Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License * Copyright (c) 2015 Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), Population Register Centre (VRK) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.archive; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import ee.ria.xroad.common.asic.AsicContainer; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.MessageLogProperties; import ee.ria.xroad.common.messagelog.MessageRecord; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.Value; /** * Actually tests inner class of LogArchive. */ public class LogArchiveCacheTest { private static final int TOO_LARGE_CONTAINER_SIZE = 10000; private static final int ARCHIVE_SIZE_SMALL = 50; private static final int ARCHIVE_SIZE_MEDIUM = 350; private static final String ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_NORMAL = "ID1-request-RANDOM.asice"; private static final String ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_LARGE = "ID2-request-RANDOM.asice"; private static final String ENTRY_NAME_RESPONSE_NORMAL = "ID3-response-RANDOM.asice"; private static final String ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_CONFLICTING = "ID1-request-RANDOM-0.asice"; private static final long LOG_TIME_REQUEST_NORMAL_LATEST = 1428664947372L; private static final long LOG_TIME_REQUEST_LARGE_EARLIEST = 1428664660610L; private static final long LOG_TIME_RESPONSE_NORMAL = 1428664927050L; private LogArchiveCache cache = createCache(getMockRandomGenerator()); @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); /** * Test to ensure one entry of normal size can be added successfully. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void addOneEntryOfNormalSize() throws Exception { // Given setMaxArchiveSizeDefault(); // When; cache.add(createRequestRecordNormal()); // Then assertZip(expectedNormalSizeRequestEntryName(), getArchiveBytes()); assertFalse("Should not rotate, as entry is small enough to fit in.", cache.isRotating()); Date expectedCreationTime = normalRequestCreationTime(); assertEquals(expectedCreationTime, cache.getStartTime()); assertEquals(expectedCreationTime, cache.getEndTime()); } /** * Test to ensure log archive is rotated if an entry is too large. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void rotateImmediatelyWhenOneEntryIsTooLarge() throws Exception { // Given setMaxArchiveSizeSmall(); // When cache.add(createRequestRecordTooLarge()); // Then assertZip(expectedLargeSizeRequestEntryName(), getArchiveBytes()); assertTrue("Entry is so large that rotation must take place", cache.isRotating()); } /** * Test to ensure null message records are not allowed. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void doNotAllowNullMessageRecords() throws Exception { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); cache.add(null); thrown.expectMessage("Message record to be archived must not be null"); } /** * Test to ensure the log archive is rotated inbetween log entry additions. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void addMultipleRecordsWithRotationMeanwhile() throws Exception { setMaxArchiveSizeMedium(); // First record cache.add(createRequestRecordNormal()); assertZip(expectedNormalSizeRequestEntryName(), getArchiveBytes()); assertFalse("Step 1: no need to rotate yet.", cache.isRotating()); // Second record cache.add(createRequestRecordTooLarge()); assertZip(expectedNormalAndLargeRequestEntryNames(), getArchiveBytes()); assertTrue("Step 2: should be rotated.", cache.isRotating()); assertEquals(largeRequestCreationTime(), cache.getStartTime()); assertEquals(normalRequestCreationTime(), cache.getEndTime()); // Third record cache.add(createResponseRecordNormal()); assertZip(expectedNormalSizeResponseEntryName(), getArchiveBytes()); assertFalse("Step 3: new rotation.", cache.isRotating()); assertEquals(normalResponseCreationTime(), cache.getStartTime()); assertEquals(normalResponseCreationTime(), cache.getEndTime()); } /** * Test to ensure name clash is avoided when fileName already exists in ZIP. * @throws Exception in case of any unexpected errors */ @Test public void avoidNameClashWhenFileWithSameNameIsAlreadyInSameZip() throws Exception { setMaxArchiveSizeDefault(); // Create cache with more realistic random generator cache = createCache(new TestRandomGenerator()); // First record cache.add(createRequestRecordNormal()); assertZip(expectedNormalSizeRequestEntryName(), getArchiveBytes()); // Record with conflicting name cache.add(createRequestRecordNormal()); assertZip(expectedConflictingEntryNames(), getArchiveBytes()); } private byte[] getArchiveBytes() throws IOException { return IOUtils.toByteArray(cache.getArchiveFile()); } private void setMaxArchiveSizeSmall() { setMaxArchiveSize(ARCHIVE_SIZE_SMALL); } private void setMaxArchiveSizeMedium() { setMaxArchiveSize(ARCHIVE_SIZE_MEDIUM); } private void setMaxArchiveSizeDefault() { setMaxArchiveSize(null); } private void setMaxArchiveSize(Integer value) { String propertyValue = value != null ? Integer.toString(value) : ""; System.setProperty(MessageLogProperties.ARCHIVE_MAX_FILESIZE, propertyValue); } private MessageRecord createRequestRecordNormal() throws Exception { AsicContainerParams containerParams = new AsicContainerParams("ID1", false, containerOfNormalSize(), LOG_TIME_REQUEST_NORMAL_LATEST); return createMessageRecord(containerParams); } private MessageRecord createRequestRecordTooLarge() throws Exception { AsicContainerParams containerParams = new AsicContainerParams("ID2", false, containerTooLarge(), LOG_TIME_REQUEST_LARGE_EARLIEST); return createMessageRecord(containerParams); } private MessageRecord createResponseRecordNormal() throws Exception { AsicContainerParams containerParams = new AsicContainerParams("ID3", true, containerOfNormalSize(), LOG_TIME_RESPONSE_NORMAL); return createMessageRecord(containerParams); } private MessageRecord createMessageRecord(AsicContainerParams params) throws Exception { MessageRecord record = mock(MessageRecord.class); when(record.getQueryId()).thenReturn(params.getId()); when(record.isResponse()).thenReturn(params.isResponse()); when(record.getTime()).thenReturn(params.getCreationTime()); AsicContainer container = mock(AsicContainer.class); when(container.getBytes()).thenReturn(params.getBytes()); when(record.toAsicContainer()).thenReturn(container); return record; } private byte[] containerOfNormalSize() { return "This one goes out to normal size container".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private byte[] containerTooLarge() { byte[] container = new byte[TOO_LARGE_CONTAINER_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TOO_LARGE_CONTAINER_SIZE; i++) { container[i] = (byte) (i % Byte.MAX_VALUE); } return container; } private Date normalRequestCreationTime() { return new Date(LOG_TIME_REQUEST_NORMAL_LATEST); } private Date largeRequestCreationTime() { return new Date(LOG_TIME_REQUEST_LARGE_EARLIEST); } private Date normalResponseCreationTime() { return new Date(LOG_TIME_RESPONSE_NORMAL); } private void assertZip(List<String> expectedEntryNames, byte[] archiveBytes) throws IOException { if (archiveBytes == null || archiveBytes.length == 0) { fail("Bytes of zip archive must not be empty"); } InputStream archiveBytesInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(archiveBytes); try (ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(archiveBytesInput)) { for (int i = 0; i < expectedEntryNames.size(); i++) { ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); assertNotNull(getZipEntryNotPresentMessage(i), entry); assertThat(entry.getName(), isIn(expectedEntryNames)); } ZipEntry linkingInfoEntry = zip.getNextEntry(); if (linkingInfoEntry == null) { throw new RuntimeException("There is no linking info present in the archive!"); } assertEquals("linkinginfo", linkingInfoEntry.getName()); assertNull("Zip entries must be taken by this point.", zip.getNextEntry()); } } private Matcher<? super String> isIn(List<String> expectedEntryNames) { return new StringInListMatcher(expectedEntryNames); } private String getZipEntryNotPresentMessage(int orderNo) { return String.format("Zip entry number '%d' is supposed to be present, but is not", orderNo); } private List<String> expectedNormalSizeRequestEntryName() { // Format: ID-request-Z.asice return Arrays.asList(ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_NORMAL); } private List<String> expectedLargeSizeRequestEntryName() { // Format: ID-request-Z.asice return Arrays.asList(ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_LARGE); } private List<String> expectedNormalAndLargeRequestEntryNames() { // Format: ID-request-Z.asice return Arrays.asList(ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_NORMAL, ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_LARGE); } private List<String> expectedConflictingEntryNames() { // Format: ID-request-Z.asice return Arrays.asList(ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_NORMAL, ENTRY_NAME_REQUEST_CONFLICTING); } private List<String> expectedNormalSizeResponseEntryName() { // Format: ID-request-Z.asice return Arrays.asList(ENTRY_NAME_RESPONSE_NORMAL); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Supplier<String> getMockRandomGenerator() { Supplier<String> generator = mock(Supplier.class); when(generator.get()).thenReturn("RANDOM"); return generator; } private LinkingInfoBuilder mockLinkingInfoBuilder() { LinkingInfoBuilder builder = mock(LinkingInfoBuilder.class); when("DUMMY".getBytes()); return builder; } private LogArchiveCache createCache(Supplier<String> randomGenerator) { return new LogArchiveCache(randomGenerator, mockLinkingInfoBuilder(), Paths.get("build/tmp/")); } @RequiredArgsConstructor private static class StringInListMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<String> { private final List<String> listOfElements; @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(String item) { return listOfElements.contains(item); } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("Some of values in list: ").appendValue(listOfElements); } } @Value private static class AsicContainerParams { private String id; private boolean response; private byte[] bytes; private long creationTime; } /** * Generates different random only on certain invocation. */ private static class TestRandomGenerator implements Supplier<String> { private static final int DIFFERENT_ON_INVOCATION = 3; int invocations = 0; @Override public String get() { invocations++; String result = "RANDOM"; if (invocations == DIFFERENT_ON_INVOCATION) { result = String.format("%s-0", result); } return result; } } }