Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License * Copyright (c) 2016 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), Population Register Centre (VRK) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package ee.ria.xroad.opmonitordaemon; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEvent; import javax.xml.bind.attachment.AttachmentMarshaller; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import; import com.sun.istack.ByteArrayDataSource; import com.sun.xml.bind.api.AccessorException; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import ee.ria.xroad.common.CodedException; import ee.ria.xroad.common.message.JaxbUtils; import ee.ria.xroad.common.message.SoapMessageEncoder; import ee.ria.xroad.common.message.SoapMessageImpl; import ee.ria.xroad.common.message.SoapUtils; import ee.ria.xroad.common.util.JsonUtils; import ee.ria.xroad.common.util.ResourceUtils; import ee.ria.xroad.opmonitordaemon.message.ObjectFactory; import static ee.ria.xroad.common.ErrorCodes.*; import static ee.ria.xroad.common.util.MimeUtils.HEADER_CONTENT_ID; import static ee.ria.xroad.common.util.MimeUtils.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING; /** * Base class for operational daemon query request handlers. */ @Slf4j abstract class QueryRequestHandler { static final ObjectFactory OBJECT_FACTORY = new ObjectFactory(); static final Gson GSON = JsonUtils.getSerializer(); private static final JAXBContext JAXB_CTX = initJaxbCtx(); private static final Schema OP_MONITORING_SCHEMA = createSchema(); /** * Handle the given request and write the response in the provided output * stream. * @param requestSoap the request SOAP message * @param out the output stream for writing the response * @param contentTypeCallback function to call when response content type * is available (before writing to output stream) */ abstract void handle(SoapMessageImpl requestSoap, OutputStream out, Consumer<String> contentTypeCallback) throws Exception; private static JAXBContext initJaxbCtx() { try { return JAXBContext.newInstance(ObjectFactory.class); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static Schema createSchema() { try { return SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI) .newSchema(ResourceUtils.getClasspathResource("op-monitoring.xsd")); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new CodedException(X_INTERNAL_ERROR, e); } } private static Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception { Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JaxbUtils.createUnmarshaller(clazz); unmarshaller.setEventHandler(QueryRequestHandler::validationFailed); unmarshaller.setSchema(OP_MONITORING_SCHEMA); return unmarshaller; } private static boolean validationFailed(ValidationEvent event) { if (event.getSeverity() == ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR) { return false; } if (event.getSeverity() == ValidationEvent.ERROR && event.getLinkedException() instanceof AccessorException && event.getLinkedException().getCause() instanceof CodedException) { return false; } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T> T getRequestData(SoapMessageImpl requestSoap, Class<?> clazz) throws Exception { Unmarshaller unmarshaller = createUnmarshaller(clazz); try { return (T) unmarshaller.unmarshal(SoapUtils.getFirstChild(requestSoap.getSoap().getSOAPBody()), clazz) .getValue(); } catch (UnmarshalException e) { throw new CodedException(X_INVALID_REQUEST, e.getLinkedException()).withPrefix(CLIENT_X); } } static SoapMessageImpl createResponse(SoapMessageImpl requestMessage, JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement) throws Exception { return createResponse(requestMessage, createMarshaller(), jaxbElement); } static SoapMessageImpl createResponse(SoapMessageImpl requestMessage, Marshaller marshaller, JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement) throws Exception { return SoapUtils.toResponse(requestMessage, soap -> { soap.getSOAPBody().removeContents(); marshaller.marshal(jaxbElement, soap.getSOAPBody()); }); } private static Marshaller createMarshaller() throws Exception { return createMarshaller(null); } static Marshaller createMarshaller(AttachmentMarshaller attachmentMarshaller) throws Exception { Marshaller marshaller = JAXB_CTX.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setAttachmentMarshaller(attachmentMarshaller); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE); return marshaller; } static DataHandler createAttachmentDataSource(byte[] payload, String cid, String contentType) { return new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(payload, contentType)) { @Override public String getName() { return cid; } }; } static byte[] compress(String data) throws IOException { byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); try (ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(dataBytes.length)) { GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(bos); gzip.write(dataBytes); gzip.close(); return bos.toByteArray(); } } private static Map<String, String> getAdditionalAttachmentHeaders(String cid) { Map<String, String> additionalHeaders = new HashMap<>(); additionalHeaders.put(HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary"); additionalHeaders.put(HEADER_CONTENT_ID, "<" + cid + ">"); return additionalHeaders; } @RequiredArgsConstructor protected static final class SoapEncoderAttachmentMarshaller extends AttachmentMarshaller { private static final String CID_PREFIX = "cid:"; private final SoapMessageEncoder responseEncoder; private final Map<String, DataHandler> attachments = new HashMap<>(); void encodeAttachments() throws Exception { for (Entry<String, DataHandler> attach : attachments.entrySet()) { responseEncoder.attachment(attach.getValue().getContentType(), attach.getValue().getInputStream(), getAdditionalAttachmentHeaders(attach.getKey())); } } @Override public String addSwaRefAttachment(DataHandler data) { String name = data.getName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { name = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } attachments.put(name, data); return CID_PREFIX + name; } @Override public String addMtomAttachment(DataHandler data, String elementNamespace, String elementLocalName) { // not using MTOM attachments return null; } @Override public String addMtomAttachment(byte[] data, int offset, int length, String mimeType, String elementNamespace, String elementLocalName) { // not using MTOM attachments return null; } } }