Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * This Software was written at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute * * * All rights reserved. The following statement of license applies * only to this file, and and not to the other files distributed with it * or derived therefrom. This file is made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.rawextract.impl; import; import; import net.sourceforge.sashimi.mzxml.v3_0.MzXML; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.common.collect.StringPredicates; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.common.jobqueue.jobprocessors.BaseExecutableJobProcessorImpl; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.FileDTAListImpl; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.DTAToMzXMLConverter; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.DTAToMzXMLOptions; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.impl.ConversionUtils; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.impl.MzxmlVerifier; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.xml.MzXMLUtility; //TODO: Implement a better data structure for parameters or verify them public class RawExtractJobProcessorImpl extends BaseExecutableJobProcessorImpl { private static final Object LOCK_OBJECT = new Object(); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RawExtractJobProcessorImpl.class); private static final String BASENAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "rawextract_basename"; private static final IOUtils IO_UTILS = IOUtilsFactory.getInstance(); // Set by builder (job specific) private InputContext rawFilePopulator; private String rawFileBaseName = "raw", rawExtractParameters = ""; // Set by factory (configuration specific) private DTAToMzXMLConverter dtaToMzXMLConverter; private DTAToMzXMLOptions dtaToMxXMLOptions = null; private boolean producesMzxml = false; // The only job specific data that needs to be recovered to do postprocessing // is the rawFileBaseName, this is saved into the jobDescription at the preprocessing stage @Override protected void initialize() { this.rawFileBaseName = getParameter(BASENAME_PARAMETER_NAME); } public static String getSaneRawFileName(final String iName) { return ConversionUtils.getSanitizedName(iName == null ? "raw" : iName, ".RAW"); } @Override protected void doPreprocessing() { // Save rawFileBaseName so it can be recovered by initialize if need be! saveParameter(BASENAME_PARAMETER_NAME, rawFileBaseName); // Download raw file to staging directory final String rawFileName = getSaneRawFileName(rawFileBaseName); final OutputContext rawFile = getStagingDirectory().getOutputContext(rawFileName); rawFilePopulator.get(rawFile); getJobDescription().getJobDescriptionType().setDirectory(getStagingDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); getJobDescription().getJobDescriptionType().setArgument(new String[] { rawExtractParameters, "--mzXML", getStagingDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + rawFileName }); } private void checkMzxml(final String resource) { final InputContext inputContext = getStagingDirectory().getInputContext(resource); if (inputContext instanceof HasStreamInputContext) { final HasStreamInputContext hasStreamInputContext = (HasStreamInputContext) inputContext; if (!MzxmlVerifier.isValid(hasStreamInputContext.asInputStream())) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem with converted MzXML"); } } } @Override protected void doPostprocessing() { if (!wasCompletedNormally()) { return; } if (producesMzxml) { final Iterable<String> resourceNames = getStagingDirectory().getResourceNames(null); final String mzxmlResource = Iterables.find(resourceNames, StringPredicates.matches(".*\\.[mM][zZ][xX][mM][lL]")); checkMzxml(mzxmlResource); final InputContext inputContext = getStagingDirectory().getInputContext(mzxmlResource); getResourceTracker().add(inputContext); } else { // Create DTAList data structure capturing all of the DTA files. LOG.debug("Creating DTAList in postprocess"); final FileDTAListImpl dtaList = new FileDTAListImpl(getStagingDirectory()); dtaList.populate(rawFileBaseName); // Convert DTA Files to MzXML LOG.debug("Converting DTAList to MzXML"); synchronized (LOCK_OBJECT) { MzXML mzxml = dtaToMzXMLConverter.dtaToMzXML(dtaList, dtaToMxXMLOptions); LOG.debug("Serializing mzxml to a temp file"); final OutputStream outputStream = getResourceTracker().newStream(); try { new MzXMLUtility().serialize(mzxml, outputStream); } finally { IO_UTILS.closeQuietly(outputStream); } mzxml = null; } } } public void setDtaToMzXMLConverter(final DTAToMzXMLConverter dtaToMzXMLConverter) { this.dtaToMzXMLConverter = dtaToMzXMLConverter; } public void setDtaToMxXMLOptions(final DTAToMzXMLOptions dtaToMxXMLOptions) { this.dtaToMxXMLOptions = dtaToMxXMLOptions; } public void setRawFilePopulator(final InputContext rawFilePopulator) { this.rawFilePopulator = rawFilePopulator; } public void setRawFileBaseName(final String rawFileBaseName) { this.rawFileBaseName = rawFileBaseName; } public void setRawExtractParameters(final String rawExtractParameters) { this.rawExtractParameters = rawExtractParameters; } public void setProducesMzxml(final boolean producesMzxml) { this.producesMzxml = producesMzxml; } }