.getLastMessage(); assertNotNull("Did not get message from task queue", message); return message; } private static TimestampSucceeded waitForTimestampSuccessful() throws Exception { Object result = waitForMessageInTaskQueue(); assertTrue("Got " + result, result instanceof TimestampSucceeded); return (TimestampSucceeded) result; } private static Date getDate(String dateStr) throws Exception { return new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS").parse(dateStr); } private static int getNumberOfRecords(final boolean archived) throws Exception { return doInTransaction(session -> { return session.createCriteria(AbstractLogRecord.class).add(Restrictions.eq("archived", archived)).list() .size(); }); } private static class TestLogManager extends LogManager { TestLogManager(JobManager jobManager) throws Exception { super(jobManager); } /** * Tests expect that they can control when timestamping starts, as in: * * @Test * public void timestampingFailed() throws Exception { * initLogManager(); * TestTimestamperWorker.failNextTimestamping(true); * log(createMessage(), createSignature); * log(createMessage(), createSignature()); * log(createMessage(), createSignature()); * assertTaskQueueSize(3); * startTimestamping(); * * Now if TimestamperJob starts somewhere before startTimestamping (which * is a likely outcome with the default initial delay of 1 sec) the results * will not be what the test expects. * * To avoid this problem, tests have "long enough" initial delay for TimestamperJob. * @return */ @Override protected FiniteDuration getTimestamperJobInitialDelay() { return Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } @Override protected Props getTaskQueueImpl() { return Props.create(TestTaskQueue.class); } /** * This method is synchronized in the test class * @param atTime */ @Override synchronized void setTimestampFailedIfQueueIsEmpty(DateTime atTime) { super.setTimestampFailedIfQueueIsEmpty(atTime); } /** * This method is synchronized in the test class */ @Override synchronized void setTimestampSucceeded() { super.setTimestampSucceeded(); } /** * This method is synchronized in the test class */ @Override synchronized void verifyCanLogMessage() { super.verifyCanLogMessage(); } @Override protected Props getTimestamperImpl() { return Props.create(TestTimestamper.class); } @Override protected Props getArchiverImpl() { return Props.create(TestLogArchiver.class, Paths.get("build"), Paths.get("build/tmp")); } @Override protected Props getCleanerImpl() { return Props.create(TestLogCleaner.class); } @Override protected MessageRecord saveMessageRecord(MessageRecord messageRecord) throws Exception {"saving message record"); if (logRecordTime != null) { messageRecord.setTime(logRecordTime.getTime()); } return super.saveMessageRecord(messageRecord); } /** * countdownlatch for waiting for next timestamp record save */ private static CountDownLatch timestampSavedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); @Override protected void persistTimestampRecord(Timestamper.TimestampSucceeded message, TimestampRecord timestampRecord) throws Exception { if (throwWhenSavingTimestamp != null) { throw throwWhenSavingTimestamp; } super.persistTimestampRecord(message, timestampRecord); timestampSavedLatch.countDown(); } /** * Waits for a call to saveTimestampRecord for a defined time * @return true when call came, false if timeouted waiting * @throws Exception */ public static boolean waitForTimestampSaved() throws Exception { try { return timestampSavedLatch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } finally { timestampSavedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); } } } }