Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which * accompanies this distribution and is available at * * *************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.OperationsParams; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.OperationsParams.Direction; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.GridRecordWriter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Point; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Rectangle; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.ResultCollector; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Shape; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.SpatialSite; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.indexing.GlobalIndex; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.indexing.Partition; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.BlockFilter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.DefaultBlockFilter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.ShapeInputFormat; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.ShapeIterInputFormat; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.SpatialRecordReader.ShapeIterator; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.RTreeRecordReader3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.SpatialInputFormat3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.SpatialRecordReader3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.HDFRecordReader; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.MemoryReporter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.Parallel; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.Parallel.RunnableRange; /** * Computes the skyline of a set of points * @author Ahmed Eldawy * */ public class Skyline { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Skyline.class); /** * Computes the skyline of a set of points using a divided and conquer * in-memory algorithm. The algorithm recursively splits the points into * half, computes the skyline of each half, and finally combines the two * skylines. * @param points * @param dir * @return */ public static Point[] skylineInMemory(Point[] points, Direction dir) { Arrays.sort(points); return skylineRecursive(points, 0, points.length, dir); } /** * The recursive method of skyline * @param points * @param start * @param end * @param dir * @return */ private static Point[] skylineRecursive(Point[] points, int start, int end, Direction dir) { if (end - start == 1) { // Return the one input point as the skyline return new Point[] { points[start] }; } int mid = (start + end) / 2; // Find the skyline of each half Point[] skyline1 = skylineRecursive(points, start, mid, dir); Point[] skyline2 = skylineRecursive(points, mid, end, dir); // Merge the two skylines int cut_point = 0; while (cut_point < skyline1.length && !skylineDominate(skyline2[0], skyline1[cut_point], dir)) cut_point++; Point[] result = new Point[cut_point + skyline2.length]; System.arraycopy(skyline1, 0, result, 0, cut_point); System.arraycopy(skyline2, 0, result, cut_point, skyline2.length); return result; } /** * Returns true if p1 dominates p2 according to the given direction. * @param p1 * @param p2 * @param dir * @return */ private static boolean skylineDominate(Point p1, Point p2, Direction dir) { switch (dir) { case MaxMax: return p1.x >= p2.x && p1.y >= p2.y; case MaxMin: return p1.x >= p2.x && p1.y <= p2.y; case MinMax: return p1.x <= p2.x && p1.y >= p2.y; case MinMin: return p1.x <= p2.x && p1.y <= p2.y; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown direction: " + dir); } } /** * Returns true if r1 dominates r2 in the given direction. r1 dominates r2 if * one point in r1 dominates all points in r2. There are two rules for * rectangle domination. We will describe them here in terms of MaxMax skyline * but they can be expanded to cover all other skylines. * 1- If the lowest corner of r1 dominates the highest corner of r2. * 2- If the semi-lowest corner of r1 dominates the highest corner of r2. * The lowest (highest) corner of a rectangle is the point inside this * rectangle with the minimum (maximum) coordinates in all dimensions. * The semi-lowest corner of a rectangle is a point inside the rectangle with * the minimum coordinates in all dimensions except for one dimension which * is the maximum coordinate. * * Rule 2 is applied only if rectangles are compact which means they are * minimal bounding rectangles around contained points. * * @param r1 * @param r2 * @param dir * @param compact - whether the input rectangles are compact or not * @return */ public static boolean skylineDominate(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2, Direction dir, boolean compact) { switch (dir) { case MaxMax: return compact ? (r1.x2 >= r2.x2 && r1.y1 >= r2.y2) || (r1.x1 >= r2.x2 && r1.y2 >= r2.y2) : (r1.x1 >= r2.x2 && r1.y1 >= r2.y2); case MaxMin: return compact ? (r1.x2 >= r2.x2 && r1.y2 <= r2.y1) || (r1.x1 >= r2.x2 && r1.y1 <= r2.y1) : (r1.x1 >= r2.x2 && r1.y2 <= r2.y1); case MinMax: return compact ? (r1.x2 <= r2.x1 && r1.y2 >= r2.y2) || (r1.x1 <= r2.x1 && r1.y2 >= r2.y2) : (r1.x2 <= r2.x1 && r1.y1 >= r2.y2); case MinMin: return compact ? (r1.x2 <= r2.x1 && r1.y1 <= r2.y1) || (r1.x1 <= r2.x1 && r1.y2 <= r2.y1) : (r1.x2 <= r2.x1 && r1.y2 <= r2.y1); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown direction: " + dir); } } /** * Computes the skyline of an input file using a single machine algorithm. * The output is written to the output file. If output file is null, the * output is just thrown away. * @param inFile * @param outFile * @param params * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void skylineLocal(Path inFile, Path outFile, final OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (params.getBoolean("mem", false)) MemoryReporter.startReporting(); // 1- Split the input path/file to get splits that can be processed // independently final SpatialInputFormat3<Rectangle, Point> inputFormat = new SpatialInputFormat3<Rectangle, Point>(); Job job = Job.getInstance(params); SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inFile); final List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job); final Direction dir = params.getDirection("dir", Direction.MaxMax); // 2- Read all input points in memory"Reading points from " + splits.size() + " splits"); List<Point[]> allLists = Parallel.forEach(splits.size(), new RunnableRange<Point[]>() { @Override public Point[] run(int i1, int i2) { try { List<Point> finalPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); final int MaxSize = 100000; Point[] points = new Point[MaxSize]; int size = 0; for (int i = i1; i < i2; i++) { org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit fsplit = (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit) splits .get(i); final RecordReader<Rectangle, Iterable<Point>> reader = inputFormat .createRecordReader(fsplit, null); if (reader instanceof SpatialRecordReader3) { ((SpatialRecordReader3) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else if (reader instanceof RTreeRecordReader3) { ((RTreeRecordReader3) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else if (reader instanceof HDFRecordReader) { ((HDFRecordReader) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown record reader"); } while (reader.nextKeyValue()) { Iterable<Point> pts = reader.getCurrentValue(); for (Point p : pts) { points[size++] = p.clone(); if (size >= points.length) { // Perform Skyline and write the result to finalPoints Point[] skylinePoints = skylineInMemory(points, dir); for (Point skylinePoint : skylinePoints) finalPoints.add(skylinePoint); size = 0; // reset } } } reader.close(); } while (size-- > 0) finalPoints.add(points[size]); return finalPoints.toArray(new Point[finalPoints.size()]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }, params.getInt("parallel", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())); int totalNumPoints = 0; for (Point[] list : allLists) totalNumPoints += list.length;"Read " + totalNumPoints + " points and merging into one list"); Point[] allPoints = new Point[totalNumPoints]; int pointer = 0; for (Point[] list : allLists) { System.arraycopy(list, 0, allPoints, pointer, list.length); pointer += list.length; } allLists.clear(); // To the let the GC collect it Point[] skyline = skylineInMemory(allPoints, dir); if (outFile != null) { if (params.getBoolean("overwrite", false)) { FileSystem outFs = outFile.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); outFs.delete(outFile, true); } GridRecordWriter<Point> out = new GridRecordWriter<Point>(outFile, null, null, null); for (Point pt : skyline) { out.write(NullWritable.get(), pt); } out.close(null); } } public static class SkylineFilter extends DefaultBlockFilter { private Direction dir; @Override public void configure(Configuration conf) { super.configure(conf); dir = OperationsParams.getDirection(conf, "dir", Direction.MaxMax); } @Override public void selectCells(GlobalIndex<Partition> gIndex, ResultCollector<Partition> output) { Vector<Partition> non_dominated_partitions = new Vector<Partition>(); for (Partition p : gIndex) { boolean dominated = false; int i = 0; while (!dominated && i < non_dominated_partitions.size()) { Partition p2 = non_dominated_partitions.get(i); dominated = skylineDominate(p2, p, dir, gIndex.isCompact()); // Check if the new partition dominates the previously selected one if (skylineDominate(p, p2, dir, gIndex.isCompact())) { // p2 is no longer non-dominated non_dominated_partitions.remove(i); } else { // Skip to next non-dominated partition i++; } } if (!dominated) { non_dominated_partitions.add(p); } }"Processing " + non_dominated_partitions.size() + " out of " + gIndex.size() + " partition"); System.out.println( "Processing " + non_dominated_partitions.size() + " out of " + gIndex.size() + " partition"); // Output all non-dominated partitions for (Partition p : non_dominated_partitions) { output.collect(p); } } } /** * An identity map function that returns values as-is with a null key. This * ensures that all values are reduced in one reducer. * @author Ahmed Eldawy */ public static class IdentityMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<Rectangle, ShapeIterator, NullWritable, Point> { @Override public void map(Rectangle dummy, ShapeIterator points, OutputCollector<NullWritable, Point> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { for (Shape point : points) { output.collect(NullWritable.get(), (Point) point); } } } public static class SkylineReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<NullWritable, Point, NullWritable, Point> { private Direction dir; @Override public void configure(JobConf job) { super.configure(job); dir = OperationsParams.getDirection(job, "dir", Direction.MaxMax); } @Override public void reduce(NullWritable dummy, Iterator<Point> points, OutputCollector<NullWritable, Point> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { Vector<Point> vpoints = new Vector<Point>(); while (points.hasNext()) { vpoints.add(; } Point[] skyline = skylineInMemory(vpoints.toArray(new Point[vpoints.size()]), dir); for (Point pt : skyline) { output.collect(dummy, pt); } } } private static void skylineMapReduce(Path inFile, Path userOutPath, OperationsParams params) throws IOException { JobConf job = new JobConf(params, Skyline.class); Path outPath = userOutPath; FileSystem outFs = (userOutPath == null ? inFile : userOutPath).getFileSystem(job); Shape shape = params.getShape("shape"); if (outPath == null) { do { outPath = new Path(inFile.toUri().getPath() + ".skyline_" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000000)); } while (outFs.exists(outPath)); } job.setJobName("Skyline"); job.setClass(SpatialSite.FilterClass, SkylineFilter.class, BlockFilter.class); job.setMapperClass(IdentityMapper.class); job.setCombinerClass(SkylineReducer.class); job.setReducerClass(SkylineReducer.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(NullWritable.class); job.setOutputValueClass(shape.getClass()); job.setInputFormat(ShapeIterInputFormat.class); ShapeInputFormat.addInputPath(job, inFile); job.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outPath); JobClient.runJob(job); // If outputPath not set by user, automatically delete it if (userOutPath == null) outFs.delete(outPath, true); } public static void skyline(Path inFile, Path outFile, OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (OperationsParams.isLocal(params, inFile)) { // Process without MapReduce skylineLocal(inFile, outFile, params); } else { // Process with MapReduce skylineMapReduce(inFile, outFile, params); } } private static void printUsage() { System.err.println("Computes the skyline of an input file of points"); System.err.println("Parameters: (* marks required parameters)"); System.err.println("<input file>: (*) Path to input file"); System.err.println("<output file>: Path to output file"); System.err.println( "<direction (max-max|max-min|min-max|min-min)>: Direction of skyline (default is max-max)"); System.err.println("-overwrite: Overwrite output file without notice"); GenericOptionsParser.printGenericCommandUsage(System.err); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { OperationsParams params = new OperationsParams(new GenericOptionsParser(args)); Path[] paths = params.getPaths(); if (paths.length <= 1 && !params.checkInput()) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } if (paths.length >= 2 && !params.checkInputOutput()) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } Path inFile = params.getInputPath(); Path outFile = params.getOutputPath(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); skyline(inFile, outFile, params); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Total time: " + (t2 - t1) + " millis"); } }