Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of McIDAS-V * * Copyright 2007-2019 * Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) * University of Wisconsin - Madison * 1225 W. Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA * * * All Rights Reserved * * McIDAS-V is built on Unidata's IDV and SSEC's VisAD libraries, and * some McIDAS-V source code is based on IDV and VisAD source code. * * McIDAS-V is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * McIDAS-V is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.EmpiricalDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.PearsonsCorrelation; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import visad.Data; import visad.FlatField; import visad.FunctionType; import visad.MathType; import visad.Real; import visad.RealTuple; import visad.RealTupleType; import visad.RealType; import visad.TupleType; import visad.VisADException; /** * Used to obtain various commonly used statistics for VisAD * {@link FlatField FlatFields}. */ public class Statistics { /** * Various types of statistics reported by the * {@link #describe(Object...)} {@literal "function"}. */ enum DescribeParams { HISTOGRAM, LENGTH, MIN, MAX, RANGE, Q1, Q2, Q3, IQR, MEAN, MODE, KURTOSIS, SKEWNESS, STDDEV, VARIANCE, GOODPTS } /** * Characters used to create {@literal "sparklines"}. */ private static final List<Character> CHARS = asList('\u2581', '\u2582', '\u2583', '\u2584', '\u2585', '\u2586', '\u2587', '\u2588'); DescriptiveStatistics[] descriptiveStats = null; double[][] values_x; double[][] rngVals; int rngTupLen; int numPoints; int[] numGoodPoints; MathType statType; PearsonsCorrelation pCorrelation = null; public Statistics(FlatField fltFld) throws VisADException { rngVals = fltFld.getValues(false); rngTupLen = rngVals.length; numPoints = fltFld.getDomainSet().getLength(); numGoodPoints = new int[rngTupLen]; values_x = new double[rngTupLen][]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { values_x[k] = removeMissing(rngVals[k]); numGoodPoints[k] = values_x[k].length; } descriptiveStats = new DescriptiveStatistics[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { descriptiveStats[k] = new DescriptiveStatistics(values_x[k]); } MathType rangeType = ((FunctionType) fltFld.getType()).getRange(); if (rangeType instanceof RealTupleType) { RealType[] rttypes = ((TupleType) rangeType).getRealComponents(); if (rngTupLen > 1) { statType = new RealTupleType(rttypes); } else { statType = rttypes[0]; } } else if (rangeType instanceof RealType) { statType = rangeType; } else { throw new VisADException("fltFld must be RealTupleType or RealType"); } pCorrelation = new PearsonsCorrelation(); } /** * Get the number of points in the domain of the {@link FlatField}. * * @return Number of points. */ public int numPoints() { return numPoints; } /** * Get the number of non-missing points in each range component. * * @return Number of non-missing points. */ public int[] getNumGoodPoints() { return numGoodPoints; } /** * Get the original range values. * * @return Original range values. */ public double[][] getRngVals() { return rngVals; } /** * Get the range values actually used (missing removed). * * @return Range values used. */ public double[][] getValues() { return values_x; } private double[] removeMissing(double[] vals) { int num = vals.length; int cnt = 0; int[] good = new int[num]; for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { if (!(Double.isNaN(vals[k]))) { good[cnt] = k; cnt++; } } if (cnt == num) { return vals; } double[] newVals = new double[cnt]; for (int k = 0; k < cnt; k++) { newVals[k] = vals[good[k]]; } return newVals; } private double[][] removeMissing(double[][] vals) { int tupLen = vals.length; double[][] newVals = new double[tupLen][]; for (int k = 0; k < tupLen; k++) { newVals[k] = removeMissing(vals[k]); } return newVals; } public Data mean() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getMean(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data geometricMean() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getGeometricMean(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data max() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getMax(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data min() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getMin(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data median() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getPercentile(50.0); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data percentile(double p) throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getPercentile(p); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data variance() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getVariance(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data kurtosis() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getKurtosis(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data standardDeviation() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getStandardDeviation(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data skewness() throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { stats[k] = descriptiveStats[k].getSkewness(); } return makeStat(stats); } public Data correlation(FlatField fltFld) throws VisADException, RemoteException { double[][] values_x = this.rngVals; double[][] values_y = fltFld.getValues(false); if (values_y.length != rngTupLen) { throw new VisADException("fields must have same range tuple length"); } double[] stats = new double[rngTupLen]; for (int k = 0; k < rngTupLen; k++) { double[][] newVals = removeMissingAND(values_x[k], values_y[k]); stats[k] = pCorrelation.correlation(newVals[0], newVals[1]); } return makeStat(stats); } private Data makeStat(double[] stats) throws VisADException, RemoteException { if (statType instanceof RealType) { return new Real((RealType) statType, stats[0]); } else if (statType instanceof RealTupleType) { return new RealTuple((RealTupleType) statType, stats); } return null; } private double[][] removeMissingAND(double[] vals_x, double[] vals_y) { int cnt = 0; int[] good = new int[vals_x.length]; for (int k = 0; k < vals_x.length; k++) { if (!(Double.isNaN(vals_x[k])) && !(Double.isNaN(vals_y[k]))) { good[cnt] = k; cnt++; } } if (cnt == vals_x.length) { return new double[][] { vals_x, vals_y }; } else { double[] newVals_x = new double[cnt]; double[] newVals_y = new double[cnt]; for (int k = 0; k < cnt; k++) { newVals_x[k] = vals_x[good[k]]; newVals_y[k] = vals_y[good[k]]; } return new double[][] { newVals_x, newVals_y }; } } /** * Creates a {@literal "description"} of any {@link FlatField FlatFields} * in {@code params}. * * <p>This is mostly useful from within the Jython Shell.</p> * * <p>Some notes about {@code params}: * <ul> * <li>Understands {@code FlatField} and {@code String} objects.</li> * <li>Strings must be found within {@link DescribeParams}.</li> * <li>Strings control descriptions returned for all fields in * {@code params}.</li> * <li>{@code FlatField} and {@code String} objects may appear in any order.</li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param params See description of this method. If {@code null} or empty, * nothing will happen. * * @return String descriptions of any {@code FlatField} objects in * {@code params}, with relevant strings in {@code params} * controlling what shows up in all descriptions. * * @throws VisADException if VisAD had problems. * @throws RemoteException if VisAD had problems. */ public static String describe(Object... params) throws VisADException, RemoteException { String result = ""; if (params != null) { List<FlatField> fields = new ArrayList<>(params.length); List<String> descs = new ArrayList<>(params.length); for (Object param : params) { if (param instanceof FlatField) { fields.add((FlatField) param); } else if (param instanceof String) { descs.add((String) param); } } // 350 is typical size of a single, "complete" describe call with // one field. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(350 * descs.size()); for (FlatField field : fields) { Description d = new Description(field, descs); buf.append(d.makeDescription()); } result = buf.toString(); } return result; } /** * Creates a {@literal "binned sparkline"} of the given * {@link FlatField FlatFields}. * * @param fields {@code FlatField} objects to {@literal "visualize"} with * sparklines. * * @return String sparkline for each {@code FlatField} in {@code fields}. * * @throws VisADException if VisAD had problems. * @throws RemoteException if VisAD had problems. * * @see <a href="" target="_top">Sparkline Wikipedia Article</a> */ public static String sparkline(FlatField... fields) throws VisADException, RemoteException { // assuming sparkline is only using 20 bins StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(25 * fields.length); for (FlatField field : fields) { Statistics s = new Statistics(field); sb.append(sparkline(field, s)).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } public static Long[] histogram(FlatField field, int bins) throws VisADException { Long[] histogram = new Long[bins]; EmpiricalDistribution distribution = new EmpiricalDistribution(bins); distribution.load(field.getValues(false)[0]); int k = 0; for (SummaryStatistics stats : distribution.getBinStats()) { histogram[k++] = stats.getN(); } return histogram; } public static String sparkline(FlatField field, Statistics s) throws VisADException, RemoteException { Long[] values = histogram(field, 20); Real sMin = (Real) s.min(); Real sMax = (Real) s.max(); Collection<Long> collection = asList(values); long max = Collections.max(collection); long min = Collections.min(collection); float scale = (max - min) / 7f; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(values.length); // TJJ Mar 2018 - sandwich with min/max // buf.append(fmtMe((sMin).getValue())); for (Long value : values) { int index = Math.round((value - min) / scale); buf.append(CHARS.get(index)); } buf.append(fmtMe((sMax).getValue())); return buf.toString(); } private static EnumSet<DescribeParams> parseParams(List<String> ps) { Set<DescribeParams> params = Collections.emptySet(); if (ps != null) { params = new HashSet<>(ps.size()); for (String p : ps) { params.add(DescribeParams.valueOf(p.toUpperCase())); } } return EnumSet.copyOf(params); } public static class Description { private final FlatField field; private final EnumSet<DescribeParams> params; public Description(FlatField field, List<String> params) { this.field = field; if ((params == null) || params.isEmpty()) { this.params = EnumSet.allOf(DescribeParams.class); } else { this.params = parseParams(params); } } public String makeDescription() throws VisADException, RemoteException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); Statistics s = new Statistics(field); double max = ((Real) s.max()).getValue(); double min = ((Real) s.min()).getValue(); double q1 = ((Real) s.percentile(25.0)).getValue(); double q3 = ((Real) s.percentile(75.0)).getValue(); double[] modes = StatUtils.mode(field.getValues(false)[0]); StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(128); for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { tmp.append(fmtMe(modes[i])); if ((i + 1) < modes.length) { tmp.append(", "); } } String temp; char endl = '\n'; if (params.contains(DescribeParams.HISTOGRAM)) { temp = sparkline(field, s); sb.append("Histogram : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.LENGTH)) { temp = String.format("%d", s.numPoints()); sb.append("Length : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.MIN)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.min()).getValue()); sb.append("Min : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.MAX)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.max()).getValue()); sb.append("Max : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.RANGE)) { temp = fmtMe(max - min); sb.append("Range : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.Q1)) { sb.append("Q1 : ").append(fmtMe(q1)).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.Q2)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.percentile(50.0)).getValue()); sb.append("Q2 : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.Q3)) { sb.append("Q3 : ").append(fmtMe(q3)).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.IQR)) { temp = fmtMe(q3 - q1); sb.append("IQR : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.MEAN)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.mean()).getValue()); sb.append("Mean : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.MODE)) { sb.append("Mode : ").append(tmp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.KURTOSIS)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.kurtosis()).getValue()); sb.append("Kurtosis : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.SKEWNESS)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.skewness()).getValue()); sb.append("Skewness : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.STDDEV)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.standardDeviation()).getValue()); sb.append("Std Dev : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.VARIANCE)) { temp = fmtMe(((Real) s.variance()).getValue()); sb.append("Variance : ").append(temp).append(endl); } if (params.contains(DescribeParams.GOODPTS)) { temp = String.format("%d", s.getNumGoodPoints()[0]); sb.append("# Good Pts: ").append(temp).append(endl); } return sb.toString(); } } }