Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Vanderbilt University * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.http.ParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.accounts.AuthenticatorException; import android.accounts.OperationCanceledException; import android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SyncResult; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.provider.SyncStateContract.Columns; import android.provider.SyncStateContract.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * SyncAdapter implementation for syncing sample SyncAdapter contacts to the * platform ContactOperations provider. */ public class IncidentSyncAdaptor extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("class.IncidentSyncAdaptor"); private final AccountManager accountManager; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final Context context; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Date lastUpdate; public IncidentSyncAdaptor(Context context, boolean autoInitialize) { super(context, autoInitialize); this.context = context; accountManager = AccountManager.get(context); this.lastUpdate = new Date(); } protected static final UriMatcher uriMatcher; protected static String[] mediaProjectionKey; protected static HashMap<String, String> mediaProjectionMap; protected static String[] eventProjectionKey; protected static HashMap<String, String> eventProjectionMap; protected static String[] categoryProjectionKey; protected static HashMap<String, String> categoryProjectionMap; static { uriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.MEDIA_TBL, MEDIA_SET); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.MEDIA_TBL + "/#", MEDIA_ID); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.EVENT_TBL, EVENT_SET); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.EVENT_TBL + "/#", EVENT_ID); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.CATEGORY_TBL, CATEGORY_SET); //uriMatcher.addURI(IncidentSchemaBase.AUTHORITY, Tables.CATEGORY_TBL + "/#", CATEGORY_ID); HashMap<String, String> columns; mediaProjectionKey = new String[1]; mediaProjectionKey[0] = BaseColumns._ID; columns = new HashMap<String, String>(); columns.put(BaseColumns._ID, BaseColumns._ID); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.EVENT_ID, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase.EVENT_ID + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA_TYPE, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA_TYPE + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(MediaTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, "\"" + MediaTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION + "\""); mediaProjectionMap = columns; eventProjectionKey = new String[1]; eventProjectionKey[0] = BaseColumns._ID; columns = new HashMap<String, String>(); columns.put(BaseColumns._ID, BaseColumns._ID); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.UUID, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.UUID + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.MEDIA_COUNT, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.MEDIA_COUNT + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.ORIGINATOR, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.ORIGINATOR + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DISPLAY_NAME, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.DISPLAY_NAME + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY_ID, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY_ID + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.TITLE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.TITLE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DESCRIPTION, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.DESCRIPTION + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.LONGITUDE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.LONGITUDE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.LATITUDE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.LATITUDE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CID, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.CID + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.UNIT, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.UNIT + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.SIZE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.SIZE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_TYPE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_TYPE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_NAME, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_NAME + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase.STATUS, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase.STATUS + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(EventTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, "\"" + EventTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION + "\""); eventProjectionMap = columns; categoryProjectionKey = new String[1]; categoryProjectionKey[0] = BaseColumns._ID; columns = new HashMap<String, String>(); columns.put(BaseColumns._ID, BaseColumns._ID); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.MAIN_CATEGORY, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase.MAIN_CATEGORY + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.SUB_CATEGORY, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase.SUB_CATEGORY + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.TIGR_ID, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase.TIGR_ID + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON_TYPE, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON_TYPE + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE + "\""); columns.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, "\"" + CategoryTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION + "\""); categoryProjectionMap = columns; } @Override public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority, ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult syncResult) { try { // use the account manager to request the credentials final String authtoken = accountManager.blockingGetAuthToken(account, Columns.ACCOUNT_TYPE, true); // update the last synced date. this.lastUpdate = new Date(); // update platform contacts. logger.debug("Calling contactManager's sync contacts {}", authtoken); // fetch and update status messages for all the synced users. } catch (final AuthenticatorException ex) { syncResult.stats.numParseExceptions++; logger.error("AuthenticatorException", ex); } catch (final OperationCanceledException ex) { logger.error("OperationCanceledExcetpion", ex); } catch (final IOException ex) { logger.error("IOException", ex); syncResult.stats.numIoExceptions++; } catch (final ParseException ex) { syncResult.stats.numParseExceptions++; logger.error("ParseException", ex); } } /** * Table Name: media <P> */ static public class MediaWrapper { public MediaWrapper() { //"building MediaWrapper"); } private String eventId; public String getEventId() { return this.eventId; } public MediaWrapper setEventId(String val) { this.eventId = val; return this; } private String dataType; public String getDataType() { return this.dataType; } public MediaWrapper setDataType(String val) { this.dataType = val; return this; } private String data; public String getData() { return; } public MediaWrapper setData(String val) { = val; return this; } private long createdDate; public long getCreatedDate() { return this.createdDate; } public MediaWrapper setCreatedDate(long val) { this.createdDate = val; return this; } private long modifiedDate; public long getModifiedDate() { return this.modifiedDate; } public MediaWrapper setModifiedDate(long val) { this.modifiedDate = val; return this; } private int _disposition; public int get_Disposition() { return this._disposition; } public MediaWrapper set_Disposition(int val) { this._disposition = val; return this; } private long _received_date; public long get_ReceivedDate() { return this._received_date; } public MediaWrapper set_ReceivedDate(long val) { this._received_date = val; return this; } } /** * Table Name: event <P> */ static public class EventWrapper { public EventWrapper() { //"building EventWrapper"); } private String uuid; public String getUuid() { return this.uuid; } public EventWrapper setUuid(String val) { this.uuid = val; return this; } private int mediaCount; public int getMediaCount() { return this.mediaCount; } public EventWrapper setMediaCount(int val) { this.mediaCount = val; return this; } private String originator; public String getOriginator() { return this.originator; } public EventWrapper setOriginator(String val) { this.originator = val; return this; } private String displayName; public String getDisplayName() { return this.displayName; } public EventWrapper setDisplayName(String val) { this.displayName = val; return this; } private String categoryId; public String getCategoryId() { return this.categoryId; } public EventWrapper setCategoryId(String val) { this.categoryId = val; return this; } private String title; public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public EventWrapper setTitle(String val) { this.title = val; return this; } private String description; public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public EventWrapper setDescription(String val) { this.description = val; return this; } private double longitude; public double getLongitude() { return this.longitude; } public EventWrapper setLongitude(double val) { this.longitude = val; return this; } private double latitude; public double getLatitude() { return this.latitude; } public EventWrapper setLatitude(double val) { this.latitude = val; return this; } private long createdDate; public long getCreatedDate() { return this.createdDate; } public EventWrapper setCreatedDate(long val) { this.createdDate = val; return this; } private long modifiedDate; public long getModifiedDate() { return this.modifiedDate; } public EventWrapper setModifiedDate(long val) { this.modifiedDate = val; return this; } private String cid; public String getCid() { return this.cid; } public EventWrapper setCid(String val) { this.cid = val; return this; } private String category; public String getCategory() { return this.category; } public EventWrapper setCategory(String val) { this.category = val; return this; } private String unit; public String getUnit() { return this.unit; } public EventWrapper setUnit(String val) { this.unit = val; return this; } private long size; public long getSize() { return this.size; } public EventWrapper setSize(long val) { this.size = val; return this; } private String destGroupType; public String getDestGroupType() { return this.destGroupType; } public EventWrapper setDestGroupType(String val) { this.destGroupType = val; return this; } private String destGroupName; public String getDestGroupName() { return this.destGroupName; } public EventWrapper setDestGroupName(String val) { this.destGroupName = val; return this; } private int status; public int getStatus() { return this.status; } public EventWrapper setStatus(int val) { this.status = val; return this; } private int _disposition; public int get_Disposition() { return this._disposition; } public EventWrapper set_Disposition(int val) { this._disposition = val; return this; } private long _received_date; public long get_ReceivedDate() { return this._received_date; } public EventWrapper set_ReceivedDate(long val) { this._received_date = val; return this; } } /** * Table Name: category <P> */ static public class CategoryWrapper { public CategoryWrapper() { //"building CategoryWrapper"); } private String mainCategory; public String getMainCategory() { return this.mainCategory; } public CategoryWrapper setMainCategory(String val) { this.mainCategory = val; return this; } private String subCategory; public String getSubCategory() { return this.subCategory; } public CategoryWrapper setSubCategory(String val) { this.subCategory = val; return this; } private String tigrId; public String getTigrId() { return this.tigrId; } public CategoryWrapper setTigrId(String val) { this.tigrId = val; return this; } private String iconType; public String getIconType() { return this.iconType; } public CategoryWrapper setIconType(String val) { this.iconType = val; return this; } private String icon; public String getIcon() { return this.icon; } public CategoryWrapper setIcon(String val) { this.icon = val; return this; } private int _disposition; public int get_Disposition() { return this._disposition; } public CategoryWrapper set_Disposition(int val) { this._disposition = val; return this; } private long _received_date; public long get_ReceivedDate() { return this._received_date; } public CategoryWrapper set_ReceivedDate(long val) { this._received_date = val; return this; } } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * sb.append("\""+MediaTableSchemaBase.FUNCTION_CODE+"\" = '"+ wrap.getFunctionCode()+"'"); * return sb.toString(); * * @param wrap */ protected String mediaSelectKeyClause(MediaWrapper wrap) { return null; } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * @param wrap */ protected ContentValues mediaComposeValues(MediaWrapper wrap) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.EVENT_ID, wrap.getEventId()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA, wrap.getData()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA_TYPE, wrap.getDataType()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE, wrap.getCreatedDate()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE, wrap.getModifiedDate()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, wrap.get_ReceivedDate()); cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, wrap.get_Disposition()); return cv; } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * sb.append("\""+EventTableSchemaBase.FUNCTION_CODE+"\" = '"+ wrap.getFunctionCode()+"'"); * return sb.toString(); * * @param wrap */ protected String eventSelectKeyClause(EventWrapper wrap) { return null; } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * @param wrap */ protected ContentValues eventComposeValues(EventWrapper wrap) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.UUID, wrap.getUuid()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.MEDIA_COUNT, wrap.getMediaCount()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.ORIGINATOR, wrap.getOriginator()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DISPLAY_NAME, wrap.getDisplayName()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY_ID, wrap.getCategoryId()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.TITLE, wrap.getTitle()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DESCRIPTION, wrap.getDescription()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.LONGITUDE, wrap.getLongitude()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.LATITUDE, wrap.getLatitude()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE, wrap.getCreatedDate()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE, wrap.getModifiedDate()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CID, wrap.getCid()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY, wrap.getCategory()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.UNIT, wrap.getUnit()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.SIZE, wrap.getSize()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_TYPE, wrap.getDestGroupType()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_NAME, wrap.getDestGroupName()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase.STATUS, wrap.getStatus()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, wrap.get_ReceivedDate()); cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, wrap.get_Disposition()); return cv; } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * sb.append("\""+CategoryTableSchemaBase.FUNCTION_CODE+"\" = '"+ wrap.getFunctionCode()+"'"); * return sb.toString(); * * @param wrap */ protected String categorySelectKeyClause(CategoryWrapper wrap) { return null; } /** * This method is provided with the express purpose of being overridden and extended. * @param wrap */ protected ContentValues categoryComposeValues(CategoryWrapper wrap) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.MAIN_CATEGORY, wrap.getMainCategory()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.SUB_CATEGORY, wrap.getSubCategory()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.TIGR_ID, wrap.getTigrId()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON, wrap.getIcon()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON_TYPE, wrap.getIconType()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, wrap.get_ReceivedDate()); cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION, wrap.get_Disposition()); return cv; } interface IMyWriter { public long meta(StringBuilder sb); public long payload(long rowId, String label, byte[] buf); } static final int READING_META = 0; static final int READING_LABEL = 1; static final int READING_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 2; static final int READING_PAYLOAD = 3; static final int READING_PAYLOAD_CHECK = 4; protected long deserializer(File file, IMyWriter writer) { logger.debug("::deserializer"); InputStream ins; try { ins = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { return -1; } BufferedInputStream bufferedInput = new BufferedInputStream(ins); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long rowId = -1; String label = ""; byte[] payloadSizeBuf = new byte[4]; int payloadSize = 0; byte[] payloadBuf = null; int payloadPos = 0; try { int bytesBuffered =; int bufferPos = 0; int state = READING_META; boolean eod = false; while (bytesBuffered > -1) { if (bytesBuffered == bufferPos) { bytesBuffered =; bufferPos = 0; // reset buffer position } if (bytesBuffered < 0) eod = true; switch (state) { case READING_META: if (eod) { writer.meta(sb); break; } for (; bytesBuffered > bufferPos; bufferPos++) { byte b = buffer[bufferPos]; if (b == '\0') { bufferPos++; state = READING_LABEL; rowId = writer.meta(sb); sb = new StringBuilder(); break; } sb.append((char) b); } break; case READING_LABEL: if (eod) break; for (; bytesBuffered > bufferPos; bufferPos++) { byte b = buffer[bufferPos]; if (b == '\0') { label = sb.toString(); bufferPos++; state = READING_PAYLOAD_SIZE; payloadPos = 0; break; } sb.append((char) b); } break; case READING_PAYLOAD_SIZE: if ((bytesBuffered - bufferPos) < (payloadSizeBuf.length - payloadPos)) { // buffer doesn't contain the last byte of the length for (; bytesBuffered > bufferPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadSizeBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } } else { // buffer contains the last byte of the length for (; payloadSizeBuf.length > payloadPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadSizeBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } ByteBuffer dataSizeBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(payloadSizeBuf); dataSizeBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); payloadSize = dataSizeBuf.getInt(); payloadBuf = new byte[payloadSize]; payloadPos = 0; state = READING_PAYLOAD; } break; case READING_PAYLOAD: if ((bytesBuffered - bufferPos) < (payloadSize - payloadPos)) { for (; bytesBuffered > bufferPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } } else { for (; payloadSize > payloadPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } payloadPos = 0; state = READING_PAYLOAD_CHECK; } break; case READING_PAYLOAD_CHECK: if ((bytesBuffered - bufferPos) < (payloadSizeBuf.length - payloadPos)) { for (; bytesBuffered > bufferPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadSizeBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } } else { for (; payloadSizeBuf.length > payloadPos; bufferPos++, payloadPos++) { payloadSizeBuf[payloadPos] = buffer[bufferPos]; } ByteBuffer dataSizeBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(payloadSizeBuf); dataSizeBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (payloadSize != dataSizeBuf.getInt()) { logger.error("message garbled {} {}", payloadSize, dataSizeBuf.getInt()); state = READING_LABEL; break; } writer.payload(rowId, label, payloadBuf); state = READING_LABEL; } break; } } bufferedInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("could not read serialized file"); return -1; } return rowId; } //@Override public ArrayList<File> mediaSerialize(Cursor cursor) { logger.debug("::mediaSerialize"); ArrayList<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>(); if (1 > cursor.getCount()) return paths; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream eos = new DataOutputStream(baos); for (boolean more = cursor.moveToFirst(); more; more = cursor.moveToNext()) { MediaWrapper iw = new MediaWrapper(); iw.setEventId(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase.EVENT_ID))); iw.setDataType(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA_TYPE))); iw.setData(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase.DATA))); iw.setCreatedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE))); iw.setModifiedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE))); iw.set_ReceivedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE))); iw.set_Disposition(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION))); Gson gson = new Gson(); try { eos.writeBytes(gson.toJson(iw)); eos.writeByte(0); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // not a reference field name :event id eventId event_id\n try { String fileName = iw.getData(); File dataFile = new File(fileName); int dataSize = (int) dataFile.length(); byte[] buffData = new byte[dataSize]; FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(dataFile); int ret = 0; for (int position = 0; (ret > -1 && dataSize > position); position += ret) { ret =, position, dataSize - position); } fileStream.close(); eos.writeBytes("data"); eos.writeByte(0); ByteBuffer dataSizeBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); dataSizeBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); dataSizeBuf.putInt(dataSize); // write the media back out eos.write(dataSizeBuf.array()); eos.write(buffData); eos.write(dataSizeBuf.array()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // not a reference field name :created date createdDate created_date\n // not a reference field name :modified date modifiedDate modified_date\n // MediaTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION; // try { // TODO write to content provider using openFile // if (!applCacheMediaDir.exists() ) applCacheMediaDir.mkdirs(); // File outfile = new File(applCacheMediaDir, Integer.toHexString((int) System.currentTimeMillis())); // BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile), 8192); // bufferedOutput.write(baos.toByteArray()); // bufferedOutput.flush(); // bufferedOutput.close(); // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } return paths; } //@Override public ArrayList<File> eventSerialize(Cursor cursor) { logger.debug("::eventSerialize"); ArrayList<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>(); if (1 > cursor.getCount()) return paths; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream eos = new DataOutputStream(baos); for (boolean more = cursor.moveToFirst(); more; more = cursor.moveToNext()) { EventWrapper iw = new EventWrapper(); iw.setUuid(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.UUID))); iw.setMediaCount(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.MEDIA_COUNT))); iw.setOriginator(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.ORIGINATOR))); iw.setDisplayName(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.DISPLAY_NAME))); iw.setCategoryId(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY_ID))); iw.setTitle(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.TITLE))); iw.setDescription(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.DESCRIPTION))); iw.setLongitude( Util.scaleIntCoordinate(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.LONGITUDE)))); iw.setLatitude( Util.scaleIntCoordinate(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.LATITUDE)))); iw.setCreatedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.CREATED_DATE))); iw.setModifiedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.MODIFIED_DATE))); iw.setCid(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.CID))); iw.setCategory(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.CATEGORY))); iw.setUnit(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.UNIT))); iw.setSize(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.SIZE))); iw.setDestGroupType(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_TYPE))); iw.setDestGroupName(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.DEST_GROUP_NAME))); iw.setStatus(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase.STATUS))); iw.set_ReceivedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE))); iw.set_Disposition(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION))); Gson gson = new Gson(); try { eos.writeBytes(gson.toJson(iw)); eos.writeByte(0); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // not a reference field name :uuid uuid uuid\n // not a reference field name :media count mediaCount media_count\n // not a reference field name :originator originator originator\n // not a reference field name :display name displayName display_name\n // not a reference field name :category id categoryId category_id\n // not a reference field name :title title title\n // not a reference field name :description description description\n // not a reference field name :longitude longitude longitude\n // not a reference field name :latitude latitude latitude\n // not a reference field name :created date createdDate created_date\n // not a reference field name :modified date modifiedDate modified_date\n // not a reference field name :cid cid cid\n // not a reference field name :category category category\n // not a reference field name :unit unit unit\n // not a reference field name :size size size\n // not a reference field name :dest group type destGroupType dest_group_type\n // not a reference field name :dest group name destGroupName dest_group_name\n // not a reference field name :STATUS status status\n // EventTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION; // try { // TODO write to content provider using openFile // if (!applCacheEventDir.exists() ) applCacheEventDir.mkdirs(); // File outfile = new File(applCacheEventDir, Integer.toHexString((int) System.currentTimeMillis())); // BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutput = // new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile), 8192); // bufferedOutput.write(baos.toByteArray()); // bufferedOutput.flush(); // bufferedOutput.close(); // paths.add(outfile); // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } return paths; } //@Override public ArrayList<File> categorySerialize(Cursor cursor) { logger.debug("::categorySerialize"); ArrayList<File> paths = new ArrayList<File>(); if (1 > cursor.getCount()) return paths; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream eos = new DataOutputStream(baos); for (boolean more = cursor.moveToFirst(); more; more = cursor.moveToNext()) { CategoryWrapper iw = new CategoryWrapper(); iw.setMainCategory(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase.MAIN_CATEGORY))); iw.setSubCategory(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase.SUB_CATEGORY))); iw.setTigrId(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase.TIGR_ID))); iw.setIconType(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON_TYPE))); iw.setIcon(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase.ICON))); iw.set_ReceivedDate(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE))); iw.set_Disposition(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION))); Gson gson = new Gson(); try { eos.writeBytes(gson.toJson(iw)); eos.writeByte(0); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // not a reference field name :main category mainCategory main_category\n // not a reference field name :sub category subCategory sub_category\n // not a reference field name :tigr id tigrId tigr_id\n try { String fileName = iw.getIcon(); File dataFile = new File(fileName); int dataSize = (int) dataFile.length(); byte[] buffData = new byte[dataSize]; FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(dataFile); int ret = 0; for (int position = 0; (ret > -1 && dataSize > position); position += ret) { ret =, position, dataSize - position); } fileStream.close(); eos.writeBytes("icon"); eos.writeByte(0); ByteBuffer dataSizeBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE); dataSizeBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); dataSizeBuf.putInt(dataSize); // write the category back out eos.write(dataSizeBuf.array()); eos.write(buffData); eos.write(dataSizeBuf.array()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // CategoryTableSchemaBase._DISPOSITION; // try { // if (!applCacheCategoryDir.exists() ) applCacheCategoryDir.mkdirs(); // // File outfile = new File(applCacheCategoryDir, Integer.toHexString((int) System.currentTimeMillis())); // BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile), 8192); // bufferedOutput.write(baos.toByteArray()); // bufferedOutput.flush(); // bufferedOutput.close(); // // paths.add(outfile); // } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } return paths; } class mediaDeserializer implements IMyWriter { @Override public long meta(StringBuilder sb) { String json = sb.toString(); Gson gson = new Gson(); MediaWrapper wrap = null; try { wrap = gson.fromJson(json, MediaWrapper.class); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } if (wrap == null) return -1; //SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase(); ContentValues cv = mediaComposeValues(wrap); // Put the current system time into the received column for relative time pulls. cv.put(MediaTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); // String whereClause = mediaSelectKeyClause(wrap); // if (whereClause != null) { // // Switch on the path in the uri for what we want to query. // Cursor updateCursor = db.query(Tables.MEDIA_TBL, mediaProjectionKey, whereClause, null, null, null, null); // long rowId = -1; // for (boolean more = updateCursor.moveToFirst(); more;) // { // rowId = updateCursor.getLong(updateCursor.getColumnIndex(MediaTableSchemaBase._ID)); // // db.update(Tables.MEDIA_TBL, cv, // "\""+MediaTableSchemaBase._ID+"\" = '"+ Long.toString(rowId)+"'", // null); // break; // } // updateCursor.close(); // if (rowId > 0) { // getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(MediaTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); // return rowId; // } // } //long rowId = db.insert(Tables.MEDIA_TBL, // MediaTableSchemaBase.EVENT_ID, // cv); Uri rowUri = getContext().getContentResolver().insert(MediaTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, cv); long rowId = Long.valueOf(rowUri.getLastPathSegment()).longValue(); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(MediaTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); return rowId; } @Override public long payload(long rowId, String label, byte[] buf) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); Uri rowUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(MediaTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, rowId); Cursor cursor = cr.query(rowUri, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); String filename = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(label)); cursor.close(); File dataFile = new File(filename); File dataDir = dataFile.getParentFile(); if (!dataDir.exists()) { dataDir.mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream fos; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return -1; } try { fos.write(buf); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } return 0; } } public long mediaDeserialize(File file) { return this.deserializer(file, new mediaDeserializer()); } class eventDeserializer implements IMyWriter { @Override public long meta(StringBuilder sb) { String json = sb.toString(); Gson gson = new Gson(); EventWrapper wrap = null; try { wrap = gson.fromJson(json, EventWrapper.class); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } if (wrap == null) return -1; //SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase(); ContentValues cv = eventComposeValues(wrap); // Put the current system time into the received column for relative time pulls. cv.put(EventTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); // String whereClause = eventSelectKeyClause(wrap); // if (whereClause != null) { // // Switch on the path in the uri for what we want to query. // Cursor updateCursor = db.query(Tables.EVENT_TBL, eventProjectionKey, whereClause, null, null, null, null); // long rowId = -1; // for (boolean more = updateCursor.moveToFirst(); more;) // { // rowId = updateCursor.getLong(updateCursor.getColumnIndex(EventTableSchemaBase._ID)); // // db.update(Tables.EVENT_TBL, cv, // "\""+EventTableSchemaBase._ID+"\" = '"+ Long.toString(rowId)+"'", // null); // break; // } // updateCursor.close(); // if (rowId > 0) { // getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(EventTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); // return rowId; // } // } //long rowId = db.insert(Tables.EVENT_TBL, // EventTableSchemaBase.UUID, // cv); Uri rowUri = getContext().getContentResolver().insert(EventTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, cv); long rowId = Long.valueOf(rowUri.getLastPathSegment()).longValue(); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(EventTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); return rowId; } @Override public long payload(long rowId, String label, byte[] buf) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); Uri rowUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(EventTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, rowId); Cursor cursor = cr.query(rowUri, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); String filename = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(label)); cursor.close(); File dataFile = new File(filename); File dataDir = dataFile.getParentFile(); if (!dataDir.exists()) { dataDir.mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream fos; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return -1; } try { fos.write(buf); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } return 0; } } public long eventDeserialize(File file) { return this.deserializer(file, new eventDeserializer()); } class categoryDeserializer implements IMyWriter { @Override public long meta(StringBuilder sb) { String json = sb.toString(); Gson gson = new Gson(); CategoryWrapper wrap = null; try { wrap = gson.fromJson(json, CategoryWrapper.class); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) { ex.getMessage(); ex.printStackTrace(); return -1; } if (wrap == null) return -1; //SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase(); ContentValues cv = categoryComposeValues(wrap); // Put the current system time into the received column for relative time pulls. cv.put(CategoryTableSchemaBase._RECEIVED_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); // String whereClause = categorySelectKeyClause(wrap); // if (whereClause != null) { // // Switch on the path in the uri for what we want to query. // Cursor updateCursor = db.query(Tables.CATEGORY_TBL, categoryProjectionKey, whereClause, null, null, null, null); // long rowId = -1; // for (boolean more = updateCursor.moveToFirst(); more;) // { // rowId = updateCursor.getLong(updateCursor.getColumnIndex(CategoryTableSchemaBase._ID)); // // db.update(Tables.CATEGORY_TBL, cv, // "\""+CategoryTableSchemaBase._ID+"\" = '"+ Long.toString(rowId)+"'", // null); // break; // } // updateCursor.close(); // if (rowId > 0) { // getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(CategoryTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); // return rowId; // } // } //long rowId = db.insert(Tables.CATEGORY_TBL, // CategoryTableSchemaBase.MAIN_CATEGORY, // cv); Uri rowUri = getContext().getContentResolver().insert(CategoryTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, cv); long rowId = Long.valueOf(rowUri.getLastPathSegment()).longValue(); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(CategoryTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, null); return rowId; } @Override public long payload(long rowId, String label, byte[] buf) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); Uri rowUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(CategoryTableSchemaBase.CONTENT_URI, rowId); Cursor cursor = cr.query(rowUri, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); String filename = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(label)); cursor.close(); File dataFile = new File(filename); File dataDir = dataFile.getParentFile(); if (!dataDir.exists()) { dataDir.mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream fos; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return -1; } try { fos.write(buf); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } return 0; } } public long categoryDeserialize(File file) { return this.deserializer(file, new categoryDeserializer()); } }