Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of Minnesota * * This Software was written at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute * * * All rights reserved. The following statement of license applies * only to this file, and and not to the other files distributed with it * or derived therefrom. This file is made available under the terms of * the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.itraqquantitation.impl; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.common.collect.Closure; import; import; import; import; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.Scan; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.impl.XmlPeakListParser; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.conversion.impl.XmlPeakListParserImpl; import edu.umn.msi.tropix.proteomics.itraqquantitation.impl.ReportExtractor.ReportType; class ITraqMatchBuilderImpl implements ITraqMatchBuilder { private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtilsFactory.getInstance(); private static final IOUtils IO_UTILS = IOUtilsFactory.getInstance(); private ReportExtractor reportParser = new ReportExtractorImpl(); private XmlPeakListParser peakListParser = new XmlPeakListParserImpl(); private ITraqMatcher iTraqMatcher; private void addSummariesForFile(final File mzxmlFile, final Integer fileIndex, final Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> scanMap, final ITraqMatchBuilderOptions options, boolean useScanNumber) { // Parse the mzxml files final InputStream inputStream = FILE_UTILS.getFileInputStream(mzxmlFile); try { final Iterator<Scan> scans = peakListParser.parse(inputStream); while (scans.hasNext()) { final Scan mzxmlScan =; final int number = useScanNumber ? mzxmlScan.getNumber() : mzxmlScan.getIndex(); final short charge = mzxmlScan.getPrecursorCharge(); // System.out.println("UseNumber:" + useScanNumber + " " + number + " <- number charge ->" + charge + " " + mzxmlScan.getIndex() + " " // + mzxmlScan.getNumber()); final double[] peaks = mzxmlScan.getPeaks(); final ScanIndex scanIndex = new ScanIndex(mzxmlScan.getParentName(), fileIndex, number, charge, Lists.newArrayList(mzxmlScan.getParentName(), FilenameUtils.getBaseName(mzxmlFile.getName()), mzxmlFile.getName())); scanMap.put(scanIndex, ITraqScanSummary.fromPeaks(number, number, charge, options.getITraqLabels(), peaks)); } } finally { IO_UTILS.closeQuietly(inputStream); } } private static class InputSource { private final int index; private final File file; public InputSource(int index, File file) { this.index = index; this.file = file; } protected int getIndex() { return index; } protected File getFile() { return file; } } private List<InputSource> getInputSources(final Iterable<File> inputFiles) { List<InputSource> inputSources = Lists.newArrayList(); int fileIndex = 0; for (final File inputFile : inputFiles) { inputSources.add(new InputSource(fileIndex++, inputFile)); } return inputSources; } /* * Returns a Map with the names of the runs defined in the MzXML files as keys, and a array of scans corresponding to that run as the values. */ private Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> parseScans(final Iterable<File> mzxmlInputs, final ITraqMatchBuilderOptions options, final boolean useScanNumber) { final Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> scanMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); // Loop through the mzxml files final List<InputSource> inputSources = getInputSources(mzxmlInputs); if (options.getThreads() == 1) { for (final InputSource inputSource : inputSources) { addSummariesForFile(inputSource.getFile(), inputSource.getIndex(), scanMap, options, useScanNumber); } } else { final Closure<InputSource> sourceReader = new Closure<InputSource>() { public void apply(final InputSource inputSource) { addSummariesForFile(inputSource.getFile(), inputSource.getIndex(), scanMap, options, useScanNumber); } }; if (!Concurrent.processInNThreads(options.getThreads(), sourceReader, inputSources)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to produce scan map"); } } return scanMap; } public List<ITraqMatch> buildDataEntries(final Iterable<File> mzxmlInputs, final InputReport inputReport, final ITraqMatchBuilderOptions options) { // Parse the specified Scaffold spectrum report System.out.println("Running with " + options.getThreads() + " threads."); final Iterable<ReportEntry> reportEntries = reportParser .parse(FILE_UTILS.getFileInputStream(inputReport.getReport()), inputReport.getReportType()); // Parse the MzXML files and obtain scan arrays for each System.out.println("Building scansMap"); final Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> scansMap = parseScans(mzxmlInputs, options, (inputReport.getReportType() != ReportType.PEPXML)); System.out.println("Matching build itraq matches"); return iTraqMatcher.match(reportEntries, new ScanFunctionImpl(scansMap), options); } interface ScanIndexMatcher { boolean match(final ScanIndex query, final ScanIndex target); } static class AlternativeNameExactScanIndexMatcher implements ScanIndexMatcher { public boolean match(ScanIndex query, ScanIndex target) { return query.numberChargeAndAlternativeNameMatch(target); } } private static final ScanIndexMatcher ALTERNATIVE_NAME_MATCHER = new AlternativeNameExactScanIndexMatcher(); static class NameAndScanNumberMatcher implements ScanIndexMatcher { public boolean match(ScanIndex query, ScanIndex target) { return query.numberAndNameMatch(target); } } private static final ScanIndexMatcher NAME_AND_SCAN_NUMBER_MATCHER = new NameAndScanNumberMatcher(); static class NumberAndChargeMatcher implements ScanIndexMatcher { public boolean match(ScanIndex query, ScanIndex target) { return query.numberAndChargeMatch(target); } } static class FileIndexMatcher implements ScanIndexMatcher { public boolean match(ScanIndex query, ScanIndex target) { return query.numberAndFileIndexMatch(target); } } private static final ScanIndexMatcher NUMBER_CHARGE_AND_FILE_INDEX_MATCHER = new FileIndexMatcher(); private static final ScanIndexMatcher NUMBER_AND_CHARGE_MATCHER = new NumberAndChargeMatcher(); private static final ScanIndexMatcher[] MATCHING_ALGORITHMS = new ScanIndexMatcher[] { NUMBER_CHARGE_AND_FILE_INDEX_MATCHER, ALTERNATIVE_NAME_MATCHER, NAME_AND_SCAN_NUMBER_MATCHER, NUMBER_AND_CHARGE_MATCHER }; private final class ScanFunctionImpl implements Function<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> { private final Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> scansMap; private final Multimap<Integer, ScanIndex> scanIndices; private ScanFunctionImpl(final Map<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> scansMap) { this.scansMap = scansMap; scanIndices = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Map.Entry<ScanIndex, ITraqScanSummary> entry : scansMap.entrySet()) { scanIndices.put(entry.getKey().getNumber(), entry.getKey()); } } private List<ScanIndex> getMatches(final ScanIndex scanIndex, ScanIndexMatcher matcher) { final List<ScanIndex> matches = Lists.newArrayList(); final int number = scanIndex.getNumber(); for (final ScanIndex possibleIndex : scanIndices.get(number)) { if (matcher.match(scanIndex, possibleIndex)) { matches.add(possibleIndex); } } return matches; } private ITraqScanSummary tryFindSummary(final ScanIndex scanIndex, final List<ScanIndex> potentialMatches) { ITraqScanSummary match = null; if (potentialMatches.size() > 1) { final String ambiguousMatches = Iterables.toString(potentialMatches); final String errorMessage = String.format( "Ambigious match for scan %s possible matches include %s ", scanIndex, ambiguousMatches); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage); } else if (!potentialMatches.isEmpty()) { match = scansMap.get(potentialMatches.get(0)); if (match == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Programming error, invalid HashMap construction."); } } return match; } public ITraqScanSummary apply(final ScanIndex scanIndex) { ITraqScanSummary summary = scansMap.get(scanIndex); // Try a little harder if an exact match cannot be found... for (ScanIndexMatcher matcher : MATCHING_ALGORITHMS) { if (summary != null) { break; } final List<ScanIndex> potentialMatches = getMatches(scanIndex, matcher); summary = tryFindSummary(scanIndex, potentialMatches); } if (summary == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Found no match for scan " + scanIndex + "in scans map " + summarizeScansMap()); } return summary; } private String summarizeScansMap() { final Set<String> names = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final ScanIndex index : scansMap.keySet()) { names.add(index.getName()); } return "ScansMap{entries=" + scansMap.size() + ", uniqueNames=" + Iterables.toString(names) + "}"; } } public void setReportParser(final ReportExtractor reportParser) { this.reportParser = reportParser; } public void setXmlPeakListParser(final XmlPeakListParser peakListParser) { this.peakListParser = peakListParser; } public void setItraqMatcher(final ITraqMatcher iTraqMatcher) { this.iTraqMatcher = iTraqMatcher; } }