Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which * accompanies this distribution and is available at * * *************************************************************************/ package edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.delaunay; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.TextOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.OperationsParams; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Point; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.Rectangle; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.SpatialAlgorithms; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.core.SpatialSite; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.delaunay.DelaunayTriangulationOutputFormat.TriangulationRecordWriter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.RTreeRecordReader3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.SpatialInputFormat3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.mapreduce.SpatialRecordReader3; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.HDFRecordReader; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.operations.FileMBR; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.MemoryReporter; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.Parallel; import edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.util.Parallel.RunnableRange; /** * Computes the Delaunay triangulation (DT) for a set of points. * @author Ahmed Eldawy * */ public class DelaunayTriangulation { /**Logger to write log messages for this class*/ static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DelaunayTriangulation.class); public static enum DelaunayCounters { MAP_FINAL_SITES, MAP_NONFINAL_SITES, REDUCE_FINAL_SITES, REDUCE_NONFINAL_SITES, } /** * The map function computes the DT for a partition and splits the * triangulation into safe and non-safe edges. Safe edges are final and are * written to the output, while non-safe edges can be modified and are sent to * the reduce function. * * @param <S> - The type of shape for sites */ public static class DelaunayMap<S extends Point> extends Mapper<Rectangle, Iterable<S>, IntWritable, SimpleGraph> { /**Whether the map function should remove duplicates in the input or not*/ private boolean deduplicate; /**Threshold used in duplicate detection*/ private float threshold; /**Boundaries of columns to split partitions*/ private double[] columnBoundaries; /**A writer to write final parts*/ private TriangulationRecordWriter writer; @Override protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); this.deduplicate = conf.getBoolean("dedup", true); if (deduplicate) this.threshold = conf.getFloat("threshold", 1E-5f); this.columnBoundaries = SpatialSite.getReduceSpace(context.getConfiguration()); Path outputPath = DelaunayTriangulationOutputFormat.getOutputPath(context); Path finalPath = new Path(outputPath, String.format("", context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID().getId())); FileSystem fs = finalPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); writer = new TriangulationRecordWriter(fs, null, finalPath, context); } @Override protected void map(Rectangle key, Iterable<S> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { IntWritable column = new IntWritable(); List<S> sites = new ArrayList<S>(); for (S site : values) sites.add((S) site.clone()); Point[] points = sites.toArray(new Point[sites.size()]); if (deduplicate) { points = SpatialAlgorithms.deduplicatePoints(points, threshold);"Duplicates removed and only " + points.length + " points left"); } context.setStatus("Computing DT");"Computing DT for " + points.length + " sites"); GSDTAlgorithm algo = new GSDTAlgorithm(points, context); if (key.isValid()) { int col = Arrays.binarySearch(this.columnBoundaries, key.x1); if (col < 0) col = -col - 1; column.set(col);"Finding final and non-final edges"); context.setStatus("Splitting DT"); SimpleGraph finalPart = new SimpleGraph(); SimpleGraph nonfinalPart = new SimpleGraph(); algo.splitIntoFinalAndNonFinalGraphs(key, finalPart, nonfinalPart); // Write final part directly to the output context.getCounter(DelaunayCounters.MAP_FINAL_SITES).increment(finalPart.getNumSites()); writer.write(Boolean.TRUE, finalPart); // Write nonFinalpart to the reduce phase context.write(column, nonfinalPart); context.getCounter(DelaunayCounters.MAP_NONFINAL_SITES).increment(nonfinalPart.getNumSites()); } else {"Writing the whole DT to the reduce phase"); context.setStatus("Writing DT"); context.write(column, algo.getFinalAnswerAsGraph()); } } @Override protected void cleanup(Mapper<Rectangle, Iterable<S>, IntWritable, SimpleGraph>.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.cleanup(context); writer.close(context); } } /** * Reduce function for DT. Merges some intermediate DTs vertically into * columns and writes back the result as one trianguation to be merged at the * final step. * @author Ahmed Eldawy * */ public static class DelaunayReduce extends Reducer<IntWritable, SimpleGraph, Boolean, SimpleGraph> { @Override protected void reduce(IntWritable dummy, Iterable<SimpleGraph> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<SimpleGraph> triangulations = new ArrayList<SimpleGraph>(); Rectangle overallMBR = new Rectangle(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE); for (SimpleGraph t : values) { overallMBR.expand(t.mbr); triangulations.add(t); } GSDTAlgorithm algo = GSDTAlgorithm.mergeTriangulations(triangulations, context); SimpleGraph finalPart = new SimpleGraph(); SimpleGraph nonfinalPart = new SimpleGraph(); algo.splitIntoFinalAndNonFinalGraphs(overallMBR, finalPart, nonfinalPart); // Write final part directly to the output path context.getCounter(DelaunayCounters.REDUCE_FINAL_SITES).increment(finalPart.getNumSites()); context.write(Boolean.TRUE, finalPart); // Write non final part to the final merge phase context.getCounter(DelaunayCounters.REDUCE_NONFINAL_SITES).increment(nonfinalPart.getNumSites()); context.write(Boolean.FALSE, nonfinalPart); } } /** * Run the DT algorithm in MapReduce * @param inPaths * @param outPath * @param params * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static Job delaunayMapReduce(Path[] inPaths, Path outPath, OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { Job job = new Job(params, "Delaunay Triangulation"); job.setJarByClass(DelaunayTriangulation.class); // Set map and reduce job.setMapperClass(DelaunayMap.class); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(IntWritable.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(SimpleGraph.class); job.setReducerClass(DelaunayReduce.class); // Set input and output job.setInputFormatClass(SpatialInputFormat3.class); SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inPaths); job.setOutputFormatClass(DelaunayTriangulationOutputFormat.class); TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outPath); // Set column boundaries to define the boundaries of each reducer SpatialSite.splitReduceSpace(job, inPaths, params); // Submit the job if (!params.getBoolean("background", false)) { job.waitForCompletion(params.getBoolean("verbose", false)); if (!job.isSuccessful()) throw new RuntimeException("Job failed!"); } else { job.submit(); } return job; } /** * Compute the Deluanay triangulation in the local machine * @param inPaths * @param outPath * @param params * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void delaunayLocal(Path[] inPaths, Path outPath, final OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (params.getBoolean("mem", false)) MemoryReporter.startReporting(); // 1- Split the input path/file to get splits that can be processed // independently final SpatialInputFormat3<Rectangle, Point> inputFormat = new SpatialInputFormat3<Rectangle, Point>(); Job job = Job.getInstance(params); SpatialInputFormat3.setInputPaths(job, inPaths); final List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job); final Point[][] allLists = new Point[splits.size()][]; // 2- Read all input points in memory"Reading points from " + splits.size() + " splits"); List<Integer> numsPoints = Parallel.forEach(splits.size(), new RunnableRange<Integer>() { @Override public Integer run(int i1, int i2) { try { int numPoints = 0; for (int i = i1; i < i2; i++) { List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); FileSplit fsplit = (FileSplit) splits.get(i); final RecordReader<Rectangle, Iterable<Point>> reader = inputFormat .createRecordReader(fsplit, null); if (reader instanceof SpatialRecordReader3) { ((SpatialRecordReader3) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else if (reader instanceof RTreeRecordReader3) { ((RTreeRecordReader3) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else if (reader instanceof HDFRecordReader) { ((HDFRecordReader) reader).initialize(fsplit, params); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown record reader"); } while (reader.nextKeyValue()) { Iterable<Point> pts = reader.getCurrentValue(); for (Point p : pts) { points.add(p.clone()); } } reader.close(); numPoints += points.size(); allLists[i] = points.toArray(new Point[points.size()]); } return numPoints; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }, params.getInt("parallel", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())); int totalNumPoints = 0; for (int numPoints : numsPoints) totalNumPoints += numPoints;"Read " + totalNumPoints + " points and merging into one list"); Point[] allPoints = new Point[totalNumPoints]; int pointer = 0; for (int iList = 0; iList < allLists.length; iList++) { System.arraycopy(allLists[iList], 0, allPoints, pointer, allLists[iList].length); pointer += allLists[iList].length; allLists[iList] = null; // To let the GC collect it } if (params.getBoolean("dedup", true)) { float threshold = params.getFloat("threshold", 1E-5f); allPoints = SpatialAlgorithms.deduplicatePoints(allPoints, threshold); }"Computing DT for " + allPoints.length + " points"); GSDTAlgorithm dtAlgorithm = new GSDTAlgorithm(allPoints, null);"DT computed"); List<Geometry> finalRegions = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); List<Geometry> nonfinalRegions = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); Rectangle mbr = FileMBR.fileMBR(inPaths, params); double buffer = Math.max(mbr.getWidth(), mbr.getHeight()) / 10; Rectangle bigMBR = mbr.buffer(buffer, buffer); dtAlgorithm.getFinalAnswerAsVoronoiRegions(mbr, finalRegions, nonfinalRegions); drawVoronoiDiagram(System.out, mbr, bigMBR, finalRegions, nonfinalRegions); // dtAlgorithm.getFinalAnswerAsGraph().draw(); //Triangulation finalPart = new Triangulation(); //Triangulation nonfinalPart = new Triangulation(); //dtAlgorithm.splitIntoFinalAndNonFinalParts(new Rectangle(-180, -90, 180, 90), finalPart, nonfinalPart); } private static void drawVoronoiDiagram(PrintStream out, Rectangle mbr, Rectangle bigMBR, List<Geometry> finalRegions, List<Geometry> nonfinalRegions) { Coordinate[] mbrCoords = new Coordinate[5]; mbrCoords[0] = new Coordinate(bigMBR.x1, bigMBR.y1); mbrCoords[1] = new Coordinate(bigMBR.x2, bigMBR.y1); mbrCoords[2] = new Coordinate(bigMBR.x2, bigMBR.y2); mbrCoords[3] = new Coordinate(bigMBR.x1, bigMBR.y2); mbrCoords[4] = mbrCoords[0]; GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); Polygon bigMBRPoly = factory.createPolygon(factory.createLinearRing(mbrCoords), null); out.printf("rectangle %f, %f, %f, %f, :fill=>:none, :stroke=>:black\n", mbr.x1, mbr.y1, mbr.getWidth(), mbr.getHeight()); out.println("group {"); out.println("group(:fill => :none, :stroke=>:green) {"); for (Geometry p : finalRegions) { Coordinate[] coords = p.getCoordinates(); out.print("polygon ["); for (Coordinate c : coords) out.printf("%f, %f, ", c.x, c.y); out.println("]"); } out.println("}"); out.println("group(:stroke=>:none, :fill=>:green) {"); for (Geometry p : finalRegions) { Point site = (Point) p.getUserData(); out.printf("circle %f, %f, 1\n", site.x, site.y); } out.println("}"); out.println("}"); out.println("group {"); out.println("group(:fill => :none, :strok=>:red) {"); for (Geometry p : nonfinalRegions) { if (!bigMBRPoly.contains(p)) { if (p instanceof Polygon) { p = p.intersection(bigMBRPoly).getBoundary().difference(bigMBRPoly.getBoundary()); } else { p = p.intersection(bigMBRPoly); } } Coordinate[] coords = p.getCoordinates(); if (p instanceof Polygon) out.print("polygon ["); else out.print("polyline ["); for (Coordinate c : coords) out.printf("%f, %f, ", c.x, c.y); out.println("]"); } out.println("}"); out.println("group(:fill => :red, :stroke=>nil) {"); for (Geometry p : nonfinalRegions) { Point site = (Point) p.getUserData(); out.printf("circle %f, %f, 1\n", site.x, site.y); } out.println("}"); out.println("}"); } /** * Compute the DT for an input file that contains points. If the params * contains an explicit execution option (local or MapReduce), it is used. * Otherwise, this method automatically uses a single-machine (local) * algorithm or a MapReduce algorithm depending on the input file size. * * @param inFiles * @param outFile * @param params * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static Job delaunay(Path[] inFiles, Path outFile, final OperationsParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { if (OperationsParams.isLocal(params, inFiles)) { delaunayLocal(inFiles, outFile, params); return null; } else { return delaunayMapReduce(inFiles, outFile, params); } } private static void printUsage() { System.out.println("Delaunay Triangulation"); System.out.println("Computes the delaunay triangulation of a set of points."); System.out.println("Parameters: (* marks required parameters)"); System.out.println("<input file>: (*) Path to file that contains all shapes"); System.out.println("<output file>: (*) Path to output file"); System.out.println("shape:<s> - Type of shapes stored in the input file"); System.out.println("-dup - Automatically remove duplicates in the input"); System.out.println("-local - Implement a local machine algorithm (no MapReduce)"); } /** * @param args * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { GenericOptionsParser parser = new GenericOptionsParser(args); OperationsParams params = new OperationsParams(parser); if (!params.checkInputOutput()) { printUsage(); System.exit(1); } Path[] inFiles = params.getInputPaths(); Path outFile = params.getOutputPath(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Job job = delaunay(inFiles, outFile, params); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Total time: " + (t2 - t1) + " millis"); if (job != null) { System.out.println("Map final sites: " + job.getCounters().findCounter(DelaunayCounters.MAP_FINAL_SITES).getValue()); System.out.println("Map non-final sites: " + job.getCounters().findCounter(DelaunayCounters.MAP_NONFINAL_SITES).getValue()); System.out.println("Reduce final sites: " + job.getCounters().findCounter(DelaunayCounters.REDUCE_FINAL_SITES).getValue()); System.out.println("Reduce non-final sites: " + job.getCounters().findCounter(DelaunayCounters.REDUCE_NONFINAL_SITES).getValue()); } } }