Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Regents of the University of Michigan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.umich.flowfence.service; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ConditionVariable; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import edu.umich.flowfence.common.FlowfenceConstants; import edu.umich.flowfence.common.QMDescriptor; import edu.umich.flowfence.common.QMDetails; import edu.umich.flowfence.common.TaintSet; import edu.umich.flowfence.internal.IResolvedQM; import edu.umich.flowfence.internal.ISandboxObject; import edu.umich.flowfence.internal.ISandboxService; import edu.umich.flowfence.internal.ResolvedQMExceptionResult; import edu.umich.flowfence.sandbox.SandboxService; public final class Sandbox implements Comparable<Sandbox> { private static final String TAG = "FF.Sandbox"; private static final boolean localLOGV = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE); private static final boolean localLOGD = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG); //region Events public static interface EventHandler { public boolean onEvent(String event, Sandbox sender, Object args) throws Exception; } public static final class EventChain { private final WeakHashMap<EventHandler, WeakReference<Object>> mHandlers = new WeakHashMap<>(); private final EventChain mParent; private final String mEventName; public EventChain(String eventName) { mEventName = eventName; mParent = null; } public EventChain(EventChain parent) { mParent = parent; mEventName = parent.mEventName; } private boolean fireInternal(Sandbox sender, Object args, List<Exception> exceptions) { synchronized (mHandlers) { if (mParent != null) { mParent.fireInternal(sender, args, exceptions); } Set<EventHandler> handlerSet = new HashSet<>(mHandlers.keySet()); for (EventHandler handler : handlerSet) { try { if (handler.onEvent(mEventName, sender, args)) { mHandlers.remove(handler); } } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.add(e); } } } return !exceptions.isEmpty(); } private void fire(Sandbox sender, Object args) { if (localLOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "Firing event chain " + mEventName); } ArrayList<Exception> exList = new ArrayList<>(); if (fireInternal(sender, args, exList)) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("Error firing event " + mEventName); for (Exception cause : exList) { e.addSuppressed(cause); } throw e; } } public EventHandler register(Object token, EventHandler handler) { synchronized (mHandlers) { mHandlers.put(handler, new WeakReference<>(token)); return handler; } } public void unregister(EventHandler handler) { synchronized (mHandlers) { mHandlers.remove(handler); } } public void unregisterAll(Object token) { synchronized (mHandlers) { mHandlers.values().removeAll(Collections.singleton(new WeakReference<>(token))); } } public String getName() { return mEventName; } } public static final EventChain g_onCreated = new EventChain("onCreated"); public static final EventChain g_onBeforeConnect = new EventChain("onBeforeConnect"); public static final EventChain g_onConnected = new EventChain("onConnected"); public static final EventChain g_onBeforeDisconnect = new EventChain("onBeforeDisconnect"); public static final EventChain g_onDisconnected = new EventChain("onDisconnected"); public static final EventChain g_onBeforeTaintAdd = new EventChain("onBeforeTaintAdd"); public static final EventChain g_onTaintAdded = new EventChain("onTaintAdded"); public static final EventChain g_onBeforeTaintRemove = new EventChain("onBeforeTaintRemove"); public static final EventChain g_onTaintRemoved = new EventChain("onTaintRemoved"); public static final EventChain g_onExecutionStart = new EventChain("onExecutionStart"); public static final EventChain g_onExecutionFinish = new EventChain("onExecutionFinish"); public final EventChain onBeforeConnect = new EventChain(g_onBeforeConnect); public final EventChain onConnected = new EventChain(g_onConnected); public final EventChain onBeforeDisconnect = new EventChain(g_onBeforeDisconnect); public final EventChain onDisconnected = new EventChain(g_onDisconnected); public final EventChain onBeforeTaintAdd = new EventChain(g_onBeforeTaintAdd); public final EventChain onTaintAdded = new EventChain(g_onTaintAdded); public final EventChain onBeforeTaintRemove = new EventChain(g_onBeforeTaintRemove); public final EventChain onTaintRemoved = new EventChain(g_onTaintRemoved); public final EventChain onExecutionStart = new EventChain(g_onExecutionStart); public final EventChain onExecutionFinish = new EventChain(g_onExecutionFinish); //endregion //region PID-to-Sandbox mapping private static final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Sandbox> s_mPidMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public static Sandbox forPid(int pid) { return s_mPidMap.get(pid); } public static Sandbox getCallingSandbox() { Sandbox sb = Sandbox.forPid(Binder.getCallingPid()); if (sb == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not calling from a sandbox"); } if (sb.getRunningCallRecord() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not currently running a QM in this sandbox"); } return sb; } public static boolean isCallingFromSandbox() { Sandbox sb = Sandbox.forPid(Binder.getCallingPid()); return (sb != null && sb.getRunningCallRecord() != null); } public static TaintSet getCallingTaint() { if (isCallingFromSandbox()) { return getCallingSandbox().getTaints(); } else { return TaintSet.EMPTY; } } private static final EventHandler s_pidConnectedHandler, s_pidDisconnectedHandler; static { s_pidConnectedHandler = g_onConnected.register(Sandbox.class, new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(String event, Sandbox sender, Object args) throws Exception { s_mPidMap.putIfAbsent(sender.getPid(), sender); return false; } }); s_pidDisconnectedHandler = g_onDisconnected.register(Sandbox.class, new EventHandler() { @Override public boolean onEvent(String event, Sandbox sender, Object args) throws Exception { s_mPidMap.remove(sender.mPid, sender); return false; } }); } //endregion private static final Sandbox[] s_mSandboxesById = new Sandbox[FlowfenceConstants.NUM_SANDBOXES]; private static final Bundle s_mExtrasBundle = new Bundle(2); private static final Set<String> s_mKnownPackages = Collections .newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>()); public static void forgetKnownPackage(String packageName) { s_mKnownPackages.remove(packageName); } public static Sandbox get(int id) { Validate.validIndex(s_mSandboxesById, id, "Invalid sandbox ID %d", id); synchronized (s_mSandboxesById) { Sandbox sb = s_mSandboxesById[id]; if (sb == null) { sb = new Sandbox(id); s_mSandboxesById[id] = sb; if (s_mExtrasBundle.isEmpty()) { s_mExtrasBundle.putBinder(SandboxService.EXTRA_TRUSTED_API, TrustedAPI.getInstance().asBinder()); s_mExtrasBundle.putBinder(SandboxService.EXTRA_ROOT_SERVICE, FlowfenceApplication.getInstance().getBinder().asBinder()); } } return sb; } } private static final class ReferenceLeakedException extends RuntimeException { public ReferenceLeakedException() { super("Caller leaked sandbox reference, allocated here"); } } private final class ReferenceHolder { private static final String LEAK_MESSAGE = "Sandbox reference leaked"; private final AtomicBoolean isClosed; private final ReferenceLeakedException creator; public ReferenceHolder() { this.isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false); synchronized (mSync) { addRefLocked(); } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { creator = new ReferenceLeakedException(); } else { creator = null; } } /** * Close a ReferenceHolder and drop the corresponding reference. * @param strongReferent The object that is the key for this ReferenceHolder. */ public void closeLocked() { if (!isClosed.getAndSet(true)) { releaseLocked(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Sandbox reference closed multiple times", new RuntimeException()); } } /** * Handle a leaked ReferenceHolder. * @throws Throwable */ @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if (!isClosed.getAndSet(true)) { if (creator != null) { Log.w(TAG, LEAK_MESSAGE, creator); } else { Log.w(TAG, LEAK_MESSAGE); } synchronized (mSync) { releaseLocked(); } } } finally { super.finalize(); } } public ReferenceLeakedException getCreator() { return creator; } } private final int mID; private final ComponentName mComponent; private final ServiceConnection mConnection; private final FlowfenceApplication mApplication; // Invariant: mStartCount > 0 <=> service is bound or is in the process of doing so. private final WeakHashMap<Object, ReferenceHolder> mStarts = new WeakHashMap<>(); private int mStartCount = 0; // Lock controls access to shared state; CV is used to wait for startup. // Invariant: mSync is open <=> service is successfully bound. private final ConditionVariable mSync = new ConditionVariable(); private final ConditionVariable mCanRestart = new ConditionVariable(true); private final HashSet<String> mKnownPackages = new HashSet<>(); private final WeakHashMap<Handle, ISandboxObject> mUnmarshalledObjects = new WeakHashMap<>(); private ISandboxService mSandboxService; private int mPid; private TaintSet mTaintSet; private final Object mTaintLock = new Object(); private String mAssignedPackage; private boolean mIsRestarting; private CallRecord mCurrentlyRunning; private Sandbox(int id) { mID = id; mApplication = FlowfenceApplication.getInstance(); try { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(String.format(SandboxService.SERVICE_FORMAT, id)); PackageManager pm = mApplication.getPackageManager(); mComponent = new ComponentName(mApplication, clazz); ServiceInfo svcInfo = pm.getServiceInfo(mComponent, 0); if ((svcInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_ISOLATED_PROCESS) == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Sandbox " + id + " is not isolated!"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not load sandbox class", cnfe); throw new RuntimeException(cnfe); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException nnfe) { Log.e(TAG, "Service class not declared in manifest", nnfe); throw new RuntimeException(nnfe); } mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { handleConnected(service); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { handleDisconnected(); } }; mSandboxService = null; mTaintSet = null; mIsRestarting = false;, null); } private boolean isStartedLocked() { return (mStartCount > 0); } private boolean isConnectedLocked() { return (mSandboxService != null && !mIsRestarting); } private void handleConnected(IBinder service) { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { Log.w(TAG, "Connected while already connected"); } if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("Service connected for sandbox %d", mID)); } mSandboxService = ISandboxService.Stub.asInterface(service); mTaintSet = TaintSet.EMPTY; mAssignedPackage = null; mCurrentlyRunning = null; mKnownPackages.addAll(s_mKnownPackages); try { mPid = mSandboxService.getPid(); } catch (RemoteException e) {, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally {; } }, null); } private void handleDisconnected() { boolean shouldRebind = false; synchronized (mSync) { mSync.close(); if (!mIsRestarting) { if (!isConnectedLocked()) { Log.w(TAG, "Disconnected while already disconnected"); } if (mStartCount > 0) { // The sandbox disconnected, but there was a positive start count. // This probably means the sandbox crashed. // Restart it to limit the damage. Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected disconnect, sandbox " + mID); shouldRebind = true; } } if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, String.format("Service disconnected for sandbox %d", mID)); } mSandboxService = null; mTaintSet = null; mAssignedPackage = null; mKnownPackages.clear(); mUnmarshalledObjects.clear(); mCurrentlyRunning = null; }, null); if (shouldRebind) { bind(); } } private void bind() {, null); int flags = Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT | Context.BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND; if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "binding: " + this); } String[] packages = new String[s_mKnownPackages.size()]; packages = s_mKnownPackages.toArray(packages); Intent bindIntent = new Intent().setComponent(mComponent).putExtras(s_mExtrasBundle) .putExtra(SandboxService.EXTRA_KNOWN_PACKAGES, packages) .putExtra(SandboxService.EXTRA_SANDBOX_ID, mID); if (!mApplication.bindService(bindIntent, mConnection, flags)) { Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't bind to sandbox " + mID); } } public void start(Object key) { Objects.requireNonNull(key); synchronized (mSync) { ReferenceHolder holder = mStarts.get(key); if (holder != null) { String message = "Starting sandbox multiple times with key " + key; ReferenceLeakedException creator = holder.getCreator(); IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(message, creator); Log.e(TAG, "Starting sandbox multiple times", e); throw e; } else { mStarts.put(key, new ReferenceHolder()); } } } private void addRefLocked() { if (localLOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "addRef: " + this, new RuntimeException()); } if (mStartCount++ == 0) { bind(); } } public void waitForStartupComplete() { synchronized (mSync) { if (localLOGD && !isConnectedLocked()) { Log.d(TAG, "waiting for startup: " + this, new RuntimeException()); } mSync.block(); } } public void stop(Object key) { synchronized (mSync) { ReferenceHolder holder = mStarts.remove(key); if (holder == null) { String message = "Stopping sandbox without starting for key " + key; IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(message); Log.e(TAG, "Stopping sandbox without starting", e); } else { holder.closeLocked(); } } } private void releaseLocked() { if (localLOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "release: " + this, new RuntimeException()); } int newCount = --mStartCount; if (newCount < 0) {, String.format("Sandbox %d stopped without starting %d times", mID, -newCount)); } else if (newCount == 0) { unbind(); } } private final Runnable mRestartRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (mSync) { unbind(); bind(); mIsRestarting = false; // Drop the reference we grabbed earlier in the call to restart(). releaseLocked(); } } }; public void restart() { if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "restart: " + this); } synchronized (mSync) { if (mStartCount == 0 || mIsRestarting) { // We're already stopped or restarting, no need to restart it again. return; } // Take a reference so that intervening stops and starts don't mess with the // unbind/bind pair that we're doing in the restart runnable. addRefLocked(); mIsRestarting = true; waitForStartupComplete(); mSync.close(); } FlowfenceApplication.getInstance().getBackgroundExecutor().submit(mRestartRunnable); } private final int DEATH_PING_INTERVAL = 50; // ping every 50 ms private final int DEATH_PING_MAX = 300; // 300 total pings = 15 s private void unbind() { if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "unbind: " + this); }, null); ISandboxService sandbox; synchronized (mSync) { sandbox = mSandboxService; mApplication.unbindService(mConnection); } if (sandbox != null) { handleDisconnected(); } else { return; } synchronized (mSync) { // Ask it to terminate itself. try { IBinder binder = sandbox.asBinder(); sandbox.kill(); if (!binder.isBinderAlive()) { return; } int timeout = DEATH_PING_MAX; while (--timeout >= 0) { if (!binder.pingBinder() || !binder.isBinderAlive()) { return; } SystemClock.sleep(DEATH_PING_INTERVAL); } throw new SecurityException("Sandbox process has not died"); } catch (RemoteException e) { // Object's already dead, or we're getting a spurious TransactionTooLarge. } } } private void switchSandboxesLocked(CallRecord record, boolean isStarting) { if (mCurrentlyRunning != (isStarting ? null : record)) { String message = String.format("%s tried to %s executing %s", this, isStarting ? "start" : "finish", record); SandboxInUseException e = new SandboxInUseException(message); Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); throw e; } mCurrentlyRunning = (isStarting ? record : null); } /*package*/ void beginExecute(CallRecord record) { synchronized (mSync) { QMDescriptor desc = record.getQM().getDescriptor(); checkConnected(); checkAssignedPackageLocked(desc); mAssignedPackage = desc.definingClass.getPackageName(); start(record); switchSandboxesLocked(record, true); }, record); } /*package*/ void endExecute(CallRecord record) {, record); synchronized (mSync) { stop(record); switchSandboxesLocked(record, false); } } private ISandboxService getService() { synchronized (mSync) { checkStarted(); if (!isConnectedLocked()) { waitForStartupComplete(); } return mSandboxService; } } private void checkStarted() { if (!isStartedLocked()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Sandbox not started"); } } private void checkConnected() { checkStarted(); if (!isConnectedLocked()) { waitForStartupComplete(); } } private void checkAssignedPackageLocked(QMDescriptor descriptor) { String packageName = descriptor.definingClass.getPackageName(); if (mAssignedPackage != null && !mAssignedPackage.equals(packageName)) { throw new SandboxInUseException( String.format("%s can't resolve '%s', since it's already assigned to package '%s", this.toString(), descriptor, mAssignedPackage)); } mKnownPackages.add(packageName); s_mKnownPackages.add(packageName); } public int getPid() { synchronized (mSync) { checkConnected(); return mPid; } } public TaintSet getTaints() { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { return mTaintSet; } else { return TaintSet.EMPTY; } } } public String getAssignedPackage() { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { return mAssignedPackage; } else { return null; } } } public CallRecord getRunningCallRecord() { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { return mCurrentlyRunning; } else { return null; } } } public boolean hasLoadedPackage(String packageName) { synchronized (mSync) { checkConnected(); return mKnownPackages.contains(packageName); } } public boolean addTaint(TaintSet taint) { synchronized (mTaintLock) { boolean wasTainted; synchronized (mSync) { checkConnected(); wasTainted = !taint.isSubsetOf(mTaintSet); } if (!wasTainted) { return false; }, taint); synchronized (mSync) { mTaintSet = mTaintSet.asBuilder().unionWith(taint).build(); } if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "Sandbox " + mID + " now tainted with " + mTaintSet.toString()); }, taint); return true; } } public TaintSet removeTaint(TaintSet taintsToRemove, Set<String> allowedPackages) { synchronized (mTaintLock) { synchronized (mSync) { checkConnected(); } TaintSet.Builder removedBuilder = new TaintSet.Builder(); TaintSet.Builder newTaint = mTaintSet.asBuilder(); for (ComponentName name : taintsToRemove.asMap().keySet()) { if (allowedPackages.contains(name.getPackageName()) && mTaintSet.isTaintedWith(name)) { removedBuilder.addTaint(name, mTaintSet.getTaintAmount(name)); newTaint.removeTaint(name); } } TaintSet removedSet =; if (TaintSet.EMPTY.equals(removedSet)) { return TaintSet.EMPTY; }, removedSet); synchronized (mSync) { mTaintSet =; } if (localLOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "After clean, sandbox " + mID + " now tainted with " + mTaintSet); }, removedSet); return removedSet; } } public IResolvedQM resolve(QMDescriptor descriptor, boolean bestMatch, QMDetails details) throws Exception { ResolvedQMExceptionResult result; synchronized (mSync) { checkConnected(); checkAssignedPackageLocked(descriptor); result = getService().resolveQM(descriptor, bestMatch, details); } result.throwChecked(); return result.getResult(); } public void registerUnmarshalledObject(Handle h, ISandboxObject sbo) { synchronized (mUnmarshalledObjects) { mUnmarshalledObjects.put(h, sbo); } } public void unregisterUnmarshalledObject(Handle h) { synchronized (mUnmarshalledObjects) { mUnmarshalledObjects.remove(h); } } public int countUnmarshalledObjects() { synchronized (mUnmarshalledObjects) { return mUnmarshalledObjects.size(); } } @Override public String toString() { synchronized (mSync) { String status = isConnectedLocked() ? "connected" : isStartedLocked() ? "starting" : "disconnected"; String running = (mCurrentlyRunning != null) ? "running " + mCurrentlyRunning : "idle"; return String.format("Sandbox[%d]{refs=%d:%s %s %s}", mID, mStartCount, mStarts.keySet(), status, running); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return mID; } public int getID() { return mID; } @Override public int compareTo(Sandbox other) { Objects.requireNonNull(other); return mID - other.mID; } public Debug.MemoryInfo getMemoryInfo() throws RemoteException { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { return mSandboxService.dumpMemoryInfo(); } else { return null; } } } public void gc() throws RemoteException { synchronized (mSync) { if (isConnectedLocked()) { mSandboxService.gc(); } } } }