Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2015 University of Massachusetts * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Initial developer(s): V. Arun */ package edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.PaxosConfig; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.PaxosConfig.PC; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.PaxosManager; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.SQLPaxosLogger; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.interfaces.Request; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxosutil.LargeCheckpointer; import edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxosutil.SQL; import edu.umass.cs.nio.interfaces.IntegerPacketType; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.ReconfigurationConfig.RC; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.examples.AppRequest; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.interfaces.ReconfiguratorDB; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationpackets.DemandReport; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.AbstractDemandProfile; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.DemandProfile; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ReconfigurableSampleNodeConfig; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ReconfigurationRecord; import edu.umass.cs.reconfiguration.reconfigurationutils.ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates; import edu.umass.cs.utils.Config; import edu.umass.cs.utils.DelayProfiler; import edu.umass.cs.utils.DiskMap; import edu.umass.cs.utils.StringLocker; import edu.umass.cs.utils.Util; import edu.umass.cs.utils.MyLogger; /** * @author V. Arun * @param <NodeIDType> */ public class SQLReconfiguratorDB<NodeIDType> extends AbstractReconfiguratorDB<NodeIDType> implements ReconfiguratorDB<NodeIDType> { /* ******************************************************************** * DB related parameters to be changed to use a different database service. */ private static final SQL.SQLType SQL_TYPE = SQL.SQLType.valueOf(Config.getGlobalString(RC.SQL_TYPE)); private static final String DATABASE = Config.getGlobalString(RC.RECONFIGURATION_DB_PREFIX); // "reconfiguration_DB"; /* ************ End of DB service related parameters ************** */ private static final String RECONFIGURATION_RECORD_TABLE = "checkpoint"; private static final String PENDING_TABLE = "messages"; private static final String DEMAND_PROFILE_TABLE = "demand"; private static final String NODE_CONFIG_TABLE = "nodeconfig"; private static final String LOG_DIRECTORY = Config.getGlobalString(PC.GIGAPAXOS_DATA_DIR) + "/" + // unchangeable RC.RECONFIGURATION_DB_DIR.getDefaultValue(); private static final boolean CONN_POOLING = true; // should just be true private static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 100; private static final int MAX_NAME_SIZE = SQLPaxosLogger.MAX_PAXOS_ID_SIZE; /** * May need to increase this if the number of members in a replica group is * very large. */ private static final int MAX_RC_RECORD_SIZE = Math.max(4096, SQLPaxosLogger.MAX_GROUP_STR_LENGTH * 16); private static final int MAX_DEMAND_PROFILE_SIZE = Config.getGlobalInt(RC.MAX_DEMAND_PROFILE_SIZE); // 4096; private static final boolean RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION = MAX_RC_RECORD_SIZE > SQL.getVarcharSize(SQL_TYPE); private static final boolean DEMAND_PROFILE_CLOB_OPTION = MAX_DEMAND_PROFILE_SIZE > SQL .getVarcharSize(SQL_TYPE); private static final boolean COMBINE_DEMAND_STATS = Config.getGlobalBoolean(RC.COMBINE_DEMAND_STATS);// false; private static final String CHECKPOINT_TRANSFER_DIR = "paxos_large_checkpoints"; private static final String FINAL_CHECKPOINT_TRANSFER_DIR = "final_checkpoints"; /** * Should just be true as reconfigurator checkpoint size increases with the * number of service names and can therefore be very large. */ private static final boolean LARGE_CHECKPOINTS_OPTION = true; private static final int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 128; private static final String CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1"; private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = Config.getGlobalInt(PC.PACKET_DEMULTIPLEXER_THREADS); private static enum Columns { SERVICE_NAME, EPOCH, RC_GROUP_NAME, ACTIVES, NEW_ACTIVES, RC_STATE, STRINGIFIED_RECORD, DEMAND_PROFILE, INET_ADDRESS, PORT, NODE_CONFIG_VERSION, RC_NODE_ID, AR_NODE_ID, IS_RECONFIGURATOR }; private static enum Keys { INET_SOCKET_ADDRESS, FILENAME, FILESIZE }; private final DiskMap<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> rcRecords; private static final ArrayList<SQLReconfiguratorDB<?>> instances = new ArrayList<SQLReconfiguratorDB<?>>(); protected String logDirectory; private ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = null; private ServerSocket serverSock = null; private Object fileSystemLock = new Object(); private StringLocker stringLocker = new StringLocker(); private ScheduledExecutorService executor; Future<?> checkpointServerFuture = null; private boolean closed = true; private static final Logger log = (Reconfigurator.getLogger()); private static final int MAX_DB_BATCH_SIZE = Config.getGlobalInt(PC.MAX_DB_BATCH_SIZE); /** * @param myID * @param nc * @param logDir */ private SQLReconfiguratorDB(NodeIDType myID, ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<NodeIDType> nc, String logDir) { super(myID, nc); logDirectory = (logDir == null ? SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY : logDir) + "/"; addDerbyPersistentReconfiguratorDB(this); this.rcRecords = USE_DISK_MAP ? new DiskMap<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>>( Config.getGlobalInt(PC.PINSTANCES_CAPACITY)) { @Override public Set<String> commit(Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> toCommit) throws IOException { return SQLReconfiguratorDB.this.putReconfigurationRecordDB(toCommit); } @Override public ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> restore(String key) throws IOException { return SQLReconfiguratorDB.this.getReconfigurationRecordDB(key); } } : null; initialize(true); } private SQLReconfiguratorDB(NodeIDType myID) { super(myID, null); logDirectory = SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY + "/"; this.rcRecords = null; this.initialize(false); } /** * @param myID * @param nc */ public static void dropState(String myID, ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<String> nc) { if (!isEmbeddedDB()) // no need to connect if embedded new SQLReconfiguratorDB<String>(myID).dropState(); else { // remove embedded reconfigurator DB Util.recursiveRemove(new File(SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY + "/" + getMyDBName(myID))); // large checkpoints Util.recursiveRemove(new File(getCheckpointDir(SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY, myID))); } // remove if empty (new File(SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY + "/" + CHECKPOINT_TRANSFER_DIR)).delete(); (new File(SQLReconfiguratorDB.LOG_DIRECTORY)).delete(); // remove paxos state SQLPaxosLogger.dropState(myID); } private SQLReconfiguratorDB<?> dropState() { for (String table : this.getAllTableNames()) this.dropTable(table); return this; } private Set<String> putReconfigurationRecordDB(Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> toCommit) { String updateCmd = "update " + getRCRecordTable() + " set " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + "=?, " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + "=? where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; String cmd = updateCmd; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; Connection conn = null; Set<String> committed = new HashSet<String>(); String[] keys = toCommit.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); try { ArrayList<String> batch = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String name = keys[i]; if (conn == null) { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(updateCmd); } // removal if (toCommit.get(name) == null) { this.deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(name); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} deleted RC record {1}", new Object[] { this, name }); committed.add(name); continue; } // else update/insert String rcGroupName = toCommit.get(name).getRCGroupName(); if (rcGroupName == null) rcGroupName = this.getRCGroupName(name); pstmt.setString(1, rcGroupName); if (RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION) pstmt.setClob(2, new StringReader((toCommit.get(name)).toString())); else pstmt.setString(2, (toCommit.get(name)).toString()); pstmt.setString(3, name); pstmt.addBatch(); batch.add(name); int[] executed = new int[batch.size()]; if ((i + 1) % MAX_DB_BATCH_SIZE == 0 || (i + 1) == toCommit.size()) { executed = pstmt.executeBatch(); assert (executed.length == batch.size()); conn.commit(); pstmt.clearBatch(); for (int j = 0; j < executed.length; j++) { if (executed[j] > 0) { log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} updated RC DB record to {1}", new Object[] { this, toCommit.get(batch.get(j)).getSummary() }); committed.add(batch.get(j)); } else log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} unable to update RC record {1} (executed={2}), will try insert", new Object[] { this, batch.get(j), executed[j] }); } batch.clear(); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while inserting RC record using " + cmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt); cleanup(conn); } log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} batch-committed {1}({2}) out of {3}({4})", new Object[] { this, committed.size(), committed, toCommit.size(), toCommit.keySet() }); committed.addAll(this.putReconfigurationRecordIndividually(this.diff(toCommit, committed))); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} committed {1}({2}) out of {3}({4})", new Object[] { this, committed.size(), committed, toCommit.size(), toCommit.keySet() }); return committed; } private Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> diff(Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> map, Set<String> set) { Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> diffMap = new HashMap<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>>(); for (String s : map.keySet()) if (!set.contains(s) && map.get(s) != null) diffMap.put(s, map.get(s)); return diffMap; } private Set<String> putReconfigurationRecordIndividually( Map<String, ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>> toCommit) { log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} individually committing names {1} names: {2}", new Object[] { this, toCommit.keySet().size(), toCommit.keySet() }); Set<String> committed = new HashSet<String>(); for (String name : toCommit.keySet()) { String rcGroupName = toCommit.get(name).getRCGroupName(); if (rcGroupName == null) rcGroupName = this.getRCGroupName(name); if (toCommit.get(name) == null) { this.deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(name); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} deleted RC record {1}", new Object[] { this, name }); } else { this.putReconfigurationRecordDB(toCommit.get(name), rcGroupName); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} individually committed {1}/{2} : {3}", new Object[] { this, name, toCommit.get(name).getRCGroupName(), toCommit.get(name).getSummary() }); } committed.add(name); } // this.printRCTable(); return committed; } /** * @param myID * @param nc */ public SQLReconfiguratorDB(NodeIDType myID, ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<NodeIDType> nc) { this(myID, nc, null); } /******************** Start of overridden methods *********************/ @Override public synchronized ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> getReconfigurationRecord(String name) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) return this.rcRecords.get(name); else return this.getReconfigurationRecordDB(name); } private ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> getReconfigurationRecordDB(String name) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> rcRecord = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = this.getPreparedStatement(conn, getRCRecordTable(), name, Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString()); recordRS = pstmt.executeQuery(); assert (!recordRS.isClosed()); while ( { String msg = recordRS.getString(1); rcRecord = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(new JSONObject(msg), this.consistentNodeConfig); } } catch (SQLException | JSONException e) { log.severe((e instanceof SQLException ? "SQL" : "JSON") + "Exception while getting RC record for " + name + ":"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); } DelayProfiler.updateDelay("getrcrecord", t0); return rcRecord; } @Override public synchronized boolean updateDemandStats(DemandReport<NodeIDType> report) { JSONObject update = report.getStats(); JSONObject historic = getDemandStatsJSON(report.getServiceName()); JSONObject combined = null; String insertCmd = "insert into " + getDemandTable() + " (" + Columns.DEMAND_PROFILE.toString() + ", " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " ) values (?,?)"; String updateCmd = "update " + getDemandTable() + " set " + Columns.DEMAND_PROFILE.toString() + "=? where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; String cmd = historic != null ? updateCmd : insertCmd; combined = update; if (historic != null && shouldCombineStats()) combined = combineStats(historic, update); PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); if (DEMAND_PROFILE_CLOB_OPTION) insertCP.setClob(1, new StringReader(combined.toString())); else insertCP.setString(1, combined.toString()); insertCP.setString(2, report.getServiceName()); insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while updating stats using " + cmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } return true; } @Override public synchronized boolean setState(String name, int epoch, ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates state) { return this.setStateMerge(name, epoch, state, null, null); } /* One of two methods that changes state. Generally, this method will change * the state to READY, while setStateInitReconfiguration sets the state from * READY usually to WAIT_ACK_STOP. */ @Override public synchronized boolean setStateMerge(String name, int epoch, ReconfigurationRecord.RCStates state, Set<NodeIDType> newActives, Set<String> mergees) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); if (record == null) return false; log.log(Level.INFO, "==============================> {0} {1} {2}:{3} -> {4}:{5} {6} {7} {8}", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), epoch, state, record.getNewActives(), mergees != null && !mergees.isEmpty() ? mergees : "", isUnclean(record) ? "(unclean)" : "" }); record.setStateMerge(name, epoch, state, mergees); // setStateInitReconfiguration used for intent assert (state.equals(RCStates.READY) || state.equals(RCStates.READY_READY) || state.equals(RCStates.WAIT_DELETE)); if (record.isReady()) { record.setActivesToNewActives(newActives); /* The list of pending reconfigurations is stored persistently so * that we can resume the most recent incomplete reconfiguration * upon recovery. The ones before the most recent will be handled by * paxos roll forward automatically. The reason paxos is not enough * for the most recent one is because reconfiguration is (at least) * a two step process consisting of an "intent" followed by a * "complete" operation. Paxos will blindly replay all committed * operations but has no way of knowing application-specific * information like the fact that an intent has to be followed by * complete. So if the node crashes after an intent but before the * corresponding complete, the app has to redo just that last step. * * FIXME: setPending is invoked twice during each reconfiguration, * which touches the DB and slows down reconfiguration. But we can * not simply use DiskMap like for the main records table because * the pending table is not backed up by paxos. One fix is to use * DiskMap and also include the pending table information in paxos * checkpoints so that paxos can restore it upon recovery. Then, * reconfiguration can proceed essentially at half of paxos * throughput. */ if (record.isReconfigurationReady()) this.setPending(name, false); /* Trimming RC epochs is needed only for the NODE_CONFIG record. It * removes entries for deleted RC nodes. The entries maintain the * current epoch number for the group corresponding to each RC node * in NODE_CONFIG. This information is needed in order for nodes to * know from what current epoch number to reconfigure to the next * epoch number when the corresponding RC groups may be out of date * locally or may not even exist locally. A simpler alternative is * to force all RC groups to reconfigure upon the addition or * deletion of any RC nodes so that RC group epoch numbers are * always identical to the NODE_CONFIG epoch number, but this is * unsatisfying as it does not preserve the "consistent hashing" * like property for reconfigurations, i.e., ideally only * reconfigurators on the ring near an added or deleted * reconfigurator should be affected. Note that even a "trivial" * reconfiguration, i.e., when there is no actual change in an RC * group, must go through the stop, start, drop sequence for * correctness, and that process involves checkpointing and * restoring locally from the checkpoint. Even though the * checkpoints are local, it can take a long time for a large number * of records, so it is better avoided when not needed. * * A downside of allowing different epoch numbers for different * groups is that manual intervention if ever needed will be * harrowing. It is much simpler to track out of date RC nodes when * all RC group epoch numbers are known to be identical to the * NODE_CONFIG epoch number. */ record.trimRCEpochs(); } this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); return true; } private boolean isUnclean(ReconfigurationRecord<?> record) { return record.getUnclean() > 0 && !this.isRCGroupName(record.getName()); } /* state can be changed only if the current state is READY and if so, it can * only be changed to WAIT_ACK_STOP. The epoch argument must also match the * current epoch number. */ @Override public synchronized boolean setStateInitReconfiguration(String name, int epoch, RCStates state, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); assert (record != null && ((!TWO_PAXOS_RC && epoch - record.getEpoch() >= 0) || epoch - record.getEpoch() == 0)) : epoch + "!=" + record.getEpoch() + " at " + myID; if (!record.isReady()) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} {1}:{2} not ready for transition to {3}:{4}:{5}", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), record.getEpoch(), name, epoch, state }); return false; } assert (state.equals(RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP)); log.log(Level.INFO, "==============================> {0} {1} {2}:{3} -> {4}:{5} {6}", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), epoch, state, newActives }); record.setState(name, epoch, state, newActives); // during recovery, we can already have the reconfiguration pending this.setPending(name, true, true); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); assert (!name.equals(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()) || !record.getActiveReplicas().equals(record.getNewActives())); return true; } private static final boolean USE_DISK_MAP = Config.getGlobalBoolean(RC.USE_DISK_MAP_RCDB); private synchronized void putReconfigurationRecord(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> rcRecord) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) this.rcRecords.put(rcRecord.getName(), rcRecord); else this.putReconfigurationRecordDB(rcRecord, this.getRCGroupName(rcRecord.getName())); } private synchronized void putReconfigurationRecord(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> rcRecord, String rcGroupName) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) { this.rcRecords.put(rcRecord.getName(), rcRecord.setRCGroupName(rcGroupName)); } else this.putReconfigurationRecordDB(rcRecord, rcGroupName); } private void putReconfigurationRecordDB(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> rcRecord, String rcGroupName) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> prev = this.getReconfigurationRecordDB(rcRecord.getName()); String insertCmd = "insert into " + getRCRecordTable() + " (" + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + ", " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + ", " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " ) values (?,?,?)"; String updateCmd = "update " + getRCRecordTable() + " set " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + "=?, " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + "=? where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; String cmd = prev != null ? updateCmd : insertCmd; rcRecord.setRCGroupName(rcGroupName); PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); insertCP.setString(1, rcGroupName); if (RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION) insertCP.setClob(2, new StringReader(rcRecord.toString())); else insertCP.setString(2, rcRecord.toString()); insertCP.setString(3, rcRecord.getName()); insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while inserting RC record using " + cmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } // printRCTable(); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} put {1} into RC group {2}", new Object[] { this, rcRecord.getSummary(), rcGroupName }); } protected void printRCTable() { String cmd = "select * from " + this.getRCRecordTable(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); String s = "["; while ( { s += "\n " + rs.getString(Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString()) + " " + rs.getString(Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString()) + " " + rs.getString(Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString()); } + " RC table " + this.getRCRecordTable() + " :\n" + s + "\n]"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("SQLException while print RC records table " + cmd); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, rs); cleanup(conn); } } /* Should put RC records only for non-RC group names. */ private synchronized boolean putReconfigurationRecordIfNotName(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record, String rcGroupName, String mergee) { // if RC group record, it must match rcGroupName if (this.isRCGroupName(record.getName()) && !record.getName().equals(rcGroupName)) return false; // special case coz mergee may not be recognized by isRCGroupName else if (record.getName().equals(mergee)) return false; // else good to insert and set pending if needed this.putReconfigurationRecord(record, rcGroupName); if (!record.isReady()) this.setPending(record.getName(), true, true); log.log(Level.FINER, "{0} inserted RC record named {1} to RC group {2}", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), rcGroupName }); return true; } @Override public synchronized boolean deleteReconfigurationRecord(String name, int epoch) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); if (record != null && record.getEpoch() == epoch) return this.rcRecords.remove(name) != null; else return false; } else return this.deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(name, epoch); } private synchronized boolean deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(String name, Integer epoch) { if (epoch != null) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecordDB(name); if (record == null || (record.getEpoch() != epoch)) return false; } log.log(Level.INFO, "==============================> {0} {1} -> DELETE", new Object[] { this, name }); boolean deleted = this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, this.getRCRecordTable()); this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, this.getPendingTable()); this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, this.getDemandTable()); return deleted; } private synchronized boolean deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(String name) { return this.deleteReconfigurationRecordDB(name, null); } @Override public synchronized boolean markDeleteReconfigurationRecord(String name, int epoch) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); if (record == null) return false; assert (record.getEpoch() == epoch); // READY possible under merge operations assert (record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP)) : record; log.log(Level.INFO, MyLogger.FORMAT[4], new Object[] { "==============================> ", this, name, " ->", "DELETE PENDING" }); record.setState(name, epoch, RCStates.WAIT_DELETE); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); // not necessary to delete demand right here this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, this.getDemandTable()); return true; } // This also sets newActives @Override public synchronized ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> createReconfigurationRecord( ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record) { if (this.getReconfigurationRecord(record.getName()) != null) return null; log.log(Level.INFO, "==============================> {0} [] -> {1}:{2} {3} {4} ", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), record.getEpoch(), record.getState(), record.getNewActives() }); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); // put will be successful or throw an exception return record; } /******************** Incomplete paxos methods below **************/ // write records to a file and return filename @Override public String checkpoint(String rcGroup) { synchronized (this.stringLocker.get(rcGroup)) { String cpFilename = getCheckpointFile(rcGroup); if (!this.createCheckpointFile(cpFilename)) return null; if (USE_DISK_MAP) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "{0} committing {1} in-memory RC records while getting state for RC group {2} : {3}", new Object[] { this, this.rcRecords.size(), rcGroup, this.rcRecords }); this.rcRecords.commit(); } PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; FileWriter writer = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; boolean exceptions = false; String debug = ""; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = this.getPreparedStatement(conn, getRCRecordTable(), null, Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString(), " where " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + "='" + rcGroup + "'"); recordRS = pstmt.executeQuery(); // first wipe out the file (writer = new FileWriter(cpFilename, false)).close(); ; // then start appending to the clean slate fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(cpFilename)); // writer = new FileWriter(cpFilename, true); while ( { String msg = recordRS.getString(1); ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> rcRecord = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>( new JSONObject(msg), this.consistentNodeConfig); fos.write((rcRecord.toString() + "\n").getBytes(CHARSET)); if (debug.length() < 64 * 1024) debug += "\n" + rcRecord; } } catch (SQLException | JSONException | IOException e) { log.severe(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " while creating checkpoint for " + rcGroup + ":"); e.printStackTrace(); exceptions = true; } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); cleanup(writer); cleanup(fos); } log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} returning state for {1}:{2}; wrote to file:\n{3}", new Object[] { this, rcGroup, this.getCheckpointDir() + rcGroup, debug }); // return filename, not actual checkpoint if (!exceptions) { this.deleteOldCheckpoints(rcGroup, 3); return LargeCheckpointer.createCheckpointHandle(cpFilename); // this.getCheckpointURL(cpFilename); } // else return null; } } @Override public boolean restore(String rcGroup, String state) { return this.updateState(rcGroup, state, null); } /* The second argument "state" here is implemented as the name of the file * where the checkpoint state is actually stored. We assume that each RC * record in the checkpoint state is separated by a newline. * * Need to clean up this method to make it more readable. We assume here * that if state is not decodeable as a remote file handle or a local file * by that name does not exist, state must be the actual state itself. This * design is for having the convenience of treating the state either as a * large checkpoint handle or the state itself as appropriate. But we need a * more systematic way of distinguishing between handles and actual state. */ private boolean updateState(String rcGroup, String state, String mergee) { synchronized (this.stringLocker.get(rcGroup)) { this.wipeOutState(rcGroup); if (state == null) // all done already return true; String passedArg = state, localFilename = this.getCheckpointFile("checkpoint." + rcGroup + ".tmp"); // else first try treating state as remote file handle if ((state = (LargeCheckpointer.isCheckpointHandle(state) ? LargeCheckpointer.restoreCheckpointHandle(state, localFilename) : state) // this.getRemoteCheckpoint(rcGroup, state) ) == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + " unable to fetch " + rcGroup + " checkpoint state " + passedArg); BufferedReader br = null; try { // read state from "state" transformed into a local filename if (LARGE_CHECKPOINTS_OPTION && state.length() < MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH && (new File(state)).exists()) { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(state))); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { this.putReconfigurationRecordIfNotName(new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>( new JSONObject(line), this.consistentNodeConfig), rcGroup, mergee); } } else { // state is actually the state itself String[] lines = state.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { this.putReconfigurationRecordIfNotName(new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>( new JSONObject(line), this.consistentNodeConfig), rcGroup, mergee); } } } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { log.severe("Node" + myID + " unable to insert checkpoint"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.severe("Node" + myID + " unable to close checkpoint file"); e.printStackTrace(); } } // delete has no effect if file not created above new File(localFilename).delete(); return true; } } /* FIXME: unimplemented. Currently, by design, it makes no difference * whether or not we delete the RC group state before replacing it because * of the nature of the RC group database. But paxos safety semantics * require us to do this, so we probably should as a sanity check. * * Verify claim or implement. */ private void wipeOutState(String rcGroup) { } @Override public String getDemandStats(String name) { JSONObject stats = this.getDemandStatsJSON(name); return stats != null ? stats.toString() : null; } @Override public String[] getPendingReconfigurations() { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; Set<String> pending = new HashSet<String>(); try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = this.getPreparedStatement(conn, getPendingTable(), null, Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString()); recordRS = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String name = recordRS.getString(1); pending.add(name); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("Node" + this.myID + " SQLException while getting pending reconfigurations"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); } return pending.toArray(new String[0]); } @Override public void removePending(String name) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from " + getPendingTable() + " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "='" + name + "'"); pstmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("Node" + this.myID + " SQLException while removing unnecessary pending reconfiguration entries"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); } } /******************** End of overridden methods *********************/ /************************ Private methods below *********************/ private boolean setPending(String name, boolean set) { return this.setPending(name, set, false); } private boolean setPending(String name, boolean set, boolean suppressExceptions) { String cmd = "insert into " + getPendingTable() + " (" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " ) values (?)"; if (!set) cmd = "delete from " + getPendingTable() + " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); insertCP.setString(1, name); insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (!suppressExceptions) { log.severe("SQLException while modifying pending table with " + name + ":" + set); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } return true; } private boolean deleteReconfigurationRecord(String name, String table) { String cmd = "delete from " + table + " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; int rowcount = 0; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); insertCP.setString(1, name); rowcount = insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); // this.setPending(name, false); } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while deleting RC record using " + cmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } return rowcount == 1; } private JSONObject getDemandStatsJSON(String name) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; JSONObject demandStats = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = this.getPreparedStatement(conn, getDemandTable(), name, Columns.DEMAND_PROFILE.toString()); recordRS = pstmt.executeQuery(); assert (!recordRS.isClosed()); while ( { String msg = recordRS.getString(1); demandStats = new JSONObject(msg); } } catch (SQLException | JSONException e) { log.severe((e instanceof SQLException ? "SQL" : "JSON") + "Exception while getting slot for " + name + ":"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); } return demandStats; } private boolean shouldCombineStats() { return COMBINE_DEMAND_STATS; } private Connection getDefaultConn() throws SQLException { return dataSource.getConnection(); } private boolean initialize(boolean all) { if (!isClosed()) return true; if (!connectDB()) return false; if (!all) return true; if (!createTables()) return false; if (!this.makeCheckpointTransferDir()) return false; setClosed(false); // setting open initAdjustSoftNodeConfig(); initAdjustSoftActiveNodeConfig(); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} proceeding with node config version {1}: ", new Object[] { this, this.consistentNodeConfig }); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} initializing with RC records in DB = {1}", new Object[] { this, this.getNodeConfigRecords(this.consistentNodeConfig) }); return initCheckpointServer(); } // used only for debugging protected String getNodeConfigRecords(ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<NodeIDType> nc) { String output = ""; ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = null; for (NodeIDType node : nc.getReconfigurators()) { record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(node.toString()); if (record != null) output += "\n" + node + " : " + (record != null ? record.getSummary() : null); } record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); if (record != null) output += "\n" + AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString() + " : " + (record != null ? record.getSummary() : ""); record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString()); if (record != null) output += "\n" + AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString() + " : " + (record != null ? record.getSummary() : ""); return output; } // /////// Start of file system checkpoint methods and classes ///////// // opens the server thread for file system based checkpoints private boolean initCheckpointServer() { this.executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE, new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r); thread.setName(SQLReconfiguratorDB.class.getSimpleName() + myID); return thread; } }); try { InetAddress addr = null; try { this.serverSock = new ServerSocket(); // first try the configured address, else fall back to wildcard this.serverSock .bind(new InetSocketAddress(addr = this.consistentNodeConfig.getBindAddress(myID), 0)); } catch (IOException ioe) { + " unable to open large checkpoint server socket on " + addr + "; trying wildcard address instead"); this.serverSock = new ServerSocket(0); } checkpointServerFuture = executor.submit(new CheckpointServer()); return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.severe(this + " unable to open server socket for large checkpoint transfers"); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } // Map<Future<?>,Long> transportFutures = new // ConcurrentHashMap<Future<?>,Long>(); // spawns off a new thread to process file system based checkpoint request private class CheckpointServer implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Socket sock = null; try { while ((sock = serverSock.accept()) != null) { executor.submit(new CheckpointTransporter(sock)); // (new Thread(new CheckpointTransporter(sock))).start(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (!isClosed()) { log.severe(myID + " incurred IOException while processing checkpoint transfer request"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // sends a requested file system based checkpoint private class CheckpointTransporter implements Runnable { final Socket sock; CheckpointTransporter(Socket sock) { this.sock = sock; } @Override public void run() { transferCheckpoint(sock); } } /* synchronized is meant to prevent concurrent file delete. * * Reads request and transfers requested checkpoint. */ private void transferCheckpoint(Socket sock) { synchronized (this.fileSystemLock) { BufferedReader brSock = null, brFile = null; try { brSock = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream())); // first and only line is request String request = brSock.readLine(); if ((new File(request).exists())) { // request is filename brFile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(request))); // file successfully open if here OutputStream outStream = sock.getOutputStream(); String line = null; // each line is a record while ((line = brFile.readLine()) != null) outStream.write(line.getBytes(CHARSET)); outStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (brSock != null) brSock.close(); if (brFile != null) brFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * TODO: unused because we now use {@link LargeCheckpointer}. * * Sends request for and receives remote checkpoint file if correctly * formatted URL. If so, it returns a local filename. If not, it returns the * url back as-is. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getRemoteCheckpoint(String rcGroup, String url) { if (url == null) return url; String filename = url; JSONObject jsonUrl; try { jsonUrl = new JSONObject(url); if (jsonUrl.has(Keys.INET_SOCKET_ADDRESS.toString()) && jsonUrl.has(Keys.FILENAME.toString())) { filename = jsonUrl.getString(Keys.FILENAME.toString()); File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) { // fetch from remote InetSocketAddress sockAddr = Util .getInetSocketAddressFromString(jsonUrl.getString(Keys.INET_SOCKET_ADDRESS.toString())); assert (sockAddr != null); filename = this.getRemoteCheckpoint(rcGroup, sockAddr, filename, jsonUrl.getLong(Keys.FILESIZE.toString())); } } } catch (JSONException e) { // do nothing, will return filename } return filename; } /** * Helper function for getRemoteCheckpoint above that actually fetches the * reads from the socket and writes to a local file. * * @param rcGroupName * @param sockAddr * @param remoteFilename * @param fileSize * @return */ private String getRemoteCheckpoint(String rcGroupName, InetSocketAddress sockAddr, String remoteFilename, long fileSize) { synchronized (this.fileSystemLock) { String request = remoteFilename + "\n"; Socket sock = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; String localCPFilename = null; try { sock = new Socket(sockAddr.getAddress(), sockAddr.getPort()); sock.getOutputStream().write(request.getBytes(CHARSET)); InputStream inStream = (sock.getInputStream()); if (!this.createCheckpointFile(localCPFilename = this.getCheckpointFile(rcGroupName))) return null; fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(localCPFilename)); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int nread = 0; int nTotalRead = 0; // read from sock, write to file while ((nread = >= 0) { /* Need to ensure that the read won't block forever if the * remote endpoint crashes ungracefully and there is no * exception triggered here. But this method itself is * currently unused. */ nTotalRead += nread; fos.write(buf, 0, nread); } // check exact expected file size if (nTotalRead != fileSize) localCPFilename = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); if (sock != null) sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return localCPFilename; } } /** * @param finalStates * @param mergerGroup * @param mergerGroupEpoch * @return Merged checkpoint filename. */ public String fetchAndAggregateMergeeStates(Map<String, String> finalStates, String mergerGroup, int mergerGroupEpoch) { String mergerGroupCheckpointFile = this.getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(mergerGroup + ":" + mergerGroupEpoch); for (String mergee : finalStates.keySet()) { // mergee is name:epoch format new File(this.getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(mergee)).getParentFile().mkdirs(); LargeCheckpointer.restoreCheckpointHandle(finalStates.get(mergee), this.getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(mergee)); } // all checkpoints collected above try { // create empty file for merging checkpoints if (this.createCheckpointFile(mergerGroupCheckpointFile)) Util.wipeoutFile(mergerGroupCheckpointFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.severe(this + " unable to create empty file " + mergerGroupCheckpointFile + " for merging mergee final state checkpoints "); ioe.printStackTrace(); return null; } assert (new File(mergerGroupCheckpointFile).exists() && new File(mergerGroupCheckpointFile).length() == 0); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(mergerGroupCheckpointFile); // merge each mergeeCheckpointFile into mergerGroupCheckpointFile long totalSize = 0; for (String mergee : finalStates.keySet()) { String mergeeCheckpointFile = this.getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(mergee); totalSize += new File(mergeeCheckpointFile).length(); Files.copy(Paths.get(mergeeCheckpointFile), fos); } // sanity check and cleanup assert (totalSize == new File(mergerGroupCheckpointFile).length()); if (totalSize != new File(mergerGroupCheckpointFile).length()) log.severe(this + " expecting size " + totalSize + " B for merged final states but found " + new File(mergerGroupCheckpointFile).length() + " B"); else // clean up mergee file states for (String mergee : finalStates.keySet()) new File(this.getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(mergee)).delete(); return mergerGroupCheckpointFile; } catch (IOException e) { log.severe(this + " unable to merge mergee files"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(fos); } return null; } /** * TODO: unused because we migrated to {@link LargeCheckpointer}. * * @param localFilename * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getCheckpointURL(String localFilename) { String url = null; try { JSONObject jsonUrl = new JSONObject(); jsonUrl.put(Keys.INET_SOCKET_ADDRESS.toString(), new InetSocketAddress(this.serverSock.getInetAddress(), this.serverSock.getLocalPort())); jsonUrl.put(Keys.FILENAME.toString(), localFilename); long fileSize = (new File(localFilename)).length(); jsonUrl.put(Keys.FILESIZE.toString(), fileSize); url = jsonUrl.toString(); } catch (JSONException je) { log.severe(this + " incurred JSONException while encoding URL for filename " + localFilename); } return url; } private boolean makeCheckpointTransferDir() { File cpDir = new File(getCheckpointDir()); if (!cpDir.exists()) return cpDir.mkdirs(); return true; } private static String getCheckpointDir(String logdir, Object myID) { return logdir + "/" + CHECKPOINT_TRANSFER_DIR + "/" + myID + "/"; } private String getCheckpointDir() { return getCheckpointDir(this.logDirectory, this.myID); } private String getCheckpointFile(String rcGroupName) { return this.getCheckpointDir() + rcGroupName + "." + System.currentTimeMillis(); // + ":" + epoch; } private String getCheckpointFileNoTimestamp(String mergee) { return this.getCheckpointDir() + FINAL_CHECKPOINT_TRANSFER_DIR + "/" + mergee; } // garbage collection methods below for file system based checkpoints private boolean deleteOldCheckpoints(final String rcGroupName, int keep) { return deleteOldCheckpoints(getCheckpointDir(), rcGroupName, keep, this.fileSystemLock); } /* Deletes all but the most recent checkpoint for the RC group name. We * could track recency based on timestamps using either the timestamp in the * filename or the OS file creation time. Here, we just supply the latest * checkpoint filename explicitly as we know it when this method is called * anyway. */ private static boolean deleteOldCheckpoints(final String cpDir, final String rcGroupName, int keep, Object lockMe) { File dir = new File(cpDir); assert (dir.exists()); // get files matching the prefix for this rcGroupName's checkpoints File[] foundFiles = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith(rcGroupName); } }); // delete all but the most recent boolean allDeleted = true; for (Filename f : getAllButLatest(foundFiles, keep)) allDeleted = allDeleted && deleteFile(f.file, lockMe); return allDeleted; } private static final long MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE = Config.getGlobalLong(PC.MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE); private static boolean deleteFile(File f, Object lockMe) { long age = 0; if ((age = System.currentTimeMillis() - Filename.getLTS(f)) > MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE) { + " deleting old checkpoint file " + f.toPath() + " created " + age / 1000 + " (> " + PC.MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE.toString() + "=" + MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE / 1000 + ") seconds back"); synchronized (lockMe) { return f.delete(); } } return true; } private static Set<Filename> getAllButLatest(File[] files, int keep) { TreeSet<Filename> allFiles = new TreeSet<Filename>(); TreeSet<Filename> oldFiles = new TreeSet<Filename>(); for (File file : files) allFiles.add(new Filename(file)); if (allFiles.size() <= keep) return oldFiles; Iterator<Filename> iter = allFiles.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.size() - keep; i++) oldFiles.add(; return oldFiles; } private static class Filename implements Comparable<Filename> { final File file; Filename(File f) { this.file = f; } @Override public int compareTo(SQLReconfiguratorDB.Filename o) { long t1 = getLTS(file); long t2 = getLTS(o.file); if (t1 < t2) return -1; else if (t1 == t2) return 0; else return 1; } private static long getLTS(File file) { String[] tokens = file.toString().split("\\."); assert (tokens[tokens.length - 1].matches("[0-9a-fA-F]*$")) : file; try { return SQLPaxosLogger.USE_HEX_TIMESTAMP ? Long.parseLong(tokens[tokens.length - 1], 16) : Long.valueOf(tokens[tokens.length - 1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); } return file.lastModified(); } } // /////// End of file system based checkpoint transfer methods /////// public Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> getRCGroups() { Set<String> rcGroupNames = this.getRCGroupNames(); Map<String, Set<NodeIDType>> rcGroups = new HashMap<String, Set<NodeIDType>>(); for (String rcGroupName : rcGroupNames) { Set<NodeIDType> groupMembers = this.getReconfigurationRecord(rcGroupName).getActiveReplicas(); rcGroups.put(rcGroupName, groupMembers); } return rcGroups; } public Set<String> getRCGroupNames() { Set<String> groups = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet recordRS = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); /* Selects all RC group name records by asking for records where * service name equals RC group name. The index on RC group names * should make this query efficient but this performance needs to be * tested at scale. */ pstmt = this.getPreparedStatement(conn, this.getRCRecordTable(), null, Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString(), " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " in (select distinct " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + " from " + this.getRCRecordTable() + ")"); recordRS = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { (groups == null ? (groups = new HashSet<String>()) : groups).add(recordRS.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("SQLException while getting RC group names: "); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, recordRS); cleanup(conn); } // must not return the nodeConfig record itself as an RC group if (groups != null) groups.remove(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); return groups; } /* A reconfigurator needs two tables: one for all records and one for all * records with ongoing reconfigurations. A record contains the serviceName, * rcGroupName, epoch, actives, newActives, state, and demandProfile. We * could also move demandProfile to a separate table. We need to store * demandProfile persistently as otherwise we will run out of memory. */ private boolean createTables() { boolean createdRCRecordTable = false, createdPendingTable = false, createdDemandTable = false, createdNodeConfigTable = false; // simply store everything in stringified form and pull all when needed String cmdRCR = "create table " + getRCRecordTable() + " (" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " varchar(" + MAX_NAME_SIZE + ") not null, " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + " varchar(" + MAX_NAME_SIZE + ") not null, " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + (RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION ? SQL.getBlobString(MAX_RC_RECORD_SIZE, SQL_TYPE) : " varchar(" + MAX_RC_RECORD_SIZE + ")") + ", primary key (" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME + "))"; // index based on rc group name for optimizing checkpointing String cmdRCRCI = "create index rc_group_index on " + getRCRecordTable() + "(" + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + ")"; // records with ongoing reconfigurations String cmdP = "create table " + getPendingTable() + " (" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " varchar(" + MAX_NAME_SIZE + ") not null, primary key(" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "))"; // demand profiles of records, need not be fault-tolerant or precise String cmdDP = "create table " + getDemandTable() + " (" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " varchar(" + MAX_NAME_SIZE + ") not null, " + Columns.DEMAND_PROFILE.toString() + (DEMAND_PROFILE_CLOB_OPTION ? SQL.getBlobString(MAX_DEMAND_PROFILE_SIZE, SQL_TYPE) : " varchar(" + MAX_DEMAND_PROFILE_SIZE + ")") + ", primary key(" + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "))"; // node config information, needs to be correct under faults String cmdNC = "create table " + getNodeConfigTable() + " (" + Columns.RC_NODE_ID.toString() + " varchar(" + MAX_NAME_SIZE + ") not null, " + Columns.INET_ADDRESS.toString() + " varchar(256), " + Columns.PORT.toString() + " int, " + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION.toString() + " int, " + Columns.IS_RECONFIGURATOR.toString() + " int, primary key(" + Columns.RC_NODE_ID.toString() + ", " + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION + "))"; Statement stmt = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); createdRCRecordTable = createTable(stmt, cmdRCR, getRCRecordTable()) && createIndex(stmt, cmdRCRCI, getRCRecordTable()); createdPendingTable = createTable(stmt, cmdP, getRCRecordTable()); createdDemandTable = createTable(stmt, cmdDP, getDemandTable()); createdNodeConfigTable = createTable(stmt, cmdNC, getNodeConfigTable()); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0}{1}{2}{3}", new Object[] { "Created tables ", getRCRecordTable(), " and ", getPendingTable() }); } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("Could not create table(s): " + (createdRCRecordTable ? "" : getRCRecordTable()) + " " + (createdPendingTable ? "" : getPendingTable()) + (createdDemandTable ? "" : getDemandTable()) + " " + (createdNodeConfigTable ? "" : getNodeConfigTable())); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(stmt); cleanup(conn); } return createdRCRecordTable && createdPendingTable; } private boolean createTable(Statement stmt, String cmd, String table) { boolean created = false; try { stmt.execute(cmd); created = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (SQL.DUPLICATE_TABLE.contains(sqle.getSQLState())) { log.log(Level.INFO, "{0}{1}{2}", new Object[] { "Table ", table, " already exists" }); created = true; } else { log.severe("Could not create table: " + table); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } return created; } private boolean dropTable(String table) { boolean dropped = false; String cmd = "drop table " + table; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); stmt.execute(); dropped = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (!SQL.NONEXISTENT_TABLE.contains(sqle.getSQLState())) { log.severe(this + " could not drop table " + table + ":" + sqle.getSQLState() + ":" + sqle.getErrorCode()); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } finally { this.cleanup(conn); this.cleanup(stmt); } return dropped; } private boolean createIndex(Statement stmt, String cmd, String table) { return createTable(stmt, cmd, table); } private static boolean isEmbeddedDB() { return SQL_TYPE.equals(SQL.SQLType.EMBEDDED_DERBY); } private static String getMyDBName(Object myID) { return DATABASE + sanitizeID(myID); } private String getMyDBName() { return getMyDBName(this.getMyIDSanitized()); } private boolean connectDB() { boolean connected = false; int connAttempts = 0, maxAttempts = 1; long interAttemptDelay = 2000; // ms Properties props = new Properties(); // connection properties // providing a user name and PASSWORD is optional in embedded derby props.put("user", SQL.getUser() + (isEmbeddedDB() ? this.getMyIDSanitized() : "")); props.put("password", SQL.getPassword()); String dbCreation = SQL.getProtocolOrURL(SQL_TYPE) + (isEmbeddedDB() ? this.logDirectory + getMyDBName() + (!SQLPaxosLogger.existsDB(SQL_TYPE, this.logDirectory, getMyDBName()) ? ";create=true" : "") : getMyDBName() + "?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"); try { dataSource = (ComboPooledDataSource) setupDataSourceC3P0(dbCreation, props); } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("Could not create pooled data source to DB " + dbCreation); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } while (!connected && connAttempts < maxAttempts) { Connection conn = null; try { connAttempts++;"Attempting getDefaultConn() to DB " + dbCreation); getDefaultConn(); // open first connection"Connected to and created database " + getMyDBName()); connected = true; if (isEmbeddedDB()) fixURI(); // remove create flag } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("Could not connect to the derby DB: " + sqle.getErrorCode() + ":" + sqle.getSQLState()); sqle.printStackTrace(); try { Thread.sleep(interAttemptDelay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } finally { cleanup(conn); // close the test connection } } return connected; } private void fixURI() { this.dataSource.setJdbcUrl(SQL.getProtocolOrURL(SQL_TYPE) + this.logDirectory + getMyDBName()); } private static DataSource setupDataSourceC3P0(String connectURI, Properties props) throws SQLException { ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); try { cpds.setDriverClass(SQL.getDriver(SQL_TYPE)); cpds.setJdbcUrl(connectURI); cpds.setUser(props.getProperty("user")); cpds.setPassword(props.getProperty("password")); cpds.setAutoCommitOnClose(true); cpds.setMaxPoolSize(MAX_POOL_SIZE); } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) { pve.printStackTrace(); } return cpds; } private static void addDerbyPersistentReconfiguratorDB(SQLReconfiguratorDB<?> rcDB) { synchronized (SQLReconfiguratorDB.instances) { if (!SQLReconfiguratorDB.instances.contains(rcDB)) SQLReconfiguratorDB.instances.add(rcDB); } } private static boolean allClosed() { synchronized (SQLReconfiguratorDB.instances) { for (SQLReconfiguratorDB<?> rcDB : instances) { if (!rcDB.isClosed()) return false; } return true; } } public void close() { setClosed(true); if (allClosed()) /* do nothing */ ; closeGracefully(true); } /* This method is empty because embedded derby can be close exactly once. We * also use it inside paxos, so it is best to let that do the close. */ private void closeGracefully(boolean printLog) { if (printLog) // can not invoke this.getNodeConfigRecords while dropping state log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} closing RCDB with node config records {1}", new Object[] { this, this.getNodeConfigRecords(this.consistentNodeConfig) }); this.rcRecords.close(false); try { this.serverSock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore coz there will almost always be an interrupted accept } this.executor.shutdownNow(); } private synchronized boolean isClosed() { return closed; } private synchronized void setClosed(boolean c) { closed = c; } private static String sanitizeID(Object id) { return id.toString().replace(".", "_"); } private String getMyIDSanitized() { return sanitizeID(this.myID); } private String getRCRecordTable() { return RECONFIGURATION_RECORD_TABLE + this.getMyIDSanitized(); } private String getPendingTable() { return PENDING_TABLE + this.getMyIDSanitized(); } private String getDemandTable() { return DEMAND_PROFILE_TABLE + this.getMyIDSanitized(); } private String getNodeConfigTable() { return NODE_CONFIG_TABLE + this.getMyIDSanitized(); } private String[] getAllTableNames() { return new String[] { this.getRCRecordTable(), this.getPendingTable(), this.getDemandTable(), this.getNodeConfigTable() }; } private void cleanup(FileWriter writer) { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.severe("Could not close file writer " + writer); ioe.printStackTrace(); } } private void cleanup(FileOutputStream fos) { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.severe("Could not close file writer " + fos); ioe.printStackTrace(); } } private void cleanup(Connection conn) { try { if (conn != null && CONN_POOLING) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("Could not close connection " + conn); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } private void cleanup(Statement stmt) { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("Could not clean up statement " + stmt); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } private void cleanup(ResultSet rs) { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("Could not close result set " + rs); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } private void cleanup(PreparedStatement pstmt, ResultSet rset) { cleanup(pstmt); cleanup(rset); } private PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection conn, String table, String name, String column, String fieldConstraints) throws SQLException { String cmd = "select " + column + " from " + table + (name != null ? " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?" : ""); cmd += (fieldConstraints != null ? fieldConstraints : ""); PreparedStatement getCPState = (conn != null ? conn : this.getDefaultConn()).prepareStatement(cmd); if (name != null) getCPState.setString(1, name); return getCPState; } private PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection conn, String table, String name, String column) throws SQLException { return this.getPreparedStatement(conn, table, name, column, ""); } private static void testRCRecordReadAfterWrite(String name, SQLReconfiguratorDB<Integer> rcDB) { int groupSize = (int) Math.random() * 10; Set<Integer> newActives = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) newActives.add((int) Math.random() * 100); ReconfigurationRecord<Integer> rcRecord = new ReconfigurationRecord<Integer>(name, 0, newActives); rcDB.putReconfigurationRecord(rcRecord.setRCGroupName("RC0")); ReconfigurationRecord<Integer> retrievedRecord = rcDB.getReconfigurationRecord(name); assert (retrievedRecord.toString().equals(rcRecord.toString())) : rcRecord + " != " + retrievedRecord; } private static Request getRandomInterfaceRequest(final String name) { return new Request() { @Override public IntegerPacketType getRequestType() { return AppRequest.PacketType.DEFAULT_APP_REQUEST; } @Override public String getServiceName() { return name; } }; } private static InetAddress getRandomIPAddress() throws UnknownHostException { return InetAddress.getByName((int) Math.random() * 256 + "." + (int) Math.random() * 256 + "." + (int) Math.random() * 256 + "." + (int) Math.random() * 256); } private static void testDemandProfileUpdate(String name, SQLReconfiguratorDB<Integer> rcDB) { AbstractDemandProfile demandProfile = new DemandProfile(name); int numRequests = 20; // fake random request demand for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) { try { demandProfile.register(getRandomInterfaceRequest(name), getRandomIPAddress(), null); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } DemandReport<Integer> demandReport = new DemandReport<Integer>((int) Math.random() * 100, name, 0, demandProfile); // insert demand profile rcDB.updateDemandStats(demandReport); } private static JSONObject combineStats(JSONObject historic, JSONObject update) { AbstractDemandProfile historicProfile = AbstractDemandProfile.createDemandProfile(historic); AbstractDemandProfile updateProfile = AbstractDemandProfile.createDemandProfile(update); historicProfile.combine(updateProfile); return historicProfile.getStats(); } private boolean createCheckpointFile(String filename) { synchronized (this.fileSystemLock) { File file = new File(filename); try { file.createNewFile(); // will create only if not exists } catch (IOException e) { log.severe("Unable to create checkpoint file for " + filename); e.printStackTrace(); } return (file.exists()); } } public String toString() { return "DerbyRCDB" + myID; } @Override public boolean addActiveReplica(NodeIDType node, InetSocketAddress sockAddr, int version) { return this.addToNodeConfig(node, sockAddr, version, false); } @Override public boolean addReconfigurator(NodeIDType node, InetSocketAddress sockAddr, int version) { return this.addToNodeConfig(node, sockAddr, version, true); } private boolean addToNodeConfig(NodeIDType node, InetSocketAddress sockAddr, int version, boolean isReconfigurator) { String cmd = "insert into " + getNodeConfigTable() + " (" + Columns.RC_NODE_ID.toString() + ", " + Columns.INET_ADDRESS.toString() + ", " + Columns.PORT.toString() + ", " + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION.toString() + ", " + Columns.IS_RECONFIGURATOR.toString() + " ) values (?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; boolean added = false; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); insertCP.setString(1, node.toString()); insertCP.setString(2, sockAddr.toString()); insertCP.setInt(3, sockAddr.getPort()); insertCP.setInt(4, version); insertCP.setInt(5, isReconfigurator ? 1 : 0); // 1 means true insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); added = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (!SQL.DUPLICATE_KEY.contains(sqle.getSQLState())) { log.severe("SQLException while inserting RC record using " + cmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } return added; } @Override public boolean garbageCollectOldReconfigurators(int version) { String cmd = "delete from " + getNodeConfigTable() + " where " + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION.toString() + "=?"; PreparedStatement insertCP = null; Connection conn = null; boolean removed = false; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); insertCP = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); insertCP.setInt(1, version); insertCP.executeUpdate(); // conn.commit(); removed = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while deleting node config version " + version); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(insertCP); cleanup(conn); } return removed; } private Integer getMaxNodeConfigVersion(boolean reconfigurators) { String cmd = "select max(" + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION.toString() + ") from " + this.getNodeConfigTable() + " where " + Columns.IS_RECONFIGURATOR.toString() + (reconfigurators ? "=1" : "=0"); Integer maxVersion = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { maxVersion = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("SQLException while getting max node config version"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, rs); cleanup(conn); } return maxVersion; } // @Override private Map<NodeIDType, InetSocketAddress> getRCNodeConfig(boolean maxOnly, boolean reconfigurators) { Integer version = this.getMaxNodeConfigVersion(reconfigurators); if (version == null) return null; Map<NodeIDType, InetSocketAddress> rcMap = new HashMap<NodeIDType, InetSocketAddress>(); String cmd = "select " + Columns.RC_NODE_ID.toString() + ", " + Columns.INET_ADDRESS.toString() + " from " + this.getNodeConfigTable() + " where " + Columns.IS_RECONFIGURATOR.toString() + (reconfigurators ? "=1" : "=0") + " and (" + Columns.NODE_CONFIG_VERSION.toString() + (maxOnly ? "=?" : ">=?") + ")"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(cmd); pstmt.setInt(1, (maxOnly ? version : (version - 1))); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { NodeIDType node = this.consistentNodeConfig.valueOf(rs.getString(1)); InetSocketAddress sockAddr = Util.getInetSocketAddressFromString(rs.getString(2)); rcMap.put(node, sockAddr); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.severe("SQLException while getting RC node config"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(pstmt, rs); cleanup(conn); } return rcMap; } /* This method imports consistentNodeConfig from the persistent copy. The * persistent copy has both the latest (unstable) version and the previous * version. At the end of this method, consistentNodeConfig has the latest * version nodes as well as the previous version nodes with nodes present in * the latter but not in the former being slated for removal. */ private void initAdjustSoftNodeConfig() { // get node config containing all reconfigurators from DB Map<NodeIDType, InetSocketAddress> rcMapAll = this.getRCNodeConfig(false, true); // if no hard copy, copy soft to hard and return if (rcMapAll.isEmpty() && copySoftNodeConfigToDB()) return; // else get NC record with the current and next set of reconfigurators ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString()); if (ncRecord == null) return; // else we have something to do // get only the latest version reconfigurators Set<NodeIDType> latestRCs = ncRecord.getNewActives(); if (rcMapAll == null || rcMapAll.isEmpty()) return; // add all nodes for (NodeIDType node : rcMapAll.keySet()) this.consistentNodeConfig.addReconfigurator(node, rcMapAll.get(node)); for (NodeIDType node : this.consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators()) // remove outdated consistentNodeConfig entries if (!rcMapAll.containsKey(node)) this.consistentNodeConfig.removeReconfigurator(node); // slate for removal the difference between all and latest else if (!latestRCs.contains(node)) this.consistentNodeConfig.slateForRemovalReconfigurator(node); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} read the following reconfigurator set from node config version {2} in DB: {1}", new Object[] { this, this.consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators(), this.getMaxNodeConfigVersion(true) }); } private void initAdjustSoftActiveNodeConfig() { // get node config containing all actives from DB Map<NodeIDType, InetSocketAddress> arMapAll = this.getRCNodeConfig(false, false); // if no hard copy, copy soft to hard and return if (arMapAll.isEmpty() && copySoftNodeConfigToDB(false)) return; // else get NC record with the current and next set of actives ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord = this .getReconfigurationRecord(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString()); if (ncRecord == null) return; // else we have something to do // get only the latest version actives Set<NodeIDType> latestARs = ncRecord.getNewActives(); if (arMapAll == null || arMapAll.isEmpty()) return; // add all nodes for (NodeIDType node : arMapAll.keySet()) this.consistentNodeConfig.addActiveReplica(node, arMapAll.get(node)); for (NodeIDType node : this.consistentNodeConfig.getActiveReplicas()) // remove outdated consistentNodeConfig entries if (!arMapAll.containsKey(node)) this.consistentNodeConfig.removeActiveReplica(node); // slate for removal the difference between all and latest else if (!latestARs.contains(node)) this.consistentNodeConfig.slateForRemovalActive(node); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} read the following active replica set from node config version {2} in DB: {1}", new Object[] { this, this.consistentNodeConfig.getActiveReplicas(), this.getMaxNodeConfigVersion(false) }); } private boolean copySoftNodeConfigToDB() { return this.copySoftNodeConfigToDB(true); } // copy soft to hard if no hard copy private boolean copySoftNodeConfigToDB(boolean isReconfigurators) { boolean added = true; if (isReconfigurators) for (NodeIDType reconfigurator : this.consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators()) added = added && this.addReconfigurator(reconfigurator, this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(reconfigurator), 0); else for (NodeIDType active : this.consistentNodeConfig.getActiveReplicas()) added = added && this.addActiveReplica(active, this.consistentNodeConfig.getNodeSocketAddress(active), 0); assert (added); return added; } /* The double synchronized is because we need to synchronize over "this" to * perform testAndSet checks over record, but we have to do that after, * never before, stringLocker lock. The stringLocker lock is so that we * don't have to lock all records in order to just synchronize a single * group's getState or updateState. */ @Override public boolean mergeState(String rcGroupName, int epoch, String mergee, int mergeeEpoch, String state) { synchronized (this.stringLocker.get(rcGroupName)) { synchronized (this) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(rcGroupName); assert (record.getEpoch() == epoch); if (!record.hasBeenMerged(mergee)) if (this.updateState(rcGroupName, state, mergee)) { record.insertMerged(mergee); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); // delete mergee RC record as it must have been stopped this.setMergeeStateToWaitDelete(mergee, mergeeEpoch); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} merged state from {1}:{2} into {3}:{4}", new Object[] { this, mergee, mergeeEpoch, rcGroupName, epoch, }); } else log.warning(this + " attempt to merge " + mergee + ":" + mergeeEpoch + " failed."); if (record.isReconfigurationReady()) this.setPending(rcGroupName, false, true); // paxos will still always see a true return value return record.hasBeenMerged(mergee); } } } // wait before delete for safe re-creations private boolean setMergeeStateToWaitDelete(String mergee, int mergeEpoch) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(mergee, mergeEpoch); if (record == null) return false; /* Fast forward to WAIT_DELETE as the paxos group must have already been * stopped. The only reason to not simply delete this record is to let * it pend in WAIT_DELETE state in order to prevent it from getting * recreated before MAX_FINAL_STATE_AGE. */ this.setStateInitReconfiguration(mergee, mergeEpoch, RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP, new HashSet<NodeIDType>()); this.setState(mergee, mergeEpoch + 1, RCStates.WAIT_DELETE); return true; } @Override public synchronized void clearMerged(String rcGroupName, int epoch) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(rcGroupName, epoch); if (record == null) return; record.clearMerged(); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); } @Override public void setRCEpochs(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> ncRecord) { if (!ncRecord.getName().equals(AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.RC_NODES.toString())) return; this.putReconfigurationRecord(ncRecord); } @Override public boolean mergeIntent(String name, int epoch, String mergee) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); boolean added = record.addToMerge(mergee); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); return added; } private boolean recordLongPendingDelete(ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record) { return ((System.currentTimeMillis() - record.getDeleteTime()) > ReconfigurationConfig .getMaxFinalStateAge()); } @Override public void delayedDeleteComplete() { String deletee = null; try { String[] pending = getPendingReconfigurations(); for (String name : pending) { deletee = name; ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.getReconfigurationRecord(name); if (record != null && record.getState().equals(RCStates.WAIT_DELETE) && recordLongPendingDelete(record)) { this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, record.getEpoch()); log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} deleted record {1}", new Object[] { this, record.getSummary() }); } } } catch (Exception e) { // need to catch everything just to stay alive log.severe(this + "encountered exception while delayedDeleting : " + deletee + " : " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void garbageCollectedDeletedNode(NodeIDType node) { try { this.deleteOldCheckpoints(this.getRCGroupName(node), 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public synchronized boolean createReconfigurationRecords(Map<String, String> nameStates, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) { boolean insertedAll = true; Set<String> inserted = new HashSet<String>(); for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) /* We just directly initialize with WAIT_ACK_STOP:-1 instead of * starting with READY:-1 and pretending to go through the whole * reconfiguration protocol sequence. */ if (insertedAll = insertedAll && (this.rcRecords.put(name, new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(name, -1, newActives) .setState(name, -1, RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP)) == null)) inserted.add(name); if (!insertedAll) // rollback for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, 0); return insertedAll; } else return this.createReconfigurationRecordsDB(nameStates, newActives); } private boolean createReconfigurationRecordsDB(Map<String, String> nameStates, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { String insertCmd = "insert into " + getRCRecordTable() + " (" + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + ", " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + ", " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " ) values (?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement insertRC = null; Connection conn = null; boolean insertedAll = true; Set<String> batch = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> committed = new HashSet<String>(); try { if (conn == null) { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); insertRC = conn.prepareStatement(insertCmd); } assert (nameStates != null && !nameStates.isEmpty()); String rcGroupName = this.getRCGroupName(nameStates.keySet().iterator().next()); int i = 0; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(name, -1, newActives); /* We just directly initialize with WAIT_ACK_STOP:-1 instead of * starting with READY:-1 and pretending to go through the whole * reconfiguration protocol sequence. */ record.setState(name, -1, RCStates.WAIT_ACK_STOP); insertRC.setString(1, rcGroupName); if (RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION) insertRC.setClob(2, new StringReader(record.toString())); else insertRC.setString(2, record.toString()); insertRC.setString(3, name); insertRC.addBatch(); batch.add(name); i++; if ((i + 1) % MAX_DB_BATCH_SIZE == 0 || (i + 1) == nameStates.size()) { int[] executed = insertRC.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); insertRC.clearBatch(); committed.addAll(batch); batch.clear(); for (int j : executed) insertedAll = insertedAll && (j > 0); if (insertedAll) log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} successfully logged the last {1} messages in {2} ms", new Object[] { this, (i + 1), (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) }); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while inserting batched RC records using " + insertCmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(insertRC); cleanup(conn); } // rollback if (!insertedAll) { for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) if (committed.contains(name)) this.deleteReconfigurationRecord(name, 0); } return insertedAll; } @Override public boolean setStateInitReconfiguration(Map<String, String> nameStates, int epoch, RCStates state, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { // do nothing coz we already initialized batch with WAIT_ACK_STOP:-1 return true; } // Used only by batch creation @Override public boolean setStateMerge(Map<String, String> nameStates, int epoch, RCStates state, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { if (USE_DISK_MAP) { for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = this.rcRecords.get(name); assert (record != null && record.getUnclean() == 0); /* setStateMerge will print INFO logs and invoke the setPending * DB call that is unnecessary overhead for batch creates. */ // this.setStateMerge(name, epoch, state, null); record.setState(name, epoch, state).setActivesToNewActives(); this.putReconfigurationRecord(record); } return true; } else return this.setStateMergeDB(nameStates, epoch, state, newActives); } // used only by batch creation private boolean setStateMergeDB(Map<String, String> nameStates, int epoch, RCStates state, Set<NodeIDType> newActives) { String updateCmd = "update " + getRCRecordTable() + " set " + Columns.RC_GROUP_NAME.toString() + "=?, " + Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString() + "=? where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + "=?"; PreparedStatement updateRC = null; Connection conn = null; boolean updatedAll = true; try { if (conn == null) { conn = this.getDefaultConn(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); updateRC = conn.prepareStatement(updateCmd); } assert (nameStates != null && !nameStates.isEmpty()); String rcGroupName = this.getRCGroupName(nameStates.keySet().iterator().next()); int i = 0; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String name : nameStates.keySet()) { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>(name, 0, newActives); record.setState(name, 0, state/* RCStates.READY_READY */).setActivesToNewActives(); ; updateRC.setString(1, rcGroupName); if (RC_RECORD_CLOB_OPTION) updateRC.setClob(2, new StringReader(record.toString())); else updateRC.setString(2, record.toString()); updateRC.setString(3, name); updateRC.addBatch(); i++; if ((i + 1) % MAX_DB_BATCH_SIZE == 0 || (i + 1) == nameStates.size()) { int[] executed = updateRC.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); updateRC.clearBatch(); for (int j : executed) updatedAll = updatedAll && (j > 0); if (updatedAll) log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} successfully logged the last {1} messages in {2} ms", new Object[] { this, (i + 1), (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) }); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe("SQLException while inserting batched RC records using " + updateCmd); sqle.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanup(updateRC); cleanup(conn); } return updatedAll; } private ResultSet cursorRS = null; private PreparedStatement cursorPsmt = null; private Connection cursorConn = null; private NodeIDType cursorActive = null; // initiates a read of all records currently replicated at active. @Override public boolean initiateReadActiveRecords(NodeIDType active) { if (this.cursorRS != null || this.closed) return false; + " before rcRecords.commit"); // need to commit all before making a full pass this.rcRecords.commit(); + " after rcRecords.commit"); this.cursorActive = active; Connection conn = null; try { if (conn == null) { this.cursorPsmt = this.getPreparedStatement(this.cursorConn = this.getDefaultConn(), this.getRCRecordTable(), null, Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString(), " where " + Columns.SERVICE_NAME.toString() + " != '" + AbstractReconfiguratorDB.RecordNames.AR_NODES.toString() + "'"); } cursorRS = this.cursorPsmt.executeQuery(); assert (cursorRS != null &&; return true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.severe(this + " encountered exception while initiating readActiveRecords: " + sqle.getMessage()); sqle.printStackTrace(); } return false; } // reads the next record for the cursor initiated above. @Override public ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> readNextActiveRecord() { ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType> record = null; try { while ( if ((record = new ReconfigurationRecord<NodeIDType>( new JSONObject(this.cursorRS.getString(Columns.STRINGIFIED_RECORD.toString())), this.consistentNodeConfig)).getActiveReplicas() != null && record.getActiveReplicas().contains(this.cursorActive) && record.isReconfigurationReady()) return record; else log.log(Level.FINEST, "{0} read record {1} not replicated at {2}", new Object[] { this, record.getName(), this.cursorActive }); } catch (SQLException | JSONException sqle) { log.severe(this + " encountered exception in readNextActiveRecord: " + sqle.getMessage()); sqle.printStackTrace(); } return null; } // closes the cursor initiated above @Override public boolean closeReadActiveRecords() { this.cleanup(this.cursorConn); this.cleanup(this.cursorRS); this.cleanup(this.cursorPsmt); this.cursorRS = null; this.cursorPsmt = null; this.cursorConn = null; return true; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Util.assertAssertionsEnabled(); ReconfigurableSampleNodeConfig nc = new ReconfigurableSampleNodeConfig(); nc.localSetup(3); ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<Integer> consistentNodeConfig = new ConsistentReconfigurableNodeConfig<Integer>( nc); SQLReconfiguratorDB<Integer> rcDB = new SQLReconfiguratorDB<Integer>( consistentNodeConfig.getReconfigurators().iterator().next(), consistentNodeConfig); String name = "name0"; int numTests = 100; for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++) { testRCRecordReadAfterWrite(name, rcDB); } for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++) { testDemandProfileUpdate(name, rcDB); } System.out.println("[success]"); if (USE_DISK_MAP) rcDB.rcRecords.commit(); rcDB.printRCTable(); rcDB.close(); } }