Java tutorial
package edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican; /******************************************************************** * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * @author Copyright (C) Frank Dudbridge * modified 2012 Brian White * ********************************************************************/ //package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.JsPedigrees; import edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.PE.GenotypeSet; import edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.PE.PedigreeSolution; import edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.PE.PedigreeSolver; public class Pelican extends AbsolutePanel implements ClickHandler { public static int PEDIGREE_SIZE = 600; public static String PEDIGREE_SIZE_STR = String.valueOf(PEDIGREE_SIZE + "px"); public static MenuBar menuBar; private MenuItem undoItem; private MenuItem redoItem; private PopupPanel popup; private PelicanPerson currentPerson; private int currentId; private boolean pedHasChanged; private MenuItem Parents; private Vector<Vector<PelicanPerson>> history; private int historyPosition; private HashSet<String> matingList; /* * array for determining where the user has activated the context menu * (right-clicked) * * it is pixel-for-pixel the drawing canvas * * background = 0 * if a PelicanPerson is there, then the cells under that person have his/her id# */ private int[][] screen; /* {{{ constructor (popup menu) */ public Pelican(RootPanel rootPanel) { super(); setSize(PEDIGREE_SIZE_STR, PEDIGREE_SIZE_STR); setStyleName("jsPX-canvas"); makeMenus(rootPanel); history = new Vector<Vector<PelicanPerson>>(); historyPosition = 0; matingList = new HashSet<String>(); addDomHandler(this, ClickEvent.getType()); exportMethods(this); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Command() { public void execute() { notifyHostpage(); } }); } public static native void notifyHostpage() /*-{ if (typeof $wnd.pedexIsReady === 'function') $wnd.pedexIsReady(); }-*/; /* * methods for interfacing with js pages */ public static native void exportMethods(Pelican p) /*-{ // methods for page buttons $wnd.pedexNewPedigree = $entry(function() {return p.@edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican.Pelican::newPedigree()();}); $wnd.pedexSolvePedigree = $entry(function() {return p.@edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican.Pelican::solvePedigree()();}); // methods for LMS interfacing $wnd.getStateXML = $entry(function() {return p.@edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican.Pelican::getStateXML()();}); $wnd.setStateXML = $entry(function(xmlString) {return p.@edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican.Pelican::setStateXML(Ljava/lang/String;)(xmlString);}); $wnd.getGradeXML = $entry(function() {return p.@edu.umb.jsPedigrees.client.Pelican.Pelican::getGradeXML()();}); }-*/; public String getStateXML() { return getState(); } public void setStateXML(String state) { setState(state); } public String getGradeXML() { return getGrade(); } private void makeMenus(RootPanel rootPanel) { // set up the popup menu that appears when you click on a person popup = new PopupPanel(); MenuBar personMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuBar addMenu = new MenuBar(true); addMenu.addItem("1 son", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("1 son"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("1 daughter", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("1 daughter"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("2 sons", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("2 sons"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("2 daughters", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("2 daughters"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("3 sons", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("3 sons"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("3 daughters", new Command() { public void execute() { addChildren("3 daughters"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("Spouse+son", new Command() { public void execute() { addSpouse("Spouse+son"); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem("Spouse+daughter", new Command() { public void execute() { addSpouse("Spouse+daughter"); popup.hide(); } }); Parents = new MenuItem("Parents", new Command() { public void execute() { addParents(); popup.hide(); } }); addMenu.addItem(Parents); personMenu.addItem("Add", addMenu); MenuBar changeMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuBar changeAff = new MenuBar(true); changeAff.addItem("Affected", new Command() { public void execute() { currentPerson.affection = PelicanPerson.affected; updateDisplay(); popup.hide(); } }); changeAff.addItem("Unaffected", new Command() { public void execute() { currentPerson.affection = PelicanPerson.unaffected; updateDisplay(); popup.hide(); } }); changeMenu.addItem("Affection", changeAff); MenuBar changeSex = new MenuBar(true); changeSex.addItem("Male", new Command() { public void execute() { = PelicanPerson.male; updateDisplay(); popup.hide(); } }); changeSex.addItem("Female", new Command() { public void execute() { = PelicanPerson.female; updateDisplay(); popup.hide(); } }); changeMenu.addItem("Sex", changeSex); personMenu.addItem("Change", changeMenu); personMenu.addItem("Delete", new Command() { public void execute() { deletePerson(currentPerson); popup.hide(); } }); personMenu.addItem("Cancel", new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); } }); MenuBar popupMenu = new MenuBar(); popupMenu.addItem("Edit", personMenu); popupMenu.setAutoOpen(true); popup.add(popupMenu); // main menu MenuBar mainMenu = new MenuBar(); mainMenu.setWidth("50px"); mainMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuBar editMenu = new MenuBar(true); editMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); editMenu.addItem("New Pedigree", new Command() { public void execute() { newPedigree(); updateDisplay(); } }); undoItem = new MenuItem("Undo", new Command() { public void execute() { if (historyPosition > 1) { historyPosition--; Vector<PelicanPerson> savedPed = (Vector<PelicanPerson>) history.elementAt(historyPosition - 1); loadPedigree(savedPed); pedHasChanged = true; updateDisplay(); } } }); editMenu.addItem(undoItem); redoItem = new MenuItem("Redo", new Command() { public void execute() { if (historyPosition < history.size()) { historyPosition++; Vector<PelicanPerson> savedPed = (Vector<PelicanPerson>) history.elementAt(historyPosition - 1); loadPedigree(savedPed); pedHasChanged = true; updateDisplay(); } } }); editMenu.addItem(redoItem); editMenu.addItem("Renumber", new Command() { public void execute() { renumberAll(); updateDisplay(); } }); mainMenu.addItem(new MenuItem("Edit", editMenu)); rootPanel.add(mainMenu); } // get state for LMS in XML format as a string public String getState() { savePedigree(); return getXMLDoc().toString(); } public void setState(String state) { // read in this pedigree from the xml Vector<PelicanPerson> newPedigree = new Vector<PelicanPerson>(); int pedSize = 0; Vector<Integer> pidList = new Vector<Integer>(); Vector<Integer> midList = new Vector<Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> idMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Document doc = XMLParser.parse(state); NodeList people = doc.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < people.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) people.item(i); if (e.getTagName().equals("Person")) { int id = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Id")); int sex = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Sex")); int affection = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Affection")); String[] genotype = new String[2]; genotype[0] = "?"; genotype[1] = "?"; PelicanPerson person = new PelicanPerson(this, id, null, null, sex, affection, "", 0, genotype); newPedigree.add(person); int father = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Father")); pidList.add(new Integer(father)); int mother = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttribute("Mother")); midList.add(new Integer(mother)); idMap.put(new Integer(id), new Integer(pedSize++)); } } for (int i = 0; i < newPedigree.size(); i++) { PelicanPerson person = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(i); //gww if (((Integer)pidList.elementAt(i)).intValue()!=PelicanPerson.unknown) { if ((Integer) pidList.elementAt(i) != PelicanPerson.unknownID) { if (!idMap.containsKey(pidList.elementAt(i))) //gww throw(new Error("Father of subject "+String.valueOf(" is missing")); throw (new Error("Father of subject " + + " is missing")); person.father = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree .elementAt(((Integer) idMap.get(pidList.elementAt(i))).intValue()); } //gww if (((Integer)midList.elementAt(i)).intValue()!=PelicanPerson.unknown) { if ((Integer) midList.elementAt(i) != PelicanPerson.unknownID) { if (!idMap.containsKey(midList.elementAt(i))) //gww throw(new Error("Mother of subject "+String.valueOf(" is missing")); throw (new Error("Mother of subject " + + " is missing")); person.mother = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree .elementAt(((Integer) idMap.get(midList.elementAt(i))).intValue()); } } // figure out the generations ((PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(0)).laidOut = true; boolean someChange = true; int nperson = newPedigree.size(); // repeatedly pass through the pedigree all subjects laid out while (someChange) { someChange = false; for (int i = 0; i < nperson; i++) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(i); if (!p.laidOut) { // try to get it from the parents for (int j = 0; j < nperson; j++) { PelicanPerson parent = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(j); if (parent == p.father && parent.laidOut) { p.generation = parent.generation + 1; p.laidOut = true; someChange = true; } if (parent == p.mother && parent.laidOut) { p.generation = parent.generation + 1; p.laidOut = true; someChange = true; } } } if (p.laidOut) { // assign parents generation for (int j = 0; j < nperson; j++) { PelicanPerson parent = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(j); if (parent == p.father && !parent.laidOut) { parent.generation = p.generation - 1; parent.laidOut = true; someChange = true; } if (parent == p.mother && !parent.laidOut) { parent.generation = p.generation - 1; parent.laidOut = true; someChange = true; } } } } } if (!checkIntegrity(newPedigree).equals("")) { return; } // end clear(); currentId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nperson; i++) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) newPedigree.elementAt(i); add(p); //gww need to add in check for valid integer ID else ignore updating of currentId if ( > 0) { //gww if (i==0 ||>currentId); if (i == 0 || > currentId) currentId =; } } currentId++; newPedigree.removeAllElements(); updateDisplay(); } public String getGrade() { Document d = XMLParser.createDocument(); Element root = d.createElement("Grade"); // first, some specifications of the pedigree int numMales = 0; int numFemales = 0; int numAffectedMales = 0; int numAffectedFemales = 0; PelicanPerson[] people = getAllPeople(); for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { PelicanPerson p = people[i]; if ( == PelicanPerson.male) { numMales++; if (p.affection == PelicanPerson.affected) { numAffectedMales++; } } else { numFemales++; if (p.affection == PelicanPerson.affected) { numAffectedFemales++; } } } Element e = d.createElement("Counts"); Element M = d.createElement("M"); M.appendChild(d.createTextNode(String.valueOf(numMales))); e.appendChild(M); Element F = d.createElement("F"); F.appendChild(d.createTextNode(String.valueOf(numFemales))); e.appendChild(F); Element aM = d.createElement("aM"); aM.appendChild(d.createTextNode(String.valueOf(numAffectedMales))); e.appendChild(aM); Element aF = d.createElement("aF"); aF.appendChild(d.createTextNode(String.valueOf(numAffectedFemales))); e.appendChild(aF); root.appendChild(e); // now, the analysis results renumberAll(); updateDisplay(); String integrity = checkIntegrity(history.lastElement()); if (integrity.equals("")) { PedigreeSolver ps = new PedigreeSolver(getAllPeople(), getMatingList()); PedigreeSolution sol = ps.solve(); e = d.createElement("Analysis"); GenotypeSet[] results = sol.getResults(); Element AR = d.createElement("AR"); if (results[0].getAll().size() > 0) { AR.appendChild(d.createTextNode("Y")); } else { AR.appendChild(d.createTextNode("N")); } e.appendChild(AR); Element AD = d.createElement("AD"); if (results[1].getAll().size() > 0) { AD.appendChild(d.createTextNode("Y")); } else { AD.appendChild(d.createTextNode("N")); } e.appendChild(AD); Element SR = d.createElement("SR"); if (results[2].getAll().size() > 0) { SR.appendChild(d.createTextNode("Y")); } else { SR.appendChild(d.createTextNode("N")); } e.appendChild(SR); Element SD = d.createElement("SD"); if (results[3].getAll().size() > 0) { SD.appendChild(d.createTextNode("Y")); } else { SD.appendChild(d.createTextNode("N")); } e.appendChild(SD); } root.appendChild(e); return root.toString(); } private Element getXMLDoc() { Document d = XMLParser.createDocument(); Element root = d.createElement("PedEx"); PelicanPerson[] people = getAllPeople(); for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { root.appendChild(people[i].save()); } return root; } private void newPedigree() { // start out with a single female clear(); currentId = 1; add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, PelicanPerson.female, 0)); savePedigree(); pedHasChanged = true; updateDisplay(); } // save current pedigree in the history, and clear the future private void savePedigree() { Vector<PelicanPerson> savedPed = new Vector<PelicanPerson>(); HashMap<Integer, PelicanPerson> idMap = new HashMap<Integer, PelicanPerson>(); for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); savedPed.add(new PelicanPerson(p)); idMap.put(new Integer(, (PelicanPerson) savedPed.lastElement()); } for (int i = 0; i < savedPed.size(); i++) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) savedPed.elementAt(i); if (p.father != null) p.father = (PelicanPerson) idMap.get(; if (p.mother != null) p.mother = (PelicanPerson) idMap.get(; } while (history.size() > historyPosition) history.remove(history.lastElement()); history.add(savedPed); historyPosition++; } // load pedigree from the history private void loadPedigree(Vector<PelicanPerson> savedPed) { clear(); HashMap<Integer, PelicanPerson> idMap = new HashMap<Integer, PelicanPerson>(); for (int i = 0; i < savedPed.size(); i++) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) savedPed.elementAt(i); PelicanPerson person = new PelicanPerson(p); add(person); idMap.put(new Integer(, person); } for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if (p.father != null) //gww p.father=(PelicanPerson)idMap.get(new Integer(; p.father = (PelicanPerson) idMap.get(; if (p.mother != null) //gww p.mother=(PelicanPerson)idMap.get(new Integer(; p.mother = (PelicanPerson) idMap.get(; } updateDisplay(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ updateDisplay */ public void updateDisplay() { savePedigree(); pedHasChanged = true; drawPedigree(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ areSpouses */ private boolean areSpouses(PelicanPerson person1, PelicanPerson person2) { if (person1 == null || person2 == null) return (false); // construct unique set entry from the id strings concatenated with a space if (matingList.contains( + " " + || matingList.contains( + " " + return (true); return (false); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ isChild */ private boolean isChild(PelicanPerson child, PelicanPerson person1, PelicanPerson person2) { if (child.father == person1 && child.mother == person2 || child.mother == person1 && child.father == person2) return (true); return (false); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ areSibs */ private boolean areSibs(PelicanPerson person1, PelicanPerson person2) { if (person1.father == person2.father && person1.mother == person2.mother) return (true); return (false); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ isAncestor */ private boolean isAncestor(PelicanPerson parent, PelicanPerson child) { if (child.father == parent || child.mother == parent) return (true); if (child.father != null) { if (isAncestor(parent, child.father)) return (true); } if (child.mother != null) { if (isAncestor(parent, child.mother)) return (true); } return (false); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ addParents */ private void addParents() { // new father currentPerson.father = new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, PelicanPerson.male, currentPerson.generation - 1); add(currentPerson.father); // new mother currentPerson.mother = new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, PelicanPerson.female, currentPerson.generation - 1); add(currentPerson.mother); updateDisplay(); } /* {{{ addChildren */ private void addChildren(String request) { // find spouse for this subject PelicanPerson spouse = null; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount() && spouse == null; i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson person = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if (areSpouses(person, currentPerson)) spouse = person; } // create a spouse if (spouse == null) { if ( == PelicanPerson.female) spouse = new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, PelicanPerson.male, currentPerson.generation); else spouse = new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, PelicanPerson.female, currentPerson.generation); add(spouse); } // add in the children int generation = Math.max(currentPerson.generation, spouse.generation); for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(request.substring(0, 1)); i++) { if ( == PelicanPerson.female) { if (request.charAt(2) == 's') add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, spouse, currentPerson, PelicanPerson.male, generation + 1)); else add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, spouse, currentPerson, PelicanPerson.female, generation + 1)); } else { if (request.charAt(2) == 's') add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, currentPerson, spouse, PelicanPerson.male, generation + 1)); else add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, currentPerson, spouse, PelicanPerson.female, generation + 1)); } } updateDisplay(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ addSpouse */ private void addSpouse(String request) { // create a spouse int spouseId = currentId++; PelicanPerson spouse; if ( == PelicanPerson.female) { spouse = new PelicanPerson(this, spouseId, PelicanPerson.male, currentPerson.generation); add(spouse); } else { spouse = new PelicanPerson(this, spouseId, PelicanPerson.female, currentPerson.generation); add(spouse); } // add in the child if ( == PelicanPerson.female) { if (request.charAt(7) == 's') add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, spouse, currentPerson, PelicanPerson.male, currentPerson.generation + 1)); else add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, spouse, currentPerson, PelicanPerson.female, currentPerson.generation + 1)); } else { if (request.charAt(7) == 's') add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, currentPerson, spouse, PelicanPerson.male, currentPerson.generation + 1)); else add(new PelicanPerson(this, currentId++, currentPerson, spouse, PelicanPerson.female, currentPerson.generation + 1)); } updateDisplay(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ changeId */ // swaps the Id's for two subjects private void changeId(int oldId, int newId) { for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson person = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if ( == oldId) = newId; else if ( == newId) = oldId; } } // renumber the subjects, top-down, left-right public void renumberAll() { boolean someChange = false; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson person = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); int thisId = 0; for (int j = 0; j < getWidgetCount(); j++) if (getWidget(j) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson person2 = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(j); if (person2.generation < person.generation || person2.generation == person.generation && getWidgetLeft(person2) <= getWidgetLeft(person)) thisId++; } if ( != thisId) { changeId(, thisId); someChange = true; } } if (someChange) updateDisplay(); } /* {{{ deletePerson */ // recursively mark a subject and its descendents for deletion private void markForDeletion(PelicanPerson person) { // remove all children for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if (p.father == person || p.mother == person) markForDeletion(p); } // remove orphan spouses, who have no other spouses of their own for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if (areSpouses(p, person) && p.isOrphan()) { boolean soleMate = true; for (int j = 0; j < getWidgetCount(); j++) if (getWidget(j) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson pp = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(j); if (areSpouses(p, pp) && pp != person) soleMate = false; } if (soleMate) p.laidOut = true; } } // remove this subject person.laidOut = true; } // main routine to delete a person private void deletePerson(PelicanPerson person) { // check if the person has children boolean hasChild = false; boolean hasPaternalSibs = false; boolean hasMaternalSibs = false; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); if (p.father == person || p.mother == person) hasChild = true; if (p != person && p.father == person.father) hasPaternalSibs = true; if (p != person && p.mother == person.mother) hasMaternalSibs = true; } if (!hasChild && hasPaternalSibs && hasMaternalSibs) { remove(person); updateDisplay(); return; } // here, laidOut indicates whether a subject is marked for deletion for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) ((PelicanPerson) getWidget(i)).laidOut = false; markForDeletion(person); if (person.hasMother()) if (person.mother.isOrphan() && !hasMaternalSibs) person.mother.laidOut = true; if (person.hasFather()) if (person.father.isOrphan() && !hasPaternalSibs) person.father.laidOut = true; boolean empty = true; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { if (((PelicanPerson) getWidget(i)).laidOut) { remove(i); i--; } else empty = false; } if (empty) newPedigree(); updateDisplay(); } private PelicanPerson getPersonById(int id) { PelicanPerson[] people = getAllPeople(); for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { if (people[i].id == id) return people[i]; } return null; } /* {{{ layoutPerson */ // recursively lay out a person // returns: number of horizontal units taken up by its nuclear family private double layoutPerson(PelicanPerson person, int across) { int offspringSpace = 0; int spouseSpace = 0; PelicanPerson spouse = null; int verticalOffset = 0; // lay out with the first spouse boolean haveSpouse = false; boolean hasSibs = false; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount() && !haveSpouse; i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { spouse = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); PelicanPerson lastChild = null; if (areSpouses(spouse, person) /* && spouse.isOrphan() */ /*&& !spouse.laidOut*/) { for (int j = 0; j < getWidgetCount(); j++) if (getWidget(j) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson child = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(j); if (isChild(child, person, spouse)) { offspringSpace += layoutPerson(child, across + offspringSpace); lastChild = child; } } haveSpouse = true; } if (areSibs(spouse, person) && spouse != person) hasSibs = true; } // place to the left of the spouse if (!person.laidOut) { if (offspringSpace > 1) { setWidgetPosition(person, PelicanPerson.xSpace * (2 * across + offspringSpace - 2) / 2, (PelicanPerson.ySpace + verticalOffset) * person.generation); } else { setWidgetPosition(person, PelicanPerson.xSpace * across, (PelicanPerson.ySpace + verticalOffset) * person.generation); } // move a singleton child across by half a space if (!hasSibs && !haveSpouse) { if ((person.father == null || !person.father.laidOut) && (person.mother == null || !person.mother.laidOut)) { setWidgetPosition(person, getWidgetLeft(person) + PelicanPerson.xSpace / 2, getWidgetTop(person)); } } person.laidOut = true; spouseSpace++; } // place the spouse if (haveSpouse && !spouse.laidOut && spouse.generation == person.generation) { if (offspringSpace > 1) { setWidgetPosition(spouse, PelicanPerson.xSpace * (2 * across + offspringSpace - 2 + spouseSpace * 2) / 2, (PelicanPerson.ySpace + verticalOffset) * person.generation); } else { setWidgetPosition(spouse, PelicanPerson.xSpace * (across + spouseSpace), (PelicanPerson.ySpace + verticalOffset) * person.generation); } spouse.laidOut = true; spouseSpace++; } int maxSpace = (offspringSpace > spouseSpace) ? offspringSpace : spouseSpace; // lay out with other spouses for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { spouse = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(i); spouseSpace = 0; offspringSpace = 0; if (areSpouses(spouse, person) && (spouse.isOrphan() || !spouse.laidOut)) { for (int j = 0; j < getWidgetCount(); j++) if (getWidget(j) instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson child = (PelicanPerson) getWidget(j); if (isChild(child, person, spouse)) offspringSpace += layoutPerson(child, across + maxSpace + offspringSpace); } // place the spouse if (!spouse.laidOut && spouse.generation == person.generation) { setWidgetPosition(spouse, PelicanPerson.xSpace * (2 * (across + maxSpace) + offspringSpace - 1) / 2, (PelicanPerson.ySpace + verticalOffset) * person.generation); spouse.laidOut = true; spouseSpace++; } maxSpace += (offspringSpace > spouseSpace) ? offspringSpace : spouseSpace; } } // System.out.println("ID "" max "+String.valueOf(maxSpace)); return (maxSpace); } public PelicanPerson[] getAllPeople() { ArrayList<PelicanPerson> people = new ArrayList<PelicanPerson>(); for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { people.add((PelicanPerson) getWidget(i)); } } return people.toArray(new PelicanPerson[people.size()]); } public HashSet<String> getMatingList() { return matingList; } /* {{{ paintComponent: draw the pedigree */ // draw the pedigree public void drawPedigree() { if (!pedHasChanged) return; undoItem.setEnabled(historyPosition > 1); redoItem.setEnabled(historyPosition != history.size()); PelicanPerson[] people = getAllPeople(); int numPeople = people.length; // Initialise: nobody laid out, orphans are root subjects for (int i = 0; i < numPeople; i++) { people[i].laidOut = false; people[i].root = people[i].isOrphan(); } // Make list of matings and ensure roots have orphan spouses matingList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numPeople; i++) { PelicanPerson person = people[i]; if (person.father != null && person.mother != null) //gww matingList.add(new Dimension(,; matingList.add( + " " +; if (person.father != null && !person.father.isOrphan()) if (person.mother != null && person.mother.generation >= person.father.generation) person.mother.root = false; if (person.mother != null && !person.mother.isOrphan()) if (person.father != null && person.father.generation >= person.mother.generation) person.father.root = false; } // lay out the root subjects // person is a root if it has spouses which are all orphans int rootSpace = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPeople; i++) { PelicanPerson person = people[i]; if (!person.laidOut && person.isOrphan() && person.isRoot()) { rootSpace += layoutPerson(person, rootSpace); } } // normalise x-y locations for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (!(getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson)) remove(i); } int minx = 0; int miny = 0; int maxx = 0; int maxy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget c = getWidget(i); if (i == 0 || getWidgetLeft(c) < minx) minx = getWidgetLeft(c); if (i == 0 || getWidgetTop(c) < miny) miny = getWidgetTop(c); if (i == 0 || getWidgetLeft(c) > maxx) maxx = getWidgetLeft(c); if (i == 0 || getWidgetTop(c) > maxy) maxy = getWidgetTop(c); } // set up array to tell where clicks land screen = new int[PEDIGREE_SIZE][PEDIGREE_SIZE]; // initializes all to 0 for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) { Widget c = getWidget(i); // if pedigree fits in the frame, then centre it // otherwise start it at (0,0) int px, py; if (maxx - minx + PelicanPerson.xSpace < getOffsetWidth()) { px = getWidgetLeft(c) - (maxx + minx - getOffsetWidth() + PelicanPerson.symbolSize) / 2; py = getWidgetTop(c) - miny + PelicanPerson.symbolSize / 2; } else { px = getWidgetLeft(c) - minx + PelicanPerson.symbolSize / 2; py = getWidgetTop(c) - miny + PelicanPerson.symbolSize / 2; } setWidgetPosition(c, px, py); if (c instanceof PelicanPerson) { PelicanPerson p = (PelicanPerson) c; p.drawSymbol(); for (int x = px; x < (px + p.symbolSize); x++) { for (int y = py; y < (py + p.symbolSize); y++) { screen[x][y] =; } } } } // draw the lines on the graph insert(PelicanLines.drawLines(this), 0, 0, 1); setSize(String.valueOf(maxx - minx + PelicanPerson.xSpace + PelicanPerson.symbolSize / 2), String.valueOf(maxy - miny + PelicanPerson.ySpace + PelicanPerson.symbolSize / 2)); setVisible(true); currentId = 0; // need to check if this is a valid integer ID for (int i = 0; i < getWidgetCount(); i++) if (getWidget(i) instanceof PelicanPerson) { // if 'id' is a valid integer int id = ((PelicanPerson) getWidget(i)).id; if (id > 0) currentId = Math.max(currentId, ((PelicanPerson) getWidget(i)).id); } currentId++; currentPerson = null; pedHasChanged = false; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ checkIntegrity */ // check that fathers are male, etc private String checkIntegrity(Vector<PelicanPerson> pedigree) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < pedigree.size(); i++) { PelicanPerson person = pedigree.elementAt(i); // some sanity checks to catch egregious errors that should never happen if ((person.mother == null) && (person.father != null)) { b.append("Error: Person #" + + " has father but no mother!"); } if ((person.mother != null) && (person.father == null)) { b.append("Error: Person #" + + " has mother but no father!"); } if (((person.mother != null) && (person.father != null)) && ((person.mother.genotype[0].equals("? ?")) || (person.father.genotype[0].equals("? ?")))) { b.append("Error: Person #" + + " parent(s) genotypes have not been set!"); } // tests from original Pelican boolean fatherError = false; boolean motherError = false; for (int j = 0; j < pedigree.size(); j++) { PelicanPerson parent = (PelicanPerson) pedigree.elementAt(j); if (parent == person.father && == PelicanPerson.female) fatherError = true; if (parent == person.mother && == PelicanPerson.male) motherError = true; } // perhaps the pid/mid fields are swapped? if (fatherError && motherError) { b.append("Subject " + + " has a male mother and female father.\n"); } else { if (fatherError) { b.append("Subject " + + " has a female father.\n"); } if (motherError) { b.append("Subject " + + " has a male mother.\n"); } } } return b.toString(); } /** * * Popup menu listener * */ public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int x = event.getX(); int y = event.getY(); if (screen[x][y] != 0) { currentPerson = getPersonById(screen[x][y]); popup.showRelativeTo(currentPerson);; } else { popup.hide(); } } public String solvePedigree() { renumberAll(); updateDisplay(); String integrity = checkIntegrity(history.lastElement()); if (integrity.equals("")) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); PedigreeSolver ps = new PedigreeSolver(getAllPeople(), getMatingList()); PedigreeSolution sol = ps.solve(); PedigreeSolution consolidatedSol = ps.consolidate(sol); b.append(consolidatedSol + "\n"); return b.toString(); } else { return integrity; } } }